The Dragon and the Rose // Ae...

By 01elissa

4.5K 243 9

Viserra Targaryen was born with death. With her birth causing the death of her mother Queen Alicent Viserra h... More

Cast and Characters
Act I: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Act 2: Chapter 21

Chapter 22

65 2 0
By 01elissa

Viserra ignored the pungent smell of Flea Bottom. Surrounded by nearly a dozen gold cloaks she refrained from passing comment. How could she? These men spent their whole days in the worst part of the city with little complaint it would be selfish of her to whine after only a few weeks of infrequent visits

She'd been delivering food and other goods to the local orphanages and had been reading to the little children. For the first time in a while Viserra felt good. It felt good to be doing something meaningful. To help someone. It also didn't hurt to make a few new different sort of allies. Ones whom she could trust outside the Keep. 

"You should return home soon Princess. The streets become a terrible place after dark.". Her associate and spy Maryse said to her. 

Viserra had found Maryse outside a pleasure house in early hours of the morning when she had come to deliver food to the city for the very first time. The woman had seemed kind enough, she'd helped Viserra and even kept her company during her visits. Although her presence seemed to irritate Aemond for some reason.

Aemond always came with her for the visits. First he said it was out of boredom but then Aemond told her that it was unsafe for her to go alone.

"I won't be alone. I'll have guards with me at all times. Grandfather would never let me go if he wasn't sure of my safety you know that.". She had told him the night before her first visit. When he barged into her chambers demanding that he accompany her. 

"Guards can become craven in a second when faced with true adversity. I do not trust any of them. Not with you.". Aemond had said to her, a little desperately. 

Viserra smiled touching her lip at the memory. He could be so very gallant sometimes. 

"The prince is staring princess" Maryse smiled and said. "Is he?" she asked a blush forming on her face. 

"He has not taken his eye off of you" the girl said excitedly. She rarely saw such affection between people. 

"Because he is here to protect me, it is his job" she said. She needed to remind herself not to get too entranced with Aemond Targaryen. 

"Come let us go inside" she commanded. 

Soon enough Viserra sat inside the 'hall' of the orphanage. The little smiling faces of the children surrounded her in a sea of little heads of black, brown and golden. 

The septa who ran the place sat beside her introducing her to the children. Gods they were so small. Some of them had soot stains all over their faces. Others had scars and other mutilations. How could the Gods be so cruel to ones so innocent. 

"The princess is going to read you a story" the septa announced. Viserra looked up to see other common folk gathered outside the gates of the orphanage. She winced at that. She did wish for such fanfare to be made. 

The septa handed her a worn out, thin book Viserra ran her hands along its spine smiling softly and the familiar crinkle of the pages of a book she'd read nearly a thousand times before. 

"Tales of Aegon's Conquest and the glory of Visenya and Rhaenys" Viserra said raising her voice slightly. Just as she opened her mouth to begin a cry went through the room. 

Some of the children gasped and turned to the source of the sound. Aemond was at her side immediately. His fingers ghosting her elbow lightly. 

Viserra stood up and walked to the source. "Viserra" Aemond warned, so softly nobody else could hear him. She ignored him and sat down staring sweetly at the crying child. 

"What's your name sweetling?" she asked gently. The boy's cries seemed to settle at the calm tone of her voice. 

"P-Pyp princess" he said tears falling across his dangerously pale face. Viserra noted how thin and frail and boy seemed. "How old are you Pyp?" she asked smoothing his rough and dirty hair softly. "Twelve since my last name day". Viserra was surprised, the boy did not seem twelve at all. With his frail and tiny body he could not have seemed more than eight name days at least. 

She tried to look away from the gaping space where the boy's left arm ought to have been. There was a poorly bandaged green and yellow spotted cloth covering the wound on his shoulder. Viserra knew that pheasant folk's lives were arduous and rough but she did not expect to see such horror in children too. 

Viserra suddenly felt nauseous but quelled it down. How could she be so selfish. All those nights she cried and cut herself wallowing in her own baseless misery while children younger than her were suffering so. 

"Pyp, why don't you come and help me read to your other friends" she suggested, trying to invoke any bit of excitement into her voice. 

"What a wondrous idea!" the septa said in a shrill voice. 

Viserra smiled and held the boy's remaining hand gently pulling him towards the center of the makeshift stage. 

