Star Wars: Admiral of the Emp...

By LordKage1

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During the rise of the Empire, many within the military were pleased with the fall of the Jedi but quickly ma... More

Chapter 1: Kamino
Chapter 2: Ryloth Politics
Chapter 3: Ryloth Plots
Chapter 5: Next Phase
Chapter 6: Burning Past
Chapter 7: Long Journey

Chapter 4: Failure

345 23 0
By LordKage1

Vice Admiral Rampart is with Captain Howzer, and Fleet Admiral Vane to the prison cells where Chams supporters and his friend and wife are being held with him.

And Vice Admiral begins his conversation with Cham, as both Captain Howzer and Admiral Vane just listen intently to every word.

Rampart: "Ah, Cham Syndulla, the liberator of Ryloth. Now the traitor of Ryloth. Attempting to assassinate your own senator? How unfortunate for your people to see you fall."

Cham: "They won't believe your lies."

Rampart: "Taa said you'd be a challenge, but he was mistaken. Your loyal followers will be even easier to deal with. Your daughter too. Surely you know how dangerous it can be out there." 

Admiral Vane is aware how subtle Vice Admiral Rampart is about threatening their daughter, but Vane knows this is a futile attempt since they no longer trust him.

Cham: "You don't know Hera."

Rampart: "Eleni, you're the reasonable one. Tell us where she is, and I will ensure she is returned to you safely."

Eleni: "I have seen how you treat your allies, Admiral. I prefer to be your enemy."

Rampart: "Have it your way."

As Vice Admiral Rampart walked away while Captain Howzer looked at the couple who looked at them angrily as he looks down in shame as he walked away while Fleet Admiral Vane stayed.

Vane: "Cham, I may not agree with Rampart methods, but attacking an Imperial convoy, and causing the Near death of a Senator, there is very little sway I can do but if you want Hera to be returned to you safely then tell us where she is."

Cham: "I heard stories of a Zabrak Republic Captain who won every battle against the Separatist, even at 1 to 5 odds. A ship named the Nightbrother striking ruthless and efficiently against any ship that dared challenge. The Zabrak called the Ghost of Dathomir."

Vane: "That was a time of war but now we are in the time of establishing peace, order and security in the galaxy."

Cham: "The Empire version of peace, do not make laugh."

Vane: "I had respect for you, Cham and what you stood for, but Ryloth doesn't need soldier, your time as pass but you couldn't accept that none of you could and now you will face the consequences of your action."

Admiral Vane walks away from the Cham's cell, and went to find Vice Admiral Rampart, who currently entering the base from entrance where leads to the Landing zone for Imperial ships.

Vane: "Vice Admiral Rampart, a word?"

Rampart: (Annoyed) "Of course Fleet Admiral Vane."

Some time, later bot Vice Admiral Rampart and Fleet Admiral Vane enter the previously own Senator Taa office, now being used by Vice Admiral Rampart.

Vane: "Is there clear evidence that Cham is responsible for all of this?"

Rampart: "There is, and the clones witness the attack on our convoy after finding his daughter with second in command and supporters smuggling weapons onto the planet after they were to surrender their weapons."

Vane: "I will review the reports and believe that you spoke the truth to me but if i something amiss, there will be consequences."

Rampart: "You may be my superior by rank, but I was placed command over Ryloth while you were here to make sure the Refinery is fully operational, so do not speaking about consequences when you have no say here."

Vane: "For now, but please Rampart, do not choke on your Aspiration. There always fates worse than death."

Rampart: "Is that a threat Fleet Admiral."

Vane: "Just an observation from a soldier to a politician. I'll be departing for the Refinery once we inform the people of the Capital of the current developing situation."

Admiral Vane leaves the office, leaving Vice Admiral Rampart alone who clutches his hands in anger, knowing there is nothing he can do as Admiral Vane has become, the Emperor favorite.

After the meeting, Hera had attempted to go home but was able to spot Clones and Crosshair with his Elite squad searching her home for her.

Her sent a message to Omega to get her help in rescue her parents, Hunter was unsure about helping Hera, but with some convincing from Omega, they went to go meet with Hera to understand the situation.

