me and you - isaac garcia

By baddbiddie420

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SLOW BURN, ENEMIES TO LOVERS - isaac garcia x oc when y/n and jackie howard are forced to move from new york... More

part one: prologue
part two: first impressions
part three: the first day
part four: not okay
part five: heartthrob and detention
part six: baths and nerf wars
part seven: painting fashion
part eight: huddle up
part nine: missing teapots
part ten: sisters
part eleven: camp walter
part twelve: getting somewhere
part thirteen: hopeful deliveries
part fourteen: thankfully baking
part fifteen: here for now
part sixteen: sun and moon
part seventeen: bonfire
part eighteen: drama talking
part nineteen: bickering rumors
part twenty: unexpected events
part twenty one: make ups
part twenty three: getting artsy
part twenty four: playful ceremonies
part twenty five: hockey gardens
part twenty six: fighting orchards
part twenty seven: carnivals and concerts
part twenty eight: all smiles
part twenty nine: happier now
part thirty: summer at last

part twenty two: mud-ball fight

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By baddbiddie420

Dinner was delicious. I mean, at least that's what you'd assume after seeing almost everyone grab seconds and maybe thirds.

Growing up in a hispanic household, while also being hispanic myself, we didn't really eat as much Americanized foods as often as we did with the Walters. I did miss my mom's tamales, and her sopes, and — oh my, gosh! — her quesabirrias!

Okay, maybe I did miss her food more than I care to admit, but I do enjoy the food here in Colorado. It was different, but Katherine and George were amazing cooks and Will's pot roast was amazing.

If only I could enjoy it just a bit more.

Instead of enjoying the conversation and food in front of me, I was constantly checking my phone.

Where is she?

"Y/n, you okay?"

I looked up at Alex, who was looking at me from the other side of the table. I mustered up a smile, "I'm fine. It's just that Jackie went on her run and I thought she'd be back by now. I mean, dinner's almost over."

"I'm sure she's fine. Jackie's probably just taking the long way. I mean, she does like her runs." he said jokingly.

I forced out a laugh but something wasn't sitting right with me still.

Jackie never missed my calls and she never failed to text back. It was odd that she hadn't been back yet either. She told me she'd be back forty minutes ago...

"Where are you going?" Cole asked as I stood from the table. I shook my head.

"Nowhere. Just gonna try and call Jackie again."

"Call her? Why, where is she?"

"She went on a run and she's still not back yet. I just wanna make sure she's okay and back before it starts raining." I replied, waving him off, "It's fine though. I'll be back."

And with that, I took my plate and headed to the kitchen. The first thing I did was place the dirty dish into the sink, but I was interrupted when the phone rang.

I wiped my hands and went to grab it, "Hello?"

"Y/n?" Jackie's voice chimed in through the call.

"Jackie?" I furrowed my brows, "I was just about to call you. Why are you calling from the landline? And why haven't you been picking up your phone? And why aren't you home yet?"

"Jeez, slow down, Y/n." she said, "I'm fine I just, uh, lost signal."

"You lost signal so you called the landline?" I questioned, "Why didn't you just call me?"

"Well I was, but I also wanted to check if this was, uh...the right number for the landline still." she replied, but her voice sounded unsure.

"The right number? Why would it be any other number?"

"Oh, you know, the whole cycle of phone numbers. Out with the old, in with the new. Am I right?"

She laughed nervously over the line and the line between my eyebrows only increased.

"Okay...well then what does that have to do with you being late? Nathan's already here and dinner's almost over." I leaned against the doorframe.

"He is? Oh my, gosh, I missed it!"

"Yeah, you did." I nodded, "But why?"

"Um, I just decided to take the — scenic route?"

Again she sounded as if she was lying, and I knew something was off.

I sighed heavily, "Okay, J, tell me what's wrong or I'll personally strangle you if you don't."

"Nothing's wrong." she assured me, laughing nervously again.


"Okay, fine." she said. A moment passed and she spoke slowly now, "Don't freak out, okay? But the reason I haven't been home is because I'm, uh, lost."

"You're what?" I exclaimed.

"Don't freak out! I promise I'm okay!"

"Jackie, a storm's coming and you're lost somewhere in the woods probably. How am I not supposed to freak out?"

