Pokemon: Loved by the Star Ch...

By Good-Yes

957 13 3

In a Fantasy Pokemon World, where a massive empire controls most of the world, many pray to the Star Champion... More

The Legend of the Star Champion
Off to Sea
Starry Hope Across the World
The Prodigy Gary
Commander May
Misty vs May
Where Were You

Team Rocket

99 1 0
By Good-Yes

On the ship that once belonged to Volman's forces, Ash the Star Champion is currently travelling with Misty, Nessa, Goh and Bea as they make their way towards one of the coastal islands near the end of Miragea's vicinity.

"So, you all were once slaves and he saved you?" Misty said, speaking of the Star Champion as she began undressing in front of the bath.

"And for that, we are grateful," Nessa nodded.

"I've decided to even follow the Star Champion as a student so I can improve with him."

"He's lucky to have such beauties like you with him," Misty giggled.

Misty stepped into the warm water, her curves were accentuated by the moonlight shining through the porthole windows. She let out a satisfied sigh as she soaked herself in the water, her hands gripping the edge of the tub.

"We are lucky to have him." Nessa said, her dark skin perfectly moving through the water. "I am not sure what our future would have been without him."

"And what about you?" Misty then turned to Goh, who was waiting for his turn, standing outside of the room.

"I-I'm good!" Goh shook his hands, reluctant to join them. He even averted his eyes, making sure not to see them at their barest.

"You have seen us nude before." Bea approached Goh, immediately gripping his arms and pulling him forward. "Plus, you need to clean yourself just as much as we do. Volman certainly didn't even care for that."

"W-Wait!" Goh screeched, but it was too late. His eyes widened in horror as he realized what was about to happen. He tried to resist, but Bea's grip was too strong. He couldn't escape her grasp.

Before he knew it, Goh was nude too, his curves showing and his body entering the bath. He felt a mix of embarrassment and excitement as he stood there beside Nessa and Misty.

Nessa and Misty laughed at his discomfort, teasing him about his hesitation. "Looks like you're finally joining us," Nessa said with a smirk.

Goh blushed deeply but didn't say anything. He tried to focus on the water instead of the women beside him.

Goh grumbled while in the bath. He couldn't believe that he was about to be naked in the same tub as these women. His heart pounded in his chest, and he felt a mix of excitement and fear.

Misty suddenly startled Goh by holding up her breasts. "Scared of these?" she teased.

Goh's eyes widened in horror as he realized what was happening. He tried to back away from Misty, but she just laughed after teasing him. "H-Hey!"

"Kidding~" Misty giggled, only having a laugh, knowing how flustered a boy can get in this situation.


"You dont' see a problem with it yourself? Where do you even come from?" Misty looked over at Bea who pulled Goh into the bath in the first place.

"Not really. Back home, we share baths." Bea said with a straight face. "That much has not changed with me."

"We're both from Galar, but we have our own ways." Nessa pointed out.

As the conversation continued, Goh found himself growing more and more aroused by the presence of the girls. The young man shuddered, making sure not to stare for too long, but that was a struggle.

"Misty. I have to ask." Nessa had one thing on her mind. "Is there a chance that the Legendary Pokemon Landorus is here in Miragea?"

"Landorus? Oh, right. That's the reason you travelled from Galar." Misty pondered for a moment. "Mmm...Not sure. Landorus and the other Pokemon associated with it are rare. I haven't heard much about them anywhere so I can't say.

"I see." Nessa closed her eyes. "Well, thank you for responding. I wish Landorus's location was clearer. Really, any Pokemon's location will do. Anything to restore my land.

"So, who even are Team Rocket?" Goh asked.

"They're notorious for causing trouble wherever they go," Misty added, a note of frustration evident in her voice. "Team Rocket, Volman's kingdom, and several other factions are all part of a vast empire known as the Auravale Empire. It stretches across multiple regions and wields a crazy amount of influence."

"The Auravale Empire? That's the great superpower of our world?" Bea spoke.

"It is. Led by an Emperor who's name no one knows of, it's gained connections with people like Volman and Team Rocket. "Regions such as Kanto aren't part of the empire, thankfully. But you can bet the Auravale Empire wants that to become a possibility in the future. That's why me and other Pokemon Lords work hard to make things right."

"It has other regions a part of? How have we not heard of it before?" Bea wasn't aware of this until now despite coming from another region.

"The Auravale Empire sprawls across over 15 Regions, each rich and  unified under the banner of the emperor's rule. These regions form the backbone of Auravale's power, but not all of them are a part of it. Kanto's been working hard to make sure that it never becomes a part of that Empire."

"You said you specialize in Water-Types. Is that what makes you a Pokemon Lord?" Nessa asked.

"Well, I'm a bit of a new Pokemon Lord but yeah. That counts. I had to do a lot to get this position." Misty leaned back on the back, her chest peeking out on the surface along with her thighs.

"Hm. Well...I use Water-Types mainly. Could I qualify?" Nessa pointed at herself.

"I'm mostly skilled with Fighting-Types. Can the same apply to me?" Even Bea had to know

"You don't just need the types. You have to work hard to become a Pokemon Lord, like me. But you've already got one part down. I guess a lot of Trainers just prefer using one consistent type."

"Not the Star Champion though. He has an Electric, Dragon and Fire-Type. Plus that Fire-Type is part Flying." Goh pointed out as Ash was exempt from that rule. "Lucky..."

