A missing piece... The other...

By 3HaNaNa3

156K 5.6K 785

Salvatore Smith meets a woman with whom he shared few nights after loosing his wife. It was 12 years ago, sh... More

Chapter 1 - Fumiko Tanaka...
Chapter 2 - Make a choice...
Chapter 3 - I am your father...
Chapter 4 - Strangers...
Chapter 5 - Give me a chance...
Chapter 6 - She was murdered...
Chapter 7 - Time to say Goodbye...
Chapter 8 - Make your choice...
Chapter 9 - One day after another...
Chapter 10 - New School...
Chapter 11 - New friend...
Chapter 12 - Where is Suki???
Chapter 13 - Onii-san...
Chapter 14 - School bully...
Chapter 15 - Otรด-san...
Chapter 16 - Normal days...
Chapter 17 - A day with you...
Chapter 18 - Paparazzi...
Chapter 19 - Takeshiro Tanaka...
Chapter 20 - Happy birthday Mom...
Chapter 21 - Unexpected visit...
Chapter 22 - Gianni's training...
Chapter 23 - Weird...
Chapter 25 - Valentina...
Chapter 26 - Uncle's attack...
Chapter 27 - Feelings...
Chapter 28 - Long night...
Chapter 29 - Mr Rossi...
Chapter 30 - The package...
Chapter 31 - Back to school...
Chapter 32 - School Festival?
Chapter 33 - Shopping with the twins...
Chapter 34 - Dinner with Gianni...
Chapter 35 - School Festival, part 1
Chapter 36 - School Festival, part 2
Chapter 37 - School Festival, part 3
Chapter 38 - Guilt...
Chapter 39 - An Angel & A Devil...
Chapter 40 - A special day with Father...

Chapter 24 - Fight at school...

3.3K 141 25
By 3HaNaNa3

Jones was waiting in front of the school with the firm intention to finish his fight with Vito. They were maybe friends from school and the teenager knew how savage Vito could be, but he was too proud to admit an easy defeat.

When the first students came out, they felt the tension coming from the teenager. Some of his friends came to reason with him but Jones was blinded by his anger.

Jones: I don't give a shit about Vito and his family! He is not the one to dictate his law!

Boy: You're crazy... You know how Vito fights; you have no chance and even if you arrive to win, his brothers will never let that pass without avenge him!

Jones: I am not afraid... everything is that bit**'s fault! He hates her but he plays the protective brother?! Bullshit!

Vito came out from school with Mary at his arm. He was walking to his car, not caring about the crowd.

Jones: Eh Vito... ready for round 2? (He yelled, making the crowd moving.) We have unfinish business together!

Mary: Vito... you're not going to fight with him again?

Vito: (He let go of Mary's arm.) I will fix this quickly... don't worry... that shit and I, are not playing on the same league!

Mary was not reassured by her boyfriend's statement. Vito was showing confidence as usual, and the fight didn't take long to start again. Jones threw himself on Vito and the youngest Smith brother replicated with a punch in his stomach.

Quickly the younger students came out too and with them Suki. Her attention was attracted by the crowd cheering, and she had to pass near them to go to the car.

The closer she approached, the closer a stress invaded her. She didn't know why she had that bad feeling. She spotted Mary with one of her friend but not Vito, until a movement of the crowd, exposing her brother and that boy fighting. Suki was shocked by the scene in front of her. She looked around, hoping to find one of the bodyguards.

Jones: Now that your brothers left the school... you think of yourself as the king of the place!!! Fu*** you!!! (He hit Vito with his elbow, trying to free himself.)

Vito: Shut the fu** up!!! You're a fu** pervert, you should die!!

The fight was going on without mercy. It was clear that Vito was overpowering Jones, but Suki couldn't prevent herself to be worried for her brother. She felt responsible for what was happening. 

Suki: Please... stop them... (The students looked at her, but no one moved.)... V... Vito...(Her voice was cracking.)

Girl: Vito will kill him... (Suki stared at the girl with big eyes.)

Boy: That guy was stupid to provoke him!

Suki didn't know how to help Vito. She was now crying. She took out her phone and she called for Gabriel. The young man was on a car with Dante, on their way home from the company. He was surprised to receive a call from his little sister at this time. He answered with a serious face. 

Gabriel: Suki? (He immediately heard her sobbing and the crowd around.) Suki? Where are you? What's going on? (Dante quickly looked at her brother, guessing that something was wrong with Suki.)

Suki: Onii-san... Vito... he is fighting... but no one is stopping them...

