Imbalance [Suguru Geto][Choso]

Από ayyy_pee

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Suguru Geto x F!Reader, Choso x F!Reader Pro-skater, all around fuckboy and your casual fling of a year, Sugu... Περισσότερα

Chapter 1: Drop-In
Chapter 2: Frontside 180
Chapter 3: Nose Grind
Chapter 4: Vert Ramp
Chapter 5: Hardflip
Chapter 6: Double Grab
Chapter 7: 50-50 Grind
Chapter 8: Nosebone
Chapter 9: Powerslide
Chapter 10 - Forward Flip

Chapter 11 - Kickflip

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Από ayyy_pee

Chapter Warning: Smut,P in V Sexy Time, Cunnilingus, Phone Sex, Profanity, Mutual Masturbation?, Masturbation, Unprotected Sex (don't be like them - WRAP IT UP), Creampie (at least we're on bc), Possessive Sex, Possessive Behavior

A/N: thanks for your patience on this one! i took my time because i REALLY wanted to do this chapter justice. it's been a LONG journey to get here. this chapter ended up being JUST under 12k words omg. I hope yall enjoy!

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When Choso pulls back, you find yourself chasing him, a small whine falling from your lips before you can even try to stop it. It's pathetic really, how eager you are to be close to him after just this short time apart. He's traveled for competition longer than this and yet, now that you've gotten a small dose of what life would be like without Choso within your reach, you're positive that you never want to experience it again.

He chuckles softly, thumb caressing your cheek as you stare up at him. Those beautiful brown eyes of his seem to almost glow in the dark, hypnotizing you. You're not sure if you'd ever gotten lost in anyone's eyes the way you do Choso's. You're so lost in them you barely notice when his lips begin to move, calling your name quietly. You only snap out of your daze when Choso cups your jaw in his hand and leans forward to press a soft kiss to your cheek.

"So..." He looks away for a moment. Like he's wondering if it's worth asking. But it must be because he asks anyway, "how did the conversation go?"

Ah, right. With everything that had happened tonight, and the intensity of it all, you had forgotten you let Choso know you would be heading to Suguru's to talk.

Earlier that evening...

You'd called Choso before texting Suguru that you were heading his way. He was a little taken aback since the first thing that had left your big mouth after Choso said "hello" was "I'm on my way to Suguru's place".

"Huh..." was all Choso could muster.

You quickly scrambled to recover. It probably wasn't the best idea to start off your first conversation in days by telling him you were heading to the apartment of the man he despises.

"Sorry! What I meant to say is I'm heading over to Suguru' end things. For good."


The silence hung heavily between the both of you and you wondered if maybe you'd gotten the wrong idea from the voice message Choso had left you. Perhaps when he said he wanted the chance to sit down and talk, he truly meant he simply wanted to talk, and maybe end this messy affair you had dragged him into. And if that were the case, could you really blame him?

"He's here by the way," Choso mutters, pulling you out of your anxious thoughts. "At the park..." It's then that you can hear the distant sound of wheels on pavement, so familiar to you after all this time.

"Oh, that's awkward."

And for the first time in what feels like forever, though it's only been some days, you hear that cute little puff of air that you know as the sound of Choso trying to hold in a laugh. It makes you smile. You wonder if he's smiling with you.

"Will you be okay going alone?" He asks.

Would you? You were nervous, of course. You'd become accustomed to having Suguru in your life regardless of how awful he was. But you had no doubt in your mind that this needed to happen. In order to secure your future, in order to show the man on the other end of this call that you were serious about him, you needed to do this – alone.

You inhale deeply, trying to steel your nerves. "Yeah. I– It's gonna suck, but I'm ready to let this let him go."

You hear Choso hum distantly on the other end, followed by a light tapping noise just before you feel your phone vibrate. Oddly enough, it's a text from Choso.

ChoCho: It's getting weird. He thinks I don't see him watching me from across the park.

ChoCho: I'm gonna hang up. Good luck over there. Come meet me here when you're done? We can talk.

The line goes dead...

You shake your head, bringing yourself back to the present. Choso's question echoes in your thoughts. "How did the conversation go?"

"Not well," you finally answer. "But that's not my problem anymore."

To this, Choso hums. "No, not anymore. Are you alright, though?"

Choso's voice is gentle when he speaks, concern evident in his tone. He's still holding your cheek, eyes scanning your face and your hand comes up to hold his wrist. You nod.

He is so perfect. You wish you had realized it sooner. You would have saved yourself, but more importantly Choso so much pain.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just..." Your words are failing you now, at the worst moment and you bite down on your lip as you try to gather your thoughts. Choso waits patiently for you, as always, and it makes you bite down just a bit harder. You know you don't deserve him. You're the lucky one here; the real winner between this fucked up love triangle you've been forcing everyone into over the last few months.

His dark, piercing eyes bore into yours, and the kindness and care you see in them makes you tear up. The tears prickle along your waterline and you almost want to throw your arms around his neck so you can bury your face and hide your tears there.

"I'm so sorry, Choso," you breathe shakily. He holds your gaze steadily. He's always steady. Never wavering. The security he provides you only makes you more emotional and you have to swallow down the sob that's threatening to come. "Really...I can't even begin to tell you how fucking sorry I am."

"You have no reason to be sorry."

"Stop, I do!" You argue, voice rising. He always gives you grace, always finds a way to make it seem like you weren't a piece of shit stringing him along. He's only ever truly been upset with you once, that you know of - the day of the photoshoot. It was the first time you'd seen Choso lose his composure, really show how upset he was with you and this whole situation.

And while you want to tell him to yell at you, stop excusing your actions, to be angry with you – because honestly, he should be furious with you – you know better than anyone by now that Choso wears his heart on his sleeve. What he feels in the moment, you'll see, without hesitation. So, you inhale deeply, calming yourself before you continue. The last thing you want to do is turn this into some big spectacle, although there's no one around to actually witness it this late at night.

"I've been dragging you along all this time, Choso. And've been so patient and so kind and understanding when you didn't have to be. I'm sorry."

Choso purses his lips as he takes your hand in his and squeezes softly. "I chose to stick around because I wanted to." He brings your hand up to his mouth, presses his lips gently to your palm with a sweet kiss. "Because you were worth it." Another kiss to your hand. "I just needed you to realize you were worth it, too."

Your vision blurs, hot tears falling from your eyes and rolling down your cheeks. You don't want to cry in front of Choso. You don't deserve to cry in front of him, but when you left Suguru's and rushed to the park, you didn't have much hope. You fully expected Choso to tell you he was done with you, that this was over.

You'd expected a "thanks for ending it with that loser, but it's too late". And you would have had to swallow that and accept it. It would have simply been your karma. So to be sitting here with Choso who sprinkles kisses along your skin...Well, the overwhelming thought of the night ending very differently has your emotions running wild.

