she who lived has come to rul...

By cloverinthewild

224 15 0

grace the owner of a big world known companies is at her death door , although as any human with feelings and... More

old grace
new world introducing oc ✨️
chap 3
time _skip
unexpected confession
rising above
+force control

drama time

7 1 0
By cloverinthewild

>>>in the carriage

As Jong-min and Lysandra were engrossed in their heartfelt discussion, their moment was abruptly interrupted by a peculiar noise— "groot!"Turning their attention towards the source of the sound, they were surprised to see a small creature made entirely of wood, no bigger than a newborn child. Its expression seemed to convey a sense of dissatisfaction, and it sent what appeared to be a pouty face towards Lysandra.

"Well, hello there," she greeted the wooden creature with a curious smile, extending her hand in a friendly gesture.
"Are you sad that I didn't talk to you, little one? fufufu,
don't be sad, okay? if I didn't like you, I would've left you in the forest long ago. " she gave the little creature a toothy smile.

The creature responded with another "groot!" Before reaching out its tiny wooden arms towards Lysandra, seemingly seeking attention and recognition. With a soft chuckle, Lysandra gently picked up the creature, cradling it in her arms with a tender affection.

Jong-min watched in fascination as Lysandra interacted with the mysterious wooden creature, a sense of wonder filling the air.

Sensing Jong-min's gaze upon them, Lysandra smiled warmly and began her introduction. "This," she gestured to the wooden creature nestled in her arms, "is Groovey, my very first golem creation."

With a fond chuckle, she continued, "Groovey may not be the brightest or the strongest, but he's certainly full of charm." As if on cue, the wooden creature let out a soft, endearing noise, as if in agreement with her words.

"He's capable of handling simple tasks," Lysandra explained, her tone affectionate, "although I must admit, he's still a bit too weak to take on anything too important just yet."

Her gaze softened as she looked down at Groovey, a sense of pride and fondness evident in her eyes. "But we're learning and growing together," she added with determination, "and I'm committed to improving my skills to create an even better version in the future."

Jong-min nodded in understanding, impressed by Lysandra's dedication to her craft. As they continued their journey, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for both Lysandra and her adorable creation, Groovey.

With a swift and practiced hand motion, Lysandra transformed the wooden creature, Groovey, into a sturdy and manly bracelet. She offered it to Jong-min with a smile, her eyes shining with sincerity.

"This bracelet holds a special enchantment," she explained, her voice soft yet filled with conviction. "With it, I'll be able to track your location at any time. If you ever find yourself in need of help, just activate the charm, and I'll come to your aid."

Jong-min accepted the bracelet with gratitude, his heart touched by Lysandra's thoughtfulness and concern for his well-being. "Thank you, my love," he said, his voice filled with warmth. "I'll treasure it always."

Lysandra nodded, her smile widening. "And there's more," she added, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "If you ever need Groovey to assist you in any way, all you have to do is say his name and the command you wish to give him. He'll be ready to serve."

Jong-min marveled at the bracelet in his hand, its significance not lost on him.
>>>>>time skip: after the long journey
>>>>location: at the Kim estate's gate

At the grand gates of the Kim's estate, a stately woman in her forties stood with an air of regal dignity, flanked by a retinue of about twenty servants. Though weariness etched lines on her face from the long wait, she refused the counsel of her maids to retire to the comforts of the mansion. Instead, she remained resolute in her decision to personally welcome her son home, wanting him to feel the warmth of his family's embrace upon his return.

Despite her determination, a palpable tension lingered in the air, evident in the strained expressions of the servants who stood nearby. It was clear that not all shared in the lady's enthusiasm for the impending homecoming. Only a select few, those who were closest to her, mirrored her anticipation with genuine smiles and supportive gestures.

As she stood at the gate, her thoughts drifted to her husband, a man of unwavering resolve and stern demeanor. Though she longed for his presence beside her to greet their son, she knew all too well the futility of expecting him to deviate from his own convictions. Disappointment gnawed at her heart, yet she resigned herself to the reality of their strained relationship, a silent ache that she carried with stoic grace.