Gabriel: Where is your bodyguard? Don't stay there, go to the car!

Suki: But Vito...

Gabriel nodded to Dante and the second brother understood and made a U-turn to take the direction of the school. While Gabriel was talking with Suki, he called with his Bluetooth earpiece the bodyguard in charge of driving Suki home.

Gabriel: Vito is strong enough to defend himself! Go to the car, I stay online with you! Now!

Suki couldn't leave like that so, she didn't move. Gabriel understood that she was not listening to his order. She was probably freaking out, he needed to calm her first, so she would listen to him.

Gabriel: Suki... we are coming, but please, listen to me, find your bodyguard and stay with him until we arrive.

Bodyguard: Miss Smith! (Gabriel heard the man's voice.)

Suki: Mister, please, stop Vito...

Bodyguard: Miss, please, let's leave first. (He put his arm in front of her to guide her away.)

Suki: N... No!

Gabriel: Suki, go with him!

The bodyguard was still in call with Dante who ordered him to take their little sister to the car, carrying her if necessary. But even if Dante gave him that order, the bodyguard was not comfortable to do that because he knew perfectly that if in doing it, he hurt the little girl, his life would end at the end of the day.

Bodyguard: Miss, please, don't put me in a difficult situation.

Suki: (She looked at him with her teary eyes.) Onii-san...

Gabriel: Trust me, nothing will happen to your brother.

The one-to-one fight was still going on, even if Jones had more and more difficulties to take on Vito's hits. And the young man was in such anger that he seemed uncontrollable. When he heard the little voice of his half sister, it only fed his rage... but not his usual anger toward her, but his rage toward that guy who disrespected her.

Suki had followed the bodyguard to the car, but she kept her brother online. Minutes seemed hours until she saw Dante's car parking few meters away.

The two men in black suits came out, Gabriel looking for her, Dante walking toward the crowd. When he was close, she came out of the car. The bodyguard bowed and stepped back. Gabriel cut the call and bent to Suki's eyes level. He put some hair behind her ear and wiped her tears. He noticed the make-up.

Suki: Onii-san... Vito... he...

Gabriel: It's okay, calm down, Dante is taking care of this. (She was calming slowly.) What happened with your brother?

While Suki explained everything to her older brother, her second brother had reached the crowd. The students seeing him coming gave him space to come closer. There, Dante saw Vito punching a boy of his age, half conscious. 

Dante: Vito... enough! (He looked around.) If you don't wear the name Smith, I advice you to leave this place! (Everyone quickly dispersed.)

Vito: (He stopped hitting Jones and let go of his catch.) Pff... you have nothing to say anymore... you're lucky to be alive! (He wiped his bleeding lips.) Dante... what are you doing here?

Dante: The kid called Gabriel crying... asking for help... for you! Why did you fight like that in front of the school? You could have done that in a quieter place!

Vito: That pervert... he was fantasying on that idiot because of her look with that mask! She is a pain in the ass!

Dante: (His gaze became darker.) He... what?

Vito: If you want to kill him, I won't retain you!

Dante: (He sighed, to calm himself.) You can drive your car?

Vito: (He chuckled.) What do you take me for? It's nothing... don't freak out like that stupid girl!

Dante: Shut up and move! (He lightly pushed him in his back, and they joined their siblings.) The free fighter is here!

Vito: Idiot, why did you call them?! You don't know what to do except crying like a baby?!

Gabriel: Vito... (One look was enough to make him stop.) Suki explained to me what happened, so thank you.

Dante: (He stared at Suki and frowned.) You put make-up on your face? (He approached to touch her face, but she stepped back.) Who gave that to you? You don't have make-up in your stuffs!

Vito: My girlfriend did it, because I asked her to... she was ridiculous with that eye patch!

Suki had her gaze locked on Dante. She had stepped back by reflex, and she had noticed his expression when she did. And how did he know that she didn't have make-up at home? Did he check her belongings? Yes, of course he did, he was a mafia who liked to have things in control.

Gabriel: (He called the bodyguard.) I'm taking Suki with me; we will make a point later! (His cold tone was showing his dissatisfaction.) Dante, please, drive Vito home.

Vito: I can drive by myself!

Dante: (He gave the keys' car to Gabriel.) The Boss talked... let's go!

Vito: Damn it... I'm not a kid! (He followed his brother.)

Gabriel: Suki, let's go home. (He put his hand in her back.)

Suki: (She looked in direction of where they fought.) And that boy...

Gabriel: His friends probably helped him, don't think about him. I will make sure that he never stays in the same perimeter as you.

