Welcome to Alphea Adelheid

By MrNijimura

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A young boy who uses the online alias Adelheid gets transported into the world of Winx Club after she makes a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Authors Q/A
Soar To Hell.

Chapter 4

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By MrNijimura

Elysium.... The place where dead heroes go. He was no hero, maybe Aphrodite saw him as one. Maybe he just wasn't seeing the bigger picture. He didn't care. He had one simple task. Get to Tartarus and collect 3 jewels. Genos said those jewels were essential for the plan moving forward. One gem in Elysium, another in the Asphodel meadows and the final jewel in Tartarus.

Music blared and there was cheering. It was a land of sports, music and a cool westerly wind. He recognized many fallen heroes here. He saw Hector of Troy, Achilles and Heracles. They had been through so much. He didn't want to burden them with his long quest. "Too much of heaven, can bring you underground. Heaven can always turn around. Too much of heaven, a life that's so hell bound. A killer that makes no sound. They won't be content and happy here for forever. They'll desire more, that's the killer that makes no sound. They'll simply grow tired of each other and start a war. " He got startled and rolled down a grassy hill. He reached the bottom unharmed or at least without any serious injuries. He recognized the person in front of him. Grey eyes, short curled hair, long robes of an emperor."Goddess Athena. It's an honor to be in your presence." he said while scrambling to get to his feet and greet her properly.

She shook her head. The disapproval of a goddess before leaving on a dangerous quest is a clear bad omen. "Tell me your name and your feats young hero. What battles have you fought?" Athena asked. "I'm not a hero, I'm simply a traveler on a quest." he said. "I see, and who gave you permission to enter Elysium?" she asked. "Aphrodite." he replied. "Oh dear, what is she thinking?" Athena looked irritated. "If you want to continue your quest, you'll fight two of the best. If you lose... You'll be locked up with the Titans in Tartarus. Understood?" she asked. He nodded his head.

The arena was filled. The first man to enter the arena was a titan of a man. Divine lineage was completely visible here. He was from the East.... An ally of Troy. Serpadon, he fought in the Trojan war and killed more Greeks than Apollo's plague. His second opponent entered. "You're a fool to challenge us." Perfect posture, sleeked back hair and battle scars. The one who sealed the fate of Achilles. The brother of Paris. Hector. Adelheid took up his stance. A low lying stance with this arms positioned for an emergency low blow.

The two circled him like vultures. Hector had a look of disdain and Serpadon was hungry for blood. Adelheid was prepared to fight to the death. Serpadon swung a huge hook with saw teeth around it and Adelheid caught it. He snapped it in half easily and then turned to finish him off. He the barrage of blows weakened Serpadon. A man who could tear down walls was being mowed down by a man that's not even close to his height. Adelheid lifted Serpadon up and jumped as high as he could. "What goes up.... MUST COME DOWN!!!!!" Adelheid yelled. As he brought Serpadon down with him.

Serpadon was incapacitated upon impact and Hector was shocked. Adelheid yelled a battle cry and looked at Hector. Before Hector could even react.... He was already literally being thrown all over the arena. Hector was dizzy and hadn't had the foggiest idea where he was. Adelheid hoisted him on his shoulders. He jumped higher. The air was barely breathable at that point. He made sure Hector's face was pointed towards the ground. Adelheid laughed. This fall would cripple both of them. But Adelheid was enjoying himself. "DIE TROJAN PRINCE!" Adelheid shouted before they hit the ground. The arena was shaken and the crater was the size of Alfea, times 2. He wasn't done. He priceeded to beat Hector deeper into the ground and laughed. The punches could be heard from Olympus. Ares was spectating the fight. Hector was long unconscious but Adelheid relentlessly kept fighting til he was satisfied. Adelheid shrieked and cackled. "I WON, I AM ARISTOS ACHAION!!!!" It means best of men in Greek.

