Let's Recelebrate - Book 2 (a...

By InthenameofJoshDun

5.8K 1.1K 922

Now that Josh reconnected with Tyler again, and he was finally allowing Josh to become his friend, Josh final... More

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151 25 25
By InthenameofJoshDun


New chappieeee

Almost forgot to upload again 🥲 I work at the office every Friday which isn't the best moment to upload lol but I'm trying not to forget!!

Can't waaaait for the new song next week!! Hopefully it'll be the beginning of the week, fingers crossed 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Please enjoy this chapter! Thank you for all the likes. Some of the last ones have 30 likes and it makes me so happy!! Please keep it coming ♥️

Enjoy this quite long chapter please, and do let me know what you think ♥️

Word count: 3990


Josh's heart was slightly broken at the words. No, not him. Someone like him. Tyler wanted someone like Josh. But not Josh.

"Anyways", Tyler then sighed softly. "...I'm still not really tired", he said as he pressed a kiss on top of Josh's curls. "Maybe we can... wait are you tired?" He then asked Josh. "Little bit", Josh softly said, wanting to ignore the ache in his chest and the negative thoughts seeping into his brain. He tried to push them away as best as he could.

"Oh then we can go sleep, let's just go sleep then", Tyler said. "N-no, no", Josh shook his head. "If you aren't tired yet we don't have to, 'cause I'm not very tired", Josh said. "Just a little." "Are you sure?" Tyler asked. Josh nodded with a hum. "...okay, yeah, okay", Tyler replied. He hugged Josh tightly for a moment. "What were you thinking of?" Josh asked. "I thought maybe we could... dunno, watch something or play a game", he said. "I remember you really like games", Josh said. "I... did, yeah", Tyler said. "Thought I haven't... haven't done it in a really long time", he added.

"Why?" Josh asked. "You seemed to be pretty passionate about them." "Yeah that's the issue", Tyler sighed softly. "Was spending time on that instead of writing music which was a problem", he said. Josh frowned. "Why? You can't work all the time", he said. Tyler shrugged softly. "I don't know... I can?" He said. "Wh- no, no you need time to relax too, time to take it easy and calm down and have fun", Josh said. "You need something to relieve your stress and let you step away from your constant work 'cause if not, you're gonna overwork yourself", he said as he sat up slightly to look at Tyler. "Plus you always really loved it! Why would you stop doing something you really love?" He asked.

Tyler didn't reply, instead he looked out the window. "...William and David told me it was a waste of time and it made me lazy and unproductive. Both said I should focus on music instead", he said.

"Wh- oh every time you mention their names, they just get worse", Josh muttered. "You can't just work twenty-four seven! No one should work that much. You have to have something to relief stress and release your tension to! Didn't you said David was fully dependent on you? He wasn't even working at all when he was with you! But he had the audacity to tell you that gaming once in a while would make you lazy?! What a fucking dickhead", Josh said. "He was the one who was a lazy fuck! Honestly that's probably why he kept telling you that. So you'd be too exhausted to ever doubt his intentions", Josh said.

"But- but there's truth to what they said", Tyler said. "Only if you'd be spending your time gaming 95% of the time yeah", Josh said. "And you'd be doing so 365 days of the year, every year", Josh said. "But you never did! Your entire life is music, touring, photo shoots, video shoots, interviews, festivals, playing concerts, socializing with people from the industry, meetings, brainstorms, writing sessions, working in the studio, that's all you do", Josh said. "Every day. You barely got any time off ever since you started, especially since you got so successful so quickly", he said. "Then there's one thing you like to do besides making music, something that you said relieves your stress, and they tell you that would make you lazy?! Absolutely fucking not. That pisses me off", Josh said.

"I... kinda like when you're pissed off", Tyler said with a soft laugh, and that made Josh blush as he stopped talking. "Sorry, not the right moment", he apologized as he saw Josh slump a little. "No it- it's fine", Josh said. Tyler smiled softly as he leaned closer so he could pull Josh into his arms again. "I just like when you... stand up for me", he said. "Even though they're not actually here right now - thank God they're not - it just... means a lot", Tyler said. "...and it's kinda hot", he said, and Josh rolled his eyes with a blush as he pushed Tyler away by pushing against his chest, and Tyler laughed gently.

