Magnetic Force

By Beccajadewrites

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Rankings: #1 Ashoka 10/12/2023 πŸ₯‡ 12/01/2024 #4 StarWars 14/10/2023 #4 AnakinSkywalker 13/10/2023 ... More

Chapter 1 pilot
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 52

40 1 0
By Beccajadewrites

'Always trust in the force'

My lungs burned, my chest heaved with the effort to draw in air that seemed to evade me at every turn. Panic clawed at the edges of my consciousness, threatening to pull me back into the darkness from whence I came.

"She's not breathing!" The urgency in the voice was unmistakable, sending a jolt of fear coursing through my veins.

"Call for help!" Another voice, strained with desperation, echoed in the dim recesses of my mind.

Through the haze of pain and confusion, I struggled to make sense of my surroundings. Shadows danced on the periphery of my vision, flickering like spectres in the night. And then, amidst the chaos, a voice pierced through the clamour like a beacon in the storm.

"Quickly, get her into the bacta tank!" The words reverberated in my skull, sending shivers down my spine. Bacta tank? What was happening to me? My thoughts swirled like a tempest, each fleeting moment tinged with a sense of foreboding.

Searing pain lanced through my body, a thousand needles piercing my flesh with each agonising heartbeat. I cried out, but no sound escaped my lips. I was trapped in a nightmare of my own making, unable to break free from the clutches of my torment.

"We need to get her off of Felicia quickly!" The urgency in the voice was palpable, a raw edge of fear cutting through the chaos.

"There's no time, I've got to operate now!" Another voice, firm and resolute, cut through the cacophony like a blade through silk.

I struggled to open my eyes, to pierce through the veil of darkness that threatened to consume me whole. But try as I might, my eyelids remained stubbornly shut, as if glued together by some unseen force.

"I'm sorry, Amara, this is going to hurt." The words echoed in my mind, a haunting refrain that sent shivers down my spine.

And then, with a suddenness that left me reeling, I was shocked awake by blinding pain. My vision swam with a kaleidoscope of colours, each more vivid than the last. Blood pooled around me in a macabre tableau, staining the pristine white walls with its crimson hue.

"Make it stop!" I screamed, the words torn from my lips like a desperate plea for salvation.

But someone gagged my mouth, silencing my cries with a cruel twist of fate. I thrashed against the unseen bonds that held me captive, but it was futile. I was adrift in a sea of darkness, with no shore in sight.

"You'll be okay, everything will be okay, Master." The words cut through the fog of my despair, a lifeline in a world gone mad. Caleb? Was that truly his voice, or merely a figment of my fevered imagination?

And then, just as suddenly as it began, the pain receded, leaving behind a void of emptiness that threatened to swallow me whole. I teetered on the edge of consciousness, my grip on reality slipping with each passing moment.

like a bolt from the heavens, a voice shattered the silence, cutting through the darkness with its raw urgency.

"I'm losing them!" The words echoed in the void, a desperate plea for salvation that tugged at the fringes of my fractured mind.

"Them?" Caleb's voice, tinged with confusion, pierced through the fog of my thoughts like a beacon in the night.

"The babies, I can't save them." The other voice, strained with sorrow, whispered like a mournful lament.

Babies? The word reverberated in my mind, my heart clenched with a mixture of fear and despair, knowing that I was powerless to intervene.

And then, with a suddenness that left me reeling, everything went black once more. The darkness swallowed me whole, leaving behind only the echoes of what might have been.

I awoke with a start, drenched in a cold sweat that graced me like a second skin. It was a night like any other, haunted by the echoes of memories I wished I could forget. But they persisted, relentless in their pursuit of me, refusing to fade into the depths of oblivion where they belonged.

Dragging myself out of bed, I stumbled towards the bathroom, my footsteps heavy with the weight of exhaustion. The dim light of dawn filtered through the window, casting long shadows that danced across the floor like spectres in the night.

Splashing my face with cool water, I stared at my reflection in the mirror, the harsh lines of fatigue etched into my features. The clock on the wall taunted me with its relentless ticking, a reminder that sleep would elude me for yet another day.

Seven in the morning. Too early to be awake, yet too late to return to the solace of slumber. With a resigned sigh, I resigned myself to the inevitability of the day ahead.

Dressing in silence, I pulled a white tank over my head, the fabric clinging to my skin. My gaze drifted to the mirror once more, drawn inexorably to the scar that marred my abdomen. A cruel reminder of the horrors I had endured, etched into flesh as a testament to my suffering.