Heat rises to your cheeks as you meet Choso's gaze. His eyes have hardly left yours for a moment, even as he places delicate little pecks to your wrist, up your forearm. He leans forward, lips continuing their path as he kisses your shoulder. You tilt your head to the side so he has the space to trail those sweet kisses up your neck. And then he's running his lips along your jaw, up your cheek.

The skatepark is empty, the only evidence of anyone around being the soft sighs from Choso and your quiet gasps when his lips touch the spots he knows make your knees weak.

And even in this wide open space, the air inside the little bubble that you and Choso reside in already feels thick with desire. With the way Choso licks at the most sensitive areas of your neck, groans quietly against your skin, you have an idea of where this night is soon to be headed.

You're ready.


You don't have the opportunity to finish, the sound of Choso's broken name falling uselessly between you as Choso seals his mouth over yours. Every kiss is tender, almost hesitant. It's careful.

Just so Choso.

And that's all that's on your mind; the incredible man before you – Choso...

...who cups your cheek so gently as he pulls away and he asks...

"Will you..." A whisper into the kiss, and your brain is still stuck on Choso...

...whose soft lips caress yours again, just for a moment before he speaks once more...


You'll go anywhere with him. Anywhere with Choso...

...who kisses you again, more passionately this time.

"Back to my place?"

And you nod without delay, because you have only a single thought rattling around in that head of yours...and it's Choso.

- - - - - -

The air seems to have only gotten thicker between the two of you.

Choso had offered to follow you home, waited for you to pack your things and take you back to his place. It was then that the mood truly began to shift. From the moment you'd slid into the passenger seat of Choso's car, it became a matter of whether or not you and Choso would even make it through the threshold of his home without tearing the other's clothes off, the unspoken anticipation slowly eating at both your patience.

After placing your bag in the back of his car, Choso leaned over to grab the seat belt and buckle you in.

It wasn't as if that was the first time Choso had done that for you. He always made sure to get the door for you, strap you in, ensure your safety. But this time, as Choso pulled the belt around your body, hand lingering so close to your chest, there was this spark of electricity between you that felt so intense, you could swear you heard it buzzing throughout the vehicle, felt it tingling along your skin. You know Choso felt it, too. You could see the way his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed thickly, and how he was careful not to touch you when he quickly secured the belt around you and clicked you in before putting the car in gear and driving off.

It happened once more when you finally pulled up to Choso's house. Too in your own head and not paying attention, you'd opened your car door without looking only to run straight into Choso's hard chest. He caught you easily, both arms wrapping around your waist to hold you steady while your palms rested flat against his pecks.

And there was that buzz again, radiating heavily between the two of you. The spark had always been there between you and Choso. This low, constant hum that kept steady. But tonight...tonight, this electricity felt dangerous, in the most exciting way.

You watch Choso's gaze drift to your mouth, watch how his tongue pokes in his cheek. He's kissed you already tonight, but he seems hesitant now. His hands grip onto the fabric of your clothes like he wants to pull you into him but he's resisting the urge.

Maybe he thinks you're not ready to take the next step with him. Or maybe he's trying to take things slow for his own sake. Knowing Choso, he probably doesn't want to give you the wrong idea. Doesn't want you to think he only asked you to stay over because he's trying to sleep with you. Another thing you really like about him, but you don't give a shit about that right now.

Your heart is racing, pounding against your ribcage in anticipation. You've only got eyes for this man and you want him to wreck you. And it's apparent he wants to do the same. You see the desire in his eyes, the way his pupils are so dilated his eyes are practically black as he stares down at you.

Your pulse quickens the longer you match his gaze. Then you finally speak, a hushed "I've been thinking about you all day."

"Yeah?" Choso asks. You feel his hands tracing up and down your spine and your skin ignites with goosebumps.


"And what exactly were you thinking?" His voice comes out rougher, raspier than normal and it only sets the small fire in your core ablaze.

"That I couldn't wait to be with alone with you."

"Hmm." His tongue slides along his bottom lip and your eyes snap down to the motion.

You want to kiss him again, taste his tongue on yours and have him taste you.

"Do you want me?" He questions. His hand slowly slides down to rest on the small of your back and just his touch has you so turned on you have to bite your lip to keep from moaning out into the night.

"So badly, Choso," you confess. Choso watches you squirm beneath his touch, trying to contain yourself. He's trying to do the same, but he's slowly losing the battle.

Every time you speak, every time you peer up at him with those pretty eyes and even prettier lips, he's that much closer to losing himself to you. And he knows he will lose himself in you once he has you completely. Your taste has haunted Choso since spending your first night together. The memory of your mouth on him has taken over his thoughts more times than he can count. He daydreams of you constantly.

He needs you.

Choso releases his hold on you, then reaches into the back seat of his car and grabs your overnight bag. "We should get inside then." He tells you. He swiftly turns around and you practically run after him, following him towards the entrance.

When you reach the front door, Choso lays his hand on the doorknob. Instead of turning it, he pauses briefly, then turns to you. And his stare shoots straight to your core. It reminds you of the very first time you'd ever been intimate with each other. Your cheeks warm and your heart thrums excitedly in your chest. You don't dare look away.

Time seems to stand still, even as Choso pushes the door to his home open. Even as he takes your hand in his and lifts it to his lips, eyes still locked onto yours.

And your head swims once again with nothing but thoughts of Choso...

...who has never been anything but patient, kind and gentle with you...

...which is why it shocks you just a bit when Choso roughly slams his bedroom door, pinning you between it and his large body. His lips capture yours hungrily, greedily, desperately. Like kissing you is what keeps his heart beating. Your thoughts are foggy, Choso the only thing on your mind. You feel lightheaded from the intoxicating way Choso kisses you right now. You think you'll float away if he stops.

He breaks the kiss, groaning when you take his bottom lip in your teeth and suck lightly. "Can I ask you something?" He mutters when you release him. There's a crimson hue that has now appeared on Choso's cheeks and spread to the tips of his ears. It's so cute.

You make a mental note that it seems when Choso is feeling shy or nervous, that's where he blushes the hardest.

"Anything," you answer easily.

Choso bites down on his lip, looking you over. When his eyes settle on yours again, there's something different in them, something hungry. His gaze falls back to your mouth and your breath hitches in your throat when you feel Choso gently press his thumb to your lips. You hear his sharp intake of breath, thumb gently caressing along your bottom lip.

Then he kisses you, his thumb still on your lips, like he's so desperate to taste you that he couldn't be bothered to move it. It's quick, one or two pecks and then he's back to absentmindedly watching his thumb stroke along your mouth again.

Every kiss is becoming more and more dizzying, has your heart beating so fast, and so hard that you think if Choso leans just an inch closer, he'll be able to hear it.