"The Legends spoke of him having multiple Pokemon of various types. It seems that part is also true, even if we've only seen three. But I doubt he would need that many to achieve his goals." Nessa smiled while cleaning herself, rubbing the soap on her smooth skin. "Especially with how powerful that Pikachu of his was."

"I don't know what I was thinking." Misty sighed, thinking about her loss against Ash. "Wait till I tell the people back at Kanto about this. They'll love the news. Does everyone else know about the Star Champion's arrival?"

"Only those in Miragea, I believe," Nessa answered. "The rest of the world might not yet be aware of his presence here."

"Well, it'd be great if they knew it. The world needs him now and he picked a good time to show up, even if it took a while." Misty would then stand up from the bath. Goh immediately closed his eyes once her full nude body was shown. "After we save those coastal islands, I want him to go to Kanto."

"Straight to Kanto? Won't that just slow us down?" Goh questioned, seeing that as a delay.

"We don't have a set destination, so I don't think so." Nessa thought otherwise, shaking her head. "The Star Champion will be happy to do so. He doesn't seem to mind helping when needed. It's rather nice..."

"Hoh?" Misty then slid over, nudging Nessa's arm. "Already growing feelings for him?"

"I suppose you could say that. I'm certainly grateful for him freeing us."

"You're wasting your time, Nessa. He's way too important for you and you're too good-looking for him." Misty shrugged, seeing this as a double-edged sword.

"Why would my looks matter?" But Nessa couldn't really see a flaw in that. 

"Oh, so you do like him!" To Misty, it seemed obvious that Nessa also already gaining strong feelings for Ash.

"I wouldn't go that far." Nessa denied it. "But we are developing a nice bond regardless. Im sure he just sees me as a new friend."

"What a waste." Misty simply kissed her teeth, kicking the water into the air. "He looked unimpressive from the start and I guess he's not smart enough to know when something good's right in front of him. Especially when we have these out." 

Shocking Goh, Misty grabbed her chest once more, lifting them and showing them off to Nessa as his face would immediately turn red. Meanwhile, Bea was getting annoyed by the disrespect Misty continued to show Ash even after the battle was over.

"Hmph. That's not an issue." Nessa smirked before lifting up her own breasts, causing Goh to screech. "Large or not, the Star Champion is above that.  These beauties don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Even if they're bigger."

"Gh!" Misty took a critical hit from such a response. And the sad part is, Nessa was technically right. Observing her chest, Nessa's was slightly larger than hers, being more profound. "Well, you've got age on me! I bet those things are gonna weaken over the years!"

"Where I come from, that's highly unlikely." Nessa winked.

"Why you!" Agitated, Misty immediately went for Nessa's chest, feeling rather jealous. But in an impressive display of instinct, Nessa would sway to the side, avoiding the incoming grab and instead grabbing Misty from behind herself.

After Nessa grabbed her, she started pressing her large chest on Misty's back. She played around with her ample chest while in the bath, causing Misty to let out a moan of pleasure.

"I've got some more years on you. These things can grow, but that attitude of yours won't get you a good lasting relationship.

"W-Wait, Nessa," Misty moaned as Nessa continued to tease her. "We can't do this here."

Nessa just laughed while Bea was letting out a straight face. Just then she saw a small shadow in the bath, coming from Goh directly. Bea then looked at her own chest, wondering what category hers fit into. Flustering Goh some more, Bea raised hers.

"Should I care that much about them?" Bea wondered.

Goh could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he watched the two women fight for control with Misty failing to break free. It was clear who had the better physical strength as Nessa was on top.

Misty's thick thighs writhed together, her muscles flexing as she struggled to gain leverage. Nessa smirked down at Misty, reversing it all on her.

"I-I think I'm clean now!" Goh yelled, immediately getting out of the bath. In a hurry, he got himself out of here before things could get out of control. He left the bath while the girls messed around, the sound of laughter echoing across it.

"Hah...What's with them?" Goh sighed, finding himself in a bedroom where he could cool off. as he sat down with his towel on. "Do they have to be so careless...?" Goh sighed while sitting on the bed, wearing nothing but a towel.

"Goh?" Suddenly, walking into the room was Ash.

"Star Champion?! I had no idea this was your room, sir!" Goh gasped, standing up as his towel would nearly fall over.

"Don't worry about it." Ash grinned. "We're just using this ship for a while. If you're feeling tired, take a rest here. Not like I own it."

Goh nodded, feeling a little relieved. "Yeah, I guess I could use a little rest. The girls are being a bit wild back there now."

"Is something wrong? Should I go and check!"

"It's best you don't!" Goh crossed his arms, immediately shutting Ash down from going in there. It was for his own good. Not the girls.

"Get some rest later tonight. I'd say we're gonna be ways away before reach one of those islands." Ash said before walking out.

"Star Champion, wait." Goh would stop him, having something to say. "Is it alright if I spoke with you? There was something I hid from the others back there. Nessa and Bea gave their story. Where they came from and what they wanted to do. I didn't feel confident enough to say anything about it but I believe I can tell you."

"Yeah, what's up? What did you wanna say?"

"I come from the Kanto Region too, just like Misty and I never really gave my proper thanks to you, sir." Goh bowed his head. "But I also have this to say. Misty recommended that we should head to the Kanto Region soon, just to inform you about you about your return. But I'm not sure I want to go back there."

"You don't wanna go back to Kanto? How come?" Ash questioned, wondering what was stopping Goh from heading back to his home region after he was taken from there. 

"I came on board as another way of saying thanks and a bit of idolization, I guess. But I also wanted to get away from Kanto to begin with. Things weren't the best for me there. Not back at Vermillion City."

