Crystal Heart || Ninjago x re...

By Starligt_galaxy

12.2K 460 1.7K

a crystal clear mind, a crystal heart and a lot of chaos. Running away from home wasn't the Smartest idea, no... More

A rocky start
A little heat
Rise of the snakes
Never trust a snake
Can of worms
The Snake King
Tik Tok ⏳
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
The Tale of Two Sisters
The Green Ninja
All of Nothing
The Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer
Darkness Shall Rise
Pirates vs. Ninja
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
Child's play
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
The Day Of The Last Voyage
Island of Darkness
The Last Hope
The return of the spinjitzu master
Tommorow comes today

The Stone Army

280 12 72
By Starligt_galaxy

Nya and (Y/n) were on the bridge of the bounty. The first was at the monitors too look for any trouble, while the latter was doing a handstand against the wall, trying to concetrate.

Suddenly an alarm goes, making (Y/n) snap out of her stand and fall onto the floor. Nya presses a few buttons and watches a message pop up into the screen.

"The museum is asking for help from the Ninja, let's go tell the other" Nya grabs (Y/n)'s hand and pulls her out the door.

The two slide down the anchor onto the roof, where the others were. "Hey, I have a mission for you guys. It's the Museum of Ninjago! They've asked for you guys! Something really strange has happened" Nya explains, running towards them with (Y/n) behind her.

"What?" Kai mutters out, confused.

"You're gonna have to see it to believe it" Nya replies.

The Ninja run off towards the museum. Lloyd hands Nya goggles and a bag that smelled digusting, before going after the others.

Nya was about to questioned what they were for, when the Ultra dragon lets out a roar. Making her realise that she was supposed to do with them.

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The Ninja, along with Sensei Wu rush into the museum. Walking through the open doors, they were met with the Curator of the museum.

"Oh, thank heavens you're here!" The Curator sighs in relief.

"We heard there was an emergency?" Sensei Wu asks him.

"Yes, come, come. Quickly, this way" The Curator leads them through the museum's halls "The Stone Warrior exhibit opens to the public tonight, and this couldn't have come at a worse time"

Kai raises his eyebrows "Uh, what couldn't have come at a worse time?"

"Ninjago City appreciates your help in destroying the Great Devourer some time back" The Curator explains, passing by two worker who were cleaning up some green liquid "But it appears its toxic venom has seeped into the city sewer system and has had the most unusual after-effect"

He opens the door to a random, small cries fly out. The room were filled with small four armed statues, moving around with screen eyes. They were pushing over vases that were in the room.

"The toxicity in the venom somehow brought our merchandise to life! They're so unruly. I just don't know who else to call!"

One of the statue launches itself towards Zane. (Y/n) was quick to pull out her staff and hit the tiny thing before it could reach her friend. It hits the wall and shatters into pieces.

"We've got this covered. I think we can handle a few toys" Jay reasures, waving his hand.

They walk in to the room as the Curator closes the door behind them "And please, could you contain the fighting to the gift shop? The doors to the new exhibit will be opening soon. Thank you"

Battle ensues, the statues throwing anything and everything they can at the Ninja. Luckily the brightly colored Ninja were able to get the upper-hand by using spinjitzu. Accidentally destroying the gift shop on the way

Sensei Wu notices one slipping out of the door, he quickly gives chase. He runs through the hallway, he finally catches up and stomps on the annoyance.

He pauses hearing a door open behind him, a familiar woman walking out of it.


Meanwhile the Ninja finally notice that their teacher had dissapeared. They walk out the door, looking for the old man.

Lloyd and (Y/n) walk a bit behind the others. Lloyd hesitantly reaches over and grabs the older girl's hand. (Y/n) gives it a soft squeeze and a comforting smile.

"So, uh, you gonna introduce us?"

They hear Jay's voice echo. Turning the corner they spot the Ninja standing infront of Sensei Wu and someone else.

"Uh, yes. This is Misako, Lloyd's mother" The Ninja gasp at Sensei's statement and turn to the mentioned Ninja.

" mother?" Lloyd mutters in surprise.

Misako approaches her son with open arms "Ah. Lloyd? My little boy. You're so much bigger than I remember"

Lloyd backs away from her "Yeah, well, it's been a long time" He mumbles, (Y/n) feels the grip on her hand tighten.

"I didn't want us to meet like this. I have a reason why I've been away" Misako tries to explains.

"Well, I don't wanna hear it" Lloyd storms off, dragging the crystal ninja with him. He loudly slams the door behind him.

"She abandons me for years and then she just show up out of nowhere" Lloyd rants.

