Love Arigato (Shori Sato fan...

By Marinworld

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Miyazaki Natsumi is a high schooler who was living in Fukuoka, but one day she goes to Sexy Zone's concert fo... More

Authors Notes - What is Horikoshi Gakuen?
Character profile ~ part one
Chapter 1 The handsome prince Shori kun

Chapter 2 The plan to meet Shori kun again

242 27 14
By Marinworld

Normal POV

Natsumi had noticed there weren't any boys around and any boys in the class, and began to think that there weren't going to be any chance of meeting Shori again unless something lucky like that happened by coincidence again.Natsumi was sitting in class and not concentrating with my head facing the window.

The teacher would yell at Natsumi to face forward and concentrate. She would face forward for a few minutes and then she'd look straight at the window again.While she was sitting down she was thinking about how she could meet Shori kun again.

As she was lost in deep thought an idea popped up in her head.

"Maybe I could pretend to be a boy and go to the boys side in disguise...?" Thought Natsumi "or maybe I could re-enroll into this school as a boy...?"

Those crazy ideas popped up in Natsumi's mind.

After a few minutes she decided to try the idea out, but the problem was how was she going to re-enroll?She thought again deeply about it, and she thought about telling her brother about it. Since he was a doctor, and he could possible pay for Natsumi's expenses. She decided to call her brother after school.


"You crazy Natsumi?!" Shouted her brother over the phone in big astonishment

"I-I know I'm crazy...b-but I really want to meet Shori kun brother!"

"Haven't you met him yet?"

"No...and that's the only way I will!" Shouted Natsumi

"Geez...fine I'll pay for the expenses, but in exchange go and get me Matsujun's autograph ok?"

"Whose Matsujun?" Asked Natsumi

"He's the Matsumoto guy in Arashi. Know the idol group whose's the same talent association as 'Sexyzone'?"

 "Oh...right...I so knew that..." Replied Natsumi pretending to have just forgotten when she didn't even know who Matsujun was even though she sometimes watched the VS Arashi show on TV.

"So how are you going to quit the school, then re-enroll as a boy?"

"Um...hmm..." Mumbled Natsumi to herself knowing she needed to think of an idea before her brother would say no."You know they aren't idiots who are just going to think a cute girls in the class, you know!"

"I-I know but I want to risk it, even if I won't be able to see him again or even go to this school anymore..."

"That's my sister!" Shouted Natsumi's brother in excitement. "If your willing to go that far for Shori I will support your decision.

"Thank" said Natsumi "Now I-I'll just get you to call the school saying that I need a few months of school of because of..."

"Yeah I could do that..." Said her brother "since I'm a doctor I could write a medical condition form..."

"But like I said before the people in school aren't idiots, won't they get suspicious that a boy who looks like Natsumi is en-rolled as a boy?"

"I-I think they would b-but I think they wouldn't be able to tell because I wore makeup to school today, and you know I change drastically with make up on!"

"I though you weren't allowed make up at Horikoshi Gakuen, Natsumi?"

"I forgot..."

"Well that means I don't think anyone would get suspicious then!" Said her brother "I'll come tomorrow to Tokyo and have a chat with the principal about you wanting transfer to this school and then I'll change my voice a bit and call again to say you are not feeling well and needs a day off or something"

"Thank you brother...I love you"


The very next day her brother arrived, and together they walked to the hair dressers to get Natsumi's hair cut short. Of course her hair wasn't going to be a buzz cut, but it was short compared to before when she had hair that touched her bottom; now her hair had the shortness of a bob. After the hairdressers they went shopping for boy clothe, and other things.

When she walked into the shop she could see no girly clothes or anything girls would wear.

"Wow your cute!" Said a voice "what is a girl doing here?"

"She's not a girl..." Said Natsumi's brother almost laughing and losing his poker face "she just looks like a girl..."

"Lucky you've got a cute boy..." Said the boy walking off

" better be careful if your going to be with boys..."

"I-I they would figure it out...anyway..."

"They might you know...Natsumi..."

Together they walked into the principals office and had a chat about her wanting to enroll into the school, and the principal gladly accepted her in.

"Ok be careful Natsumi!" Said her brother

"Ok I know I won't forget now that I changed my name to Kaname, and now I'm using your last name brother which is Amasawa"

"Well she you soon Natsumi!"



