The Discount Gamer (OC in Res...

Autorstwa D4V1D-01

637 22 4

We meet a young man named Jonah who was thrust into a world of dangerous viruses and infections by a mysterio... Więcej

Walk with the Dead
X Gonna give it to ya
Escape The City

Heart of the Undead

110 4 1
Autorstwa D4V1D-01

Our trio of Leon and Jonah and Zoey were searching for Ada and while looking they were suddenly under attack by that abomination that showed up once more looking more grotesque than last time.

Jonah: "Oh that is just not right"

Leon: "I knew you jinxed it"

Zoey: "Who's that? he looks ugly even by other Zombie standards"

Jonah grabs Zoey as him and Leon run out of the room with the creature chasing them as it moans and roars, Leon takes out a Flamethrower he found during their search down here and lights the abomination up as Jonah takes out his Shotgun and blasts the eye. Zoey meanwhile just stands there as she looks at them all.

Zoey: "Should I do something?"

Jonah: "Do you know how to shoot a gun?"

Zoey: "Uhhh....i don't know"

Jonah: "Is there anything you can do to assist?-"

He ducks under a swing from the creatures powerful right hand as he and Leon blast it more making it roar in rage and pain

[Gun Slinging Leveled Up! Lv 40 -> Lv 41]

The thing then backhands Leon away after he got too close and then charges at Jonah who narrowly jumps out of a blow that would have crushed and impaled him, the creature then spots Zoey and charges at her but before it can hit her Jonah notices and pushes Zoey out of the way as he gets hit instead and slams into a railing. Zoey looks at Jonah with confusion and then worry before glaring at the abomination. 

Zoey: "Hey! leave Sugar alone!" 

Zoey runs over and mimicking what Jonah did to her once when they fought last time she swings a right hook at the abomination and punches him...the punch has an amount of force that surprises everyone and sends the creature back with a little hole in it's body as it lets go of Jonah.

Jonah: "...That' sure your a zombie?"

Zoey: "I think so? all I did was hit him"

Leon: "Move!"

Leon had hit a button from a nearby machine that was sending a huge shipping container in their direction, Zoey grabs Jonah and quickly drags him away as Jonah tosses a flash bang back at the creature stunning it and keeping it in place as the shipping container smashes into it. The creature roars as it's knocked off the side and falls into the abyss...for a second time.

Jonah: "'s gonna be back"

Leon: "Jonah!"

Jonah: "I'm just calling it!"

Zoey moves over to Jonah and looks at him with confusion again but also concern

Zoey: "Why did you do that?"

Jonah: "Do what?"

Zoey: "Take the hit for me? I thought you didn't like me cause I want to eat you?"

Jonah: "Ah, well...I dunno...just instinct i guess?"

Leon: "Your instincts are terrible, she's a zombie and would have lived, you might not have!"

Jonah: "Uhh....yeah I got nothing, I was being stupid...sorry"

Zoey looks at him with a curious gaze before giggling

Zoey: "Your silly...I like silly"

Leon helps Jonah up as he applies some healing spray to him

Leon: "Wish I had your type of body, would be nice to heal that fast with some of this stuff"

They move out as they keep searching with Zoey glancing at Jonah now and then

Zoey: " what do you like?"

Jonah: "Eh? why do you ask?"

Zoey: "I dunno... I just wanted to ask"

Jonah looks at her curiously before thinking

Jonah: "Well... I like movies and video games and comics and guns and fighting and creating stuff-"

he talks about some of his interests as Zoey listens

Jonah: "-what about you?"

Zoey: "Uh...I forgot a lot of the stuff I use to like, I mainly just enjoy eating brains now and days or whatever"

Jonah: "I see... tell you what, as long as you don't try to eat me or another living person maybe after this is done I can help you find a new hobby to enjoy?"

Zoey: "Help me? really?"

Jonah: "Sure, as long as you behave I don't see why not"

He takes some flesh out of his inventory and hands it to her as she gladly accepts and snacks on it, as she eats she also looks at his face.

Zoey: "Thanks!" 

Jonah: "Don't chew with your mouth full"

She nods and smiles getting almost a sparkle in her red eyes as well, the trio eventually find their way into the room where Ada is.



They find Ada on the ground with a piece of glass stuck in her leg, Ada notices Zoey.

