Ducktales Retold: The Life Of...

By Jozar143

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I made my own fanfictional character from the 1987 ducktales and the 2017 ducktales versions, a only eleven-y... More

Aiden Gets His Magical Powers/Aiden's First Adventure
Funso's Funzone Of Doom
Aiden Meets Lena
The Inventions That Turns Evil
Mark Beaks The Tech Billionaire
The Terra-Firmians That Live Underground
A God For A Day
Happy Birthday To Scrooge Mcduck
The Money Shark That Attacked Duckberg
The Only Child Day Adventure
The Young Mage And The Robot
Rescueing Agent 22
The Other Bin
The Tales Of Sky Pirites
Scrooge's Parents
Aiden's Horrible Mistake

Aiden Vs. Magica

122 4 3
By Jozar143

Today was the lunar eclipse and the triplets, Aiden and Donald were back at in the marina and Webby was helping her friends moving their things from the mansion and she says "Ahh, life on a boat, huh? The lively rocking of the waves! Sleeping next to a dangerous boiler! And what's that? A longshreman cursing?! Fun!"

Dewey: Anything's better than the mansion with that selfish old miser.

Webby: Aw, that's not fair. Scrooge isn't that old and selfish... okay, but in the most lovable way!

Donald: Home sweet home. Huh?

Huey, Louie and Aiden were still discouraged then Donald tried to cheer them up with fish on crackers and Webby takes one even though she doesn't like it then Donald says "Wait, where's Dewey?!" Assuming he'll be at the engine stealing the boat again but he wasn't.

Dewey: Nope. Right here. Not stealing the boat.

Donald: Oh!

Dewey: Yep. Back to the good ol' days. Woo-woo.

Huey and Louie: [half-hearted] Woo!

Webbys spits out the crackers and Aiden says to Webby, his bothers and his uncle that he'll be in his room and when he's at his room he thinks that having magic in his life was a terrible mistake, he almost gotten everyone he loved killed over his outburst about what Scrooge said to him, his best friend Webby and his beloved brothers and he tried to hurt Scrooge with it. So he decided to get rid of it.

Meanwhile Magica was still possessing Lena and says "Big day, Magica. Real big day. The eclipse is hand, my plan is flawless." Suddenly she was losing control of Lena for a second but he was shadowed chained of her aunt and says "Let. Me. Go!"

Magica: Oh, that's right. I forgot you were here.

Lena: I won't let you do this to Aiden!

Magica: Yeah, uh-huh. Oh, except at the moment of the eclipse, my powers will finally unleash, and I'll be invincible juggernaut of dark magic! So, know know...

Magica possesses her again and says "Now That you've gained the trust of Aiden Fauntleroy and his friends, I can use your body to get inside the house. Then I'll weaken Scrooge with this."

She held a poisen serum and adds "Snatch the Number One Dime at the height of the eclipse, unleash my full power, have Aiden as my apprentice and use him to destroy everything that he and Scrooge ever loved! Ha ha ha! Unh!" Suddenly possessed Lena was knocked in the wind by Launchpad and was talking through thr speaker and says "Howdy, Mr. McDee! Don't worry, I'm not here to check on you on account of everyone moving out because the boys because the boys blame you for launching their mom to space and orphaning them them. I'm here to take you out for ice cream! Mmm, sounds good, right? Family crisis! I mean, ice cream!

Scrooge: Go away.

Possessed Lena: Out?! Moved?! Ice cream?! Without those kids to let me in, how am I supposed to get my evil vengeance and have Aiden as my evil apprentice?! No. I will defeat Scrooge McDuck and let Aiden team up with me. I am the dark shadow lying in wait! I am the stuff of nightmares lurking in the hidden recesses of your mind! I am-- Aaaah!" She dodged out of the way of Launchpad backing up and drove away from McDuck Manor and possessed Lena walks towards the speakers tries to convince Scrooge that she is typical little girl.

Possessed Lena: Gee wiz, mister. It's me, that insufferable whelp Lena. The little urchins invited me over to... Uh... what do children like? Play marbles?

Scrooge: The children are gone. Leave me alone. Forever.

Magica who's possessing Lena starts to get really angry but then says "Aw, shucks. Aiden said this would happen."

Scrooge: What did he say?

Possessed Lena: That you wouldn't be able to handle him and his brothers leaving and have an old man meltdown. I thought better of you. Guess I was wrong.

Then Scrooge opens the gate for Lena A. K. A. Magica, she walks in and says "At last. A vanquished for the ages, a final clash between the Sorceress of the Shadows and the world's greatest adventurer, Scrooge Mc--" when Scrooge opens the door he looked a mess. Meanwhile at the houseboat Launchpad finds a box full of souvenirs from Scrooge's adventures the children did together in trash and says "Hey, guys, I think you misplaced this box."

Dewey: We're throwing that away.

Dewey takes the box and Webby comes to the box and says "What?! The Druid's Cup? This Mount Neverrest T-shirt that? The Golden Khopesh of Toth Ra that you conned Launchpad out of?! Those artifacts are special!"

Dewey: It's just old junk, Webby.

Then later Aiden comes in with his backpack with his amulet and spell book inside, he ties a concrete block to it.

Webby: What are you doing, Aiden?

Aiden: I'm throwing away my amulet and my spell book into the water, Webby. I'm quitting magic. Forever!

Launchpad and Webby: Why?!

Louie: Whoa, hold on, Aiden think for second.

Aiden: I have been thinking, Louie! And I thought I can use my magic to help people! I thought I can do good with it, it looks like I was wrong.

Dewey: Aiden, please don't do this your a sorcerer, you can't just quit magic because you hurted Scrooge besides he got what he deserved anyway after what he—

Aiden: No he didn't deserve it, Dewey! I'm sorry I mean... look it wasn't me just hurting Scrooge, my magical outburst almost cost everyone's life and I'm not a sorcerer anymore... I'm just an ordinary boy now.

Then Aiden throws both thr concrete block and his backpack into the water and says "Now it can't hurt anyone, I'm sorry you guys but magic is over for me. For good." He walks inside the houseboat, Dewey throws the druids cup into the water and Huey place the mount neverrest t-shirt in the and burns it. And when Louie tries to throw his khopesh but fakes it, Dewey suddenly snatches it and throws it in the water Louie tries to retrieve it but Huey and Dewey holds him back.