When arriving to Ryloth, hunter was still unsure to help but agree if the rescue was possible, so first they went to the Capital to determine the risk level.

In the Capital the people of Ryloth were gathered, where both Vice Admiral Rampart and Fleet Admiral Vane would address the people on the current situation while the Bad Batch monitor from a distance.

Vane: (Amplified) "Citizens of Ryloth, the shocking attack on your beloved senator has left you shaken, but Orn Free Taa's condition continues to improve, and he will make a full recovery."

Rampart: (Amplified) "But... The perpetrators of this heinous assassination attempt have been captured. Assassination attempt? Rest assured, Cham Syndulla and his insurgents... That's not what happened. ...will answer for their betrayal."

As the Bad Batch became aware that Crosshair is here, and how much a problem this could be with him there.

Until Hunter became aware of a Probe Droid that was patrolling nearby and eliminated but it was too late as it informs the Imperial forces of their whereabouts and so has Crosshair by it.

ES-02: "Command received a transmission from a probe droid in sector five."

Crosshair: "Hmm."

The Bad Batch had retreated back to Cham's old command outpost to discuss their option. But during the discussion Hunter refuses to help as the Empire is now aware of their presence.

Omega convinces Hera to formulate a plan to persuade Hunter and the rest to help. Which works as her plan revolves to attack the Refinery leaving the Capital vulnerable for the Bad Batch to rescue them.

While they plan further, Captain Howzer is seen speaking Vice Admiral Rampart, walking towards his new office.

Rampart: "No, Howzer. 'Some' isn't good enough. I want all of Syndulla's supporters found."

Howzer: "Sir, if we continue rounding up peaceful citizens, it will incite an uprising."

Rampart: "Then they will be arrested too."

Then Vice Admiral Rampart enter his new office which the noticeable thing was Crosshair was waiting for him with a data-pad.

Rampart: "Peace has a cost, Captain."

Crosshair: "Clone Force 99 is on Ryloth. They were spotted near the Capital."

Rampart: "We have a battalion of troopers right outside."

Crosshair: "That's not enough. I know what they're capable of."

Rampart: I'm more worried about what you're capable of. Since your squad has yet to locate Hera Syndulla, I suggest you stay on task. Or I will find someone who can and Don't think of informing Admiral Vane, he is quite busy with the Refinery to bother with your request."

While Chopper infiltrates the Refinery, but has difficulty shutting down the Automated Turrets, but was caught Clone troopers on patrol, leaving Hera and Omega to be the ones to save him.

Hera: "We have to help Chopper."

Omega: "We will, but first, we need to take the console off-line."

Hera: " Uh, how are we going to do that?"

Omega: "With one of those. You said you wanted to be a pilot, right?"

Hera: "Yeah."

Omega: "Well, come on."

While Omega and Hera hi-jack an Imperial Nu-Class Assault transport, Hunter and Echo are seen infiltrating the Capital.

Hera: "My parents would never approve of this plan."

Omega: "I won't tell if you won't."

Tech: (Audible) "Omega, has Chopper deactivated the perimeter cannons?"

Omega: "No, but Hera and I are working on it. Just don't shoot down our shuttle."

Tech: (Audible) "Wait. What shuttle?"

 Hera: "Here we go."

As this is the first time Hera lift off with a Shuttle, she crashed into other catching the attention of the Clones.

Hera: "Sorry!"

Clone trooper: (Audible) "We've got a security breach! Unauthorized launch from shuttle two!"

Hera and Omega take out the console control for the automated turrets which also takes out the Clones nearby, who were escorting Chopper, freeing him.

Admiral Vane was at a nearby office inside the Refinery when he feels the explosions and hears the alarms go off and the report go over the comms.

Vane: "lockdown the Refinery, inform the Capital, we are under attack."

As the Clones scrabble to halt the attack, Tech became aware of the explosion and decides to contact omega to get an understanding of the situation.

Tech: (Audible) "Omega, I am registering multiple explosions near the refinery."

Omega: "That was us. Cannons are down."

Omega: "Do some damage, Wrecker." 

Wrecker: (Audible) "That, I can do! Hang on. Whoa!"