Ada: " that a-"

Jonah: "It's a long story, don't worry she's cool right now, trust us on this"

Ada ignores the currently non hostile but also not rotting looking zombie as she looks back at Leon

Ada: "I can't get it out"

Leon: "I don't know if I should-" 

Ada: "Just do it. I can't walk like this"

Leon rips the glass shard out and then gets a cloth and applies some stuff to her wound

Ada: "I can do it myself-"

Leon: "Just relax, Ok?"

Ada begrudgingly accepts and lets him help treat her inquiry as he then bandages her leg.

Leon: "So what do we do now?"

Ada: "...get yourselves out of here while you still can"

Leon: "We can't just leave you, not like this"

Ada: "You don't understand, the situation is worse than I thought."

Leon: "Your not getting rid of me that easy, you protected me so now it's my turn"

She pauses and lets out a barley noticeable smile that Jonah noticed

Ada: "Didn't realize we were keeping score..."

Leon helps her up

Leon: "Here, grab onto my shoulder"

Ada: "Don't push it Rookie"

Leon: "Ok, just trying to help"

They start moving as Ada limps with them following her

Ada: "you want to help? we have to get to the NEST"

Zoey: "NEST? like a birds?"

Ada rolls her eyes

Ada: "No, Umbrella's lab that's right beneath us, Annette let it slip when I confronted her earlier, that's where the virus samples are. Now... you up for this?"

Leon smirks as Jonah grins with him

Leon: "I think i can fit it into my schedule"

Jonah: "I'm ready to crack some heads"

Zoey: "Can I have the brains after?!"

Jonah: "Sure"

Ada looks at Zoey again

Ada: "Are you sure about... the girl by the way?"

Jonah: "I can vouch for her, long as we keep her feed she'll behave and I got some spare meat, trust me I wasn't too thrilled about her at first either cause she tried to eat me... but she's cool right now"

Ada: "...if you say so, Come on, we got work to do"

The group walks to a cable car that Ada says will take them to the lab, they chat as they walk with Ada mainly talking with Leon while Zoey innocently chimes in with Jonah mainly acknowledging her in conversation. Finally they get to the cable car and sit to rest as it goes down.

Leon: "...know what I was thinking? I can't wait for the FBI to raid Umbrellas headquarters and bring those *********** to Justice!"

Ada: "I agree, but to be clear you and Jonah are not working in official capacity. This is a Federal case and once we get the G-virus I'm back on my own"

Leon seems a bit disheartened by that

Ada: "Hey, Leon... Trust me?"

Leon: " you trust us?"

Ada: "Honestly if I didn't you'd probably be dead"

Leon/Jonah: "Right..."

Ada: "Look I thought I might need you help and I was right... if you both can secure the G-virus then I can make sure what happened in Racoon city never happens again"

Jonah: "Nice to know you admit our use"

Ada: "Must have been the highlight of your day I'm sure"

Jonah rolls his eyes at her sarcasm as Leon sits next to Ada

Leon: "Ada, you said yourself it's a Federal case-"

Ada: "-Leon, Look at me"

She gestures to her injured leg

Ada: "I'm a liability now, if I'm gonna finish this case then you and...Jonah...are the last hope I've got"

Jonah doesn't comment on how hard it sounded for her to say that he was also a last hope but he smirks

Leon: "I'm not just gonna leave you here, what if you get attacked or what if you need help or-"

Ada cuts Leon off as she cups his face with her hand and kisses his lips, Jonah watches this with a raised eyebrow while Zoey seems entranced by what they are doing.

Zoey: "....that's so sweet"

Ada finishes kissing Leon who seems a bit dazed

Ada: "I'll be fine, don't worry about me... both you and Jonah need to be there to find it more efficiently, I got to see this though and..."

She almost caresses Leon's leg as she lean close to him

Ada: "...I want to see you again, I got plenty to live for... trust me"

Computer voice: "Now arriving at NEST"

The cable car comes to a stop as they arrive

Ada: "Now go please, we don't have much time"

She takes off her band she was wearing and gives it to Leon

Ada: "Your gonna need this to get inside"

Leon: "...alright"

Leon and Jonah and Zoey move out as Ada stays behind for now

Ada: "Leon... I'm counting on you both"

Leon: "...I know"

Jonah and Zoey leave as Leon takes one last look at Ada before leaving, the trio make their way into the lab.

