Ghost's Adventure | Journey A...

By GhostLucia24

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After meeting the love of his life, he will now journey across the worlds encounter beings, mysteries and mak... More

Girl's Frontline Prologue
Ghosts Bio
Lucias Bio
Riley Kid's Bio
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Ghosts Bio (update)
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Ghost Bio (Update 2)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 9

25 2 0
By GhostLucia24

"Negev's Squad, AR-15?, Rescue M4 and Find AR-15"
May 2, 2062
Border of T7, Area S08

M16A1 :We're here. This is where a member of Squad Negev sent out the distress signal.

Ghost :This place is quite. Sop check the comms

She test the comms.

M4 sopmod II :Communication signal functioning as usual. We're already connected to the commander's channel.

Ghost :That's good to hear. M4, go on and call alena.

M4 calls the commander.

M4A1 (call) :It has been a while, Commander. Negev's search team entered this zone and lost contact with us 20 minutes ago.

Ghost :Do you have any words from the ringleaders back at S09 lucia?

Lucia :Nope, not a single bit of lead.

Ghost :Weirdly. Alena said that she didn't get any contact from the ringleaders back at the base.

Lucia :Do you think they are doing something wrong back at base.

Ghost :Hmm...I do think their is something wrong with them. If they did something wrong...I will kill them.

M4A1 (call) :Our mission is to rendezvous with this member and determine the situation.

M4 sopmod II (call) :Geez. And here I thought we finally got some help. Turns out they're only dragging us down...

M16A1 (call) :If even Negev ran into trouble, we wouldn't have come off any better if it had been us.
Commander, please help us reach our destination.

Alena (call) :I'll try.

M16A1 (call) :Thanks man.

Ghost joins the call, using his phone.

Ghost (call) :Hey uh, one last thing alena. Is our kid's safe in there? If they aren' gonna kill you.

Alena (call) :Don't worry 2x, they're safe in here.

Ghost (call) :Hmm...better be. Alright we'll be moving out now. Ghost out.

Few Minutes Later.....
Border of T7, Area S08

The Team arrived at the destination.

Galil :Hey! Hey, AR Team! I'm over here!

M4A1 :Relax, Galil. You are safe now.

Ghost :Galil aye?

Galil :Phew... Thanks a bunch. A few more minutes and Sangvis would've got me.

M16A1 :Of all the places you could call for help, you just had to pick an open battlefield full of Sangvis forces...

Galil :Well... Communication with Griffin is jammed where we got ambushed. I ran for ages before I finally found somewhere with signal. It's not like I was spoiled for choice, you know.

Ghost :No shit, but can you explain what exactly happened?

Galil :When we were investigating the base where AR-15 had stayed, Negev noticed a Sangvis Ringleader hiding in ambush. She gestured for me to slip out and call for help while the enemy was still busy deploying her forces. I only realized there was a signal jam when I was running out. God knows what's going on over there now...

Ghost :Hmm...I see...wait. Do you know who the ringleader is?

Galil :Hmm...if I remember correctly back at the briefing room. Her name was alchemist.

Ghost :...(angry) motherf*cker! That damn b*tch!

Lucia :Woah 2x, calm down Ghost.

Ghost :I will not calm down, until I kill that b*tch!

Lucia :We could kill her later Ghost.

Ghost :No, later my *ss. She gonna goddamn in danger the whole family.

M4A1 :Ghost don't're kid's will be fine.

Ghost :Hmm...(calms down)

M16A1 :What should we do, M4? We can't fight off a Ringleader in Sangvis territory on our own. But we probably don't have time to retreat and ask the commander for help, right?

M4A1 :...

Ghost :How about we split up.

M16A1 :Did you calm down enough?

Ghost :I've already calm down...but im still pissed though. Anyway...M16, contact the commander and guide the troops in aiding us. Galil here, take me and M4 to the base. We will stir up their forces from the rear and draw some fire away from Negev. While you two wait for the reinforcements to arrive.

Lucia :But Ghost, I want to go--

Ghost :No buts lucia.

Lucia two are going to do something very dirty while im not with you.

M4A1 :(blushes)

Ghost :No were not gonna do anything dirty, okay.

Lucia :Hmm...humph (looks away).

Ghost :Jesus. Alright let's begin our operation. Let's do this.

Everyone :Roger that!

Few Minutes Later.....

Griffin Control, Area S08

M16A1 :Commander, that's the situation over here. The local Sangvis Ringleader has Negev's search team surrounded. M4 and Ghost are off to their rescue, but they can't hold the enemy off for long. Comms signal is jammed in that zone. We could force our way through and rescue them, but there is a safer way.

Alena :What is the safer way?