"I'm fine, nothing's going to happen to me."

"I'm gonna go out and find you."

"Don't! I don't want you to get lost either."

"Okay well then I'll tell Cole or someone to come with me."

"No! Do not call Cole!" she quickly exclaimed.

"Y/n, are you okay?"

I jumped, whirling around to see Cole at the island. He grinned, looking at me.

"No need to jump or anything. I promise I'm not Isaac."

"Who's that talking? Is it Cole?" Jackie asked over the line.

I lowered my voice, whispering back, "Yeah."

"Who are you on the phone with?" Cole asked as he went to serve (probably) his third plate.

"Don't tell him it's me!"

"Er — No one! Just a friend." I said quickly, pulling on a nervous smile. He looked up at me and gave me a weird look.

"Which friend?"

"Um, just someone from back home in New York. You wouldn't know them."

"Oh really?" he quirked a brow and set his plate on the counter, "And does your friend have a name?"

"She does actually. It's, uh...Margaret."

"What are you doing?" Jackie asked.

"Improvising." I muttered back.

"Oh cool. Can I talk to her?"

"No!" I said quickly, then cleared my throat. I smiled nervously, "Sorry, but no, you can't. Her parents have a strict no boys policy. I really wouldn't wanna get her in trouble."

"Aw, really?"

"Really, really." I nodded.

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind just a quick hello though, right?" he said, walking over to me.

"Um, I'm pretty sure they would! They're really strict."

"But how strict can they really be?"

He asked, taking the phone from my hand. I snatched it back.

"Cole, you really shouldn't-"

"But it's just really quick-"

"But her parents-"

"Just a quick hi-"


And before I knew it, Cole had snatched the phone away from me and had somehow pulled me into a headlock. I squirmed under his hold as he finally pulled the phone to his ear.

"Hello? Oh, Jackie!" he said, giving me a look. I waited for them as they started going back and forth in a conversation.

"Don't move. I'll be there as soon as I can." he said, just before hanging up the phone. He released me, grabbing his keys.

"Hang on. What are you doing?"

"What does it look like? I'm going to go get her." he answered.

"Well hang on then, I'm coming with you."

"No you're not."

"The hell I'm not. That's my sister out there. I need to make sure she's safe."

"And with me she will be. Y/n, it's gonna start raining soon and it'll be a lot faster if it's just me."

I gave him a hard look before finally let go, "Fine. But you better be back in at least an hour."

"I'll be back sooner."

It was a long day, that's for sure. Jackie being lost only made it seem that much longer.

I waited in the kitchen by myself for the two of them to come home. The rest of the Walters had gone to play games and watch movies in the living room as I sat by myself on the kitchen counter, scrolling aimlessly on my phone.

As I sat there, I suddenly felt something flick my forehead.

"Ow!" I looked up as I rubbed my head, seeing Isaac across the counter from me. He snickered at my reaction, turning to the fridge.

"You're too easy, Converse." he said. I scowled, rolling my eyes as I ignored him to go on my phone again.

In my peripheral vision I could see him pouring himself some juice and taking long drinks of it. After awhile he said, "Oh come on. Now you're giving me the silent treatment?"

I didn't say anything still and he continued, "Is this about what happened with Danny?"

No answer again.

He sighed dramatically, "Oh come on, Converse, do you really think it was that big of a deal?"


"You know this could really be my big theater break."


"I could be the next Hamilton."


"Aw come on, we just made up!"

It was at this that I finally let out a laugh, unable to contain it any longer. I looked at him and he was smiling back at me.

"See, I knew you couldn't be mad."

I shook my head, "No I'm still mad. What you did was messed up, even for you."

"Okay, look, I'm sorry. When I did it I didn't even think I would get the role."

"Still, you shouldn't have even auditioned to begin with."

"I know, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." he said.

I shrugged, "Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Danny."

He nodded and for a moment, the two of us were quiet. It was times like this that sometimes it surprised me how odd our dynamic was. One minute we were fighting uncontrollably, the next we were quiet and peaceful and at times we were spilling our hearts out to each other.

It was...weird.

As we're sitting there though, the front door opens and in comes Jackie and Cole, soaking wet.

"Oh my, God." I gasp, rushing to pull Jackie into a hug, despite her wet clothes, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Y/n." she says as I held her face to inspect her.