Shaking my head, I forced myself to push away the memories that threatened to engulf me. The past was a weight I could not afford to carry, a burden I could ill afford in my quest for redemption.

Donning my suit, I surveyed my reflection with a sense of detachment. Gone were the beige robes of a Jedi, replaced now by the sleek black attire of a man consumed by darkness. My soul mirrored the darkness that enveloped me, devoid of light or love, a barren wasteland of emptiness.

With a heavy sigh, I forced a semblance of a smile as I stepped into the main room, greeted by the familiar faces of my team. Zeb's voice cut through the air, outlining the details of our next mission – a seemingly routine task to retrieve wookiees, a job marked by its simplicity. Yet, in the midst of his briefing, Kanan's keen eyes caught sight of my disheveled state, prompting him to abandon the conversation and approach me with concern etched upon his features.

"Rough night?" His voice held a note of empathy as he settled beside me, his presence a comforting anchor amidst the turmoil of my thoughts.

"When is it not?" I attempted to brush off his concern with a feeble attempt at humor.

His gaze lingered on me, a silent plea for me to confide in him. But I couldn't bear to burden him with the weight of my nightmares, couldn't bear to see the worry etched upon his face.

"Stop looking at me like that," I murmured, my voice tinged with frustration as I met his gaze with a steely resolve. "Like I might break."

Kanan's response was measured, his words laden with a sincerity that resonated deep within my soul. "I just worry about you, and your nightmares," he admitted softly, his concern a tangible presence in the air between us.

A pang of guilt tugged at my heartstrings, a reminder of the burden I placed upon those who cared for me. But before I could dwell on the guilt that threatened to consume me, I reached out and gently grasped Kanan's shoulder, a silent gesture of reassurance.

"Kanan," I spoke with a conviction born of necessity, my voice steady despite the turmoil raging within me. "It's not your job to worry about me. You are my responsibility, and I worry about you, not the other way around. I'll be okay."

His response was a nod of understanding, tinged with a sadness that mirrored my own. And as we sat in silence, the weight of unspoken words hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the bonds that bound us together in the face of adversity.

Hours of meticulous preparation for our mission to rescue the wookiees left me weary but resolute, every detail meticulously accounted for in our pursuit of justice against the Empire's tyranny.

"Vizago has acquired the flight plan for an Imperial transport ship carrying a cargo of Wookie prisoners," I announced to the crew, my enthusiasm for thwarting the Empire's schemes evident.

"Many of these Wookies were soldiers for the Old Republic," I continued, emphasizing the debt owed to these brave beings.

"I owe those hairy beasts; they saved some of my people," Zeb added solemnly, his connection to the Wookies evident in his voice. With his kind nearly extinct, we were his only family.

"We have a narrow window to act," Kanan interjected, highlighting the urgency of the situation.

"They've been taken to an unknown slave labor camp. If we don't intercept this ship, we may never locate them," I added, a trace of worry creeping into my tone.

"I have a plan, but..." Before I could finish, a loud thudding noise echoed from outside the room, interrupting me abruptly.

I turned my head towards the locked room nestled in the corner, swiftly pressing the button to grant access. The door slid open, revealing Ezra, who tumbled out in a clumsy heap, his ears pinned against the door in a futile attempt to eavesdrop. I arched an eyebrow at him, his arms crossed as he lay sprawled on the floor.

Before I could utter a word, Ezra scrambled to his feet and made a beeline for the vent, but Zeb intercepted him with a firm grip. "I ordered Chopper to keep watch!" Zeb bellowed, his frustration palpable. Right on cue, Chopper wheeled in, sounding the alarm about Ezra's escapade. I rubbed my forehead in exasperation. "Can't we just get rid of him?" Zeb snarled, his voice dripping with irritation as he loomed over Ezra.

I pushed Zeb back gently, guiding Ezra away from his grasp along with Sabine. "No, we can't," Sabine interjected firmly, her gaze meeting mine. "The kid knows too much." I glimpsed the disappointment flickering across Ezra's face, a pang of guilt tugging at my conscience.

"We don't have time to take him home anyway," Hera chimed in, her voice calm but resolute as she helped Ezra to his feet. "We need to move now." With a reassuring hand on his shoulder, she ushered him towards the cockpit. "I'll keep an eye on him," she assured us, her tone leaving no room for argument.