In the midst of her contemplation, the sound of approaching hooves drew her attention, and her gaze snapped to the carriage that now came to a halt before the estate gates. With bated breath and a flutter of anticipation, she braced herself for the long-awaited reunion, her heart pounding in her chest as she awaited the sight of her beloved son's return.

As the carriage door swung open, the lady's son emerged, as expected, but to the astonishment of everyone present, he was not alone. Stepping out of the carriage beside him was a woman of ethereal beauty, her presence commanding attention and leaving those around her spellbound.

The assembled servants and onlookers, including members of the caravan, stood transfixed, their mouths agape in disbelief. They were at a loss to comprehend how this woman had seamlessly integrated herself among their ranks, her otherworldly features and captivating aura drawing every eye upon her.

Men and women alike found themselves entranced by her beauty, unable to tear their gaze away from her radiant presence. It was as if she possessed a magnetism that transcended mortal bounds, ensnaring the hearts and minds of all who beheld her.

The silence was broken by a cough from Jong-min, whose timely interruption served to dispel the mesmerizing spell that had enveloped the crowd. As the son and the mysterious woman approached the lady at the gate, a flurry of whispered murmurs and curious glances rippled through the gathering, each person grappling with the enigma of her sudden appearance and undeniable allure.

As Jong-min stood before his mother, their eyes met with a flood of emotions, and they embraced each other tightly, finding solace and reassurance in the warmth of their reunion. They exchanged heartfelt inquiries about each other's health and well-being, cherishing the precious moment of togetherness after their time apart.

After their tender exchange, Jong-min's mother's curiosity was piqued, and she gently inquired about the identity of the mysterious woman standing beside her son. With a soft smile, she prompted Jong-min to introduce his companion.

Taking a deep breath, Jong-min began to speak, following the script they had devised earlier in the forest. "Mother, this is Lysandra," he began, his voice steady as he recounted their fabricated tale. "She hails from the west, born into a wealthy family that graciously supported me in my business ventures abroad."

He continued, weaving a tale of chance encounters and blossoming love. "Lysandra and I crossed paths, and amidst our collaboration, we found ourselves drawn to each other," he explained, his words carefully chosen to convey sincerity. "In our hearts, we knew that we were meant to be together, and so, we made the decision to elope."

Jong-min's mother listened attentively, her gaze softening with understanding as she took in his words. Though the circumstances seemed unconventional, she trusted her son's judgment and welcomed Lysandra with open arms, eager to embrace the woman who had captured Jong-min's heart. With a warm smile, she extended her hand in greeting to Lysandra, ready to welcome her into their family fold.

With grace and poise, Jong-min's mother stepped forward to introduce herself. "I am Kim Mi-sook," she said, her voice carrying a gentle warmth as she extended her hand towards Lysandra. "Welcome to our home."

Lysandra, taken aback by the mother's elegance and warmth, returned the greeting with a respectful bow. "Thank you, Mrs. Kim," she replied, her voice soft and sincere. "It's an honor to meet you."

Kim Mi-sook's smile widened at Lysandra's courteous demeanor, her eyes reflecting a mother's kindness and understanding. "Please, call me Mi-sook," she insisted, her tone inviting.

Lysandra nodded gratefully, feeling a sense of warmth and acceptance wash over her.

With a gracious smile, Lysandra returned Kim Mi-sook's introduction. "I am Lysandra de Aurelius," she said, her voice carrying a hint of elegance. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mi-sook."

Kim Mi-sook's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she took in Lysandra's regal demeanor. "De Aurelius," she repeated, her tone thoughtful. "Such a distinguished name. From the west, you said?"

Lysandra nodded gracefully. "Yes, indeed," she affirmed, her gaze meeting Kim Mi-sook's with sincerity. "I come from a family with roots in distant lands, but I am grateful for the warm welcome I have received here."