Donald watches the triplets throwing away all the artifacts in the water and looks at his other nephew sulking in the dining area feeling guilty at what he did to Della that neither he and everyone else knows. Donald puts a sympathetic look and feels bad for his nephews.

Webby: I can't believe it's really over. I mean, Aiden gave up being a sorcerer for us and his family is falling apart.

Launchpad: Don't worry. I've crashed literally hundreds of Mr. McDee's vehicles, and he always get over it. The boys will, too.

Webby: I don't know. This feels different. Aiden blames himself for his magical outburst and his brothers blames Scrooge for their mom's disappearance.

Launchpad: It'll blow over. They'll be a happy family living in the mansion before you know it.

Suddenly Donald comes out with a Cape Suzette brochure and says " Boys! Good news! Where have you always wanted to go?

Louie: Into the water to go get my Khopesh!

Donald: What? No. Cape Suzette! We're moving there tomorrow!

Huey: A new town?!

Louie: Finally.

Dewey: Cape Suzette, here we come!

Launchpad and Webby: They're, moving tomorrow?!

Webby: We have no time! Aiden, my best friend I've ever known gone forever! Ohhh! What do we do?!

Aiden: What's going on here?

Aiden walks on the dock to find Webby and Launchpad panicking about something and Webby says "Didn't you know you and your family are moving to Cape Suzette tomorrow!"

Aiden: What?! I don't to leave Duckburg or you guys!

Webby: What about Scrooge?

Aiden: Him too, even though he said some hurtful things about me, you and everyone else on that plane. And Lena I can't leave her behind she's my best friend besides you and Launchpad of course.

Launchpad: Sure like Lena a lot do you?

Aiden: Of course I do, she's special to me.

Webby: That's not what Launchpad means, Aiden.

Aiden: What? That I like, I like? Well... what if the answers is yes?

Launchpad: Then you should tell her how you feel before it's too late.

Aiden: Well, first I need to tell everyone in the houseboat how I feel about moving to Cape Suzette but how?

Webby: (gasp) I got it! An amazingly fun and elaborate farewell dinner party scheme!

Aiden: Alright! Step one, I'll help you guys throw my uncle, my brothers and myself farewell party to convince them they don't want to move as much as I do.

Launchpad: Step two, reveal surprise guest-- Scrooge-- and them how much they all miss each other.

Webby: Step three... There is no step three, because we just nailed it in two steps!

Launchpad, Aiden and Webby: Whoo!

Meanwhile in the mansion it was a total mess pizzas and pep were everywhere when Scrooge lets Lena in.

Magica: [Lena Voice] How long has your housekeeping staff been gone?

Scrooge: Three days. So how are my so-called kin? Miserable, no doubt, living on that disgusting boat. I'm obviously doing much better than they are.

Scrooge was chasing a opossum that it's eating Scrooge's pizzas then Magica lost control again and Lena tries to warn Scooge of her aunt trying to get Aiden and his dime but Magica keeps Lena's beak shut so she doesn't make a sound.

Magica: That sad sack of feathers is not Scrooge. The Scrooge McDuck I know is a shrewd, conquering hero of legend. Unless... this is a trick. Yes, that's it! Of course! He senses something. He's trying to convince me he's a pathetic loser, hoping I'll make a mistake! Ha ha you can't feel me, Scroogie! I am the one who fools! One sip. Lights out. Grab the dime. Then I have Aiden as my slave to enact my vengeance! Thanks for the pep talk, Lena.

Later back at the houseboat, Huey was on the top bunk of the triple bunk bed which at the top and Aiden was on his own bed at the other side and Louie walks in the room and sits on his bottom bunk.

Huey: Huh. It says here that Cape Suzette has a pretty neat park. They just got a second swing.

Louie: And the Cape Suzette saltine cracker factory gives public tours. And they let you sample the crackers at least.

Huey: Yeah!

Aiden: You know, guys, this place where we're moving tomorrow used to sound exciting before I had no freedom at all. But now--

Suddenly Dewey comes in the room and says, "Ho ho! Meet the new Dewey, the dashing, debonair yachtsman of Cape Suzette!" But every time he walks with his fancy boat shoes it hurted his feet then a note slides under the door. Louie walks to it and reads "Dear Hubert, Dewford, Lew-[mutter]... and Aiden, you are cordially invited to your own dining room for a dinner of heartwarming memories and surprises, question mark. Will you attend, 'yay' or nay"? When they picked 'yay' Aiden was happy that this scheme was going to plan, he tells his brothers that he's going to wash up and get ready. Then he does the secret handshake to his two best friends Webby and Launchpad.

Aiden: Now we just have to get Scrooge to show up. But how are we gonna do that?

Webby: We're gonna have to be subtle.

Launchpad calls Scrooge to invite him at Donald's houseboat for a party but he can't let him know what it's really about and both Aiden and Webby shouts there will be free food but one thing that they didn't know Lena was imitating Scrooge's voice and ends up and says "[Magica's Voice] Ha! Dinner officially ruined! Hm! Now, back to destroying Scrooge."

Scrooge: Where's that blasted nutmeg tea?

Magica: Ooh. Convenient.[Lena's Voice] Don't worry! I'll get it!

Back at the houseboat Donald was taking the pots out of the box and hangs them up where they belong in the kitchen then Aiden, Webby and Launchpad brings in the stuff they got from the stuff Donald says "Hey, what's the big idea, Aiden?!"

Aiden: Didn't my brothers tell you, we're going to have a heartwarming farewell dinner!

Donald: Oh, fine. Just make sure you clean up your mess after you're done.

Aiden: Yes, Uncle Donald.

And when he left the kitchen, Aiden, Launchpad and Webby gave each other a thumbs up and starts preparing dinner. Later on in the mansion Magica was poring the poison serum in the tea and walks into Huey, Dewey, Louie and Aiden's former bedroom full of pizza boxes making it another pantry and possessed Lena says "He is very committed to this looking pathetic trap." She tried to offer Scrooge some poisen tea and when he took it, he just placed it down and made Magica furious, as Scrooge takes the pizza off the ground he stumbled across his nephews secret stage of their belongings. Scrooge picks up the bag of marbles and takes out a red, blue, green and black with a purple center on the marble. He thinks of the good memories of his nephews especially of his partner Aiden who's also his nephew but then thinks back after he used his power against him.

Scrooge: After all I did for that boy along with his brothers, they just throw it in my face! Plus he used his magic to hurt me.... I never should've giving him that magic crystal and that spell book, because magic brings nothing but trouble!