I looked at Cole, "Thank you so much. You really didn't need to."

"It was no problem." Cole shook his head. When I looked at him though, his face was hard and he was staring at Jackie. I looked at Jackie, who had a blank look on her face as she stared at the ground.

I furrowed my brows, "Are you guys okay?"

"We're fine." Jackie answered. Cole nodded with a clenched jaw.

"Yeah, we're perfectly fine."

I gave them suspicious looks but decide not to push anything. One of them will tell me eventually.

I looked at Jackie again, "Okay then, well just go take a shower so you don't get sick. I'll warm you a plate."

She nods before casting Cole a glance and then heading upstairs. Cole stared after her briefly before he looks at us.

"I'm gonna go to work on my truck. I'll come in later."

It was at this that Isaac spoke up, "You're gonna go back out there? Its pouring outside."

"I think I'll manage." Cole mustered a smile as he walked past us and to the side door to go outside.

And just like that, it was me and Isaac alone again.

We were quiet, letting the silence linger. Finally, Isaac spoke, "Those two are probably worse than us."

I looked at him and he was already looking at me when I said, "Tell me about it."

"Lee did what?" Nathan repeated as he sat on top of my bed.

"Yeah, he did." Jackie nodded from her bed.

"And after that Jackie decided to be a track star and run all the way to the lobby and take off." I sent my sister a look as I was putting away my clean laundry.

Jackie glared at me in return and Nathan looked at her too, "Wait, so that's why you guys didn't visit me? Because of what Lee said?"

Jackie and I both nodded in agreement and she said, "Well, after that we just kinda had it in our heads that, you know, we didn't belong. We just thought it wasn't our place to go and visit you."

Nathan scoffed, shaking his head, "Guys, I'm so sorry. Lee is a jerk for saying that when he knows it's not true."

Jackie and I smiled softly at that as he continued, "Honestly, when you guys didn't come with everyone else to visit me, I thought I had done something. I thought you guys were mad at me or something."

Jackie shook her head, "No! No, no, no. We could never be mad at you. I honestly thought you'd be mad at me for not going on that run with you."

"What?" he exclaimed, "How could you think I'd be mad at you for that? You had nothing to do with the whole situation at all."

They both fell silent, probably processing what was just said. I looked at them from the doorway of our closet and sighed, "Look, we all messed up just a little, I don't think it's anyone fault if we did. We just gotta remember to communicate and know that it should take a lot more than just Lee's words to cause all this drama."

Jackie and Nathan both laughed at this, smiling at each other.

It felt so good to have Nathan back at home. A part of me did feel bad for not going to visit, knowing that he thought we were mad at him the whole time. But now that everything was cleared, it felt so good to have our talks with him and get to laugh and joke around.

It was safe to say that he was indeed mine and Jackie's favorite Walter.

For the most part.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door followed by it opening, "Guys! Are you all in here?"

I turned to see Benny at the door.

"Yeah, Benny, what's wrong?" Jackie asked, sitting up in bed.

"Nothing but you guys are missing the storm." he said, leaning against the door and swinging on it.

"What do you mean missing the storm?" I scrunched my nose, "We could see it perfectly clear from the window."

"No but you guys have to come and see it outside." he insisted, going to grab my hand. I furrowed my brows.

"Wait, Benny-"

"No, come on! Come on, come on, come on!" he insisted, pulling me out the door. I gave Nathan and Jackie a weird look as they both jumped up to follow us.

Benny dragged me all the way down the stairs and pulled open the front door. It wasn't windy, which was nice, but the rain pouring down did nothing to keep us warm. The ground was soggy and there was most definitely mud somewhere in those puddles.

Yet all the Walters, except for Katherine and George, were sitting out on the porch.

"Finally you guys join us out here." Alex said, jumping out of his seat to stand beside Jackie.

"Yeah, what are you guys doing out here?"

"And why are we outside in the cold?" I exclaimed, shivering as I hugged myself.

"Because we're watching the thunderstorm, duh." Jordan said, his camera in his hand.

"Watching the storm?" I repeated.

"Yeah, you've never watched a storm before, Converse?"

I turned and Isaac was leaning against the porch railing.

