Yandere Various Version.2

By Sharkrom

61.4K 888 245

Yep folks the second book to the other book that got thanos snapped off of Wattpad. More

Yandere Neo *revised*
Yandere Bremerton
Recovering Yandere Baltimore
Yandere Neko Cafe Maid
Yandere Stalker (Male Amnesiac Reader)
Yandere Bully (Male Suicidal Depressed Reader) ⚠️Major Mature Themes
Yandere Vampire (Male Dying Soldier Reader)
Murderer (Male Detective Reader)
Yandere Dark Wife (Male Writer Reader)
Yandere Stalker (Male Detective Reader)
Psycho Female Best Friend
Yandere Stranger Female (Male Cheated Reader)
Semi-Yan Vampire (Male Ex-Hunter Reader)
Yandere Malina (Male Bartender Reader)
Yandere Scientist
Yandere Fox Girl
Yandere Falin (Male Soldier Reader)
Yandere Obsessed Wife (Male Murderer Reader)
Yandere Psychotic Manipulator
Demon Queen
Yandere Younger Sister
Beelzebub (Male Disabled Reader)
Semi-Yan Best Friend
Yandere Hunter

Yandere Superhero (Male Retired Villain Reader)

2.6K 45 7
By Sharkrom

I actually liked this one this and this does not take place in MHA universe

No one POV

Mirko looked at the news in her home and waited for the time to come and the news came on as she got ready but something odd happened.

News: "Well this is Cassie reporting live...uh any second now..."

She was recording the crowd that had gathered but nothing happened. No lighting in the sky, no earthquake, or even any maniacal laughter coming from the sky.

News: "Well uh the weather outside will be clear and...mild..."

The crowd started to get impatient and talks were going around until after 20 minutes of him not showing up people started to dissipate and eventually the news had to change the subject. This happened the next day, the day after that, and eventually a whole week passed.

Mirko got concerned that her nemesis was plotting something dastardly and went in her regular clothes to search for him.

Rumi POV

I looked around his old areas of interest and even interrogated a few ruffians finding he hasn't contacted them in over 2 weeks. My concern slowly turned into worry for his wellbeing. I eventually went to the park to eat a hotdog I had bought and sat next to a person drinking a soda and eating a hamburger and fries.

??: "Something on your mind?"

"Eh...sorta...there's this guy I'm looking for and I'm more worried for him then anything else."

??: "Surprised really. Usually not everyone would willingly go looking for me."

I turn my head at him as I realized it was him! He was next to me eating a burger!

"Tell me what your planning. I highly doubt you'd want to start a fight against-"

(Y/n): "I retired."

"What? Retired? You don't retire from being a bad guy. We have a thing going on! You attack the city and I swoop in to save the day."

(Y/n): "Look Mirko. We've had this song an dance for years now. Everyday for the last 8 years. Not once did I ever win a battle. Plus the day when the city saw you win while I was buried under the rubble really hit me. So I figured no one would miss me if the (V/n) disappeared. After all you said "(V/n) should just stay in his hole of misfortune." So I did and he's dead now."

"But wait. I really didn't mean that...the people just wanted to be convinced. And what does this mean about us?"

(Y/n): "Mirko...there was never us to begin with...you were the hero loved by all and I was hated by everyone...in the end I guess the villain just died in me. Good luck on your next endeavors."

He threw his trash away into the garbage can and stare at his back leaving as this was the first time I lost a battle of emotions and wiped some tears away from my eyes.

Woman: "Hey it's fine. There's plenty of fish in the sea."

Instead I got angry again.

"Woah Woah! I'm not dating him! He's the last person I want to date!"

I left the park in a furious rage as how could he just stop being my villain?! To vent my anger I went to the bar and drank my sorrows away until my mind was clouded with seeing him beaten to a pulp or just him disappearing. I left when closing happened and was still fuming but drunk which weren't a perfect combination. I noticed a couple of guys following me since what woman stays out late drinking till the next morning.

