By CelestialHeiress

277 2 5

Just a book of one shots of my favourite ships in RWBY. Mostly will be Freezerburn, Monochrome and SchneesBee... More

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🤍Drunken Night🖤
💛A Cozy Night Together💙

🖤Farewell White Fang🤍

45 1 0
By CelestialHeiress


Written with BluebellePines

It had been a few days since Weiss ran away from home. She didn't really know where she was going but she just knew she wanted to be away from her father. Currently she was just roaming the dark streets, her one suitcase in hand stuffed with Clothes and dust for Myrtenaster which was on her hip.

Blake was nearby on the rooftops of the city. She was just getting some fresh air mostly, thinking about the Fang and how Adam scared her the other day. She shakes her head of the thought once she sees a Schnee walking down the street. This was something she didn't expect to see but she was an opportunist. She could just snatch her up and take her but she'd rather not stir any attention. She takes off her mask and starts making her way down.

Weiss continued walking for a while, but she felt eyes on her. And then heard someone approaching. Her hand now resting on the handle of her rapier she spoke. "Is somebody there?" She said, her voice firm as she looked at where the sound was.

Blake made sure to take off her White Fang mask so she wouldn't scare the Schnee off. Blake rounded the corner carefully to approach her "Easy there princess. I don't think you're in any danger" she says, raising her hands up to show she had no weapon.

The smaller girl narrowed her eyes, her grip tightening on her weapon. "Just because you say that doesn't mean you aren't a threat. And don't call me that." She growled at the girl.

"Sorry. I believe introductions are necessary then... I'm Blake..." She says, knowing that this won't be an easy feat. She kept her hands up in view as well. Weiss gave a small hum, still a bit apprehensive. "I'm sure you can easily guess who I am." She said. "It's not like my identity is kept a secret from the world. Especially with the latest scandal."

"Oh believe me, someone who doesn't know your name is living under a rock" Blake says back to her. "But with that being said, What are you doing out here all alone? I know you can defend yourself but it's still dangerous to travel this way" Blake says, putting her hands back down.

Weiss pursed her lips slightly and looked away. "I...don't really have anywhere to go. I ran away because my father wanted me to marry some disgusting man to join our families." She told her.

Blake chuckles a bit "I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh but that's just something I would do. But even so, it's still risky to come out here alone at night. Especially with your status and beautiful looks" Blake says, sneaking in a compliment there. "I'd offer you a place to stay but I doubt you'd trust a stranger, let alone a faunus at that."

Weiss blushed a bit at the compliment and looked away. "Well from what I see my only options are to accept your help or sleep on the street. I don't exactly have anymore money. I just spent the last of it." She replied.

"Alright then. I'll take you back to my place. If it helps, I'll sleep outside of the bedroom and you can lock the door" Blake says, giving her a small, reassuring smile. She offers her a hand to shake.

Weiss frowned slightly but she shook her hand. "Alright then. Thank you for being so kind. A lot of people aren't so kind, knowing my family." She said softly. "Believe me I know. There's people out there who would have your head on a pike... sorry to darken the mood" Blake says. She turns around and starts heading to her place.

"Well you are right. A lot of people don't take kindly to me or my family. I have been kidnapped a few times in my life. Specifically by the White Fang." She sighed. "They've.....destroyed a lot of my life."

Blake stops for a second, not expecting that segment. "you've... been kidnapped before?" She asks, turning to her with a look of concern.

"You're surprised by that? The White Fang have kidnapped me at least 4 times." She said to her. "Usually it's for Ransome. Which my father paid to keep it quiet. Though one time it was just to hurt me then they let me go."

Blake looks at her even more surprised and a bit horrified. All this time, she thought the Fang couldn't get her hands on her and that once they finally did, they'd only threaten to hurt her but NEVER ACTUALLY hurt her. In fact, she was disgusted by her father treating it so nonchalant. "How can you treat this so casually? I mean... wasn't it traumatic?"

"Well I suppose it was get used to it." She shrugged. "And I wasn't allowed to show how much it hurts or how scared I was since Father didn't want anyone knowing so I got used to burying it down. All the scars are covered with make up as well."

Blake frowns, feeling a lot of guilt and sympathy for her. She never expected this. She continues walking with her, but stays silent now as she was in thought.

