At Long Last (OC x Natasha Ro...

By rex2919

31.8K 1.3K 120

Alexandria Taylor, daughter of the alpha of the Blood Moon Pack. She was a young carefree pup until the night... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 21

880 45 5
By rex2919

Alex POV

A few minutes into the flight Mate came and let me out of the cage. I had sniffed around the jet for a while, the whole time Mate was watching me from the front seat. Once I got bored, I went to her and rubbed my head against her. She let out a small chuckle and scratched my head. The man that came with us scratched my back. I had tensed at first but slowly relaxed, reminding myself that he wasn't the man from the past.

N: "Alex why don't you lay down and try to sleep? It will be a couple hours before we get there."

C: "Alex? You named her? I thought you would have let the kids do that?" I looked at the man and huffed. Of course I have a name. I might have to let him see my human form for him to understand. He is helping me after all.

N: "I didn't name her. It's a long story and not my story to tell."

C: "What the hell are you talking about? You know what, never mind. Don't tell me?"

Not wanting to be far from my mate, I laid down next to her between the two seats. She continues to gently scratch behind my ear, which was quickly putting me to sleep. I fought it off as long as i could, but after a few minutes i was out.


"Shift Mutt!" I shifted into my oversized wolf form. "Soldier, you will be taking over her training for now on. You will begin now!" Dr. Anderson said to the man with the metal arm. Once the doctor made his way out of the room, the man wasted no time in attacking me. He was too fast, punch after punch landed. Each time he used his metal arm, I could feel a bone break, but couldn't react to it.

"Enough!" Al loud booming voice was heard over the intercom. "Get up, Mutt. You're not done until you fight back!" I tried to get up, but I kept collapsing to the floor. My body is too tired and injured from the amount of damage given to me from years of torture and the beating I just took. I laid on the ground panting and struggling to breathe. No doubt a few ribs were broken. When I didn't make another attempt to get up, I felt a shock run through my body from that damn collar. "I SAID GET UP AND FIGHT!" Once the shocking feeling finally stopped, I forced myself onto my feet. My body kept swaying back and forth like a drunken sailor. Once I finally got my footing, I looked up into the man with the metal arm's eyes. They were cold and heartless.

I could feel this pressure in the back of my head. Like something trying to push its way through my mind, but I couldn't remember what. "AGAIN!" As soon as the order was given, the man attacked again with no mercy. Not wanting to take another beating like I just did and wanting this to end sooner than later, I forced myself to fight back. I snarled and snapped at him, trying to get him to back up. It worked just enough to give me the opening I needed. I ran towards the man and jumped. He tried to block my attack with his arm, but that was exactly what I wanted. I bit down onto his arm and let my momentum take me over his shoulder, flipping him onto his back. Once he was down, I jumped on his back and bit down on his leg, attempting to immobilize him. He yelled out in pain and turned to try to punch me. I quickly got off him, as he struggled to stand up, I lunged at him again, this time aiming for the throat. As I was in midair, with my claws out, teeth bared, I felt that damned shock again. I went from about to make a kill to withering on the ground whining within seconds. "I've seen enough. Take her back to the labs." Two soldiers approached me. I still could not move from the pain. I gave a weak growl, which they only laughed at and dragged me out of the room by the back of my scruff. They slammed me down on the table, which made me whine out in pain again.

"Strap her down." I looked up and Dr. Anderson came in with a man I have never seen before. "Now, little Alex. This is Alexander Pierce. You will do everything he says without question. You put on quite the little show back there, but not good enough. Like I've told you, you will be Hydra's greatest weapon." With that he injected me with something. As if I wasn't in enough pain already, now it felt like every cell in my body was on fire. Once the pain started to fade, so did my consciousness.

Nat's POV

Clint and I were softly talking to each other as we made our way to his home. Alex had fallen asleep about an hour ago, every now and then I would glance down at her, to check on her. I still couldn't understand these feelings towards her. I noticed that her ear kept twitching in her sleep every now and then. I just took it as if she was dreaming or something, since she seemed to settle right back down. I couldn't be more wrong though. A few minutes later her ear twitching turned into soft whines. I looked back down at her and noticed her whole body was twitching, while her whining got louder and higher pitched. I attempted to wake her up by shaking her, but as soon as I touched her, you would have thought I stabbed her by how her body reacted.

"Alex! Alex, come on! I need you to wake up. It's just a dream." Little did I know this was more than just a dream. "Clint, I don't know what to do, she's not waking up."

C: "Try throwing a little water on her." I looked at him like he was an idiot. "I'm serious. It might shock her awake. Laura did it to me when she was in labor, and I didn't wake up the first time she tried to get me up."

N: "And you wonder why she likes me better." I suddenly felt a burning feeling in my leg. I looked down to see that Alex's paws were moving as if she was running, but she was still asleep. Just as I was about to get up to try the water thing she stood up. Paws still moving she ran straight into the side of the jet and collapsed. "Shit, Clint!"

C: "We need to get her back in the cage, we will be there soon anyway. At this point it will be safer for her to be in there then out here."

