#LoveSTAY - Stray kids x read...

By ih3artskz143

49.4K 715 1.7K

stray kids x reader scenarios, imagines and reactions that hopefully won't make you absolutely cringe and die... More

When they have a crush on you
How you make them blush
Morning cuddles
Them being bothered/upset
Your guys' song
Ways they show they love you
Late night texts
Stray kids in British secondary schools
You have a crush on him and he finds out
Someone hitting on you
You being upset
Christmas with them
You got your wisdom teeth taken out
2 months vs 2 years
Confessions and time taken
Them getting a bit too drunk
Getting ready together
You struggling to sleep
Movie night
Trips/ holidays with them
Them as love languages
Them getting in a physical fight
You call them by their full name
You're sick
Arguments with them
How they like their kisses
You feel bad about yourself
Cooking adventures
Meeting their parents
Them meeting your parents
You end up in hospital
When they're away on tour
First 'I love you'
Stray Kids as friends to lovers tropes
Your outfit is revealing
Ideal date

Them getting clingy

1.5K 20 143
By ih3artskz143


-it was early morning and you only just got up, drowsily making your way over to the kitchen to cook up some breakfast for your boyfriend. you tried to stay as quiet as possible, since he still had plenty of time to sleep and an extremely tiring, scheduled afternoon ahead of him. the plan was to put together a tasty breakfast filled with love and bring it up to bed for him, to save him as much energy as possible for the rest of his day

-as you leapt from cabinet to cabinet to reach for ingredients, a pair of hands firmly made their way onto both sides of your waist, keenly pulling you into the warmth of a clearly very clingy chan, who was now pressing fluttering kisses into the back of your neck

''baby, hey, did I wake you up?'' you hummed, tilting your head back to rest it against his chest for a moment before getting back to cutting some fruits and vegetables, ''were you not sleeping when I got up?''

''sleep? what is that? I only know [name] and having my arms around her'' he mumbled, clearly still half asleep himself with his cheesy jokes

''you're still sleepy!'' you giggled, putting down your utensils to rotate yourself around to face chan whilst he still kept his arms longingly around you, ''go lay down whilst you can still fall asleep, I need a little bit more time to finish breakfast for you, love''

''no, I'll stay here and watch my beautiful girlfriend cook, it's so satisfying'' he mumbled, spinning you back around by turning your waist and resting his chin on your head. he paused for a moment, before proceeding to inhale the top of your head as if it was some sort of astonishing fragrance, ''new shampoo? your head smells heavenly''

''that tickles'' you whined, lowering your head to make your hair fall over your ears, attempting to cover the red hue they were turning after hearing his attentive comment on your new shampoo. it's the most attractive thing ever that he notices all the little details, it makes you fumble for him all over again every time he mentions something like that

-you bounced around the kitchen, a pair of hands on your waist following your every footstep and refusing to let go for even a second

''I don't want to go to work today'' he mumbled into the crook of your neck, once again synchronising his steps with yours so he could follow you everywhere, ''not when I can stay here with you''

''don't act like a big baby'' you giggled, reaching your hand over to the back of your head to feed chan some of the fresh fruit you just chopped up, ''when you come back, I'll give you any of the affection you want''

-it went quiet for a moment before you heard a snicker from behind your ear


''chan!'' you whined, instantly turning around to give him a flustered slap on the arm

-when the time came for him to go to work, he walked out of the door backwards so that he was still facing you with those big eyes and that tempting pout that just made you want to pull him back inside and cuddle him to death

''I'll be back soon, I promise'' he said sadly with a child-like parting wave, missing you already even though he wasn't even out of the door properly yet

''I know you will, I'll be waiting'' you giggled, stepping forward to give him one last kiss on the cheek before waving your hands to indicate he needs to hurry up, shutting the door behind him with an amorous smile

Lee Know

''can you move a little closer?'' he asked timidly, fully aware that you couldn't get any closer without climbing onto his lap since you were practically already touching side by side

-you were both sat at each others' side doing your own thing whilst half-attentively watching the same show on the TV, it was just one of those moments where you enjoyed the silent company of the other person

''hm? what was that?'' you asked, genuinely not hearing what it was he said but to him, he thought you were teasing him for seeking your attention