Viserra sat on a low stool taking Pyp onto his lap. The other children excitedly whispered among themselves. It had been so many years since a Targaryen princess had interacted with Flea Bottom. Likely not since the days of Queen Alyssane.

Pyp whimpered clutching her hair in one hand putting his face onto her shoulder. Viserra stroked the back of his head with one hand and opened the first page of the book with her other. Soon she raised her voice so they all could hear her. 

"In the year one AC, Aegon the Conqueror and his sister-wives Visenya and Rhaenys landed upon the shores of what we now call King's Landing..."

After she'd finished Viserra insisted on meeting with every single child there. There were about sixty or so, so she knew it'd take a long time. 

Aemond came beside her once more, they spoke briefly about all this. Viserra was rather upset when her grandfather told her that Aegon needed to be at the forefront of all this. Why should her wasted, drunk of a brother get to take credit for her work. She'd been planning this for years and all Aegon did was lounge around outside while she toiled for the Realm. But she'd bitten her tongue and accepted it as it was. If Aegon was to be king he needed the favor of the Small Folk. 

"This may take awhile Aemond. You can go if you like." she said breezily. Every time she spoke to Aemond her mind drifted back to that day in the library. Her and him, being so close like that. It felt sinful yet sweet. 

"I will not leave until you do" Aemond said firmly. He looked exceptionally handsome today. A dark leather coat that was near black, but if one looked closely which Viserra did, they could tell it was actually a very deep green. 

"They want me to meet all the children" she said in a small voice. 

"Do you not wish to?" Aemond "Viserra say the word and we can stop this, head home.". He sounded so sincere it made Viserra smile. 

"It's not that. I...these children have suffered so much. It hurts to see it. I'm to ashamed to meet their eyes." she admitted. 

He placed a hand on her wrist, drawing her gaze to his remaining eye "You are not responsible for their suffering Viserra. If anything you're lifting their spirits from their mundane lives.". 

"We are their overlords, their suffering should have been our first priority. Not silly tourney's and balls. We are complicit in this city's decrepitude.". Viserra said. She watched little Pyp laugh excitedly with his friends. He was so happy. Such a sweet and innocent child. 

"It's fine I shall continue." she stated turning away and instead walking to the septa who'd welcomes her earlier. 

"Sorry for the commotion princess. When the rest o' the city heard one of you Targaryen girls came to see the children they wanted to see too.". 

Viserra turned back to see the gold cloaks pushing back throngs of people, farmers, bakers, steel-smiths and other away from the entrance. This was good. The more people saw what they were doing the better, although it did not improve Viserra's mood. 

"Is there anything the Crown can do to help you?" she asked. Hoping there was something, anything. 

The septa sighed "Perhaps more funds for better housing princess. There's four children to a bed. Since Prince Daemon left the streets have become more dangerous, whores found dead, men who drink get into petty squabbles. Too little faith.". Viserra nodded she'd bring these issues up at the next small council meeting. 

"What about the children?" she asked. The septa hesitated. "Speak freely, I am here to help.". 

"Well there's no need princess." she said nervously. "What can you mean?" 

"Look around princess. Most of these children are lucky to have lived this long, most of em will die this winter. The ones that survive will take jobs, the girls might go about the way of silks, the boys might be lucky, get a job near the harbor.". 

"But" Viserra said her brows scrunching in concern "But what about the City Watch? Surely some of boys could join. And the girls could work as maids in the Keep or as Septa's?"

"Princess...perhaps you don't know. The City Watch doesn't take green boys anymore, says their order shan't be tainted by untrained men and thieves. And the girls could they afford the trip to Oldtown? And no offence my lady girl with sense about her would want to work in the Red Keep.". 

"What's wrong with the Red Keep?" Viserra said slightly irritated. 

"N-nothing of course my lady. It's just well, Prince Aegon. He scares the girls. They see him sometimes when he returns home from the city in the morn. Say he's stumbling around looking for someone to take back with him.". 

Viserra was extremely confused "I...forgive me I do not understand? My brother ventures into the City yes I am aware but he is by no means frightening. Could you tell me more?" but something told Viserra this was a nasty tale. 

"It'd be best if I did not Princess" the septa said meekly. Viserra wanted to question her further, but there were too many prying eyes. She did not trust the gold cloaks fully and she knew how dangerous the small folk could be if aroused. She'd figure it out eventually. 