Marble: Cheers to riding found memories!

Scrooge: And then they leave without so as a thank you! Or an apology from Aiden after he through his magical outburst at hid own uncle!

Magica: [Lena's Voice] Forget him and his family! Who needs 'em?

Scrooge: I'll drink to that!

When Scrooge was about to drink the poison the pizza box lands on top of him and made him spilled the tea and Magica says "Of all the idiotic-- [Lena's Voice] I mean, I'll go make you another." Meanwhile Webby and Aiden brings the triplets and Donald to the kitchen for the farewell dinner.

Aiden: Come on, guy, we're gonna be late for the greatest dinner of all time!

Webby: Yeah! A culinary through Duckburg! Every bite reminding you how much you love this town you're leaving behind for some dumb reason.

Launchpad: Mmm, the "family-tini." Old family recipe. Tastes like the loving embrace of family.

Donald and the triplets were confused of what they are looking at.

Huey: Are these melted popsicles in cup?

Aiden: It's great, isn't it?

Louie: Well,.... hey, it's not too late, Aiden. You can just retrieve your bagpack with your amulet inside and use your magic to transform this into a better meal.

Aiden loses his smile and says "I'm not gonna tell you again, Louie. I'm done with magic. I renounce it.

Dewey: Come on, Aiden, how can you turn your back on magic? It's a part of who you are. What happened to you?

Aiden: I almost got you all killed! I won't let magic take over my life. And really, I'm very sorry that I put you all in danger. I'm just very glad that I never do magic again.

Huey: Aiden, magic can't you something you're not.

Aiden: And you know what I am?

Webby: Yes, we do Aiden, because when push comes to shove you're a good person with or without magic. We're not gonna force you to get your amulet back, if you don't want to have magic in your life that's okay.

Aiden: Really?

Dewey: Are you sure we can't make him—

Webby: Yes, Dewey! I am!

Dewey: Okay, okay, just checking.

Launchpad: Don't worry little buddy, at least you still got your martial arts skills right?

Aiden: Of course I do, but I want to use them for self-defense only and to protect to my family. It's too bad we won't having this fancy dinner at Cape Suzette.

Launchpad: I hear you, Aiden.

Suddenly Beakley comes in the houseboat and says "That's probably for the best. I heard there was a farewell party. I brought ambrosia salad." Launchpad, Webby and Aiden left the kitchen and went outside to the front of the houseboat.

Webby: Granny's a master spy!

Aiden: And she'll expose our plan! Launchpad, how'd she know about the party?!

Launchpad: I dunno. I specifically wrote on her invitation, "don't come!"

Aiden: (sighs) You weren't supposed to— never mind about that! Where is Scrooge?

Webby: Yeah! He was supposed to be here half an hour ago! Okay, okay, okay, just need to stall till he arrives.

They returned to the kitchen and Webby says "A toast! The dictionary defines "family" as "a group of people bound together by commitment and unwavering loyalty." So let's each say one nice thing about a particular relative of ours. Ahem. Boys?"

Dewey: Uch, fine. I'll go with Uncle Donald, because... well, he's devoted to his family. Unlike others.

Huey: Yeah, and he's thoughtful.

Louie: Don't forget passionate.

Donald: Aww!

Launchpad: I like his sailor getup!

Aiden: Can I say something about Uncle Donald? Ten years-ago I was alone but when Donald took me in he's been like a father to me and my brothers. He's kind, and nice and he actually cares about us, and we love him for that.

Donald: (sniffle) Oh, Aiden, you and your brothers make me so proud to be your uncle.

Webby: Ugh! Okay, we all love Donald. But how about a relative that is not in this room, who is over 80, and is very, very rich?

Dewey: Why are you guys acting so weird?

Aiden: What are you talking about, Dewey? No one's acting—

Launchpad: Emergency bounce house!

Aiden: No, Launchpad! Wait!

And when he puts the bounce house inside the houseboat and everyone was squished and Beakley says "(squashed) Webby, Aiden, Launchpad. A word?"

Aiden: (squashed) Uh-oh. We're in trouble now.

She puts her two grandchildren and Launchpad at the front of the boat and says "This is a parent trap, isn't it? You're trying to manufacture sentiment to force Scrooge and Aiden's brothers to come together against their wills. [turns to Aiden] And you are in this too aren't you?"

Aiden: Okay, yes I am. I just don't—

Beakley: I want in.

Aiden, Webby and Launchpad: Really?!

Beakley: If this family won't come together, we'll have to do it for them. I assume you invited Scrooge.

Webby: Yeah, but he's running late.

Beakley: Okay. I'll get the boys and Donald emotionally primed while we wait. I'm a former agent and a grandmother. I know how to weaponize guilt.

Aiden: And that's why you are our favorite Granny.

Beakley smiles and rustle up his hair but she asks about his amulet not him Aiden tells her that he got rid of it along with his spell book and explains why he did that then Beakley tells her that it's probably for the best and heads back to the kitchen. Meanwhile possessed Lena pours the poison in a sippy cup and pass it out as tea and gives it to Scrooge and he says "Finally without that Aiden, his magic and those other kids, I can just sit here in peace, stare vacantly at my money, and sulk like an arrant recluse."

Lena: On an unrelated note, how's that tea?

Scrooge: Spilt. Like my life.

Scrooge spilled the poison at the floor and starts sulking on his chair Magica says "Oh, my word, it's not a trap. He's actually become this pathetic! How dare you make me pity you! This is not how I pictured killing you in my head for the last 15 years!"

Scrooge: Go on. Scram now. Let me wallow in peace.

She slaps him and says "[Lena's voice] Toughen up, man! You conquered Plain Awful, you found the Last Crown of the Monagols, you even defeated some very powerful dark forces! You don't need Aiden and his family! You're Scrooge McDuck! Act like it!"

Scrooge: I am Scrooge McDuck. I was adventuring before them. No one helped me then, and I don't need help now!

Lena: Yes! They were all in your way. Mooching, freeloading. Trying to weaken you with compassion and caring.

Scrooge: I'm going back to basics. Doggedly driven, bare Barry Scrooge flying solo! I don't need Duckburg or the mansion or the Bin! I can start from scratch! I dinnae need these pince-nez spectacles, this handmade silk-weave top hat, these satin spatterdashes!

He throws them all in the fireplace even his robe and adds "Yes, yes, yes! I don't need anything!"

