Lost in spells and shadows

Por Ehem-MM

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Lady Adelaide Winchester, a direct descendant of Rowena Ravenclaw, begins her education at Hogwarts in 1971... Más

Chapter 1: The begining of Everything
Chapter 2: Midnight
Chapter 3: Lily and Severus
Chapter 4: Sorting and feast
Chapter 5: How to make friends and enemies
Chapter 6:Doodles, murders and sherbet lemon
Chapter 7: How to become rivals
Chapter 8: Bullies and fire
Chapter 9: Halloween
Chapter 10: Influences and jinxes
Chapter 11: Christmas with family
Chapter 12: a project with Remus
Chapter 13: returning home
Chapter 14: some of the many summer adventures of Adelaide part 1
Chapter 15: Some of the many summer adventures of Adelaide part 2
Chapter 16: let us start with a bang
Chapter 17: the mystery of moonlight
Chapter 18: The mystery begins
Chapter 19: the burdensome reality
Chapter 20: Mystery solved
Chapter 21: Alice's revenge
Chapter 22: The snow day
Chapter 23: The fears we have
Chapter 24: The days of woes and sorrow
Chapter 25: Where the Hyacinths grow
Chapter 26: The bad start
Chapter 27:How to Ignore your friends
Chapter 28: A gamekeeper's tale
Chapter 29: The quidditch quarrels
Chapter 30: Some tranquility
Chapter 31: Broken words and promises
Chapter 32: Learning how to pretend
Chapter 33: The roaring thunder
Chapter 34: A most unfortunate day
Chapter 35: The scars of grief
Chapter 36: The winds of Spring
Chapter 37: Plannings for a Summer
Chapter 38: Straying paths
Chapter 39: Crushes, Friendships and Ice Cream
Chapter 40: Another Beginning
Chapter 42: Animagus, Severus' Suspicion, The Moaning Myrtle
Chapter 43: Dating Drama
Chapter 44: Patronus and Protection
Chapter 45: A Wedding and the Surrounding events
Chapter 46: Confessions and Hogsmeade
Chapter 47: A Dare
Chapter 48: Secrets and kisses
Chapter 49: Echoes of the Past
Chapter 50: The True Nature
Chapter 51: And With That the Summer Begins
Chapter 52: Meeting with the Devil (Voldemort)
Chapter 53: Going Back
Chapter 54: A Night with Animagis
Chapter 55: Love, Bruises and Injuries
Chapter 56: A Study Group and Vulnerability
Chapter 57: The Horrible Prank of Sirius
Chapter 58: Questions and Revelations
Chapter 59: Some Happenings in Holidays
Chapter 60: Another Day
Chapter 61: A Night-Out in the Kitchen
Chapter 62: Break-Ups and Breach of Trusts
Chapter 63: The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 41: The Slug Club

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Por Ehem-MM

At Saturday, when it was 2, Adelaide decided that she had enough time to do something and go to the Slug club meeting on time. She needed to see the headmaster to talk about her progress in her powers and that she was very good at controlling them now and had enough precision and understanding to use them to attack and defend herself. So she dusted herself and woke up Midnight, who was sleeping in her lap, and started for the door.

"Where are you going?" Sarah asked as she paused in the midst of writing her homework.

"I need to speak to professor Dumbledore. I will be back for the gathering. Don't worry." She waved and went to his office. She had no idea what the password was, and seeing Professor Mcgonagall there was a great luck. She told her the password and Adelaide soon found herself in the headmaster's office. He hadn't noticed her and was continuously writing a letter with a frown. He suddenly looked up and saw her: "Oh, Adelaide, i am very happy to see you in great health. I hope everything has been better for you this year."

Adelaide felt a bit nervous, since her last meeting with Dumbledore was last year before the Christmas holidays and she had lied to him a bit, and in Summer he visited their house when she was not there, as if he wanted her to visit him, herself.
"Well, yeah i am at a much better place now. Thank you."

"So why are you here? I suppose you have a reason."

"Yes, well i wanted to say that i made a great progress in controlling my powers and have much confidence in using them. Last year, I didn't practice much, put i put a lot of effort this Summer and will continue to do so."

"Brilliant." He smiled at her. "Do you have any other question on any particular field of magic? I remember you bombarding me with any advanced spell and theory and we would go on and discuss them." It was all before mama's death.

"Yes, well i would lie if i was to say i have no questions about them. I am curious about casting a patronus charm, i know it's a rather difficult and advanced charm and not many can do that even after graduating. But since it's such a lovely form of magic, opposite of many spells that really don't have good intentions and really is about the mental power of the caster, i wanted to learn it. I believe learning it nowadays, is important since i have heard the rumours about dark creatures joining Voldemort, it will come in handy."