''no, no, never mind'' he murmured, putting his knees back up against his chest, which he previously put down in the hope that you would be sat there instead

''wait nooo- what was it actually?'' you whined pleadingly, upset that you actually didn't hear him

''forget it'' he smiled bashfully, disappointed that his attempt, which took a lot of guts to ask for, didn't get him what he wanted

-you shrugged it off and carried on with whatever you were doing, half switching your brain off when suddenly it clicked in your brain, 'can you move a little closer?', you cursed yourself for the late reaction and understanding, but it was better late than never

''oh! oh my god I only just now comprehended what I heard'' you giggled, rising up from your current position beside him and pressing down his two knees with your hands, indicating for him to make space in his lap for you

''took you long enough'' he grinned, letting out a sigh of relief that he didn't just get accidentally turned down when asking for something out of his usual comfort zone

-you crawled into his lap, snugly melting in his hold and resting your head on his chest, on which you could hear his unusually fast heartbeat

''you good? your heart is racing'' you whispered, worried he was going into cardiac arrest or something

''me? yeah, I'm okay'' he voiced faintly. indeed, his heart was racing, but that was due to a certain someone vulnerably and safely lying in his warmth, making him oddly nervous

-he refused to move even the slightest bit since you looked so comfortable, even when he was dying from boredom at the tedious show playing on the big screen in front, which was boring you just as much

-you tried to lean forward out of minho's lap for just a moment, so that you could reach for the remote and turn something more interesting on, only to be pulled back into his embrace even closer than before, his face now nuzzled into the back of your shoulder

"look, I know I'm a hardass, but let's stay like this for a moment '' he mumbled as he locked his arms around your waist, at which you giggled hearing his very direct and needy request 

''this is so unexpected and cute, but I'm here for it''

''you'll NEVER try bringing this up to tease me'' he commanded firmly, before shutting his eyes and allowing himself to relax with the warmth of his adored girlfriend, all his

''yes sir''


-he's a sucker for cuddles and attention, he can't go a day without you coddling him, so when he is  forced into a day or two without this much-needed notice from you due to his busy life, he'll have to make up for all the cuddles and love lost in a short period of time so that it doesn't overlap with his usual attention time too

"[name]... pay attention to me!" your boyfriend whined, unable to spend even a minute away from you when you stood up to run some errands that were set back by a certain distraction...changbin

"huh? we were just cuddling two minutes ago!" you tittered, giving him a downturned smile as you tried to hide how obsessed you were with his clinginess

 "what's your point? I want a kiss right now!!"

-'no more distractions' you thought to yourself, knowing you had to get your tasks done otherwise you'd be set back for the following week and struggle to complete them during your upcoming busy schedule. you fully focused on doing what had to be done and shut everything else out to work hard

-however, an unsettling silence made its way through your house, distracting you even more than the usual thunderous and menacing behaviour caused by your boyfriend. it almost seemed unnatural for it to ever be this quiet, it made you wonder what could possibly be the reason for this unfamiliar sound, did something happen?

-little did you know your surprisingly intelligent boyfriend knew very well that lowering his volume was the best way to get your attention, he knew you better than you did, so it wasn't difficult for him to figure out that you'd make your way over to him if you heard the noise level go so low

-you entered the living room, where your boyfriend was comfortably positioned on the sofa, looking at you with a sheepish smile. you tilted your head with furrowed eyebrows as if to ask him for an explanation for his tomfoolery, only to receive a blank shrug back

''what, have you gone non-verbal now in protest of my refusal to cuddle you?'' you asked, to which he responded with a vigorous nod. you scoffed and chuckled to yourself, making your way over to wriggle onto his chest and let him wrap his arms around you, something he's been craving for the past 8 minutes since you got up

''now, if I stay like this for a little longer, will you please let me complete a few chores baby?'' you asked, listening delicately to his heartbeat

''no, you're staying like this with me forever'' he mumbled, locking his arms around you in a way you had no chance of escaping his embrace from, consistently caressing the back of your head 

''...the things I do for you'' you whispered with a giggle, making yourself comfortable as you snuggled your face into his chest, giving up on the possibility of getting your errands done any time soon when you have a whole boyfriend to take care of right now


''[NAME!]'' you heard your boyfriend scream, followed by thudding footsteps rushing down the steps the moment you entered through the door

''hey baby-'' you didn't get to finish him before being engulfed by his arms, which clutched onto you as if you hadn't seen him in a week, even though it had been one work shift, 8 hours, since he last saw you

''I can't believe you left me here all alone on my day off, I missed you like crazy!''