(Y/n) frowns, thinking back to all the encounters she had with the boy before he joined the team and even the stories she heard from when he attended darkley.

Finally stopping, Lloyd sits down infront of a pit. Carefully, (Y/n) takes a seat to him. She felt a bit unease by the seeming bottomless hole, but ignores it as Lloyd's feeling were the priority right now.

They stay quiet for a bit, before it was broken by the sound of footsteps "I'd watch your step. That sinkhole doesn't have a bottom, son. It's where I found the ancient Stone Warrior" Misako's voice chimes.

"Uh, "son?" You've been gone my whole life! There's nothing you can say" Lloyd says angerly, not even turning his head to face his mother.

The Ninja and Sensei Wu walks in as Misako begins to explains.
"Well, I'm going to talk anyway. You wanna know what I've been doing all this time? Long before Sensei Wu ever knew who would be the Green Ninja, I knew it would be you. And I knew you would eventually have to fight your father. I dropped you off at the Boarding School so I could go learn everything I could about the prophecy, in hope of one day preventing the final battle. Of good and evil. All this time, son, I've been trying to save you and your father. Long before time had a name, Ninjago was created by the First Spinjitzu Master-"

"Yeah, yeah. We've heard this story a hundred times"

"But you've only heard half of it. In Ninjago, there has always been balance between good and evil. So you know about how the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago, but what if I were to tell you in order for there to be light, there must be shadow, and within shadow, there is darkness. The blackest of darkness that existed from the very beginning. An evil spirit called The Overlord"

"Would it kill you to say sorry?"


Misako was taken back by (Y/n)'s sudden remark, so were the others.

The crystal ninja stands up "You heard me. You leave him on his own, do you know much that does to a child. The explanation was nice, but this isn't about you, it's about Lloyd! You didn't say a single sorry, or it's my fault. Sensei was right there, but no, you were on your high horse. I just- ugh!" She lets out an annoyed noise, before stomping out of the room.

"Sorry about her, she's quite protective over Lloyd" Cole excuses her childhood best friend.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) strolls through the museum. She stops by a crowd that stood infront of something big covered by a blanket.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you this museum's greatest find. It outdates every other piece we have here, found right underneath this very building" The Curator annouces, he tugs on the blanket, letting it fall to the ground.

"I give you, an ancient Stone Samurai Warrior!" A statue of a Warrior with four arms, a sword in each one of them.

A drop Venom falls from the ceiling onto the statue. Slowly, the statue became alive, growling.

(Y/n) pulls out her staff and runs to stand infront of the crowd "Everyone, evacuate immediately!"

It didn't take too long for the civilians to do as she says and rush out of the door. The room was empty, only the huge Warrior and the crystal ninja left.

The Warrior swings two of its swords down towards the girl. (Y/n) holds up her staff to block them. Her knees begins bend as she struggles holding back the weight.

Suddenly it swings one of his lower swords against her side, making her fly away. Her form get flung to the other side of the room.

The sudden noise draws the others' attention, they turn just in time to see their teammate fly by. "(Y/n)!" The Ninja yell in unison.

They rush out the room to to see what was going on. Looking up, they find the awaken stone Warrior.

"WHOA!!!! EXCUSE ME?! Will somebody please tell me: WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!!" Jay exclaims, pointing at the creature.

"The Stone Warrior" Misako answers. As Lloyd rush over to (Y/n), to help her.

"The Devourer's venom has awakened him!" Zane speculates, sounding a bit terrified.

"Oh, great! Kai, take care of him" Cole commands his friend.

"Um, me?" Kai pulls down his good and grabs his sword "Okay, blockhead. Take this!"

He runs at the Stone Warrior, swinging his sword at it. The Warrior uses its swords to block the attack, making the fire ninja fly back "Well, in my mind's eye, I saw that playing out entirely differently" He say, as he sees his sword falls into pieces.

The Stone Warrior grabs him by the ankle, holding him up into the air "Whoa!"

"The Overlord created his Stone Army from an indestructible material only found on the Dark Island" Misako explains.

"Ah, great. You could've mentioned that earlier" Kai comments, before being thrown away by the thing holding him.

(Y/n) runs over and slides onto her knees, just in time to catch him before he could crash into a vase.

The boy sighs in relief, "Thanks, (Y/n)" he says, as the mentioned Ninja put him back onto his feet.

"No problem, I had a lot of practice" (Y/n) responds.

"Lloyd, use your powers" Sensei Wu orders. Lloyd steps forward, holding his hands togheter. He creates a energy beam and fires it at the Stone Warrior.

The Ninja cheer, before realising it didn't even give the Warrior a scratch. It mutters threats in a language they didn't understand.