Male: "Hey rabbit cutie~ you look lost~ why not spend some time with us~"

"Listen you small fry. I'm not having the best of day so I'm warning you if you want to keep your balls intact you stop following me."

Male 2: "Feisty~ what do you say boys maybe she can entertain us for the day~"

I look at them and sigh as one swung his bat towards my body which connected but he wasn't expecting it to splinter into pieces as the rest were all on guard as I had no time for pieces of shit like this.

"Last warning...back the fuck off."

Leader: "Get her!"

'Well looks like I gotta get my hands dirty.'

One charged at me with a knife as I hit it disarming him and breaking his arm seeing him yell and sock him in the face knocking him out as one tried to jump me but I just slammed him down on the concrete and slam my boot on his head hearing a sickening crack but I didn't care.

The next guy who was unfortunate tried to land a knife on me but I deflected and grab his head and bring it down on my knee sending him sprawling on the floor with a bloody nose.

Finally the leader charged at me as I side stepped his attacks and had enough and just punched him in the face and sat on his chest and started punching. Anger swelled up in me with each punch as (Y/n) appeared in my head seeing how each battle I came out on top and how he was beneath my foot. I should've let him at least once!

I came back to reality upon seeing the leaders face caved in and a hole in his face as blood, bone, and brain matter were around the area as I got up and walked away the scene.


I ate some cereal as the news reported on a brutal beating on some gang members that were all found dead early morning with various injuries. The leader had it worse as his head was completely caved in and most of the thugs had died at the hospital.

I had cold dead look in my eyes remembering last night. The restraint I held for civilians was unshackled as I could remember each snap, each sight of blood, and how in each attack I was reminded of him being there. I performed the same attacks on them on him in the past.

Grabbing my jacket I left my home taking the train station checking my phone and seeing little kids run around with bunny ears hoodies. They look at me and point to mine being similar to the hero and asked if I was but I just said I knew her like a friend and gave them a smile. After that little encounter I got out of the train station and entered the nearby apartment complex and knock on a certain door.

??: "Coming."

The door opened to reveal my old nemesis in his butterfly pajamas and long sleeve shirt.

(Y/n): "Ah. Mirko. Let me guess. You came here for an inspection of my place to see if I cooked up a scheme."

"N-No...I came because...I came because I wanted to apologize to you..."

(Y/n): "Apologize?"

"Please can I come in?"

(Y/n): "O-Oh I would but-"

??: "Babe! You said you were coming back to bed!"

A blonde haired girl came out of the living room and noticed me and waved while my hand clenched.

"Roommate right?"

(Y/n): "She's actually my girlfriend. She's the one who told me to retire and I'm doing good. I got a good job working at a engineering center and even got me a good therapist."

"A-Ah. So you really did hang up your cape did you."

(Y/n): "Yeah...I did...no more robbing, stealing, and mayhem."

"Can we at least be friends at least or even start over?"

I held my hand out to him but he just held it and shook it.


(Y/n): "(Y/n)..."

He had to leave for a bit as his girlfriend invited me in and sat me down at the table and served me some coffee.

Sumi: "Oh right I'm Sumi. His girlfriend. We both met at the park and hit it off. Coworkers?"

"Oh uh...well used to be coworkers...I won't lie I wasn't the best to him and admittedly a real shitty person..."

Sumi: "Well at least you turned around right? It's never to late I know you ad share a bond. Wouldn't want to let go of your friends it's always good to motivate them."

(Y/n): "Sorry for the wait. I had to change and see ya Sumi. Rumi."

"Bye (Y/n)..."

I glance over to his room and see his mask cracked and shattered in the trash as Sumi went to the bathroom to get ready for work as I enter his room and look at his mask and hoodie.

His hoodie was burned and scorched as his mask was flickering with cracks where I had punched him. I had excused myself from his home from Sumi and went to the tallest building just to contemplate as my phone beeped with the time of when (Y/n) would plan to take over but instead everyone had simply forgotten him. Even the media had tossed him aside i sniffle and wipe my tears away.