"I'm here being dead serious and you're just laughing", Josh said. "Sorry, I'm sorry", Tyler said as he grabbed Josh's hand. "...it's just hard hearing everything you say, so I tend to... try and focus on the positive things about it, like seeing you get angry for me, which is kind of nice", he said. "But hearing and realizing how much they tried to change me and push me and force me to do these things just so they could profit off of it... fucking sucks, y'know", he said with a chuckle. "So that's why."

Josh sighed softly, then he moved closer as he wrapped his arms around Tyler's neck as he hugged him tightly. "I get it, I'm sorry", Josh said softly. "They never deserved you, they were so unworthy of you. You're incredible Ty, and they tried to use that to their advantage by trying to bring you down, instead of lifting you up and wanting to see you succeed on your own and together with them, to see you thrive, be the best version of yourself. It hurts me too to know they only had bad intentions", Josh said.

Tyler hugged Josh tightly as he closed his eyes. He pressed soft kisses against Josh's arm. "Thank you J", Tyler whispered. "Luckily I was able to get rid of them and gain you instead", he said. "Don't leave me 'kay", he softly added. "Never, Ty", Josh whispered. "Not unless you want me to." "I don't want you to", Tyler said. "Never will. Just want you be close to me, always."

They held each other for a while and Josh pressed a soft kiss atop of Tyler's hair. "...so do you want to do it? Wanna play your game for a while?" He asked. "We'd have to go back to the living room for that. Would be too much of a hassle, you're kind of tired, we should just stay", Tyler said.

"No, no, c'mon", Josh gently said as he let go of Tyler and he got up, grabbing Tyler's hands in the meantime, guiding Tyler on to his feet as well. "I'll go with you, I'm not tired enough to fall asleep", he said. "J..." Tyler trailed. "I'm sure, you don't have to ask if I am", Josh giggled and Tyler smiled softly. "C'mere", he said as he embraced Josh and he pressed a firm kiss on his forehead. He pulled back but his hands moved to rest in Josh's neck. Their eyes locked and Josh held his breath. Then Tyler kissed Josh's lips softly, briefly. It left Josh speechless - everything Tyler did left him speechless.

"Uh- let- let's go then", Josh softly said. Tyler smiled as he nodded. He let go of Josh's neck but grabbed Josh's hand and Josh guided Tyler out the bedroom and back into the living room, once again interrupting Snickers who let out an annoyed sound. They couldn't help but giggle when they heard it.

"What're you gonna play?" Josh asked as they settled on the couch with a drink. "Uhm... I don't know", Tyler said. "Do you wanna do something together?" He asked. "No no, I'll watch. I'm not tired enough to sleep but I'm a bit too tired to really focus on playing myself. And I'm not really good at it anyways, I've never really done it much", he said. Tyler hummed. "Uhm... I- I think I'll play Breath of the Wild", he said. "The Zelda game?" Josh asked. Tyler nodded. "I know Steve's got it too. My own switch isn't here", Tyler said. "I can use my account on Steve's switch and start a new game", he said.

"Did you finish that game already?" Josh asked. "A few times", Tyler said as he loaded the game. "But I can play it a million times and still love it."

"Didn't they make a sequel or something? I heard something like that", Josh said. "Yeah, Tears of the Kingdom. But I don't have that one, not yet, because... well, you know why", Tyler said. "I just told you." Josh hummed as Tyler said so. He knew why; because of Tyler's exes discouraging him from playing any games. And it came out while Tyler was with one of them.

"You should treat yourself and get it", Josh said. "I think you absolutely deserve that." Tyler smiled at that. "Maybe I will", he said. "But not tonight. Maybe... maybe tomorrow, we'll see", he said.

