Position of Honor The Honor...

By lyonmom

2.6K 341 6

Madison Stone was shocked by the news of her father's murder. Pierce Stone, had been the wealthiest man in to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 18

61 11 0
By lyonmom

Thank you for reading Enjoy

Chapter 18

Travis had heard about the fire over the radio. Once a couple of the officers were at the house with Cassie, he raced out to see if Michael and Madison were okay. Driving up the unmaintained gravel road, Travis was just in time to see Matt, Michael and Madison coming out of the house, with a cloud of black smoke billowing from the building. The hole they were emerging from wasn't where the front door had been, but rather next to it, where a window once was and had been busted out.

Travis breathed a sigh of relief knowing his brothers were safe. Watching the fire roar through the house, he's amazed that they weren't harmed. The flames shot up into the night sky, lighting up the woods around them. They were fortunate to make it out alive.

Madison closed her eyes briefly, bowing her head in defeat as she continued to be led away from the flames and smoke by the EMT. There was no point in pursuing the truth now. The only place she knew would remotely have any answers was now burning to the ground. Any hopes of finding evidence to keep her out of jail were smoldering along with it. Things couldn't look worse for her at that moment. She might as well accept what was about to come and head straight over to the jail. It was where she was going to end up sooner or later.

Travis crossed the road toward them nodding to his brothers, signaling that everything was okay at home. "Daniel came home as soon as I called him. He had just driven up as I was leaving."

Matt nodded and moved out of the way as one of the ladder crews moved in. "He's getting bolder, braver." Travis yelled over the sound of the fire as they continued moving out of the way of the fire crews.

When they had been ushered a safe distance away from the house, Madison fell to her knees coughing, the smoke in her throat continuing to rage. The paramedic handed all three of them bottles of water and began to examine Madison.
She didn't fight the exam, but refused to look up at the three brothers hovering over her, watching her as if she were made of glass. A mask was slipped over her face and oxygen pumped into her. She continued to cough the smoke from her lungs as her chest burned with every breath she took. She didn't think she would ever breathe the same again.

Matt and Michael both were in agreement with Travis's statement. "The son of bitch thinks he's in control now," Matt hoarsely whispered, coughing out more of the smoke. His anger simmered just barely under his control.

Shaking his head, Michael refused the oxygen the paramedic offered. But the medic insisted he take it. Michael didn't argue a second time and was immediately breathing in the fresh air and coughing out the smoke.

Matt was angry at himself for not being there for Madison. He should have known better. None of this should have happened. Who was doing this? The fire and the break in never should have happened.

He can only conclude that they were all being watched now. Matt couldn't figure out what this person was really after. Are they after Cassie, Madison or all of them? The one thing he knew for certain, they couldn't leave either of the women alone now.

"She has to come home with us," Matt announced softly to his brothers so Madison couldn't hear the conversation.

"Yeah, she does. But Matt, it has to be her choice," Travis agreed, knowing exactly how helpless Matt was feeling at that moment. "You can't force her."

"The hell I can't," Matt's temper flared angrily. "I'm not gonna lose her because of this."

Travis raised his eyebrows at the statement. He's never seen Matt get worked up over a woman. Even over Lindsey, Matt loved her but he knew she could take care of herself. Madison is different.

"Matt, " Travis began in a warning tone. He understood how his brother felt but he had to be sure it was real emotions he felt for Madison and not just the impact of the loss he was dealing with.

"Christ, Travis, I didn't plan to..." Matt paused, realizing where his thoughts were going.

To what, Matt thought, to fall in love with her? God, could that be his problem? How could he love her, he barely knew her, or had he loved her all this time and not known it?

Choosing his words carefully, Matt would deal with his feelings later. "I can't lose her, because I didn't try hard enough to keep her safe and protect her."

Michael knew where Matt was coming from. Matt had lost his partner and his wife because of a single accident that could have been avoided. Matt still blamed himself for what happened even after all these years. It still hurts Matt, haunting him every day. The darkness in his eyes now told both Travis and Michael that Matt was remembering his past and putting his regrets into the present – right where they didn't belong.

"She's not Lindsey or Davis, Matt," Michael reminded him softly as he placed the cap back on his empty bottle of water. "Madison doesn't blame you for any of this. She knows you're doing everything you can for her. She's not going to leave because she thinks you haven't done your job. She'll leave to keep you safe."

"The hell with that," Matt muttered, and stepped closer to Madison. He wasn't going to be protected by the woman he was sworn to protect. That was his job!

"This isn't going to go well," Travis muttered to Michael as they watched Matt set his rules.