Why am I crying for someone who I simply saw as an opponent. I held his mask tracing each little crack as my tears fell on the mask and eventually just hugged it close.

Returning to the ground my ears perked up at the alley and saw a man pushing a woman against the wall with a knife out as I looked at the mask and donned it and entered inside to intervene and well the same happened again like last night with the man falling to his side as his brain was reduced to jelly. The woman screamed at the brutality but I held her still as blood on my hands dripped on her clothes as she looked into my eyes as I asked for forgiveness and snapped her neck silencing her as she slumped forward and her neck visibly deformed.

I drag the two further into the alley and dipped my fingers into the blood and draw on the wall with their blood making a drawing of (V/n)'s mask with a little additions and left the bodies propped up on the wall removing his mask and returning home.

News: "A string of murders have started to spring up as two new bodies were found in the alleyway. It's possible these murder connect to the villain who mysteriously disappeared. Could it be a fanatical ritual? Maybe some form love? But there is a new curfew order."

I listened as I modified the mask and hoodie humming a tune to myself with images of (Y/n) popping into my head as I worked throughout the night.


(Y/n) POV

Asa: "See ya (Y/n)."

Jon: "Night (L/n)."

I waved to my coworkers and took the elevator home and exited shivering at the cold and walk onyl to bump into someone and fall on the floor.

??: "Hey watch it- oh (Y/n)! Sorry about that."

I look up and see Rumi offering her hand to me and so I take it as she pulls me up colliding with her and being smothered in her chest as she boisterously laughs and pats my head

Rumi: "You like villain boy?"

"Sorry Rumi. And how come your outside?"

Rumi sighed and tilted her head a bit looking a bit sad.

Rumi: "Well ever since (V/n) disappeared Mirko has had nothing. No bad guys, villains, or even any crimes. I didn't realize just my presence alone can cause a reduction in crime. I do have a question. Are you affiliated with that murderer?"

"Woah Woah. I'm all about stealing and robbing but not killing I'm in no way in contact with that psycho."

Rumi: "So...you think their a psycho..."

"Ah I don't mean crazy. I just mean misguided. I'm no one special and killing in my name isn't right. I just wish whoever it was to stop."

Rumi: "Your wrong. Your pretty special in a weird way. You never gave up whenever I knocked your lights out. You seemed to keep coming back like some kind of roach."

"Was that supposed to motivate me or make me more depressed?"

Rumi: "Listen motivation and uplifting isn't my best trait. I mainly allow my fists to do all the talking. Wanna grab a drink?"

"I'd love to but I can't."

Rumi: "Girlfriend? Cmon at least one for old times sake. Ever since you retired people have been going their normal lives. Police is actually good and competent. You basically stopped me from being a hero. In a weird way you stopped me. Guess that's a win for you."

"A really late win if you ask me. I guess I can drink once."

Rumi grabbed my arm and pulled me to a bar rather forcibly despite trying to pry her fingers apart which was unsuccessful as her grip was incredibly strong. She led me to the back and got us an assortment of alcoholic drinks and poured me a drink, then another, then I lost count after 15.


I woke up in a bed not mine and look over to my side and see Rumi sleeping soundly as I panic and get up and see my clothes and start changing into my clothes.

Rumi: "Leaving right after~"

"Rumi! You you-"

Rumi: "Relax you dimwit. Even I wouldn't fuck you. All I did was remove your work clothes and sleep. I would've taken the couch but I had no extra clean blankets so you were the next best thing. And before I you say anything."

She shows me a video of us last night of me being an unruly drunk taking drink after drink as I couldn't hold my liquor and even beating a couple of people in arm wrestling.

"Well uh..."

Rumi: "You and I should go increase your tolerance to alcohol. With us around I doubt bars would be safe."

"That sounds fun...well see ya around Rumi."