And if only you knew that if you leaned just an inch closer, you would hear his own heart clawing at his ribcage as he asks, "Are you mine now?"

Your hands find Choso's chest and you ball the fabric between your fists, confident when you answer him. "Yes."

And it's true; you're his.

But your answer doesn't satisfy the man before you just yet. You see it in the frown line that forms between his brows, in the way his eyes stare into yours, searching.

"I need you to say it," he demands. His large hands grip your waist now, and he's leaning forward to press his forehead to yours, eyes drifting shut as he inhales deeply. "I need to hear you say that you're mine now...just mine. Nobody else's..." Choso's hold tightens, only slightly. "Because you have no idea how much I want you right now. I want..." He pauses, taking another deep breath. "No, I need you to be mine. I won't share you again."

Your pulse picks up, the need in Choso's voice only making your heart slam faster, if that's even possible. You loop your arms around Choso's neck, pulling him down just enough for your lips to touch. You want him to hear it when you say it. You want him to feel it when you say it. Feel it against him, feel it in him. And know that you mean it.

"I'm yours, Choso," you whisper against his lips, and you can feel him melt into your embrace, a heavy sigh leaving him as he presses himself into you. "Only yours."

Choso's mouth finds yours, lips slotting against you, greedily swallowing every moan you let out as his hands trace a path to your waistband. He toys with the fabric between his fingers for a while, his lips now busy kissing and sucking what you're sure are marks into your neck. This is a side of possessiveness you haven't seen in Choso before.

It's so fucking arousing. The way Choso tugs at your waistband, how he nips at the skin on your neck just before he runs his tongue over the mark to soothe the sting. You're whimpering with every bite. You're so painfully turned on, you can't help but to push your hips forward, meeting Choso's hard length confined within his pants. Then it's Choso's turn to whimper, face buried in your neck as he meets your hips, pressing himself into your groin again and again.

Choso wants to have you so badly, he can't think straight right now. All he knows is that he wants you, and you want him. That you told him you're his, and he's always been yours. His heart swells with this news. This type of happiness is foreign to him, but he wants to get used to it...with you.

He kisses his way down to your collarbone, where he sucks new marks as his hips continue to grind into yours, pressing you harder and harder against the door. Your skin, your sweat, your taste on his tongue is intoxicating, and he only wants to have more.

"There's so many things I wanna do to you," he rasps, as he tugs at your waistband again.

"Yeah? Like what?"

To this, Choso hums as he leans back to look at you. "Honestly?"

Your brow arches, a slow grin spreading along your face. "Have you ever been anything but honest?"

"No." He chuckles. "I always say what I mean. I always mean what I say." He's kissing along your neck again, pulling moan after moan from you as he breathes into your skin, "I wanna taste you, love."


It's not like Choso is telling you he loves you. It's simply a term of endearment. And yet, the pet name has your silly little head spinning.

"Wanna make you cum on my tongue again." He trails kisses down your throat, your chest, talking to you along the way. "You know the first time you did it?" He scoffs to himself, like he can't believe that happened. "I couldn't stop thinking about it for weeks. I still think about it."

You sink your teeth into your bottom lip, watching Choso's slow descent along your abdomen, where he leaves sweet smooches along the way.

"I've been thinking about doing it again..." He's on his knees now, fingers still hooked into the waistband of your pants. He kisses your left hip and your mouth falls open with a quiet sigh, clearly a sensitive spot for you. "Been hoping to do it again. So please..." Choso leans over, kisses your right hip and you can't help the broken whimper falling from your lips. He peers up at you, brown eyes blown out with lust as he asks, "Will you let me taste you?"

You don't know if you've ever seen a sexier thing. This man who has quickly become everything to you, on his knees, begging for you to let him have a taste of you...

Suddenly you're very aware of the extreme wetness pooling between your legs. You feel self-conscious for all of a second before you meet Choso's lustful stare again. How could you deny him when he so clearly craves you?

You place your hands on top of his, pushing down and letting Choso drag your pants and panties all the way to your ankles before you kick them off to the side.

"You can have all of me," you breathe. "I'm yours."

Choso feels his heart skip.

"I'm yours."

The words echo in Choso's head, over and over until he can think of nothing else but you. Which is not unusual for him, but it feels like now that you've confirmed you're his and his alone, he has this strange urge to also claim all of you.

Choso sits back on his knees, admiring the view as he cards his fingers through his loose hair. Is that all it takes to make you putty like this? Have you absolutely drenched with arousal? A few kisses to your neck and your chest? Your panties were drenched when he pulled them down. And the apex of your thighs, your pretty lips...they're all soaked with evidence of your desire for him.

It makes Choso think that Suguru must not have been that good to you. Which is a pity because you're so fucking beautiful when you look so disheveled like this. But that's okay. He'll treat you right. He'll worship you like you deserve to be worshiped.

But he needs to pull himself together first because he's not much better off than you. Clearly, a few kisses to your neck and your chest are enough to make him putty as well because he's so turned on by just the sight of you. His dick is screaming to be released. He can't seem to pull his eyes from your core, and he's not sure if he wants to. He wants to taste you desperately. Even more so when his eyes drift up to yours and find you already looking down at him, chest rising and falling rapidly with heavy breaths of anticipation.

You want him just as badly as he wants you. And he doesn't want to keep you waiting for another fucking second.

Choso closes the distance, pressing a soft kiss to your bare pussy and you shiver, the coil forming low in your belly already getting tighter by the second. You blame it on all the teasing looks, and the building tension on the drive over. The coil only grows tighter when Choso fully dips his tongue between your folds and begins lapping at your core. Your head falls back against the door, eyes closed tight as you concentrate on simply trying to keep yourself from crashing to the floor the moment Choso's tongue immediately finds your clit like it's muscle memory for him, licking light circles.

"Ah, Choso–" Both your hands hold onto his brown locks.

He opens his mouth, presses his tongue flat against your clit, and places loud, wet kisses to your pussy. You quickly lose yourself to the incredible feeling of his tongue lapping at you. He's as amazing as he was the last time he was between your legs. Just as skilled, just as attentive, finding any and all spots that make your legs tremble even in the slightest. And he enjoys every reaction you give him. Every cute little sigh, every broken moan of his name...Choso loves when you say his name.

Because it's his name on your tongue, no one else's. Because it meant you were only focused on him. His name falling from your lips was honest, gentle, and seductive. And each time you sighed it, moaned it, or whimpered it, it made Choso work harder to bring you closer to your peak.

A guttural groan comes from deep in Choso's chest as he hooks an arm beneath your thigh and puts your leg over his shoulder and you gasp because now he's somehow even deeper. His tongue teases at your entrance and you feel yourself clench around nothing, the light taps against your hole prompting it to seek for something to enter. Choso hums, the vibrations running straight through to your clit and you whimper softly.

