Korra and Asami

By EriWinters

9.1K 170 29

*Korra and Asami's life continues after 'Ruins of the Empire'. Korra and Asami are back in Republic City foll... More

1:Finally Home
2:Living Arrangements
4:Simple Life
5:Something New
6:Drunk State
9:Dangerous Games
10: Connected
11: The Morning After
12:New Ideas
13: Dynamic Duo
14: Confidence
15: Memories
16: Control
17: Promise
18: Hope
19: Distractions
21: Long Night
22: Clarity
23: Revealed

20: Surprises

311 6 2
By EriWinters

"Her?" Korra's jaw dropped at the admission, not believing what she heard.

Kuvira halted in her actions and looked at the avatar in confusion, "Is it that hard to believe that I also like women?"

The avatar's face turned red, "N-no! I mean, I just didn't expect it that's all. But I mean, now thinking of your demeanor and personality. . ."

Kuvira laughed loudly, continuing to put her things away, "Well it's the truth, but she and I were complicated."

Korra tilted her head in curiosity, "I thought you loved Bataar."

Kuvira smiled softly, "I do, but that doesn't mean I ever stopped loving Amara. I know that whatever Bataar and I had is over, sad as it is, but that might've been a good thing."

Korra sat crisscrossed on the floor eagerly waiting to hear more, "So. . . how were you and this, Amara complicated?"

Kuvira hesitated in telling her, not embarrassed of also liking women but not wanting to overshare or burden the Avatar with such stories.

Korra seemed to understand, smiling, "Kuvira, you can talk to me. We're friends."

Kuvira was delighted to hear that, deciding to tell her, "Amara was one of the locals on the outskirts of Zaofu, a server at her father's restaurant. This was before Bataar, years before. There was just something about her. Her family had so little, close to nothing and it was obvious but she was so happy and carefree, like she had everything she ever wanted in life already. At the time, I wasn't mentally okay. I was hot-headed and miserable all the time but when I stepped foot in that restaurant and saw the way she acted, the way she moved, the relationship she had with her father. . . I wanted that. A life of simplicity and happiness, of feeling wanted and loved, because if someone who grew up with almost nothing can achieve that, why couldn't I?"

Korra was listening intently, enjoying the way Kuvira told her story.

Kuvira chuckled a little, "I sat there for hours, having finished my food a long time ago but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. If anything, I wanted to be friends with her at the time, romance hadn't even yet crossed my mind, not with another woman anyway. I don't know if it was me watching her or the expression on my face but she approached me at my table and sat across from me smirking."

Kuvira sighed, blushing lightly, "I was a little rude to her at first. She told me I had been staring at her most of the evening and, of course, I was but I didn't think she noticed and I snapped at her, telling her that I wasn't and that she was imagining things but she didn't get upset, she just smiled and told me I looked like I needed a friend. That's pretty much where it all started.  After that, I would go to the restaurant often. She would work and after, we would spend time together, talking, and laughing, sometimes after a hard day in Zaofu she would find me by the river and sit with me, telling me how one day she wanted a nice house overlooking the valley, that if she ever wanted to live with anyone, it would be me, and I indulged her of course but I realized later on how she meant it."

"So, when did you two start, you know?" Korra asked, wanting to hear where the romance began.

"Well, that's the thing, it was more of an unspoken longing I guess you can say. Over time, our hugs got longer, the touches on each other hands and arms would linger, our faces would be mere inches apart whenever we spoke but we never really did anything about it. I was young, confused and so serious all the time, I knew I was starting to feel something I just didn't know what and it scared me. I imagine she also didn't know what she was feeling either."

Suddenly Kuvira's demeanor changed and her shoulders sagged, "Then I ruined it."

Korra was a little taken aback, "How?"

"One day, I was so upset with Su I can't even remember why, but I was mad, hurting and so overwhelmed by what I was starting to feel for Amara, I decided to take control and go for it. When she came to see me at the river, she asked what was wrong but I didn't answer, I simply held her face and kissed her."