"That kid's gonna be the death of us," I muttered under my breath, a wry chuckle escaping me as I settled into my seat, poring over the intricacies of our plan.

"He's not so bad. We could use him," Sabine interjected, her voice carrying a hint of genuine consideration. I shot her a quick smirk. "What?" she challenged, arms crossed in a gesture of defiance.

I raised my hands in a mock surrender. "Nothing, just never thought I'd see you so... soft," I teased, the corner of my lips quirking up in amusement. Sabine scoffed in response.

"I am not soft!" she protested, her tone laced with indignation, but I couldn't help but laugh.

"Whatever you say, kid," I replied, my smile widening as she rolled her eyes in mock annoyance.

"Okay, we're entering hyperspace now. Shouldn't be long until we reach our destination," Hera's voice crackled over the comms, prompting us to gather our gear and prepare for what lay ahead.

"I have a strange feelings about this." I confessed as we emerged from hyperspace, a sense of unease settled over me like a heavy cloak. I took my seat next to Zeb, my nerves tingling with apprehension as we drew nearer to the looming Imperial transport, its ominous presence casting a shadow over our mission. This vessel showed no mercy, leaving no prisoners behind, and I couldn't shake the feeling that we were walking into a trap.

"Permission to dock, now," Hera's voice crackled over the comms, jolting me from my thoughts. I wiped the sweat from my palms against my suit, the Force whispering warnings in the back of my mind. Something wasn't right, and I feared the consequences of ignoring my instincts.

"There's no time to worry like the present," Kanan quipped with a sheepish grin, attempting to ease the tension. I forced a chuckle, my heart pounding with uncertainty as I rose from my seat. The plan was clear, but doubts gnawed at the edges of my mind, urging me to tread cautiously.

Turning to Zeb, I raised an eyebrow, seeking reassurance. "Remember the plan?" I asked, furrowing my brow in concern. Zeb's response was a dismissive eye roll, his confidence unwavering despite the gravity of our situation.

"Yeah, yeah, they'll never buy it. Why don't I just knock 'em clean out instead?" he suggested with a hopeful glint in his eye.

"NO," Sabine, Kanan, and I exclaimed in unison, our voices echoing with adamant refusal. Zeb's grin faltered, replaced by a more somber expression as the weight of our mission pressed upon us.

As we approached the ship's open doorway, Zeb stood between us, his towering presence serving as our reluctant centerpiece in our ruse.

Anticipation crackled in the air as we awaited the arrival of the Imperial troopers. With a hiss, the doors parted, revealing two armed clones, their helmets gleaming under the harsh light of the ship's interior.

"That thing's not a Wookiee," one of the troopers remarked, eyeing Zeb skeptically as we feigned holding him captive.

"Haven't you ever seen a rare hairless Wookiee before?" Kanan quipped, his tone casual as he leaned against the doorframe. I stifled a chuckle, knowing full well that our charade was treading on thin ice. To add to the illusion, I discreetly kicked Zeb's leg, prompting him to emit a low, guttural moan that was meant to resemble a Wookiee's cry, though it fell far short of authenticity.

The troopers exchanged a puzzled glance, their uncertainty palpable. Impatience bubbled within me, mirrored by Zeb's visible frustration as he let out another groan. "Oh, forget it," he grumbled, pushing past us with a dismissive huff, effortlessly knocking both guards off their feet and into unconsciousness.

"Told you they wouldn't buy it," Zeb boasted with a smug grin, earning a playful jab from Sabine.

"You didn't exactly give them a chance to buy it," she retorted, her tone laced with amusement.

"Poor fellas didn't know what hit 'em," I sighed, my gaze lingering on the crumpled forms of the troopers sprawled on the floor.

"Eh," Zeb waved off their plight with a casual gesture, his tone nonchalant. "There's just something about the feel of their helmets on my fist," he chuckled, his expression a mix of amusement and mild concern. I couldn't help but shake my head, a wry smile tugging at the corners of my lips as we prepared to press forward into the heart of the Imperial transport.

"Okay," Kanan interjected with a firm tone, his Jedi demeanor commanding our attention. "You know the plan. Move out." We nodded in unison, a sense of urgency propelling us forward as we dashed through the corridors of the Imperial transport.

Creeping stealthily along the wall, I cautiously peered around the corner, ensuring the coast was clear. "No guards on the door," I confirmed, signaling for the others to follow. We gathered around the entrance to the prison, our hearts pounding with anticipation.