Weiss looked over at her and tilted her head. "Sorry if I kinda put a bad tune on your mood. I know it's not the best thing to talk about. I probably shouldn't have mentioned it."

Blake snaps out of her thoughts and looks back at the Schnee "What? Oh no, it's okay really.... if anything you can talk to me about these things... If you don't mind me saying of course, I know it's a little odd" She says.

"I mean the last time it happened was about two years ago. I was 17 and I'm now 19 so yeah about that." She said with a nod. "It was a while ago but I suppose one day I'll have to open up. I can't keep it pushed down forever."

Blake nods in agreement as the two approach the little apartment that Blake was staying in. It was small but it was just her after all. Besides she didn't plan on staying here forever. "Bed's over there, bathroom is on the left. If you're hungry you can help yourself to whatever you'd like. Unless you'd prefer take out" Blake says. She was actually being sincere about the matter though.

"I suppose I could go for something to eat. But I think first things first is I'm in dire need of a shower." She said as she set her suitcase on the bed and grabbed a tank top and shorts out. "I'm going to go do that. Thank you again for taking me in." She said as she headed to the bathroom.

Blake nods to her with a small smile. "Towels are in the cabinet by the way" She tells her, before leaving to the kitchen. She sighs a bit as she thinks about Weiss and the Fang again. Sure, the Schnee's have done all kinds of torture and abuse to the faunus but as far as she knew, Weiss wasn't like that. It was all her father.

Weiss had given a nod, grabbing a towel and going into the bathroom, making sure to lock the door before she took her shower. She had relaxed, watching as the makeup washed away onto the floor and showed some of the scars she had gained from the white fang, tracing over one of them with a frown.

Blake's had her fair share of scars too but they were easily hidden with her clothes. She sighs and hangs her head as she finally decides it's time to part from the Fang. That meant she was gonna keep secret to everyone that she was helping out a runaway Schnee. Gods know what they'd do to that poor girl this time if they caught her again.

After a little bit Weiss came out of the bathroom, wearing her night clothes and drying her hair still with the towel. "That feels a lot better." She sighed as she walked over to her. "I felt so gross before, I hadn't had a good shower since I left."

Blake looks over at her "Well, at least you feel better now right?  I know a good shower or bath always makes me feel good too. And of course some tea knocks me right out" she says. She shows that she made some tea and some soup for both of them.

Weiss gave a nod as she came and sat next to her. "I've always been a coffee girl, but tea does actually sound nice right about now."  She smiled. "Thank you for making this."

"You're welcome." Blake says as she smiles back at her. She takes a sip of her own tea and sighs happily. It was actually a little nice having company for some late night tea. "So, is there any place that you are headed in particular?" She asks.

"Well....I was thinking of attending Beacon Academy. Though I would have to get in on a scholarship." She said. "But I always dreamed of going there. My sister, Winter, went to Atlas and well she hated it. But I've heard such wonderful things about Beacon."

"Oh really? Y'know I was actually thinking enrolling there too. Get away from all the drama at home, become a huntress and right all kinds of wrongs" Blake says with a smile of surprise.

Weiss nodded in agreement. "Yes. That's what I want to do. Initially I wanted to fix my grandfather's company. But then my father tried to force me into a marriage. I don't even like men. And I couldn't do it. So maybe as a huntress...and gathering proof of things he's done. I can take him down another way. In time."

"That's actually a very noble thing to do. I'll be rooting for you and who knows, I'll probably help you out" Blake says, admiring her intentions. Her ear twitches a bit as she hears the mention of not being interested in men. She herself swung both ways.

"Well I suppose as a probably have some sort of grudge against my Father at the very least. Honestly I'm not even sure why you approached me knowing who I was." She told her.

"It's complicated... Let's just chalk it up to something told me to do it In the first place" Blake says as she scratches the back of her neck and avoids eye contact. Her ears even curl down a little bit.

Weiss looked at her and furrowed her brows a little bit in confusion. "What do you mean by that?" She asked. "I thought you were alone when you approached me." She said.

Blake looks back at her "I was alone. I'm just saying I was driven to go talk to you. That's all" she says to her.

"That still makes no sense Blake. What do you mean driven to come talk to me? You don't just feel like you should without a reason. Just please be honest with me." She said.

