Sweet Addiction

By KillerPoultry

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(y/n) (l/n) works at a bakery decorating cakes and serving coffee. One day she finds herself serving a devili... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Four

338 25 44
By KillerPoultry

"I can't thank you enough for doing this," I peered up at Sukuna as he stood beside me. I waited at the front desk as the nurse left to file the papers.

"Tch, don't mention it," He shrugged and buried his hands into his pockets. I haven't told him everything yet, but he hasn't asked either. Then again, I don't really think I have to explain everything, I think he already knows at this point.

The nurse returned, "We'll bring her out in a moment, could you bring our vehicle up?" Sukuna didn't say a word as he turned and left to go fetch his car.

"Yes," I answered, "He'll pull up outside."

"Perfect, sit tight," The nurse offered a reassuring smile. I moved away from the desk and waited impatiently in the lobby. I watched the glass doors, waiting to see Sukuna's car.

I should make sure to give him some gas money for doing this. My mom's house isn't really that close. She lives in the outer limits of the city, closer to the countryside.

I usually have to wait for weekends to visit her because I typically have to take the train out to her. It's not a long ride, forty minutes at the most. I look forward to my weekend visits with her, they always last much longer than the hospital visits.

"(y/n)!" Mom called out from behind me. I turned and smiled as a nurse pushed her wheelchair over to me.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" I moved over to them and noted that she looked a lot better than last time. Her cheeks were rosy and she had that warm gleam in her gaze.

"Like a spring chicken!" She cheered.

The nurse chuckled and allowed me to take the handles of the wheelchair, "Do you have transportation arranged?"

I nodded and looked back out the doors right as Sukuna's car pulled up, "He's right there."

Mom fanned her face as Sukuna stepped out, "Oh my, he's rich too?"

"Mom, please don't embarrass me on the drive home," I muttered with a grin as I pushed her to the doors. I waved to the nurse and said my goodbyes.

Sukuna opened the back door as I pushed Mom toward the car.

Mom gleefully greeted Sukuna, "Why hello young man."

Sukuna smirked, "Hello to you too, young lady."

Mom giggled as she peered back at me, "He called me young!"

I rolled my eyes and put the brake down on the wheelchair, "Because you obviously are! Like you said! A spring chicken!" Sukuna shook his head with a smile as he offered a hand to my mother.

"Such a gentleman!" She accepted his offer for help and I watched nervously as Sukuna guided my mother into his car. I undid the brake of the wheelchair and a nurse came out to take it from me.

"Thank you," I bowed slightly to the nurse before turning back to the vehicle. Sukuna closed Mom's door before stepping back and opening the front passenger side for me. "Why thank you, kind sir," I giggled and climbed in, buckling my seat belt in the process.

"Are you two dating yet?" Mom asked as Sukuna got in and put the car in drive. I had given him Mom's address beforehand and he had his GPS up.

"No Mom, we practically just met," I chuckled. "We still have another date tomorrow though, remember?"

"Oh yeah! Hey, what's with the bags under your eyes? You didn't stay up and binge your romance shows again, did you?"

Sukuna snickered and I shot him a glare, "I did not stay up watching TV! We were at the festival yesterday."

She gasped and clasped her hands together, "How did that go? Did you bring me a prize?"

"Sorry, it's at my house. I'll bring it to you next time I visit. It was really fun though! They had the shooty game I like and I got a flower shop gift card! Sukuna helped me win. Oh! Then we got some sparklers and watched fireworks!" The image of Sukuna leaning in close to me flashed over my mind, and I blushed.

"How fun!"

Sukuna spoke up, "Don't forget about the fortune teller."

Mom raised her eyebrow in suspicion, "Fortune teller? Oh! Did they say you'd have lots of kids and live a happy life?!"

I bit my lip and fidgeted with my hands in my lap, "Actually they said there'd be a great loss in my life soon."

Mom tapped her chin in thought, "Oh dear, is your favorite plant going to wilt?"

Sukuna made a face and flicked his eyes at the two of us, "Like mother like daughter." He murmured.

"I hope not, but I guess if I were to lose anything in my life, that'd be one of the less painful ones," I shrugged.