Viserra did not reply and moved to where the children were bunched together, like a swarm of bees buzzing for honey. 

The septa came beside her and introduced her to each child. Viserra tried to hold back a gag as she looked at each and every poor thing. 

A girl, Maletta had, had her tongue ripped out by a man who stole her father's gold before slitting his throat. Another boy had a ghastly case of pox so Viserra could not even hold his hand. The boy had smiled at her though teeth wide and grinning. 

"Now I'll die knowing I met a real princess!" he said cheerily, but Viserra only felt like throwing up more. 

Every child she met had a tragic story, or some sort of horror that had befallen them. The sheer hope they had it made her want to cry. She thought of those dark nights where she sat beneath her bedsheets cradling a shard of broken glass like it would fix everything, fix her. 

Viserra had never suffered in the way these children had but that did not lessen her suffering did it? In a way she understood them, their plight better than most nobles could. 

But thinking about the scars plainly hidden beneath the long, draping sleeves of her dress only made her feel sicker. Suddenly it seemed as though the whole room was spinning. Viserra felt the sweat across her brow more vividly. She felt outside her own body yet glued to the ground at the same time. 

She closed her eyes, welcoming the hurt before a cool pair of hands gripped her elbows and dragged her to a cooler spot. 

"Viserra" Aemond said sharply, his voice alone willing her to open her eyes. 

"Sorry. I'm sorry I can't" she said discordantly. The words stumbled out of her, she felt tears coating her eyes. 

"What changed?" he asked, softer than before wiping away a stray tear. 

"The girl. The-the one with the black hair, two men forced her to watch her mother be killed. They...they assaulted her after. Pyp...he, he lost an arm because of the place he worked no longer was safe. And that little girl over there" she said pointing in the general direction "she starved for three days before her brother stole a wheel of cheese for her. They sent him to the Wall for that. He was nine.". 

Aemond listened patiently, soothing her "I just...I feel like a fraud. I came here under the pretense to help but I'm taking advantage of them. I'm just like grandfather. Using their pain for my own goals.". 

"I'm sick. I'm a monster. I'm a gods forsaken monster." she moaned. 

Aemond shushed her, held her close. He placed one hand on the back of her head soothing her with a few gentle words. 

"Come now, you've done enough for today. Let's go home" he said softly. 

This time Viserra did not argue. 

Later in the evening, Viserra sat in her steaming hot bath, the comforting scent of rose oil filling the air. Viserra looked down at her scars in both horror and shame. 

She thought she had known suffering. But after everything she'd seen these last few weeks she'd realized just how privileged she was. 

Her fingers itched to pick at them. But she refrained. There were scratches and lines marring most of her arms. And very high up on her thighs. But it did not matter anyway who would ever see them?

She stepped out slowly wrapping herself in a warm green velvet cloak. Her wet hair tumbled down her back, soaking the back of her robe. She shivered a little at the cold contact, normally she'd send for Nadia to help her dry her hair but Nadia was still angry at her and Viserra did not have the patience for her antics. 

Viserra walked into her chambers, picking up her latest book before settling into her seat next to the window. She gazed outside her window looking at the city that lay outside. 

Lights danced across the night, torches were lit and if she listened closely Viserra could pretend she even heard laughter in that dismal place. She thought again of what the septa had said. Four children to a bed. She glanced back at her own bed, it could easily fit five people, the warm blankets and the silk pillows adorning it. 

I will set things right. 

She leaned back onto the window, closing her eyes to the world. Until she heard her door open, Viserra sat upright immediately eyes widening in surprise as Aemond entered her chambers once more. 

He came in fully dressed, as if it were the middle of the door leaning against the door frame casually. "How are you?" 

"Fine. Like the last time you asked. Only a few hours ago I might add" she said jokingly. 

He sighed "Perhaps I just wanted an excuse to talk to you" he grinned right at her, his eye filled with a glimmer of mischief. 

"You don't need an excuse" she said calmly flicking her eyes to him before quickly reverting them to her book. Before, Viserra would chase after Aemond like a dog begging for scraps. Now she wanted him to chase after her

"I believe I do though. The fair lady prefers ink and parchment to my face it would seem.". He gave her that infernal smirk of his. Gods was he infuriating. Viserra maintained her cool as her grandfather taught her. She would play this game just as well as the others. 