Blake sighs and looks down. She was afraid of what Weiss would think about her. She fidgets with her hands. "I....." She didn't understand why she was so afraid to tell her.

Weiss puffed her cheeks out slightly as she stared at her. "I'm waiting Blake. You can't just keep this from me now that you've said something." She said.

Blake glances at her, her ears still down and she had a pretty sad look. She did think Weiss was cute pouting like that. She takes a deep breath "I am... Was .. part of the White Fang... I was hoping to bring you with me to convince Atlas about change for the better of faunus. But when you told me about what you've been through I changed my mind.... The White Fang is supposed to be a pacifist group... Not a bunch of kidnappers... I chose not to take any part of it any longer" Blake says. She shows the white fang mask she has but she gets up, puts it on the ground and stomps on it.

Weiss looked down at the mask on the floor. "So you were nice to me....with basically the intention of Kidnapping me and bringing me back to the white fang." She whispered softly, a bit in disbelief.

"No, not kidnapping. I wouldn't do that... I was just hoping I could persuade you to go with me to Menagerie." Blake looks at her with a hurt look on her face. She sighs "I understand if you wanna leave.... I don't blame you ... I wouldn't trust me either.... " She then goes to her bed and just sits down, looking out the window and just expecting Weiss to leave.

Weiss was quiet for a while, looking down at her lap. "I suppose....if you really wanted to do anything would have done so as soon as I let my guard down." She whispered. "Part of the white fang you could have easily picked the bathroom lock and attacked me." She said softly.

Blake hears her talking from the kitchen. Not like it was a big distance anyways. Her cat ear twitches and turns to listen to Weiss but she remained in front of the window, silent.

"You really want to change the minds of the people in Atlas and in the White Fang that Human and Faunus can live together in peace without war?" She asked, looking over at the bedroom.

Blake turns to look at her again "Of course. You think I want war? I've seen plenty of people slaughtered by hate. Both human and faunus. I want it all to end but not by means of more blood shed. My father is chief of Menagerie, I was hoping that if I could convince you to come, we could form some kind of agreement or something" She spoke in a soft but serious tone.

" that I've basically been disowned from Atlas....there's not much I can do except for talk to my sister and General Ironwood. Perhaps...we could go to Beacon together and convince the world along with others of that." She said softly. "And also create decent lives for ourselves instead of what we've grown up with."

Blake looks at her a bit surprised again. Her ears sticking up "Really? You're not afraid of me? You want to help?" She says, a bit hopeful.

"I've watch... family members die....and friends disappear at the hands of bad Faunus. It made my childhood very, very difficult. I don't want the next generation to have to endure that as well." She said. "If we have a chance to try and fix the hatred, we should take it."

Blake smiles at her, seeing that she did want to help. She nods to her "Thank you" she says as Weiss stood up. "Well then. Perhaps we should get some rest. Tomorrow we start our journey."

Blake gets up too with a nod. "Right. Goodnight" she says as she was headed out of the room like she told Weiss she would.

"You can... actually stay in here if you want. Surely it won't be comfortable sleeping outside of the room." She said softly.

Blake looks back at her "are you sure you trust me that much? I mean the bed is pretty small." She tells her.

"Well you haven't killed me. And even if some of it was fake you have been nothing but nice to me. Just don't hog any of the blankets." She said.

Blake chuckles softly "No promises" she says. She goes to get her pajamas first and change in the bathroom. Then she goes to the bed and sits down at the edge. She looks at Weiss, not sure how to feel about sharing the bed, her bed.

Weiss smiled awkwardly and sat down next to her. "So... tomorrow we'll head to Beacon together? Start a new life away from all this?" She asked.

"Yeah, no more being forced to do things we don't want to do. And we can start making real changes for the better" she says with a small smile.

"Sounds wonderful. Now. Let's get some rest. It's a long journey to Beacon so we're definitely going to need it." She told her.

Blake nods in agreement beore laying down with her completely. She blushes and tries to stick to the edge in order to give Weiss more space.

Weiss smiled a bit awkwardly as she also laid down, her cheeks also tinted red. "G-good night Blake." She said softly as she drifted off.

"Goodnight... Weiss..." She says softly too. It took her quite a while to fall asleep but eventually she did as well.

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