Kim Mi-sook nodded in understanding, her smile growing warmer.

As the introductions concluded, Kim Mi-sook, the matriarch, promptly urged Jong-min and Lysandra to join her inside the estate. With a gracious smile, she led the way, her movements graceful and assured as she guided her guests towards the welcoming embrace of their new home.

As the trio disappeared into the estate, the peasants and servants who had gathered at the gates began to murmur amongst themselves, their voices carrying snippets of gossip and speculation. Word of the noble lady from the west, with her beauty likened to that of immortals, spread like wildfire throughout the capital, igniting curiosity and intrigue among the populace.

Some expressed genuine curiosity, eager to catch a glimpse of the mysterious beauty who had captured the heart of the Kim family's second son. Others, fueled by envy, whispered resentfully of her apparent charms, while still others remained indifferent, unfazed by the gossip swirling around them.

In the days to come, the tale of the noble lady from the west would continue to echo through the streets of the capital, her allure and mystique captivating the imaginations of all who heard her name. Yet amidst the whispers and rumors, one thing remained certain: Lysandra had left an indelible impression on the hearts and minds of those she had encountered, her presence sparking both fascination and intrigue wherever she went.

>>>time skip

In the dimly lit confines of the ancient Korean dining room, the atmosphere was tense as Lysandra found herself seated alongside her husband, Jong-min, and her mother-in-law, Kim Mi-sook. The room was adorned with intricate wooden carvings and elegant tapestries, casting a sense of old-world grandeur upon the scene.

However, their company was not limited to just the three of them. Two additional males occupied the room, their presence immediately striking Lysandra with an overwhelming sense of arrogance and disdain. The elder of the two men, presumably her father-in-law, sat at the head of the table with an air of seasoned authority. His features were weathered by the passage of time, yet his piercing gaze held a silent command that brooked no dissent.

Opposite him sat the younger man, his countenance marked by a sense of entitlement and superiority. Despite his relatively youthful appearance, there was a palpable arrogance in the way he carried himself, as if the world revolved around him and his desires.

As they leisurely sipped their tea, their nonchalant demeanor grated against Lysandra's sensibilities. Their disregard for common courtesy struck a nerve within her, igniting a simmering anger that threatened to boil over. The older man's dismissive glances and the younger man's disdainful sneers only served to fuel her growing frustration.

Despite her inner turmoil, Lysandra maintained a facade of composure, unwilling to disrupt the delicate balance of familial harmony for Jong-min's sake. With practiced restraint, she suppressed her impulses, silently plotting her next move as she navigated the treacherous waters of familial politics with a steely resolve.

In the depths of her mind, she contemplated a hundred ways to retaliate against their arrogance, yet she knew that patience and prudence would serve her better in the long run. For now, she bided her time, her thoughts consumed by the intricate dance of power and politics that unfolded before her.

The tense silence that enveloped the dining room was abruptly shattered by the first-born's disdainful words, his arrogance dripping from every syllable. With a contemptuous sneer, he addressed Lysandra, his tone dripping with thinly veiled scorn.

"What could you possibly find so worthwhile in Jong-min that you would choose to flee with him?" he demanded, his voice laced with arrogance. "Surely you must realize that I am the superior option, offering you a place as one of my concubines. Why settle for mediocrity when you could have the privilege of serving me?"

His words hung heavy in the air, casting a pall of tension over the room as Lysandra's jaw clenched in response. Though every fiber of her being rebelled against the insult, she maintained her composure, her eyes flashing with suppressed fury as she resisted the urge to lash out in retaliation.

With a steely resolve, she met his gaze head-on, refusing to be cowed by his blatant display of superiority. Though her outward demeanor remained composed, her mind churned with thoughts of defiance and defiance, fueling her determination to rise above the petty insults and machinations of those who sought to belittle her.

The mother's reaction was swift and fierce, her words cutting through the tension like a sharp blade. With a flash of anger in her eyes, she turned her gaze upon her first-born son, her voice trembling with a mixture of disappointment and righteous indignation.