He emerged from the crater with blood stained hands. "How was that Athena?!" he asked. She simply shook her head and quickly realized Adelheid was a loose cannon. It would've better to get him out of Elysium ASAP. "The gem you're looking for is crimson right?" she asked. "Yes." he replied. She pulled it out her robe, he checked it and it was indeed the gem. "Can someone tell me how to get to the Asphodel meadows?" he asked. "It's that way." she pointed to a well where he could hear ghostly groans. Adelheid jumped into the well to his next adventure.

He landed face first but it's a meadow, it wouldn't hurt that badly. He got up and looked around. He saw people walking around aimlessly and lying on the floor. This was sad, the poor souls would be stuck with this torture til time ends. Some picked flowers and some did absolutely nothing. He wanted to end his life a second time after witnessing this endless torture.

He walked and chains began to sprout up and restrain him. One chain got his leg. He struggled but the chain only got stronger. He began to be more discouraged and another chain restrained his leg. He grew weary and his negativity was in complete control. The chains restrained the rest of him. And pulled him underground. He knew what was happening to him . The ground absorbs souls that aren't meant to be in Asphodel and either sends them to Elysium or Tartarus. He wouldn't get sent anywhere due to his power and he would simply be entombed for eternity.

He opened his eyes to a vision of Bloom standing over where his soul was absorbed. "You're stronger than this. You always taught me never to give up. You're so close.... Just keep going a little bit longer. I promise you'll get to rest when you're done. Okay? But just for now dig deep into your soul.... Find it, find that fire... For us. " The meadow was set ablaze by a blue flame. Adelheid dug himself out of the grave and roared like a beast fighting for its life. The ground was scorched and saw the jewel ..... A sapphire with a bright blue glow.

Put his hands into the ground and ripped it open. Creating an entrance to Tartarus. By force. He looked down and the monsters and demons. He roared and jumped down.

The ground shook violently when he reached the ground. They approached him, the flames of his soul. They burned bright blue and he barred his teeth. They attacked him wave after wave. He fought them off with every bit of strength he had, easily overpowering them. Crushing skills like dust and destroying souls with his flames. They retreated but he chased them down. He burned them out of existence. Then the watch dog of Tartarus appeared. It barked, he roared in his response. Cerberus had soul fire but it wasn't as strong. Adelheid laughed. "No wonder Heracles could put this mut on a leash so easily. It's weak." he beat the dog down and proceeded to incinerate it's soul.

He marched right up to the throne room of Hades' throne room. Hades knew of the ruckus he had been causing in the afterlife. He sighed."Please for peace sake never die in this realm. Take it, just take it and leave Tartarus." Hades threw the gem, a pure white diamond with a pearl in the middle. "How do I get back?" he asked. Just sit patiently and wait for Aphrodite.

He sat like a bored child. Picking his nose, sitting upside down and staring into space. He played his powers. Making stuff float to annoy Hades. Making his chair catch fire randomly. He lost his time stop when he died so no time related shenanigans for today. He waited what seemed to be years but in human time.... It was 5 minutes. Aphrodite looked at him and smiled. "He didn't cause too much trouble did he?" she asked playfully. Knowing full well he caused a disturbance, committed arson and attempted murder. "Just take him and leave." Hades said while signing some papers.

Adelheid blinked and they were back in her garden. Aphrodite had a glass of wine. Adelheid was distracted by something. "Whats the matter?" she asked. "Just thinking about something." he replied. "Bloom saved your life.... TWICE. This girl truly makes you love sick doesn't she?" Aphrodite took another sip. "You know, she seems to be your only motivation for doing any of this. She'll drive you insane one day. But I'm afraid that ship appears to have sailed." Aphrodite said jokingly.

Genos came. "After a few strings were pulled. I got Apollo to create a new body for you to re-enter the world of the living." he said. "Does that mean?..." Genos nodded. "You'll get to see her again." Adelheid broke down into tears. His longing for her kept him strong through these rough times. "Best part is that you'll still be able to use your other abilities." Genos said. Adelheid gave him the gems. Genos nodded and brought out a golden casket with diamonds all over it. There were ivory handles.

