Archer & The Dragon | Country...

By KittyReadingBooks

5.5K 306 94

Mongolia, a once famous protector of the Kingdom known as Azi. A country everyone admired and praised. He was... More

(Prelude) The Archer
The Dragon
Sun, Moon, And Star
The Defector
Uniting Process
A Royal Pain
Bonding time
A girl in a white dress
Sweet Enemies
Onwards and so on
Peace offering
Seeing Red
Locked... Away?
Sword Dance

Firm hands

171 7 3
By KittyReadingBooks

How did it come to this? With Mongolia and the others behind Qing, and a few guards keeping watch, they ensured these people didn't pull any tricks to harm the emperor. As they walked across the long and wide hallway, Japan and Korea couldn't help but admire the wonderful adornment this household possessed. "What's the meaning of this, Qing? Where are you taking us?" 

"Now now, save your questions for later when we're all at the table~" 

"Table?" Mongolia ponders on what he meant by that. "Is this so-called 'table' a new torture method you've created? Are you going to make us lift furniture?" Mongolia mocks Qing's polite act. Qing's smile drops, then he gives an earnest stare to him, "No... just, be quiet," there was a limit to how much sass Qing could handle, not many people get to speak to him that way... except a few. 

"We're here~" Qing opens the door for his guests to enter. Inside, a large table with many scrumptious edible foods lay presented. Japan's eyes sparkled whereas Korea's mouth drooled, "Please, have a seat," The situation was creepy enough for Mongolia, he had never seen Qing act hospitable toward strangers... especially him. 

"Mongolia..." Japan needed permission if they should listen to Qing or not. It would be rude to ignore someone's kind offer, "Let's sit down, but don't touch any of the food," Korea was disappointed they wouldn't be allowed to partake in these wonderful cuisines. So they all took out a chair, Mongolia kept Russia close to him. Japan and Korea's eyes wander above the table. 

"No need to behave so formally, eat! There is plenty for all of you~" Qing leans forward with his hands supporting his chin. Mongolia halfheartedly chuckles at that sentence, "For all I know, they all might be poisoned. Why don't you take a piece from all of them just to be sure?" He pushes a plate of dumplings in Qing's direction. His eye twitches with annoyance, nonetheless, he sucks it up and takes one to his mouth. 

"Mmm, see? I don't get why you're being so paranoid, everything here is mouth-watering delicious~" He was noticeably taunting him, Mongolia could tell through his narcissistic tone. "Forget it, we're not hungry," A growling sound contracted his logic, it came from the one mature blended dragon in the room. Korea blushed with embarrassment, but it wasn't as if he could control what his body was telling him. 

"*Sigh* I guess you two can dine..." Granted authorization allows them to begin feasting on the various dishes. "Mongolia... aren't you gonna dig in?" Qing grabs a bowl of dumplings and sets it under him, "No! I- Uhm..." His focus was interfered with when he took a whiff of the aroma. He hasn't had a good meal in weeks, all he did was live off of meat. It would've been beneficial for his body to sustain another source of nutrients. 

"You're lucky бууз are my favorites..."

Swiping one bundle from the plate, he clamps his mouth shut with it. The way the flavor melts on his tastebuds got him easing up, "Good, isn't it?" Qing smiled at the slightly grinning Mongolian. His smile faded upon his tough persona losing character, "It's nice, but I could make better. Who made these?"

"I did..." Qing frowned, he didn't like when his effort was mocked and downplayed, even so, he beamed, "I thought it would be generous of me to feed you my handmade meal... Then again, you always had a talent for making the best food out of all of us! I would like to eat цуйван crafted by you. You should cook for us~" 

Mongolia choked from the most offensive thing he'd ever heard, "Yeah, unlikely..." His eye turns to a corner and spots Russia picking out pieces of candies from the confectionary golden bowl. This was the 15th unwrapped candy, he had a whole pile of wrappers in front of him, "Russia, make sure you eat some of the food. Candies are not that healthy."

"Yes, Mongolia..." Taking his words to heart, he pushed aside the candy bowl and pulled in whatever food caught his eye. He picked out something resembling a soup, the color was brownish, the cutlery was quite extravagant per se. Scooping the thick liquid, he guides the spoon right up the his mouth, the strong taste of salt and pepper exploded inside his mouth, "*Sigh* Russia, you're eating soy sauce. Here, try these..." Mongolia decided to help the ignorant feller by choosing the most protein foods. "Try some cold noodles, rice, duck, and... steamed beef! I know how much you love beef..."