Korra's eyes lit up but Kuvira was still so down about what she had said, "Isn't that a good thing?"

"At the time, I thought it was. She kissed me back and then she pulled away as if I'd burned her. Neither one of us said anything and then she simply turned around and left me standing there. For weeks after that, I would go to our spot, but she would never show and then I tried going to the restaurant but she'd hide in the back and I knew that whatever I thought we had was over. I don't know, I just. . . I grew angry with her. I felt like she had abandoned me with no warning and it hurt."

Korra sighed, "That doesn't mean you ruined it, Kuvira. She wasn't ready at the time, that's all. Coming out isn't exactly an easy thing to do."

Kuvira closed her eyes, "That's not how I ruined it."

"Oh. . ."

"One day, I was at the river a few months later having just started my training as a member in the Zaofu Guard, when she had appeared. At that point, I had already hardened my heart, pushed my feelings away, and only focused on my success. She greeted me, but I ignored her, just staring out at the water. She kept trying to talk to me which only upset me more and then I yelled at her. I told her to leave me alone and that I never wanted to see her again. I told her that whatever friendship we had, was over."

"Oh, Kuvira," Korra whispered with a shake of her head.

"I know, I know. . . I was hurting, miserable once again, and embarrassed by what had transpired the last time we were together and instead of hearing her out and communicating I just snapped. I haven't seen her since." Kuvira finished in a dull tone.

"But you would like to?" Korra asked hopefully.

Kuvira turned to look at her, "Of course I would like to. I know who I am now and I'm hoping she does as well. I want the opportunity to at least apologize to her and explain myself. Possibly even. . . start something with her."

"Then why don't you?"

Kuvira scoffed, "Korra, I haven't seen her in years. Not to mention, I'm sure she knows about 'Kuvira the Great Uniter' and all I've done. She probably sees me as a monster now just like everyone else. There's no point. I lost her, I lost Bataar. . . I'm probably just meant to be alone."

Korra frowned, "That's not true and you're not alone. You've redeemed yourself wonderfully and you continue to do so every day. You've made mistakes, but you have also taken accountability and that means more than anything else. I know it may not mean much coming from me, but. . . I'm really proud of you, Kuvira."

Kuvira was so shocked by those words from the avatar, not having heard them in such a long time, it does meant a lot to her. She couldn't help the tear that ran down her cheek and she swiped it away quickly.

"Thank you, Avatar."

Korra stood and made her way to the door, feeling closer to Kuvira, happy to have her as a friend and confidant.

"I think you should talk to Asami about one day wanting a home with her in the future, a home that isn't here," Kuvira said, which stopped Korra in her tracks.

The avatar sighed, "With everything going on, I don't want to upset her."

Kuvira nodded, "Well, with everything going on, spirits forbid, you may not have another chance to speak of these things with her. Take it from someone who has regrets. Let her know you plan to spend the rest of your life with her, Korra."

With that, Korra left the room and Kuvira left the mansion to meet up with the others.

The avatar decided she was going to pick Asami up later, she didn't want to be a bother while her girlfriend worked. She thought of Kuvira's words and found that the earthbender was right. She needed to tell Asami that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with her, that she wanted to build a home and future with her but that she wanted it to be somewhere new, a fresh start. She was hoping Asami would feel the same way and the more she thought about it, the more excited she became. Asami and her side-by-side forever was an amazing thought.

She wanted to show Asami how much she appreciated her, especially amidst all the hard work she has been doing. Korra happily ran down the steps and called for Naga who appeared in seconds, hopping on her back and heading to the outskirts of the city.

She bit her lip finding the perfect shop and hopped off her companion, heading inside and ringing the bell on the counter for assistance, smiling at the older woman who approached from the back.


The old woman nodded at her, and Korra looked around the jewelry shop in wonder. She wanted to wait until after all of this blows over to get a ring, but a necklace would do nicely for Asami. She examined all of the jewelry, smiling at a gold chain with a cute pendant, pointing it out.

