Korra and Asami

By EriWinters

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*Korra and Asami's life continues after 'Ruins of the Empire'. Korra and Asami are back in Republic City foll... More

1:Finally Home
2:Living Arrangements
4:Simple Life
5:Something New
6:Drunk State
9:Dangerous Games
10: Connected
11: The Morning After
12:New Ideas
13: Dynamic Duo
14: Confidence
15: Memories
16: Control
17: Promise
18: Hope
19: Distractions
20: Surprises
22: Clarity
23: Revealed

21: Long Night

289 5 0
By EriWinters

The next morning Korra woke up to an empty bed and she sat up in question, covering her naked body with the blanket. Naga was also gone so she assumed Asami took her to wherever she went which wouldn't have been necessary since Asami has guards. The avatar got ready quickly, rushing out of the bedroom and down the steps not even noticing Kuvira walking down as well, nearly knocking her down. 


Korra reached the ground floor and turned around sheepishly, "Sorry Kuvira." 

"What's the rush?" 

"I figure Asami went to the lab to work so I'm going to go help her out," Korra stated to which Kuvira furrowed her eyebrows. 

"Asami left pretty early with Naga but she didn't go in the direction of the lab, she went somewhere else," Kuvira said. 

"How do you know?" 

"I saw her leave," Kuvira shrugged, walking in the direction of the kitchen.

"Why would she need Naga?" Korra questioned quietly. 

Kuvira stepped closer to the avatar examining her face with a smirk, "What happened to your cheek? Lost a match to someone?"  

Korra lifted her hand slowly to her face and realized why Asami took Naga, growing angry with her girlfriend, "Of course, she went to that damn shop!" 


Korra gave Kuvira a quick rundown of what happened the day prior and the earthbender sighed with a shake of her head, "Well I'm sorry to hear that." 

"She's using Naga to track back to the shop, c'mon," Korra motioned for Kuvira to follow her and she complied without hesitation, running out the door behind the avatar. 

"What do you think she'll do?" Kuvira asked. 

"I don't know! Cause a scene, get hurt, who knows at this point?" Korra answered worriedly.

The two ran through the city barely breaking a sweat. Korra was annoyed, embarrassed, and upset that Asami would up and leave to do this without considering her safety knowingly, with everything going on. 

When they reached the shop, Asami was outside with the old woman arguing with her, the guards in the background not really knowing what to do. Asami's hands were gesturing wildly as she spoke which upset the woman even more, who decided to put her finger in Asami's face as if scolding her and Asami's fists clenched at her sides. 

Oh no

Asami took a step forward but before she can do anything else Kuvira stepped between the two while Korra pulled Asami back by her arm, forcing her to face her. Asami was shocked at Korra's sudden appearance but she was still very angry and she looked back at the old woman with disgust. 

"I hope you know I'm filing a report for discrimination, assault on the avatar, and a hate crime!" Asami yelled to her, face red. 

"Do whatever you want, I have the right to sell to whoever I please! And I don't sell to gay people so get off my property!" The woman shouted, rushing into her shop with a slam of the door. 

Asami stomped over furiously, kicking the door and muttering under her breath, turning back towards Korra who stood still, watching her with a look of disappointment. 

"What?" Asami snapped, not appreciating that look. 

Korra didn't say anything to Asami, she only called Naga over to her side, petting her snout softly. Kuvira looked between the two awkwardly, walking up to Korra. 

"We should go," Kuvira said and Korra nodded before looking back at the shop. 

"Give me a minute." She told Kuvira, walking past Asami and to the door using her airbending to unlock it, stepping inside, and closing it behind her. 

The woman's eyes widened and she stood on the other side of the room, looking more frightened now that she knew Korra was the avatar. 

"I didn't know you were the avatar, but I meant what I said before-" 

Korra held up a hand, "I understand that. What I don't understand is why you are like this. Why you'd be willing to physically hurt someone over a twisted belief." 

The woman was surprised at the calm tone Korra took, thinking over her words, "I didn't mean for the bell to hit you, so I do apologize for that but what you are. . . it isn't natural." 

Korra thought for a moment, trying to understand, "What isn't natural about two people loving each other?"

The woman's expression was stern, but soon it seemed like understanding took over as she pondered over Korra's words. The woman looked down in shame, shaking her head. 

Korra continued, "You hurt me yesterday, and I was willing to let it go because there are millions of people out there with the same mindset that will never change. I didn't expect my girlfriend to come here and cause a scene today. I know she did it out of her love for me, but she didn't do it the right way. Although, if someone you love was treated the way you treated me yesterday, what would you do?" 

The woman's eyes filled with tears now and she let out a shaky breath, "I'd do the same thing she did." 

"As the avatar, regardless of how people may feel about me, it is my duty to protect everyone, including you. You don't want me here and that's fine but I just wanted to say my piece. You won't see me again." 

Korra turned to leave but tensed when a hand grabbed hers, she turned to face the woman who held her hand with both of hers, "I hope that isn't true, Avatar. I do understand now and it's hard to unlearn what I've been taught, but I will try and I am sorry for what I've done to you. Forgive me." 