"You got taken from there, right?" Ash assumed.

"Not really from Vermillion...You see, I wanted to become a Pokemon Researcher back where I came from. That's always been a big dream of mine in the past."

Goh himself could spread his story to the Star Champion alone while the girls were messing around in the bath.


Born into a family of humble means, Goh grew up in the bustling port city, surrounded by the sights and sounds of Pokémon trainers who were distant from the Empire. Vermillion City was a wonderful place that Goh was glad to call his home at the time.

"Being a researcher is something I've always wanted. I knew there were more Pokemon out there in the world for me to see and I wanted to see them all. I always just kept to myself because of that."

Despite his fascination with Pokémon, Goh struggled to connect with others and often found solace in the company of some nearby Pokémon companions or just learning about these strange creatures in general. Preferring the quiet solitude of nature to the bustling streets of Vermillion, he kept to himself, content to observe the world from a distance.

Day and night, he would learn as much as he could even within the boundaries of Vermillion City. He wasn't yet exposed to the wider world around himi and only had some books to go off of. Occassionaly, he'd head out into the wild for further research, but never too far from Vermillion.

"Around that time, something serious was coming. I had no idea it was something involved with the Auravale Empire but all of Kanto was being threatened by another Kingdom. Kanto didn't want anything to do with that empire, so the Vermillion City Defence Force started recruiting others for assistance. I was one of them."

As tensions rise due to the looming threat of the massive empire that seeks to expand its dominion, Vermillion City recruited young individuals like Goh into the city's defense force, seeing their potential as soldiers to protect Vermillion City from potential invasions.

"I still remember the face of the captain in that force. That serious stare he gave us was as sharp as lightning. They called him Lt. Surge."

"Captain of the Defence Force, he wanted to make sure everyone in all of Vermillion was ready for any threat. It didn't matter who it was to him.

Goh remembers the trepidation and uncertainty gripping him as he stood before the formidable Captain of Vermillion City's defense force, his heart pounding with anticipation.

Lt. Surge's stern gaze bore into Goh's soul, assessing him with a keen eye that seemed to pierce through the facade of his quiet demeanor. He could even hear the sound of lightning cracking even if it was not present. 

I didn't really have a choice in all of it, and honestly, I just hated it. I wasn't cut out for it from the start, but I can't blame them for wanting me and others to join. They just wanted to protect their home. But I knew I couldn't do this. So, I ran away one day. From my entire home."

One fateful night, Goh seized an opportunity to escape from the barracks unnoticed, slipping away under the cover of darkness. With his heart set on what he wished to do beyond the confines of this army, he fled Vermillion City, leaving behind his life as an upstart soldier and embarking on a journey of his own.

As Goh ventures deeper into the untamed wilderness of Kanto, his thirst for discovery leads him into uncharted territories beyond the borders of Vermillion City. With each step, he feels the thrill of adventure coursing through his veins as his dream of a Pokemon Researcher was about to expand.

"And that's when it happened. Volman's men found me. They already entered Kanto and were in the wild without me knowing and were already searching for people and Pokemon to kidnap."

But as he delved deeper into the heart of the wilderness, Goh finds himself ensnared by forces beyond his control. Volman's men. Ambushed by soldiers clad in the dark colors of a distant kingdom, he is overwhelmed and captured, his freedom stolen away in an instant.

I couldn't remember much after I was knocked out on that day. But I knew one thing. I had a regret in my heart. If I never left Vermillion and abandoned that force, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Even if I didn't want to go back to that force, I'm afraid they'd shun me. And they would after some of them managed to end up in Vermillion."

Because of Goh in the wild, certain events led to Vermillion being attacked, which is something Goh faintly saw. The invading forces seize upon the opportunity to launch a relentless assault on the city's defenses. 

Goh could still remember seeing flashes in the distance while being carried away and slowly passing out. And a strong part of him feels guilty of it.

End of Flashback

"I can't go back to Kanto. I know for a fact that they'd hate me afterwards. I walked out on them and I think I even led some of them to Vermillion City."

"Hm. So you didn't wanna tell Nessa and Bea about that, huh? I get what you mean."

"They'd probably hate me for it. And I'm afraid Vermillion City's been lost because of what I did. I wouldn't know though since I haven't returned to it. What do you think, Star Champion?"

"Don't sweat it. If you don't wanna head back, that's fine. You've got the rest of the world to look forward to. But, we're gonna cross Kanto one day, that's for sure.

"I-I understand, Star Champion! And if it isn't a hassle, please, check up on Vermillion!" Goh would bow. "I just have to know if it's safe!"

"We'll stop by Vermillion City. I promise."

"Thank you, Star Champion." He bowed once more as the room fell silent for a moment. "Uh. so, um. what do you usually do for fun on your downtime?" Goh asked awkwardly. "I'd like to research some Pokemon right now...Just to get back up to speed and everything.

Ash raised an eyebrow at him before smirking and leaving the room. "Downtime, huh? Ah, whatever feels fun. Goodnight." 

"I see. Well, goodnight, Star Champion. Glad I could tell you this!" Goh was glad to let it out. A strong part of him felt that the others shouldn't hear of this just in case. Goh felt some guilt, believing that he contributed to Vermillion's attack.

A new day had come with the Sun beaming down on Miragea. The ship continued to move, courtesy of Dragonite. On board, Misty was still around, waiting until they reached one of the coastal islands. And with Dragonite's strength, the ship moved faster than normal.