"Wait a minute. How are we supposed to destroy this thing?" Cole questions, backing away.

Misako shakes her head "You can't"

The Warrior approaches, continuing the Mutter something in an unknown language.

Jay, Zane and Cole try to attack it but not with much luck. It kicks Cole away, making him fly off. Then Jay runs at it, it deflects his attack, making him fall onto his back.

The Stone Warrior raises its foot, about to crush the ginger. Jay rolls put of the way, just in time not to get crushed.

"Aaahh! Hehe, easy big guy, maybe this is a sign you need to lose a few pounds" Jay akwardly chuckles. The Stone Warrior swings his weapon at him, making him crash into Kai and (Y/n).

"Ow, my foot!"

"This is gonna be much harder than a bunch of bobble-heads, fellas" Cole mentions, rubbing his head in pain.

"Yeah, well, then it's a good thing we're in a museum" Jay remarks.

"Why is that?"

"Cause we're all about to become history! RUN!!!!!" Jay screams, as he and the others run through the museum. The Stone Warrior follow them on their tail.

They rush through a pair of door, trying shake him off. But it didn't slow the giant down, it burst easily through.

"The guy's got a pair of sneakers on him. Pick up the pace, go, go, go!" Lloyd yells to the others.

They reach a more open room, where to they run up the stairs. The group runs into a room, which the brightly colored Ninja close the doors of.

(Y/n) walks forward and makes crystals grow out of the floor to block the doors "That should buy us some time"

"Then let's settle this like men. With Rock, Paper, Clamp. Loser has to face him, so the rest can escape" Jay, Kai, Zane and Cole put their hands togheter in a circle.

Lloyd was about to join in, but was stopped by Jay "Nu-uh, not you, Chosen One"

"On three. One, two-"

"Wait a minute, that's it!" Lloyd interuppts Kai "If you guys can keep him busy, I think I know how to stop him"

"Alright" (Y/n) nods "I trust you"

The young Ninja spots a vent nearby and sprints towards it. He removes the cover and crawls in.

"Be careful, Lloyd. And good luck" Misako calls out to her son.

Lloyd smiles underneath his mask "Thanks, mom" He says, before dissapearing into the vent.

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Finally, the Stone Warrior breaks through the doors and crystal, finding that the Ninja had dissapeared.

Meanwhile the mentioned Ninja were on higher floor. Cole jumps onto a dinosaur skeleton that was hanging from the ceiling. He cuts the wires that were attached to it, before jumping back to the others

The skeleton plummet and fall onto the Stone Warrior, burrying it in bones.

"Whoa! Direct hit! Haha!" Jay cheers.

They, along with Sensei Wu and Misako slide down another skeleton and safely land on the ground.

"Hey-hey! Did we get him?"

Cole's question was answered by the Stone Warrior bursting out of the like of bones.

"He's still here!"

"You think Lloyd's ready with his plan?"

"I hope so!"

They escape out of the room. Misako trips over her own feet. Wu goes to help her, but she wraps herself up from the ground "I may not be a ninja, but I can look after myself"

She grabs onto a vertical hanging banner and slides down to the floor below. Sensei Wu and the Ninja follow suit.

(Y/n) Jumps down uses her powers to make a small crystal ramp to catch her.

"Show off" Kai comments, playfully rolling his eyes, while shaking his head.

To which the crystal ninja gives him a smirk.

Everyone, except Misako was thrown aside. The Stone Warrior jumps onto the ground, and chases after the woman.

Misako races through the hall, before hearing Lloyd call out to her. Her running comes to her halt as she turns her gaze aside, spotting her son.

"Lloyd!" She rushes over to him.

Soon, the Stone Warrior spots them and stomps into the room.

"Hey, loser! Paper beats rock!" Lloyd yells.

Angerly, the Warrior rushes at them. Lloyd grabs Misako and jumps out of the way. Just in time to dodge them giant's blade, and watch him fall into the now revealed bottomless pit.

"Of course, the bottomless pit" Misako pulls her son into an embrace "I'm so proud of you. I feel like the balance has brought us together"

The others had caught up. (Y/n) runs into the room as Misako lets go of the boy.

"Lloyd! Are you okay?" She asks concerned, flipping up her hood.

"Yeah, thanks" Lloyd responds, doing the same to reveal his blond hair.

"Stay with us. Help us fight the good fight" Sensei Wu offers his old friends.

"If that's okay with my son"

"Hey. The more, the merrier"

2563 words

First up, (Y/n) is going to to apologize to Misako in the next chapter. Since she was kinda an ass this chapter.