Jonah: "...well Leon, I didn't know you had that kind of Charisma on you"

Leon: "...didn't know she felt like that... maybe she still doesn't..."

Jonah: "Ah good so you noticed too?"

Leon: "I'm not an idiot... I just hope I'm wrong"

Jonah: "...I hope so too bud"

Zoey meanwhile is gushing a bit

Zoey: "It was so Romantic though~ you guys looked so nice together!"

She then looks at Jonah in his dark eyes and gets a look as she licks her lips, she tugs on his sleeve

Jonah: "Eh? did you want some more flesh again-"

She catches Jonah off guard when she grabs him and kisses him right on his lips, Leon watches in both surprise and some humor once he realizes what's happening. She ends up kissing him quite passionately for about a minute before she lets go as Jonah catches his breath with a flustered look.

Jonah: "...what was that?!"

She cups his face with both hands

Zoey: "I don't want your brain anymore"

Jonah: "...Thanks?"

Zoey: "I just want your heart now~"

She pecks him real quick as she lets go and walks on ahead smiling as she hums some tune to herself, Jonah is still frozen in place.

Leon: "Think she meant that literally or...."

Jonah: "...I...don't...what?"

Leon: "You ok?"

Jonah shakes his head as he look over at her

Jonah: "I... have conflicting feelings right now, she's obviously not normally in the head cause of what she is but... she seems genuine to a degree... also that was my first kiss"

Leon: "Oh... first kiss being a zombie huh?... if it makes you feel any better Ada was my first?"

Jonah: "...I... I'm just gonna put a pin in this for later"

Leon: "Good idea, So... how did it feel?"

Jonah: "...Cold, surprisingly soft though... also wet"

Leon: " least your body can't catch anything to keep you safe" 

Leon cringes a bit as they go follow Zoey and catch back up with her, the trio continues looking around the lab and doing some puzzles as they look for where the G-Sample is located. They run and hide and fight off some zombies along the way as the lab was crawling with undead, Zoey coming in handy with her impressive strength too.

Eventually they find themselves in an area that's overgrown with plant life and Jonah notices a door labeled "Armory"  

Jonah: "Hey what's this?"

They enter the room and notice it's empty with one specific spot looking like it should have had something there, Leon reads some notes that we're lying around.

Leon: "Huh, says a prototype Exo-Suit was being kept here"

Jonah: "But where is it then?"

Suddenly a hand breaks through the floor and grabs Jonah's leg before dragging him below to the next floor.

Leon: "JONAH!"

Zoey: "SUGAR!"

The figure that grabbed Jonah lands after a bit and then tosses Jonah into the wall, Jonah gets up and see's Michael Myers but... something was different.

Jonah: "....Ahhh I see where the exo suit went...oh crap"

Myers was now wearing some of the incomplete suit and had blades coming from the gauntlets on his arms 

(^ Like this but without the helmet and only the arms and legs and some of the back)

Jonah: "Well... looks like you finally upgraded from the kitchen knife, Michael"

Myers ready's the many arm blades as he walks towards Jonah with heavy footsteps, Jonah takes out his Tactical Shovel from his Inventory and gets ready. 

*Boss music*

Myers swings at him as Jonah parry's 4 attacks with his shovel before delivering a kick to Myers face. Michael then moves back with more swings as Jonah dodges or parry's them and then uses his free hand to shoot Myers with his 1911 Pistol, the two trade blows as Jonah uses his shovel to deflect the attacks and his gun to try and shoot Myers in his vulnerable parts. 

Jonah is able to do a clean sweep of Myers legs with the shovel but before he can capitalize Myers swings his arms as some of the blades on the gauntlets fire off like bullets as Jonah quickly parry's one while dodging the rest of the blades before they can hit. Jonah weaves a few more blade projectiles before shooting Myers in the jaw and then using the shovel to help vault himself as he drop kicks Myers. 

Myers falls on his back but quickly pushes himself back up as he fires some blades with Jonah doing a brief wall run Parkour and jumping off the wall before the blades hit as he decks Myers across the face with his shovel like a rocket jumping Solider from TF2 almost would. Myers fires the remainder of his blades as Jonah dodges one and parry's two, Jonah takes this chance to reload his gun quickly. 