The coastal island where Team Rocket had apparently raided lay nestled amidst the azure waters of the Miragean archipelago. As the group's ship drew closer, they could see lush greenery carpeting the island's surface, punctuated by towering palm trees swaying gently in the tropical breeze.

"Is that it?" Ash asked once his eyes laid upon it.

"That's it right there. Aurora Cove."

The name spoke for itself. There was an Aurora right around and over the island. A crescent-shaped beach greeted them, its golden sands sparkling under the radiant sunlight. Crystal-clear waters lapped at the shore, inviting the weary travellers to take respite from their journey. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of tropical blooms, carried on by the gentle ocean breeze.

The others gathered around Ash, peering out over the deck of the ship to catch a glimpse of the approaching island. Goh's excitement was palpable, his eyes wide with wonder as he took in the sight.

"It looks beautiful," Nessa remarked, her gaze fixed on the lush greenery and sandy shores that stretched out before them.

As the ship glided closer to Aurora Cove, just as they were about to reach the island's shores, a sudden sight caught their attention from afar.

 A group of Tentacruel, with their long, venomous tentacles trailing behind them, emerged from the depths and surrounded the ship. Their movements were cautious yet deliberate, their gaze fixed on the unfamiliar vessel.

"A Tentacruel?" Goh spoke. "A lot of Tentacruel?!"

"They're heading straight for our ship!" Nessa noticed how they were only comig for the ship Nothing else around after all.

"Okay. Let's-" Ash was ready to leap into action.

"Wait, Master." Bea stepped forward, holding a Poke Ball out as she wished to be the one to take these Pokemon on herself. "Let me handle this. Allow me to show you my strength. Please."

"Hm. Okay then. Go for it, Bea." Ash gave an approving thumbs-up. He was eager to see what Bea herself was capable of anyway as it would be too much fun not to witness this.

As Bea stepped forward, her resolve firm, she released her Pokémon companion from its Poké Ball. With a flash of light, her loyal Machop materialized beside her, its determined expression matching Bea's own.

"Machop, it's time to show them what we're made of!" Bea commanded, her voice steady despite the tension in the air.

The Tentacruel, sensing the challenge, tightened their formation around the ship, their tentacles undulating ominously in the water. But Bea and Machop remained undaunted, ready to face whatever came their way.

"Machop, Dynamic Punch!" Bea commanded, her voice cutting through the tension of the moment.

Responding instantly to her command, Machop leaped into action, its muscles flexing as it charged towards the approaching Tentacruel. With a fierce battle cry, Machop swung its fist with incredible force, the air crackling with energy as it unleashed the powerful Dynamic Punch.

The punch connected with one of the Tentacruel, sending shockwaves rippling through the water as the Pokémon recoiled from the impact. Bea watched intently, her heart pounding with anticipation as Machop continued to press the attack, determined to defend the ship and its crew from the encroaching threat.

As the confusion set in on one of the Tentacruel thanks Dynamic Punch's effect, causing it to falter and waver in its movements, the other Tentacruel seized the opportunity to strike back. With a swift and coordinated movement, it launched its tentacles forward, each one tipped with venomous stingers.

The Poison Sting attack lashed out towards Machop and Bea, the sharp needles glinting ominously in the sunlight. 

"Machop, dodge and counter with Low Sweep!" With lightning-fast reflexes, Machop leapt to the side, narrowly avoiding the barrage of Poison Sting. As the needles harmlessly passed by, Machop sprang back into action, executing a sweeping kick aimed at the Tentacruel's tentacles.

The Low Sweep connected with a resounding thud, causing the Tentacruel to recoil in pain as its tentacles were knocked off balance. Bea was now ready to start pressing with her next batch of attacks.

"Woah-ho." Ash uttered, loving what he was seeing. "This is awesome!" Way to go, Bea!"

"Boy, she's pretty good. How'd she get captured by Volman's men in the first place?" Goh wondered considering how fierce Bea was. 

Meanwhile, Bea wasted no time in capitalizing on their momentum. "Now, Machop! Use Dual Chop!" she commanded, her voice ringing out with determination.

With a resolute cry, Machop surged forward, its fists ablaze with energy as it executed the Dual Chop attack. The swift, consecutive strikes sliced through the air with precision, aiming to deliver a devastating blow to the remaining Tentacruel.

The Tentacruel, caught off guard by the sudden assault, reeled from the impact, its tentacles thrashing wildly as it struggled to maintain its footing.

As the Tentacruel reeled from the force of Machop's Dual Chop, Bea seized the opportunity to press their advantage, seeing a window of victory. "Finish it!" she bellowed

Machop, fueled by Bea's unwavering resolve, surged forward with renewed vigor. With a swift and decisive motion, it delivered a final, decisive blow to the weakened Tentacruel, striking with enough power to let out a draconic flare.

The Tentacruel, unable to withstand the onslaught, let out piercing cries as they succumbed to defeat. As the battle came to an end, the defeated Tentacruel floated motionless in the water, some of them gently drifting toward the shore. Bea and Machop stood tall, their victory clear as they watched the defeated Pokémon recede into the waves.

"Awesome job, Bea! You and Machop make an incredible team," Ash exclaimed, a proud grin spreading across his face as Pikachu bounced with excitement beside him.

Bea's serious demeanor softened, her cheeks flushing with pride at the praise. "Thank you, Master!" she replied, her voice filled with gratitude and satisfaction.