"We used to live in an apartment building in Manhattan. Most of the time were in the clouds." Jackie scoffed.

"Well come on then. They're pretty peaceful." Alex said, taking Jackie by the hand to lead her to a chair. I turned around and Nathan was already making his way to Danny.

Oh just great.

"You okay, babe?"

I turned around again and this time it was Isaac, still standing at the rail. I shook my head.

"I'm fine."

"Really? Cause you look like you're expecting to get struck by lightning." he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not looking like anything. I'm just cold." I shook my head, walking over to stand by him.

He nodded as he watched me walk up to the railing. You couldn't see as far as usual from all the fog that had came up, but it was still beautiful.

It was gloomy over the land and all the leaves in the trees seemed to seep downward from the weight of the water falling.

"You know, usually the horses hate the rain." Isaac said from beside me. I looked at him and he was staring out towards the stables, "Not Sprinkle though. She loves it."

"Sprinkle?" I furrowed my brows. "That one's yours? I thought it was Parker's the whole time."

He looked at me and our eyes met, "No, Parker's is Mac. Sprinkle is mind and, before you ask, it was already her name when Uncle George adopted her. We had no choice."

I laughed, imagining a little Isaac getting a girl horse named Sprinkle. He smiled back, seeing me laugh. And just then, there was a splash.

"Parker!" Jordan suddenly yelled. When we looked, he was sitting in a puddle with the rain beating harshly on him.

Parker laughed hysterically from the top of the porch stairs. "Oops. Sorry."

"You're so lucky I put my camera down." Jordan waved a finger at her.

"Dude, you're soaking." Alex called down.

"That's what she said." Lee muttered and everyone burst into low snickers.

"Oh since you wanna talk about soaking, Lee," Jordan walked up the porch stairs, his clothes soaking wet as he grabbed Lee from the arm, "how about you see for yourself."

And with a quick shove, Lee was thrown out into the rain. Everyone burst into large fits of laughter as Lee stood in the rain, shocked.

Then, his eyes landed on Isaac beside me, who was holding onto the railing for support from his laughing.

"Oh, you think this is funny?" Lee raised his brows at his brother. He raced up the stairs, and since Isaac was too weak from laughing, he was able to grab him and push him out to the rain too.

Isaac stopped laughing, shoving his brother as his clothes started to get wet.

"What the hell, Lee?" he said as he wiped away the wet hair from his forehead. Danny snickered, coming up beside me.

"Serves you right for taking my spot in the play." he said. Isaac whirled around to look at him.

"I thought we made up this morning?"

"We did. Still doesn't mean I'm not a little mad though."

Isaac shrugged, "Fair enough." he then went back up the stairs and to the Danny, before shaking his head and sending all the water droplets flying in every direction around him. He laughed evilly as Danny and I both shielded ourselves from the water.

I glared at Isaac, "You're so annoying."

"Oh really, babe? Let's see how annoying I can really be." then he grabbed my wrist and started dragging me to the porch stairs. I gasped, trying to plant my feet as much to the ground as I could.

"No. No, no, no, no, no." I repeated as I desperately tried to resist him.

"Come on, Converse. It's just a little rain." Isaac taunted as he stood at the bottom of the stairs. I clung on to the post closest to me as he still held a firm grip on my wrist.

"But I don't wanna get wet!" I resisted, my grip on the post slipping from the moisture on it. I looked back at the kids, even Jackie, "Guys, help!"

"Sorry, Y/n." Benny said, before placing his two hands on the back of my thighs and giving me a hard shove. I went flying forward, my foot slipping off the top step and I went right into Isaac.

"Oomph." Isaac grunted as I collided with him, his hands going to my waist to catch me. However he slipped on the wet grass and stumbled, before completely losing his balance and falling back. We landed on the ground with a splash and I gasped as my two hands went on either side of his head to catch myself on instinct.

I felt ice cold droplets of water suddenly seeping into my shirt and I felt chills go down my spine. My hair started to already grow heavier as I caught my breath.

Isaac groaned and suddenly I remembered where I was. Laying on top of him, our legs entangled. He looked up at me and smirked.

"Converse, I never knew you liked to be on top."

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up." I rolled over, getting up from on top of him. My hands were full of mud from the fall and my hair was wild.

At least the rain would hide my blush.