Natsumi POV

Again I had to introduce myself to everyone, but this time with the fake name of Kaname, using my brothers last name Amasawa. His last name was different from my because we shared the same mother, but different fathers. The big difference this time was I was at the boys side of the campus, and it was a boys class!

After I had introduced myself to the class and the teacher had explained everything to me clearly of where I sit and the rules. Just I was about to sit down at my seat the door slide open. I turned around and saw it was Shori kun again?!

 "You're late, Shori" said the teacher looking cross at him

"Sorry sensei" apologized Shori kun politely

My heart was pounding I couldn't believe that I had been lucky enough to struck gold and been in the exact same class as him.

"Maybe I should explain...I'm disguised I can sneak into a the boys side of the campus of this school..."

"And all so I can meet him. The Idol from Sexy Zone Sato Shori..."

"Hello! Um...Kaname? Hello?" Said the teacher waving her hand in froth of my face trying to snap me out of my day-dreaming mode.

I walked to my seat, and I sat down. When I looked around I saw him sitting next to me! And our seats are pretty close together too, and I know he's everything I hoped he was... Soon I gathered the courage to go near Shori and talk to him. I moved my chair next to his desk.

"Hi, Shori" I said smilingI grinned at him. Everyone around me was whispering about me.

"The new guys talking to Shori "


"He has some guts!"

Just I was about to leave a voice called out my name softly "Hi...Kaname san..."I couldn't believe that Shori replied to me, and I was too excited that my heart was beating real fast.

"I like you lets be friends!" I said to him forgetting the fact I was a girl in disguise as a boy now, and that if I said something like that he'd think I was gay, and that would be the last thing on earth is want him to think that.When I said that Shori kun hit his face on the table straight away.

"Uh...did I say something wrong?"


"Sorry, but...I'm not into that" replied Shori while his head was still on the table

"He thinks I'm Gay!"

"N-no...that's not what I..."

But Shori kun continued to ignore me, and didn't reply, and he stood up from his desk and raised his head in the air.

"May I be excused for a moment?" Asked Shori

"Yes you may Shori san" replied the teacher "you polite as always!"

"Wait! You've got to listen...--please?"

"And it's only my first time talking to Shori, and being in his class...! How did I get into this...?"

Everyone around me had a awkward silence."Well, I won't let it beat me!"

"I came from Fukuoka to get here!"

"Do something about this guy" Whispered another student again behind my back

"Don't look at me..." Whispered another student again.

"Looks like we got us a weirdo..." whispered another student

"I will become his friend! Whatever it takes!!" i shouted with my first clinched, with positive energy.

After a few minutes Shori came walking back into the class room, and sat straight back down at his seat like nothing had happened.

Suddenly someone started to laugh out loud from behind my back. "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Your a pretty funny guy"

I turned around and saw a boy with brown hair. That was obviously dyed into that shade of brown.

"I could get to like you and I know Shoritan got you wrong. My name's Nakajima Kento"

"You've ever heard of the guy they call the 'The leader of Sexy Zone'? Well that's me"

"Nice to meetcha"

I was shocked to meet Kento here! I wanted to meet Shori, but also Kento at the same time. "Shoritan be nice to the new student!" Said Kento patting Shori kun's back "no need to be shy"

"Kind of thinking of it I remembered a lot of blog posts about Shori kun saying he was shy..."

"I'm not Shy Kento..." Said Shori kun

"Huh? Can't hear you! Speak up like a man!" Shouted Kento to Shori kun.

"So why did you come to this school?" Asked Kento to me."I'm here on a Musical scholarship, but it doesn't pay for all the tuition fee so I pay for it myself. You do anything?"

"Do...? Oh um..I was part of the track and field team in Fukuoka....and I came here on a scholarship"

"What kind?"

"Just academics...nothing really special..." I replied which was true, but no exactly true since my brother paid for me to get in this time, unlike last time which I used my scholarship to get in.

"Horikoshi a boarding school for famous people, academics, athletes and musical people...they get a lot of students with famous parents, and famous teenagers."Y'know Shori not on scholarship either"

"What...? But I thought..."

"how about I introduce you to where the dorm and everything is?" Said Kento


We walked together and I found out I happened to somehow managed to be with Shori kun again. My room was 201

"'re his new roommate. Shoritan used to have a double all to himself. Now he has to share so he's pouting. Ha Ha Ha"

"Somehow I can't picture Shori kun Pouting...he's too good for that..."