"Oh! I had Sakura make your bed for you if you'd like to stay over tonight!" Mom changed the subject.

"I'm sorry I have work tomorrow, plus I didn't bring any clothes or anything with me," I awkwardly scratched the back of my head. I was still wearing my work uniform since I left straight from the bakery with Sukuna.

"Nonsense, I still have all your clothes from when you were a teenager!"

"Those aren't going to fit me! They'll be too small! Plus I'd feel rude asking for tomorrow off since I took this afternoon off with so little warning. Wait, I thought Sakura wasn't working today?"

"No, she is!"

I slapped my hand over my face, "Then why did you say she couldn't pick you up!?"

"I wanted to spend time with you!"

I groaned as I stressfully clasped my face in my hands, "What am I going to do with you? My friends are all freaked out because I was freaking out!"

"Have you still not told them? You really ought to rip the bandaid off honey," Mom ticked. I glanced over at Sukuna who was focused on the road. That guilt washed over me again. Sukuna merged onto the highway and dropped one of his hands onto the gear shift while his other hand was comfortably sitting on the top of the steering wheel.

He looks so hot.

Mom snapped me from my thoughts, "Why haven't you told them again?"

I blinked a few times and turned to look out the window, "I don't know. It's not like I'm lying to them or anything. I just don't like sharing personal stuff."

Mom grinned wickedly, "Mhm, but your husband here gets to know it all!"

"MOM!" I buried my face into my hands to hide my blush. I heard Sukuna chuckle from the driver's seat. "We're not even dating! Why would you say that?!"

"You two just look so cute together! How can I resist!"

I looked over at Sukuna and he was glancing at me. I mouthed 'I'm sorry' to him but he just shrugged.

The rest of the ride went as I least hoped. Mom started interrogating Sukuna and then spilling secrets about my weird habits and hobbies. I couldn't have been more embarrassed. I should've just rented a car or something and driven her myself.

Mom even made a few comments about his tattoos and piercing, going on and on about how I must be into bad boys. Sukuna was eating it up the whole time. If I wasn't so humiliated I would've enjoyed his cute laugh and that handsome smile.

Regardless I wanted to jump out of the moving car so many times. I couldn't get her to quiet down at all!

The relief I felt when we finally pulled into her driveway was amazing.

It's a small one-story house with a porch in the front and in the back. Trees and foliage surrounded her house, blocking any sight of the neighbors. Sakura was waiting for us with a wheelchair at her feet.

Sakura is a tall woman with beautiful long hair, though she always has it up in a perfect tight bun. She's very pretty. She always has flawless red lipstick and rosy cheeks. Sakura is nice too, and one hell of a chef. She's the perfect caretaker for my mother.

Sakura seemed a little alarmed when Sukuna stepped out first. Sakura glanced over the car, unsure of what to do. She probably couldn't see us with the window tint.

I stepped out quickly after and Sakura seemed to relax, "Oh (y/n)! I was wondering if that was you! Who might this be?" She smiled at Sukuna but he paid no mind to her as he walked around to my mother's door.

"This is Sukuna, he's helping me drive her around," I responded and Sakura began moving over to us.

Sukuna opened Mom's door and she poked her head out, "Sakura! Come meet (y/n)'s boyfriend!"

"He's not-! No! He's not my boyfriend," I waved my hands frantically in front of me. Sakura stood beside me as Sukuna helped Mom into the wheelchair.

Sakura giggled at my disgruntled state, "Rough car ride?"

"You don't know the half of it," I sighed and flicked my eyes to Sukuna. He was smirking at me and it made my knees weak.

Sakura began wheeling my mother towards the house, "Thank you again for driving her all the way out here! Why don't you two come in for dinner?" I looked over at Sukuna to try and gauge what he wanted.

He shrugged, "Eh, I haven't eaten yet, and I know you haven't either. Did you even eat lunch today?"

I sheepishly shook my head, "I was a bit distracted."

Mom shouted back to us, "Then it's settled! Get inside love birds!"

"I don't think I'll ever hear the end of it from her," I huffed and went inside.

Not much has changed since I was a kid. Everything's pretty much the same, besides a few doorways being wider. We got renovations done when Mom started being confined to a wheelchair.

