The Ultimate Life form (Faunu...

By The_Azrael

493 4 3

Join James 'Shadow' Branwen, as he goes through the events of RWBY, and deals with his pasts. More

Couples Songs
Talk with Willa
3 days later
First Day of Classes

Going to Beacon

47 0 0
By The_Azrael

(James POV) (Age 18):

As I stared at the weapon resting at the foot of my bed, memories flooded my mind, each one a snapshot of the journey I had undertaken since the day it was gifted to me on my 13th birthday.

Dad taught me how to fight with a scythe, and Aunt Raven taught me how to use a sword. The memories of my training sessions with Dad and Aunt Raven filled me with a sense of nostalgia and gratitude. They were reluctant at first to train me, wary of the dangers that came with being a Huntsman. But I was persistent, eager to prove myself worthy of their teachings.

Dad, with his rugged demeanor and unwavering determination, had initially tried to dissuade me from pursuing the path of a warrior. He had seen firsthand the toll that the life of a Huntsman could take, the sacrifices that had to be made in the name of protecting others. But despite his reservations, he had eventually relented, recognizing the fire burning within me and the need to nurture it rather than extinguish it.

Aunt Raven, on the other hand, had been a more enigmatic presence in my life. Her training methods were unconventional, her lessons steeped in mystery and secrecy. She had tested me in ways I never thought possible, pushing me to my limits and beyond. But beneath her tough exterior lay a fierce loyalty and a depth of knowledge that I could only begin to comprehend.

With the inhibitor rings off, I could finally tap into the full extent of my powers for up to 45 minutes. It was a significant improvement from when I first started, barely able to last a few minutes without succumbing to exhaustion. But through perseverance and dedication, I had gradually built up my endurance, pushing the boundaries of what I thought was possible.

And then there were the air shoes, a gift from Ruby and Yang. They had spent countless hours crafting them by hand, fine-tuning every detail to enhance my mobility and complement my semblance.

Although I was still cold towards new people and hesitant to form new relationships, the bonds I shared with my family were stronger than ever. Dad, Aunt Raven, Summer, Ruby, Yang—they were my rock, my support system, the ones who had stood by me through thick and thin.

I was soon interrupted by my thoughts by a knock on my door followed by a voice, "Come on Shadow, or else we will miss the bullhead to beacon."

Chuckling at Ruby's excitement, that I could fill through the door, I shook my head before putting my shoes on, grabbing my weapon and putting it on my back, and grabbing my dufflebag.

As I opened the door I was met with the face of ruby, being impatient and eager to get going. Her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, and I couldn't help but smile at her infectious energy.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming," I chuckled, stepping past her and joining her in the hallway. Yang was already waiting there, tapping her foot impatiently as she checked her scroll.

"Finally! I was worried we'd have to leave without you," Yang teased, grinning at me as she fell into step beside us.

Rolling my eyes at her playful jab, I adjusted the strap of my dufflebag and followed Ruby and Yang towards the living room where Dad, Aunt Raven, and Aunt Summer was waiting.

"Doyouguyshaveenoughdust,haveyoucheckedtoseeifyouaremissinganything,doyouhavesnackspackedforthetrip." Summer asked very quickly

Summer's rapid-fire questions caught us off guard, but Ruby responded in the same manner with a reassuring smile. "Don'tworryMomwe'vegoteverythingcovered.We'vedouble-checkedoursuppliesandwe'vepackedenoughdustforthetrip."

I leaned over to Yang and whisper, "Did you catch any of that?"

Yang chuckled softly and shook her head. "Not a word. But as long as Ruby understood, I guess we're good to go."

I nodded in agreement, exchanging a bemused glance with Yang as we followed Ruby into the living room. Dad and Aunt Raven were engaged in a quiet conversation, their expressions serious as they discussed something that seemed important.

Soon dad walked over to me, "James, I hate to cut this short, but Ozpin gave me a new mission. So, stay safe watch out for your cousins, and try and keep Yang out of trouble if you can." 

"Hey." Yang said before pausing, "Nevermind, that's fair." as she said that we all laughed.

"We'll make sure to stick together and watch each other's backs." I said, before grabbing my bag.

(Small Timeskip)

I was in the bullhead at the main back away from everyone else, I was some what worried about dad, but I knew he could handle himself. I took a second too look around the cabin as I did I noticed the two white-haired girls in the cabin, a sudden rush of emotions flooded through me, stirring a mix of anger and bitterness. Their presence ignited a primal instinct within me, causing my blood to boil with an intensity I hadn't felt in a long time.

As one of the white-haired girls noticed me staring and gave a small smile, it seemed to only stoke the flames of anger and bitterness within me. The gesture felt like a taunt, a reminder of past grievances and unresolved conflicts.

As I was about to get up, a guy placed his hand on my shoulder. Feeling the weight of a hand on my shoulder, I tensed, ready to confront whoever dared to touch me. Turning to face the intruder, my expression must have been a mixture of anger and irritation.

"I know that they are apart of the Schnee Family, but you shouldn't let your anger consume you," the guy said softly, his voice carrying a note of concern.