Jonah: "Somethings different... compared to last time you have actual skill for fighting now... did you learn anything since then? already?... fast learner"

Michael activates the gauntlets he's wearing as a magnetic force begins pulling all the blades he previously fired back into the gauntlets, Jonah quickly jumps and dodges the returning blades that came from behind him. Jonah and Myers clash their weapons a few more times as Jonah shoots at his chest and sides before using the shovel to help grab his neck as he kicks Myers down, as Myers gets up Jonah jumps on top and tries to stab him in the face with the shovel while Myers holds him back. 

Jonah is able to shoot Myers in the eye blinding him in one side but then Myers is able to grab Jonah's hand and throw him off him before kicking Jonah into the wall, Myers walks over ready to finish him but gets shot in the head and stumbles as Leon arrives. Zoey also jumps in and elbow bash's Myers sending him flying into the other side of the room, Leon goes to help Jonah up.

Jonah: "Thanks, he was enough of a problem without the suit."

Leon: "Friend of yours?"

Jonah: "His name is Michael Myers, he's a serial killer from... an old news story I read about once, he tried to kill me back at the police station but now it seems he's somehow gotten here before us and found that Exo suit before we could"

Zoey then comes in flying and hits the wall next to the two, Jonah helps her back up as she shakes her head. 

Zoey: "Is he stronger? I handled him easier last time"

Jonah: "He's gotten an upgrade, we're gonna need to all work together on this... Leon! you keep at a distance and give cover fire while me and Zoey handle him more up close and personal, shoot him or something when you have openings for it"

Leon: "Got it"

Myers walks back over and both Jonah and Zoey charge him, Myers fires off more blades as Jonah doges and parry's them while Zoey starts punching him and denting the armor. Myers slashes at Zoey and cuts an arm off but she doesn't care as she clocks his face and then re-attaches her arm back on, Leon shoots at Myers from behind getting some shots in as Jonah then rocks his face with his shovel before using a flash bang to discombobulate him temporarily. 

Jonah then puts his shovel away as Zoey grabs Myers from behind and holds him in place for a bit while Jonah does some hand to hand combo's on him and beats Myers face and chest which are exposed. Myers has enough and head butts Zoey off him before kicking Jonah away, he fires more knifes as Jonah narrowly avoids them and Myers runs out of knifes again but before he can re-collect them Zoey grabs Myers and slams him into the floor as she beats his face in brutally. 

Jonah: "Time to field test the prototype"

Jonah takes out an odd looking chainsaw from his Inventory and rev's it up as he grins


Jonah charges Myers with his custom made sword and begins ferociously slashing at Myers, before Myers can react Zoey also pounds him from her side, Jonah and Zoey procced to double team jump Myers as they punch and slash and beat at the man leaving him more discombobulated. 

Leon also shoots Myers in the head a couple more times as Zoey gouges his other eye out before delivering a mean right hook to send him to his knee's, Jonah then slashes at his back cutting some of the important parts of the incomplete armor up shutting it down.

Jonah: "Hold him!"

Zoey and Leon both hold Myers down and keep him in place as Jonah ready's his Chainsaw Sword and then proceeds to slice and tear into Myers neck before finally cutting through his neck and taking Michael's head clean off! 

Jonah does one more swing slashing the body and sending it crashing down as Leon and Zoey let go and Jonah kicks Myers head away like a football. 


*Battle music ends*


Jonah hits his chest in pride before putting his chainsaw sword back in his inventory, he then takes out his phone and plays some music while dancing over the dead Myers. 

Leon raises an eyebrow but lets Jonah do his little celebration without interrupting, Zoey meanwhile joins in and does the dance with Jonah. Once they finally calm down Leon uses his flamethrower to burn the remains just to be safe and for good measure, after that they get a move on looking around the remaining areas. 

They find a room that had a recording of a man named William Birkins who was a scientist and husband of Annette, some men came in to take him in but one of them shot him despite another getting angry at that saying they needed him alive. The soldiers take the samples and dip while the camera cuts off, after the recording finishes Jonah looks around and finally finds the sample they seek as well as some notes. 

Jonah: "Huh...apparently there's two viruses, the G-Virus which is what infected the city but also this other one called the T-virus that was...oh wow, used to make things like that Mr X we encountered before. His kind are called Tyrants and are bio engineered soldiers or living weapons...Mr X is more like an organic robot that can't think for itself though which means someone sent him after us i think." 