"I'm in room 202. If you need me for anything lemme know"

" look like a girl"

"He...He knows...!"

"If you were a girl I'd say your pretty, what a were born as a girl..."

"No...I don't think he does..."

When Kento had left me alone and I entered the dorm room. Shori kun was there on the bottom bunk bed and was reading a magazine, which his back laid on the bed.

"Now to clear up the misunderstanding"

"Listen I didn't mean it that way, Okay? But I do want to be friends. I mean the only reason I'm here is because I'm a huge fan of you. Is it true you're not on a scholarship? I find it hard to believe!"

"......well, yes... I guess Kento told you... That's true...because....I'm taking a break now"

"You what!? B-but...why?"

"It's can't be true. He can't be like this!! He can't be taking a break from singing?!"

"That's because...."

But before Shori kun could finish his sentence someone knocked on the door. Shori kun immediately walked up from lying down on his bed and opened the door.

"Hello Matsujun sempai" said Shori kun"

So he's Matsujun...he's the one my brother wanted the autograph from..."

"Hello Shori kun" said Matsujun standing at the door.

"Do you need me for anything?" Asked Shori kun

"No actually I needed to talk to the new student" said Matsujun "Hey. Scuse me,'re Amasawa Kaname, right?"


"I'm Matsumoto Jun, you can call me Mastujun. Im the dorm R.A...I just came by to run the dorm rules by you"

He stared at me for a long time and bended down at bit to stare at my dark brown eyes.

"...they were right. Have people been telling you you're really cute?"

I shock my head, knowing if I nodded they would think I'm a girl, and if i didn't answer if seem like I was hiding something.

"Shori your lucky to have a cute boy living with you!" Said Matsujun patting him on the back

"I guess..." Replied Shori kun looking at me

" older brother is a huge fan of you...and if it's ok may I please have your autograph...?"

 "Oh! Yeah sure...but i need something to write with and on" replied Matsujun

"Oh...I'll just get something..." I said while opening my suitcase and looking through my things. Soon I found a cap and a pen for Matsujun to use.

"Could you sign this...?" I said"Sure! Anything for my fans!" Said Matsujun grabbing the cap and opening the pen lid, and writing his signature on the cap.

"Here you go then!" Said Matsujun handing me the cap and pen back to me.

"Thank you M-Matsujun" I said

"You were about to go to the cafeteria, right? I'll go with you, I'll explain everything as we go"

I walked out of my dorm room leaving Shori kun behind and walked to the cafeteria together with Matsujun

"Every room had a bath, but you can't use it after midnight. Dinners in the cafeteria from 6 to 9, but get there early or there might not be anything left to eat"


"It's pretty much the same as what it says in the handout"

As I was walking Suddenly a boy with brown hair bumped me.

"Your never gonna replace me! Got it!?" Shouted the boy as he ran

"What was that about?"

"That's Marius Yo the cutest boy in the school who had the nickname of school idol. until you came..." Explained Matsujun "he's just feeling jealous"


"Marius...he's the member of Sexy zone as well...I remember my mother mistaking him for a girl..."

"Marius don't mean to bully you or anything. He's just a bit upset"

"I thought he didn't like being called cute...or maybe he...liked being called cute, but was hiding it...?"

"Kaname!" Shouted a voice from behind me.I turned around to see who called my name. It was Kento.

 "Where were you!? I was gonna ask you if you wanna eat but you weren't in the dorm room!"

Matsujun tapped my shoulder, and walked off saying "Bye..."

"Oh...uh..thank you very much for the tour!" I said bowing my head

"What were you and him talking about?" Asked Kento

"Ah! Just the rules and stuff"

"You should be careful around Matsujun..." Said Kento "you never know what he would do"

"I can hear you Kento..." Whispered Matsujun from a distance. As i was walking through the hallway I saw Shori kun outside in the garden, through the window.

"Sorry Kento you can go on ahead" I said

"Okay see you later then!"

I walked outside to the garden. It was definitely Shori kun on the grass sitting down and sleeping. I sat next to him to block the wind from him. I glanced at him and poked his face. It was soft and silky, and his face glowed as the sun rays shined brightly.Suddenly footsteps came towards me, and I freaked out and accidentally knocked Shori kun and he was about to hit the ground, but I catches him in time. Lucky I didn't wake him up. When I had made him sit again. He began to tilt. Instead of tilting to the ground he tilted onto my shoulder. It felt a bit weird, so I moved to the side, but since I was the only thing supporting him. He came falling down on me.