Clone troopers: "Orders from Admiral Vane. Call in reinforcements!"

While back in the Capital, Vice Admiral Rampart was informed about the attack and left his office and was met by Captain Howzer.

Howzer: "The refinery is under attack."

Rampart: "I'll handle it. Stay here and guard the Capital."

As Omega and Hera with Tech do causes damage and destruction throughout the Refinery while the Clone fail to halt the attack, while back in the Capital Hunter and Echo reached prison cells.

Gobi: "What are you doing here?" 

Hunter: "Breaking you out."

Cham: "You know them?"

Gobi: "They are mercenaries. But I didn't hire them for this."

Hunter: "Hera did."

Cham: "Hera?"

Eleni: "Where is she? Is she safe?"

While back at the refinery, Hera is getting the hang of flying which Tech compliments there reckless flying as quite helpful in the attack.

While at the Capital All available Clone troopers with Crosshair and his squad board Imperial Nu-Class Assault Transport.

But only Crosshair notices something is off by taking the bulking of Imperial forces to the Refinery leaving the Capital vulnerable.

Crosshair: "Stop."

ES-03: "The admiral said to protect the refinery."

 Crosshair: "That's not their target."

ES-04: "Then why are they attacking it?"

While Crosshair and his squad gather as many Clone troopers as possible with blast shields and blasters to secure the main entrance to the Tower.

While Captain Howzer stops Cham and the rest from encountering the trap set by Crosshair and to explain himself.

Howzer: "Cham, wait! You're walking into a trap. There's a squad out there waiting."

Gobi: "Why should we trust you?"

Howzer: "Because I'm on your side. What the Empire is doing is wrong. You have to get out of here. They have the exits blocked. 

Eleni: "We can use Senator Taa's shuttle in his private tower hangar."

Howzer: "I'm sorry, General. I should've stopped this sooner."

Cham: "Our fight for Ryloth is not over, we will return. You can't stay here; they'll know you helped us."

Howzer: "I will not abandon my squad, they're good men. I have to try to get through to them. Go, while there's still time."

Hunter: "Tech, Omega, we have alternate transport. Meet at the rendezvous."

Gladly. Because there are multiple Imperial vessels inbound. 

As they clone and the Elite squad troopers are ready for Cham and the Bad Batch, while Crosshair does overwatch with his sniper but is contacted by one his squadmates.

ES-04: (Audible) "Commander, should we move in?"

Crosshair: "Stay in position. This is their way out."

Then the blast doors open only revealing Captain Howzer by himself, which confused Crosshair, Clone troopers and Elite troopers.

Howzer: "Brothers. What are we doing? We came here to free Ryloth from Separatist control, and we succeeded. But look around you. We're now being ordered to target the very people we swore to protect. And I will not be a part of it any longer. Who will stand with me?"

All of the clone troopers look towards each other, before nearly a third of the drop their blaster and blast shield in support of Captain Howzer.

Crosshair: "Arrest those traitors." 

The Crosshair see a shuttle leave from Senator Taa private Hanger Bay in his tower, which Crosshair attempted to shoot down but fail.

After arresting Captain Howzer and his Clone that sided with him, Crosshair was seen meeting with Vice Admiral Rampart at the partially destroyed Refinery.

Rampart: "It would seem I underestimated your four friends. If only they were fighting for us instead of against us."

Crosshair: "Request permission to hunt them down."

Rampart: "Hmm..."

????: "Granted."

Both Crosshair and Vice Admiral turn to face Fleet Admiral Vane standing there with Omega Squad behind him.

Vane: "You shall begin the hunt at once, Crosshair."

Crosshair: "It will be done, Admiral."

Crosshair leaves Fleet Admiral Vane alone with Vice Admiral Rampart so that may have a conversation, so Admiral Vane walks up to Rampart.

Vane: "You are relieved from your duties here on Ryloth."

Rampart: (Angered) "On who's authority?"

Vane: "The Emperor. I expect you to depart by dawn."

Admiral Vane leaves Vice Admiral Rampart to his thoughts with his Omega squad, as he needs to begin rebuilding the Refinery.

To Be Continued

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