Josh watched the intro with Tyler, then the intro was over and the controls were handed to the player - Tyler, in this case. Tyler immediately started playing as he knew where everything in the beginning was. He was gliding through the menus and through the game easily and effortlessly and it was so obvious that Tyler was doing something he loved again. Something he hadn't done in a long time but as soon as Tyler picked it back up, it felt natural again. It made Josh smile as he saw Tyler play.

Tyler explained some things about the game and the story but he didn't wanna fully spoil it. Josh eagerly listened, as he loves it when Tyler was geeking out about things like this game. It made him smile, made his chest feel warm and the butterflies in his stomach fluttered. He loved it.

After a while, Josh's eyelids were getting heavier. "Wanna smoke a little bit? Like, two, three drags? It'll give you the best sleep of your life", Tyler said. Josh looked up. "Really?" He asked. Tyler nodded with a hum. "C'mon", he smiled. They got up to go outside and Tyler lit the joint, taking a few drags himself before he passed it to Josh, who'd forgotten how warm and burn-ey it felt the first few times. It made him grimace slightly. It made Tyler smile.

Tyler wrapped his arm around Josh's neck loosely as he took the joint from Josh again. Josh was quickly starting to become more cuddly again, and he wrapped both arms around Tyler from the side as he hugged him, closing his eyes. Tyler pressed a few kisses on Josh's face, then they shared a soft kiss. Tyler wanted to say he loved Josh, but he didn't wanna make him feel pressured to say it back every time. He'd noticed Josh's blushes and sometimes struggles when Tyler said it. So he didn't.

"You look pretty", he said instead. It made Josh smile as he tightened his arms around Tyler's body. "And you're so soft and cuddly and I love it."

"Can we cuddle on the couch?" Josh asked. Tyler checked the time. "It's 4 AM, you don't wanna go to bed?" He asked. Josh shook his head no. "You play your game and I watch and we cuddle", Josh smiled. Tyler couldn't help but smile too. "Alright baby, absolutely."

Tyler finished the smoke and they went back inside. They settled back on the couch and Josh curled up to Tyler. His head was on Tyler's chest as he watched the game with hooded, tired eyes.

Josh kept shuffling a little uncomfortably though, until Tyler pulled his leg up to rest it on the couch and lay back. Josh took that opportunity to slide in between Tyler's legs, cuddling up to him properly now as he could rest his head on Tyler's chest and wrap his arms around Tyler's torso. That's exactly what he did. He was now basically on his tummy, in between Tyler's legs and on top of him. Tyler wrapped his arms around Josh, who was occupying his entire torso now, and he pressed a kiss on Josh's hair as he rested his hands with the controller on Josh's back. Josh turned his head to the left to watch the screen.

The silence was comforting, and Josh felt more domestic than ever as the game's music sounded in the background softly. His eyes were closing before he opened them again, several times, until he couldn't hold on anymore and he dozed off to sleep.


Steve and Lucas made their way downstairs, humming a song as they had woken up. Lucas walked in front of Steve as they got downstairs.

"Ohhh Sniiiiick-" Steve started, but Lucas raised his eyebrows and then he turned around, quickly pushing his hand over Steve's mouth, shutting him up. It made Steve frown in confusion. "Shhh", Lucas softly whispered. "Look", he added softly. He lowered his hand and grabbed Steve's, guiding him closer to the living room where they found Tyler and Josh on the couch, both asleep.

Tyler was laying on the couch on his back, still, his head resting against some pillows. His legs were slightly spread and Josh was curled up in between, his leg tangled with Tyler's. Josh's torso was resting - on his front - on Tyler's stomach to somewhere high up his legs. Josh's arms were still wrapped around Tyler's torso as the side of his head rested on Tyler's chest. Tyler's arms were around Josh too, cuddling him close. They saw Tyler's controller next to Josh, as if Tyler had dozed off and dropped the controller when he fell asleep. Their eyes were closed and they slept softly, hearing soft breaths coming from both of them. Steve and Lucas' heart fully melted at the sight of the boys having found their way into each other's arms this way, in such a way that they were completely tangled up to each other. They both loved it.

