°•Crypt of The Eternal•°

By xYukix_505

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This is a story about a princess that isn't exactly very lady-like... Her father thinks the best way for her... More

~Chapter One: Not Interested~ Monika's P.O.V.
~Chapter Two: Goals~
~Chapter Three: Weakness~ Sin's P.O.V.
~Chapter Four: Guilt~ Monika's P.O.V
~Chapter Five: Hunger~ Sin's P.O.V.
~Chapter Six: Lucid Dreams~
~Chapter Seven: Spoiled~ Charles' P.O.V.
~Chapter Eight: Ivy~ Monika's P.O.V.
~Chapter Nine: Outbreak~
~Chapter Eleven: Fletchlings~ Sin's P.O.V.
~Chapter Twelve: The Outing~ Ren's P.O.V.
~Chapter Thirteen: Sweet Scents~
~Chapter Fourteen: Blood Bag~ Monika's P.O.V.
~Chapter Fifteen: "Why me?"~ Charles' P.O.V.
~Chapter Sixteen: Recovery~
~Chapter Seventeen: Prey~ P.O.V: Sin

~Chapter Ten: Welcome Home~ Sin's P.o.v

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By xYukix_505

"Hello Sin..." A deep, powerful voice echoed through the cave. I shot up, and looked towards the entrance. I saw the leader of the coven, standing tall with his black suit and tie. "How's the task I assigned you?"
I stumbled to my feet, and brushed off the dry dust from myself. "Ah- about that---"
"You didn't fail, did you? Because that would be a very large disappointment."
"N-no, of course not, Sir! I uh, I already completed it!" I say, reassuring him.
He looks down at me, with his sharp eyes, suspicious. I was covered in dirt and dried blood. My shirt was torn almost in every way because of my flying, and my fingernails were caked with torn flesh. I knew I wreaked of death, and looked horrible, but I was hoping he would believe me. He attempted to inhale through his nose, but the smell of rot all over my body made him quickly exhale, and narrow his eyes in offense. "Alright, just get back to the coven so that you can be cleaned. We'll continue this conversation there..." He mumbled, covering his nose. He then flew off, heading back to the coven.
After I make sure he is a good distance away, I let out a large sigh of relief. I can't believe he actually believed me! I thought, letting out a small laugh in disbelief. "I feel disgusting with all this blood all over me... But I can finally go back to my coven!" My eyes lighten up with childish excitement, and I quickly spread my wings and take flight.
After a while of flying, I approach a very large, dark mansion, that surprisingly wasn't wasn't too far away from a small town by Midal Kingdom. I land, and reverse my wings. My fist raises to pound on the door, but it opens before I could make contact with the dark wood, and instead I end up punching someone in the face. "OUCH!" they scream, as I bury my fist into their left eye socket. They fall to the ground, grasping their head.
"I AM SO SORRY!" I shout, as I quickly kneel to the floor, and check if they're alright.
"It's alright, you punch like a girl anyways." They grunt, as I help them up. My eyes narrow, and I furrow my brow, irritated. "Oh my- You smell revolting. Go get into the hot bath. NOW." They scream, pointing inside. I hurry up the spiraling staircase and into the third door on the right. There's two young girls measuring the water's temperature and placing a set of clothing as well as a white, fluffy towel onto the marble countertop. They both see me, standing in the doorway, and their eyes widen. Their cat-like eyes pierced through me, and they began to grin. They were in uniform. The black, knee length dresses with a cute little ribbon tied around their waists; colored by their rank in the residents. They both had blue ribbons; meaning they were assigned to just help clean the house and prepare certain things.
"Uh... Hello young mistresses..." I say, hesitantly. They stay silent, and slowly approach me. "No, not again. Don't do this." I say, backing out of the bathroom, and pointing my finger towards them.
"You must get ready for your bath, young master.." Both of the girls cooed, and began picking up speed. I began sprinting down the hallway, but they both latched onto my ankles, making me face plant into the hardwood flooring. They began dragging me back into the bathroom, and I clawed at the floor as they pulled me. They ripped off the little bit of shirt I had left, as well as my shoes and socks. I scream, and they giggle happily.
"I CAN TAKE A BATH BY MYSELF!" I screech, as they tear the clothing from my body. Once there was no longer an ounce of cloth on my skin, they gripped me tight by my ankles and wrists, and threw me into the tub. The water was hot, and it burned a bit, but it was still bearable. My back hit hard on the bottom of the tub, and it knocked some of the air out of me. I quickly pushed my head up and out of the water to scold them, but I watched as the door quickly shut behind them. I sigh, and take a long, hot bath.
Once I'm done, I get dressed into my uniform, a white, collared long sleeve shirt, white socks, black pants, vest, belt, and shined dress shoes. I drape the towel across my shoulders, and see a blood red tie still sitting on the counter. My eyes narrow. How can I be ranked this high when I'm so weak...? Was drinking royal blood all that great?....
I decide to slip the tie into my pocket, and open the door. I freeze, feeling eyes on me, and I look down. There was a small boy with big, emerald eyes looking straight up at me. "Sin, you haven't put on your tie yet. Do you need help with it?"
"No thank you, I'll put it on later." I say, as my eyes soften at the sight of this child being so kind. I ruffle his hair, and he runs down the hall, chasing after the two girls who tormented me earlier. I walk down the hall, and enter my new dorm. I gaze at the luxuriously clean establishment, feeling guilty for lying to the headmaster's face.
"You smell a whole lot better now." A voice teased from behind me. I spun around, seeing a slightly shorter vampire smirking at me. She had black silky hair and had the male uniform on. Her tie was red as well, and they had the most dazzling honey colored eyes.