His tongue is incredible, skilled as it runs flat across your cunt and sends shivers up your spine every time it rubs the bundle of nerves. Your mind is working overtime trying to keep up with your body. Every lick and smack of Choso's mouth against you has your skin tingling.

Choso is attentive, carefully finding what spots make your breath hitch and staying there until you're crying out his name. He wants to make a mess of you before the night is over and he's going to be sure to do it. And by the way your back arches against the door, and your hands pull at his hair, it doesn't seem like it's going to take much anyway.

He pushes further into your pussy, seeking better access while his hands hold your ass.

"Fuck, fuck," You gasp when Choso sucks hard on your clit just before he flicks that tongue of his over it.

"Shit," Choso groans into your core. "Taste so..." he drags his tongue through your folds. "...fucking sweet, baby." Choso's cock is throbbing between his legs. Your fucking scent, your fucking taste. He's so drunk on you. He never wants to stop devouring you.

You're panting above him, soft moans rushing past your lips as your legs start to shake around Choso's head. And while he doesn't want you to cum yet, he wants to taste your release on his tongue again. Then he wants to feel your body wrapped around him when you cum again while he's buried deep inside of you.

With his free hand, Choso runs his index finger between your folds, gathering your slick before he stops right above your hole. He teases at your entrance, reveling in the way you tug at his hair impatiently. You so clearly want him to fill you, stretch your walls in any way possible. He's happy to oblige. He glances up to see you staring down at him again, eyes half-lidded, lips parted as your chest heaves. Your breaths come harshly. You look so beautiful, so ready to be fucked, so ready to be his.

He keeps his gaze on yours as he presses his finger forward, dick pulsing when your walls clench down on his thick finger immediately. God, he wants to feel you around him so badly. Your mouth falls open with a silent moan, eyes rolling to the back of your head as Choso pushes into you until he's knuckle deep. He's grateful he's been eating you out, the wetness adding to the ease in which he's able to slip in.

"You're so fucking tight. So tight, love," he grits out, being met with a loud moan in response to his new pet name for you. Choso pulls his finger back, slowly pushing it back in and your grip on his hair tightens, making him increase the pace in which he fucks you with his finger. His mouth latches back onto you.

"M-more, baby," you beg. "I need more."

"Mmm," Choso hums into you as he slips a second finger into your dripping cunt.

It's like music to his ears. The way you cry out his name, the deliciously lewd squelch when you grind yourself against his hand, the slurping sounds from his mouth as he devours you.

You don't want him to stop, don't want this to be over, but you're rapidly approaching your climax. And as much as you're loving this feeling, you know you don't have much longer until you reach your peak. Because the way Choso's tongue runs over your heat, how his fingers somehow find the exact spot that makes your eyes roll to the back of your head, how your heart races when you look down and see Choso staring back up at you, eyes full of all his desire for you, it's enough to send you over the edge.

And it does, your legs shaking violently as your orgasm crashes over you without warning. You feel Choso's free hand grip your thigh to keep you steady. It's so intense, you don't even realize you've bent forward, clutching desperately onto Choso's shoulders. It's so intense, you can't even hear the garbled cry of Choso's name leaving your lips over and over. All you can see is white behind your eyelids as you ride Choso's fingers and tongue through absolute ecstasy.

When you straighten back up, Choso pulls back from your core, lazily pumping his fingers into you. You're still squeezing down on him, so tight even as you're catching your breath. And he wants to give you a moment to breathe, but there's this primal part of him whose patience is wearing thin.

So he stands, pulling his fingers from inside of you, crashing his lips into yours and swallowing your whimpers. You can taste yourself on his lips, on his tongue as he tangles the muscle with yours. The kiss is sloppy, a mix of both your saliva and release.

And it's intoxicating.

It sets you right back at square one, a messy puddle with arousal dripping between your thighs.

All for Choso.

He places his hands beneath your thighs. Gently, he lifts you, carrying you to his bed where he lays you down on your back. Choso slowly crawls along your body, a hand coming up to brush his knuckles across your cheek. His eyes stare softly into yours, silently asking for your consent. Because he's ready to take that next step if you are. To solidify what Choso intends to be a full on committed relationship.

And you nod, because you believe him. Because you trust him. With your body, but mostly importantly, with your heart.

"I'm going to take good care of you," Choso promises, still gazing into your eyes before kissing you tenderly. "I'm never going to give you a reason to doubt me. Never going to break your heart."

"I know," you tell him. "I won't ever break yours again."

It's a promise you intend to keep.

You cup your hand to the back of his head, tangling your fingers in his hair and bring him down for another kiss. Choso groans softly into your mouth and you take the opportunity to slip your tongue into his. Your tongues dance together as Choso slips his hand down the hem of your shirt and under, his fingers ghosting back up to your breasts.

A quiet gasp interrupts the kiss as Choso's long fingers find your nipple, taking the soft bud and rolling it between his thumb and his index finger. He pulls back slightly, watching intently as your expression beneath him changes from tender and adoring to lustful, raw with desire as you arch your back to push your breast further into his touch.

Choso has seen this look on your face less than a handful of times. And each time, the look shoots straight to his dick. He releases you for the briefest of seconds before he's reaching down to hurriedly lift your shirt over your head. He tosses your top to the floor, doing the same with his own shirt right after.

His eyes rake over you and your breasts, drinking in the way your nipples seem to further harden the longer he stares.

"You're beautiful," he tells you, now that he can see you in all your nude glory. Just perfection.

Choso dips down to press a kiss to the valley between your breasts before taking your right nipple in his mouth. With his free hand, he takes hold of your other breast, caressing gently as his tongue rolls over your nipple. He tries not to smirk too hard when your hands find their way into his hair again, which Choso is beginning to find to be his favorite part of making you come undone. He loves the feeling of you trying your damnedest to bring him impossibly closer to you.

Your head lolls back, Choso's tongue flicking over your hardened bud only serving to intensify the pleasure already building up in your core again. At this point, there's a nagging worry in the back of your head that you're absolutely soaking Choso's sheets with your arousal. But you can't bring yourself to care when Choso releases your nipple from his mouth with an obnoxiously wet pop.

He adjusts himself between your thighs, leaning down to press a sweet kiss to your cheek, along your jaw and back to your lips. You feel him roll his hips forward, his own arousal evident between you. A gasp rushes past your lips when you feel his hard erection pressing insistently against your center, hot, heavy and pulsing. It leaves you breathless.

"You like that?" Choso questions, grinding his hips into yours once again and only receiving your moan in response. "Like feeling how hard you make me?" He dips down to place a kiss beneath your jaw. "Do you?"

