Heartbreak Anniversary | [Ale...

By JaureguiKelly

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Quick Question
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1.1K 62 4
By JaureguiKelly

𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 - 1 𝙒𝙚𝙚𝙠 𝘼𝙜𝙤

𝘼𝙡𝙚𝙭'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

I walked into the medical office waiting for my appointment. My doctor wanted me to get checked out one more time since my mom alerted them that I had another game coming up and she wanted to triple check that I was okay.

Plus, my coach thought it would be a good idea as well. "I'm gonna wait out here, Al. I need to make some phone calls." My mom says as the nurse called my name to go to the back with the doctor.

I did the normal routine of the check up, got my vitals taken, and sat in the room waiting for the doctor to come in after the nurse was finished. A little while later, the doctor comes in, smiling at me as she sits in the chair logging into the computer. "Okay so, I read your file, I saw you just recently got cleared from a concussion, correct?"

"Yeah, I was cleared to play soccer again but my coach and my mom want me to get looked at one more time before I play in the game this week."

The doctor nods and starts looking me over. "Have you had any lasting symptoms? Nausea, vomitting, dizziness, blurry vision, feeling sluggish or tired?" She asked and I shook my head no.

She begins having me do a few things as she checks my balance, takes a look at my eyes, and more before I sat back down. "Alex is there any chance you may be pregnant?"

"What?" I asked startled by the sudden question. "Uhm, no. I-"

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out, it's just a question we ask, part of the workup." She says quickly trying to settle my nerves.

Even just the thought of me being pregnant right now freaks me out, I'm way too young for a baby and I'm sure Y/n and I would not be able to raise one right now. Plus, we always use condoms, she and I are very particular about that.

I let the thought ponder in my head for a bit before the doctor told me I was good to go and that she didn't see a reason why I wouldn't be cleared. So, now I'm good to go for sure, and set to return to action once break is over.

. . .

𝙔/𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

My hands felt like they were sweating so I started to wipe them off on my pants as I heard my dad talking to Coach Tara VanDerveer from Stanford University.

"Come right in-" my dad began as he and my mom came into view with Coach VanDerveer. I smiled as she approached me, shaking my hand before we sat down in the living room where my mom had prepared some finger food, little sandwiches, and some drinks.

"So, Y/n, its fair to say we have been watching you from up North in the bay for quite some time now and honestly, we think you would be a great asset to the team we are trying to build. We like to get a head start on what we envision the team to look like years down the line, and I think after you graduate next year, you can take Stanford to great heights as our point guard." She smiled and I couldn't believe the words I was hearing.

I mean, who wouldn't want to be a cardinal. "I know, it's a lot to ask but, we would love to extend our hand and throw our hat in the ring for you. We know you're probably getting a lot of offers from all over the country, but, we're prepared to offer you a full 4 year scholarship, no need to worry about tuition, books, room and board, meal plans-"

"Oh my goodness!" my mom squealed as her eyes watered as she held onto my hand. This is everything I've ever dreamed of hearing.

"We get you have a lot to think about but, we hope you consider doing the Stanford Cardinals. We also brought you some Stanford gear and would love to get you up North for an official visit."

. . .

𝘼𝙡𝙚𝙭'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

I sat on Megan's bed as she and Sophia finished singing and dancing to "Sweet Caroline". They're too much sometimes. I had this weird cramping feeling and I suddenly felt like I was going to puke. I took a sip of my water, and the symptoms started to subdue slowly, making me not pay too much attention to them but, the one thing on my mind lately was what the doctor asked me. Was there a possibility of me being pregnant?

"Al-Alex!" Megan said as she finally threw a stuffed animal at me. "Are you good?"

"Yeah, I just- I have a lot on my mind right now." I said honestly. "Are you and Y/n doing okay?" Sophia asked and I nodded.

"I've just, I think somethings wrong with me." I spoke honestly. I'd rather tell the girls what I think is going on than- or at least what I've been thinking instead of calling and talking to Y/n about it. I don't really want to scare her if there isn't anything to be scared about but I also want to get this off my chest.

Also, I want to do this without Kelley here because well, if she hears that I'm questioning that I may be pregnant or that I think something is up, the first thing she'll want to do is go give Y/n a piece of her mind.

The girls looked at me intently, waiting for me to tell them what's on my mind. I took a deep breath before looking at my best friends.

"Okay so, I- I've been having these thoughts and these weird symptoms and I just, after going to the doctors again, I feel like there may be something wrong because she put this thought in my head and now I'm freaking out." I spoke honestly, my voice was shaky.

"What symptoms?" Pinoe asked, urging me to continue. "Like, I don't know, vomiting, nausea, headaches... I honestly think it's residual from the concussion."

"But you were cleared?" Sophia says, she was giving me a confused look and I could tell they were both becoming concerned over this conversation.

"Uhm, okay, I know but, the reason I'm freaking out is after I got cleared the first time, thats when these things started happening. I originally thought maybe I hadn't fully healed but when the doctor asked if there was a possibility of me being pregnant, it just made matters worse."

"PREGNANT?!" They both exclaimed at the same time. Luckily, no one was home. "I know, I'm freaking out. Obviously I don't think I'm pregnant because well, Y/n does not and will not have sex with me unless she has a condom which is a thing I love about her. We're extremely safe and extremely careful."

Which was true. Y/n and I are probably the most responsible sexually active people you'll ever meet. "Alex, you do realize you can still get pregnant-" Pinoe began before Sophia lightly tapped her arm. "Pinoe." Soph whispers. "I'm just saying." Pinoe shrugs.

"I know that which is why I'm scared and I don't want to go buy a pregnancy test because everyone around her knows me and I already know how fast gossip spreads and I just- don't want anyone to take things and run with them if they turn out not being true."

"And you wouldn't want Y/n finding out if it doesn't come from you." I nodded my head and sat there, nervous, anxious. "Al, you know the clinic I work at? I'm pretty close to the OBGYN, I can go with you there, ask her to see you? They won't tell anyone, not even your parents. Trust me."

I nodded my head, agreeing that I needed to figure out what's wrong with me sooner rather than later. With all of this heightened fear of being pregnant, I knew I wanted to get answers.

I grabbed my phone, quickly texting my girlfriend.

To: WIFE 😘💍
Hi baby! I know we have a date planned tonight but something came up with Soph and Meg and I really need to be here. Raincheck? I love you, sorry!

I put my phone in my pocket, grabbed my bag and we headed to the clinic together.

A/n: Should Alex tell Y/n she's freaked out about the possibility of being pregnant?

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