The living room and kitchen were just one big open space. Then there was a single hallway peeling off. Down that hall are the two bedrooms and the single bathroom. It's a small space, but it's the space I grew up in and I love it.

I get my plant habits from Mom. She too has a million little pots and whatnot around her home. She's not much for TV yet she has one. The remote hasn't moved from the coffee table in months though. Not just because she's been in the hospital but simply because no one uses it.

The house smelled good though. Sakura must've been cooking, waiting for our arrival.

The dining table was set with plates and utensils as well. It's a round dark oak table my dad made when he was in his prime. He loved woodworking. Most of the furniture in the house was actually made by him.

His old shed that he worked in is still in the backyard, getting dusty.

Sakura parked Mom's wheelchair at the table, and I sat with Sukuna beside me. Sakura began plating all the food.

"Great timing on your part," Sakura smiled from the stove.

"Sukuna's a good driver," I glanced at him but he was busy looking around the house.

Mom eagerly tapped my arm, "After dinner, you should show him your old room!"

I shook my head, nervous, "Wha- No!"

"But it still has all your stuffed animals and decorations from high school! Why didn't you bring all that to college?"

"Because my dorm was way too small to bring all that with me," I chuckled. "It's not stuff from high school, it's stuff from elementary school!"

We weren't very wealthy growing up, but my parents worked hard to give me a good life and I wouldn't have it any other way. I never asked for anything, yet they'd surprise me with gifts nonetheless.

"Sukuna where did you go to college?" Mom looked at him.

He chewed on the thought for a minute, "I didn't." His answer surprised me for a moment.

"Hm? Why not?"

"Mom, don't be so nosy," I muttered. Sukuna didn't say anything. I get the feeling he's like me, and he doesn't enjoy sharing certain aspects of his personal life much. Sakura set our dishes down in front of us and I thanked her, quickly taking the opportunity to change the topic, "So Sakura, how have you been? It's been a while since we've talked!"

And just like that, our conversation moved on and dinner commenced.

The food was amazing as always. With Sakura around we were able to keep the banter on normal topics that weren't centered around me and Sukuna.

Sukuna didn't really say much, but he contributed here and there. Luckily Sakura had a lot happen recently, so we were able to focus on that. Mom brought up my birthday, as it was closer than I thought it was. She asked what I wanted, and I did my usual answer: I just want to spend time with my friends and family.

I think that's been my same answer ever since I was fifteen. Crazy.

"Dinner was absolutely delicious! You never cease to amaze me Sakura," I helped pick up the plates and clean up the table. Sukuna began washing the dishes in the sink as I handed them to him.

"Thank you," Sakura blushed, "You're too kind. Will you be staying the night?"

"No, we'll head out soon. I'll be sure to visit this weekend though," I set the last of the dishes into the sink and moved to grab a towel. I dried the plates as Sukuna finished scrubbing the food off.

Mom clasped her hands together, "You should bring Sukuna! You can go for a hike on the trails up the road! It'll be so romantic."

My first thought went to my father. He used to brag about how he brought Mom to those trails for their first date and it was the best date he had ever gone on. I moved my gaze to Sukuna's, he was busy looking at the plate in his hand.

"It's been a while since I've gone on a hike," He hummed. I looked at the way his sleeves were rolled up around his biceps. His arms flexed as he moved around and reached for another glass.

I swallowed and averted my eyes, "The trails are fun, they're not difficult. Plus there is a really great view of the valley at the top of the hill."

"Oh! And you two can spend the night here!" Mom clapped.

"Where would he sleep?" I pointed to Sukuna as I looked over at my mom. I was trying to use that as an excuse to not spend the night with him here. While I don't have anything against visiting with Sukuna, I don't want him in my room.

"With you in your room of course!"

My cheeks flushed red, "N-No! Do you see him? My bed is way too small for that!" I waved my hand at him, gesturing to his towering frame. He smirked. "Only one person is fitting on that bed."

"I can sleep on the couch, I don't mind," Sukuna scanned over my flustered expression, and he chuckled. He leaned down and his lips brushed the shell of my ear. "You look cute like that."

I opened my mouth to retaliate but nothing seemed to come out. He straightened up and grinned victoriously at my current state.