N: "I can't move her on my own. Put autopilot on and come help me."

After ten minutes of trying to drag Alex's unconscious body across the jet and into the cage we finally did it.

C: "I feel like I just went 10 rounds with Cap. Probably would have been easier to move the cage to her first." I looked at him like he had 5 heads then glared. "What?" I said nothing but slapped him in the back of the head. I should have thought about that though. "Hey! What was that for?"

N: "You could have thought about that 10 minutes ago?"

C: "Oh"

N: "I'm going to stay here with her, so she doesn't freak out in case she wakes up."

C: "That's fine. We should be there in 15 minutes anyway. Hopefully she stays asleep for a while."

I kept the cage door open, so she didn't feel confined. Hopefully she will stay asleep, but just in case, maybe seeing me right away will keep her calm. I reached into the cage and started to pet behind her ears again. I loved the one with the white tip. As soon as I touched her ear, she gave it a little flick then released a deep breath. I smiled as her body fully relaxed.

C: "Get ready to land and for mass chaos."

N: "I don't think it will be as bad as you think it will be. After all, you and Alex were buddy-buddy when I came down to the cells before we left."

C: "I don't know what you're talking about. Oh, look we're home."

N: "Let's get her settled in the barn right away, then you can bring Laura out. I'll stay with Alex." I didn't get an answer, but I assumed he agreed with that plan.

Clint landed the jet in the field about 100 feet from the barn. We started to wheel the cage down the ramp when Laura came out of the house. She looked nervous once she saw how big the cage was. Once we made sure the cage was on a flat surface, Clint went and hugged his wife.

C: "Hi Honey, we can all talk in a little bit. Nat I'm going to see the kids quick and tell them to stay inside and grab the tractor keys, so we don't have to push her into the barn. I will be faster and easier with the tractor."  Once Clint left, I went up to Laura and hugged her.

N: "I can't thank you enough for this. I know you're not completely for it."

L: "You're sure this is a good idea? It won't try to hurt us?"

N: "Laura, I promise on my life, I won't let her hurt you or the kids. We will stay in the barn, and I won't let the kids around her unless you're ok with it." She let out a deep breath.

L: "Ok. I trust you Nat. Can I see her?" I smiled at Laura and walked her over to the cage door. I had closed it after we landed and started to wheel her down the ramp. I also didn't want Alex to wake up and have a repeat of the flight over. "She's beautiful. I love her coloring."

N: "So do I. The white on her ear is my favorite. I would like to slowly introduce you and the kids to her. After all this is your home and just in case the kids sneak up to her, I don't want an accident to happen. I don't think we will have one based on this morning with Clint though. He doesn't know it, but he was my test run with her and kids." Laura laughed at that.

L: "I know what you mean. When he's home it feels like I have three kids instead of two most days. I'm ok with meeting her, but I want to make sure she is comfortable with me before meeting the kids. Knowing them, they will try to ride her like a horse right away, especially Cooper."

Clint came running out of the house and up to us.

C: "Kids are inside occupied; Nat I need you to help me guide the cage in and try to keep Alex calm. The tractor will probably wake her up. Laura, can you open one of the pens? We are going to keep her in there and reinforce it tomorrow."

L: "Sounds like you two have a good plan going. Let me go check which one looks like it will hold her the best for now. I don't want to leave her in the cage forever. That's just not right."

I stayed with Alex, who was still asleep in her cage while Laura and Clint went into the barn. I could hear the tractor start up hard. Sounds like Clint will have more than one project to work on while we are here. Laura stayed by the barn doors and opened them wide. Those too let out a loud creaking noise. I chuckled to myself as Clint approached with the tractor. The noise started to make Alex stir.

N: "Sounds like you're a little behind on your projects!" I yelled to him over the loud tractor that kept backfiring every few minutes.

C: "You would be too if you got pulled away for a mission every time you started one."

N: "Sounds like you just can't finish" I said through laughing. I was laughing so hard, I had tears coming out of my eyes. Clint was less than amused. Mumbling about the thanks he gets as he hooked the cage up to the tow rope.

Once we started pulling the cage towards the barn, Alex started to whine and pace around the cage. I just kept telling her its ok and that we are almost done. The sound of my voice helped relax her a little, but she was still clearly anxious.

L: "The back corner stable should be good." Clint nodded in acknowledgment. As we approached the stable, I saw that the walls looked sturdy enough for now, but there was nothing for bedding.

N: "Do you have any more hay that we can put down for bedding so she's not just on concrete?"

C: "No, but let's get her in for now, then we can think of something."

Once we pulled the cage close enough to the stable, we angled it so Alex could only go into the pen. I went into the pen too, to try to ease her into it and to help her anxiety. I opened her door; she was hesitant to come out at first but with a little coaxing she came out and started to smell the area she would be staying in. When she turned, she saw Laura by the door. She came over to me and stood in front of me with her ears back and crouched down. She started to softly growl, almost like she didn't feel threatened, but did not want to take any chances either. I put my hand on Alex's back and started to slowly pet her. I made eye contact with Laura and sighed. This may be harder than I anticipated. 

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