Another grind of his hips. And you're sure you could cum just like this.

"God, yes," you whine quietly. "I love feeling how hard I make you, baby."

Choso groans, rolling his hips forward another time, please with your answer. You can feel the smirk on his lips when your grip in his hair tightens as you moan.

"Wanna feel you, Choso," you whimper. "Please."

And it's all Choso needs to hear before he's lifting his hips, pushing his pants down and kicking them off to the floor in what feels like one swift motion. You spread your legs wider for him, giving him room to fully settle back in. The feeling of his bare cock resting between your slick folds has you both shivering with pleasure.

"This okay?" He asks through gritted teeth. Because of course he does. He never wants you to be uncomfortable.

"It's so good."

Choso's lips find yours and he kisses you hungrily. It feels like hours of you both making out, tongues tangling as you adjust to finally being a step closer to fully having each other.

But when your hands, already buried in Choso's locks, tug just right, he can't help the pathetic whine that falls from his lips. Nor can he help the way his hips stutter. And neither of you can help the loud moans that come when Choso's length slides along your soaking pussy.

"Ah..." You hear Choso exhale shakily above you, jaw taut. You can feel his thighs trembling slightly between your legs, like he's trying to resist moving.

But you want him to move. So you pull him down to you, crushing your lips to his as you move your hips, grinding his length between you. The ridges of his cock drag deliciously over your clit. You press your hips into Choso's again and again. You don't want to stop. And neither does Choso apparently, because he begins to meet every roll of your hips with his own until it's just the both of you exchanging moans between you as you grind against each other.

"Fuck, babe. So damn wet," Choso grunts.

"Just for you, Choso. You make me feel so good," You kiss him sweetly, swallowing his whimper when you praise him.

He keeps fucking himself against you, pulling away from the kiss to hide his face in the crook of your neck.

The heat from your pussy engulfs his cock. And it's dizzying. He wants to be inside of you, but he can't seem to pull himself away from just the sensation of your sopping cunt slipping and sliding against him. It feels too amazing. So good, Choso's afraid he's not going to last much longer here.

He's desperate for you, has been desperate for you for some time. And the buildup that he's had to endure in the span of having his face buried between your thighs, swallowing every drop of your cum and now losing himself to your pussy before even getting to be inside of it has him ready to explode.

It's almost embarrassing to ask, but he wants to do this with you. If you agree, of course. So before he loses himself, even as the heat rushes to his cheeks and the coil in his groin tightens and threatens to snap, he whimpers out a quiet, "are you on birth control?"

You almost miss it, because your brain is frazzled, overstimulated because you've only just recovered from your last release and your next is coming up quickly. But you still hear it.

"Y-yes," you answer, moaning when you feel Choso's cock throb between your legs. And he's thrusting against you just a little faster now, breaths quickening.

"I need to cum in you," Choso grits between thrusts. "Need to fill you up with me. Need to make you mine."

Your eyes widen, not because you're offended or surprised at how blunt he's being. Choso has never been anything but honest. You're more surprised at the immediate flood of arousal that's just seeped between you both, only making more of a mess because of the way he's speaking to you. Your moans only spur Choso on, your core tightening because this new possessiveness Choso has been revealing tonight turns you on to no end.

"Yes. God, please." You hear his breath hitch against your skin when you moan your response.. "I want your cum, please. Fill me up, Choso."

"Yeah, baby?" Choso hisses against your skin. "Want me to?"

"Please, please. Gimme your cum, Choso, please. I want it."

Choso digs his hips into yours roughly, the pressure to your already sensitive nub suddenly pushing you over the edge sooner than you thought. Your cry echoes throughout Choso's room as your legs wrap around his waist, squeezing shakily as your orgasm rips through you once more.

And Choso is still fucking himself against you, loving the way your pussy is practically screaming for something to fill it. And when the sudden feeling of his own release shoots up his spine in a rush, Choso is happy to do so. You need no time to adjust, Choso dipping a hand between you and guiding his tip to your entrance. He pushes his entire length in, bottoming out easily and groaning hoarsely when your sweet, slick walls wrap around him, convulsing hard. You feel better than he imagined. So hot, so tight, so wet.

Choso rears his hips back, then rolls them forward again, sinking into you, slowly, and your body's reaction is immediate. Goosebumps ignite along your skin. Your heart races and your breath hitches as you savor the incredible feeling of every ridge and vein stroking along your walls, every pulse of his length as you take more of him, stuffing you so full you can hardly breathe. You writhe beneath Choso, moaning when Choso pulls his hips back once more before he's wasting no time slamming into you frantically as he chases his high.

"Gonna fill this tight little pussy with my cum, baby," he grunts, balls slapping messily against your ass. "Need to fill this pussy. Fuck, you feel so fucking good. Shit."

You've never seen this side of Choso before. It's a new feeling to him, too. Choso is certain he's never felt this way about anyone else before. But he can't help it. He feels some primal need to suddenly claim you now. Because he has to. Because he can.

He wants to be sure that everyone knows you're his.

"Tell me you're mine again," Choso begs. Because even he's still having a hard time believing it. He's got his head between your breasts now, pounding into you desperately. "P– please. Say it, baby. Tell me you're mine."

Your back arches, hands leaving Choso's hair to grip at his sheets when the tip of his cock taps your sweet spot. It almost makes you cum all over again.

"Oh my god," you gasp as your eyes roll back. "F–fuck!" You can barely form a thought with the way Choso splits you open. "I'm...ah– I'm yours, baby. Only yours."

It's exactly what he needs to hear. Every rough drive of Choso's hips has you crying out for him, has you clenching down on him so hard that it's impossible for Choso to not be overcome with the sensation of his climax violently washing over him. His mouth falls open, loud groans mixing with your cries as he bottoms out once more, pushing himself as deep as he can go before he's spilling into you, pumping you so full of his seed that he's sure it's dripping onto his sheets. But he can't be bothered to care. Not when your pussy hugs his cock so tight, milks him for all he's worth.

Choso kisses between your breasts, up your chest, your neck, all the way up until he reaches your lips. His dick twitches with every spurt of his cum. He doesn't think he'll be able to stop. Even as you both catch your breath, and he's quietly moaning sweet words to you, he can still feel himself pulsing with the shockwaves of his release.

He kisses a trail down to what he's now discovered may be his new favorite spot – the crook of your neck – and moans lowly against you, still fucking into you slowly, draining himself of everything he has to offer. "God, your pussy is so perfect. I don't think I'll ever get enough of you," Choso breathes.

You laugh weakly, unable to do anything but attempt to catch your breath. Your chest rapidly rises and falls as you come down from your second release. Choso presses one last kiss to your neck as he pulls his finally softening length from you with a hiss. He climbs off of you, laying on your side and pulling you into his arms where he buries his nose in your hair.