I cleared my throat and got a hold of myself, "It'd be rude to force you onto the couch."

Sakura had an idea, "Oh! We have an air mattress in the closet! We could set that up on the floor in your room-" I shot her a deathly glare but it was too late by the time she sheepishly stopped talking.

"Perfect! Then it's settled!" Mom giggled in excitement.

After saying our goodbyes, Sukuna and I left. As soon as I shut the car door, I slouched down and let out a deep breath of frustration.

Sukuna looked over at me as he started the car, "You look tired."

"It's been a long day," I admitted and buckled my seat belt. "I barely got any sleep last night, then this morning I nearly have a heart attack because I think my Mom is gone, and I didn't even get to take a nap at all today!" I looked out at the darkness of the night surrounding us.

"Sleep," Sukuna waited before driving off.


"From here to your house it's like an hour yeah?"

"No it's only-" I paused. From the train station, it's only forty minutes, but I've always taken the bus to the train station. I never added that travel time to the train ride. "Oh, you're right." I bit my lip.

"Take a nap, I'll wake you up when we get there," He threw it in reverse and backed out of the driveway.

"Don't you need my address?"

"I remember where it is," He spoke so confidently.

I smiled sheepishly, "If you insist." He watched me for a moment longer before I leaned my seat back and shut my eyes.


Soft banter drifted around me. I felt warm underneath a fluffy blanket. Light fluttered into my eyes as I blinked a few times. I was met with a coffee table and a TV that were not my own. The sweet smell of bacon and eggs stirred in my nose.

The grogginess slowly left my tired body as I sat up. I must've slept in an odd position because my back was aching. Maybe that's just from working too much. I glanced around and saw a lavish living room around me.

Where the hell am I?

I rubbed my eyes and when I lowered my hands, I screamed.

Yuji was crouching in front of me and he suddenly looked scared, "Woah! Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!"

I clutched my chest and panted, "Yuji! Where am I?! Why are you here?!"

Yuji stood, "You're at my house! Sukuna said he tried to wake you up but you were out cold and he didn't want to rummage through your stuff for your keys so he brought you home."

I glanced around to take in more of my surroundings. The kitchen was off to our right, I spotted some pans with smoke lingering off them on the stove.

To the left was just a wall of floor-to-ceiling windows. We were clearly high up in this apartment building. The sunrise must be on the other side of the building though. Behind us were a couple of doors. One of which was open, and from what I could see it was like a dirty teenager's room. Deinfitly Yuji's.

The place wasn't terribly messy, but it wasn't the cleanest either. Some empty cans and wrappers were scattered around the living room as well as some clothes.

I looked back to Yuji, who had moved again. I snapped my gaze to look for him only to see him back in the kitchen. He's so damn quiet when he moves around. I blinked and rubbed my eyes again.

"I hope you like eggs and bacon!" Yuji peered over his shoulder at me.

"Y-Yeah, I do," I fidgeted with the blanket that had fallen onto my lap.

"Oh, you're awake," Sukuna spoke from beside the couch. I jumped in surprise and whipped my head over to look at him.

Just like his brother. How are they so quiet?!

"Sukuna!" I spoke in alarm. He stared at me, expecting me to say something else. I cleared my throat, "G-Good morning."

"Good morning," He nodded to me and moved into the kitchen. He scowled at Yuji, "Idiot you're going to burn the bacon."

I awkwardly got to my feet and folded the blanket before laying it over the back of the couch. Sukuna and Yuji bickered with each other over breakfast. I spotted my phone and backpack sitting next to the counter. I wearily walked over there and picked up my phone.

My face went pale.

Satoru - 12 missed calls & 32 texts

Suguru - 3 missed calls & 7 texts

Nanami - 1 missed call & 1 text

As I was looking at the notifications, I began getting another call from Satoru.

Yuji glanced over hearing my phone vibrate, "Yeah your phone has been going off all morning!"

I quickly answered, but before I could get a word out, Satoru started shouting, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! ARE YOU OK?! DID THAT RAT FACE BASTARD HURT YOU!?!" Sukuna looked over with Yuji as I'm sure they could hear the shouting.