He nodded and said: "You are right it is a very pure form of magic and it's a very great charm to learn. It's a difficult and complex spell and it might take years to completely master it, even the non-corporal one is an amazing feat to cast. Your own mother learnt it when she was a third year. Do you know what was its shape?"

"A unicorn." Adelaide had seen her mother cast it a few times with her begging when she was a mere child and she cast it so gracefully that one could only look at her casting with awe.

"Yes. Magical creatures are rare to become the shape of your patronus. Usually, cats, dogs and horses are the shapes of it. Though it doesn't have a connection to the magical ability of the caster and it's about the affinity of the caster to an animal. Sometimes, I think you don't need my explanation on this since you know, it can change to another animal. It's most certainly interesting, when that happens and can show one's true nature. Can you guess mine?"

"A phoenix. Another rare shape."

"Exactly." He smiled at her correct answer and with a wave of his wand, cast the spell and a beautiful phoenix appeared flying around until it disappeared.

"Now what do you think you have a problem with that made it more difficult for you to succeed in this?"

"I suppose visualising the happy memory. I don't really know what to choose from. Nothing happens. Not even a mist."

"Well, you need a strong memory not only for now but especially when you're fighting. You need a powerful memory to not only work now but also when you're tired physically and emotionally or in hight stress. If you really have trouble you can also think about a made up happy moment that is powerful enough to make you succeed. But I can't really tell you what to choose, you need to come to that conclusion yourself. So do you want to try now?"

"Yeah i suppose." Adelaide stood up.

"So what is your memory that you want to think about while conjuring this spell?"

"My multiple times of beating Som-my rival?" It did seem ridiculous when Adelaide said it out loud and she could swear that she heard Dumbledore's chuckle. But when she turned to him, he was only smiling.

"Well something bigger, more... of a testament of your character and what you stand for. Think about it and this time, cast the spell."

Adelaide mumbled the spell and a thin line of silver mist exited her wand but nothing else happened. She frowned.
"What did you think about this time?"

"Protecting a student from being bullied for being a muggle born." This specific memory was made in first year, when she saw Mulciber bullying that muggle born Hufflepuff. She felt a great happiness after saving that poor boy.

"Well, it's a testament of your character but I don't think that is the happiest memory you have."

Adelaide thought a bit more and found another one. She tried again, this time the silver mist was bigger but it wasn't enough.

"This time it was about how i met my friends."

"Well, this was a good route to take. When you find the proper memory, you can work with it to make a corporal patronus. So that's why i want you to find the best memory possible."

Adelaide thought and this time, she remembered a memory that she had locked away for a long time.

It was when she was 6 years old, during a thunderstorm in the white villa with her family. Helena was very scared and hid under the bed while Adelaide was not usually scared in these storms, that night, it was a very loud and horrible storm, a storm that had some casualties and many trees had fallen on the ground. So her mother, took all of the children to the comfort of the sitting room and decided to tell them a story. Their father was sitting at a corner and watching them as well. "This story is a real one that happened at another intense and loud thunderstorm as well. The night that Adelaide was born." She recounted how while she was screaming in pain, the thunders were also heard and how the labour was long and intense like the storm and when the storm cleared, Adelaide was finally born.

"The healer thought you were dead, because of the long hours and when you were born, you didn't cry. Then you made such a soft cry that it was barely heard. You were always a quiet child so as time went by, i understood that you were healthy and you hated making noise. When you opened your eyes, it was the colour of the clear and sunny sky outside." Her mother told them. Even Helena was so intrigued by the story that she was plopped down on her elbows and listening to the story, not caring for the thunderstorm anymore. Victoria and Elizabeth were also watching their mother secretly when she gave birth to Adelaide, something that Victoria would later joke that it «scarred her for the rest of her life». Then their mother sang a lullaby and they all drifted to sleep, when they woke up the next morning, they were in their own rooms and on their own beds and the sun was shining as bright as ever.

Adelaide shook her head, already knowing that was her perfect memory to make the patronus happen. She concentrated and a huge silver mist appeared, creating a wall. Professor Dumbledore clapped for her and said: "Well done. With practice, you will most certainly be able to make a corporal patronus."
He then asked: "What did you think about this time?"

"There was a huge thunderstorm when i was a child, we were all scared and my parents, my mother, calmed us down by telling the story of my birth." Adelaide said looking down.

"A great choice." He smiled at her.
Adelaide said goodbye to him as it was 4, and as she was leaving, she asked something rather personal without thinking much about it: "Professor, what do you think about when you cast your patronus?"

He looked at her, without disdain or annoyance but another expression. One of regret and sadness. "Mine is about when i was younger, when i too had a complete family and everything was alright."

He continued: "My memories no matter how simple they are and how they are considered my «happy» memories, they bring me a great sadness and pain whenever i think about them. Most of my family members; i have a lot to say to them, but it's not possible anymore."