He opened the casket. The body was quite similar to his own. But had distinguishable differences. The arms were larger. It had blue and white hair. The chin was sharper. It was clothed in armor and wore leather sandals. It was a body created by a god, he shouldn't have expected anything less.

"Where are you going to put the gems?" Adelheid asked. "It's better if you don't know." Genos replied. Genos brought the body out the casket. Adelheid was instructed to turn away as Genos inserted the gems. "You can look now. There's one in your brain. One in your eyes and one in your heart. This body will allow you to reach your true potential. Your old ones was holding you back a lot." Adelheid was instructed to spit in it's mouth? "You sure Genos?" Adelheid asked. Genos nodded. Adelheid spat in it's mouth. "Now put your chest on the body and you'll wake up in the world of the living." Adelheid turned to say goodbye to Aphrodite. "May love guide you to her Adelheid." she said.

He woke up. He felt lighter. Genos wasn't joking. This body was powerful. Divine assistance was his biggest asset here. He noticed he had a pocket watch and that is outfit had changed. A black and white leather outfit with red sneakers. He looked and felt good. He dropped the pocket watch. "Damnit, be more careful." It sounded like Genos. "Genos... is that you?" he asked. "Yes, I can't take physical form in this world so I'll reside within the watches pocket dimension." He looked at the sky and almost blinded himself. Sky Noah was certainly bright to say the least. He could barely see for a few seconds.
"Didn't your parents teach you not to stare at the sun? " Genos asked "I don't even remember them. So probably not." he replied. Genos knew something but changed the subject. "The Sister's Coven is located under Sky Noah." Genos said. "Why?" Adelheid asked. "They practice illegal magic and only a select few know of their location. They needed to remain undetected." Genos said.

They were at the edge in a matter of minutes and Genos told him to jump. Adelheid reluctantly obeyed. The drop was long and seemed to be endless. "We have 3 hours before we reach the bottom." Genos said
And it was indeed 3 hours. They spoke of casual things, money, supplies, training. There was a moment of silence. "Adelheid.... What do you plan to do once this whole mess is over?" Genos asked. "I really haven't thought that far ahead." he replied. "What of that girl?" Genos asked. Adelheid smiled. "Well, I had some plans. If she lives the nitwit she calls a boyfriend. Have a nice house in Sky Noah, get a dog. She'll get a job as a professor at Alfea. I'll stay at home and look after the house. Who knows, maybe have a kid or too. The suburban life. A life with her, that's what I want." Genos chuckled. He never thought someone as bold and outgoing as Adelheid would consider being a stay at home dad with a wife and kids.

The drop continued. Adelheid went on and on about the future he wanted. The future he said he needed. Her and Adelheid get a nice cozy home in the nice parts of Sky Noah or perhaps a castle in Domino. They live together for a while. They get a dog. Bloom gets a job and he'll take care of cleaning, cooking and other domestic work. "Male housewife" was the term he used. Adelheid at first seems like an untidy hooligan but he knew a lot of skills boy his age didn't know. He could knit, sow, change a child's diaper, cook, clean, do laundry and various other domestic tasks. Genos was perplexed. Adelheid was walking divinity but he wanted to settle down and be a housewife. "What a universe." Genos thought to himself. People his age dreamt of traveling the world or getting rich but he wanted a simpler and attainable future.

2 hours into the drop. Adelheid sang a song that he and Bloom wrote a few days ago.

"When days are dark.
And friends are few.
I know I can always turn to you.
You can go West and I'll go East.
We'll find the river that grants peace.
But when I'm gone, I'll know I was more than just a memory.
I hope and pray that you'll remember me."

The journalists from every dimension in the universe were all at Alfea. The unveiling of the magic world's greatest weapon. The Winx stood next to Headmistress Faragonda. She was was worried, like she knew what was in that chamber.

"Can Prince Sky of Eraklyon please step forward." a man said. "Ladies and gentlemen, members of the esteemed council. As you're aware, the magic world was seriously threatened by a malicious being. A month ago..... Red Fountain was destroyed. This creature displayed inhuman power and ferocity. But we managed to kill it in Sky Noah without causing widespread panic. My phantoblade took down a threat like this.... A symbol of my kingdoms strength. " People cheered for that bastard. The people praised him but Bloom didn't even bother. She instead took out her phone and looked at pictures of Adelheid while Sky claimed the glory that wasn't his.