"Just set the detonator so we can get the Wookiees out of here," Zeb urged, his voice low but urgent. I nodded, swiftly setting up the explosive device.

"At least things seem to be going smoother than our last op," Kanan remarked, attempting to lighten the mood. I couldn't help but agree, though a nagging sense of unease lingered at the back of my mind.

"Too smooth," I added, my words laced with a tinge of apprehension.

Before any of us could react, Ezra's panicked voice shattered the tension. "It's a trap! We gotta get out of here!" I spun around, startled by his sudden appearance, my stomach sinking at his words. I cursed myself for not heeding the warning signs earlier.

"Karabast! The kid's blowing another op!" Zeb cursed, his frustration evident. I shot him a sharp glare, my patience wearing thin.
"Shut up!" I seethed, my voice cutting through the chaos.

"It's not an op. It's a trap! Hera sent me to warn you," Ezra gasped, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath. Just then, the doors flew open, revealing a squad of troopers with blasters at the ready.

With no time to spare, we sprinted down the corridor, adrenaline coursing through our veins. I pivoted sharply, firing off shots at the advancing troopers, buying us precious seconds to escape.

"We need to warn Sabine and Chopper," Ezra shouted over the din of blaster fire.

"They'll follow the plan. It'll be fine," Kanan reassured, his voice steady despite the chaos unfolding around us. With renewed determination, we pressed forward, determined to navigate through the trap that had ensnared us.

"Yeah, 'cause the plan's gone just great so far!" Ezra's voice rang out with a mixture of sarcasm and frustration, mirroring the turmoil brewing within us all.

Ahead of us, a formidable group of troopers marched with purpose, their blasters poised for action. My heart raced, the weight of our mission pressing down on me like a heavy burden. "Don't stop!" I barked out the order, determination fuelling our strides as we pressed forward, each step bringing us closer to our goal. I prayed that Sabine and Chopper were prepared for the crucial moment that lay ahead.

"Push off now!" I commanded through the comms, bracing myself for the impending chaos.

Suddenly, weightlessness engulfed us as Sabine and Chopper deactivated the artificial gravity. With practiced precision, I aimed my blaster and fired at the stunned troopers suspended in the air, their futile attempts to regain control rendered powerless.

"Artificial gravity is down for two minutes," Sabine's voice crackled over the comms, her warning echoing through the empty corridors of the ship.
As we floated onward, propelled by the absence of gravity, I gripped the sides for stability, my senses on high alert.

"You doing okay, kid?" I called out to Ezra, sensing his unease behind me.

"Oh yeah, I'm just great!" he retorted, his voice laced with a hint of panic.
Just as suddenly as it had disappeared, gravity returned, sending us crashing back to the floor. I wasted no time in pulling Ezra to his feet, our urgency driving us forward as we raced to meet Sabine and Chopper at the designated rendezvous point.

Together, we stood united against the looming threat of the Empire, our determination unwavering as we faced the challenges that lay ahead.

"Where are the Wookiees?" Sabine's voice cut through the tense silence, her words echoing the question that weighed heavily on all our minds.
"No Wookiees," Kanan replied breathlessly, his voice strained with exhaustion.

"Sabine, man the nose gun!" I ordered, urgency colouring my tone as I quickly assessed the situation. Without hesitation, Sabine and Chopper sprang into action, racing to their respective posts with unwavering determination.

As they hurried to execute our next move, I exchanged a knowing glance with Kanan, the weariness etched into his features mirroring my own. It was becoming increasingly apparent that our missions were veering off course more often than not, a troubling trend that left us grappling with uncertainty.

With a resigned nod, I followed Kanan onto the ship, the weight of our recent failures pressing down on me like a heavy burden. Taking my seat at the controls, I leaned back, my head resting against the cool metal of the ship's interior.

"Attention rebel ship, turn yourselves in or be destroyed. This is your first and last warning," a cold voice reverberated through the comms, its threatening tone met with laughter from our crew.

"They never do learn," I remarked with a wry grin, the familiar defiance in my voice earning chuckles from Kanan and Sabine. However, the jovial atmosphere shifted as Zeb entered the room, his expression grave, casting a shadow over our banter.

"Sabine, now!" Hera's urgent command cut through the tension, prompting swift action from our crew. In mere moments, a deafening explosion rocked the enemy ship as we burst into hyperspace, leaving destruction in our wake.