Korra gave a small smile, nodding at the woman who bowed her head respectfully at her realizing that this was the approach that was needed all along. Korra left the shop, feeling a bit lighter after the conversation, heading toward Naga once more, Asami trailing behind nervously. 

"Korra I-" 

"Kuvira, can you take Naga back with you?" Kuvira nodded, and Korra commanded Naga to follow her. 


"Guards, give me a moment with Asami," The guards nodded respectfully keeping a rather far distance while Korra turned and headed to the sandy shores which were only a few minutes away. 

Asami watched her walk and took that as a cue to follow, her heart beating fast and her palms becoming sweaty. Asami knew she came here out of anger, she could have just found the place and gone to the police station immediately to file a report, she didn't have to cause a scene or get into an argument with the woman, she just couldn't help it. 

Once at the beach, Korra stopped and Asami stood at her side looking at the avatar expectantly. 

"I told you I didn't want you to come here," Korra said in a low tone. 

"I know, but I was just so angry-" 

"Which is why I didn't want you to come here," Korra told her sternly facing her. "Both you and I have a lot to get done Asami. You know that now more than ever I need to know where you are. You put yourself in danger today, you used Naga for your own selfish needs and you unnecessarily got into an argument with that woman." 

Korra was angry, but spoke rather calmly which made Asami feel worse than she already did, "What she said and did, it wasn't right and I wasn't going to stand by and do nothing." 

"I'm the avatar, Asami. It's my job to make people feel safe and protected no matter what they've done or how they feel about me. I had every intention of coming here and talking with that woman the way I just did which is why I didn't tell you where to find her. You acted irrationally." Korra stated, glaring at her. 

"Well, I didn't know that. I only wanted to defend and protect you, Korra. You've acted irrationally before, several times actually," Asami replied growing upset. 

"And I've had to learn from doing so, but what I've done is different. You came here for the sole purpose of an argument, you came out of anger. You have people actively hunting you down to use you and that's what makes this irritational, Asami. You could have made a report without coming here, or even let me know what you planned to do and we could've talked about it and come to a decision." 

 Asami looked away, knowing that Korra was right which infuriated her, 'Her avatar wisdom sure does have its timing,' She thought.

Asami didn't speak for a while and Korra huffed lightly, closing her eyes for a few seconds, not meaning to upset her. She only wanted her to understand. 

"I don't want you mad at me, Asami. I was scared and I don't want anything to happen to you." Korra said quietly, reaching out, and gently holding her fingers. 

Whenever Korra uses that tone, Asami may as well be puddy in the avatar's hands, "I'm not mad at you, Korra." 

She didn't say anything after that and the air seemed tense around them, "Alright." 

"I'd like to go to work now," Asami said quietly, avoiding eye contact. Korra sighed, not exactly believing Asami wasn't upset.

"I'm going to come with you and help where I can," Korra responded. Asami nodded at her and the pair walked up from the beach and in the direction of the lab.

For the next few hours after arriving, Asami kept busy, working on the mecha-watchers while Korra handed her the tools she needed when she needed them. The CEO was quiet for the most part as was the avatar, not knowing what to say. 

Korra hated the tension, but she doesn't regret what she said to Asami. Her girlfriend needs to know how much she means to her, and that she can't act out like that during dangerous times. Korra is constantly worried about her, only at peace when she's safe. 

While working, their hands and arms occasionally brushed and Korra's skin tingled every time. She wasn't exactly sure if she made Asami uncomfortable by reprimanding her but she wouldn't ask now, she simply embraced the silence between them, making sure Asami had everything she needed. 

The workspace grew hot as the time passed at some point Asami removed her jacket, wearing only a gray tank top and cargo pants, her arms flexing with every motion. Korra found her glistening body mesmerizing, too distracted to even hear what was coming out of her mouth.


Korra snapped out of it, "Yeah?" 

"The torch please?" 

"Right!" Korra handed her the tool with a smile, staying on standby for whatever else she may need. 

Asami looked at her funny before getting back to work and once again, the avatar was in la-la land, daydreaming about her. After a while, Asami gave her a blank stare, raising an eyebrow in slight annoyance when she didn't hear what she said, again.

"Korra. . ." Asami sighed, placing a hand on her hip. 

Korra shook her head slightly, "Oh! Sorry, sorry!" The avatar handed her a tool with a smile but Asami's lips pulled up as she shook her head. 

Korra blushed deeply watching as Asami approached her, coming face to face with her while she reached around her body, never breaking eye contact, grabbing the correct tool. 

"Right," Korra breathed out in embarrassment. 

Asami smiled, leaning in and pressing her lips against the avatar's. Korra responded immediately, wrapping an arm around her waist, and pulling her closer. 

"I'm sorry about earlier," Asami apologized quietly when she pulled away. 

"It's alright. I only want to know you're safe. I thought I upset you," Korra stated, pushing a few of her long black strands of hair behind her ear.