"Nice to see you again, Ren. You're as cocky as ever."
They lean in close, and soften their eyes. My eyes widen, and I feel a burning sensation creep across my face. They smirk playfully, "Were you expecting a kiss?"
"Don't flatter yourself." I say, and push them away. Ren holds up my tie, and tilts her head.
"Why aren't you wearing your tie? Here, let me just---" They then begin to put my tie on for me. "There, doesn't that just feel great?" She says, as she fixes my collar as well. I sigh, and they pat me on the shoulder. "How are you today?"
"I'm not sure..." I say, looking down to the floor.
"You did something wrong, didn't you?.. I knew my little Sin could do something that would make the headmaster angry!" They exclaim, as they hop around in circles around me. I quickly cover their mouth, and bring her in close. "You better keep this a secret."
"Oh, of course, Sin. I would never tell the headmaster anything!" She said sarcastically. I roll my eyes. "But seriously, your secret is safe with me. Now spill the beans." She said eagerly.
"I lied to the headmaster about drinking royal blood..." I mumble. She didn't seem too amused, as she furrowed her brow.
"That's all?" They pout.
"Well, yeah-"
"How do you think I got to be a red tie? I lied to the headmaster about doing all of my chores, and then forced some blue ribbons to do my chores for me. So that's literally nothing." She rolled her eyes, and I let go of her.
"Yeah, but you actually have skill." I mutter, and they snap at me.
"Hey, you have skill too. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Otherwise, I'm gonna beat them up."
I smile, and they ruffle my hair and take my towel. They start heading down stairs, and shout, "Oh yeah, and the headmaster wants to see you!"
I make my way down the stairs as well, and head towards the headmaster's quarters. An eerie voice suddenly squawks behind me. "Stop right there! Where do you think you're going?" I freeze, and hesitantly turn around.
"Ugh. Sin, why are you always such a weakling? Grow a backbone. You're so pathetic it hurts to just see you. Why did you come back in the first place?" A snotty boy my age stood tall with his nose in the air. A large group of others around my age crowded around us in the hall. "Aren't you going to say anything? Or are you too weak to even say something too?" He said, keeping eye contact with me.
I wanted to say so many things, but I couldn't argue with anything he was saying... He's right. I thought, as I stared at the floor. "Are you seriously going to cry? Wow, you really don't deserve that tie. You're favored by the headmaster. How revolting."
I know... I don't deserve this tie.. And in reality, I don't even deserve to be here...
By the time I got out of my own mind, Ren was screaming at the boy. They tackled him to the ground after he said something, and began punching him repeatedly. I quickly drag Ren off of him, and apologize. Ren continues screaming, and tries to swing at me as well, but I keep dragging them until we get to the dining hall. "What were you thinking? You could've gotten your tie taken away!"
"No, what were you thinking? Just letting him say those things to you? It's just like when we were kids. I would always have to stick up for you, Sin."
"Well we're not kids anymore! You don't have to protect me like I'm some kind of baby!" I shout at her, and I watch her face as my words sink into her, like a viper sinking in its teeth.
"I- I didn't mean---"
"No, you said what you wanted to say. I won't protect you anymore. Even better, I'll just stay out of your life... Go see the headmaster. Goodbye, Sin." She said, brushing my shoulder as she stormed off. What have I done...? I thought, as I continued my path to the headmaster's quarters.
I open the door, and the headmaster gestures for me to take a seat. "Congratulations, Sin. You finished a full mission, and returned safely home. You will be staying with Ren from now on in your dormitory from now on. Also, I wanted to speak with you about something big that's happening since you have come back from your mission and proven to me that you aren't a complete waste of my time."
Those words stung, but it was more praise than he has ever given me before. I wanted to cry because of how happy I was, but I would be ashamed of crying in front of the headmaster like a child. "The plan is to spread vampirism throughout Midal Kingdom, and become the new rulers of this land."
"Wouldn't spreading vampirism kill many people, Sir?" I said, concerned for what was to come.
"Sin, you must understand that it is all part of nature. I am simply separating the strong from the weak. The ones that can handle the power will grow stronger than ever, and the ones that can't will perish, and we will only have the strength on our side."
I didn't fully understand why he was doing all of this, but I was willing to do anything for more praise from my headmaster. "The plan is already underway as we speak. I have sent out our best to spread our gift. I expect you to stay with the young ones this time. If you do well with this task, you might be able to come on a mission next time." Why did he refer to our illness as a gift? It's a terrible thing to have. If you can't handle the changes, and you don't get blood in a short amount of time, you'll lose your humanity, and die only feeling hatred. Your body goes through painful changes...
The headmaster then got up from his chair, and set his hand on my shoulder. "Now then, let's give you a proper welcome." He then escorted me to the dining hall, and I'm not sure how I didn't notice it, but all of the tables were set for a feast. There were pig corpses lying across each table. Everyone was sitting at the tables... Even the young fletchlings were sitting in highchairs at the tables. Everyone's faces were covered in blood, and I saw Ren smiling at me from across the room. Wasn't she mad at me? The headmaster then speaks loud enough for the entire dining hall to hear. "Welcome home, Sin."

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