''someone's feeling needy today, hm?'' you teased, running your hands through his silky hair

''no, you don't understand. you shouldn't be allowed to just leave me like that all day, we're a package deal [name]!'' he sulked

-with a huge grin, you rolled your eyes playfully and proceeded to take your outdoor clothes off to get comfortable, it felt nice to come home to such a fond and intimate boyfriend

- you roamed through your home, getting unready after a long day and placing your bags, keys, etc all back where they belonged. as you did this, your boyfriend's eyes wandered after you as he stood in place, frowning with a huff impatiently

''...what?'' you grinned, unsure as to what his problem could possibly be now

''hurry up!''

-after what seemed like forever to hyunjin, you made your way over to the sofa where you lay down on your back, aimlessly scrolling on your phone

-within seconds, you heard the same thudding you did previously, soon followed up by your boyfriend crawling on top of you and sticking his head through the little gap between your chest and the phone you were holding, comfortably lying down on your chest

''your boobs are my favourite pillow'' he deadpanned, lifting his head for a moment to give you a smug bring before dropping his head back down, "can you sing something to me?''

''pfft'' you giggled, trying not to burst out into uncontrollable laughter at his absurd request "shut up... you're so damn cute..."

-he smiled at you proudly, knowing he succeeded in making you give in to his annoying clinginess as he watched your hand make way to his hair, gently brushing through thick strands of it whilst you scrolled on your phone with the other, wooing him with a honeyed melody you hummed

-it was moments like these when you wished you could freeze time. your boyfriend on your chest with his arms wrapped around your waist, his face adoringly snuggled into your chest and warmth radiating onto you. it felt like some sort of fairy-tale, picturesque love, but it was real and you couldn't be more grateful


-finally, you had some alone time to recharge your battery after a long, hectic few days of socialising with far more people than you wished to and working harder than usual. you stood beside your bed and trusted yourself enough to fall backwards onto it, letting out a huge sign once your head landed safely

''so real'' jisung commented, knowing exactly what it feels like to be exhausted from a huge workload and drained of ability to socialise, ''but I'm in a clingy and annoying mood so you'll have to deal with me''

''thanks for the heads up'' you said, laughing softly at how straight-forward what he said was, without realising he was actually going to act upon it so fast, jumping onto the bed beside you, almost knocking you off with the force he caused, since you were almost on the edge

-he shuffled over to you, entangling his legs with yours and aggressively wriggling around in an urgent attempt to get comfy

-you feared for your life since you were centimetres away from the edge and apparently, your concern didn't prevent his sudden movements from sending you off the edge. within seconds, you were both lying on the floor in a muddled and confused state, because of course, you grasped onto his arms as you began to roll off the bed to yank him down alongside you. if one goes down so does the other, right?

''let's stay like this'' he said, making himself comfortable on the floor with his hands and legs all over you

''okay, okay fine I'll cuddle you and all but let's get back on the bed, you've knocked all the pillows and blankets down with us too!'' you whined, trying to pry his entire weight off you with your legs and arms, only to fail

''no you're going to run away from me'' he whispered, lifting himself ever so slightly to push the pillow under your head so it's more comfortable for you

-soon you settled on staying on the floor, and surprisingly it became quite comfortable. soon enough, you were leeching onto each other with arms around the other's waist, acting as if some unknown force was trying to pull you part. you conversed on random topics and found yourselves discussing the entire story of how it happened that you met and fell in love with each other

''you-you remember that day?'' you gasped, hearing the little details of your chain of events that led this couple to existence ''I thought it was only me who remembered since you know, I had a big fat crush on you and stuff without you knowing''

''of course I do! I was head over heels for you then baby, you know?''