"So...Is that normal? You've been to this island before, right, Misty?" Goh asked, wondering if it was normal for that to happen. 

"Not this coastal island. I haven't been here before but Tentacruel can be aggressive at times." Misty answered. "But so far, there's no sign of Team Rocket. Usually, they leave a massive flag for anyone to see on the island. They haven't been here yet."

"Oh. I just figured they were attacking us because of Team Rocket. "Goh scratched his hair.

"Well, we'd better check up on them." Ash would hop off the ship once it reached the shore.

As the ship docked at Aurora Cove, Ash led the group ashore, followed closely by Misty, Nessa, Goh, and Bea. The sandy beach stretched out before them, flanked by towering cliffs on either side. The air was thick with the scent of saltwater and the sound of crashing waves echoed in the distance.

"Team Rocket may or may not be here," Misty explained, her voice tinged with caution. "Either way, they'll probably show up here eventually, so it's best to let the others know. Volman's men won't show up anymore, but Team Rocket will."

As the group ventured further inland, they found themselves surrounded by lush greenery and towering trees. Small patches of colorful wildflowers dotted the landscape, adding splashes of vibrant hues to the scene. Among the foliage, Grass-Type Pokémon native to this island could be seen frolicking in the sunlight, doing their own thing

"Look at all the Grass-Types," Nessa exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with delight as she spotted a group of Oddish and Bellsprout playing nearby.

"It's like a mini-forest out here," Goh remarked, scanning the area with keen interest. "I wonder what other Pokémon we'll encounter."

"I guess that's another good sign Team Rocket haven't been here yet at all." Misty said, but they still couldn't be too careful. This island being so safe didn't mean it was out of the clear just yet.

As they ventured deeper into the island, the sounds of civilization grew louder, and before long, they stumbled upon a quaint settlement nestled amidst the lush vegetation. Colorful banners fluttered in the gentle breeze, and the aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air, truly adding to that tropical feeling.

"Check this place out." Ash whistled at the beautiful view as the group ventured into the town, setting foot on it. "You can even see the Aurora all the way up here."

"Beautiful..." Nessa was just starstruck by this sight. To see something so beautiful after being a slave to Volman was just wonderful and  she was not going to waste any opportunity to admire the sights.

"Oh, my!" The sudden appearance of strangers caused the villager to gasp in surprise, her grip on the basket of Oran Berries loosening until it slipped from her fingers, scattering the fruit across the ground. She hurriedly stooped to gather them up, her expression a mixture of embarrassment and curiosity as she stole glances at the newcomers.

"W-Who are you?! Team Rocket?!" She bellowed, immediately startling the others. Murmurs an gasps filled the atmosphere once the name Team Rocket was spoken out loud. Clearly, there was a familiarity with that name due to this reaction.

"No, no, we're not Team Rocket," Ash assured, his voice calm and reassuring. "We're just passing through."

"Those clothes..." One of the townsfolk looked at Goh, Nessa and Bea. "Are you from the capital city?"

"No, no, we're not from the capital city," Goh clarified, shaking his head. "We're travelers passing through, just like Ash said."

The townsfolk exchanged uncertain glances, still clearly on edge. The villager who had initially spoken narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing them closely. "And you expect us to believe that? Travelers don't just stumble upon Aurora Cove, especially not with all the trouble going on."

"Geez...I guess Team Rocket was here." Misty was surprised by the response. The fact that they reacted to the name Team Rocket earlier confirmed it for her. "I promise you, we're not. I'm from Cerulean City. I'm one of the Pokemon Lords." 

"A Pokemon Lord?" The woman said.

"Yes, that's right," Misty confirmed. "As a Pokemon Lord, my duty is to protect the people and Pokemon of Cerulean City. We're here to assist in any way we can."

The woman's expression softened slightly, though she still seemed wary. "Apologies. But we can't be too careful right now. Not during these times."

"Did Team Rocket show up here? You sounded shocked when the name came up?" Misty asked.

"Yes, they did," the woman replied with a somber expression. "They've been causing trouble around these parts for a while now. We've managed to fend them off so far, but they always come back."

"This small town fended off Team Rocket?!" Misty pulled back with shock in her eyes. 

"Is that a big deal?" Ash asked Misty. 

 "Team Rocket usually attack with multiple numbers, usually in teams. How'd you manage it?" Misty just had to know. 

"We have our own Pokemon Lord here, that's why." An old man said, revealing that another Pokemon Lord was present in this island.

"Your own Pokemon Lord...? I don't think I've heard of a Pokemon Lord having jurisdiction over this place, let alone a coastal island.""

That's because it's temporary." Just then, a man with a rather gruff and hard voice appeared, responding to Misty. The villagers moved aside, letting him appear before Ash and his group.

"My name is Brock," he introduced himself, his voice carrying a weight of responsibility.

"Brock?! Aren't you the Pokemon Lord of Pewter City?!" Misty exclaimed, recognizing him instantly. "What are you doing here?!"

Brock nodded solemnly. "Yeah, I am. But as a temporary measure, I've come to oversee this island's defenses against Team Rocket. I've been here for at least 9 Days now."

"But Brock, why would you leave Pewter City? You're supposed to be keeping watch over it as a Pokemon Lord. It's all the way in Kanto for Arceus' sake!" Misty exclaimed, her concern evident in her voice.

"I could say the same to you, Misty," he responded, his tone tinged with a hint of reproach. Misty was in the same boat, being away from Kanto as well. "The people here actually saved my life in the past one day. I owe a lot to them, so when I learned about Team Rocket coming here, I had to show up. They aren't just limited to Kanto after all."