Lena: Not even your Number One Dime!

Scrooge: Well, that's crazy. Of course I need my dime.

Lena: What about starting from scratch? Just give me the dime, and I'll throw it away for you.

Scrooge: Why would a young lass be so interested in getting her hands on my ol' Number One Dime?

Lena looks at the eclipse and back to Scrooge and he says "Maybe you should be going." Suddenly Lena attacks him and tries to take the dime by force.

Scrooge: Lena! What the-- ? Have you gone daft?! Look, I'm gonna fight a child!

She bites him and then says "Okay, fine!" Scrooge does a martial art kick at Lena but misses then she does some martial arts at him and he was beaten. Lena finally grabbed the dime and she was possessed no more and the shadow of Magica was revealed to Scrooge and says "It cannae be." Then finally she was free in true form she has green feathers, black hair with a side of purple, a cape with a hood and her eyes were yellow with triangle shaped pupils.

Magica: Ha ha! Yes! The magic! The body! I'm back!

She takes Lena's amulet and turns it into her sorceress staff, she walks up to Scrooge and says "Hello, Scroogie. I've missed you."

Scrooge: Magica DeSpell, you blackhearted wretch of the foulest linage! Impossible! How?!

Magica: Why don't you ask your adopted great-nephew's new best friend? You have a confusing family structure, you know that?

Lena: You got your stupid body back, now leave us alone!

Scrooge: Yes, scat, you rapacious orgress!

Magica: Awww, but I just got here.

She puts a magical cage around both Scrooge and Lena and later back at the houseboat Beakley offers an apple shortbread pie with a scoop of sea salt ice cream a common farewell dessert in certain parts. Dewey says "Finally. Some real food."

Mrs. Beakley: Oh, I'm so sorry. This was Scrooge's favorite dessert. Oh, I don't want to remind you of that horrid man who lost your mother all those years ago, even if--

Aiden: Granny?

Mrs. Beakley: Yes, dear?

Aiden: There's something you everyone needs to know that... it wasn't Uncle Scrooge's fault.

Louie: What?! What do you mean it's not Uncle Scrooge's fault?! Of course it's his fault!

Aiden: No, Louie! It's not... it's my fault! Okay?!

Webby: Aiden, what are you talking about?

Aiden: (sighs) Many years ago I was a helping baby in a little space shuttle who was flying through space until a flying through a cosmic storm just like the one Della I could've died. And I accidentally hit The Spear of Selene. Fellas your mom got lost in the abyss of space because of me not Scrooge. I'm really, really sorry.

Dewey: All this time, all this time we thought Scrooge was a bad person but you're even worst then he is!

Aiden: I didn't wanna hurt anybody! It was accident! (sobbing) I know that I hurted you all... and I can never make up for it... and maybe Scrooge was right, I really am nothing but trouble and I'm not family either.

Aiden was crying and Beakley picks him up and comforts him "Shh, shh, it's alright Aiden, I'm here." While she was holding him in her arms she turns to the triplets and says "Listen, boys, I understand you're upset because you lost one family member, which was terrible and painful, so you decided you should go ahead and lose two more family members. Brilliant. Makes perfect rational sense.

Dewey: Yeah, nailed it, Mrs. B. Because we all don't want Aiden as our brother anymore.

Beakley: Yes, distance yourself even further from their lives and forsake family altogether. That will definitely fix it.

Launchpad: No! It'll do the opposite of that!

Aiden: (sobs) What now? Am I gonna live the rest of my life alone... again?

Mrs. Beakley: No you won't Aiden, because you'll be staying with me and Webby if the boys and Donald won't have you as a part of their family, then you'll be a part of ours and I know that you don't blame Scrooge Della's disappearance and you never wanted to hurt neither of them. Like you my dear boy, Scrooge cared about family more than anything in the world. And perhaps he still does. [turns to the triplets] But I'm just the housekeeper. What do I know?

Aiden: Everything, Granny. You know everything, and I'm very happy that you, Webby and Launchpad are willing to give my second chance I just wish Donald and the triplets will do the same.

Launchpad: You're a great kid, Aiden, and you're our friend no matter what we always got your back.

Webby: Besides I always wanted my best friend to live with me one of these days and have you as my partner on taking on baddies if we ever stumble across any even though you don't have magic powers anymore but you still do martial arts just like me and Granny together no one will ever stop us!

Aiden was happy that Beakley, Webby and Launchpad forgave him and still excepted him as family, a friend and a companion meanwhile at the mansion Scrooge and Lena were still trapped in the magical dome that Magica made.

Scrooge: You, wee tenebrious traitor! We welcomed you into our home, only to have you unleash repugnant beast-monger!

Lena: She's my aunt! She made me do it!

Scrooge: Mmm! Family! Good for nothing! Especially Aiden using his magic against me, this actually why I never liked magic in the first place!

Lena: (scoffs) Please. Aiden only used his powers on you because you hurted him by saying that "he's not family" and that "He's nothing but trouble" but that's not true about Aiden. He's amazing, he's passionate, and actually about m-- I mean you... he cares about you and hid family.

Scrooge: You really do like Aiden, don't you?

Lena: Well,... honestly yes.. I do and I wish I have what Aiden has. A family that actually cares about me.

Scrooge: Well, lass. Help me get my family back and you'll have a place in it. We're all stronger together. Ready?

Lena: I'll see what I can do.

Scrooge: Come on, you Mephistophelian Medusa, let's-- oh!

Magica stands in front of Scrooge watching him rally for a triumphant comeback which it was sad and futile then she breaks the dome and takes Lena back to the realm of shadows.

Scrooge: Bless me bagpipes. Curse you, DeSpell!

Magica: No, no, Scrooge. Curse you.

She uses her magic in Scrooge's dime to make a vortex and Scrooge was trapped inside of his own dime meanwhile in houseboat Beakley says "Now let's toast to a fine farwell meal, topped with a dash of perspective."

Dewey: So, this whole thing was to guilt us into forgiving Aiden, Scrooge and going back to the mansion? Well, it's not gonna work. Sorry, but it's too it's too late. You guys can Aiden for all we care but we're going to Cape Suzette with our real family, and that's that, right, Uncle Donald?

Donald looks at Aiden having sympathetic looks on their faces and looks at the triplets and says "No. Mrs. B's right. Your brother Aiden needed us just like Scrooge does now and we need them. Our Aiden has been miserable for happened years ago too long. It's for us to come together. Come here boys.