In an instant, the place who was full of people few minutes before was now quiet and empty. Someway, she felt sorry for that guy, Vito was not someone to have against him.

Gabriel opened the passenger's door of the car, and she got in. He got in too and started the engine. The ride back home was silent. Gabriel thought that it was a good moment for the little girl to calm down.

When Gabriel parked his car in the garage, Suki noticed that Vito's car was already parked. She got out of the car, and she followed her brother inside. She expected to find Vito looking for food in the kitchen, as often when he comes back from school but only Dante and Gianni was there.

Gianni: (He smirked.) The troublemaker is back... (Suki looked at him.) Don't look at me as if I was lying...

Gabriel: Gianni, your little sister didn't do anything bad. Don't named her like that.

Gianni: Am I wrong?

Suki: I... I am sorry, it's my fault... if Vito fought with his friends...

Gabriel: It is not your fault if a boy doesn't know how to behave!

Gianni: If a boy misbehave with you, you should have kicked his balls directly without waiting for someone's help! What would you have done if Vito wasn't there?!

Gabriel: Gianni, that's enough.

Dante: Kid, go change and take off that shit from your face!

Suki was now staring at Dante. His way of talking to her was a bit harsh, but she understood that the make-up was something that was bothering him. He nodded and she disappeared upstairs.

Gabriel: Both of you, can't you change your way of talking to her? She is not one of your men, but a little girl, please adapt your tone and choice of words!

Gianni: I adapted my language because of her... don't expect from me to talk like a cute little puppy... (Dante chuckled.)

Gabriel: (He shook his head.) Vito is upstairs? Did you check on his injuries? Is it serious?

Gianni: It's nothing... barely training's bruises for him.

Gabriel: Dante, make sure that that bastard never puts a feet in that school ever again. I don't want pervert like him near my little sister. Check that he doesn't have photos of her too... I give you a white card to teach him how to respect girls.

Dante: Don't worry... my imagination has no limits for that...

Upstairs, Suki went to shower and after cleaning her face with cautious, she put the pomade gave by the doctor. Without the make-up, the black eye was even more black than in the morning. She hesitated to put an eye patch to not inconvenient her family. She wore comfortable clothes and came downstairs timidly. She was at home with her family but when situation like today happened, she was not sure to be at her right place here.

Maria: Miss Suki, how was your day? I briefly saw Mr Vito passing, you are not hurt, right?

Suki: No, I'm fine Mrs Maria, thank you. (She smiled a little.)

Maria: (She smiled too.) Chef Aldo prepared a dessert especially for you before leaving for the weekend. We will not be present but if you need me, please call me without hesitation.

Suki: Please enjoy your weekend, you have a lot of work with us...

Gabriel: Suki is right, you should enjoy your free time. (He put his hand on Suki's shoulders.) We will see you on Monday Maria.

Maria left after exchanging few more words with Suki and Gabriel. The eldest son took the little girl to the kitchen, so she can eat something for snack time. He was sure that with the incident during lunch break, she probably didn't eat properly. Gabriel served Suki the dessert and sat in front of her, keeping his intense gaze on her. It was a bit weird for her, so she forced herself to start the conversation.

Suki: Father... is still working?

Gabriel: He has to meet Valentina for a business dinner, so he will not come home before late tonight.

Suki focused on her food, but Gabriel was still staring at her. She didn't know how to interpret his look on her.

Suki: You... it's a bit strange... if you stay here like... that...

Gabriel: Why?

Suki: You stare at me... without eating or talking... are you angry that Vito was injured because of me? 

Gabriel was surprised by his little sister's words. He was indeed staring at her but the only feeling that he had was worriedness. Seeing that black eye on her white perfect skin tormented him and imagining boys having bad thoughts toward her, gave him murder will. Gabriel never had in mind to make her uncomfortable. 

Gabriel: I am not angry, and Vito was barely hurt. He is not a little boy, and he knows how to protect himself. I guess I am a bit tired, don't mind me and finish your food... (He stood up.)... I will see you for dinner, take some rest when you're done.

Gabriel left the kitchen to his bedroom. He changed himself for a sports outfit, then he went to the gym room. He needed to let go of that anger and hitting the boxing bag was a good compromise. Gabriel was her closest brother, but sometimes, she had difficulties to understand him. After all, he was an adult and she was still a child, it was maybe something normal. She finished her food and cleaned everything.

Suki went to the library. It was mostly her place now. Her brothers never entered here except when they were looking for her. She passed near the living room and heard Gianni and Dante talking in Italian. She didn't want to bother them with her presence and frankly speaking, she didn't like to be seen as a troublemaker.