"Five bucks says she kicks his ass," Michael places his bet.

"I'm not stupid enough to take that bet," Travis pushes his brother's hand away as they watches with interest in how Madison handles him.

"You're coming home with us!" Matt spoke with a tone of authority.

Madison looked up and didn't say a word, she didn't need to. Her face said it all.

Without waiting until they were alone to talk to her about it, he continued with his rant, "This is nuts! We can't protect you at a hotel, you're wide open here! Obviously someone is willing to do whatever they have to, to get rid of you. I'm not going to let that happen," Matt softened his tone when he saw the officers and fire crews turned to watch the show.

Her initial reaction was defensive. She had been told what to do all her life, she has tried so hard to get control of her world and now here's another person dictating to her. Madison wanted to stand up and scream right back at Matt. How dare he demand she go anywhere?

She has been taking care of herself all these years without anyone telling her what to do. Granted, the situation was definitely different from what she was used to, but it still irked her. The fury lit her eyes first, the fire reflecting the heat that was burning at her to fight back.

"I can't be in two, three places at a time, Madison. I need to protect you and my family but having you out here isn't working. Putting you in a hotel isn't going to be any better!" As Matt made his point clear, it hit home. This involved him too. His world, his family, his life. His son.

She was putting too many people in danger. People Matt loved and needed to protect. He had lost too many people in his life lately, Matt couldn't take any more. She looked up at Matt and could see the pain he was holding back. Madison knew she was wrong to think that Matt could protect them while she remained at a distance.

Seeing the look of defeat on Madison's face, Matt felt the knife stab at his heart. Damn it, if only he could fix this for her, he thought. If he could just make everything better, then maybe, just maybe, he could figure out these feelings bombarding his heart. Between losing his parents and Lindsey, these feelings were so jumbled up in his heart. Everything ached.

"Madison," he whispered as he knelt in front of her as the paramedic stepped away. Taking her hand, Matt focused on her small hands, "I can't lose you... I," Matt hesitated, knowing he had to say something to keep her from losing all hope. "I care about you, more than I thought I could." It wasn't completely accurate, but it was on the lines of the truth.

Madison felt her throat tighten and her eyes burn as the tears began to build. He cared, it was more than she had allowed herself to hope for, but she felt it was too late. Her lips quivered as she tried to hold back the tears. Once Madison thought she had regained some control, she looked up and quickly swiped at the tear slipping down her soot covered face. She knew she couldn't and wouldn't put Matt in the middle of the battlefield. She was the reason he was being torn apart and she could end it.

"I appreciate the offer, but I can't move in your home," Madison knew by refusing she was only putting herself in further danger.

The look on Matt's face told her he was digging in his heels. Matt had expected her to reject the offer and was prepared to fight her.


She stopped his protest before he could start, "You have a family, Matt. I can't risk their safety for mine. I'll stay at a hotel or perhaps I'd be safer in a jail cell."

"They're already in danger, Madison. The bastard got into the house because we weren't there to protect them, hell we're already not doing enough, we can't even protect you." Matt yelled in frustration, and then saw again that the crowd around them had become interested in their conversation.

Matt cleared his throat and lowered his voice. "You don't have anywhere else to go," Matt saw her cringe and wished he hadn't said it that way. "I'm sorry, but it's the truth."

The sad horrible truth of the matter was Matt was right, and she knew it. Madison nodded and held back the sob that was trying so desperately to come out.

"You're right. I don't have anywhere else to go. I've probably been fired from my job and evicted from my apartment by now, my mother's house is ashes and I'm not allowed in my father's home. The closest person who ever treated me like family was your mother, and she is gone. Any evidence that could clear me of my father's murder probably just burned up in the fire. So, you're right, until the court says I'm guilty and they cart me off to prison, I don't have anywhere to go. And asking you to put your family at further risk for me isn't fair either."

She stopped fighting the pain and let herself feel the hurt as she broke down. God, it hurt to have the truth slap her in the face. She knew Matt didn't mean to hurt her, but he had. He pointed out the very obvious fact she was completely and utterly alone with no one and nothing left for her.

Madison drew in a deep breath. Her entire being was wiped out. Her mind didn't seem to want to function and her body was struggling with every labored breath she took. To fight Matt over this was taking everything she had left out of her. She couldn't keep putting his family through this.

Accepting her fate, Madison raised her chin, and took a deep breath, "I think it's time you quit. You've done all you can for me. I appreciate all you and your family have done. I don't want them taking any more risks for me."

