Revolution Of The Forgotten

By EliAteGlass

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What was supposed to be the night Desmond redeemed himself from the tragedy of last years banquet turns into... More

Temptation and Trust
The Rush of the Hour
Banquet Full of Lies
Echoes of Injustice
Shattered Illusions
The Labyrinth
New Frenemy
Navigating the Unknown
A Close Brush With Death
A Glimpse of Hope
Questions Unanswered
Tensions rise
I love him, I love him not.
A Taste of Resentment
A Rift in the Rain
The One Who Joined the Stars
Reflections of a Broken Heart
Among Broken Bridges
Reluctant Exodus
Under Lock and Lantern
Forging Destiny
Bearing Burdens
Silent Deceptions
Revelations in the Ruins

Finding Peace Amidst Chaos

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By EliAteGlass

I spent the past two weeks healing up. Mira spent most of her time in the childrens cabin with the little girl, who she named Orieko. Why she named her that I have no idea.

She said it felt unique and special to her and the child. So I didn't argue with her about it. We settled on calling her Ori for short.

Afia found out there was target practice at the camp so he spent most of his time there. With both him and Mira occupied, I spent most of my time alone in the room.

Every so often, Rune would drop by. Whether to give me a snack or just to talk. I quickly realised how laid back Rune actually was despite their serious expression.

"At night we like to sit in a circle and roast marshmallows and just- talk. Y'know?" She said to me one day. This camp felt like we were having a relaxing summer vacation rather than surviving the end of the world.

Every so often we would hear commotion outside the camp but we often ignored it. Never once has a monster made its way inside. Why?

I knew deep down if those monsters wanted to break down the wall of our camp and come inside they would. So why didn't they? There was so much I didn't understand. So much I wanted the answer for. But not all questions remained answered.

The next day I was finally able to walk around with the help of Mira. She would hold my hand as we walked. There was no mobility aid and surprisingly no bones broken. Just really tore up.

Seeing the outside was so much nicer than what I thought. Despite the clouds of smoke that polluted the air, the camp itself wasn't half bad.

Kids ran around, playing in the fields and adults talked freely amongst themselves. It was as if the end of the world wasn't here.

Mira and I made our way to the cafeteria, getting our lunch and walking to one of the tables. Today I had turkey sandwiches and cheese sticks.

To tell you the truth, I HATED turkey. But I was more hungry than I was picky and I wanted to eat. I took a bite into my sandwich and almost threw up.

"Turkey?" Mira asked, to which I gave her a nasty look and gave her a 'what do you think' look. A small smile crept across her face as she shrugged, eating her sandwich happily. She loved turkey.

After our lunch we walked out to the garden. There were no birds but there were tons of insects. I loved insects more than anything. The way they moved and went about their lives was so great.

Mira also loved bugs. Well, most bugs anyway. She refuses to go near Centipedes. She felt they were the devil in one singular insect.

I wasn't too fond of centipedes either, but that's just because one bit me when I was younger. A feeling I wasn't appreciative of.

Plus I heard centipedes were poisonous, which I have no idea to what extent or truth that is but regardless it was the scariest moment of my life.

Until a few weeks ago that is.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around that to be honest. One moment we were hurrying to go to a banquet, the next we were running for our lives, and now we are in what felt like paradise.

However, the words of the queen made everything feel less great.

"We need people who won't be missed to keep them distracted while people like us who do have a future, escape."

Those words burned into my mind and left a constant reminder of why we were really here and they weren't.

What hurt even more is that I was stupid enough to think that Ezra would defend us. But he didn't. Why did I think he would?

Being at this camp gave me way too much time to think and I couldn't even help out due to my injuries. It made me feel powerless and I hated that feeling when I know full well that I am capable of helping out despite the injuries.

"Do you wanna see Ori?" Mira asked suddenly. I looked over at her and shrugged a bit. I didn't really care for the child. I mean, she was some random little girl Mira sort of adopted.