"Owww..." I mumbled to myself When I looked up Shori was on top of me. Suddenly Shori's eyes began to twitch and in seconds later Shori woke up. His eyes sparkled like a crystal.

 "What...the..." He said in a surprising voice looking at me

"Hello..." I said trying to act natural like nothing happened even though somthing had happened"And why were you out here?" asked Shori while fixing up his hair.

"...what!? I could have just left you out here -- but if you catch a cold. I'm the one who has to suffer!" I shouted while Shori was rubbing his eyes and stretching while listening to me.

"I figure the least I could do for you was block the wind from hitting you!"

"Is that what you were doing? Your weird" said Shori laughing.

"Um...your the one that fell on me!""Huh?" Said Shori kun looking at me and blushing.

"oh...he blushed. Now he kinda looks cute"

"Shori your blushing..." I said

"" Replied Shori kun

"We should go back or we really will catch a cold" said Shori standing up Then a gust of wind blew.

He looked cute as the wind swayed his black hair.

"What a strong wind" said Shori "huh why are you looking at me...? Is there something on me?"

"'s nothing..."

I finally stood up and me and Shori kun went back to our dorm room.


The next day. P.E was first up, and it was my chance to see Shori kun play sports live! Right in front of me.

"Hustle, people! We're timing the 1.6 kilometer running!"

I quickly ran to my classmates.

"Kaname!" Shouted Kento while waving his hand in the air so I could see him.

I walked over to him right away.

"How come you're blushing?" Asked Kento

"I am not blushing! I'm just nervous..."

"Ha Ha Ha. Don't worry about it!" Shouted Kento with enthusiasm "you were in the track team in Fukuoka so!"


I walked up to the starting lane. My heart pounded quickly. I always hated the noise of the gun blasting in the air.

"On your marks....get set...go!"

The gun shot a loud bang and I began to run.The more I ran I began to enjoy myself. I was currently coming 5th overall and Shori was meters away from me currently coming 1st place, while Kento was further behind me.I wanted to catch up to him, so I used my energy to catch up to him, but instead I zoomed right past him. For some reason Shori never overtook me when he was super fast in long distance races, and him also coming 5th overall in the Hawaii marathon.

Eventually I reached the finish line all puffed out, barely able to stand. I looked behind me and Shori was 100m behind the finish line. When he had finished he wasn't huffed or puffed at all, and was not even sweating, unlike me who sweated from top to bottom all puffed out.

"C,mon over here Shori!" shouted the timer

"What?!" Replied Shori while wiping his face with towel.

"Just come over here!" Shouted the timer again Shori walked up to the timer and looked at the stop watch. Then he had a shocked expression.

"Wow! He's really fast!" Said Shori looking surprised, while looking at the digits on the stop watch.

"It's been ages since someone had beaten you when you didn't even try your best" said the timer to Shori.

I was kinda happy I had beaten Shori in a race, but I was feeling sorry for him at the same time, because he hated to lose, but I knew that by beating him he would try even harder next time.I decided to walk to the drink taps to get a drink.

As soon as I turned the handle so the water would come out the water squirted right at my face."Ha Ha Ha! That's what happened to me when I first used the drinking taps" said a voice from behind me.I turned around and saw it was Kento.

"'s you Kento" I said "your scared me for a second"


"It's's really nothing"

"I'm impressed you beat Shoripon in a 1.6 kilometer race" said Kento "no one has beaten him!"

"It was because he wasn't trying his best right?"

"How did you know?"

"I overheard the person timing the run, saying that no one had beaten him when he wasn't tying his best...""Even so that's still something to be proud of you know!"


Me and Kento walked back to the where the others were. To my surprise Shori kun was gone! I looked around, but I couldn't find Shori anywhere.

"Where is Shori k...?" I asked

"He's probably somewhere..." Replied Kento "he usually is wondering around or relaxing somewhere..."


"It's just his way of cooling down from running" replied Kento

"Okay thanks!" I said while running to find where Shori kun was.

"Wait where are you going?" Asked Kento

"Going to look for him!"

When I was walking I saw two legs sticking out from behind the bushes. I immediately though it was Shori sleeping again. I walked towards him.