"Ugh, I can't see it from here. How'd it look?" Sabine inquired eagerly, her eyes shining with anticipation.

"Beautiful as always, Sabine," I replied with a reassuring smile, a sense of pride swelling within me as we streaked through the vast expanse of space, leaving the Empire's vessel far behind us.

"The whole thing was a setup," I stormed into the cockpit, my frustration palpable, echoed by the somber expressions of my crew mates.

"You think Vizago was in on it?" Hera's voice held a note of suspicion as she glanced at each of us for answers. I scoffed, the bitterness evident in my tone.

"Wouldn't put it past him, the vain, evil, money-thieving—" I started, interrupted by Sabine's amused smirk.

"I think we get the picture," she interjected, her sarcasm cutting through the tension.

"Sorry," I sighed, running a hand over my head in exhaustion. "Rough day," I offered weakly, mustering a small smile to ease the tension.

"The kid did all right," Hera remarked, gesturing towards Ezra's role in warning us of the trap. I nodded in agreement, acknowledging his bravery and resourcefulness.

"He did okay," Kanan chimed in, scanning the room with a furrowed brow. "Where is he?" he asked, a hint of concern creeping into his voice.

I paused, realisation dawning on me like a sudden chill. "I, uh, thought he was with you," Zeb stuttered, his admission fuelling my growing sense of unease. I turned to him sharply, suspicion clouding my gaze as I searched for answers.

"Zeb," I began cautiously, my voice tinged with worry, "what did you do to him?" My heart raced with fear, the possibility of Ezra falling into enemy hands sending shivers down my spine.

"I didn't do anything!" Zeb protested, his tone defensive as he sank into his seat. "But that ISB agent grabbed him," he added, his admission casting a dark shadow over our already grim situation.

"What?!" we all exclaimed in unison, our disbelief palpable as the reality of Ezra's capture sunk in.

"The kid got grabbed, okay?" Zeb's panic was evident, his usually brash demeanour giving way to genuine concern.

"Garazeb Orrelios!!!" Hera's voice thundered through the cockpit, her use of Zeb's full name signalling the severity of the situation. I couldn't help but pull a face; Zeb was in deep trouble if Hera was resorting to his full name.

"Oh, come on!" Zeb protested, attempting to defend his actions. "We were dumping him after the mission anyway! This saves us fuel," he reasoned, his casual attitude only serving to heighten my frustration and disbelief.

I shook my head, disbelief and disappointment washing over me like a tidal wave. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I struggled to comprehend the gravity of our predicament. With Ezra's fate uncertain and tensions running high, the path ahead seemed more uncertain than ever before.

"He's just a boy!" I shouted at Zeb, my voice tinged with desperation. "We have to go back," I declared, my conviction unwavering despite Zeb's dismissive laughter as he stood up.

"No, no, no way! You cannot be serious!" Zeb waved his hands in dismissal, his stubborn refusal echoing through the tense silence of the cockpit.

"It's our fault he was there!" Hera's voice joined mine, her support lending weight to my plea.

"Come on, Hera! We just met this kid! We're not going back for him," Zeb countered, his callousness cutting through the air like a knife.

"They'll be waiting for us. We can't save him," Sabine added, her grim expression mirroring the heaviness that settled over us all.

Turning to Kanan, I looked to him for guidance, his role as our leader weighing heavily upon him. His eyes flickered between me, Hera, and Zeb, a heavy sigh escaping him as he grappled with the weight of our decision.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Kanan sighed, his resignation evident as he reluctantly made his choice.

"I'll take that as a yes," I replied, a sense of relief flooding over me as Kanan's agreement signalled our commitment to rescuing Ezra, no matter the risks involved. With determination renewed, we set our course back toward danger, united in our resolve to bring our young companion home.

Swiftly, we turned our ship back, masking our signature to evade detection. As we approached the docking bay, tension crackled in the air, each of us poised for action as we prepared to rescue Ezra from the clutches of the Empire.

With expert precision, we docked without issue, the familiar rush of adrenaline fuelling our movements as we leaped from the ship, weapons drawn.

"Okay, you guys get Ezra, I'll hold the bay," Hera commanded, her stance unwavering as she stood guard at the entrance, her blaster poised to repel any incoming threats.

"Hold the bay till we get back," I shouted to Zeb, emphasising the importance of maintaining our position until our mission was complete.