"Always cherish what you have Adelaide, sometimes without knowing, it might be the last time you will ever have that. Always be careful of what you say to them whenever you part ways with people." He shook his head and went back to his letter. Adelaide took it as her cue to leave too.

Adelaide went to her common room, there was another riddle to answer.

"I am the shadow of the past,
A haunting whisper that will last.
What I am, you can't forget,
In sorrow, I am born?"


The door opened and Adelaide rushed to get ready. She wore a simple violet dress that reached her knees and had thin straps, her usual style. She wore pearl-coloured boots and a cardigan in the same colour. She let her hair loose and as she always wore matching silver earring that looked close enough to her pendant, that she always wore, she just added a silver bracelet.

"Dela, you're wearing your usual outfit style again!" Alice said as she looked at her.

"It's what i am comfortable in and besides, my usual style is good and fitting for every occasion. What's the problem with that?"

"Don't you want to borrow one of my denim skirts? They are all so in now." Sarah offered.

"Nope. I am totally fine. Thanks. Let's go."

They went to the dungeons, where Slughorn's office was located and when they opened the door, most guests had arrived. There was a circular table, with teacups beside each seat and some teapots filled with tea beside them. There were countless desserts, cakes and sweets on the table with some sandwiches and other kinds of snacks. Lily was sitting between Dorcas and Severus, who was sitting beside William.

Adelaide sat on the empty seat beside William. He smiled brightly at her: "Hi!"
"Hello." Alice and Sarah gave her looks and Alice, turned red when she noticed that she was sitting beside Frank who greeted her warmly. Karma. Adelaide then gave Alice a look who mouthed at her: "Shut up."

After a few minutes of everyone talking to their own friends, Slughorn cleared his throat. He was wearing a formal coat and was sitting at his desk that was in front of the whole table, and was connected to their table.

"Well, good evening to every one of you. Today, I thought it would be brilliant if we would talk ourselves and you would get to know each other better and learn of each other's backgrounds. Next gatherings, i will bring some fellow students or old friends who are very very influential people so that you can get a clear idea of what field you want to choose in the future and it can be helpful for your OWLs. Next year, on our first meeting, i will ask you that." He said proudly. "Now, let's start with you, Abbott. You are a very good student and while your sister might not be the top of her class, she is really talented at potions too."

"Well, right." Abbott who was clearly nervous about being the first person, composed himself and said: "Yes, Maud always had a clear liking for potions and always wanted to help me in my Summer homework when she was too young to attend. She is very playful that's why you can't find her studying."

"She is young, perhaps in the future she'll get into studying." Slughorn nodded approvingly.

"And you miss Evans, you are a brilliant talented witch, i can truly see you going places, such great talent... it truly shows how magic is innate and not because of inheritance. My dear, you must have been in my house." All of the Slytherin students, besides Severus, made mocking sounds that were heard by all but Slughorn. Adelaide glared at them.

"Well, professor, as much as it flatters me, your comments about my skills and magical abilities, i don't think i would have been welcomed that much. But then again, perhaps i might be too brave and tough to be allowed in Slytherin." She replied, with a sweet smile looking at those who mocked her.

"But yes, i agree. Magic is innate and not related to family names and wealth, something that many would not understand."

"Severus, it must be a great experience to be friends with miss Evans. Truly a remarkable witch." He complimented, while Severus looked embarrassed and a bit ashamed. Ashamed of his friendship with and possible love for Lily, looking up at his housemates as if telling them to not disclose this to anyone.

"So, those improvements that you do when making your potions, make all the difference. I must say, that is something that is rarely seen in young students." Severus lightened up at this moment. "How is your mother, Eileen?"

Severus looked uncomfortable but replied in a calm and collected tone: "She is doing better." A vague sentence.

"I am happy to hear that. She had a lot of potential. She was a student of mine, in Slytherin, a member of Prince family. Not the main branch. All pure bloods. All of them were in Slytherin. You most certainly take after her." He continued. He just nodded at Slughorn's words.

Severus' great wish was to be part of a pure blood or important family. Someone whom people would respect, he had the wrong conclusion that in order for you to be respected, you need to be part of a wealthy family.

"Frank, you are something, your mother is most certainly proud of you. Whenever i see her, she talks to me about your abilities and knowledge. I must say i wholeheartedly agree. Augusta herself is an impressive woman with high standards but you, are even higher than them!" Everyone laughed.

"And you, Stephan, my boy! A marvellous student. Even words cannot express your great powers and magic. Your parents i met them when they came here after their marriage from Canada, they were no students of mine. If it weren't for Adelaide, i could have sworn you were the brightest of your generation. But now i must say you and Adelaide, are both the brightest. Some years, there are a few students who catch my eyes but other years, i am overwhelmed from picking them." He shook his head as if that was the worst thing ever.