"Let's be quiet, let them sleep", Lucas whispered and Steve nodded. "Let me check when they were still awake", he said. "You're gonna spy on them?!" Lucas whisper-yelled. "No, silly! Jesus", Steve chuckled very softly. "Just wanna check the last time proper movement was detected. I'm not watching security cams or whatever", Steve chuckled. "Oh", Lucas blushed softly. "Right, that- that's fine", he said. "Then we know how long we need to let them sleep", Steve replied and Lucas hummed.

"...around 4:30 AM", Steve said. "Oh jeez", Lucas replied. "They stayed up a long time." "But they ended up extremely adorably", Steve smiled. "I'm so glad Tyler's finally letting him in", Lucas smiled at his soulmate. "Looks like he was playing a game", he said. "Finally", Steve hummed.

"Let's stay quiet and have some cereal outside okay? I don't wanna wake them", Lucas replied softly and Steve agreed. They grabbed the ingredients and made their way to the balcony, closing the door behind them. They had breakfast together and stayed there for a while, when Steve got an invitation from Gabe to meet up later. Steve said he would, and they decided to meet up in three hours.

As time passed, they stayed on the balcony for as long as possible before they had to go inside again because they were literally doing nothing at all but waiting for the other two to wake up. So they quietly opened the door, went back inside, and as Lucas wanted to clean up a few things from last night he bumped into one of the shelves in the living room, causing it to make an awful sound and Lucas flinched. He held his breath as his eyes darted to look at Josh and Tyler, and he let out a soft huff as he saw that it had woken up Tyler, which Lucas hadn't meant to do.

Tyler's eyes flickered open slowly, then closing again as his arms tightened around Josh, then he opened his eyes again more. Lucas saw how Tyler was processing his whereabouts; he wasn't in bed, he was on the couch. Josh was on top of him, asleep. And Lucas was standing there, smiling sheepishly.

"Morning sunshine", Lucas said softly. Tyler smiled as he closed his eyes. "Hi", he whispered softly. "You and Joshie fell asleep here last night? You were up late hm?" Lucas asked. "I guess so, yeah", Tyler smiled softly. "He's... cuddly."

"He looks cuddly", Lucas said with a soft laugh. "And you two look adorable. Tyler rolled his eyes with a soft smile. "Whatever", he said. Lucas gave him a knowing look.

Josh stirred slightly and he also tightened his arms around Tyler as he let out a soft huff. He squinted his eyes close as he hugged Tyler tighter. It made Tyler smile. "G'morning baby", Tyler said softly. "Hi Joshie, love", Lucas said. Josh opened his eyes with a yawn and Tyler died of cuteness as he saw the boy wake up and yawn. He thought it was absolutely adorable, and it made him smile wider.

Josh's eyes met Tyler's, then he raised his eyebrows slightly as he realized the position they were in. "Oh- oh my god", Josh muttered as he wanted to push himself up and off, but Tyler didn't let him. "Nuh uh", he said as he pulled Josh closer to his chest again. "Not ready to get up just yet", he said. Josh looked up at Tyler with blushing cheeks as he let himself be hugged closer to Tyler again.

"Take your time", Lucas smiled. "You're cute so stay like that as long as you want", Lucas said with a smile. It made Josh blush deeper. "I'll go make you two sleepy heads some coffee", Lucas said as he got up.

"Did- did we fall asleep like- like this?" Josh asked. "Mhm", Tyler hummed. "Stayed on the couch all night", he said. "I didn't think we would but once you drifted off to sleep, I started feeling the tiredness too and before I could bring myself to get up, wake you up and go to the bedroom... I fell asleep too", Tyler said. "Oh", Josh blushed.

"Did you sleep okay baby?" Tyler asked. "Can imagine being on top of me like this isn't the most comfortable position." "No I- I actually slept great", Josh blushed. It made Tyler smile. "That's perfect. So did I", he said.