I sigh and open the door seeing Sumi sitting on the chair facing the window.

"Sumi? Sorry Rumi wanted to go out and get some drinks and you know how I get with alcohol around. Got drunk and no worries we didn't fuck or anything."

She didn't respond or more like I didn't hear anything not even the sound of a heartbeat or breathing.


I walk over and look over to the chair and scream...


I watch as they move wheel Sumi's mutilated body. As I could hear descriptions.

Officer: "Her body was really messed up. Her head was caved in like she got attacked with a crowbar or some other blunt object."

Officer 2: "Her ribs were pulled out like a spreader. I feel bad for the kid."

Paramedic: "We can only determine the cause of death being blunt force trauma."

Officer: "Hey kid...sorry about your girlfriend but you have to help us..."

Rumi POV

I watched from an alley seeing (Y/n) being asked questions but I knew they'd have nothing on him.

Last night

I look at Sumi through my mask holding her by the neck as she tried to pry my hands off but I tilted my head and snap her fingers one by one making her scream in pain trying to through the gag as I throw her on the chair. And stab her hand pinning her hand to the couch as I take another knife talking through the modified voice changer in a more lower voice.

"You know your dating a pretty dangerous man. He's (V/n)...he and I go back way back way more back before you came into the picture...such a pity became what he is but that's no help to that hero but if helps. That hero won't be getting in the way. She's dead and a whole new time is upon us! But first....you have to go.."

Sumi screamed as I pat her head and starting punching repeatedly relishing inbox each of blows would cave her skull in. She was alive for the first 5 punches but she was alive and felt every one of them until her face was reduced into a crater.

I left after performing some final touches to my masterpiece and leaving my signature carved into her skin and drawn on the wall.

Flashback end

I pretended to walk out and see the scene and noticed (Y/n) rubbing his eyes and wiping tears away as I came over.

"Hey what the fuck happened?"

(Y/n): "Sumi...Sumi is dead..."

I had to hold back my cheers from killing her but he'll understand why I did so. At first I wanted to simply motivate him into the hero role and maybe get him to change but when Sumi came into the picture something flipped...I didn't like sharing him with others...just the fact that someone got in between of our thing made my stomach twist.

Rumi: "Oh no...I'm so sorry...is is there anything I can do for you?"

I look at her and hug her crying as she was surprised by the action but hugged back and patted my head to calm me down as I weeped into her sweater.


I walked back home looking around as reports of a killer have been running amok and lately attacks have been in the area I work in and some of my coworkers have gone missing and even some regular bystanders.

Entering the apartment I see police waiting for me at the door where Rumi and I live and gulp as they notice me and step forward while Rumi looked at me with a worried look in her eyes.

Officer: "(Y/n) (L/n)?"

"That's me. Anything wrong sir?"

Officer 2: "This is gonna be hard to digest but your currently charged with murder."

"Woah woah what?!"

Rumi: "Murder?! He was with me the whole week!"

Officer: "We understand ma'am but as of this moment current evidence points to him. Please sir turn around. You have the right to remain-"

In seconds his face had exploded in a brutal execution as Rumi threw his body to the end as the other officer went to fire his weapon  only for his arm to be ripped off and scream but lasting only a second as she slammed his skull into the wall splatting blood and bone as I fall back staring at her in fear as she was covered in blood.


Rumi: "Great now you saw..."

She reached over to me as I think on my feet and shadow dash down the stairs and down the hallway and hear crashing as Rumi drops in from above wearing a puffy jacket and a hoodie smeared in old dried blood and my old mask but modified.

"Rumi stop!"

Rumi: "I won't stop till your beneath my boot."

I shadow dash and jump side to side and tackle Rumi out the window and get thrown to the other building. I grunt pulling rebar out of my chest and steadily got up feeling rain hit my skin. I roll to the side avoiding a kick aimed at my back seeing Rumi not holding back as she charged and hoisted me by my neck and slammed me on the floor.