"Now this creature will be our greatest defender." Blooms heart stopped. She looked up and saw the capsule open. It was Adelheid, at least it's his body. His skin was dry and has cracks like a vase. His once short, neat and well kept hair was up to his back. The scleras of his eyes were black. His hair was a ghostly white. It looked around and noticed Bloom.

"Behold, one of the strongest beings as our protector!" Sky shouted. It twitched now and then. It's eyes were fixed on Bloom. She knew that wasn't Adelheid. She stepped closer and it walked to her and ripped off the cables that restrained it. Bloom transformed and prepared to fight.
"Adelheid is no more. He is gone. I am not him, I am.... Eternos. That poor boys soul was the only thing that kept me locked up in this body. If that weakling didn't kill himself. You wouldn't be in danger."

Eternos levitated. The ground shook and volcanoes sprouted. A portal opened below and out came a towering titan of a snake. This was a conjuring technique that no fairy, wizard, witch or warlock could ever manifest. Eternos commanded it to attack and it ate away at the very fabric of existence. The thread that kept dimensions separate. If it was destroyed... no life would be able to exist. "Your pathetic species has tarnished MY world long enough. Give up, there will no quarter for you. I am your judge and you will pay the ultimate price for your sins." The ball of dark magic changed the flow or gravity itself.

Eternos flinched and looked down. A hand through his chest...."I don't like being impersonated." Eternos smiled. "I knew you wouldn't stay dead. Not as long as she's still alive." He pointed to Bloom. "Then you know exactly why you must die!!" Adelheid exclaimed.

Adelheid took a step back and plunged a blade through his heart and out rose his reaper form. Black and gold hood with a long scythe. It's 3 obsidian blades gave purple light. Adelheids body rose, except it's eyes were completely white and glowing. "I see your new body has a mind of it's own. Two on one, hardly a fair fight.... for you that is."

Adelheid swung his scythe while is body began to cast strange spells. Hexes.... It used a technique. That ripped space apart and it disappeared. "Demons parade Requiem!" Adelheid struck his scythe on the ground and corpses rose. Their eyes bloodshot and hungry for blood. "Necromancy...... impressive." Eternos said. Adelheid ordered a them to attack Eternos. They leaped at him, hundreds more rose from the underworld and swarmed him. Adelheid heard the tearing of flesh and breaking of bones. "Release." The reanimated corpses dropped dead where they stood returning to their slumber whilst sinking back to the underworld.

Half of Eternos' body was missing but he simply laughed. "Your techniques aren't lethal enough. I'm generous so I'll give you more chances to kill me." Eternos said. Adelheid spun his scythe til it caught fire. Soul fire. "Soul carnival!!" Three Ferris Wheels of flames came towards him and he simply blew them out.

"2 attempts left." Adelheid knew what he had to do. He made a deal with Hades before he left. If Adelheid could tame Cerberus, he could keep him and he did so easily. Adelheid whistled and one of the heads of Cerberus bit down on him and chewed violently. Topped off with swallowing him. Condemning him to Tartarus.

The Volcanoes disappeared only for Eternos to rise from a portal. "I'm impressed but that just won't cut it. I shouldn't expect too much from a mortal anyways....you still have one last attempt before I end your life and that girls as well." Adelheids eyes widened then he smiled. His body was still in limbo and could open a portal and strike Eternos on command.

But he still wanted to try one last technique. Adelheid inhaled and clapped and blew out a stream of wind that killed and withered anything in it's way. It's called the Old Wind. The people who so happened to be behind Eternos wouldn't survive. It rapidly increased aging while eating away at the flesh. A gruesome sight to behold. Eternos just barely had his organs in his body and skin to skeleton.