"Hi babies", Steve said as he saw they were awake. "I love you both but I have to ask... what happened to staying mainly sober last night?" He asked. "What d'you mean?" Tyler asked. "You know what I mean", Steve chuckled as he held up the remainders of the joint that he'd found in the ash tray outside. "Oh, right", Tyler said with a chuckle. "Uhm well... We were talking about it and Joshie here was a bit curious to try and I felt more comfortable letting him try it for the first time with me than someone else because I know what it's like... so I figured we'd do it", Tyler said.

"So you came up with the idea?" Steve asked. "Yea-", Tyler started. "No you weren't", Josh softly said. "I- I was", he muttered. He knew Tyler was saying otherwise to protect Josh. "I- I'm sorry", Josh softly said.

"No, oh no J don't be", Steve said. "It's all good, if you enjoyed it and don't regret it then you did nothing wrong! Really, I don't mind. And I agree with Tyler, I'd rather have you try it for the first time with him than with someone else", he said.

"...and were you two good boys when you did?" Lucas asked with a quirked eyebrow. "Er...", Tyler trailed with a soft blush. "Oh good god", Lucas muttered. Josh buried his blushing face into Tyler's chest. Tyler laughed softly. "We just kissed a bit, and we cuddled. That's it", he said. "Mhm", Lucas hummed as he narrowed his eyes. "I'm keeping an eye on you", he said. Tyler chuckled. "Fine", he said.

Steve and Lucas let them be and Tyler pressed a soft kiss on Josh's forehead. "How you feeling J?" Tyler asked. "...any regrets at all?" His voice was soft, low as he spoke, so it was just between him and Josh. Josh shook his head no, blushing slightly. "D-definintely not", he replied. Tyler smiled. "That makes me so relieved", Tyler said as he hugged Josh tightly. "I don't regret it either. Was just really scared that you would", he said. "But I'm so glad to know you don't and we're still okay", Tyler said. "Now we really gotta stop doing that though", he chuckled. "Can't believe we let ourselves go again."

Josh blushed. He absolutely wished it wouldn't stop, but he could never really tell Tyler that. He couldn't say to him oh hey, actually, can we keep grinding on each other until we are so turned on we can barely keep ourselves from cumming? No, he absolutely could not do that. In no world or alternate universe would Josh be able to say that to Tyler. He had to live with the fact that it was over now, he had his chance to do it those things with Tyler one more time last night and they made sure to enjoy it. But they promised they'd take a step back and Josh even went so far to say it would be their last time doing that together. So he was kind of to blame for that himself, too.

He did notice that waking up on top of Tyler, in his arms, as Tyler kept him close and kissed his forehead... it helped. It helped Josh make feel less awkward. Also because they had done this two nights ago too and then the previous morning they were able to survive and discuss everything and know they were on the same level, so this was less hard than what Josh had feared for.

He strangely felt quite at ease. Tyler felt safe. Even after the things that happened last night that were racing through Josh's brain, he still felt at ease somehow. He shouldn't think of it too much and too long, because then it would get to his head, but for now... Josh was doing okay. Strangely. But gladly.

"Can we stay like this for a while longer?" Tyler asked as he gently ran his fingertips through Josh's messy sleepy curls. Josh nodded, smiling softly as he did. Tyler returned it as he grabbed his controller and he turned on his switch, continuing the game that he'd had to quit yesterday when he got too tired.

Josh settled back into Tyler's chest, his arms wrapping around Tyler more again as he rested his head on his chest. He pressed the softest kiss on Tyler's chest mindlessly, an it made Tyler smile. The weight of Tyler's hands holding the game controller, resting on Josh's back, felt grounding and safe. He felt so much urge to tell Tyler he loved him, but he never would. Because he didn't. He just had a crush on him and that was all.

...or so Josh told himself.


Ahhh mannnn they do be v cute 

What did you thiiink? I love fluff so much 😭 it's so cute to me imagining them falling asleep like that & Joshie just watching Tyler play games for hours. They make me weaaaak

Would love to hear what you thought of this one ♥️ please do let me know or leave a like & I'll see you Monday!! Happy weekend ♥️

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