"Are you okay?" He asks quietly, almost like he's embarrassed about the way he acted a few moments ago.

You wrap an arm around him, hand finding his back and rubbing light circles. "I'm great." You gaze up at the man, and he gazes back down at you, a small smirk curling on one side of his lips. You stay like that for a long while, your feelings for each other, and all the words left unspoken finally being seen in each other's eyes.

It's Choso who breaks the silence.

"We should shower," he suggests. He knows there's a mess to be taken care of before either of you can relax comfortably. "I'll start it and get this cleaned up."

You nod, glad you thought to grab a bag before coming over. It's easy to agree to a shower when you've got everything you need right here. You reluctantly pull yourself from Choso's embrace. You sit up, about to get up to go find where you'd tossed your things when you'd fumbled in together, but you feel Choso's large hand grab your wrist.

"Hey..." he calls to you.

You turn back to him, brows arched in surprise. "Yes?"

But Choso doesn't say anything. He just...stares at you. And there's a tenderness in his eyes that you're certain you've seen before. It's the same look he had when he met you at the park earlier that night, like he wants to say something, but can't bring himself to just yet.

Instead, he sits up, presses one last soft peck to your lips. And then he's out of bed, in the bathroom before you can blink and running a shower for you.

- - - - - -

After your showers, you and Choso lay in each other's arms in his now clean bed. Choso hasn't let you go since you'd crawled under the covers. It's cute, the way he clings onto you like you'll disappear if he loosens his grip for even a second. But you're not going anywhere anymore. You're content here, where you were always meant to be it seems.

"When do you go back to work?" Choso questions suddenly. You can hear the sleepiness in his voice. You know he must be tired. It's the late hours of the night now, and the next day is slowly creeping in.

"I'll be off next week and then I'll go back."

"So you can spend the week with me, then." It's not really a suggestion. Choso says it as if he's noting that you'll be with him for the week.

You giggle, and Choso snuggles even closer to you if that were possible. "Oh yeah? What are we going to be doing?"

Choso hums in thought. "I have a competition a few cities away. You could come with me." You try not to be too surprised by this offer. Because you've never received it before. And it's nice to finally get it. Choso's hand holds the back of your neck, thumb slowly stroking back and forth along your skin. "I'll only be there for a couple of days. You can come with me, watch me skate without the looming pressure of getting a good shot. We'll hang out and come back." He presses a small kiss to your forehead. "Like a long date sort of thing."

You think about Yaga's advice to take the next week off and get your shit together. Breaking things off with Suguru for good was the first step, and you and Choso just spent the entire night taking your relationship to the next level. Now he's asking you if you want to spend more time taking things further. It's a no brainer for you.

"Okay. Let's go."

- - - - - -

After your night with Choso, you'd spent the week with him as planned. You turned your phone off, resisting the temptation to check on work or see what your friends may be up to. You wanted to be fully focused on Choso and your new relationship. And you were glad you did. It gave you two a chance to truly spend uninterrupted time with only each other.

Choso had won his competition, of course, and despite the little promise you made to leave your camera at home, you couldn't resist turning your phone back on for a few minutes while he skated. You couldn't help it. You loved your job, you loved being behind the camera. And there was something just so majestic about the way Choso skated. It would be such a shame to not capture those moments. And surprisingly, you'd managed to get some incredible shots of him on your phone, which you promptly set as your screensaver.

Admittedly, you loved the way Choso's ears practically glowed bright red when you showed him your screen.

But the week came and went in a rush and now you're back at work. You thought your return would be awkward, your team having not seen you since the incident at the cover shoot. And yet, everyone was warm and welcoming upon your return. Funnily enough, quite a few of your team members had stopped you in the halls to quietly thank you. For what, you're not sure, but you guessed it may have something to do with giving them front row seats to watch Naoya Zenin get pummeled.

You made a mental note to pass their thanks along to Choso, who shyly admitted to you one day that he loved the feeling of knocking him on his ass.

It was about three weeks after your return to work that the higher ups switched up your routine. You went from taking on assignments for the skating department of the magazine to researching up and coming athletes for a new department that was being built. This meant you were busier now than ever. It also meant you were traveling more. It started as small trips. You were never gone for more than a day and you'd be back at Choso's as soon as you were in town again. But the constant travel still meant seeing less of your boyfriend. Thankfully, he was understanding of this. Work came first, but you still felt guilty.

Just when things were starting to become stable between the two of you, work soon became the new third wheel. But you both made it work. When you traveled, it was Choso dropping you off at the airport. And it was Choso picking you up from the airport. You talked so often that you never truly felt like you were away from him.

Until now.

The higher ups set their sights on a new, rising talent and apparently, it had to be you out there getting the winning shot. So they'd sent you out of town. Well, out of the country. Apparently, it's the peak of the season right now and with so many other talents popping up around the world, your higher ups are eager to be the first to capture this particular talent in action.

So here you are, outside of the country, posted up in some fancy hotel room by the beach. It's pitch black outside, but you can still just barely make out the ripples of the waves on the dark, moonlit water. It's the reason you're here, and the reason there's a rush to get this new department up and running back home. Your higher ups want to start honing in on the surf world the talented athletes, and they are hoping you can be the one to capture the perfect photo for their next cover to introduce the surf segment.

There's a surf competition tomorrow that will be happening midday, but if surfers are anything like skaters, you want to be there in the early hours of the morning. Thanks to the hotel staff, who are local to the area and some even involved in the surf scene here, you had a lead on your target. And if your sources were correct, the person you were hoping to capture in action before the crowd arrived would be there. After much research, you'd discovered the best time to get in the water was right around sunrise, so you planned on trying to beat the crowd.

But for now, you find yourself on your phone on a video call with Choso. Freshly out of the shower, you throw yourself down face first onto your hotel bed. The sheets feel like a warm hug, reminding you of Choso. So soft, so comfortable, and you feel the jetlag begin to seep into your bones. You may even fall asleep like this. Who cares if you're still in your robe?

"Oh my god, this feels like a cloud," you groan into the blankets. Choso's deep chuckle reverberates through the phone and fills the space in your lonely room, fills the space in your once lonely heart and you can't help the goofy grin on your face now.

You miss him.

"Should I be jealous?" Choso jokes, watching as you prop your phone up next to your bed before getting comfortable and snuggling beneath the blankets. "You never cuddle with me like that." He pokes his bottom lip out in a cute pout and your heart leaps. Choso has really started showing his sense of humor. It's adorable.

You roll your eyes playfully, grinning. "That's hilarious seeing as how you always want to be the little spoon in this relationship. I'm almost never not cuddling you."

To this, Choso shrugs, still laughing when he mutters, "Well, maybe when you get back you can hold me the same way you apparently hold hotel duvets."