I hastily cut him off, "Satoru! I'm fine! Please stop yelling." He took a deep breath and I heard Suguru in the background.

Satoru whined, "Don't scare us like that! Where are you?"

"I'm at Sukuna's apartment, it's ok. I was just really tired yesterday and fell asleep when we were driving home," I tried to reason but that only seemed to upset him more.

"Sukuna's apartment?! Where were you driving home from? If you needed a ride why didn't you ask me or Suguru? Or even Nanami! He's worried sick, you're never late for work!"

Work! I spun around to look for a clock and my eyes caught the microwave.

9:38 am

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe I slept in so much! I need to call Nanami!"

"Don't worry, we're with him right now, I'll tell him," Satoru huffed, "What were you doing yesterday? We were texting you all afternoon."

"I guess I forgot to unsilence my phone, I'm so sorry Satoru. I didn't mean to scare you. I just had some family business-"

"What family business? You always say that! I want to know why you keep ditching us!"

I furrowed my brows, "I'm not ditching you! Satoru can you give the phone to Nanami?" He mumbled some nonsense and I heard shuffling.

Nanami's voice came from the phone now, he was much calmer and more collected, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, I'm so sorry for being late, I didn't mean to sleep in so much, I promise I'll-"

"(y/n)," He cut me off, "Why don't you take today off? I've already called someone to help cover your shift."

"Are you sure?"

"You seem stressed, and you need sleep. You haven't taken time off in ages, other than yesterday afternoon. Please, just get some rest. I'll see you Monday."

"But what about Friday?"

"Don't worry about coming on Friday either," He hung up and I stared at my phone in disbelief.

"Well," I chewed on my lip, "Nanami gave me the rest of the weekend off. He says I don't have to come in until Monday," I hesitantly opened all the messages from Satoru and Suguru. "This is such a mess," I huffed. Yuji came over to me with a concerned look.

"Are you ok?"

"Satoru won't let me hear the end of this. He's going to kill me next time I see him," I stressfully sighed and set my phone back down.

Yuji smiled warmly, "Why don't you get cleaned up and get some breakfast? It'll make you feel better!"

"That's a good idea, where might I find the bathroom?" I glanced around. Yuji pointed to a door and I thanked him before walking over to it.

I stepped in and turned to lock the door, only to find there was no lock. I felt a bit uncomfortable now, unsure of what to do.

I brushed the feeling aside and decided to just splash some water on my face. I moved to the sink and noted how neat one side was compared to the other.

On the left, the counter was cleaned and the toothbrush was nicely set in a little cup, along with the toothpaste. Some cologne and hair gel sat beside the cup as well. The other side of the counter was a little dirty. The items were scattered around with no organization.

I ignored it and moved to turn the sink on. I gathered some water in my hands and splashed it over my face. I took a deep breath and repeated the action a few more times.

I felt more awake now and I combed through my hair with my fingers, trying to fix my bedhead.

Once I felt like I had fixed my appearance enough I came back out to the living room. Yuji was setting the table while Sukuna was plating the food. I came over to them and Yuji pulled a chair out for me.

"Thank you," I smiled at him as I sat. Sukuna set the plates of food down, and the boys joined me at the table.

Yuji perked up first, "So what are you going to do with your day off?"

"Hm? Well, I probably should go home to change," I glanced at my outfit, seeing as I was still in my work uniform. I haven't been home since yesterday morning.

Sukuna flicked his eyes to mine as I took a bite of my eggs, "Are you still up for the art museum?"

I quickly swallowed, "Oh yes! I am very excited!" My heart jumped from my chest as I saw the little grin that bit at his lips.

"Good, so am I."


"It's closed?!"

Sukuna and I stood on the street, staring at the paper sign on the door.

Closed for Remodeling

"Remodeling my ass! This sucks!" I huffed and crossed my arms. I looked over at Sukuna and he seemed just as upset. "Well... what do we do now?" We had just come from my house. He drove me there and let me shower and change before driving all the way back over here. What a waste of time.

Sukuna pondered the thought for a moment. He lifted his hand and held onto his jaw for a moment. A devilish grin appeared, "Wanna come with me to get my tongue pierced?"