Misty's expression softened, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Do the other Pokemon Lords even know you're here?" Misty went up to him. "Does your family know?" 

 "W-Well...Not really." Brock stuttered a bit. 

"But for 9 days?! And all by yourself?!" Nessa uttred with wonder.

Brock nodded solemnly. "Yes, but it's been tough. They keep coming back, and they were even more aggressive each time. I'm always having to work overtime just to get them out of here."

"Then, you're lucky the Star Champion is here." Praising Ash as always, Bea stepped forward, introducing him to everyone.

"The Star Champion?!"

Ash scratched his head, feeling a bit embarrassed by all the attention. "Uh, yeah, that's me," he admitted sheepishly. He's going to have to get used to this since it'll be happening a lot for someone of his status.

Brock was skeptical, crossing his arms over his chest. "The Star Champion? Forgive me if I find that hard to believe."

Bea's patience wore thin as she stepped forward, her voice laced with frustration. "Rude! This is the Star Champion!" She glared at Brock, daring him to challenge her assertion.

Misty stepped in, trying to bridge the gap between Brock's skepticism and the reality before them. "I'll admit, I had my doubts too when I first met yesterday," she confessed. "He's the real deal, Brock. I battled himself."

But Brock remained unconvinced. "I'll believe it when I see it," he muttered, crossing his arms over his chest stubbornly.

"Why you...!" Bea snarled at him, ready to say something else.

Ash intervened, sensing the tension in the air. "It's okay, Bea. Let's show him what I can do," he said calmly, casting a reassuring glance at her.

Brock eyed Ash warily, still not fully convinced. "Fine," he conceded reluctantly. "I'll give you a chance to prove yourself. Show me what you've got, 'Star Champion'.

Ash nodded, understanding the skepticism. "Alright then," he said, stepping forward confidently. "Let's head to where Team Rocket usually attacks from. I'll show you firsthand how we handle things back at Kanto."

But before they could do anything else, the sound of a horn could be heard in the distance.

"What was that?!" Nessa yelled. 

"That horn! It's Team Rocket's battleship!" Brock shouted as the villagers were immediately showing expressions of fear.

The villagers' faces turned pale with fear as they recognized the sound. They exchanged nervous glances, knowing all too well what it meant. Team Rocket's battleship approaching spelled trouble for everyone on the island.

In the distance, just at the shore of the island, three ships from Team Rocket were seen, their flags raised high to be visible even in the distance, bearing an R Symbol. 

"Hohoho!" On the ship in the middle, a woman with pink hair started laughing. Her name was Jessie. 

"This time, no muscle-bound Pokemon Lord is going to stop us!" Jessie bellowed.

As the ships drew closer to the shore, the figure of Jessie became more distinct, her laughter echoing across the water. She stood at the helm of the lead ship, her pink hair billowing in the sea breeze as she surveyed the coastline with a wicked gleam in her eyes.

"And this time, we're 10 times better than we were yesterday," Another man declared. His name was James.

James declared, standing beside Jessie with a confident smirk. His eyes sparkled with determination as he scanned the horizon, eager for the impending confrontation. "At least 10x!"

Jessie's lips curled into a satisfied smile at James's words. "This time, and I mean it, he won't get the jump on us. Not when he have our secret weapon!"

The third member of their trio, A Meowth who could actually talk, nodded in agreement from his perch on the ship's railing. "It's all loaded! This baby'll blow them sky high!" 

As Team Rocket's ships anchored near the shore, a flurry of activity erupted as multiple members disembarked and dashed across the land towards Aurora Cove. They moved with purpose, their footsteps echoing ominously against the sandy terrain as they advanced towards the unsuspecting village.

The Team Rocket members, clad in their signature black uniforms adorned with the iconic red "R" emblem, moved swiftly and stealthily, their intentions clear. There was something in this forest that they wanted.

The Pokemon inhabiting the lush foliage of the tropical island sensed the impending threat as Team Rocket's operatives passed by. With a keen intuition honed by years of survival in the wild, they reacted swiftly, retreating into the safety of dense vegetation and secluded hiding spots.

From the vibrant colors of tropical birds fluttering deeper into the canopy to the gentle rustle of Grass-type Pokemon seeking refuge amidst the verdant undergrowth, the island's inhabitants knew to stay out of sight. Even the playful Water-types darted beneath the crystal-clear waves, seeking sanctuary in the tranquil depths of the ocean.

"I can hear them coming! Everyone, indoors, now!"  Brock's voice reached them all as he directed the villagers to seek refuge within the safety of their homes. With practiced efficiency, they obeyed his command, scurrying indoors to shield themselves from the impending threat.

As the last of the villagers disappeared into their dwellings, Goh's question hung in the air, echoing the collective curiosity of the group. "Why are they so focused on this one island?" he pondered aloud, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"It's because there's something in the village that they want," Brock replied gravely, his expression grim as he scanned the horizon for any sign of Team Rocket's advance. 

"What? What's in here?" Misty questioned.

"There's a substance here that is responsible for creating the most powerful Poke Ball out there. The Master Ball. Coming across Master Balls are very rare and the fruits that are used to make them are even harder to find."

"A substance that makes Master Balls? There's no way." Misty found that hard to believe, stunned by what had met her ears. "Does that actually exist?"

"Believe it," He replied. "I've been fighting tooth and nail to make sure they never find it. And usually, they always go underground to retrieve it, but I'll never let them get it."

