Saving Grace

By TheQuietHufflepuff

3.3K 68 0

Emma Rodriguez should be dead. But she finds herself very much alive. As it would turn out, one closest to... More

Aesthetic and Playlist


23 1 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff

Lori Talbot walked up behind the Jeep. "Lori..." Scott began.

She cut him off. "I found this." She held up a bloody lacrosse stick. "It's Brett's, and he's missing, and I hear gunshots."

Scott frowned. "How do you know it's his blood?"

Lori met his eyes. "Because he's my brother. It's mine too."

She led Scott and Emma to Brett and Liam. Malia joined a short time later. Liam found an arrow. "Here."

Scott turned to Lori. "I think he set a trap. He's fighting back. And now we know he's alive."

She nodded. "But he's still hurt. We need to find him. He needs to know we're here."

She prepared to howl, but Malia stopped her. "You want the hunters to know we're here too?"

Liam frowned. "He's new. We can take him."

"What if Brett howls back?" Malia countered. "He'll lead the hunter right to him."

Scott shook his head. "No, we can find him. There's no human that can track sounds faster than we can. And we've got the advantage; we've done this before. We know what we're doing, guys."

Malia focused on catching a scent and frowned. "How come I can't catch his scent?"

"He's masking it," Lori told them.

"Can someone tell him not to?"

Liam noticed a set of tracks. "He went this way."

Lori followed Liam while Emma, Scott and Malia remained behind.

Scott turned to his friends. "His trap didn't work."

Malia shrugged. "Maybe this hunter is not such an amateur."

"Or maybe he's still learning."

The trio caught up to Liam and Lori who were still searching for Brett's trail.

Malia stopped. "The trail's gone."

Scott frowned. "Uh, maybe he just stopped bleeding."

"God, I think we should split up," Liam suggested. "Lori and I go this way, you guys go that way. Emma goes with one group or the other. Or maybe we go in four directions?"

Enma shook her head. "No. Right now we have the advantage. It's five against one."

Liam met her eyes and began arguing. "Not if we split up. Right. I've been doing this the past three months without your help. I think I can make a decision."

"Sure. Maybe you can, but I don't think you've dealt with hunters before."

Malia frowned. "Well, if you're deciding to do something stupid and die, then go ahead."

"It's one hunter, one amateur who doesn't know what they're doing," Liam reasoned.

"Scott?" Malia called, seeing that he'd stopped.

Emma knelt next to Scott as they looked at the tracks on the ground. Scott met her eyes. "There's another."

"Two of them?"

Scott turned to Lori. "Maybe more."

"How many hunters have you seen out here before?" Lori asked.

"A lot."

Malia glanced at Liam. "Still wanna split up?"

Liam shrugged. "We can deal with it. We just need to find Brett's trail."

They trekked on and Lori stopped in front of a pile of rocks. "No, we don't. Rock balancing. Satomi taught us. It's him, and I know where he's going."

As they trudged through the tunnels, Lori's panic worsened. "He's been poisoned. That's why he's not healing. What if he only has a few hours left to live?"

Liam flicked his eyes to her. "Well, if we howl, we can find him."

"That's too risky," Malia said.

Lori glared at Malia. "Who cares about the risk? He could be dying."

Emma pointed to a set of tracks. "He's still on the move."

Scott sighed. "We just need time to think."

Lori turned to Scott. "I need him to know that I'm here, that I'm coming for him."

Liam nodded. "Yeah, Lori's right. He has to know we're here." He readied to roar.

"Liam, wait!" Malia and Emma cried.

He ignored them and let out a loud roar that echoed through the tunnels.

They waited silently for an answer, but nothing sounded back.

Lori let out a frustrated sigh. "Why didn't he answer? Maybe, maybe he didn't hear us. Maybe he can't."

As she spoke, she didn't pay attention to where she was going and tripped a wired trap. "Lori, Emma, no!" Scott cried, pushing them out of the way at the last second and getting an arrow in his stomach.

"Scott!" Emma and Malia yelled.

He gave them a pained smile. "I'm okay, Emma, Malia. I'm okay."

The three of them pulled the arrow out and Malia applied pressure to the wound as Scott said, "They knew we were coming."

Malia shook her head. "Don't talk, just heal, and let us figure this out."

Scott ignored her. "They've been a step ahead of us the whole time."

Lori shook her head impatiently. "I'm sorry, but I can't wait around. We have to go."