Tears were running down on Donald, Aiden, Huey and Louie's eyes and gave each other a group hug Dewey says "Wait, wait, wait. But-- but the Spear. And Mom. And-- and..." Dewey tries to fight but he couldn't stay mad at Aiden forever. Tears ran down on his face too and he join the hug.

Aiden: (sobbing) Uncle Donald, Huey, Dewey, Louie,... I love you!

Launchpad: Family?

Webby: Trapped.

Dewey: (sobbing) Let's go back to the mansion!

Suddenly they all heard an explosion coming from outside McDuck Manor they ran outside of the houseboat and sees a tall flying duck sorceress, Donald says "Aw, phooey." Magica was casting shadows out from everybody she uses her levitation spell on herself so she can fly towards the money Bin and Fenton's living evil shadow got hold of the armor and tosses Fenton to his house.

Louie: So... still going to Cape Suzette, right? Cool, yeah, I'll start the boat.

Aiden: Oh no, you don't!

Aiden stops his brother from starting the houseboat and she makes to the Bin and Magica says "Take it in, Scroogie!" Then she used the shadow vortex to destroy the Bin and hovers inside and uses her magic to turn the money into a thrown.

Aiden: Who was that sorceress?

Beakley: Magica DeSpell!

Dewey: Wait, who?

Webby: Magica DeSpell. A vile sorceress with a mysterious, ancient grudge against Clan McDuck. She was Scrooge's bitterest rival, but no one's seen her since they fought on Mount Vesuvius 15 years ago.

Mrs. Beakley: All right, all! Cool heads! We must help Scrooge before anything else--

Suddenly some sea weed creature comes out from the water on to the houseboat and Louie shouts "Take my brothers first, please!"

Aiden: Coward move, Louie, [turns to the creature] Stay back, I may not have my powers but I can still kick your butt with my martial arts!

Webby: Me too!

Both Aiden and Webby were getting ready to fight the creature until it revealed itself to be Manny the headless man horse who was just covered in seaweed.

Donald: Oh.

Aiden: Manny?

Huey: It's just Manny!

Then Gyro and little bulb comes aboard on Donald's houseboat and says "That's it! No more underwater labs! It's volcanoes or abandoned castles for now on!"

Huey: Dr. Gearloose?! What happened?!

Gyro: Our own shadows came to life and wrecked the lab. Bug... my Shadow Control Ray is still in the test phase, so this one is not on me. And while we escape we stubble across this backpack.

Manny shows everyone Aiden's bag that has his amulet and spell book inside and sees that concrete black was not tied to it anymore and Aiden says "Hey, that's mine bag along with my stuff... I would like to have it back, please." Manny gives Aiden his backpack and looks inside of everything was still okay, luckily his spell survived from the water including his amulet.

Aiden: You guys, I un renouncing magic.

Donald: But I thought you swore off magic?

Aiden: Yeah, well things change, Donald.

Webby: Does this mean—

Aiden: You were right Webby, when push comes to shove I'm a good person with... or without magic.

Aiden puts his amulet around his neck and regain his powers Webby says "Yes! Sorcerer Aiden is back!"

Donald: Everybody listen up! (speaking gibberish)

No one understand what Donald just said and Launchpad says "Did anyone get any of what?

Huey: It's mostly context clues.

Louie: We get, like, every third word.

Dewey: Nope, completely unintelligible.

Aiden: Dewey!

Donald: I'll show you unintelligible!

Donald chases Dewey and Gyro says "Ah! I don't have for this." He takes out a little invention called the barksain modulator street name voice box. Gyro grabs Donald and puts it in his beak and makes him swallow it.

Donald: Hands offa me... (voice clearing up) you mad scientist!

Aiden: Whoa. Uncle Donald sounds so normal now.

Donald: [clear voice] Rubber baby buggy bumpers. Rubber baby buggy bumpers. Rubber baby buggy bumpers. Wow, never been able to say that before. Ahem! As I was saying, Uncle Scrooge is in trouble, and it's up to us to help him. Adventure is our blood. We face down perilous foes and endless danger every day, but we always prevail. Because these ducks don't back down!

Mrs. Beakley: Thank you, Donald. Now, we need to—

Donald: Stage a coordinated attack! Gyro, you and your team will charge the bridge to distract Magica's shadow forces. Launchpad, head up the air attack to draw her attention. Do you think you can into the bin?

They all start laughing and Donald adds "And, Beakley, while the others distracts Magica, you and I will sneak around back in my newly fixed-up houseboat."

Beakley: That is actually very close to what I was going to say.

Aiden and Dewey: And we...

Donald: Will stay here and out of danger.

Donald and Beakley puts life vest on Huey, Dewey, Louie, Aiden and Webby while they stay at the dock.

Webby: Oh, come on!

Aiden: I'm a level 2 sorcerer, you need--

Donald: This isn't an adventure. This is Magica DeSpell. Under no circumstances are you kids to come to the Bin. Do you understand?

Huey, Dewey, Louie and Aiden: Yes, Uncle Donald.

Webby: Yes, Donald.

When Donald and Beakley left, the children took of the life vests and Dewey says "So we're totally sneaking into the Money Bin, right?

Huey: But how are we gonna take on an entire shadow army?

Dewey: The Ducks don't back down! Now if only we know someone with experience breaking into places.

Aiden: You mean like a noble teen ne'er-do-well who breaķ into anything?

Webby: Including your heart?

Dewey: Yeah, that'd be great.

Dewey is the only one who doesn't know who has experience breaking into places and Aiden, Webby and Huey shouts "Lena!"

Louie: It's Lena!

Dewey: Lena, right! I was gonna say Lena. Great.

Back in the houseboat Donald was driving the boat towards the Bin and Beakley says "All right. Just when I led that uprising in Eagleslavia. I'll take the wheel, you--"

Donald: [clear voice] Uh-uh. My house, my rules.

Beakley: Aye, aye... sir? Get ready for the storm.

Donald: I am the storm.

Beakley: Seriously, have you been saying things like that this whole time?

Meanwhile in the Bin Magica was enjoying her vengeance on Scrooge and says "Now, the revenge monologue I've been plotting for 15 years. To my most hated nemesis" she was talking to Scrooge in his dime.

Magica: "As you know, you banished me to a nether-realm within your Dime, where I've been biding my time, devising your delicious downfall. In conclusion..."