"Too late," Matt spoke softly, seeing the pure exhaustion on her face. The dark rings under her eyes weren't from the smoke, but from everything else she had to face since coming home. "My mom made you a part of this family by caring about you enough to take you under her wing. We stick together. You can't give up on me. Not yet," Matt pleaded with her, not just for Madison's sake but for his own. "I need you to come home with me. Please don't give up."

Standing up with her pride shattered, Madison slowly nodded. "Can we please leave now?" Her plea was granted as the three men silently escorted her home.

The next week was a period of adjustment for everyone. Adding one more person to the house made it seem smaller and busier than ever. Despite the fact that Madison stayed to herself and kept out of everyone's way, her presence in the house was silently known.

Madison cleaned up behind everyone without them even realizing she was there, the dishes miraculously were done without anyone lifting a finger. The vacuuming, dusting and laundry all seemed to take care of themselves. She had been a godsend to Cassie with the help she was silently giving her, but at the same time Cassie felt the pain Madison had to be going through. She wanted to reach out, even though the last time didn't go so well. Cassie hoped this time would be different.

Madison had just finished mopping the kitchen and had headed up to her room, knowing Matt and Travis would be coming home any minute to check in. She slipped up the stairs without being seen and quickly entered Matt's room. Shutting the door behind her, Madison leaned back against it, closing her eyes.

The pain of Matt's words continued to haunt her. Madison heard them every time she heard his voice, felt the cold loneliness in the dark, when she tried desperately to sleep. Madison lay awake remembering what it felt like to have his arms around her holding her tight. Then the nightmares would continue. When she finally found sleep, she would shake with fear, curling into a ball in the corner of the room late at night as she tried to hide from her fears. Maybe it would be easier to sleep during the day, when the darkness couldn't haunt her and the eyes wouldn't follow her.

Madison was trying so hard not to deal with anyone in the family. She didn't want anyone to know the nightmares were still happening. The eyes had found her the other night, staring at her through the darkened window. The memory loss was happening again as well and she couldn't explain any of it. She had laid her keys on the dresser, yet found them in the refrigerator. She had hung up her towel after a shower, but when she returned to the room, her towel was on the floor of the bedroom. Her worst fear was that she was losing her mind or that the creep was getting into the house again.

Opening her eyes, she focused on the nightstand and felt the terror strangle her. She wanted to scream, to run out of the room, out of the house and leave this town and the haunting her behind. She smelled the stale odor of cigarettes, the foul stench of stale liquor and the sweet tang of perfume. Madison never smoked or drank and the perfume she smelled was familiar. God, how did he get into her room?

The cigarette was still burning in the ashtray on the nightstand. The bottle of perfume was half falling out of her purse. Madison knew the scent all too well. It belonged to her mother. The cheap sweet scent that made her gag filled the air.

Madison shook as she quickly crossed the room to put out the cigarette. Her hand trembled as she crushed out the cigarette butt. Her legs quickly gave out on her as she fell to the floor next to the bed. When will the torture end? Madison thought and began rocking herself in comfort.

Cassie softly tapped on the door and waited. No answer. She knew Madison was in there, she had seen a glimpse of her going into the room just as she headed up the stairs.

"Madison? Are you okay?" Cassie asked as she tried the door knob.

It was unlocked. Slowly, she turned the knob. With a creak the door opened and Cassie poked her head inside. What she saw scared her to death. Madison was sitting on the floor next to the bed, her knees brought up tight to her chest. Her face, as white as the snow outside, was streaked with tears. Her body rocked forward and back with every sob she made. Cassie's heart broke. Cautiously, she stepped into the room. She didn't want to frighten Madison any more than she already was.

"Madison? What happened?"

Madison looked up, her eyes were bleary and fogged as she stared for a moment at Cassie, blankly looking at her as if she had no idea who she was.

"He's here," she whispered through a sob and pointed to the ashtray. "I don't smoke. I don't drink, but it smells like a bar in here."

Madison reached up grabbing the purse and pulled the perfume from it then with her hand shaking, held it out toward Cassie. "It's not mine. It's my mother's. I didn't have this with me when I moved in here."

Cassie felt a chill go down her spine. The terror in Madison's eyes reached out to her own and took a firm hold. Cassie understood why Madison looked as if she had seen a ghost, she was truly being stalked.

Travis was sitting at his desk in the station house when Matt strolled in. A scowl on his face, Matt was in no mood to work. He needed to find out what was going on with Madison. She had avoided him since she moved in. No matter what time of day or night he knocked on her door, she refused to see him. Matt sat down across from his brother, looking at the smirk on his face. The urge to have a family brawl was brewing. He considered calling Daniel and Michael to just let it all loose and pound on all of his brothers.