"That's a lethal technique you have there. But sadly, it's not enough. You have exhausted all your chances. Now you shall perish slowly." Eternos grabbed Adelheid by the throat and slammed him into the ground. Adelheid was shocked to see Deaths touch didn't kill him either. It wasn't just a legend, normally if someone touches the grim reaper. They die on the spot.

Eternos ripped Adelheids eyes out and put them in his mouth. Adelheid had no choices but to swallow him. Eternos laughed. "Any last words mortal. Adelheids trap worked. He laughed...."DIVINE SMITE!!!" Adelheids body cut Genos in half. Adelheid intentionally hit him with strong attacks knowing it takes obscene amounts of magic to withstand all 3 of them including Deaths Touch. "Checkmate imposter." Adelheid said. Eternos ripped a hole in space to escape before Adelheid could finish the job.

Adelheid asked his body to merge with him again. Adelheid opened his eyes and dusted himself off. He took out his pocket watch...."What do you think Genos?" Adelheid asked. "You did well, I won't deny it. But I recommend we leave soon. We must prepare..... Eternos will not stay down forever." Adelheid nodded I'm agreement.

Everyone looked at Adelheid. They saw the Reaper. "Did they see me?" Adelheid asked. "They did.... they shouldn't be able to. Oh wait.... Your magic made you visible. This is not good." Eternos said. The Winx confronted them. "Just who are you??" Bloom asked. Adelheid opened a portal. "I'll tell you when the time is right. Sky, take care of my Chili Pepper for me. Make sure that not even a hair on her head is harmed." With those words Adelheid jumped into the portal.

Bloom didn't know what to do. She looked around and realized who she just spoke to. She put her hands over her mouth. She looked at all the corpses around her. Shriveled up and rotten..."Bloom...?" she gave Sky no response. "That monster is not Adelheid. It can't be. He's dead?! Right?" Bloom asked. They didn't know what to tell her. They were all confused. They heard Adelheids voice but it was from a different body. Bloom didn't believe what she just witnessed.

A few days passed and Headmistress Faragonda was sitting in the offices with a member of the Council. "Mrs Goodfey...... I understand you're a member of the high council and the decisions of the council are in the best interest of the universe but this is a disaster waiting to happen." Headmistress Faragonda said. "This boy has caused the deaths of 400 people and is an even bigger threat to the universe than he was originally! DO I NEED TO MENTION THE FACT HE WAS THE VESSEL TO BE BIGGEST THREAT TO THE MAGICAL WORLD?!" Mrs Goodfey had a fair point. "I don't think he was aware of Eternos living inside him." Headmistress Faragonda argued. "How sure are you?" Mrs Goodfey asked. "I had someone follow him. Bloom Peters. A fairy raised on Earth but an heiress to the throne of Domino. She grew quite close to the boy while he was under my watch. The boy told her things that he didn't think he'd ever tell anyone."

"Like what?" Mrs Goodfey Asked. "His full name, Adelheid Woods. Adopted son of Linda and Winston Woods. He only remembers a few years with his adopted parents. He knew his real parents but had no memory of them. He had sisters, he didn't remember their names. He talked a lot about his home in Berlin. It was on a quiet street. He knew 3 old ladies that lived near him. He said they behaved strangely. Two of them disliked Adelheid but there was one that always gave him candy every time he passed by. The three old ladies were so bizarre that people had suspected them to be witches but he didn't see it." Mrs Goodfey looked at Headmistress Faragonda......"Those 3 lived???" Headmistress Faragonda shook her head. "You don't mean." Mrs Goodfey looked out the window. "I do. Diavala, Circi and Morganna.... Even after being banished from the magic world still manage to cause trouble.... They doomed us all, they were fully aware of what this could mean....... Faragonda.... Bring me Bloom. I need to have a word with her. "

Genos and Adelheid made their way to Sky Noah and continued theirs long plummet to the Sisters Coven location.
They discussed plans. How they'd deal with Eternos and a new training regimen. They reached the bottom without a scratch. They saw a cavern with light. They approached it and entered. Adelheid had never seen anything like it. A glistening, glittering crystal grotto. Adelheid saw a purple crystal and tore it from the cave wall. He knew Bloom liked purple so he took it just for her.