Magica realized that she has her notes were out of order, Scrooge rolled his eye at her and she shouts "Don't roll your eye me! I've been trapped for 15 years! I'm entitled to a full minute of gloating! I will make you watch as I destroy everything you've ever loved, starting with your precious little town! Ooh that's good. Got a pen?"

Meanwhile the kids were looking for Lena in the place where Aiden first met her but they couldn't find her.

Aiden: Oh, what if my best friend was taken by the shadows?!

Dewey: Aiden, don't lose faith. Remember, Ducks don't back... down?

Dewey steps on a secret door that leads down to where Lena really lives it looked very goth, full of posters, with a lava lamp.

Aiden: Whoa!

Webby: Is this where Lena lives?

Louie: Buh! Explains why she's always sleeping over at our house.

Aiden: Lena? Sorry to barge in unannounced!

Huey: Maybe she's hiding?

Dewey finds her journal Aiden takes it out of his and says "You can't read Lena's journal! Although if she were taken, she might have left a note."

Webby: No harm in checking, right?

Aiden: I guess not.

Aiden looks through the pages to if theirs any notes then he finds a poem and reads it "To end the line of Clan McDuck, she sought a token of their luck. Lo, with the eclipse in its prime, she'd trap old Scrooge within his dime? But Scrooge reversed her vengeance planned, and in his Dime the witch did land. Yet as he struck the final blow, she cast a spy from her shadow. I walked the earth and wield her power to bring about McDuck's last hour."

Aiden's stops reading and he felt heartbroken of what Lena really is.

Webby and Louie: Lena is Magica's spy?!

Huey: Lena is a shadow?!

Aiden: She betrayed us all to free Magica. She was never my friend.

He looks at his friendship bracelet with a sympathetic look and Dewey says "You may not have her, but you still have us. We're family, and Ducks don't—

Aiden: Save it.

Aiden accidentally bumps Huey and which made him pull down some curtains and sees some graffiti on the wall and says "Uh, guys, check this out! Magica used the power of the eclipse to escape Scrooge's Dime!"

Louie: Only to trap him there instead!

Dewey: We have to get to that and Scrooge ourselves!

Aiden: And we're gonna fight magic with magic.

Aiden eyes glowing yellow to them that he means business later in the Bin Magica torments Scrooge with his treasure turning it into ice cream and asks if he wants a lick but purposely drops it and she says "How does it feel, Scroogie?" Suddenly Magica sees Launchpad in his plane and everyone who is trying to stop her and saving Scrooge but then she uses her magic purple beams at them but what she didn't know that the children were underwater going through Gyro's lab and swam up the elevator and Huey, Dewey and Webby were taking off their air tanks and so did Aiden while he takes off his flippers from his feet and puts on his shoes from his bag. Louie comes up and says "Look what I found!" He picks up his Khopesh and they all gave Louie crossed looks.

Louie: What?! We like Scrooge again! Whatever, get your own Khopesh

Dewey: Elevator's busted. How are we gonna get to the Bin entrance on the top floor?

Aiden: I know how but you guys are not gonna like it.

Aiden was right they did not like walking the stairs to the top floor but there was no choice meanwhile Launchpad was failing to crash to where Magica is and she makes the shadows knocked the plane away from her then shadows on the ground took Gyro to Magica assuming it was Aiden but it turns out he wasn't then she beams him to the water and back on the houseboat the engine was broken again, Beakley was fighting off the shadows she tells Donald to get to the Bin while she handles Magica's shadows and Donald tells her to look after his boat. Beakley tried her best to keep Donald's boat a float but then the shadows ruined it even more.

Meanwhile the children getting exhausted from walking all the where to the top floor and suddenly Aiden, Dewey, Webby, Huey and Louie's shadows attacks them. Aiden's shadow grabs on to Aiden's amulet and absorbs its power and Aiden kicks him but it was too late his amulet made him to have a voice and have magical powers of his own the magical beams are red that he possesses.

Aiden's Shadow: Yes! The power, Thanks Aiden, guess you're not entirely useless after all take 'em down fellas! And bring him to Magica DeSpell!

Webby: Cut the lights so we won't cast shadows!

Aiden uses his magical beam at the light cable and lights wear turned and the shadows were gone but now they can't see in the dark. Webby and Aiden were fully prepared and puts on their night vision goggles, Dewey says "Everyone hold hands and form a chain behind Webby and Aiden!" They walked a little further and finally they made it to Scrooge but suddenly more of the shadows appeared and Aiden's shadow rises from the under the office.

Aiden's Shadow: Thought you all can get away huh?

Huey: Aiden's shadow?!

Aiden Shadow: Not just Aiden's shadow... call me Zagen!

Zagen hovers in the air and both of his hands were glowing red and he charges at the them until Donald grabs his leg and throws him across the office.

Dewey: Uncle Donald?!

Donald: (clear voice) Get away from my kids!

Zagen: Why don't you make us, Duck!

Zagen and all the shadows fights Donald and some the other shadows were losing and when he punches Burger's shadow into a puddle at first he was furious at the kids for disobeying him.

Aiden: Now, Donald, we can explain, we—

Donald: Please. I told you not to come, so of course showed up. And just when I need you.

Louie: Classic reverse psychology. Feel like we should've seen that coming.

Aiden: I knew you'll need us sooner or later Uncle Donald!

Then Zagen summon more shadow creature to take Donald and the kids down. Donald takes the children to the Bin and says "Go save your uncle. I'll keep these palookas at bay. Ducks don't back down."

Aiden: You heard the man, let's go take down that baddie who trap Uncle Scrooge!

Webby, Dewey, Louie and Huey: Yeah!

Aiden uses his levitation spell so that he, his brothers and Webby can fly down to the Bin and fight against the evil powerful sorceress. Meanwhile Doanld was gonna fight all the shadows and Zagen by himself.

Zagen: You're making a big mistake on trying to take us all on, Donald Duck!

Donald: Then come and get it, ya no good— Raah!

When they reached at the bottom of the Bin they were face to face with Magica DeSpell.

Magica: Ooh! Look. Children.

Aiden stood his ground showing no fear to her but Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby were little nervous so they backed up from her as Magica hovers down towards them and holds the dime and says "Looking for this?"

Aiden: Give it back.

Magica: Come and get it.

And she blasted a beam out of her staff, Aiden deflected it and blasted his beam out of his hand and took the hit. Magica had thought how Aiden was becoming stronger each day. Aiden shouts "Scatter!"