"Wanna fight? First punch I'll give you for free," Travis offered with a grin.

He knew that look all too well. Measuring up the temper that was brewing in Matt's eyes, Travis took a sip of his coffee. He knew his brother like the back of his hand. Unfortunately, he understood the emotions he was seeing in his younger brother all too well. The woman he cared for was in trouble and shutting him and everyone else out. The frustration Matt felt, everyone else in the house did as well.

"Thinking about it. What's got you so pleased with yourself?" Matt muttered irritably.
Squeezing his fists open and shut, he sat on the corner of the desk across from Travis.

"We got a match," Travis kept his voice low. The dark mood Matt was in began to brighten, when he realized Travis was talking about the blood test. "Right in our own backyard," Travis said with a smirk and sipped his coffee again.

Matt frowned, knowing that meant someone in the station was responsible or related to everything that was happening with the Stone case and with Madison's trouble. The idea of a dirty cop truly rubbed him the wrong way. The thought that one of their own was framing an innocent person and had access to everything they did made Matt's blood go cold. It meant they could trust no one and they were on their own.

"Who is it?" Matt growled softly.

Travis wasn't happy about what he found out, but it made sense and the pieces of some of the puzzle were falling into place. "Brody," Travis watched Matt's face turn ashen. Sheriff Brody was Madison's father.

"Does he know?" Matt wondered what else the good sheriff had kept from them.

"Not that I can tell, but I think he knows a lot more than he's saying. Something's still off. Brody may be her daddy, but someone else is involved here. Brody was shocked about the fire. He wouldn't kill his own kid. He isn't like that. We're on our own, bro. Trust is now only as thick as blood." Matt knew Travis was right. The brothers were the only ones they could trust.

Cassie frantically sorted through the vague pieces of information Madison was blubbering out. Someone had been in the house again, that was obvious, but then Madison kept talking about eyes watching her and nightmares. It sounded like she was mixing up reality with her dreams. Cassie couldn't really blame her for having nightmares. Something truly terrifying had happened to her. Cassie was now determined to find out what.

"Madison, you need to pull yourself together. Honey, I know you're upset, and I understand why, I do, but you aren't making a lot of sense here," Cassie spoke calmly as she sat down on the floor in front of Madison. "I want to help you, but I don't understand what's going on. You have to explain all this to me from the beginning."

Madison's eyes reached hers. The pure pain and fear that filled them made Cassie want to take her into her arms, hug her and take care of her as she would one of her boys. Madison looked so childlike at that moment, it was frightening. Perhaps Matt was right and something had happened to her as a child. Was she now reliving that nightmare or was it happening again?

Madison swallowed hard and nodded. She had to pull herself together or else no one was going to believe someone was doing this to her. No one would believe she didn't kill Pierce Stone. She had to pull herself together or else she was going to be sent away all right, right to the funny farm.

"The man with the eyes, he's been here. It's the same person who set the fire. He's trying to make me look like I'm crazy," Madison began and reached for Cassie's hands. Cassie felt a chill as Madison's cold clammy hands gripped hers.

"Okay," Cassie knew someone had been in the house. She could verify that.

"I'm not crazy," Madison pleaded. "I swear. Someone is doing all of this to make me look like I am."

Cassie had to agree. Madison wasn't crazy. But she was scared to death. "No, you're not crazy. But you need to get some spine behind you if you want to fight this guy and win," Cassie encouraged her, squeezing Madison's hands back. "Tell me everything, Madison. Start from the very beginning, and then we're going to figure out who the sicko is that's playing this game with you."

"You believe me?" Madison was surprised and felt a new surge of tears spring up. Not out of fear this time, but out of relief. "You believe I'm not nuts, that I'm not doing this to myself or making it up?"

Madison had only told one person about the eyes when she was living here all those years ago. That was her mother and she didn't believe her. Candace had told Madison she was making up stories to get attention and there were better, more productive ways to get someone's attention than playing the victim of a cruel game.

After that Madison kept her fear to herself. She swore she would never reveal the things that happened after her mother had rejected her. Now, she was being asked to tell everything. She wasn't sure she could but knew if she were ever to be free, she didn't have a choice.

Madison nodded to Cassie. "I'll tell you everything, but you have to promise me something."

"What?" Cassie questioned, glad she was able to peacefully make a connection with Madison.

"Believe me and help me stop him," Madison begged softly.

Cassie nodded, pulling her into a hug. She would believe and she would also find a way to help Madison tell the truth. It was the only way.

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