To Find What is Lost

By Youbethinkywingblurb

25.3K 1.6K 1.5K

Find is the story of a certain son of Hades, dragged out of his almost perfect life to attend a crazy magic s... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Smiling
Chapter 2: Hades
Chapter 3: Goodbye
Chapter 4: Malfoy
Chapter 5: Sorting
Chapter 6: Oracle
Chapter 7: Blueprint
Chapter 8: Crush
Chapter 9: IM
Chapter 10: Library
Chapter 11: Help
Chapter 12: Gossip
Chapter 13: Argument
Chapter 15: Avoiding
Chapter 16: Ron
Chapter 17: Ball
Chapter 18: Royalty
Chapter 19: Permission
Chapter 20: Dancing
Chapter 21: Confused
Chapter 22: Trust
Chapter 23: Oggling
Chapter 24: Soul
Chapter 25: Safe
Chapter 26: Home
Chapter 27: Arriving
Chapter 28: Knowing
you never have a choice
Chapter 29: Shopping
Chapter 30: Snowballs
you're really sick of not having a choice
Chapter 31: Spying
Chapter 32: Obliviate
Chapter 33: Coward
Chapter 34: Gorgeous
Chapter 35: Speech
Chapter 36: Perfect
Chapter 37: Vision
Chapter 38: Door
Chapter 39: Tear
Chapter 40: Hogwash
Chapter 41: Traitor
Chapter 42: History
Chapter 43: Knowledge
Chapter 44: Unbound
Chapter 45: Silence
Chapter 46: Nothingness
Chapter 47: Stalling
Chapter 48: Love
Thanks Guys ;)

Chapter 14: Comfort

601 41 17
By Youbethinkywingblurb

Hi! So I actually have no idea what is going on with my posting it's all just going completely haywire, I think I'm just going to post as often as I can from now on because the whole Sunday thing got lost somewhere a month ago. This chapter was a little difficult to write at some points, so sorry if Luna sounds a bit wrong sometimes -Emmi


Nico would have sat there and cried for Zeus-knows how long, if it weren't for Luna.

The Ravenclaw made her entrance a few hours after Nico himself, singing a funny song in a strange language to herself as she dismounted gracefully from her thestral.

Nico shot to his feet, gasping and wiping his tears.

"What are you doing here! Go away, I want to be on my own!" he snarled, hiding his horror at being seen in his current state through his usual methods, anger.

"Nico." the girl smiled, unperturbed by his tone. "I thought I might find you here."

"What do you want." muttered the son of Hades, turning away and wiping his tears angrily with the back of his hand.

"Well, you of course." she smiled, humming like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Hermione's been looking all over for you, so I thought I'd come get you. Also you missed Charms and Divination, and I didn't think you should miss any more classes."

Nico scowled. "Why's Hermione looking for me? I thought she must hate me by now."

Luna gave a laugh, then another, then tears were streaming down her cheeks and she was bent over double with hysterical laughter so hard that her spectrespecs fell off her face and onto the ground.

Nico's face was rather comical, and when Luna saw it she burst into renewed howls of laughter.

The son of Hades blinked, so utterly confused by the blonde girl that he completely forgot about being angry and self-hating.

"Oh, you should have-! Laugh Seen your face! Gasp Hate you now-!" Hysterics.

Nico frowned. "What, are you trying to say that the whole school doesn't hate me?"

Luna shook her head, laughing more calmly now. "Oh Nico, of course the whole school doesn't hate you. The whole school is made up of many many people, seeing as all people are different; considering everyone to hate you would make it impossible for anyone to like you, and since there are inexhaustably people who share less that hatred of you, the whole school can't possibly hate you."

Nico frowned again, trying to make sense of the girl's comforting words.

"You always jump to negative conclusions." said Luna seriously. "You see a few people muttering and think everybody hates you. If I thought like that then I'd be terribly sad."

When Nico didn't respond she beckoned to the thestral.

"If you would, Maria."

At this the boy finally perked slightly.

"What did you call her?"

Luna smiled. "Maria." she said.

"That was my-"

"Your mother's name, I know."

Once again, taken aback, Nico could only blink in confusion.

How much does this girl know about me?

He decided not to answer that question.

Still too confused and generally overwhelmed to put up a fight, especially when he realised it would make no difference with the Ravenclaw, Nico obligingly mounted Maria and let her fly him and Luna back to the castle.

When they reached the castle, Nico went straight down to his dorm, and locked himself in the bathroom.

"Oh Iris, except my offering."

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