Huey: Then what?!

Dewey: Do what we do best: make trouble!

Back in Scrooge's office Donald was trying to land a punch on Zagen but he couldn't then Zagen was able to punch Donald's throat and making his voice box to glinch now it's the shadows chance to charge at Donald but they gotten beaten again until Gizmoduck's shadow and Zagen teams up with magic and gizmo against Donald.

In the Bin Magica was about to fight a bunch of children and suddenly Webby and Huey was asking her a lot of question.

Huey: If you caught in the dime, how come we never saw in it?

Magica throws a beam at Huey but misses.

Webby: Also, Scrooge isn't exactly magical, so how did he manage to trap you in it?

She throws one at Webby but misses again.

Huey: Follow up. How does the lunar eclipse factor into all this?

Magica: Well, you see, I channel my power— it's just magic, okay?!

Both Huey and Webby splits up and she breaks a reflection of Huey that is the mirror of Tyche and Louie shouts "Oh, no! You broke Mirror of Tyche!"

Magica: The what now?

Louie: Ancient artifact? Terrible curse if you break it?

He dives in the money like Scrooge to dodge and miss every beam that Magica throws at him.

Magica: I never heard of it, and I am versed in all magics— Gaelic, Demogorgan, Sumerian—

Louie: Sumerian? You were in that dime a long time. Well, good luck with the curse!

Magica: What kind of curse?

Louie: Grave misfortune! Increased gullibility! A swift kick in the ribs!

Magica: A what?

Aiden comes and does a martial art kick at Magica and she shouts "Aah! My ribs!" Now Aiden faces his greatest challenge yet Magica DeSpell.

Aiden: Rrrr!

Magica: Ooh. Someone's mad.

Magica aims her beam at Aiden but dodge it and charges at her, he punches her in the face and starts fighting, Aiden says "I just got a family! I thought I had best friend in Lena! But you took that all away!" Aiden did martial art move at Magica and she throws money at his face. And gets to high ground but when she was about to blast a beam at him. He was gone or she think he is actually Aiden was hovering above her and he was throwing beams at her and she was getting defeated by a child or was she.

Magica holds the dime and became more powerful then Aiden and uses her telekinesis spell on him and throws towards the ground and hovers to him and says "Lena couldn't be your friend, because she was never real!"

Aiden: You're lying!

Dewey was about to pin her down but she scents him coming and uses her telekinesis on him and throws Dewey at Aiden.

Magica: You had sleepovers with a shadow. You gave it a friendship bracelet! Honestly, it's embarrassing how pathetic you were. Here let me put you out of your misery!

Magica was about to destroy Aiden and Webby shouts "Aiden!" But suddenly it deflects by Aiden's magic connected with his friendship bracelet and some how it was beinging Lena back as a shadow

Lena: Get away from best friend, Aunt Magica!

Aiden: Lena?!

Magica: Aunt?! You're even worst than him! You aren't my family! You are not—

Aiden: Raaah!

Aiden levitates to Magica and attacks her and says "Stay away from her!" And pins her to the ground with all of his strength and then Magica says "Fine, she's not worth the trouble anyway. Besides it's you what I want Aiden Fauntleroy."

Aiden: What? Why me?

Magica: I heard about your magical outburst and how you used your magic to hurt Scroogie. I was very impressed, have you ever feel trapped in life, Aiden?

Aiden: 10 years I never had freedom from the houseboat b—

Magica: See, you and I are not so different after all, join me take my apprenticeship together never can stop us and everything we ever wanted... will be ours.

Aiden hesitates but then reaches out to Magica's hand and a magical force was surrounded but Lena stops him just time.

Lena: Hold it right there mage, think of all the good things you have done with your magic do really want to throw it all away for her?

Then Aiden starts having flashbacks that he did great things with his magic but Magica "Nobody cares about about the great work you done with your powers not your family or your friends but luckily with me as your master they'll see the real you."

Webby: We beg the differ.

Aiden has another flash back with family and friends being loving and caring then Aiden says "My friends are right, I'm not alone in this! And I'm not giving who I am, to become one of the darkness"

Magica: You cannot reject which you already are!

Lena: Come on, Aiden, let's take her down together.

Lena and Aiden charges at Magica but dodges their attack but they tossed her in the pile of money, Aiden says "That's what in for Magica. Sure you want me as your apprentice?"

Magica: Why of course, you're just being stubborn is all. But I can help you with that problem.

The shadows restrained Aiden's arms and legs so that he won't move at all.

Lena: No!

Dewey: Let go of my brother!

Then Zagen appeared out of nowhere and uses telekinesis before Dewey tries to save Aiden, he lifts him up in the air and tosses Dewey in a pile of money and Zagen says "He's not your brother, now he's my puppet forever and ever. See ya scrubs!""

Louie: Scrubs?! Why that little--

Then Zagen use his magic on Louie to make chain out of money and chained his legs from Louie trying to fight him. He walks towards Aiden being restrained by the shadows and Zagen says "I seen pride in you Aiden, you're strength, you're skills and you're magic amazing. As you as my puppet we'll be unstoppable so don't struggling because there's no place you can hide." Zagen was about to possess Aiden the same Magica possesses Lena until Aiden's amulet to glow and he unstrained himself by the shadows, Aiden hovers in the air and it made Lena surprised that he can fly just like her former aunt.

Lena: Whoa. Aiden can fly now? That kid really has been studying his spells, huh?

Webby: He sure has.

Aiden: I got no need to hide, Zagen, I'm stronger then you think.

Aiden uses his levitation spell on his brothers and Webby and makes them hover beside him and Lena hovers next to her best friend Aiden and gives him a kiss in the cheek which made blush bright red and he smiles at her. And Lena's back at him, Aiden says "Alright team, let's finish this shadow war once and for all!" The children, the shadows and Magica charges at each other Dewey, Webby, Huey and Louie were taking care the other shadows while Aiden and Lena were taking on Zagen and Magica. Aiden was pinned down by Zagen and he rips Aiden's jersey leaving it a big hole in the middle, he looks at his best friend Lena who was struggling on fighting against her aunt then Magica whacks her with staff and she was gonna destroy her and says "Say goodbye to your precious girlfriend, Fauntleroy!" Aiden turn raging red and kicks Zagen off him and attacks Magica, pulling her hair, and circling around her hitting her with every hit. He saves her and makes Magica dropped the dime and Dewey grabs it as he runs away from the fight.