"Puddle party!" Benny yelled, jumping down from the top step onto a big puddle of water. The rest of the kids followed in his direction, joining in and splashing away. I picked up one my arms to shield myself from the water, although it obviously wasn't going to do much.

Isaac bounced up from the ground, before jumping and sending mud and water everywhere. I flinched, turning away.

I scowled, "Can you please jump somewhere else?"

"Aw come on, babe. What happened to having fun and taking a joke?" and with another jump, he splashed me all over again.

I looked at him, reaching into my pocket for a hair tie and pulling over my wet hair into a low pony tail. He grinned as I started to kick and jump in the puddles, spreading mud everywhere.

All around us, the Walters were doing the same, even Cole was participating in splashing Danny and Lee.

Nathan watched from the porch, laughing at all of us.

I looked over, seeing Jackie with Benny and Parker.

"Parker's It!" she shouted and Parker began chasing the person closest to her, which was Alex.

Everyone was running around now, playing a big game of tag. Kids everywhere were slipping and sliding as we desperately tried to avoid the tagger.

That was until Cole fell, right into a pile of mud. When he stood, everyone burst out laughing at him.

"What? What's so funny?" he asked.

"You look like you shit your pants." Jordan snickered, making everyone laugh harder.

"Oh yeah? Well you look like you shit your face!" and then Cole swooped down and grabbed a fist full of mud, swiping it clean across Jordan's face. Everyone laughed before Jordan lunged froward, tackling his brother to the ground and grabbing some mud for him.

And that whole ordeal opened a can of worms as everyone started to grab mud and throw it at each other. I dodged mud-balls left and right, bending down to get a fistful.

I turned, my eyes landing on Jackie, who was already being cornered off by Alex.

"Alex, please. This is a nice shirt." she pleaded desperately. I ran up behind her, my hand of mud going to her cheek and smushing it against her skin. She gasped and Alex took his chance to mash his handful to her other cheek.

She whirled around, her eyes wide, "Y/n! You're so gonna get it!"

I screamed as she bent down to chase after me with her own mud. I was running as fast as I could, zigzagging through the war zone of mud when I suddenly collided harshly with someone. I fell to the ground, landing on my butt.

When I looked up, Isaac was towering over me, his hand with mud.

"Well look who it is." he said and before I could make an escape, his grabbed my leg and pulled me closer to him. I tried pushing him away from me but he crouched down and lay all the mud in his hand on my head.

He laughed, half shocked and half impressed by what he just did. I gasped, not believing it myself. I got a hold of myself then and reached to grab my own mud, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and smearing the mud all over his face.

I scrambled to get up as he processed what I just did, running as far as I could from him. I looked back, seeing that he was already advancing on me.

I swooped down, taking a ball of mud and chucking it at him. I did this over and over again as he did the same.

I found myself laughing. Who in their right mind would be doing this in the rain? Playing in mud like they were five years old?

But that's just what I loved about the Walters. They had a way of making you forget everything and just have a good time. It was like magic, I couldn't explain it.

Isaac had finally cornered me, bending down and grabbing my legs to throw me over his shoulder. I squealed as he went jogging to the line of fire.

"Everyone! Free target!"

An ambush of mud came at me as I shielded myself as best as I could. Isaac was grunting and gasping for air as well, having being also hit by all the mud-balls.

"Guys, please! Stop!" I pleaded, holding my hands out in surrender.

"Never!" Parker and Benny shook their fists in the air.

Suddenly, there was a loud yell over all of the rain, all the yelling, all the mud. One of the most horrifying yells we could ever hear.

"Kids! Get over here, now!"

Katherine's yell was scary. Nothing compared to my mom, who was calm when angry, but Katherine was loud, and you always knew you were in deep trouble.

Everyone froze, turning around to look at her. Isaac quickly released me and I straightened up my clothes beside him. Each of us went to the porch stairs, gathering around at the bottom.

She looked at each of us with her eyes wide. I looked around. All of us had soaking wet clothes with mud stains everywhere. Mud was in our hair, in our faces and arms. We all looked as if we had been homeless our whole lives without a single shower. Nathan stood behind her, shaking his head and concealing a smile.

"Someone explain right now."

Everyone broke off into a chorus of excuses, apologies, stories, arguing, talking over one another. Katherine waved her hands around, shutting us all up.