Aemond's pov

He smirked at her, hoping to gauge some sort of reaction but...nothing. Not even a pretty blush like she had in the library that day. He thought of that day increasingly now. His sweet Viserra seemed to have perfected the courtiers face. 

Her face revealed nothing except a small flicker of amusement. Aemond's eye traveled over her figure. She'd certainly matured over the last two years. Her hair was far longer, coming down to her elbows now. But she'd become wraith thin and paler than before. Normally the easy grin and the quick blush that use to dazzle across her face were rarer to see now. She was more reserved. Aemond recalled his mother was often the same. For some reason he did not want that for Viserra. 

Aemond approached her, he reached her at her window in three strides. Viserra looked up at him, for he was much taller than she was, her eyes rising in surprise. Finally, he thought. 

"W-what are you doing?" she asked adamantly, but Aemond only smiled back as he wordlessly slid to his knees placing his hands on either side of her. 

He watched Viserra freeze, her neck and cheeks flushing red while she took a sharp breath. 

"Do I have my lady's attention now?" he questioned, his voice barely above a whisper. 

Then as if a battle was being waged within her Viserra finally ground out a "Yes" though her voice sounded breathy and uneven. 

"How is the book?" he asked her casually as if they were sitting on a bench somewhere in the gardens. 

"Lovely" she said. Though her voice was even Aemond could hear the tremor in it, the thought it thrilled him more than he cared to admit. 

"You were exceptional today" he said softly, he meant it too. What Viserra had done for the children in Flea Bottom went beyond what most highborn had accomplished in years. 

Viserra smiled down at him sweetly "It was the honorable thing to do. As rulers our responsibility is to the people.". 

Aemond did not knew how such virtue in a person was possible. How could someone be so giving. It perplexed him, Viserra and Helaena were nothing like the rest of their family. They carried no hatred, or jealousy or any evil. Just good. 

"You would make a wonderful queen" he said without thinking. Aemond wanted to hit himself when he saw how Viserra frowned. 

"Our sister is the heir. She will become queen" They both knew the underlying truth but neither voiced it, for fear that the rats might catch wind. 

After a beat Aemond replied "Right". He switched tack. 

"Anyway, I came here to ask you about that friend of yours" Aemond said. "The whore" he clarified at her confused look. 

"Maryse you mean. Yes what of her?" she asked carefully. Aemond knew he needed to be careful. Viserra did not know of Aegon's...behaviors. He did not want to spoil her view of their elder brother and it was far to sinister to tell someone like Viserra. 

Helaena had the poor luck of being Aegon's wife so she knew but she would never voice against it. Aemond felt so damned sorry for her it killed him. 

"You should be careful around her. I understand you consider her a friend but you cannot trust that she is not selling you out to some third source.". 

Viserra scoffed in annoyance "Of course. All of you seem to think I am incapable of looking after myself. I am no longer some child that needs coddling. Maryse is a good girl she's a loyal ally and a good friend. She knows more honor than half the court.". 

"Vi I didn't mean to anger you I just want you to be careful tis all.".

"Thank you for your concern Aemond" she said briskly, before standing up abruptly and walking away to her desk where several papers lay. Many were offers of betrothals and invitations from several houses across the Realm. At first Viserra had been overjoyed to receive them, but now they merely felt like additional problems for her to deal with. 

Viserra's pov

She heard Aemond sigh behind her, Viserra could almost see the tension coiled in his shoulders. 

"How have you been otherwise?" he asked casually. 

"You speak as though we haven't met in a while" she replied calmly. "I haven't seen you in a while though have I. Either you're on official business for the Crown or you're off with some lord or lady.". Viserra's irritation only grew at his tone. 

"I am a princess, it is my duty to entertain certain people. And my business for the crown is what keeps the people happy with us. You know as well as I do that father's health is deteriorating and since Rhaenyra isn't here to solve her people's problems it falls upon mine and grandfather's shoulder.". 

Viserra knew she was getting more temperamental these days. Perhaps she needed to eat more. 

You do not deserve that luxury. A petulant voice hissed in her head. She turned around to face Aemond, only to find his face in astonishment.

"What?" she asked expectantly. 

"I have never heard you say anything ill towards Rhaenyra" Aemond said his voice sounding faraway. That was what he was concerned about?

"I am not wrong though am I? Her indiscretions have shamed our House and her bastards spit in the face of everything father has given her. Why are you suddenly defending her?"