"Can I get this one?"

The woman grimaced, "Is this for a man?"

Korra frowned, "Um, no? A woman, my girlfriend actually."

The woman's face scrunched up in disgust and she shook her head, "I will not sell this to you."

Korra was startled, "Why not?"

"Same-sex couples should not exist, it isn't natural. Take your business elsewhere!" The woman raised her voice, but Korra still stood there confused. 

"What? Why? No! I have the money, I just-"



The woman grew angrier and threw the counter bell at Korra who was too stunned to stop it, hissing lightly when it hit her cheekbone. The woman seemed surprised when she hit Korra, probably not intending to strike her. Korra didn't get angry, she was just so, surprised. She had not yet had to deal with someone so blunt and opinionated with her lifestyle, that she didn't even resist when the woman ushered her out hastily, closing the door in her face. The avatar stood there for a while, not believing what just happened.

She looked down at her feet feeling defeated, her cheekbone throbbing. That woman sure does have an arm on her, that's for sure. She slowly approached Naga, not expecting her eyes to fill with tears. Naga whined and Korra wrapped her arms around her, needing comfort in this moment.

"It doesn't matter what she or anyone else thinks. I belong with Asami, I love her," Korra muttered quietly, climbing on top of Naga once more commanding her to walk away.

Korra intended to get a gift for her girlfriend, but her mood was now sour and she couldn't shake the feeling of being treated so unfairly. As the avatar, you have some wins and losses but this wasn't like anything she ever experienced before and it left her feeling uncomfortable and hurt.

She knew people like that existed, she just never thought it would be like that. That old woman disapproved of her lifestyle to the point of being willing to inflict physical pain on her. Korra rubbed her cheek subconsciously, lost in thought as Naga walked through the streets of the city, barely noticing when she stopped right in front of Asami's current workplace.

She must have been right on time because Asami exited the building and rushed over to Korra looking happier and accomplished. She smiled at Korra but the gesture wasn't returned as the avatar kept her head turned away. Asami grew confused as she climbed on top of Naga right behind Korra, holding her waist causing the avatar to tense.

"Is everything alright?" Asami asked worriedly.

"Yeah," Korra responded, looking straight ahead and nudging Naga who took off running.

Asami knew something was off, it was obvious. She had never seen Korra this way before, it wasn't like her at all. Whatever expression was on her face wasn't one Asami had ever seen on her. Her concern grew as they reached the mansion.

Asami hopped off of Naga and Korra climbed down slower than normal, petting Naga's head before walking toward the mansion. Asami followed close behind her as they walked inside, she couldn't take it anymore.

She grabbed Korra's hand and pulled her back to face her, needing to know what happened, "Korra what-"

Asami gasped lightly at the purple bruise on Korra's cheekbone, it wasn't big but it looked like it hurt. Korra didn't say anything, she only looked down at the floor wearing a very downhearted expression.

Asami cupped her face, "Korra, what happened?"

Korra shook her head, removing Asami's hand from her face, "It doesn't matter."

Asami's eyebrows furrowed, "Well, it matters to me."

Korra kept her eyes down and took a small step back from Asami, getting those old feelings of insecurity and shyness from when she first moved in and Korra hated it. She was meant to address their future together, to give her a gift for all she has done, to talk with her, but now was not the time.

Asami felt hurt when Korra backed away and watched as she walked down the hall, having no idea what to do. She has never seen Korra like this and she has seen the avatar at some of her lowest points, so whatever happened was serious and enough to hurt Korra's spirit.

Asami followed after her into the living space and gently pulled Korra by the arm all the way to the couch, until they were both seated, facing each other. If anything, Korra looked in disbelief almost, like she was processing something.

Asami gripped her chin and tilted her head up until Korra's blue eyes met hers, "Korra, tell me where you got that bruise and what has you feeling like this right now."

Asami's command was gentle yet firm, the non-bender ready to go to war for the woman before her over the smallest inconvenience.