"And this time, try not to leave until everyone's back aboard," Sabine added, her tone laced with a hint of reproach.

"That wasn't my fault," Zeb retorted defensively, though his protest was met with dubious glances from the rest of us as we raced toward our objective.

"Thats debatable" as we sprinted forward, Ezra's voice echoed above us, halting me in my tracks. I looked up to see a figure drop down in front of us, clad in a white helmet. Without hesitation, Zeb launched a punch at the figure, sending them hurtling toward us. My heart skipped a beat until I realised it was Ezra, his indignant protest ringing out as he removed his helmet.

"First, you ditch me, then you hit me?!" Ezra exclaimed, his offence palpable as he brushed himself off.

"How was I supposed to know it was you? You were wearing a bucket," Zeb shrugged, his nonchalance drawing an exasperated eye roll from me as we faced down an approaching group of troopers and the looming presence of the ISB agent

Without wasting a moment, we sprinted back toward the ship, Kanan's voice crackling over the comms as he shouted our departure orders.

"Spectre 1 to Ghost, we're leaving!" he declared, urgency coloring his words as we piled into the ship, the sound of blaster fire echoing behind us.

With a deft spin, I fired off shots at the encroaching troopers, each blast a testament to our unwavering determination. Sabine, with a flick of her wrist, detonated explosives, creating chaos in our wake as we made our hasty escape, leaving behind a trail of destruction and defiance in the face of the Empire.

"So, I guess you drop me off next?" Ezra's voice carried a tinge of sadness as he spoke, his gaze flickering between Zeb and me.

"Uh, yeah," Zeb replied awkwardly, his discomfort evident as he chuckled nervously. "Finally, right?" he added with a forced grin.

"Right," Ezra nodded, his expression unreadable as he turned away, his footsteps heavy with the weight of impending departure.

I watched silently as Ezra leaned against the ship's ladder, a sense of inevitability hanging in the air like a heavy fog. Suddenly, the ship jolted, shaking us all, and I saw Ezra stumble, his hand slipping over a familiar weapon as he deftly tucked it into his pocket.

Seizing the moment, I pulled Kanan aside, a sense of urgency gripping me as I spoke.

"So, the kid is leaving," I remarked, my voice tinged with a mixture of resignation and concern. Kanan sighed, nodding in agreement, though I could see the turmoil brewing beneath the surface.

"Yeah, it's probably for the best," he replied, attempting to maintain a facade of normalcy, though his eyes betrayed his inner turmoil.

"You know what I'm going to say," I continued, my words gentle but firm as I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "This is your final trial. Let the Force guide you, make the right choice before it's too late."

Kanan looked down, lost in thought, his brow furrowed in contemplation. I could sense the weight of his decision bearing down on him, the struggle between duty and personal desire waging a silent battle within him.

"I'm so proud of you, Caleb," I praised him, using his given name as a reminder of his journey and the potential that lay within him. He looked up at me, a warm smile of appreciation spreading across his face.

"Thank you, Master," he replied softly, his gratitude evident as he enveloped me in a heartfelt hug. With a final smile, I watched him go, knowing that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges, but confident that he would find his way, guided by the Force and his own indomitable spirit. As I retreated into my own quiet contemplation, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the Jedi he was becoming.

As I entered the main room, a sense of solemnity hung heavy in the air, each member of the crew gathered awkwardly, awaiting Ezra's departure. With a warm smile, he slid down the ladders, his gaze lingering on Sabine with a mixture of admiration and fondness. The sight of their exchange stirred a flutter of memories within me, a bittersweet reminder of youth and the fleeting nature of love. Yet, beneath the surface, a cold ache of heartbreak gnawed at me, a stark reminder of what I once had and lost.

"So, uh, see you around?" Ezra's voice broke through the silence, his attempt at levity met with a playful punch from Zeb that landed a bit too hard, causing Ezra to stumble backwards.

"Don't worry, you won't," Ezra retorted with a roll of his eyes as he and Zeb exited the ship together.

"You've got a good soul, Ezra," I said, my voice soft as I walked out to join Kanan and Hera. "Listen to it, and you'll be just fine." I offered him a reassuring smile, hoping to impart some measure of wisdom before his departure.

"I think you have something that belongs to me," Kanan stated, his arms crossed and his usual stoic demeanour firmly in place. With a resigned sigh, Ezra tossed him a gold cube, its significance not lost on any of us.