"Huh?" I was taken aback by his statement. "Oh, were you playing to do that today?"

"Nah, but I feel like getting another piercing, so why not yeah?"

"What?! You just want to do it on a whim?"

"Come on, the place I usually go to isn't too far from here."

And that's how we ended up in the lobby of a tattoo and piercing shop. I had never been in one before, but it was rather intimidating. Sukuna was sparking up casual banter with the man behind the counter, and I took a second to glance around. The lobby has a bunch of different rooms attached to it, one for every artist or piecer. Each room was decorated differently, yet each had posters of art and little nick-knacks scattered about.

All the workers here looked scary, like Sukuna. While most of them didn't have his size, they had tons of ink and metal. A few of them passed greetings toward Sukuna, he must be a regular.

"What about her? Is your friend here getting any work done?" The man beyond the counter, who I learned is named Ino, gestured to me. Sukuna looked back at me and waited for me to answer.

I quickly shook my head, "Oh n-no! I haven't done this before, I'm not here for anything. I'm just here to accompany Sukuna."

Sukuna's eyes scanned over me, "You sure? I'll pay if you want something. Come on, haven't you thought about getting any piercings before?"

I sheepishly looked away. I have actually. I've thought about getting tattoos as well but...

"Satoru and Suguru won't ever let me live it down if I get something like that."

Sukuna rolled his eyes angrily, "You let them dictate everything about your life? Don't those brats have piercings?"

"I don't let them dictate everything! And they do, but they said I wouldn't like it."

"Well, what kind of piercings interest you? Hm?"

I nervously fidgeted with my hands, and lowered my voice, "I think the bar thing you have is cool. Or even just the little studs."

Sukuna turned back to Ino, "She'll get studs."

"Wha- Hey! No!"

"Industrial bars hurt, so we'll start you with the basics. Live a little," Sukuna smirked at me and it made my knees weak. How could I deny that charming face? He's so hot. "I'll go first, yeah? The guy who does my piercings is good."

Ino cheekily smiled, "Don't worry honey, you're in good hands!" He looked back to Sukuna, "Your guy's in his room, probably just doodling. Knock first!"

Sukuna turned and grabbed my hand, pulling me over to one of the doors that was closed. He knocked and opened the door before any response was given.

I peered past Sukuna into the room. The walls were painted dark red, and frames of artwork covered most of the wall space. There was a little rolling table with tattoo equipment on it as well as some shelves with figurines and trinkets neatly placed.

Along the wall were two chairs as you'd see in a doctor's office, and in the middle was a larger, comfy-looking chair.

A desk sat in the corner, and on a rotating stool sat a man. He turned around to face us.

He had blonde spikey hair and vermilion eyes. His black button-up shirt had the sleeves rolled up, showing off all the patchwork tattoos he had up his forearms. More ink poked up from underneath the collar of the nice shirt. His hands had black plastic gloves. His nose was pierced like a bull. He had snake bite studs on his lips and the same bar Sukuna has. His other ear had a little cross hanging from it.

"Bakugo," Sukuna greeted with a wide grin.

Bakugo smirked, "Back so soon? What's on the menu today?" He flicked his eyes to me for a moment.

"Midline tongue piercing," Sukuna shut the door behind us and took a seat on the nice black leather chair in the middle of the room.

"Who's your friend?" Bakugo wheeled his chair up next to Sukuna and began gathering his gear.

"That's (y/n), she's getting her ears pierced, just the studs like mine."

Bakugo eyed me up and down, "Take a seat doll, I'll get to you in a minute." I awkwardly sat in one of the chairs off to the side. I remained quiet as I held my hands in my lap and keenly watched Sukuna. My palms were so sweaty with how nervous I was.

"She's a little new to this stuff," Sukuna watched me and smirked.

Bakugo grinned, "Oh yeah? Is she afraid of needles?" He grabbed a little cloth and held Sukuna's face. Sukuna stuck his tongue out and kept his eyes on me.

I shook my head, "No, I-I'm not afraid of needles."

"Ah, you might be afraid of this one," Bakugo wiped off the top and bottom of Sukuna's tongue. I saw a smile biting at the corners of Sukuna's mouth. Bakugo then pulled out a tool that looked somewhat like pliers, and there were small rings at the ends of the tips. He clamped it in the middle of Sukuna's tongue and watched me while he picked up a long needle.