Liam nodded. "We still have the numbers, five-to-two. We're faster and we're stronger."

"They're smarter," Scott warned.

Lori narrowed her eyes. "I don't care who's smarter or faster or whatever. My brother's going to die."

Scott frowned. "Something's not right. That arrow, the tripwire, the poison. These aren't amateurs."

Liam turned to him. "But they've never fought us before."

"And, like Tabitha said earlier, you've never fought hunters, Liam. We need to stick together."

Lori's eyes widened, panicking. "I need to go."

Scott shook his head. "No, you're not going alone."

She ran off and Liam stuttered out, "I'll... I'll go with you."

Scott looked at him. "Liam, you don't know who they are or what they're capable of."

Liam narrowed his eyes. "Look, I know who we are. We never give up, especially when it's someone who's innocent, when it's someone alone, when it's one of our friends."

Scott turned to Liam and winced. "Okay, go, go. All of you. I'll catch up. Go, Malia, Emma. Go with them." He tried to stand and fell back down. "I just need a minute. Go."

Malia stayed with Scott and Emma, after more urging from Scott, ran after Liam and Lori. She caught up to hear Liam ask, "Which way?"

"There's got to be something," Emma mumbled.

Liam nodded. "Did he leave anything for you to find, like, like a signal, or, more rocks?"

Lori shook her head. "I don't see anything. I don't hear anything."

"He'll be okay," Emma reassured.

Lori frowned at her. "How do you know?"

The blonde wasn't sure how to best answer so Liam said, "'Cause... 'Cause he's strong. He's the king of okay."

Lori let out a sigh and Liam continued. "He's really strong. He's knocked me down on the lacrosse field more than once. Now, when I see him coming, I do everything I can do to get the hell out of the way."

Lori smiled. "Brett actually started playing lacrosse for me."

"For you?" Liam and Emma asked.

She nodded. "I didn't have any friends at my old school. Devenford Prep needed lacrosse players, and Brett practiced all summer. And he got a scholarship and told them that they had to take me if they wanted him."

Emma glanced at Lori. "We're going to find him."

"I hope so." She stopped and turned to Liam. "Do you smell that?"

Liam nodded. "It's... it's sour."

"It smells like something's rotting."

"I think it's poison."

Emma looked between them. "Then you two use your werewolf smell and lead us to where he is."

They trekked through the tunnels and eventually, Lori let out an annoyed sigh. "They all look the same. Are you sure we're going the right way?"

Liam glanced at her. "I'm positive. I've gotten lost down here before, more than once. Just follow the scent."

Lori pursed her lips. "I hate that scent."

"Wait. I hear something. It sounds like..."

"A heartbeat," Lori finished, glancing between Liam and Emma before running toward the sound.

Lori sighed. "Brett!"

They found him slumped over a crate and black goo leaked from his eyes, nose and mouth. He smiled at his sister. "You found the rocks."

She chuckled. "Yeah, I found the rocks."

He looked to the other teens. "Liam. Emma."

"Hey, we're gonna get you out of here," Liam told him.

Brett frowned. "You two are dumbasses for doing this."

Liam scoffed. "Oh, is that your way of thanking us?"

Emma shrugged. "Well I'm not gonna wait for Stiles to get back to do something stupid. It's guaranteed he will, so waiting is pointless."

"No, that's my way of calling you two dumbasses," Brett said. "But, thanks."

A bright light flashed, causing an explosion.

"They're coming," Lori warned.

Liam nodded. "Okay, go. We'll hold them off."

Brett and Lori ran off and Emma asked, "Ready?"

Liam nodded. "Ready."

He perked up and Emma tilted her head. "What is it? What do you hear?"

"A sonic emitter," he said, pulling it from the wall and throwing it to the ground.

The blonde's eyes widened. "Liam, this is a trap! We have to stop them!"

The two yelled after the siblings, "Lori, no! Lori, wait! Lori, wait!"

They reached a ladder with a manhole leading outside. Emma heard a slam and climbed the ladder, seeing Lori holding her brother's hand. Liam jumped out, werewolf features showing.

"No..." Liam whispered.

Lori sobbed and told her brother, "Close your eyes."

She looked at Emma and Liam. "I couldn't take away his pain."

Lori's eyes closed for the last time.

Liam roared, bearing his fangs and yellow eyes.

A crowd of people stared at them.

Emma caught sight of Gerard and glared at him.

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