"Ack. I knew it" i mumbled to myself as i walked towards him slowly and steadily

I sat next to him and stared at his beautiful face. Again his eyes started to twitch, and in seconds he seemed like he was about to wake up, so I quickly hid behind the bushes.Shori woke up straight after I managed to hide from him, and walked towards me like he knew I was there.

"...Kaname kun...what doing here...?" Asked Shori"

Nothing...I was just looking for you since you disappeared"

"That's the first time someone has come to look for me in ages" said Shori kun smiling

"We should go back to where everyone is you know..."

"I guess your right" replied Shori kun

Shori kun stood up and me and Shori decided to walk back to everyone else.

"Sleeping beauty is back" shouted Kento teasing him

"Yeah I'm back!" Said Shori kun

"Oi you boys over there come back over here please" shouted the teacher

"Ok! Coming!" I shouted

Together we walked to where the teacher was standing.

"Today I was impressed with everyone's running time today" said the teacher "especially Kaname san's running"

Everyone started to whisper.

"Would you like to join our track and field team?" Asked the teacher

"I couldn't believe it! If I say yes if get a chance to be in the same club activities as Shori kun"

"Um...I'd like to if it's alright"


After period 6 was finished everyone was getting changed for club practices. The fact that I was a girl meant I couldn't change in front of everyone, so I decided to go to the toilets. After I got changed I went back to the classroom. No one was in the classroom except Shori kun and Kento sitting down at the desks and talking.

"We were waiting for you..." Said Shori kun holding onto my book bag, and handing to me.

"Really?! Thank you Shori and Kento"

Together we walked out of the classroom, and headed for the shoe box (a place where we put our shoes for outdoors in) I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on.

"So did you do any Marathons before coming here?" Asked Shori kun to me

"Yes...I ran the 10km marathon in the Gold Coast in Australia, but I came 15th out of my division"

"That's still good!" Said Shori "your fast then!"

"No I'm came 5th in the Hawaii marathon"

"" Replied Shori kun looking a bit shy, but pleased that someone had mentioned it

"Well now I'm glad I've got someone fast in our club, because now I have a rival" said Shori smiling"

He's shy and honest...that's just like what everyone said he would be on blog posts and wonder why he's so popular"

"Rival sounds good!" I replied

"We've gotta go Shoritan and Kaname!" Shouted Kento pulling our arms "your going to be late for club practice you two!"

"Okay...Kento you can let go of me..." Said Shori kun"

Ok I will!" Replied Kento and he gently let go of me and Shori kun's arm.

Me and Shori kun together went outside and onto the tracks. The tracks had perfect white lined dividing the tracks neatly. The teacher of the track and field team was standing there.

"I'm usually on lane 1" said Shori kun"That's cause he likes the sound of being number 1" said Kento "Number 1 suits Shori...I think"

"Really do I suit it? Thanks" said Shori smiling

Just as I was about to say something a voice interrupted me

"Are you the one that was fast in the 1.6 km run?"

I turned around and I saw the voice belong to a teacher.

"Yes...I think. My names Miyazaki Kaname. Nice to meet you" I said

"Kaname nice to meet you to" replied the teacher

"you can call me Yamamoto sensei"

"Thank you very much for letting me join Yamamoto sensei"

I said bowing"No problem" Yamamoto sensei replied "but this club isn't gonna go easy on you!"



The very next morning I was really lucky that I got to go to school with Shori kun and even have a morning jog with him before school started. He told that this was his daily routine to have a 3km jog in the morning and in the afternoon.

As I was running I saw Kento playing soccer on the soccer grounds with another boy I had never seen before.

"Ohayo Kento!" I shouted out loud with my hands making an oval shape and putting it infront of my mouth so my voice would project.

"Ohayo Kaname and Shoritan!" Shouted Kento back while still managing to play soccer.

"Ohayo Kento!" Shouted Shori waving his hands in the air energetically

"Oi Kaname want to play soccer with us?" Asked Kento

"Sure" I replied, but Shori's reply wasn't heard all I could hear was my own voice replying.

"Aren't you going to play?" I asked to Shori who was still jogging but in such a slow pace, so he could still talk to Kento.

"I'll just watch..."said Shori while stopping "while I'm cooling down"

I walked to Kento, and with him was other boy. The boy with Kento had black hair and a hair style that was set perfectly with hair gel.

"This is Yamaguchi Junnosuke" said Kento kicking the ball in the air with his feet.

"Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you to Kaname" said Junnosuke while smiling, making his white teeth shine.

"Rules are simple first one to get it in the goal wins" said Kento


At first Kento started off with the ball, but soon I took the ball off him, but me holding onto the ball didn't last long due to the boy Junnosuke being a skilled player, and swiftly stealing the ball off me.I admit that Junnosuke was good and skilled at soccer and I could barely steal the ball of him. After a few tries of trying to steal the ball I finally took the ball way from him, but in seconds later he snatched it back. As I was trying to take the ball of Junnosuke again he bumped me on the side of my body, and a fell to the ground. After that my mind felt blank.

Normal POV

"Kaname!" Shouted Junnosuke terrified of what he had done.

Junnosuke patted Kaname trying to wake him up, but no sign of her conscious appeared on his face. Kento grabbed his water bottle from the bench, and poured water on top of her face.Shori who was cooling down and watching at the same time immediately came rushing over to them.

"I'll carry him" said Shori "You run ahead and tell the doctor Junnosuke and Kento"

"...No! I'll take was my fault" said Junnosuke

"IDIOT!" Shouted Shori at the top of his voice out loud looking a bit mad "if you feel guilty about it just make sure the stupid doctor Kazuya doesn't go anywhere"

"---Nng" mumbled Junnosuke "okay! Fine!"

Together Junnosuke and Kento ran hurrying to where the doctor Kazuya was.

"You'll be okay" said Shori softly to the unconscious Kaname, while patting her head gently "its going to be all right"

Shori gently lifted Kaname up. When he did he felt something soft on the side of her chest. He looked down at Kaname.

"Could Kaname be..." Thought Shori He soon arrived at the health center.

The doctor was angry as always, especially because someone had disturbed his peace and quiet before school.

"So the new kid is the one who got hurt!" Said Doctor Kazuya "and it was all cause of Junnosuke!"

"I didn't mean it...." Said Junnosuke

The doctor looked at Kaname's face and placed his hand of Kaname's forehead.

"Mmm-hmm. Just the wind knocked him out. That's all" said the doctor Kazuya

"Ok I understand Kaname is a lucky boy" said Kento

"" said Junnosuke sobbing.

"Phew~~~you're so lucky Kaname~~~"

"Tsk, much to ado about a soccer bump" said the doctor behind Junnosuke's back.

"...m" mumbled Kaname as her eyes began to twitch slightly

"Is he awake?" Asked doctor Kazuya"...Junno...suke?" Mumbled Kaname

"Finally he's awake, I bet he's going to become sleeping beauty like you Shoritan" said Kento

"Stop saying that!" Said Shori blushingJust as Junnosuke was about to say something, doctor Kazuya kicked Junnosuke's back, and Shori who had saw it coming dodged it.

"Ouch!" Shouted Junnosuke

"That's it boys" said doctor Kazuya "Bye-Bye this isn't a waiting room. 'Course you can wait outside as long as you want"

"Let's go" said Shori kun pulling Junnosuke's and Kento's arm

He pulled both by the arm until they went outside, but he continued to grab onto their arm.

"Let go of me already!" Said Junnosuke "how long do you plan to pull me around?"

"I'll let go" said Shori gently letting go of both of their arms.


Inside the health center

"So your unconscious again?" Asked the doctor Kazuya

"...the doctors?" Thought Kaname "when Junnosuke's bumped me accidentally and I fell to the ground...I must have blacked out"

"Yes...I'm fine""Good" said Doctor Kazuya "yes very good"

"I've got to get out of here..."

"...yeah I'm totally fine now since~~"

"So now that you have a clear head you can answer one question..." Said the doctor Kazuya looking at Kaname

 "what's a pretty nice girl doing in a place like this?"

---------------TO BE CONTINUED-----------

Sorry for the slow update. (>人<;)

My schedule is really busy and I couldn't write often, and my English teacher wasn't available, so I had to wait for her/he to have time to check.

Thank you very much ____ Sensei for helping me edit this (*^o^*)/*

So how was it?I hoped you like it (*^^*)

I hadn't written much first POV stories so I struggled with this. Normal POV is much easier. In the next chapter I will try to put in Shori's POV if possible. Hope there wasn't much English errors in the story. Sorry if there is. (>人<;)I hope Many of you enjoyed reading this and I hope many will continue to read it to the end if possible (*^^*)      

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