Jonah then looks at the only remaining G-Virus sample and carefully plucks it out of it's container and puts the vial safe and secure in his Inventory. 

Jonah: "....huh, that was easy-"

Suddenly the lights go red

Speakers: "ALERT untheorized removal of a [level 4] Virus detected, facility lockdown initiated."

Leon: "......"

Jonah: "......"

Zoey: "....pretty lights" 

Speaker: "Self destruct sequence will begin when lockdown is complete" 

Leon: "LET'S MOVE!"

The trio quickly run back to the entrance of the lab to leave but right before they can reach the door the abomination they fought earlier returns for the 3rd time breaking through the roof and landing behind them.

Leon: "You again?!"

Jonah and Leon get their pistols out and Zoey clenches her fist but that's when Annette limps over from behind them holding an odd gun.

Annette: "Move! he's mine, this has to end."

She points the gun at the creature and fires a vial that hits the creature and splashes an unknown chemical substance all over the monster as it roars before it falls to it's knees.

Leon: "The hell's going on?"

Annette: "Sorry William... you left me no choice"

She shoots it again with more of that chemical as the monster roars and smokes before finally collapsing onto the floor as it stops moving.  Leon and Zoey look at the downed Monster as Jonah walks closer to the scientist. 

Jonah: "You called this thing William... it is him isn't it?"

She seems to hold back tired tears 

Annette: "It shouldn't have been like this... It's Umbrella's fault, this whole mess" 

Leon: "Your Umbrella too, you're telling me you weren't involved in this?"

Annette: "Yes... but we never meant for this to happen!"

Leon: "Then tell us everything, right from the start"

And so she did as she informed them that after the soldiers shot William and took the samples, in a last ditch effort to survive and to get revenge on the soldiers William injected himself with the G-Virus turning himself into the abomination that they were chased by this entire time. Annette had been trying to stop William and lay him to rest after the monster he became as he lost all sense of who he was. 

Leon: " you made this monster?"

Annette: "We made the G-virus but we never intended for this to happen-"

Leon: "-You can spin it anyway you want, but your still responsible" 

Before they can continue William gets back up with a roar as he grabs Annette and crushes some of her bones before tossing her into the wall, William then begins to mutate farther as he grows a second giant clawed arm on his body.

Zoey: "He's getting bigger! and pointier!"  

William slashes at Leon who dodges it as he and Jonah shoot at the monster, Annette crawls to a button and hits it as the platform the group is on with William begins to lower down. 

Jonah: "What are you doing?!"

Annette: "We can't let him get away!"

The platform lowers all the way as Leon and Jonah and Zoey get ready and William finishes mutating into his 3rd form. 

Jonah: "dude is a dragon ball character with the amount of forms he has"

Leon: "Alright, we end this here!"

Speakers: "Class A breach detected, Lab quarantined until target is neutralized" 

*Boss Music*

Jonah and Leon open fire as William charges them and they both move to the side as his arms come crashing down, they keep shooting as Zoey runs over and punches William in the gut making it double over, William then slashes at Zoey before grabbing her and throwing her across the arena. Jonah tosses a Grenade that blows and makes William roar in pain as Leon lights him up farther with the flamethrower. 

William picks up a fuel tank to toss but before he can throw it Jonah takes out his shotgun and shoots the tank making it blow up on him, Jonah takes the chance to blast William in his giant eyes making it roar in more pain and rage as Zoey runs back in and jumps on top of William as she beats his head before jumping off after William's extra hands tires to slash at her. 

After shooting all the eyes on his body William's chest opens up to show a lot of eye in a core of himself, Leon and Jonah unload their clips into the area damaging William greatly and making him roar louder, William heals and stands back up as more eyes spawn on his body. 

Jonah: "that's the strat! hit the eyes to make his core open and blast that"

Leon and Jonah reload as Zoey kicks William into the wall but then he punches her into the other side of the area, Leon shoots at William's weak spots while Jonah tosses a few more grenades to damage him farther before he takes his Chainsaw Sword back out.


With a battle cry Jonah charges in and ducks under a swing from William as he then jumps onto William's back and stabs the sword into him tearing away at his flesh, Jonah jumps off and parry's a swipe from William as he backs off. Leon then shoots the remaining eyes as Willian becomes vulnerable again and Zoey rips and tears and punches his core before doing a round house kick sending William crashing to the ground. 

