HIS OBSESSION (Book #3 Love S...

By missbunny_writes

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Anjali Oberoi fells in love with her bestfriend's brother but he already has a girlfriend. She thought of mov... More

New Deal
Little Dispute
Wait Is Over
Unmasking the stalker
Flirt and Fun
Calm Before The Storm
Engulfed in darkness
Do not hate him!?
Wet Dream
'I will never fall for you.'
Running Away
He is Alive!
Talk of Marriage
He is obsessed
A memorable night
She is proud of him
Loving him is the loosing game
Pre-wedding Rituals!
Grandma's Grand Entry
His Way Of Welcoming His Bride
Her teasings
His Gift
Pranking him
Finally His!
She can cook
Her way of punishing
A Long Night
Burning in vengeance
Truth Or Manipulation?!


170 5 2
By missbunny_writes

Age 24: Aniket~

I was alloted a hacker as per given by the department. It was a 19-year old sunshine girl. But her mouth as well as her work is sharp and on point. Where everyone shivers to even bat an eye to me. This girl stands confident and looks straight in my eyes. She hates it when someone calls her kiddo.I remember in our first meet she said she will hack my each and every part. I think she already did a little. She bickers with me and I fucking like it. I don't know why? Our mission is going smoothly too. In the first day of her to observe if she really is how I heard of her I tested her and she was amazing. I deliberately gave her wrong information and she corrected it immediately even came across the links I may have missed.

I see why she was alloted. She is a little special from the other ordinary ones for sure. She made the final boss admire her too when we visited club together not to forget her savageness. She has a crush too. I was shocked when I saw that blush and a shy smile on her face. The boy is lucky for sure. I hope her little heart doesn't breaks though. I don't know if she takes me as a friend or not but I do. She always tells me to visit mental asylum. I am not that much of a psycho. Fine. I am. I agree. I totally do. But I don't show it in front of her and control it too. She gives me so many names. I saw her disturbed a little yesterday. But she was back to normal after knowing the location. She called it personal but I don't mind helping if she needs.

She eats two icecream together. A real crazy one. I don't know but I fucking like it when she quivers in fear but still acts bold. Like when she saw me shoot the spy dead and hid inside the washroom. But even freaked out a little she looked dead in my eyes and said I need to get checked in mental asylum. That's the favourite word I guess of hers. Rina wanted to pick her up so I let her be. This little girl is gonna live long I think I was thinking about her and Rina has texted me that she must have picked her up. I opened the text and the words made me break the glass on floor. They took her. Fuck! I loaded my gun and told boys to follow me.

The fucker is gonna die today. He texted me the location with a video of her with him. She had blood near the corner of her lips. I was driving and looking at the video. I speeded up.

"Come fast. I need to finish you fast so my girl can live with me. She is in pain because of ropes. I can't see her in pain." He said laughing touching her hair and smelling it. I could see she was cursing and internally killing him brutally. The girl is not a scaredy cat after all. She is my wild kitten after all. What do mean by my? My internal devil screamed. She is in my team so ...mine. I shouted back at him and he just called me fucker before disappearing back in my mind.

I went to the location alone with followups backing me. Rina is keeping eyes on her so that they don't shift her and even if so we can find Anjali easily. I wore the gear inside and came out. There he was with his men. Such a sheep hiding behind more sheeps. I shoot them down and it was an intens fight. I went inside but she wasn't here nor was he. Rina told me exact location and I confused them with Viraj taking my place and I went to the location. I want to see her glimpse. I can't forgive myself if an innocent girl gets involved between gangsters not after I already know he wants her.

I sneaked in killing anyone who came infront silently. I will torchure the final boss for even thinking about her. I went inside and saw him looking at her like a love-sick puppy while she was shooting daggers at him with her pretty eyes. Fuck why am I adoring her? I shoot in air and he just chuckled at me.

"I knew you would be here after all your love is here." He said and she frowned rolling her eyes. Is the thought of being my girlfriend that untempting to her? His men from behind pointed a gun at me.

"Which will soon be my love?" He said grabbing her face and she bit his hand. That's what you get when you touch her. I smirked at him. He raised his hand to slap her and she closed her eyes but he banged the table instead.

"Babe don't anger me." He said gritting his teeth.

"Let's deal with him first then we will have a good talk." He said trying to kiss her cheek and I shoot in his direction making his gun fall from his hand and my bullet engraved in his hand. His men were about to shoot but my team took over them. They took care of others while I dealt with him. Rina opened Anjali's hands. She hugged her. She was scared all this time for Anjali's safety. I tied the final boss and passed him to Vikas and went towards her. I extended my hand towards her and she tried to get up but I think her legs got cramp due to being tied tight to chair. Her legs gave out and she lost her balance. I hold her still and picked her up bridal style.