''so how come you remember these little details but you can't remember when I asked you to tidy up your clothes yesterday?'' you questioned, raising a brow at him sassily 

''oh...well-well, uhm-'' he chuckled nervously, suddenly getting up from his 'so comfortable he can't physically move' position and getting ready to make a run for it "I was being an idiot...?" 

"wow, what a shocking revelation!" you said, watching your boyfriend slowly take steps in the opposite direction to you before sprinting at full sleep

''u-uh,  ji get back over here!'' you squealed, getting up to chase and playfight him as if you were 5 again, ''now YOU'RE gonna have to deal with me!''


''stay, [name]''

-an even huskier, deeper than usual morning felix spoke to you as you tried to lift yourself from bed, hands making their way onto your waist and securing you back into his hold

''my god lix, I didn't know your voice could go even deeper'' you groaned, still half asleep yourself, ''it's like you just went through puberty all over again''

-responding with no words, instead a drowsy groan, your boyfriend pulled you into a secure koala hug that there was no getting out of, despite the fact you had an online meeting in a short while which you had no choice but to attend

''you know I have to attend the meeting, I told you yesterday'' you whispered, wriggling around a bit to loosen his hold

''I know, but you can't attend it if I don't let go, I want cuddles'' 

''you know I have no choice'' you said in a conflicting tone, putting your hands on his arms and gently pulling them off your waist so you could get up. you too wanted to stay in bed with him, but turns out adult life isn't all that great and work isn't optional

''woww, do you even love me?!'' he moaned dramatically, chucking the duvet aside and sliding down the side of your bed, eventually making it down to the floor which he lay flat on, stretching like a newborn baby

''really baby, really?'' you chuckled, watching him act as if he just received the worst news ever, ''I promise once it's over, I'm all yours''

-after you freshened up in the bathroom and got ready for the day, you found your boyfriend in the exact same position you left him in, on the floor with his legs and arms stretched out as much as possible

''what are you doing?!'' you chuckled, pulling out your camera to take photos for your collection of the embarrassing photos you'd be posting on his birthday

''I'm protesting.''

''alright then, you keep protesting''

-you sat down in the living room and began your meeting, which luckily didn't require you to have your camera on. it was monotonous and all you could hear was your boss yapping about some new project nobody would be remembering by tomorrow, you'd much rather be cuddling or spending time with your boyfriend right now

-as if right on cue, your boyfriend trudged out of your bedroom, dragging himself towards you, hair messy and shirt still half lifted up the way sliding out of bed left it. he leaned over to double-check the camera wasn't on before making silly faces, talking with his hand and pretending to say what your boss was saying in mockery, resulting in you slapping a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from cackling

''if you can't come to the cuddles, the cuddles will come to you'' he mumbled after you've both calmed down from his fooling about, taking a seat directly behind you on the sofa and wrapping his legs and arms around you, almost making you burst out in giggles from how much his hands on your waist tickled for a moment

''sorry, what was that, Miss [last name]?'' your boss asked, a frown appearing on his face

''nothing sir, please continue!''

- your eyes widened and you put a finger to your lip, pointing to the microphone 'on' symbol on your screen with your other hand. your boyfriend responded with a lazy nod and placed his heavy head on your shoulder, pleased that he found a way to cuddle you even when you ran away from him to attend this, in his opinion, useless meeting

''I told you, you should've stayed in bed with me'' he whispered in your ear, leaving a wet kiss on your neck before laying his head back down and snoozing off again


-unfortunately for your boyfriend, you were extremely focused on something on your computer and were typing away without paying attention to him, something he really needed today

''[name], how much longer is it going to take you? I'm so bored!'' he whined, hoping he could at least receive a quick kiss in compensation for his wait. he sat on the opposite side of the living room, impatiently wriggling around to try and distract himself for time to pass quicker. maybe if he pretends like he's not bothered by how long he has to wait before he has the opportunity to cuddle you, time will pass faster than if he makes it obvious it's irritating him

''just a little bit longer baby, I'll be done soon I promise'' you replied, your eyes not shifting the slightest bit from your screen

-suddenly, seungmin got one of his genius ideas and knew exactly how to get the desired attention from you with just a single quick action that would leave you baffled

- as you fixated on the glowing screen in front of you, your boyfriend walked up to you and gently placed his hand on your chin, tilting it in his direction before leaning down and giving you an unanticipated, steamy kiss. before you even had the chance to put your hands on his neck and hungrily deepen the kiss, he pulled away and with a smug grin, walked away without saying anything about what he just did

''huh, wait-min what was that? come back- wait!!'' you gasped, finally being pulled away from the computer you were glued to due to this unexpected action, ''noo come back don't you want my kiss?!''