Jonah: "Wait... did you copy my roundhouse kick?"

Zoey: "Yeah! did you like it?"

William gets back up with another roar and rosses a fuel tank at them as Zoey and Jonah jump out of the way as it blows, Leon shoots more as William back hands Leon to the ground, William tries to step on him but Leon is able to roll out of the way and move before William can stab him with his claws. 

Leon tosses a flash bang that discombobulates William as he shoots more of the eyes with Zoey coming in and drop kicking William into another fuel tank that blows and damages him more. Jonah jumps onto William's back and uses his Chainsaw sword to cut and tear though one of his extra arms taking it clean off, Jonah leaps off as William swings but the blow is blocked by Zoey who grabs the arm and spins William around before tossing him into another fuel canister. 

Leon: "Wow... she is strong"

Leon uses his flamethrower to burn William's severed arm just incase as Zoey grabs William's last extra arm and holds him while Jonah jumps on his back again and uses his Chainsaw Sword to slice and tear as he cuts through the last extra arm taking it off. Zoey pushes William into the wall as she starts giving him a 3 piece combo she picked up from Jonah before gut checking him as Jonah stabs into and tears at Williams face with the Chainsaw Sword. 

Leon: "Move!"

hey both jump away from William as Leon tosses one more flash bang to disorient him, Leon shoots the remaining eyes on the body as Zoey grabs William's arms and pulls a Chewbacca as she tears them clean off with a battle cry. William's core opens up once more as Jonah takes the chance to drive the Chainsaw Sword straight into it destroying William's chest while getting blood everywhere. 

[Fencing Leveled Up! Lv 38 -> Lv 39]

Jonah jumps back as William gets up and roars before smashing into a piece of the wall and tearing it down, Jonah tosses a Grenade while Leon tosses a flash back and both blast leave William dazed. Jonah puts his Chainsaw Sword away and takes out the shotgun again and blasts the eyes on William's front, Zoey also grabs William and smashes him into another wall before moving as Leon and Jonah blast at the eyes on his back. 

William having no arms still tries to charge them but Zoey shoulder tackles him before Upper cutting him into another fuel canister blowing it up on him as Jonah and Leon keep pumping him full of lead, Leon shoots the last of the eyes as once again the core opens.

Leon: "Finish it!"

Leon and Jonah both empty their guns into his core as Zoey tosses one more fuel canister for good measure and it blows against William sending him to the floor as he roars before going limp and collapsing. 

The trio pant as Jonah and Zoey are covered in blood

Jonah: "Definitely need to shower after this" 

Speakers: "Target has been neutralized, ending quarantine" 

*Boss Music ends* 

Zoey: "...HA! we did it!"

Zoey cheers as Jonah and Leon high five and then Zoey hugs Jonah a bit tight while swinging him around, after that small celebration the trio make their way up a lift back to where Annette is as they walk over to her, she is very injured.  

Leon: "That looks bad" 

Annette: "Feels worse believe me"

Leon: "Look, about what you said, I don't know how much I'm willing to believe but-"

Annette: "Just tell me you'll destroy that G sample!" 

Leon: "No, It's evidence, it's going to the FBI"

She coughs

Annette: "You trust that B****?"

Leon: "...what's that suppose to mean?"

Annette: "She's not FBI... She's a Mercenary, she's gonna sell it! The G-Virus is going to go to the highest bidder!" 

Leon: "That's Bullshit-"

Annette: "I hope your right... but if the G-Virus... gets into the wrong hands..."

Annette then passes out from the pain seemingly, the others look at her for a bit. 

Jonah: "...well I sure hope someone picks up that phone"

Zoey: "...what-"

Jonah: "Because I freaking CALLED IT! Knew I didn't like her for a reason, Cold Reading skill didn't fail me"

Leon: "I suspected something but... her being a mercenary? ...was money really all it was for?"

Jonah looks at Leon and frowns before putting his shoulder 

Jonah: "Well...we don't know for sure even if she is... lets go ask her, if it means anything I don't think she kissed you before only to manipulate you" 

Leon nods as he and Jonah and Zoey leave the room and head back to finding the exit so they can leave. Eventually the get back to the elevator and see Ada there as she gets the elevator ready to leave. 