Dewey: So, listen, Uncle Scrooge, I guess why you didn't tell us about our mom. But what you wasn't fault or Aiden's

But now it wasn't the time for a heart-to-heart both Magical, Zagen and Aiden were throwing red, purple and yellow beams at each other then Magica stops Dewey from running by making him cornered by money claws that she made with her magic and blasted Dewey with her powerful beam.

Aiden: Dewey!

Dewey: Yah!

But Magica made a bigger mistake she frees Scrooge from his dime and the children were glad to see him again.

Huey, Louie, Aiden, Webby and Lena: Scrooge!

Scrooge: Way to dispel yer own spell, DeSpell.

Magica throws magical beans at Scrooge but he dives down to his money and swims up to the surface dodges each hit Magica was throwing at him suddenly Zagen pins Scrooge to the ground and Aiden throws his bean at him. Scrooge fights Magica and Aiden fights Zagen in martial art style and when they were getting beaten both Scrooge and Aiden finished the job by punch both Magica and Zagen at the same time making them fly ten feet across.

Aiden: Thanks, Uncle Scrooge.

Scrooge: And thank you for coming back, lad. I really missed you so much.

Magica: This isn't over, you be min!

Aiden: I don't think so miss sorceress. I know what you are now and what you need.

Aiden: uses his telekinesis on to Magica's staff and levitates it towards him, grabs the staff and says "You feed on to destruction and chaos and power. And right now I'm starving you out." And uses his power to chain Magica's arms with money and shouts "Stop, don't do this! I only want to help you! To become more powerful then ever, so we can be partners, together!"

Aiden: Sorry, Magica, I know this must hurt. But we're just no good together... consider yourself dumped.

Aiden was about to break Magica staff and Zagen says "Wait, what are you doing?! You can't break Magica's staff, she'll lose her powers and the shadow army and I will go back the nether realm!"

Aiden: That's the general idea.

Zagen tries to stop him but Webby and Huey holds Zagen down.

Zagen: No! Let go!

Lena: Do it, Aiden!

Aiden slams the staff so hard that the top part of her staff cracked and Magica's feather turned white and her powers were gone, Zagen and all of the shadows have vanished and the war was over.

Magica: My army! My powers! They're all gone! You ruined everything! [looking at Aiden's amulet] Aiden, would be a good apprentice and give me your amulet.

Aiden: You know I can't that, Magica.

Magica: If you want give me my powers out of your amulet, then I'll take myself! Aaah!

Scrooge and Lena defends Aiden from Magica charging at him then Launchpad was falling and shouts "Sorry to crash the party!" He lands on top of Magica and says "Huh. Never crashed a me before." Then Magica gets Launchpad off of her, then turns to Aiden and says "Cures you, Fauntleroy! You haven't seen the last of me!" And she used a smoke bomb to make her escape but she didn't go that far they all saw her running away to who knows where and everyone cheered for victory.

Aiden: Lena, we did! Lena?

Aiden sees his friend fading and says "Lena, what happening to you?"

Lena: It looks like my time here is done.

Aiden: What?! No! No, no, no, no! Theirs gotta be something I can do! My spell book theirs gotta be something in there I can cast to make you stay.

Aiden pulls out his spell book out of bag and turns the pages one by one and says "I know there is but what page? No that's not it, no, ah, come on!"

Lena: Aiden, I don't think you'll find the answer to this in your spell book.

Aiden: But you're fading away! I don't know what to do!

Lena: It's okay.

Aiden: No! It not okay!

Aiden was desperately trying to everything to make Lena stay with him but he couldn't, Lena was grateful of Aiden trying and the fact he cares about her. She takes Aiden's hand and gives him her friendship bracelet he made for her.

Lena: Aiden, I have no egrets. You gave me something that I been searching my  whole life.

Aiden: (sobbing) But I can't exist in a world without you. I don't you to leave me.... I..... I love you, Lena.

While Aiden's magic made him fly with Lena fading from existence everyone looked at this very sad moment and it even made Webby cry to Beakley and she comforts her granddaughter.

Lena: And I love you, Aiden Fauntleroy. I really do think you'll be a great sorcerer one day.

Lena gives Aiden and hug goodbye and vanishes. Everyone looks at their poor little Aiden after loosing his very special best friend and feels bad for him. And as he hovers down holding Lena's friendship bracelet, Aiden says "Lena's gone."

Louie: We're sorry, Aiden.

Aiden: She saved me. (turns to Scrooge) [sobbing] Uncle Scrooge, this is all fault! Della, The Spear of Selene, Lena. I need to you the truth, I was the one who got Della lost in the abyss of space when I crashed land here. I'm sorry... I just a mistake in your life, I don't deserve these powers.

Aiden gives back his amulet to Scrooge but he gives it back to his nephew and says "Aiden, you're never were mistake in my life. You were a miracle in my life. You were always mine and my family's miracle." Aiden then starts crying to his great-uncle and hugs and says "I loved her, Scrooge."

Scrooge: There, there, lad, we're here.

Everyone in Scrooge's family comforted Aiden and Huey says "Don't forget, Aiden, she only sacrificed herself to save you."

Aiden: (sniffs) Yeah, she did. I guess she really was my best friend. We could've been even more than that too.

Launchpad: Did you tell her how you feel?

Aiden: I did, and she felt the same way I was feeling about her but now I don't think I'll get that opportunity again.

Dewey: She'll always be with you, Aiden.

Aiden still has tears in his eyes but smiled at his brother and everybody else cause he knows that they're are right then he takes apart both of his and Lena's friendship bracelets in half and combined them into one hole bracelet and wears it around his wrist so he will always remember Lena by. But when he didn't that Lena is now part of Aiden shadow and morphed back to his own.

Donald: [clear voice] Family truly is the greatest—

Donald spits out the voice box and everyone got grossed out Aiden says "Even without the voice box I like Donald voice either way."

Scrooge: Anyone up for a midnight swim?

Aiden: I think we all know the answer to that, right everyone?

And everyone went swimming in Scrooge money and they all were a family again. Later in outer space on the moon there was some trying to fix the ship and even has a satellite tv and it was the news and the person who was on the moon was the one and only Della Duck.

Roxanne: And so Duckburg is saved, thanks to Scrooge McDuck and his family.

Della: (gasp) Boys?

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