Korra knew she already had a busy day, she didn't want to make it worse, but it would be even more terrifying not to listen to Asami Sato, so she played with her fingers nervously, telling her.

"I wanted to get you a gift, so I went to a shop and the woman wasn't too happy about me trying to get something for another girl. She refused to sell anything to me, she said same-sex couples are unnatural, that we shouldn't exist and I was just trying to understand but she got mad and she threw the counter bell at me." Korra said with furrowed eyebrows, her cheeks tinted pink as she ran her fingers over her cheekbone in remembrance.

Asami clenched her jaw and Korra watched as her face turned red in anger, surprised at her reaction.

Asami stood up, fists tight in fury, "Take me there."

Korra grimaced, "No, Asami."

"What do you mean no? Take me there now."

"She is just a bitter old woman stuck in her old-fashioned ways. She isn't the first and won't be the last," Korra replied with a shrug.

"I don't care, you take me there now, Korra. That isn't right! She disrespected you, the avatar. She physically harmed you! This isn't acceptable!" Asami exclaimed angrily.

"I just don't understand," Korra whispered, shaking her head in disappointment, tears filling her eyes, "Why are people like that? Is this what we will deal with for the rest of our lives?"

Asami was still hot with anger but her expression softened at Korra's tears and words. She sat back down, pulling Korra to her body tightly, placing a hand on the back of her head realizing that Korra wasn't used to this kind of ridicule.

Asami, being a well-known CEO, was used to disrespect, sexism, and homophobia seeing as she is constantly around small-minded strangers with wreckless words and opinions amidst their business deals. For Korra, most of the time, she works with people she knows and loves, people who typically accept and admire her as the avatar, so this was new for her.

"Don't listen to her. She's wrong, and so horrible for making you feel that way and I'm so sorry you went through that alone, Korra," Asami pulled away, watching the light start to return to Korra's eyes with her words.

"I'm glad I was alone, I wouldn't have wanted you to be there," Korra admitted in a grim tone.

Asami eyed the bruise, growing upset again, "I love you more than anything in this world, Korra. What people say about us doesn't matter to me, but that does not give anyone the right to physically hurt someone. I want to know what shop this is and who that woman was."

Korra looked away, once again denying her, "No. I could've stopped the bell. . . easily. I was just a little surprised by it all, too stunned to do anything honestly. I froze, that's all."

Asami grew impatient, "That isn't the point Korra. Why won't you tell me?"

Korra took her hands, rubbing circles on the back of them with her thumbs attempting to calm her down, "Because you're angry right now-"

"Damn right, I'm angry!" Asami exclaimed. 

"And also, she isn't worth my time or yours for that matter, Asami. We have too much on our plates to worry about something like this." Korra spoke calmly.

Asami knew she was being reasonable but she held firm, "I don't like what she said to you. I hate that she hurt you in more ways than one and I also don't appreciate you not telling me. This isn't okay."

Korra looked down in guilt, "I understand. I knew it would upset you like this, which is why I didn't want to tell you. You're working so hard and I'm only making it harder."

Asami grit her teeth in frustration, gripping Korra's chin and pulling her head up a little rougher than expected, "You didn't make anything hard, I am upset, but it's not your fault. I'm glad you told me. I don't want you feeling doubtful about who you are and it just, infuriates me that this happened, that's all. You're too sweet sometimes."

Korra gave her a small smile and Asami's eyes softened at those big blue eyes. She leaned in and kissed the bruise tenderly before kissing Korra's lips.

"All that matters is us, do you understand me?" Asami's words brightened Korra's mood and she nodded in agreement.


Asami huffed lightly, letting her anger go, for now, knowing Korra needed her to be calm at this moment, "I love you, Avatar."

"I love you too."


I know this kind of hatred happens and I hate that it does. It is definitely something that needed to be addressed at some point and I know it's an uncomfortable topic but I hope those of you having any kind of doubts about who you are can feel inspired to just ignore the hatred and live life how you see fit:)

Keep reading and know you're amazing!

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