They walked down the path and something slashed Adelheid's cheek. There was a hole in front of them. A phantoblaster. They thought the specialists caught up but instead they saw a masked man. "JUST WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" Adelheid asked furiously. He was tired of random bullshit getting in the way of him getting to the Sisters Coven. First Eternos, now this idiot...... "Adelheid Woods, 6'1 male. Dark hair, light skin. German-American accent. Carrying a blue pocket watch. Wanted in all magical dimensions. Bounty of G120 000 000 000( 120 Billion Gold Pieces.) Wanted dead or alive, preferably alive. But.... Scum like you doesn't deserve life. " The man said. He took of mask and it revealed a cybernetic face. Half man, half machine...."Zenith bounty hunters, the most skilled bounty hunters to ever exist. Adelheid.... You have to come up with something." Genos said. Adelheid filled a hole in space and appeared behind the bounty hunter and was met with an HZ90 shotgun pointed at his chest. The bounty hunter pulled the trigger and Adelheid's insides were blown out and scattered across the cave wall.

The bounty hunter checked the body for a pulse and felt nothing. He was distracted. Adelheid had time to get into reaper form before the shotgun blew out his insides. "Old Wind..." The Bounty hunter dropped dead and decayed. Adelheid's body was trashed but it'll heal itself in a few minutes. Adelheid waited for his body to be operational again. It got up and Adelheid merged with it again.

Adelheid knew he was a wanted criminal but didn't saving everyone from Eternos clear his name. Why didn't Adelheid commit any violent crimes if he was "dangerous". Adelheid felt a dark presence. It wasn't Eternos, too weak. It wasn't the Trix, this magic is less violent.

"Blair is my name and keeping intruders out is my game." Adelheid was stunned. He didn't know people spoke Gaelic here, her name is the Scottish Gaelic word for battlefield . She had a strong Glasgow accent and drew her stave. A Jedburgh stave. It looked like a sword but had dark energy but with a less malicious grip. Dark power with a noble pure aura. Black flames set the stave ablaze.

She swung it Adelheid, he dodged but barely. She had years of experience meanwhile Adelheid is just using raw talent. The stave cut the side of Adelheid's face revealing bone for a few seconds then quickly healing up.
She was confused but kept attacking. Adelheid grabbed the stave and siphoned them magic out her using her own weapon. She was just a tad bit smarter than him. She placed a tag on the ground. It had a Gaelic incantation on it. "You're screwed little man." He read it and realized it was a trap seal. A basic Hex but he fell for it. He was paralyzed from the neck down. He needed to kill himself to activate reaper form.

"Look at what you got yourself into laddy. You're really some yoke aren't ya? Hotshot criminal. We've been expecting you for months but you and a clear schedule aren't friends laddy." She laughed and Adelheid sighed. "We know all about your little thing with that girl from Domino. We've been watching you since you were in diapers. Young laddy, your future was deadly. (it's slang for great/amazing) Since I was a wee lassy, I've been dreaming of becoming a member of a Coven. Albeit we're the last coven and I was a young lassie several thousand years ago but that's not the yoke here. What I'm saying is..... Slow down. We know where you're going. And we want to help you but you have to relax for 1 day. I'm going to leave you here for 24 hours and before you start giving out.... It's for your own good. If you need to use the jacks. Tough break." as she was about to walk away....Adelheid asked her....."Where are you from?" She sat down.... "Somewhere beautiful. Tír na nÓg, a place of freedom. None of this modern gobshite. A place where you could walk around with yer Bollocks out. Just pray you were gifted down there or you'd be the laughing stock of the town. A gowl like you probably wouldn't likely you much. Sure we're known for our beer and comradery but even a land of warriors needs love. I had someone.... " She was furious at the fact she was spilling her guts and Adelheid was fast asleep snoring loudly.... She slapped him...."Wake up you Dryshite! I'm not done."

Oh dear.... Poor Adelheid.

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