"And how is that?"

"Like you lov–" He cuts himself off, lips pursing like he just caught himself about to say something he shouldn't. But you're not stupid. You know exactly where that was headed. And you'd be lying if you said that word didn't try to claw its way up your throat on occasion.

But you're not sure if now is the right time. Things are still so new with Choso, so fresh. Because while you've been with each other for awhile now, there's always been one other person lingering. Now that they're gone, it's a fresh start on the story that is just you and Choso. This time around you're not going to fuck it up.

You can't rush to say those words. They need to come when the time is right.

"I miss you so much," Choso breathes quietly on the other side of the phone. He's looking away from the camera and you notice now that he's also propped his phone up next to his bed. He's in a black tank top and pajama pants, sitting up against his headboard. You can just make out that the sun is beginning to peek through his curtains. Suddenly you're reminded of your time difference. While the stars paint the deep blue of the night sky for you, they fade away for Choso as the sun rises.

"I miss you, too, babe."

So bad it hurts.

"When do you come back?"

You sit up in the bed, propping yourself up against the headboard to match Choso's posture. "In a few days. I'm kind of following this guy through the next few towns to try and get the perfect picture. The sun was already setting when I got to the hotel, so I didn't have time to check out the beach and find where the best shot would be. I'm hoping he'll be out there during the sunrise tomorrow."

Choso nods quietly, eyeing you through the camera. "Watching the sunrise with another man? Romantic."

You roll your eyes at his little joke. "Jealous?"

He nods immediately. "Of course I am. You'll be at the beach, watching the sunrise with someone who isn't me, your boyfriend." He emphasizes the word. You know it's not coming from a place of true jealousy. He simply loves bringing up the fact that there's no other man as important as him in your life anymore. Another little sign of possessiveness Choso shows now that you actually really like and find to be very sexy.

If you were with him, you would have crawled into his lap and shown him there was absolutely nothing to be jealous of. Instead, you pout. Because you hate that he's so close, and still out of your reach. You want to be able to touch him, kiss him, please him.

And then a little lightbulb is going off in your head, an idea forming. You shift around, smirking when your robe loosens and the shoulder droops down, exposing your collarbone and Choso's favorite little hiding spot. The one place he loves to bury his face in aside from between your thighs.

You watch as his gaze drifts down to your skin and he inhales sharply. One thing about Choso is that on the night you'd made things official and he told you he would never get enough of you, he meant it. Just like he meant everything he'd ever told you. Choso was insatiable, always hungry for you. There was hardly a day when you were in each other's presence that you didn't somehow end up tangled in the sheets, hidden away in the bathroom or whatever dark room you could find where you could completely devour each other. All of this time spent apart between both of your travels must have been eating away at him. It was definitely taking its toll on you.

"I really miss you," Choso repeats. His eyes are still stuck on your bare shoulder, tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. "Wish I was there with you."

You hum, gripping the fabric of your robe and sliding it back up to cover your shoulder, grinning when you hear Choso huff. It's fun to get a rise out of him sometimes. You slide the robe down again, just a little further, a little wider so that more of your chest is exposed. "I wish you were here with me, too, babe."

You see Choso shift, a hand coming down to palm at his crotch and you can just barely make out the outline of his erection beginning to form beneath the thin fabric of his pajamas. You watch, almost in a trance as he adjusts the bulge in his pants. So unashamed, not even trying to hide the fact that simply seeing your shoulder has him hard. And seeing the effect you have on him makes your own body react, makes your breath hitch your core throb.

"I wanna see you," Choso states. His eyes settle on the swell of your breasts. You hadn't even noticed that your robe had begun to slip further.

Your fingers deftly undo the knot that holds your robe together and you let it fall from your shoulders, leaving your nude form fully exposed for Choso. Your boyfriend licks his lips, fist now gripping his fully erect cock through his pants, stroking slowly over the fabric as his eyes rake over you.

You suddenly feel shy, awkward. It's just you here even though Choso is on the other end of the line. It doesn't take away from the fact that you're alone in this room, sitting naked on the phone. You feel a little silly doing this. You reach for your robe again, but freeze when you hear Choso's voice come from the device, a rough "Don't" stopping you in your tracks.

Your eyes follow his movements when he reaches to pull his shirt over his head. Then he lifts his hips, hands tugging his pants and boxers down. His cock springs free, already glistening with precum. Now you're licking your lips, wishing so badly that you were there to take his pretty, tan cock down your throat just the way he likes.

"Baby..." Choso moans as he wraps his hand around his dick.

"What do you want me to do?" You ask, breathily. You can feel your center wet with your arousal as your eyes lock onto Choso's motions.

"Touch your tits for me."

You do as you're told immediately, sliding your hands up to your chest, teasing yourself while Choso watches you. Cupping your breasts, you whimper as you run your fingers over your hardening nipples. You roll the sensitive buds between your fingers, pinching them gently, moaning in response to the grunt you hear from Choso on the other end.

"Feel good, baby?" He asks. Through drooping eyelids, you can see him lean forward slightly in bed just before he spits on the tip of his cock and uses his hand to spread the slick fluid. His head falls back against his headboard as he groans. Then his eyes are back on you through the screen, hot and filled with desire. "Does it?" He asks again.

"Ahh...yes," you sigh, pinching and rolling your nipples between your fingers. Your back arches against your headboard as you imagine it's Choso who is touching you, caressing you, squeezing you like this. You want him to be here, pleasuring you like this. The thought alone has more arousal dripping from your cunt and you bite down on your lip to keep yourself from moaning too loudly.

"Fuck– so damn beautiful." Choso's hips buck up into his fist, mouth slightly agape while he watches you tease yourself. "Open your legs, baby. Let me see you play with that pretty pussy."

"I wish I could touch you," You whine as you spread your legs for him. "I wish you could touch me." Choso's stare follows your hand as it slides between your thighs. He bites his lip, gaze stuck on the way your fingers spread your glistening folds and find your clit, gently rubbing the little nub and he tightens his grip as he pumps his hand up and down his length. Your eyes flutter closed as you pleasure yourself.

"Doing s-so good, baby," Choso praises you through gritted teeth, stroking himself slowly. "So pretty. perfect like this." He brings his free hand down to his balls, gripping the two orbs in his palm and gently squeezing. "Watch me."

And you do, knowing that there's just something so fucking arousing about what you're doing right now that you don't stand a chance of lasting much longer. You watch as Choso spits messily on his cock again. You watch as he strokes himself faster. You watch as his face scrunches with pleasure and how that tattooed line across his face crinkles every time he squeezes his eyes shut to focus on staving off his release when he gets too close.

"So hot," you tell him. "I want your cock so bad, baby."