M16A1 :There's a Sangvis command post here that seems to be in charge of directing a number of their units.
And we're in luck - signal is normal around this command post, so you can direct our troops to take over it.
Then we can use it to confuse the enemy, which should make things much easier for M4 and the others.
So that's the idea, Commander. If you think it'll work, let's go.

In the battlefield.....

Ghost and M4 are shooting and killing the sangvis ferri, while they wait for the troops to arrive.

Ghost :Damn it, what's taking her so long.

M4A1 :The troops maybe on their way now.

Ghost :The squad inside are gonna die, before the troops arrives.

M4A1 :So what do we do then?

Ghost :We'll push our way through, if you agree with it.

M4A1 :How are we even gonna get through!?

Ghost :Don't worry, I got this.

He then activates something on his prosthetic arm.

Ghost :(clicks)

M4A1 :Woah...

Ghost :Its downside is my head. Here.

He gives her a kinetic armor jacket.

M4A1 :What's this?

Ghost :Just wear it.

She wears the jacket and Ghost instructs her to activate.

M4A1 :How do I activate this?

Ghost :Since you're a t-doll, it should connect to you're neural cloud.

M4A1 :Hmm...let me check...

She sees a text activate operator skill.

Ghost :Can you see an icon or a text?

M4A1 :I see a text.

Ghost :Good now activate it.

She activates her O.S. and she also covered with armor.

M4A1 :Wow. Alright let's go then...

Ghost :Wait, before you go. That armor is not durable.

M4A1 :Why?

Ghost :The mechanism is complicated...but it will only take a few shots and poof, gone.

M4A1 :Ohh...okay.

Ghost :Alright in the count of three we run like hell and shoot bad guys. 1...2...3!

They run towards the place, were the squad is pinned down.

Ghost :Left side!

M4A1 :(shoots)

Ghost :9 o'clock!

M4A1 :(shoots)

Ghost :Up front! Nevermind, I got this

While they run towards the squad. M4 armor gets destroyed.

M4A1 :Oh no!

Ghost :Sh*t. Just stay behind me.

They then reach their destination and Ghost checks on M4.

Ghost :You good?

M4A1 :Im good...

Ghost :Good. Now, were is this squad?

Negev :Were over here!

They both look at the direction of the voice.

Ghost :Oh, there they are.

They walk up to the squad.

M4A1 :Is this all of you?

Negev :Yes, no one is hurt or killed.

Ghost :Alright...we'll have to get the hell out of here.

Negev :Who is this man?

Ghost :The names Ghost. That's all you need to know.

??? :But there are to many enemies out there.

Ghost :Hmm...any ideas?

M4A1 :...we have to defend this place, until reinforcements arrive.

Ghost :Oh yeah, one problem...they are not yet arriving. Just like what that looking bunny girl or sh*t said.

He walks over to the window.

??? :Hey! Im not sh*t! Im Tar-21.

Ghost :Yeah 2x. We got a lot of enemies outside...

Suddenly a SF doll tries climbing in the window but Ghost just calmly kicks her down.

Ghost :Position yourself now or we'll be f*cking dead in a matter of minutes.

Neveg Squad's :...

M4A1 :You heard him. Let's position ourself until the reinforcements arrives.

Negev Squad's :Roger that!

They all positioned themselves and shoots at the enemies.

Few Minutes Later.....

All of the enemies are dead in just a few minutes while they check themselves if they have any ammo's left to use, if suddenly another waves of SF would come and attack them again. But Tar-21 sees something in the distance and call for Ghost and M4.

Tar-21 :Ghost...M4!

Ghost & M4 :Yup/Yes?

Tar-21 :There is something hovering in the distance but I can't tell what it is.

Ghost :Hmm.....

Tar-21 :Just don't try to do anything reckless.

Ghost :Let's listen to her M4 and not do any--

She suddenly runs off towards the entity or objecting.

Ghost :Damnit.

He follows suit.

Tar-21 :Oh no...

Few Minutes Later.....

Griffin troops successfully occupied the Sangvis command post.

Negev (in comms) :Calling M16! M16, are you there? Sangvis has retreated. We're safe now!

M16A1 (in comms) :Huh? Negev, is that you? Is the signal back to normal?

Negev (in comms) :Yeah, Tavor noticed it just now. No idea why.

Alena (in comms) :What about M4 and the others? Have you met up with them?

Negev (in comms) :Huh...? They were here just now. M4 and Ghost...

Lucia suddenly joined their communication.

Lucia (in comms) :Huh!? What do you mean he was just here!?

M16A1 (in comms) :How did you get in this channel?

Lucia (in comms) :*chuckles* you're channel are different from ours, nev-- ahem, I mean me and Ghost.