Leon: "I was just thinking about you"

Ada: "That makes two of us, I was getting worried"

The base shakes as it's getting closer to the self destruct 

Leon: "You know we make a good team... but I got to ask you something"

The Trio walks across the bridge as Ada meets them on it

Ada: "The way's clear, please tell me you got it"

Jonah: "Oh we got it alright"

Ada: "Let me verify the G-Sample and we'll get the hell out of here"

She holds her hand out

Leon: "Before we do that... we ran into Annette, she claims your not FBI"

Ada gives a stare and seems to frown before shaking her head a bit

Ada: "Oh Leon... why couldn't you just hand over the sample?"

She takes her gun out and aims it at Leon as Jonah then takes his pistol out and aims at her

Leon: "Because I realized as much as I wanted to trust you... I didn't"

He takes out his gun as well and aims at her

Jonah: "I never trusted you tbh, might have been the personality when we first met but hey, I got good instincts for that... ironic enough I almost felt bad for being rude before, Oh and also your out numbered so we have the advantage" 

Ada: "...I really hoped it wouldn't end up like this"

Leon: "So that's all this was? we-I was just some pawn to you?"

Ada: "Look I'm just doing my job-"

Leon: "-And I'm doing mine so drop that damn gun!"

Jonah: "We're taking you in!"

Zoey: "Yeah! ...where are we taking her?"

Ada: "Hand over the sample! I don't wanna hurt you Leon... Jonah I'd be fine with though"

Jonah: "Fair enough, feelings mutual" 

The part of the bridge behind them collapses 

Leon then thinks before lowering his gun as Jonah gives him a "What are you doing?" look

Leon: "Then you shoot me... but I don't think you can"

Ada pauses and seems to think before she does lower her gun, Jonah pauses before lowering his too. Suddenly a shot rings out as a bullet hits Ada in her shoulder and the trio look behind them to see Annette still clinging to life by a hair with a smoking gun in her hand. 

The bridge starts to collapse more as Ada and Zoey almost fall off, Leon grabs Ada and Jonah quickly grabs Zoey before either falls. 

Annette: "..No one gets that sample now..."

Annette finally falls over and dies, Leon and Jonah hold onto the respective women their hanging onto,

Ada: "Leon"

Leon: "Hold on! I think I can-"

The bridge starts to collapse more and is falling apart 

Zoey: "Sugar?"

Jonah: "Hang on Zoey! I'll hoist you up"

Ada looks down and then looks back up at Leon

Ada: "Forget it-"

Leon: "-Shut up! I've got you!"

Ada: "It's not worth it"

She says in a calming voice to him 

Leon: "...Don't do this"

Ada: "...take care of yourself Leon too Jonah"

Leon can't keep a grip anymore as she slips out of his hand and falls into the abyss

Leon: "NO!"

Jonah starts to slide off

Jonah: "Leon! HELP!"

Leon quickly grabs Jonah and helps pull both him and Zoey back up before either can fall as they get off the bridge before the rest collapses. Leon takes a moment to breath and tears up a bit even as he looks down.

Jonah: "I'm sorry Leon, but we need to move now! lab is gonna blow in maybe 10 minutes!" 

Leon nods as they run into the elevator and the trio take it down, they pass by the reactor core which definitely seems unstable. Finally they get to their destination and step out into a room that appears to be the security room with live feed of the place, they spot a familiar face on one of the cameras.

Leon: "Who's that?"

Jonah realizes and turns on the mic for the camera

Jonah: "Claire!"

Zoey: "Claire?" 

Claire hears Jonah over the speaker near her

Claire: "Jonah? your down here too?! is Leon there?"

Leon: "Yeah I am! surprised to see you here as well, but the whole place is coming down!"

Jonah: "Listen Claire, you need to get out and fast!"

Claire: "Yeah, I found a way out... we can make it! Where are you both now?"

The feed begins to break

Leon: "Claire! are you still there?"

Claire: "Leon? your breaking up"

Jonah: "Forget about us and get out of here!"

The feed breaks and communication stops 

Leon: "Damn it!"

Jonah: "Let's hope she gets out, for now we need to move! lets GO!"

Zoey: "I don't wanna explode so I agree!"

Leon nods as they all quickly make their way out of the room to head for the exit to escape before they blow, it's a race to escape before destruction now.

*To be Continued* 


In an alternate timeline where the outbreak didn't happen and Leon got to become a Police Officer and make friends with the others.  

Czytaj Dalej

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