You'll Miss Me When I'm Gone...

By LinsIrisH

5.1K 167 66

17 year old Lindsey Torelli was a normal girl who lived in Los Angeles, California. She led a pretty normal l... More

You'll Miss Me When I'm Gone
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 7

181 9 6
By LinsIrisH

I woke up again, still on the cold table. I tried to stretch my arms, and realized, they were still tied up. "Crap!" i groaned. I looked over at what used to be Thea. The blankets and clothes were stained red with her blood. And I remembered where I was.


I shuddered as I remembered what had happened before.

How long has it been? Where is Harry? Where is mummy? Where is Adam? Where is.....the other boy?

I looked over towards where the boy had been. He wasn't there. What had the man called him, erm, sterling reeeo?  That doesn't matter. What mattered was HOW I WAS GOING TO GET OUT OF HERE. I struggled in the ropes that bond me. "HELP!" I screamed out into the room. I heard it echo off the walls.  Something in the room groaned in reply.


I glanced around the room, hoping to see what had made the noise. Back home, I had been the brave one. I wasn't scared of ghosts or demons or the bogeyman. Corn mazes at night? I LOVED THEM! Scary movies? Best thing ever!  Anything scary made me happy..

Except this thing. I didn't know what it was. But whatever was making the noise, scared the crap out of me. "H-H-Hello?" I called out. The only answer I got was another groan. And than I realized where it was coming from.

"Thea?" I whispered towards the bundle. Yep, it was her. She had just moved. "Thea? Are-are you there?" She moved very slowly, and she lifted the clothes off of her head. What I saw next made me want to throw up.

She would of been beautiful, if her face hadn't a large gash in it. Somebody, (probably the man) had cut her face with a knife and blood was pouring out of it. She put her hand up to her face and felt the wound. And she burst into tears. "I-I-Ian doesn't love me!" She got up and ran out of the room, her sobs filling the silence. 


I reflected over Harry's hurt face when I had ran out of the house. I wish I had helped Louis. I wish I had let Harry finish. But most of all, I WISH I HAD OBEYED MOM! Was Adam ok? Was mom ok? WHAT HAD THAT MAN DONE THEM? I missed them...

There was a shout outside the door and the creepy man came bursting into the room. He didn't even glance at me as he went up to the gun rack. He grabbed a gun off the shelf and went back outside. I had noticed what type it was.

An AK-47.

DAAAAAAAAAAANG! That must of cost him some money! What the heck am I saying, erm, thinking? 

"HELLO?" I screamed out into the room. "IS ANYBODY THERE?" Thea came back into the room, her face bandaged up. "SHUT UP, EMILY!" she hissed. "I AM NOT EMILY! MY NAME IS LINDSEY THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" I shouted. "Oh for the love of God" she moaned. "Listen, girl your name is Emily. So shut up, before I smack you across the face." She glared at me, trying to get the meaning across. I rolled my eyes, "Who is Ian?" She gave me a pure look of horror and whispered, "H-h-how do you know his name??" "You told me. DUH!" I snorted. She looked at me with a look of venom in her eyes, "Listen, bucko, I didn't tell you anything, and if you dare mention his name to anyone I will personally make sure your funeral is tomorrow." She backed away and and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

"Why do people keep on calling me Emily?" I tried to shift my position, but the ropes were tied to tightly. 

So the boy's name is Sterling something-and-other, the woman's name is Thea, and I'm guessing the man's name is Ian....Wait a second, I've heard those names before...

Years Ago

It was the usual Saturday night. We were sitting around the T.V. watching Person Of Interest. My favorite T.V. show! I was lying on the floor, Adam was on the comfy chair, and dad and mom were sprawled on the couch. 

Ring ring...Ring ring...

Mom sighed and got up to go answer the phone. I barely took notice of her getting up, I was staring up at my 'true love', John Reese! Who cares he was waaaaaaay older than I was? He was HOT! Mom answered the phone with a "Hello, Torelli residence!" As a commercial break came on, I looked over at mom. She was holding the phone, with a frightened look on her face. "K-K-Kurtis" she stuttered out. Kurtis was my dad's name. My dad immediately got up and held the phone to his ear. 

I have never seen my dad scared. NEVER! He is the bravest person I know. Well, that I did know. If he was scared, you know that something terrible and unfathomable has happened. Like now. His face, for the first time I have ever seen showed fear. Adam glanced at me, his face confused. I slowly sat up and asked them, "Mom? Dad? Whats going on?" Mom looked at me and to this day, I've never been able to forget what her face looked like.

It showed pain, sorrow, fear, and worry all in one. It was the worst thing I have ever seen. I quickly got up and stood next to Adam. Adam grabbed my hand, as mom pointed upstairs. We knew what that mean. Bedtime. We raced up the stairs and ran into his bedrooms. We were scared as heck! "Adam, do you think we'll die??" I asked. He put his arm protectively over me and shuddered, "I doubt it." I heard someone shouting downstairs, and Adam looked at me. Eyebrows raised. "I'm going downstairs" He whispered. He opened the door slowly and tiptoed into the hall.

And like the fool I was, I followed. We stealthily descended the stairs and stood in the hallway. We were able to hear everything.

My dad was under stress, I could tell by his voice. "NO! We can't let Ian know..." My mom replied back, "But what if Ian and Thea demand to-" My dad cut her off, "NO! THEY WONT!" My mom shushed him, "Be quieter! I'm just saying, if they do we're doomed. Sterling will be bond to meet them sometime." I peered around the corner, and I saw my dad sitting on the couch, crying. "We have to do something. They're coming. We can't let them come. Or else we will be in trouble." My mom rubbed his back, trying to calm him down. "Kurtis, everything will be ok.." I gave Adam a frightened look, and we ran back upstairs into his room. 

What was that about?" I asked Adam. Adam was the big brother, he should know everything. Adam scrunched up his face, like he does whenever he is thinking. He replied, "Well, somebody, Ian and Thea are trying to figure something out. And they are supposed to meet someone named Sterling. What did you get out of it?" I shuddered, trying not to cry. "That somebody wants to make trouble." 


Well I was right. They do want to make trouble.

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening. And the big man walked in and laid the gun on the counter. He smirked as he saw me and said, "Wanna know what direction 5 dead boys walk?" I shook my head, I was too terrified to find out. He burst out in his evil laugh, "One Direction. If you get what I mean.."

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