And second, all my accounts will go hiatus for the next two months, because of final exams. (I am thinking of rewriting a Rat's tale)

Since you won't be getting a chapter in a while. I will give you Ninjago color lore and extra bit (iykyk)

- Starlight 📒📚

(When I saw the video of color lore on my Fyp, I was surprised how much it matched the characters)

Jay huffs as he climbs up the long stairs of the Monastery, the older that recruited him was walking a few steps ahead.

Pushing the doors open, Sensei Wu leads the exhausted boy through the them. Jay's eyes widen as two shurkins fly infront of him, missing him by a hair.

"My apologies, I wasn't expecting anyone to come through" A somewhat monotone voice apologizes.

Looking over where it came from, Jay spots a guy that seemed about his age. He had icy blue eyes, very light blond hair and a black gi.

Meanwhile, Cole, who was hitting a punching bag looks over what was happening "I see you brought a new student" He walked over to the ginger.

Sensei Wu nods "Yes, Cole, this Jay. Jay, these are my students: Cole, Zane and... Where is-"

He was cut off by a door sliding open. Standing there was a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair, wearing a black gi similar to Zane and Cole. There was a bandage on her cheek. "I'm here, I had to finish something"

Jay's sight latches onto the girl, watching as the girls walk over to an empty spot. She sits down, moving her arms and legs to get into a meditation position.

"So, um, who is she?" He asks curiously, pointing at her. His eyes focused on her form, gliding over her features

"That is (Y/n), one of my first students" Sensei Wu explains.

"And my best friend" Cole cuts in.

Sensei clears his throat "Yes, that too. How about after you move your belongings into the sleeping area. You, along with the others will have some combat training"

He turns to Jay, only to find the young boy in a daze. The elderly man raises his hand infront of Jay's face, snapping his fingers.

"Huh, what? (L/c)...?" Jay mutters, his eyelids fluttering.

Sensei Wu shakes his head, not amused.

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"Let's keep it simple as it is Jay's first time. Cole and Zane, you two will be fighting against eachother. (Y/n), you will be battling Jay for today"

Zane and Cole stand infront of eachother, facing the other. The pull out their weapons, scyth and shurkins.

Jay and (Y/n) do the same. The (h/c)nette grabs her staff, spinning it around her form. Meanwhile Jay anxiously grabs a pair of nunchucks that was laying nearby.

"Begin!" Sensei Wu annouces.

The ginger tries to moves the nunchucks from hand to hand, trying to look cool. He was too distracted to notice (Y/n) has walked toward him, using her staff to swipe his leg.

He falls onto back, letting out a groan of pain. Jay runs his head, as he sits up. He notices (Y/n) pointing her staff at him.

"Grab it"

"Oh, right, thanks" Jay grabs onto it and pulls himself up. he akwardly chuckles "I guess he got a little distracted, my bad"

"Don't be too hard on yourself, its your first day after all" (Y/n) mumbles. She gives him a glance, before walking off to train on her own.

"That was quite the fall" Zane mentions, as he and Cole approaches Jay. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, everything is good. I'm not really good with fighting, I'm more of a tech guy"" Jay explains, scratches the bag of his neck. He couldn't help but let his gaze flicker back to the (h/c)nette from time to time.

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Later that night. Jay lays in his bed, staring up on the ceiling. It was almost quiet, the only exceptions being his own breathing and Cole's soft snores.

His ears perk when her taps on the roof. He carefully gets out of bed, creeping out the door. Once outside, he spots a figure sitting on the roof.

The Ninja climb onto one of pillars and onto the roof. He almost slips, but luckily was able to grab on. He sneaks over the top of the Monastery.

There was (Y/n), seated on the roof. She was looking up the stars, her gaze turns to him when she notices his arrival "Jay...what are you doing here?" She whispers.

"I was going to ask you the same" Jay takes a seat next to her, stretching his legs out "Why are you up so late, I don't think it's smart to be tired during training"

(Y/n) lets out a sigh "I haven't been able to get much sleep these days. It feels like someone has been watching me while I sleep, it gives me chills"

"Hey, Jay. I'm sorry for being so cold towards you. I never had much friends, I have trouble trusting others" She apologizes, frowning.

"Hey, It's alright. I didn't have any friend before, actually. I grew up in a pretty isolated, just me and my parents" Jay clears his throat "I want to ask you something?"


"Do you like the color blue?"

"It's not my favorite, but it's pretty nice"

"Yes" Jay pumps his fist. He realises his slip up, he lets out a sheepish laughs "Oh, that's cool"

(Y/n) couldn't help but let out a chuckle, knowing that things were going to be a lot more fun with him around.

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