"How dare you!" she exclaimed, her tone sharp with reproach. "You stand here, coveting your brother's future wife, when you already have plenty of women at your disposal. Have you no shame? No sense of honor?"

Her words echoed off the walls of the dining room, the weight of her condemnation hanging heavy in the air. Yet, despite her fervent reprimand, her husband remained silent, offering only a dismissive side glance in response to her pleas.

The mother's frustration boiled over, her sense of betrayal palpable as she turned to her husband, seeking support in her righteous indignation. Yet, to her dismay, she was met with only cold indifference, his silence speaking volumes about his true feelings.

Feeling a pang of despair, she realized that her words fell on deaf ears, her authority undermined by her husband's lack of action. With a heavy heart, she lapsed into a brooding silence, her disappointment simmering beneath the surface as she grappled with the realization that her family was slipping further from her grasp with each passing moment.

Lysandra's keen gaze did not miss the subtle signs of distress that flickered across the mother's face. As a series of coughs erupted from her lips, the older woman attempted to conceal her discomfort, hastily wiping her mouth with a napkin in a futile attempt to hide the telltale stain of blood.

Despite her efforts to mask her condition, Lysandra's sharp eyes caught the fleeting glimpse of crimson against the pristine white fabric. A flicker of concern crossed her features as she noted the subtle signs of weakness in the woman before her, a silent acknowledgment of the toll that her son's callousness had taken on her.

Though the mother's plight went unnoticed by the others in the room, Lysandra remained acutely aware of her suffering, a silent witness to the silent battle that raged within her. With a sense of empathy and understanding,

In that pivotal moment, Jong-min's calm yet resolute voice cut through the tension like a blade, commanding attention and respect. With unwavering determination, he declared his decision to sever ties with the clan that had brought him nothing but disappointment and betrayal.

"I anticipated this disappointment, and unfortunately, it has come to pass. I have decided to sever my ties with this clan, as it no longer holds any value to me."

Turning towards his mother, he extended a hand, a silent invitation for her to join him on his journey. His words carried a profound sincerity, a heartfelt plea for her to be a part of his life, to share in the joys and trials that lay ahead. Despite her initial hesitation, his mother found herself unable to resist his earnest entreaty, her heart swelling with a mixture of pride and gratitude.

With a decisive nod, she accepted his offer, her hand finding his in a silent gesture of solidarity.

As for the eldest son, his mother's disappointment was palpable, her gaze cold and unyielding as she turned her back on him. Years of neglect and betrayal had eroded any semblance of affection or loyalty, leaving behind only a bitter sense of resentment.

In contrast, her youngest son had always been a beacon of light in her life, his kindness and wisdom a constant source of comfort and joy. Though he may not have garnered the recognition of his father, he had earned something far more valuable – her unwavering love and support.

With a heavy heart, she bid farewell to the past, leaving behind the shadows of regret and disappointment to embrace the promise of a brighter future by her son's side.

"AS IF!" The father's voice boomed, cutting through the tension in the room like a thunderclap. His words dripped with indignation and disbelief, his eyes ablaze with fury.

"For you to have the audacity to not only leave the clan, but to drag my wife with you... Am I invisible to you?" he demanded, his voice rising with each word.

As he reached for the guards, intent on putting an end to Jong-min's defiance, a strange sensation washed over the room. It was as if time itself had frozen, and one by one, the occupants of the dining hall succumbed to a deep and dreamless slumber.

Though the mother appeared perplexed by the sudden turn of events, Jong-min remained unfazed. He knew all too well who was behind this mysterious intervention – Lysandra, with her otherworldly powers and unwavering devotion to him.

With a knowing glance at his sleeping father and the rest of the room, Jong-min felt a surge of gratitude towards his enigmatic partner.

"annnd~~, that's drama for the day.  don't you think ?" said lysandra playfully, smiling at the mother and son duo .


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