But nonetheless I agreed and followed her the quickest I could. I still struggled with walking, but at least the pain subsided greatly.

We entered a bigger cabin, multiple cots spread out evenly on the floor. Most of the children were out in the yard playing or in the cafeteria eating.

Mira smiled softly and walked over to a cot, crouching down. There laid Orieko. She laid on the cot colouring with some oil crayons.

"Ori, sweetie. Kodi is here to say hi.." She spoke in a soft tone. Oreiko looked up and greeted us with a small smile, sitting up as she held her paper up.

"Look! I drew a dog!" She showed off her work to us. It was coloured blue.

In what world would there ever be a blue dog? Mira gasped in excitement and picked up the picture, holding it up with pride.

"This is amazing, peanut!" Mira said cheerfully. The smaller child's eyes beamed with happiness as she soaked in the praises she got. "Isn't it just amazing, Kodi?"

I looked over at her and cringed ever so slightly. I wasn't good with kids and she knew it. She was testing me. She knew me like no other. And she was testing me.

But I was going to win. I forced a smile and nodded.

"It looks awesome Ori.." I muttered between clenched teeth. "One thing though hun.. Uhm... Maybe next time go for more... realistic colour... Dogs aren't blue.." I tried my best to sound sincere and kind.

Orieko shrugged and looked at her picture, humming softly. "Nah.. That would be too boring. Plus, if monsters are real, who's to say a blue dog isn't?" I sighed and crossed my arms. She had a point. A stupid point but a point nonetheless.

"Why aren't you playing outside with the other kids, peanut?" Mira asked, running a hand through Oreiko's hair. She shrugged again and looked out the window.

"I like it here. It's nice and quiet. I don't like when it's loud." She said simply. Something this kid and I had in common.

"Stay away from Afia, then. He is the loudest person you will EVER meet. He never shuts up." I joke, nudging Mira playfully. She didn't find my joke funny. She rolled her eyes and smacked the back of my head.

I shoot her a playful glare and pretend to be offended, putting my hand over my head and gasping dramatically.

"Oh I've been hit! Mira my love why would you put this fate upon me?" I ask, throwing myself on the floor and groaning. "Avenge me.." I whisper, before playing dead.

Oreiko's giggling erupted, disturbing the silence she and I cherished. Mira couldn't help but laugh a bit too. It was such a stupid act but it got them laughing. And that made me happy.

I smiled at her and slowly got back on my feet, bowing. "Thank you thank you! You're too kind!" I exclaim, blowing kisses to them and wiping fake tears.

"You're stupid-" Mira said with a small chuckle, throwing a pillow at me. I caught it with a grin and slowly put the pillow down.

We spent the next hour hanging out with Oreiko. Mira read her a book while I sat on the cot next to her, brushing Ori's hair and braiding it, using some spare ribbon I found to tie it.

The story Mira read was Hamlet. It wasn't exactly suitable for Oreiko's young age but it was one of Mira's favourites.

So she read it. And she did so with love. Mira always did what she loved and I loved that about her. She didn't seem to care if someone else hated her for how she felt or not.

She didn't apologise for loving what she loves. Nor would she apologise for her opinions. They were all a part of who she was.

For me, I also wouldn't apologise for many things. Like offending someone. I feel that if someone doesn't like what I say or do, then they weren't meant to hear it.

I looked outside. The sun was setting. I waited for Mira to finish reading before tapping her on the shoulder.

"Let's go, yeah? It's about time for bed." I whisper. Mira looked at me and nodded slowly, smiling softly as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Alright peanut, it's time for bed." Mira said softly, tucking Oreiko's bangs behind her hair. Oreiko gave Mira another small smile, nodding as she laid down.

"Night night Mira." She whispered back. Her small eyes slowly closed as she slowly fell into a deep and comforting slumper.

Mira took a step back and smiled. And for a moment, I did too. It was so peaceful. It felt like we were on top of the world. And I loved it. 

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