"I do!" Russia gives a toothy... or rather, fangy grin in appreciation. Mongolia hums and pets his head. Qing observes the scene unfolding, "So... this little guy's name is Russia, huh?" Eyes locked on the small child, Russia swallows the chewed food in anticipation; this man was making him uncomfortable. "Yes... I believe you two have already met. You know? Back at the market in Beijing?" 

"Ah! Now I remember. I don't think we finished our introduction. My name is Qing, although, I'm certain your caretaker here has told you a lot about me~"

"Not really," Russia impassively answers leaving Qing blinking owlishly. "Seriously? He hasn't told you anything about me? Not even a little?" Qing was expecting some sort of dirt, yet he was given nothing. "Not that I recall. All I know is that you're Qing and Mongolia's adoptive brother..."

Japan and Korea's ears perked. Adoptive brother? That does explain how these two came to the terms of already being familiar with one another. The issue is... How come Mongolia didn't share this intel with them?

"I see... well, no point talking during lunch. Carry on..." Mongolia was still cautious of Qing's action. It's strange seeing him act this tranquil... 


Half an hour later, the guests were finished eating. The servants came in to dispose of the empty plates and cups. "That was a fine meal. Thanks for the food, but I think we should be heading out before it gets dark." Mongolia stood up ready to exit, Russia was sad this fancy tour had to end short, yet he won't argue. 

"Haha, you're not going anywhere..." Qing's face darkens, and Mongolia's body heats up with anxiousness, has the time for his true nature arrived? Within a blink, Qing's deadly face switches to a happy one, "It's already late! I can't have you all wandering around the kingdom when it's dark."

"Save your concerns, we can handle it."

Ignoring Mongolia's words, Qing continues to add, "Please, stay here for the day. It would ease my heart knowing you four can go safe and sound..." Ha, Qing, caring? That's a long stretch, even Mongolia could tell he was faking it. "You're not gonna let us leave, are you?" Mongolia deadpanned, he knew if Qing wanted something he would make sure in his hands he gets it. "Nope~" Figures...

"Fine, we'll stay..." Reluctantly giving in to Qing's persistent behavior. He clasps his hands together in joy, "Great! Then allow me to show you your separate rooms. Follow me~" Gesturing with his palms, he takes the lead through the hallway outside of the gigantic dining room. Korea and Japan were confused as hell, logically, they don't exactly have guidance now. They're just following Mongolia's decision, and he seems to be defeated by the presence of the Emporer.

"Adoptive brother?" Korea whispered forgetting the elephant in the room. Mongolia groans and facepalm, "Come on!" He pursued after the yellow country. Korea and Japan understanding Mongolia weren't fond of talking about his "Relatives" topic, they put a raincheck on the idea. "I'm sure seeing your old home must be giving you lots of old memories. Hm?" 

"You mean nightmares?" Mongolia corrects his mistake. Qing chuckles and intertwines elbows with him, Mongolia gasps and grits his teeth to suppress his snap. "Hahaha, you're such a jokester~" 

Opening a specific door, he shows Korea and Japan their room, "This room has two beds and has enough space for 3. Would it suffice?" Qing was tall like what? He was about a head taller than Korea, practically bowing down to meet their heights. "I guess..." the Korean scratches the back of his head. Japan softly hums and nods along.

"Great. Then you two rest now, Russia and 蒙古. I'll show you your beds," he waltzed ahead, Mongolia and Russia stayed behind to exchange small talks. "Be vigilant you two. Ensure your doors are locked and keep one eye open when you sleep! I have a terrible feeling that someone might slit our throats open during our vulnerable moments..." 

"We'll keep watch just in case. What about you?"

"I'll... I'll think of something... "

"Mongolia, you coming?" Qing hollers his name, "In a minute!" Mongolia angrily replied. "If your body starts feeling strange after that food you ingested. Just puke them out, okay?" Giving them his little instructions, they departed soon after. Russia's eyes remain to be glimmered by everything shiny in this place.