With practiced ease, Brock retrieved a Poke Ball from his belt, his movements deliberate and purposeful. With a swift motion, he released his Pokemon into the fray, summoning forth a Geodude to stand by his side.

"Geodude! Don't let them get to it! Dig!"

Geodude dug its stout hands into the earth, the ground quaking beneath its might as it burrowed into the soil with remarkable speed. Dirt and debris flew into the air as Geodude disappeared into the depths, ready to intercept any intruders who dared to approach the sacred substance hidden beneath Aurora Cove.

"So we just have to protect the substance, huh? Got it." Ash stepped forward, already willing to help. Immediately, he took off, ready to confront Team Rocket as well."Wait, Star Champion!" Nessa cried out. 

"So we just have to protect the substance, huh? Got it." Ash stepped forward, already willing to help. Immediately, he took off, ready to confront Team Rocket as well.

"Wait, Star Champion!" Nessa cried out, trying to stop him.

"You civilians should also get inside for safety." Brock said to Nessa, Bea and Goh, wanting them exempt from the confict. 

"Don't be silly! We can fight too!" Bea protested. 

 "Against Team Rocket? I don't think so." Meanwhile, Brock's stern demeanor softened momentarily as he regarded Nessa, Bea, and Goh. "You all have spirit, but Team Rocket is not to be underestimated. Leave this to the Pokemon Lords. Come on, Misty."

"Wait, Brock. Give them a chance." Misty thought otherwise. "I saw Bea battle earlier and she's no joke. You could use the help, ya know~"

"I don't know..." Brock grumbled. "But I can't stand around for too long thinking about it though. Fine. Come along."

Team Rocket's members wasted no time, their Pokémon swiftly burrowing into the earth. They mainly ground Ground-Types with them to burrrow through the ground with the highest level of efficieny possible. The ground trembled under the onslaught of their combined efforts as they carved out a network of tunnels beneath the island's surface, each dig bringing them closer to their coveted prize.

Jessie, her voice laced with excitement, directed her teammates with ruthless precision. "Faster! We need to reach the source before the locals have a chance to stop us!"

James, his eyes gleaming with determination, urged his Pokémon onward. "Keep digging! This time we'll get it for sure! That Pokemon Lord's not going to slow us down for the 10th time this time! That'd just be embarrassing!" 

The surrounding Pokémon, sensing the imminent threat to their home, scattered in fear, seeking refuge from the encroaching invaders. This is not the first time this has happened after all. 

"Just imagine what we can do once we get our hands on it!" Jessie was getting all giddy, thinking of the possibilities "We won't just be able to catch the rarest Pokemon, but we can make a profit off it by creating multiple Master Balls!"

"And the Boss will love it more than anyone!" James chimed in, referring to a higher-up in Team Rocket. The one who was in charge of them all.

Just then, as they kept digging, suddenly appearing in a flash of Aura was none other than the Star Champion, who moved through the bushes and made his appearance as a streak of Aura. 

With a burst of energy, the Star Champion emerged from the shadows, his presence a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. As his form materialized, a wave of potent Aura emanated from him, enveloping the area in its shimmering glow. The Team Rocket grunts, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of such formidable power, found themselves momentarily stunned, their movements faltering by the pulse alone.

The Pokémon, sensing the surge of Aura, paused in their flight, their instincts attuned to the unmistakable presence of a guardian.

Once all the grunts recollected themselves, they immediately got a good look at the man standing before him. His Aura would flare before dissipating. The Star Champion was now here, instinctively helping others as always. 

"So, you guys are Team Rocket, huh?" Ash grinned once he made his appearance as Pikachu was seen on his shoulder. "Boy, Brock was right. There's a lot of you."

"Who is this? That's not Brock?" James expected to see Brock as always, but this time, someone else had shown up that they did not recognize.

The grunts exchanged bewildered glances, their confusion mounting as they struggled to identify the enigmatic figure before them. With Pikachu perched on his shoulder, the man exuded an air of confidence and determination.

"Whoever he is, he's got some nerve showing up here," muttered one of the grunts, eyeing the newcomer warily.

"He doesn't look like he comes from that village. Beat it, you!" Jessie barked at Ash. "Whatever you're doing here is none of your business!"

"Yeah, scram!" Meowth yelled at him.

"It is now." Ash smiled, adjusting his hat a bit. "I heard a bit about you. You guys were working with Volman, right? Plus, you're looking for something here that everyone at the village wants to keep safe."

"The mouth on this guy. Get in Team Rocket's way and you'll face the consequences." Jessie scoffed before pointing at Ash. "Get rid of him!"

The Team Rocket grunts wasted no time, commanding their Pokémon to lunge forward in a coordinated assault. From all sides, attacks flew towards Ash and Pikachu with intent to overwhelm.

Heh! Quick Attack!" Ash moved at impressive speeds, dashing to the side while Pikachu leapt off his shoulder, going in for a Quick Attack.

With a crackling burst of electricity, Pikachu shot forward like a bolt of lightning, zigzagging through the onslaught of Pokémon aiming to strike them. The grunts' Pokémon struggled to keep up with Pikachu's blinding speed, unable to land a single blow as Pikachu weaved effortlessly between their attacks.

Meanwhile, Ash circled around the chaos, his movements fluid and precise. He remained focused, his eyes darting between each opponent, analyzing their strategies and weaknesses. As Pikachu's Quick Attack connected with one of the grunts' Pokémon, sending it staggering back, Ash seized the opportunity to counterattack.

