To Find What is Lost

Por Youbethinkywingblurb

25.3K 1.6K 1.5K

Find is the story of a certain son of Hades, dragged out of his almost perfect life to attend a crazy magic s... Más

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Smiling
Chapter 2: Hades
Chapter 3: Goodbye
Chapter 4: Malfoy
Chapter 5: Sorting
Chapter 6: Oracle
Chapter 7: Blueprint
Chapter 8: Crush
Chapter 9: IM
Chapter 10: Library
Chapter 12: Gossip
Chapter 13: Argument
Chapter 14: Comfort
Chapter 15: Avoiding
Chapter 16: Ron
Chapter 17: Ball
Chapter 18: Royalty
Chapter 19: Permission
Chapter 20: Dancing
Chapter 21: Confused
Chapter 22: Trust
Chapter 23: Oggling
Chapter 24: Soul
Chapter 25: Safe
Chapter 26: Home
Chapter 27: Arriving
Chapter 28: Knowing
you never have a choice
Chapter 29: Shopping
Chapter 30: Snowballs
you're really sick of not having a choice
Chapter 31: Spying
Chapter 32: Obliviate
Chapter 33: Coward
Chapter 34: Gorgeous
Chapter 35: Speech
Chapter 36: Perfect
Chapter 37: Vision
Chapter 38: Door
Chapter 39: Tear
Chapter 40: Hogwash
Chapter 41: Traitor
Chapter 42: History
Chapter 43: Knowledge
Chapter 44: Unbound
Chapter 45: Silence
Chapter 46: Nothingness
Chapter 47: Stalling
Chapter 48: Love
Thanks Guys ;)

Chapter 11: Help

638 42 42
Por Youbethinkywingblurb

Yes I'm running out of chapter picture ideas, give me a break -Emmi


"Okay, Nico, get a hold of yourself, just go up to her, and say something."

Will: "Ask her for help with something, everyone loves to be appreciated."

"Okay, so ask for help then- um..." Nico thought for a moment, then he snorted "Duh!"

*** Hermione POV:

The blueprint taunted her, laughing in her face, but she just couldn't concentrate on it. She ran her hand through her hair and shook thoughts of Nico di Angelo from her mind for the millionth time. Glaring at the parchment and stabbing with her quill in vehemence.

She was so preoccupied that she didn't even realize anyone was there in the library until he spoke right behind her.

"Hi, it's Nico."

She shot up from her seat so fast that she knocked all her books onto the floor, glaring at him.

"Don't do that!" she scolded him, gathering her books up from the floor quickly.

To her interest Nico jumped to help and they both stood, clutching books. She scrutinized him intently, and -seemingly to avoid meeting her gaze- he looked down at the book he was holding.

"Advances in-" his eyes swam and he blinked as he looked at the complicated title. "Ast- r. -row..." He read slowly, stumbling on the long syllables.

Hermione looked at him in surprise, "Astro Physics." she explained, taking the book from his hand.

Nico nodded. "Yeah," he blushed slightly. "I have dyslexia. I can't read very well."

Hermione gasped in horror -not being able to read was her worst nightmare, in fact it had seen her waking up screaming a few times- and quickly clapped a hand to her mouth embarrassedly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, that's probably so rude, but not being able to read, I just-" she shook her head, steadily reddening.

"No, it's fine." Nico smiled. "I'm used to it, actually, that's why I came over..."

Hermione gave him a questioning glance.

"I have loads of homework to catch up on, but I'm struggling to find the information I need in the library- I was wondering if you'd help me? I know most of the principles."

Hermione knew she had to get on with the project, she really was behind... but the poor boy- not able to read! She had to help him.

"Of course, I'll help." she smiled as she sat down again and motioned for him to sit next to her. "What homework do you need help with?"

For the rest of the afternoon the Slytherin and Gryffindor hung out in the library, Hermione reading out-loud for Nico, and teaching him how to enchant a quill to write for him. After they had finished all of Nico's homework they talked for hours about all sorts of things, both finding the other's opinions new and refreshing.

They were deep in discussion about the exceptions to Gamp's law when Madam Pince came around and shooed them out, as -to their surprise- the library was already closing.

"Wow, we really have been talking for ages." laughed Hermione. "It was fun talking to you, Nico. I can't see why Harry seems to think that you're a horrible person."

The Ghost King gave a short laugh, voice dripping with sarcasm. "How very nice of you to consider me above-horrible."

She glared at him, "Don't make me take that back." she joked.

He gave a small smile as they parted ways to their separate common rooms.

"See you tomorrow."

"See you."

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