"You know what, I don't even care." she shook her head, looking between each of us again. With a wave of her hand, she turned to Nathan, "Can you please go get some towels and call your dad? Everyone's gonna get hosed down."

Nathan nodded and went inside, a moment later returning with a basket full of towels and George behind him. When George came outside, he stopped in his tracks, his eyes wide as he stared at all of us.

"What? You guys fell in a ditch or something?"

Katherine shook her head, putting a hand on his shoulder, "They decided to have some fun in the rain. You wanna help me hose them down before they go inside?"

George sighed dramatically and all of us were shifting uncomfortably on our feet. George nodded, gesturing for all of us to follow him around the house to the back where the hose was.

We all obeyed, walking in a sloshy group as we tried to conceal our laughter.

Katherine and Nathan came along too, not before hearing Katherine say, "Well, boys will be boys."

" Parker, Jackie, and Y/n."

"Yes," Katherine said, "Plus Parker, Jackie, and Y/n."

"You rollin', Jordan?"

"Just a second. Okay, in 3...2...1...action."

"Hi, guys. This is Y/n, here, and today I'm gonna be showing you how to properly prank a live wildebeest. Today, we will be venturing into his cave and catch him at his most vulnerable state — dead asleep. I have some special assistants here with me. Please introduce yourselves."

"Hi, I'm Parker." Parker whispered into the camera.

"And I'm Benny!"

"Shh!" we all shushed him. I waved him off, taking the camera.

"And this is our amazing cameraman, Jordan Walter. Famous director."

"Thank you, thank you." Jordan said modestly, taking the camera back. I turned to my team, lowering my voice.

"Okay guys, we're going in and we're gonna be as quiet as possible. We get as close as we can and do not open fire until I say so. If you do, we'll blow our cover. You guys ready?"

They responded with nods and I reached up, taking the doorknob and creaking the door open. The room was quiet, as Lee was in the shower and Isaac was dead asleep on his bed.

I gestured for everyone to go inside quietly. I turned to the camera.

"As you can see here, folks, this is inside the creature's home. You'll find that there is an abundant amount of dirty clothes and a strong odor of cologne." I waved my hands around, "We also see a rare artifact, none other than a black leather jacket which is worn particularly by this beast."

Jordan snickered behind the camera and I tiptoed closer to the bed.

I gestured for him to follow me and I looked down. Isaac was peacefully asleep with his hair everywhere around him. He was laying on his stomach with his arms wrapped around his pillow. He had his pearl necklace on and his whole upper body was exposed, the rest covered by his blanket.

He looked so cozy...too bad he's been stealing my juice still.

"The wildebeest is sleeping to hopefully catch up on his beauty sleep. Jokes on him, no matter how hard he tries, it'll never work. Now everyone, on my count, we fire. Does everyone have their weapons?"

The three of them nodded, raising their weapons up silently.

I held up my fingers, counting down again. 3...2...1...

"FIRE!" I yelled and the four of us started to spray water down on our victim.

Isaac jolted up in bed, trying to block out the water shots.

"What the hell?" he yelled from behind his pillow.

"Keep going!" I ordered, shooting him straight in the stomach.

"I'm running low!"

"Me too!"

"You guys didn't fill them up?" Jordan exclaimed.

"We forgot." Benny pouted.

"Run!" Parker yelled, dashing out the door once all the water had gone out. Benny followed after her.

"We've lost two of our mates!" Jordan exclaimed.

"It's okay! Just keep going!"

"You guys are stupid!" Isaac yelled, throwing the blankets off of him and revealing his boxers. I yelped as he lunged for me and I quickly jumped out of the way.

"The beast has turned violent! Abort! Abort!"

I ushered Jordan out of the room, just as Isaac jumped out of bed.

I ran through the hall, pulling Jordan along with me. Isaac chased after us, ignoring the shots of water we were still shooting at him.

We made it downstairs and we made a break for the kitchen. Katherine stood at the coffee maker, her eyes wide as we came inside.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What is going on?" she waved her hands around. Jordan and I quickly went behind her as Isaac came right after us.

Water was dripping down his body and his hair was slightly damp.

"You guys are so dead!" he lunged for us but Katherine quickly held her hand out to protect us.