Galil (in comms) :Negev, bad news! M4 and Ghost just ran off! And I'm not reading their signals! It must be the jam again!

TAR-21 (in comms) :I'm sorry. It was my fault. I noticed a figure hovering in the distance when the battle was over. I didn't think and just point out to M4 and Ghost, but I did tell her not to do anything reckless. In the end, they still slipped off in pursuit.

Lucia (in comms) :Don't tell me that *sshole ran into danger again.

M16A1 (in comms) :TAR-21, was the figure you saw...

TAR-21 (in comms) :Yes... It was none other than AR-15...

Meanwhile, M4A1 and [Ghost PoV]...

Ghost :Found anything, M4?

M4A1 :Not yet. I definitely saw her...Dammit! It should be around here!

Ghost :Our signal is still being jammed. Weird... Lets not go too far. The other's may already arrived.

M4A1 :Why is she hiding from us...

?? :Because you...keep causing me trouble.

Ghost :(!)

Ghost gets hit in the head and falls on the ground. (Thud)

M4A1 turns around at the sound and finds Ghost lying on the ground, a little conscious...

M4A1 :GHOST! Wake up! Answer me!

Ghost can only hear faint sounds.

ST AR-15 (faint) :M16 has mentioned this ambush technique so many times. What will you do without me?

M4A1 (faint) :Why, AR-15...? What on earth...are you doing...?

AR-15 raises her weapon at M4A1.

ST AR-15 (faint) :I'm putting on...a touching scene of reunion.

Ghost (groaning) :Ugh... (small thud).

He then falls unconscious.

Cut To Black...

Several Minutes Later.....
Griffin Control, Area S08

M16A1 :What do we do now? We have lost contact with M4A1 and Ghost while they were pursuing AR-15...

Negev (in comms) :Hey, M16, Commander! Are you there?! We just discovered Ghost whereabouts!

M16A1 (using comms) :Huh? Are their comms back on?

Negev (in comms) :Not sure. We're only reading Ghost's signal. No news of M4 yet. And Ghost hasn't been responding to our calls either. In any case, I'm sending you his coordinates! This area isn't very far from the base, but a large amount of Sangvis units came surging in just now.

M16A1 (using comms) :What? Is Alchemist making a comeback?

Lucia (in comms) :Damn her...

Alena (using comms) :Don't worry Lucia will capture her next time.

Negev (in comms) :No idea, but it doesn't really look like it... First of all, the numbers are too great. Commanding this many units is beyond Alchemist's authorization level. Secondly, their movements...seem kinda chaotic. There doesn't seem to be a clear objective either.

M16A1 (using comms) :If they aren't directed at us, then we don't have to be too worried for now. Let's report to Helian and ask her to consult the database for any plausible Ringleader suspect.

Negev :That's precisely my plan. But you guys be careful too. The commander's troops must break through here to get to SOP-II. Luckily, signal is now back to normal, so the commander can direct our forces into the area.

M16A1 (using comms) :Understood, Negev. Commander, please move with caution. Off we go to SOP-II's rescue!

Alena (using comms) :Lucia. You two, go with M16 to find Ghost.

Lucia (in comms) :Understood. We'll be on our way. Lucia Out.

Few Minutes Later Ghost's PoV.....
Far From Negev's Squad Position

Ghost is still unconscious, was suddenly waked up by someone.

M16A1 :...Ghost! Ghost, are you okay? Wake up!

Ghost :Ugh... (!) (points gun)

M16A1 :Woah 2x, take it easy, its me!

Lucia :Ghost!

Ghost :Ahh sh*t, it's you girls. Hmm... Uhh... Where's M4...

M16A1 :We thought you knew. You're the only one we saw when we got here. Here, get up. What the hell happened?!

Ghost :Hmm...hold up lemme refresh my memories.Hmm...
ahh! I was with her just now... We were looking for AR-15, until...

M16A1 :You got ambushed? Who was it, do you remember?

Ghost :It was AR-15. Who ambushed us.

Lucia, Sop II & M16 :(!)

Negev (in radio) :Hey, M16! You guys still there?!

M16A1 (using radio) :Yeah... I just met up with Ghost, but...

Negev (in radio) :Listen. We just reported everything to Helian, and she thinks something's really off.
She advices us to abort the mission of finding AR-15 and withdraw from the area for the time being. Do you copy, M16? We are in grave danger right now. Inform the commander ASAP! We're moving out of Area S08, leaving no one behind!

Ghost :What the fuck?

M4 sopmod II :Were not just gonna leave M4 here!

Lucia :Then we need to find her and AR-15 without informing the other's.

M16A1 :That's right. We need to find them immediately.

Ghost :Then let's go now, we don't have much time.

M16A1 :Let's move!

Cuts To Black.....

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