I squinted my eyes at him, before responding, "I appreciate your concern," I replied, my tone guarded as I tried to gauge his intentions. "But you don't understand. It's not just about their family affiliation."

The guy nodded, his expression serious as he listened intently. "I get that it runs deeper than that," he said, his voice soft but resolute. "But letting your anger consume you won't solve anything. Trust me, I've been there."

"How about this, when we land, you and I go and talk somewhere quiet. Maybe I can help you work through some of these feelings," he suggested, his tone gentle but determined.

"I don't know you. Just leave me alone." I said before shaking his hand off my shoulder and walking away.

(Ruby POV):

After me and Yang finished talking about me going to Beacon 2 years early, we seen James storm off, as I was about to follow him Yang grabbed my shoulder and shook her head. "Give him some time to cool off." She said to me.

"Yeah, you're right," I replied, my voice tinged with worry. "I wonder what made him angry."

"There's one way to find out," she said as she gestured to a guy staring at where James went to.

I approached the guy cautiously, unsure of how he would respond to our intrusion into his thoughts. His eyes met mine with a curious expression, but there was a friendliness in his smile that put me somewhat at ease.

"Hey, sorry to bother you," I began tentatively, my voice tinged with nervousness.

"No bother at all," he replied, his tone reassuring.

Yang jumped into the conversation, her voice light but probing. "We couldn't help but notice you were looking at James. Do you know him?"

"Not really, he looked like he wanted to commit 13 war crimes, and I tried to help him not let his anger get the better of him." He said somewhat jokingly. 

The guy's comment caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but let out a surprised laugh. "Yeah, he does have that intense look sometimes," I admitted, a wry smile playing on my lips.

Yang chuckled beside me, nodding in agreement. "Definitely not someone you'd want to cross when he's in that mood."

"Do you know what caused it?" I asked him

The guy's smile softened as he glanced back towards where James had gone. "I don't know the circumstances, but him being a faunus and those two Schnee's over there seemed to have triggered something in him. Maybe there's some history between them." 

I frown slightly, and looked over at Yang, "Maybe it has something to do with that event 10 years ago, has he talk to you about it?"

Yang shook her head, her expression thoughtful. "No, he hasn't when it get  brought up, he quickly changes the subject or shuts down.  I'm going to guess the only ones who know anything are himself and maybe Mom, Summer, or Uncle Qrow."

The guy then spoke up, "Sounds like there's a lot he's keeping bottled up inside. He's going to need to talk to someone about it, or it'll just eat away at him." His tone was empathetic, showing genuine concern for James.

"Yeah, you're right," I agreed, feeling a pang of worry for James. "We'll have to find a way to get him to open up."

Yang nodded in agreement. "Definitely. Maybe we can talk to Mom or Uncle Qrow about it. They might have some insight into what happened."

The guy then had a realization, "I'm sorry, but where are my manners my name is Alcides Fujimaru."

(With a shirt, and regular pants)

"Nice to meet you, Alcides," I replied, offering him a small smile. "I'm Ruby, and this is my sister Yang. James is our cousin."  

"Ah, I see," Alcides nodded, acknowledging the connection. "It's a pleasure to meet both of you."

Yang offered him a friendly nod. "Likewise."

"Thanks again for trying to help James," I said, feeling grateful for his concern.

Alcides shrugged casually. "No problem at all. I know what it's like to let your anger control your actions."

"James seems to have a lot on his plate," I added, feeling a sense of camaraderie with Alcides. "It's good to know he has someone looking out for him."

Alcides smiled warmly. "Absolutely. We all need someone to lean on from time to time."

Yang nodded in agreement. "Well, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask. We're all in this together."

"Thanks, I appreciate that," Alcides replied, his expression sincere. "And the same goes for you. If you ever need someone to talk to or help with anything, I'll be here."

With that, the tension in the air seemed to ease slightly, replaced by a se

(Timeskip) (James POV):

The bullhead was about to land, I need to get far away from those two or I might do something I regret. 

Turning around, I saw one of the white-haired girls from earlier. Her expression was apologetic as she glanced up at me.

"Sorry about that," she said softly, her voice carrying a hint of nervousness.

I felt a surge of anger rising within me, but I quickly pushed it down, reminding myself to stay calm. "It's fine," I replied tersely, taking a step back to put some distance between us.

She hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Are you okay? You seemed... upset earlier."

"It was nothing." I said before turning away.

I don't like talking to people usually, and I prefer to keep my emotions to myself. Even if I was going to talk to someone it wouldn't be those two.

Having enough of this, I materialized the chaos emerald, and muttered "Chaos Control." 

In an instant, the world around me seemed to warp and distort, reality bending to my will as I transcended space and time. The familiar sensation of teleportation washed over me, a rush of exhilaration mingled with the weight of my troubled thoughts.

As the chaos energy dissipated, I found myself standing in front of Beacon Academy, the imposing structure looming before me. I looked around the area, before the others arrived and then made my way towards the auditorium.

I was wanting this day to be over as quick as possible, before I commit a murder or two.

Chapter End.

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