"Hey! Calm down." she told Isaac sternly. Isaac stepped back, still keeping his eyes on us with a cold glare.

Katherine turned to Jordan and I with a heavy sigh, "What have we told you guys about playing in the house with these?"

"Sorry, Katherine. It was completely my fault." I said.

"Yeah, I mean, we wouldn't have used these if we had found the nerf guns in time — Ow!" Jordan rubbed his ribs where I had nudged him. I gave him a look and Katherine shook her head.

"Okay, you guys, just go upstairs and get ready for school before you're all late. That means no wars of any sort, you hear me?"

"Yes, ma'am." I nodded, going past her. I gave Isaac an annoying smile as I went past him and upstairs. As I did so, I heard Katherine say, "And please put on something decent."

I went upstairs to my room, where Jackie was already fixing her hair. She furrowed her eyebrows as I set my water gun down on my dresser. She opened her mouth, about to say something when she shook her head.

"I'm not even gonna ask."

I changed, pulling on a red short sleeve and a pair of dark grey cargos with my red converse. It was now early March and spring was finally coming in.

It felt nice, even thought I loved the fall and winter, summer and spring were amazing too, They felt so free and fun, no cares in the world.

It also reminded me how quick time was going. It had already been almost six months since Jackie and I came here and I feel like a lifetime had passed.

When Jackie and I went downstairs, everyone was already there, running around to stuff any last minute bites of their food before they left.

"Y/n, Jackie, you guys taking a waffle to go?" Alex asked.

"Yes, please." I said, holding out my hand. Alex tossed me one from across the island and I caught it, heading to the fridge.

"I'm good." Jackie shook her head, reaching for a banana on the counter.

"Isaac, remember we've got rehearsal after school. Erin's already complaining about how you're always late." Danny said.

"Okay, I promise I'll be on time." Isaac rolled his eyes.

"Come on, guys, get going or you're all gonna be late." Katherine ushered us. Everyone scrambled out the door to the front porch, still chewing down their last bits of their breakfast.

It was nice out. The sun was shining brightly and there was a small breeze, revealing summer coming soon.

"You guys hear that?" Lee asked.

"Hear what?" Danny asked.

Just then, a truck came rolling down the dirt road with loud music blasting from its speakers, so loud you could feel the vibrations of it as it came to a stop in front of the house.

As it did, Cole came outside, walking swiftly between all of us. A guy, who I had no idea was, rolled his window down from for the front seat, revealing his lettered jacket as he dabbed up Cole.

Cole went around the truck, jumping into the passenger seat. With a big, obnoxious u-turn that kicked dirt into the air, they sped off down the road without a word.

"Uh, what the hell was that?" I coughed, waving away all the dirt.

"Don't know. But this Rebel Without a Cause shtick is getting real old." Nathan said.

"Tell me about it." Alex muttered.

"Well, guess I'm playing chauffeur today." Danny sighed as he stared after the car. He then looked at all of us, "Who's got the keys?"

"I — I don't have the keys." Nathan shook his head.

"He did give us the keys, right?" Danny asked, looking at Alex slowly, Alex threw his head back, letting out a laugh and everyone went into fits of groans.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." I complained as we set off down the porch stairs.

"Unfortunately, babe, no one's kidding with you." Isaac said from beside me. He then nudged me softly in the arm. "But hey, at least we get to make this walk again. Only this time we're not coming home from detention in the heat."

I didn't say anything, I only sent him a glare at the memory and he laughed.

hi everyone! i hope you enjoyed this chapter! not much happened but i thought these were just cute scenes to add in. the thunderstorm one is from the book, and it's definitely one of my favorite scenes.

i wanna let you guys know that yes, i know that it feels like it's taking forever for them to actually be together. i know, it has been. however, i really don't want to rush things either and i have a specific way for how i want things to play out that i think will be enjoyable if you stick with me.

so please, just try and be patient and i promise you won't  be disappointed. just a littleee bit more...

but overall, i think this chapter was fun, even though it was kinda a filler. but let me know what you guys thought in the comments and don't forget to vote!

hope you're well fed and don't forget to spam!


PS i know for a lot of you guys it is indeed past sunday but here in california there is still ten minutes until midnight soooo i count that as on time🤭

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