"It's yours," Choso groans, hands tugging at his balls. "Fuuuck, it's yours any fucking time you want it."

Your pussy is soaked, begging for Choso to fill it. You moan as you play with yourself, your other hand coming down to rub light circles around your entrance. And you can feel how tight of a fit it will be even with your own fingers because you so desperately clench with need for Choso.

On the other end of the line, you see the thin line of precum dripping from Choso's tip and onto his hard abdomen. Every thick vein running along his cock has your mouth watering. God, he's gorgeous, losing himself to you by just watching you lose yourself to him. The image is so sexy, you want to burn it into your mind so you never forget it.

"Use your fingers," Choso pants, moans and whimpers falling freely from his lips now. You love it when he becomes a whiny mess like this.

Hurriedly, you bring two fingers to your lips and slip them into your mouth. You suck your fingers, getting them nice and wet. Then you bring them back down to your entrance, the earlier wetness helping when you push your fingers in. You clench around the digits immediately and your eyes close for just a moment.

"Watch me."

You remember Choso's earlier request and you open your eyes to find Choso staring back at you. Jaw clenched, nostrils flared. His chest rises and falls with every harsh breath as he fucks himself into his fist. And now you're a writhing mess, knuckles deep in your own cunt, trying to hide the way your thighs are twitching and how your head is spinning with each movement through your walls.

"Can't wait to see you," you tell Choso who can only reply with a low groan.

You're so close to your end. You feel your thighs trembling with every pump of your fingers, with every tight circle rubbed along your clit. Your fingers just feel too good. Especially when Choso is encouraging you on the other end of the phone, and getting off to you at the same time..

Choso doesn't seem to be much better off. He's got his head back against his headboard, hips moving frantically while he drinks in the way you moan for him.

"God, I'm gonna fuck that pretty pussy of yours so good when you come back home to me."

It's a promise from him. Because Choso never says anything to you that he doesn't mean.

"Yeah, baby?" You ask, curling your fingers in your walls to find the spot that takes you over the edge. A quiet gasp rushing past your lips when you reach it, legs quivering at the incredible sensation.

"Fuck yeah." Choso's breathing turns ragged, hips slamming into his fist. "Gonna fuck your –" He pumps himself faster, squeezes his balls harder, brows knitting together as his hips come up. "shit...gonna...ah– fucking...shit–" He doesn't get to finish his thought, hands gripping his balls as they tighten, and he paints his abdomen with thick ropes of cum. The moan that leaves Choso is low, guttural, arousing.

And as you watch Choso's cum leave his tip and land on his bare skin with a loud slap, you're sent to your own peak, walls clamping down on your fingers and convulsing as your orgasm takes over. Your eyes roll back, spine arching away from the headboard and it takes everything to not close your legs and stop. Your skin feels like it's on fire, the intensity of your release making you cry out for your boyfriend.

He's watching you as you cum, slowly stroking his softening cock while he tries to catch his breath. And he's never looked more beautiful. Cheeks dusted a rosy pink, chest flushed with a sheen of sweat, loose hair sticking to his forehead.

He's perfect.

He's yours.

- - - - - -

In the morning, the chilly ocean breeze greets you. The earliest rays of sunlight are just beginning to peek above the horizon. The waters are fairly calm right now. Not at all what you were expecting. And it makes you a little uneasy. It almost feels like something is waiting just around the corner for you. You're not sure if you should be worried.

But you don't have time to give to this feeling.. Not when your eyes land on your target, right where you'd been told he would be. He fits the description you were given to a tee – tall, deep tan skin with what appeared to be purple hair braided back into cornrows. He doesn't have the look of a typical surfer.

No wetsuit, but instead baggy shorts and a baggy t-shirt, which you weren't sure would hold up well in the water. Perhaps he only wore it when practicing. But what would you know? Your speciality is skateboarding.

He hasn't seen you yet. His eyes are glued to the small waves of the water while his board lies discarded next to him. You're thankful he hasn't seen you. You'd hate to get an earful this early in the morning if he sees you skulking around. From what you've heard, the man is a bit elusive and not a huge fan of getting his picture taken. Which only made him all the more appealing for your company. They were desperate to get this guy featured on the cover.

You take a few steps towards the stranger before you feel your phone buzzing incessantly in your pocket. You couldn't be more grateful that the gentle roar of the water covers the sound. Quickly, you fish your phone out and check your messages. The most important one lies at the top.

Yaga: Check your email for the next assignment ASAP. Big event for your department, so I'm trusting you with this one.

Yaga: Don't make me regret it.

Your thumb swipes through your apps until you find your email. You open the body of the email to find the details Yaga was telling you to review. The competition header is the first thing you lay eyes on:


Okay, so it's for a skate competition taking place in a couple of weeks. You don't pay it much mind. It's the list of competitors that catch your eye.

Choso Kamo

Momo Nishimiya

Naoya Zenin

Suguru Geto

Noritoshi Kamo

Junpei Yoshino

There are other competitors on the list, but you're not familiar with them.

Competition summary: Individual skaters will go head to head in a tournament style competition with scores being graded by judges. The last one standing will receive a five year contract with the sports magazine of their choosing.

You wonder if Choso has seen this list. You're sure he has. He's a part of it, so he would have had to sign up to enter. But, your stomach twists. It feels like the photoshoot all over again. No wonder Yaga gave you that warning in his text. No wonder something felt off today. No wonder the sea was so calm this morning. The storm had yet to come.

You inhale deeply, making a mental note to call Choso later about this.

Then you see movement from the corner of your eye, your target moving to pick up his board and leave towards the other end of the beach. So much for your plan of quietly sneaking up and talking with him. You rush forward, shoving your phone back into your pocket as you call after him.

"Excuse me! Mr. Hakari!"

And in your hurry to catch the man, you miss the new text message coming in.

Unknown Number: Looks like I'll be seeing you and your boyfriend soon. Looking forward to wiping the floor with pigtails

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❝𝙄 𝘾𝘼𝙉 𝙎𝙃𝙊𝙒 𝙔𝙊𝙐 𝙃𝙊𝙒 𝙂𝙊𝙊𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙁𝙀𝙀𝙇𝙎, 𝙄𝙁 𝙔𝙊𝙐 𝙒𝘼𝙉𝙏.❞ ⮑ 𝘠𝘶𝘶𝘫𝘪 𝘐𝘵𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘪 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘩...
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[𝘎𝘰𝘫𝘰 𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘶 𝘹 𝘧!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳] and [𝘎𝘦𝘵𝘰 𝘚𝘶𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘶 𝘹 𝘧!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳] Life is great, especially after getting engaged to Satoru G...
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Book 1 of 【Then There Was You】 『Gojo Satoru was a man that brimmed of confidence, he knew he was the most powerful Jujutsu Sorcerer and nothing could...