When they were out of sight, Korea and Japan stared at each other's eyes just as puzzled. "This guy is Emperor Qing?" Korea still couldn't believe it, why would the Emperor invite them to stay? The most important matter is, does he have any idea there's a warzone going on around the Land of Joseon?

"I guess he is... but... Mongolia's adoptive brother? I thought he was an only child... I mean I assumed he was since he never claimed to have a family member," there was a giant mirror on a table accompanied with a chair. She sits down and pulls out her favorite comb from her purse, the thin silver hollow lines straightening out her long white hair. 

"He's being vague about when it comes to him sharing about himself, which is strange... why does he need to be so secretive?" Korea on the other hand plops on top of the King sized bed. He had to admit, this one was better than the hotel's; it also beats sleeping on a tree. "You want to sleep or talk some more?"

Korea asked Japan. Talk? Like an actual conversation? That caught her off guard, why is Korea being so open with her now? Last time, he was spewing insults at her nonstop. They were both going at it... things must've changed. "I-It was just an idea, you don't have to answer!"

"What should we even talk about?" Japan looks at the restful dragon through the mirror's reflection. "Well... uhm... shit, I didn't think this far ahead..." he murmurs, Japan softly giggles. In spite of their timeless disputes, Japan found Korea's personality somewhat charming. This guy had no care in the world, saying what he wanted without worry he feared no consequences. "Mongolia told us to keep watch,"

"Yeah, I know, I was standing right next to you..."

"Then you should know. One of us has to keep awake to make sure no assassination happens to us..."


"It's obvious you need your beauty sleep. I'll keep watch, you rest..." Korea willingly took the position. Either one, he wanted to impress her, or two, he was just plain nice. Both could be two distinct theories since Korea wouldn't want Japan's respect whatsoever, plus he doesn't play "Nice" with enemies. Japan tucked herself inside the silken sheet, Korea stayed awake just as he accepted. 

Mongolia and Russia were guided to their rooms, Qing smiled, "Not bad, right?" Mongolia wasn't phased at all by what he was shown. "What do you mean? This is my old room..." Russia looks up in surprise, this was Mongolia's? "This is your room?" He has to say, no wonder it looked bland. Just a bed, a drawer, a single table, and a chair. It was so dull, but Russia believes that's how Mongolia liked it, his Yurt looked similar to this.

"Yeah... it was..." Mongolia sighs and crosses his arms, some harrowing remembrance resurfacing. "It still is! Everything is untouched and spotless! Of course, I come in here once in a while to clean it~" Qing enters what claims to be Mongolia's room, Russia hops inside and spins around, taking in all the taste. 

Mongolia lifts Russia by his armpits and places him on the bed, not caring to look at Qing he comments, "Thanks and all, but you should leave us to sleep now..."

"Aha-haha... No, Mongolia, I need to have a word with you..."

"*Sigh* Of course you do..." Mongolia grimaces, seriously depleted of tolerance to deal with this type A asshole. Russia jumps down to follow Mongolia, however, Qing stops him, "Ah! Just Mongolia, you're staying here."

Mongolia tries to persuade in letting Russia to tag along, but surely the conversation they'll have won't take much time, "I don't think so, I'm not leaving Russia unmonitored," Mongolia imagines someone breaking in and stealing Russia away from him while he wasn't looking. "This is a private chat between you and me, your little friend here can stay in the room and sleep. It's late at night anyway..."

Mongolia debates his judgment, Russia tugs on his sleeve in unsureness, "Mongolia?" 

"I'm sorry, Russia... I hate to do this, but I'm gonna leave you inside here. I promise that I'll return..." Taking a knee to Russia's level, he puts both his hands on his shoulders to assure him. He nods his head in apprehension, "I know! Don't worry about it me, I can handle myself," Proud at Russia's confidence, he sure has come a long way, "I know you can. Just remember what to do if something... unexpected happens..." 

Russia with a determined look hums with a single nod. Run and hide! That was his plan, they discussed his topic very long ago when they were back at the livestock fields. "Let's go..." An impatient ruler hurries Mongolia. Giving one look to Russia, Mongolia left him all by himself.

He was saddened to be apart from him, nonetheless, he got something to keep himself entertained... "Let's see what this room has!"

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