"Your father works in the ministry, an unspeakable, I suppose." Everyone looked at Somerset with curiosity at this revelation.
"Yes, he works in the department of mysteries. He never tells me of the nature of his work, but always tells me it's very fun in his opinion. All i have learned is that he is studying different things in there but who knows."

"He is very respected in the ministry. Perhaps in future, you would work in the ministry. You definitely have what it takes."

"Oh no, i have already made up my mind and don't want to work in the ministry. I rather have another career that i am truly passionate about."

"But why? Perhaps you could change your mind.." Slughorn looked flabbergasted.

"Well, i mean paperwork never suited me and i hate politics. I suppose it's a dirty game that in order for you to win, you need to sacrifice a lot of your morals and humanity on your way to the top. That makes most jobs there rather unpleasant to me. There is a lot of corruption involved there so i rather not be in that system myself." Everyone gaped at him.

While Adelaide agreed with him, she suddenly said: "But you can also go into the ministry and change things."

"Yes, true. But also, many people that have good intentions and wish to change things, would be overthrown and never let to operate. It's not that simple. Have you truly seen a person who has the top position and is truly, wholly there for changing things? There is always some degree of ambition there. The people who are 100 percent going to do something out of the goodness of their heart, can't win against the wolves since they are too good for their own sake, Adelaide."

"Then they can grown some backbone and fight against them and don't cower like sheep. You need to have the courage to loose the sight of the shore in order to cross the ocean." Adelaide argued back.

"Well, now, now. I suppose we all have different opinions on such matters. Moving on you, Adelaide. I must say that it's interesting how you're someone, whose both parents have been brilliant students of mine. It doesn't happen quite often. Your father's potions business is doing wonderfully. How is he himself?"

"He is doing well, thank you." Adelaide responded.

"And your aunt, Sophie, wasn't it? Yes, how is she doing? You know, she was another great student of mine."

"She is also doing well."

"You know, i am curious what will Victoria do, since she will graduate this year. Elizabeth chose to be an artist and she has a great talent. Victoria, when i asked her last year, told me that she rather surprise everyone."
"She can be a bit ... unpredictable."

"Ah, but your mother was classmates with William's father. I remember. How is your father doing, William? He has a high rank in the ministry, everyone. A man with great influence and power."

"He is very good and sends his best wishes to you." William replied in a polite manner.

"Your father and his friends, who most of them were talented, were part of an elite group of Slytherins. I swear most of the members of my club were Slytherins, that generation. I always coached them and told them what to do in order to get what they deserve, most of them did get what I expected from them in life, but there were also a few... who didn't. Then there was also Annalise's , Adelaide's mother, friends who were marvellous. Though those two groups rarely got along with each other. Minerva and Pomona were a part of the second group." Then he laughed.

The rest of the evening passed like that, with Slughorn praising students and their relatives that he knew personally or heard of. He would say a few memories if he remembered something of that person and thought it was a bit boring, but it wasn't as bad as what her mother told her. Perhaps it was because of the group of the elite Slytherin students, that Annalise had a not so good experience in those club meetings.

While they said their farewells, Adelaide, and her 4 friends in attendance walked to their own common rooms. Suddenly Sarah said: "Dela, that was the longest non-aggressive conversation that you had with Somerset. Wow. I have never thought i would see that day, you know."

"It doesn't matter. I actually agreed with his statement but i needed to tell my two cents on this matter. But don't flatter yourself and think that we're over being academic rivals."

"But, is truly the ministry as corrupted as he said?" Lily asked her voice grave.

"Yes, well, i suppose you have heard Slughorn when he praised some of the Slytherins' family members. One of the greatest crimes of the ministry is giving prominent pure blood families free leeway to do whatever they want and if they break any rules, it can be all forgotten due to personal favours and a bit of gold." Dorcas replied.

"For example, Avery's father." Alice continued, giving Adelaide a look, which Adelaide shrugged. "He is a very powerful man and has many connections and friendships with other important figures. Sometimes, his close contacts are accused of something and suddenly, all of those accusations are removed and that person is promoted. All due to personal favours. Sometimes, even he and some other people like him would protest against a law or an individual and that bill and person would be removed. No matter how important those might be. At least, many people support Crouch because of his disgust of such individuals and dark arts. They know that he is one of those rare people who comes from great background but nevertheless upholds law, no matter how much it can be harsh and cruel."

Lily just nodded. Another one of her perceptions shattering about the wizarding world, thinking that at least there is some equality and justice there. Adelaide pitied her, because these individuals would definitely teach their own children to put people like Lily down just because of prejudice and classism.

"I will see you later." She said and went with Dorcas to their common room and the three Ravenclaw girls left for their own.

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