"Take him to the torture room." I ordered and they nodded.

I made her sit inside and saw she had a scratch on the corner of her head too. A little dust on her cheeks too. I wiped it off for her. She was trembling a little but pinched herself to not show any weakness. Wish I could hug her and say it's alright to be scared sometimes.

"You go home and I think our mission is over with the final boss caught." I said and she nodded.

"It was nice to work with you friend." I smiled at her and she smiled at me too showing her white pearly teeths.

"Same here." She said and I focused on driving. She went inside the house with limping a little. I waited for her to go inside the house and drove to office for actual fun.

I saw the final boss in torture room. Everyone looked in my way with anticipation for our little team mate.

"She is fine. She is strong." I said and a little smile appeared on their faces which turned serious when they heard the man on chair.

"Cowards. What can you even do? Give me to police and perhaps locked behind bars huh? Hahahaha." He said and I raised my hand signalling to give him the shock.

He was given enough shock for him to end up in mental asylum but not this easily. I got an unknown call and I picked it up.

Unknown:If you get a chance to punish the final boss without department interfering. What will you do.

Me:Who are you?

Unknown: That's not important. Will you punish him or not?

Me: I will give him brutal death but department won't take interest in him once he is behind bars and I can punish him however I want. Why does that bothers you?

Unknown: That's not important. Just kill him . I will meet you at 2 am. Don't kill him before I am there. Department won't take interest in him. You can ask for anything you want when we meet.

Me: Cool. I don't mind. Eager to know your identity.

He cut the call while clicking his tongue in anger. Who is he? Taking interest in this fucker. I think the man wasn't joking. Well good for me. I was going to kill him anyways. Department was involved therefore I couldn't perform encounter on the spot. Finally my anger will be out. He dare touch wrong girl. I smirked.


It was 2 am and I was in cellar waiting for the man. I saw cigarette puffing and a man in hood came inside. He revealed his face and it was Ronak Oberoi. We know each other.

"Surprised to see me again." He chuckled.

"Bro. You could have said so before." I said and we clapped hands together in handshake. I, Ravi, Raj,Ronak were batch mates back in school as well as college.

"I called you since I know for public you are an officer but in actual you are just a gangster. But a good one at that." He said patting my shoulder.

"What did he do to you to make you enraged like that?" I asked in confusion.

"He messed with my little bird. I want him to tremble in fear." He said and I frowned.

"Are you talking about Ishika? He dared mess with her?" I asked with rage and he shook his head as no.

"I have two sisters. You haven't met the youngest right." He asked and I nodded.

"But I have heard she is very mischievous and a girl whose words are like a lines screeched on stone for your father. He adores her a lot."

"I do too. She is my little bird. Flies freely without any fear. This fucker dared mess with her. He gave her a scratch too. She got nightmare due to him so he has to live the nightmare himself." He said clenching his fist.

"Oberoi ke saath panga padega mehenga. Khaas kar Anjali Oberoi se." He said gritting his teeth.
(Translation: Messing with Oberoi will only end up in a downfall. Especially with Anjali Oberoi.)

I was taken aback Anjali Oberoi. She is his sister. I didn't even knew. I thought their surnames matched just by coincidence. He dared to mess with Anjali Oberoi. He invited his own death. I laughed at it.

Sensitive Content Ahead!!!!

"You love sex right. Enjoy then." Ronak said with a smirk. Four boys together towering him. His hands were tied to make sure he doesn't tries anything. Two boys enter their thing inside his anus. That also together. While Ronak enjoyed his screams. His screams are music to ears but the scene is not good to look. I feel I will vomit. Since they hit him as well as did the deed. I am sure he will be traumatized.

"Do you know best part of it? They all are suffering from syphilis, gonorrhoea or Aids." Ronak said and laughed and I was too stunned to speak. He really is brutal.

As expected of my friend. After a good trumatizing torture. He made cuts on his face and at last I shoot all 6 bullets inside his head. It was pleasurable. He hugged me and drove off being satisfied.

I got a call from Raj and he told me about a girl. He asked me to get her information. This man is in love. Fuck it creeps me. I wish luck to the girl. I did some scratch and all. My luck is so good. She is bestfriend of Anjali Oberoi. Their vibes match too. Anjali is protective towards her friend. I mailed the information to Raj and saw it was already morning. I wasted my night. But it wasn't that bad after all. We will meet again Miss Oberoi. I chuckled I will meet my friend again.

Thanks for reading

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