Rumi: "Submit or you'll be missing an arm and leg!"

I could see her bloodshot eyes through the visor absorbing some of her shadow and charge it on her chest copping a feel and blasted her leveling the whole floor and collapsing the whole building on her while I slinked away in extreme pain.


I hid out in an abandoned construction site as Rumi had been running amok looking for me and at this point everyone had been evacuated to get away from her and the only people would be the officers, paramedics, looters, and the more stubborn people. Of course everyone asked where the hero was she was the one causing the mayhem.

I check my phone only to be greeted with a livestream of Rumi with tied up hostages on the building.

Rumi: "Well well lookie what I have here! 10 little fuckers! (V/n) you better come here or~"

She grabs a man's face and crushed it slowly as he screamed in pain and was pulverized in an instant as I threw up whatever I had in my stomach.

Rumi: "You better get here fast or else 2 more will follow suite."

I get up pushing through the exhaustion and press on hoping to at least knock sense into Rumi. I don't know why she was doing this all for the sake of me? That doesn't make any sense.

Arriving at the building I hold my side looking at the support columns and enter the building taking the elevator to the top seeing the exit littered with eviscerated bodies with missing parts as opening the sliding doors I see Rumi sitting on a chair and people around.

"I'm here Rumi...just stop this please...this isn't you..."

Rumi: "Your right...she's dead..."

Missing scenes because I didn't want to add fighting scene because I'm not good at making a fighting scene.

She charges at me aiming to grab my throat but I dissolved into shadows and body slam into her side jabbing a knife into her stomach but not before she grabbed my leg and applied immense pressure causing my leg to burst and felt searing pain. She rolled on the ground hitting some poles and screamed as I walked limping as she clipped my leg with a hit. She got up clutching her stomach and ripped the mask off her face showing how her deranged look was.

"Im sorry Rumi..."

I collect any leftover shadows left in the area as the sun was coming up and shot up into the air shadows following behind me as it collected all in a ball mid-air as I collected everything in a fist and dove.

Infamous smoke karma bomb for anyone who played Second Son

Rumi looked up at me and opened her arms wide as my fist collided with her fist.

The building shook from the impact as cracks appeared and in seconds the building started to collapse as Rumi and I were lost in the collapse.


I could hear bird tweeting about as opening my eyes I'm greeted with a blinding light and see that it was the sunlight peeking through the window as I get up and feel off...I could only move one leg...

Turning over the bed sheet I could see my leg was cut off below the knee and see crutches on the side. Picking them up I hear humming and go through the hallway seeing various pictures and trophies as I enter the kitchen seeing Rumi.

Rumi: "Hey dimwit. Almost had me there. Come eat."

She slid over a batch of pancakes on the table as I go to speak but I was cut off as she turned fully around showing her arm was cut off from the elbow.

Rumi: "Lucky hit on the arm but I still have the other intact. Now sit and eat."

I gulp seeing the sizable part of her ear missing on her rabbit ear and sit down taking pieces of my pancakes apart and munching on them as she took pieces carefully.

"Where are we?"

Rumi: "Well after you collapsed the whole fucking building on me it took some pulling but I dragged your body away. All it took was some words teary eyes and words and well boom here you are inside my childhood home. And don't even think of escaping. You and I were born to fight each other Villain and Hero. But I thought wrong...I had feelings for you strong ones that I bottled up...I never had real friends so seeing you day in and day out felt normal so I went a little stir crazy...."

"So now what...."

Rumi: "Simple. The villain of shadows gave his life protecting the city. You were out for 3 days so you missed the news but it was admiring almost. So you have an option. Stay with me. I can protect you...all I ask is for you to only have eyes for me. Will you?"

I look at her hand as it was outstretched as behind her eyes raged a locked fury that didn't want to be tempted out as I look at Mehta left of my leg and tentatively grabbed her hand holding it firmly.

Alright. *Ragdoll on the floor*. I need sleep.

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