-strutting away with a huge smile, he knew he succeeded in his little plan; by giving you his one cheeky kiss and then walking away, he'd lured YOU into wanting more despite it being HIM who was initially feeling a bit clingy

''hm? don't you have something important to be doing on your computer?'' he asked, dropping down on your bed grumpily

''ohh-'' you giggled, taking a seat next to him ''oh I see what's going on here!''

-you patted your lap, gesturing for him to lay his head down, which he did without any hesitation

''you're so needy, aren't you!?'' you cooed, ruffling his hair friskily before gently brushing through it 

''yeah I am, so what?'' he hummed, shutting his eyes and slowly dozing off from the pure bliss of you stroking through his hair, satisfied that he got his way in the end ''if you carry on like this, I might fall asleep''

''I don't see you like this often'' you said, which was true. it wasn't often you got to see your boyfriend act so clingy with you, it happened every now and then but you were usually the one clinging to him, so it was refreshing to see your boyfriend all lovey-dovey

''exactly, so make the most of it'' he mumbled, turning into his side so that he could wrap his arm around your waist whilst still keeping his head on your thighs


-you were sat on the floor in front of the big mirror, which is your favourite spot, doing your makeup out of pure boredom, despite not having anywhere to be

-you didn't even notice when exactly it was that your boyfriend sat behind you, eagerly leaning over your shoulder to look at what you were doing through the mirror, mouth agape in admiration of you

''hm?'' you asked, putting down your products and turning your head to give your boyfriend a soft smile

''nothing, nothing, just carry on I want to watch''

-and so you went back to doing what you previously were, intricately drawing fine lines on your eyelids as your boyfriend watched you in fascination, subconsciously shuffling closer and closer to you from behind

''what's that you're putting on?''

''does it tickle?''

''can I try?''

''how did you draw that line so straight?''

-he wouldn't stop bothering you and asking all about it, but you were most definitely not complaining, in fact, you found it so adorable to the point you had to pause before attempting to put any sort of product on your lips because you were grinning like a fool

-eventually, he had shuffled so close to you that his chin was resting on your shoulder, you could hear his little comments and mumbles of awe as you carried on

''okay I knew you were pretty but I've never noticed you're THIS pretty'' he stated boldly, taking a mental note that this was one of the most courageous things he's said out loud to you, but he couldn't help himself when he saw your beauty blossom even further

''you're so clingy today I love this new side to you'' you giggled, no longer able to carry on with anything when you had a very needy boyfriend right next to you, whose face you just wanted to cup and squeeze the adorableness out of

-that is exactly what you did, you dropped everything from your hands and spun around, cupping his cheeks with your two hands and watching his face turn a flustered pink

''well, isn't this what you wanted? don't be shy now'' you teased

''yeah-yeah it is but- but I-'' clearly he was malfunctioning and unable to form a proper sentence, confused as to whether he was really being THAT obvious or if you were just a crazy good mind reader. he took a deep breath and held your face too, careful not to ruin the makeup you worked so hard on, ''yeah, this is exactly what I wanted!''

-after analysing all the little details on your face lovingly and fiddling with your hair, he realised how close up to you he was and how he zoned out whilst holding you in his arms

''well,'' he cleared his throat, breaking eye contact after the shyness got to him, ''now I'm going have to take you out somewhere after all your hard work, aren't I? I can't let you put this pretty makeup to waste!''

''I'd love that''

-he got up himself and held an arm out for you, pulling you up and into a hug, his second brave move of the day, instead of just helping you get back on your feet

''just-just give me a moment'' he mumbled, shutting his eyes and resting his head on yours longingly as he tightened his hold around you

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