New Neighbors

By camieloveslolirock

140 0 0

Tami's shitty stepdad dropped the bombshell: They were moving to a new house. Tami was furious, annoyed that... More



9 0 0
By camieloveslolirock

(Insert song: おなじ話 by Humburt Humburt)

It was now the best time in Tami's life; summer vacation. 

The very first week of June 2018.  The sun is shining on the nest side of her pale face. She's somewhat happy. Because she's going away for three whole weeks to her cousin's birthday party.

Her grades are up, thanks to Marc and three Facetime calls with himlate night prepping with him, struggling to not look past Marc as Lee would walk past shirtless after a hot shower, his hair dripping wet, giving him that mysterious look ,toned abs, small waist, and he'll mumble something about dinner, what to eat, why is Megan talking so loud on the phone, she'll get lost in his sight before Marc tries to get her attention, Tami snapping back to reality; she's studying with Marc. Need to focus to pass, she would aplogizge and they would continue their study call. 

Tami knew she had to figure out a way to get Kat out of the picture,she just had to, she yearned for Lee's love, Lee should love her, she was perfect for him, she would love him right,not some bitch who looks like a busted up BRATZ doll, but for now, there were better things.

She just got invited to her cousin's party in Miami,Caleigh, bright and sweet girl with wavy blonde hair, green eyes, and freckles for days, with her was finally turning 15, the birthday was being held in Miami with some of Tami's other family.

Today, Tami, wearing a cute blue tube top with a blue tie in the front, her hair tied into heatless curls, her having to use socks in order to get the look she wanted was smelly.....and ridiculous. It's 8:40 am, and she's blasting some Kpop in her room, her wearing grey sweatpants and some Vans. She was ready to meet up with her best friend, and she was packing her things while singing, her room a fresh shade of blue, with some books on her nightstand, some fairy lights near a corner, a simple snack storage so she doesn't go when she needs water, and accidentally bump into and talk to.....him.

"And this one would look perfect for the party! And this one for the beach, going to the cruise, hanging out with boys in the lounge, and this one for-"

There was a knock at the door, which wasn't strange for her, it was almost 9, on a Thursday, must be her mother-

"Tamera? The Uber is here to take you and your mother. Behave while you are there."

One of these days she will take a gun and shoot this man cold.

"I'm finished up! Thank you!" Tami said with a forced smile as she finished packing.

She grabbed her things,mumbled about shooting him, quickly tidied up her room, and walked so fast past that heathen that was the man who was in the house with them. As she was making her way towards the door, he who shall not have a name grabbed her.

"Take lots of photos, Tamera. You need to behave yourself, you are your mother's daughter after all."

What was his problem???

"Oh, I will I want to have lots of photos and videos."

"Stop resenting me"

"Whoever said I was?"

He tightens his grip on her small wrist. He's trying to scare her. His grey eyes stared at the teen. His white skin started to show red. He's angry. She was angry. NO.

She was LIVID.

No man should touch her.

No man that isn't Lee, her father, any male family member, or ANY other man that she knows should be gripping her wrist right now trying to threaten her.

"Go ahead. Keep touching me and your wife will know what kinda man you are when she hears her daughter scream in pain."

He released her. He looked at her with a threatening look before sending her away to the car.

Determined to go to Miami for her friend's birthday party, she mustered all her courage and ran to the car. With her heart racing and adrenaline pumping, she cried small tears as she plugged her headphones in and started watching her shows, while her mom was on the phone, mostly with a client.

That was the scariest shit ever.

Little did she know, this would not be the last time he harmed her.

Miami 9:30 pm

As the Uber was driving Tami and her mom to her cousin's house, Tami started texting her cousin, and she saw a notification that Lee had posted a photo.

He's posing with Megan, smiling, he's so happy next to her.

He loves her so much.

And she hated her.

He's so gorgeous, why wouldn't he be her's? His broad shoulds wrapped around her waist, his Spanish accent saying sweet nothings in her ear, his tanned body shining in the light, the note passing during the classes they have, dates near the lakes with Megan and Marc swimming nearby, Tony running around naked, chasing the ducks. Why did it have to be Kat?

Kat was wild, and loud, with ugly piercings with bright pink hair, and ugly makeup, god she looked like a rejected Harley Quinn, her voice make deaf people want to drink rat poison, her outfits were crap, and worse of all; she was pretty. Kat had a button nose that any girl in LA would kill for, she had these sweet eyes, no wonder Lee fell for her. Her bright, kind eyes that boys seem to see as soft, but her rotten mouth makes it all go away, Her tall, curvy body was to lust after, everything had a place for everything, Lee's big, muscular hands must fit perfectly around her waist.

 Surely it must.

"So, what's this Lee guy like," Caleigh asked, sitting on the bed they were in matching pajamas. Tami's hair still in the sticking ass sock curls, her eyes red from the weed she smoked, and her stomach full of laughter as Caleigh continued on with questions.

"He has a girlfriend.


"He's tall ...and....his eyes are so filled with ambition and confident....he's so caring...and humble...he's smart...he believe's in women's rights.....oh but she.....she is the opposite of my love". 

As she was continuing to her unpacking, getting so excited to start her evening hours updating her cousin on the things in her life, her crush on Lee, her hatred for Megan, how Megan was some know-it-all all, how she was better than Megan, how sweet and kind ad loving Lee was, her friendship with Marc, cheerleading, her mental health, she was so happy to talk to her cousin but when her mom rushed into her room, saying that a tide was coming,

Tami was surprised and said that there was no way in hell that a tide wave coming in, that they had just arrived but her mom said so and they had to flee to a nearby hotel three hours away.


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