"I was upset, and a little guilty I guess," Asami said in embarrassment. "You told me the truth about how I acted and I didn't like it, although it was necessary." 

Korra frowned slightly, "I don't want you to feel like I was scolding you, Asami. I only meant to-" 

"I know, I know. I understand, Korra, truly. Thank you for being truthful and dealing with my. . . behavior." Asami said with a blush. 

"Well, it's only fair seeing as you deal with mine all the time," Korra smiled. 

Asami kissed her again before the pair got back to work. For hours they worked on the mecha-watchers, long after everyone else went home for the day and Korra watched as Asami put the last wire in place on their final piece of equipment for the night. 

"Done," Asami grinned, nodding to herself. 

"Finally," Korra sat on the floor and laid back, her limbs splayed out in feigned exhaustion. 

Asami laughed, "If you didn't want to help anymore, you could have left." 

Korra grinned, "Nah, it wasn't terrible. I just wish I knew more about engineering so I could do more than be your personal assistant." 

Asami smirked, getting down to the floor so she was straddling Korra whose face flushed at the action, "Well, I think you make a very beautiful personal assistant." 

Asami leaned down, kissing Korra deeply easing her tongue into the avatar's mouth, causing her to groan in response, her body tingling with heat. 

"You know, the doors lock automatically around this time," Asami breathed against her mouth. 

That was all Korra needed to hear before she started to undress, Asami following her lead rapidly until the two were completely naked on the warehouse floor. It was still hot inside the building and the two were already sweating from the day's events, their bodies slick and wanting. 

Korra flipped them over so Asami was underneath her, her hand going for her hot core while Asami reached down and touched Korra's as well. Both women inserted their fingers into each other at the time time, moaning and squirming, each competing with the other to get the upper hand. 

Korra was the first to give in as she sat up, straddling Asami, riding her hand methodically grinding her body roughly against her girlfriends eager for more. Asami watched in wonder as Korra's breasts shimmered in sweat and bounced as she moved over her. 

Asami blushed when she stopped Korra, who looked down at her in confusion, "What?" 

"I-in my bag, there's something I've been working on. . . for. . . us." Asami looked over at the back office and Korra grinned in excitement, pulling her up, practically dragging her to the room. 

Asami grabbed a backpack and bit her lip, reaching inside and pulling a rectangular box out, eyeing Korra wearily as she approached her. 

"Its components are metal and silicone. . . so you can. . . bend it if you want. If you don't like it or it's too much, just-" 

Korra kissed her, slowly taking the box out of her hand, pulling back to open it, and allowing the object to fall into her grasp. She examined it with wide eyes, realizing exactly how. . . large it was. 

Asami was biting one of her nails nervously as she eyed Korra, hoping she wouldn't freak out or panic, but the avatar looked at her with a smirk, shaking her head. 

"You have a very interesting mind, Asami Sato," Korra said flirtatiously, handing the toy to Asami while lifting herself up onto the desk, laying back and spreading her legs. 

Asami's jaw went slightly ajar while Korra waited patiently, wriggling her lower body in want, willing Asami to do what she wanted with her. 

"Are you sure Korra?" Asami asked excitement behind her tone. 

Korra nodded, smiling, keeping her legs open while Asami approached, licking her lips at the sight. Korra was wet and ready, and Asami placed one of her hands on the avatar's hip, leaning down and placing her mouth over Korra's, while slowly easing the toy into Korra with her hand who reacted with a groan, pulling her mouth away from Asami's, hissing in pain lightly at the new and unfamiliar sensation. 

Asami pulled back but Korra stopped her, easing her back in, closing her eyes softly, "Just go slow," She told her, arching her back slightly. 

Asami obliged, taking her time, moving the toy in and out of Korra until the pain was gone. Once Asami realized Korra was starting to enjoy it, she quickened the pace, the avatar's moans loud as she gripped the edge of the desk behind her head, breasts bouncing as Asami continued to penetrate her. 

"Harder," She whispered. Asami's eyes twinkled as she obeyed, and at this point, Korra's inner thighs were soaked, her body wet with sweat, her moans sweet and loud, and Asami reveled in it all. 

The CEO used her other hand to rub circles over Korra's clit, and felt Korra's body start to shake, knowing the avatar was about to come. She didn't relent in her movements and watched as Korra became undone.

With a loud moan, Korra came, her body trembling in satisfaction as she lazily eyed Asami who was still in awe at everything that just transpired. 

"Are you alright?" She asked Korra, pulling her to sit up, standing between her legs. 

"Are you kidding? That was amazing," Korra responded breathily, kissing Asami. 

"So, you like it then?" Asami grinned smugly and Korra laughed with a nod. 

"Oh yeah." 

Asami nodded and Korra stood on shaky legs, picking her girlfriend up, swapping their positions so now Asami was on her back. Grabbing the toy, Korra smirked and Asami bit her lip in anticipation, excited for her turn. 

"Miss Sato, this is going to be a very long night," Korra stated while Asami's eyes lit up. 

And a long night it was. 


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