She took a book, installed herself comfortably in the armchair and pages after pages, the tiredness of the week gained over her will to stay awake. The little girl felt asleep without noticing it.

Two hours passed until someone entered the room, Dante. The young man came inside without knocking to inform of his entry. He found Suki asleep, her little legs curled up. He approached silently and stared at her few seconds.

Dante: You're so defenseless... if I had bad intentions... I could kill you without you even knowing what's happening to you... 

He touched her arm to wake up her, but she startled at his touch.

Dante: Eh... calm down, it's just me! Time for dinner.

Suki: Ah... sorry...

Dante: Why are you freaking out like that? Is it because of that jerk at school? Did he touch you somewhere? Tell me!

Suki: No... I was just startled... (He stared at her to see if she was telling the truth or not.)... Dante...

Dante: Everyone is waiting for you, move... (She stood up and put her book on the table.) One thing, no make-up for you, you're a kid, you don't need that!

Suki: It was Vito's idea...

Dante: It is your face, you are responsible! (She frowned a little and he chuckled, amused of her reaction.) Something to say? (She shook her head.) That's what I thought... let's go, I'm hungry!  

Suki quickly joined her brothers in the dining room. The twins were talking together while Vito was texting on his phone. The little girl immediately noticed his right hand with red marks. He also had a cut on his lips and his right cheekbone.

Vito: Stop starring at me... You're annoying!

Suki: Sorry...

Dante: Focus on your food... Vito is not a baby...

Davide: That guy has guts to go against you... did he forget who our family is?

Gabriel: Boys, let's talk about something else... that matter is fixed.

Enzo: At least, Vito didn't let that punk kick his ass...

Gabriel: Enzo... (Enzo smiled, not naturally at all.)

Davide: I'm not sure that we can find a subject of conversation that suits your little baby... sorry, I left kindergarten a long time ago...

The youngest boys expected to see Gabriel becoming angry but instead, he looked at Davide with a smirk.

Gabriel: Really? By your behavior, I was sure that my dear little brother was still in that class... my bad...

Davide: Gab... since when do you know how to tackle someone???

Gabriel: I guess I learned something from you...

Davide couldn't avoid to smile. It has been a while since he hadn't talked with his eldest brother without arguing. Gabriel was conscious too of that fact. He could have yell at his younger brother, but he preferred to answer with humor, and change the mood of the dinner.

After that, they mostly talked about sports, a good thing to talk between the brothers and even if Suki didn't know a lot, she was listening with attention.

They finished their dinner then Gianni left to his MMA Club with Davide and Vito, the youngest boy preferred to go with his brothers than resting. An amateur tournament was organized, so they would not come back home too late anyway. Enzo was also awaited outside. With one of his only friend, they were going to spend the night to play online games. Suki was now alone with her two oldest brothers.

Gabriel: So, do you want to do something? Watching a movie perhaps?

Suki: As Onii-san wants...

Gabriel connected the movies application and tried to find something that he judged appropriate for his little sister's age. Dante was texting on his phone, exchanging with his men, making sure that the incident with that Jones was dealt with correctly. Gabriel started the Disney movie Encanto, as suggested by the application. Suki never watched it, and she loved the songs.

Dante: I can't believe I'm watching a Disney on a Friday night...

Gabriel: I was not going to play the Godfather for her.

Dante: I need a Scotch after that! That damn song about that Bruno will be stuck in my head for days!

Suki knew that the movie chosen by Gabriel was not something they would have chosen for themselves, and she was thankful of his attention. At the end of the movie, she wished them a good night and went to her bedroom. She had stopped by the library to take the book the was reading earlier. Around 11.00pm, she felt asleep. Later, her father stopped by her room and switched off the light. 

During the same night, while he was at the MMA Club with his brothers, Davide received an unknown call. At first, he didn't want to answer it, but as the caller insisted, he went outside to answer it.

Davide: You're pretty insistent, for someone who is not in my contact list... Who the hell are you and what do you want?

Kenshiro Tanaka: Sorry to insist, but I am sure that we have a common interest, so I decided to contact you directly.

Davide: Who the fu** are you?!

Kenshiro Tanaka: Kenshiro Tanaka... your bastard half-sister's uncle... and if you give me the opportunities, your problem solver... if you see what I mean!

Davide stayed silent few seconds. He couldn't believe that this man had been able to find his number and that he had the guts to call him to propose, with a barely hidden motive, to kill his niece.

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