At that she saw his face twist in anger. Viserra hesitated. Though Aemond could be charming he was quick to anger and hardly ever forgave. "Defending her?" he said moving closer towards her "Her son Lucerys ripped out my eye and was never punished. She threatened to have me tortured and that went unpunished too or have you forgotten? You were the one who defended me dear sister.". 

"So you are allowed to say whatever you wish yet I cannot? How is that fair brother" she replied with equal venom. If Aemond wanted to be cruel than she could return the favor just as well. 

Aemond stalked even closer to her, Viserra craned her neck upward to look at him. Though she would never admit it Viserra adored how Aemond smelled, of leather and spice. It was warm and comforting and for some reason it made her feel ever at ease. 

He backed her up into the wall and placed a finger under her chin drawing it upward to meet his remaining eye. It was now where Viserra understood why some people found Aemond as intimidating as they did. 

"You do this little thing with you're tongue. It's you voice that talks yet all I hear are the Hand's words. Like a bird you repeat what he says like a diligent little girl. Where's the fiery girl who would interrupt a Small Council meeting to speak her piece. Where's the girl who risked her life during a storm to save a man's life? The one who would berate me for saying even one word against her dear sister.". 

His other hand came to her waist and Viserra forgot how to breathe entirely. She felt a blush creep up her neck. This was vastly inappropriate, if anyone walked in or if anyone even listened she would be ruined. 

"The last of my fire went out when my dragon disappeared" she said coldly, batting his hand away from her neck she she dared not to address where his other hand lay. 

"Viserra"  he said, his voice softening in understanding. "That was not your fault, you needn't feel upset over it. I'm sorry darling, perhaps I am being too cruel to you. I only wish to see you happy"

"Even though I killed our mother" she said her own voice now sounding weak. She felt Aemond freeze all over. His eyes closing in grief.

"That." he ground out "Was...also not your fault.". Viserra felt sorry for him. He wanted to comfort her but one could not lie effectively unless one believed the lie themselves. 

"The day you say that to me, without sounding like a sword is being held to your throat is the day I shall know you have forgiven me for this crime that is not of mine own hand.". 

Viserra broke away from him. Any longer they stayed so close Viserra was half afraid she might have kissed him. 

"Viserra I-" he began. 

"You must leave now Aemond. The longer you stay the more improper this becomes I do not wish for Tristane to become concerned." she said with an air of finality that allowed no room for discussion. 

Aemond took this hint well enough he began to walk towards the door. He turned around just as it opened casting her one last long look "Sweet dreams my lovely rose" he said before turning away and walking out. 

His rose? That was new. 

As soon as the door shut once more Viserra began to breathe heavy. These little meetings with Aemond were making her feel a strange sort of feeling. A sense of unsettlement in her stomach that was either from pleasure or fear. Though she could not yet tell which one. 

Viserra sat herself down onto her chair looking over her table full of letters. The most recent being from Jason Lannister. Viserra looked upon it with derision knowing full well what lay within it. 

She sighed tossing the letter aside for now, instead picking a slight pin and pricking the flesh of her arm. She breathed out in relief and anguish as she felt the pain. Once. That was all she allowed herself in a night. She looked down at her arms, covered in ill-healed scars from pieces of glass and other pins. Sometimes Viserra liked to stare at her scars for a while, as if somehow they took her away from this wretched place. And for a moment, perhaps they did. 

What the princess did not know was that a careful set of eyes watched her every move now and before when the older prince was with her. Eyes that spoke to another. Eyes that were shocked and delighted at the sinful display upon here. Such valuable information would fetch a high price from the right party. The only questions was whom. 

Sooooo I'm back. So sorry for the delay I didn't realize it has been over a month since my last update. I have been working on the War of the Five Queens so it's been taking up a lot of my time also school work is drowning me :((( Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter things should be picking up from here on our since I realized how sloe we've been going. Still there's a loooong way to go before we reach the start of the Dance so hang in there plsss. Also things are getting...interesting with Vi and Aemond. I'm gonna be tryna focus on their dynamic a bit more now since it's time for the angst and mutual pining to begin. 

And abt the changing povs. I try to make the narrative very consistent but sometimes I will write the same scene from two different perspectives js to create more tension between characters. 

Apart from that again I hope ya'll enjoyed this one, plss plss plss leave a comment/vote if u did it's so motivating to the writing process. And that's all from me so byeeeee. 

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