My eyes widened a little bit and both men chuckled.

Bakugo continued speaking, "You barely feel it." Bakugo turned to look back at Sukuna. My face contorted in horror as Bakugo stuck the needle through Sukuna's tongue. I flinched and shivered at the sight.

Bakugo set the needle down and reached back over to his tray. He grabbed the actual piecing and put it in.

He let go of Sukuna, and he closed his mouth. I stared at him expectantly.

He flashed me a toothy smile, "Didn't even feel it. Your turn." He slid off the chair and moved over to me. "Your needle will be much smaller," He gingerly grabbed my hands and ushered me to stand. Bakugo was busy grabbing some studs and cleaning his equipment.

A bubbling excitement began to grow, though it was matched with my nervousness.

"Are you sure about this? What if people don't like them?"

Sukuna groaned, "You have to stop living by other people's opinions! Do you like my piercings?"

I furrowed my brows and nodded, "Y-Yeah, I do."

"Yeah? Well, I didn't get them for you. Do you want piercings that look just as cool as mine?"

I gained a little more confidence, "Yeah! I do!"

"Good! Come here," Sukuna grabbed my hips and I squeaked in surprise. He set me on the black leather and stepped to the side. Bakugo moved in front of me with a shit-eating grin.

"Stay still for me, doll," Bakugo grabbed a cloth and wiped off my ears.

My chest felt tight with anticipation.

He pulled out a little marker and dotted the middle of my ear lobe on each side. He gently held my cheeks and straightened my head out so he could make sure they were even. His black plastic gloves felt cold against my skin.

"(y/n), don't forget to breathe," Sukuna snickered from beside me.

I let out the breath from my lungs and chuckled to myself. I'm so nervous, but this feels so fun!

Bakugo held up pliers and clamped them onto my left ear first, he grabbed the needle and held it in front of my face, "Look, it's so small you won't feel a thing."

"I bet you say that to a lot of women," Sukuna snorted. Bakugo shot him a glare, and I laughed.

"Shut your mouth, little lady, unless you want me to miss," Bakugo warned and I quickly shut up.

"Could you... do a little countdown for me?" I murmured and Bakugo smiled softly.

"Sure kid," He brought the needle up and I found myself holding my breath again, "3... 2...1."

I flinched at the little prick but there was no pain beyond that.

"Oh... Oh! That was super easy!" I giggled and Bakugo chuckled as he put the stud in.

"See?" Sukuna crossed his arms, "Getting worked up over nothing."

Bakugo moved to the second ear and gave me another little countdown. He pulled away and started cleaning his gear again.

"There's a mirror on the door," Bakugo pointed behind me. I slid off the leather and hurried around to look.

"Woah!" I gushed at the black earrings. Sukuna stood behind me with a proud smile. "They look so cool! I feel so cool!"

Sukuna leaned down, his face super close to mine, "You look cute with piercings." I blushed and locked eyes with him in the mirror. He chuckled and stood up straight again. "I should bring you here more often."

I snapped from my daze and eagerly nodded, "Yeah! I want more!"

Bakugo laughed, "Slow down there doll, see how those ones go for you first. Sukuna can tell you how to take care of them."

Sukuna agreed, "Six to eight weeks and they'll heal up."

"I can't wait to show my mom," I clasped my hands in excitement. "You know, my mom used to have a ton of piercings!" I turned to look at Sukuna. He raised his brows in curiosity.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! She took them out once she had me, I don't know why. In all her photos from when she was a teenager, you can see all her piercings! I wanna look like her," I smiled to myself, "She looked so badass. I want to look badass too."

"You do look badass!" Sukuna clasped my face in his hands, "Well, you're on your way to looking totally badass."

I giggled and covered his hands with my own, "Thank you for bringing me here... and doing this. I didn't know how much I really wanted this." My fingertips ran over his rough hands in a gingerly manner.

Bakugo spoke up, "Hey lovebirds!" He scowled, "Get out! Go pay up to Ino!"

Sukuna pulled away from me and opened the door, "After you." 

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