"Most of them are Ground-Types. So it's your turn! Pidgeot! Oshawott!" Ash summoned two Poke Balls in his hands before throwing them and unleashing the Pokemon inside.

Pidgeot emerged with a graceful flap of its wings and beside it, Oshawott stood ready, brandishing its scalchop.

"He summoned Poke Balls out of thin air?! How?!" Jessie screeched. 

"Okay, Pidgeot! Use Wing Attack! Oshawott, use Aqua Jet!"

As Pidgeot swooped down with remarkable speed, its wings lit up. With a mighty flap, it unleashed its Wing Attack, slicing through the air with razor-sharp feathers aimed directly at Team Rocket's Pokémon.

Meanwhile, Oshawott wasted no time in executing its own attack. With a burst of speed, it surged forward with Aqua Jet, propelled by powerful jets of water that trailed behind it. The force of the attack intensified as Oshawott closed in on its target, tackling the Ground-Types.

"Hit them already!" A grunt shouted. Despite Team Rocket's Pokémon putting up a valiant effort, they found themselves outmatched by the speed and agility of Ash's team. Pidgeot gracefully dodged incoming attacks with nimble manoeuvres, its keen instincts allowing it to anticipate and evade each strike with ease.

Meanwhile, Pikachu and Oshawott moved with lightning-fast reflexes, darting around the battlefield with impressive agility. Pikachu's quick movements and strategic strikes kept the opposing Pokémon on the back foot, while Oshawott's Aqua Jet allowed it to deal super-effective strikes consistently.

Ground-Type attacks seemingly didn't matter now. "Grr! It's just three Pokemon and some guy! Hit them!" Jessie flailed her fists around, ranting about this. "Not even Brock was this troublesome!"

Despite Jessie's frustration, Team Rocket's Pokémon found themselves struggling to gain the upper hand against Ash's formidable team.

"Razor Shell!" Ash called out before swiftly avoiding an incoming Rock Blast by zipping to the side. 

"You don't think he's who we think he is...!" James suddenly gasped when seeing Ash and his Pokemon in action. "I've heard about someone like this. Blue shirt...red cape...has the power of the fabled Aura." 

James's revelation left Jessie and Meowth stunned, their expressions a mix of disbelief and intrigue. The mention of a figure clad in a blue shirt and red cape, possessing the legendary power of Aura, sparked a glimmer of recognition in their eyes.

"Are you saying...?" Jessie's voice trailed off, her mind racing with the implications of James's words.

"It can't be..." Meowth muttered, his gaze fixed on Ash as he battled with unwavering determination.

"No way! The Star Champion?!"Jessie shrieked.

The mere suggestion sent a chill down Jessie's spine, her voice echoing with disbelief as the realization dawned on her. The Star Champion, a figure of myth and legend whose very name was an inspiration to those in the darkest of moments.

One by one, the Pokémon under Team Rocket's command began to falter, succumbing to the relentless assault from Ash's team. With each defeated opponent, the grunts' expressions shifted from confidence to disbelief, their Pokémon's unconscious forms a testament to their defeat.

"Great job losing!" Jessie scoffed out of irritation once she saw her fellow grunts falling. It was now just her, James, Meowth and some other grunts back on the battleships. "You twerp! How dare you slow us down?!"

"You call that battling? Pathetic!" she bellowed, her tone dripping with disdain. "You've let a stranger and his ragtag team outsmart you! I won't tolerate such incompetence!"

"She's at it again...!" James and Meowth exchanged uneasy glances, realizing the severity of their situation. They knew all too well the consequences of disappointing Jessie, and her wrath was not something to be taken lightly.

"So...Are you three the bosses of them?" Ash asked once he saw that Jessie, James and Meowth were left.

"Hmph. Allow us to introduce ourselves at last." Jessie said before standing next to James and Meowth as they both recited a quote, having their own intro. 

"Behold! You've just encountered major trouble!" Jessie started. 

"And now it's double." James continued.

"To protect the world from devastation!" Jessie proclaimed, her words carrying a sense of grandiosity.

"To unite all peoples within our nation!" James followed, his voice harmonizing with Jessie's.

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!" Meowth joined in, his cadence adding a touch of mischief to the solemn declaration.

"To extend our reach to the stars above!" the trio exclaimed in unison, their voices blending seamlessly as they recited the iconic Team Rocket motto.

"And with roses, we'll always cheat!" James added with a smirk, playing along with the poetic theme.

"Jessie." She finally revealed his name to Ash.

"James." So did James.

"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!" Meowth chimed in, his voice filled with determination.

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!" they all concluded, their voices rising in unison as they finished their motto with a flourish.

"Hm." Ash slightly nodded his head after they finished. "Alright then. All I gotta do is beat you guys, stop the other Pokemon underneath from getting the substance and it'll be all good."

"I think not! Ready the secret weapon!" Jessie ordered before zipping away with James and Meowth, heading straight for their battleship. After seeing what Ash had done, they had to use their secret weapon.

"Huh? Hey!" As Ash pursued Team Rocket, the trio were on the run. Not wanting to face Ash directly. Instead, they would rely on the Infinity Cannon, which they had waiting. This weapon was intended for Brock who has managed to keep the village and its substance safe for 9 days. But Brock's battles have been struggles, unlike Ash, who was making this a cake walk.

"We'll blow this whole village sky high if we have to!" Jessie declared as they were planning to use the weapon to clear any obstacles. Why force the villagers to show them where the substance is when they can just find it without any distractions?

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