As I inspected the cube, my brows raised in surprise when I realised it had been unlocked. Kanan's eyes widened in realisation, and our gazes met in silent understanding.

"Good luck saving the galaxy," Ezra said, his voice tinged with determination as he walked away, disappearing into the distance of his new journey.

"He opened it," Hera remarked, her tone filled with a mixture of pride and awe. "He passed the test."

"He's the one," I added, meeting Kanan's gaze with a sense of certainty. "He's your final trial." With a nod of agreement, Kanan wasted no time in stalking after Ezra, the weight of destiny propelling him forward into the unknown. As they disappeared from view, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hope, knowing that in Ezra, the future of the Jedi Order may yet find its salvation.

"Do you think he's ready?" Hera's voice broke through the silence as we watched Kanan disappear into the distance, his figure melding with the shadows of the unknown.

"He's a kid, he's lost a lot," I replied, my gaze lingering on the spot where Kanan had vanished. "But he has a good heart. I have no doubt he'll train well."

"No," Hera corrected gently, her eyes fixed on me with a depth of understanding that mirrored my own. "Not Ezra. I meant Kanan."

I turned to face her, the weight of her words sinking in. Kanan had endured more than most, from the trauma of witnessing the fall of the Jedi Order to the harrowing journey that led him to Felicia in search of me. Each trial had left its mark, shaping him into the Jedi he had become, but also leaving scars that ran deep.

I sighed, grappling with the complexity of her question. "Only time will tell," I finally replied, my voice tinged with uncertainty. "The war changed all of us, for better or for worse. We don't know what lies ahead for Kanan, but I believe in his resilience."

Hera offered me a reluctant smile, a silent acknowledgment of the uncertainty that lay ahead. As I pulled her into a side hug, a sense of love and solidarity washed over us, binding us together in the face of the unknown.

As we returned to the familiar confines of our ship, Hera settled down, engaging in conversation with the rest of the crew. My attention, however, was drawn to the gleaming gold cube that Kanan had left behind before departing to meet with Ezra. With a sense of reluctance, I reached for it, the weight of its significance heavy in my hands.

Retreating to the solitude of my room, I sat on the edge of my bed, the cube resting in my palm as I closed my eyes, allowing the Force to guide me in unlocking its hidden message. With a deep breath, I focused my energy, channeling the power of the Force as I delved into the mysterious depths of the cube.

Suddenly, the room was enveloped in darkness, the only illumination emanating from the holographic message materialising before me. My heart clenched as the figure of the person appeared, their presence filling the room with a sense of longing and sorrow.

Tears threatened to betray me as I watched, my emotions swirling like a tempest within me. The message held secrets and revelations, each word carrying weight and significance that reverberated through my soul. Despite the pain it brought, I couldn't tear my eyes away, drawn inexorably into the depths of the holographic projection.

"This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi," his voice resonated, echoing with a solemnity that sent shivers down my spine. It had been so long since I had heard my father's voice, and yet, his words still held the power to stir something deep within me.

"I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen," he continued, his tone heavy with sorrow. "With the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place."

As I listened, a sense of despair threatened to overwhelm me, the magnitude of the loss we had suffered becoming painfully clear. The Jedi Temple, once a beacon of hope and enlightenment, now lay in ruins, a stark reminder of the devastation wrought by the Empire's relentless pursuit of power.

"This is a warning and a reminder to any surviving Jedi," Master Obi-Wan's voice echoed in the silence, a beacon of wisdom in the darkness. "Trust in the Force. Do not return to the Temple. That time has passed, and our future is uncertain."

His words hung in the air, a somber reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows, waiting to snuff out the light of the Jedi once and for all. But even in the face of such despair, there was a glimmer of hope, a flicker of light that refused to be extinguished.

"We will each be challenged," Master Obi-Wan spoke with a quiet determination, his words cutting through the despair like a beacon of hope. "Our trust, our faith, our friendships, and our undoubtable thirst for revenge. But we must persevere, and in time, a new hope will emerge."

As his message came to a close, I felt a renewed sense of purpose wash over me, a determination to honor the legacy of the Jedi Order and fight for a better future. With a final invocation, Master Obi-Wan's voice faded into the silence, leaving behind a lingering echo of hope.

"May the Force be with you... always."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter,
I will be focusing on Amaras time during these two years for abit but it will all progress and connect in the end but for now I'm enjoying writing about amara and how she is dealing with the loss🤍💫

As always, Vote and Comment✨

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