#Traffick'd - S Z NFOUR

Von wewantasiar

504 8 0

In S Z NFOUR, we're brought back to a very nostalgic scene with Royaal. Some time has passed and she gives us... Mehr

S Z NFOUR - Episode 1: Calm Before The Storm
S Z NFOUR - Episode 2: I Had A Dream
S Z NFOUR - Episode 3: Almost Had me
S Z NFOUR - Episode 5: Queen and Spadina
S Z NFOUR - Episode 6: Better Safe Than Sorry
S Z NFOUR - Episode 7: Prayed For Times Like This
S Z NFOUR - Episode 8: Deja Vu

S Z NFOUR - Episode 4: Drunkiana

89 0 0
Von wewantasiar

"What do you mean, Pablo's back?", I stuttered. Pablo's devious smile flashed before my eyes, along with French's body curled up on the floor. "How do you know, you saw him?" I asked, stepping back into the shower.

"Nah I didn't see him yet, my boy did though, that's why I had to go to the club the other night. I got the whole city on alert, there's nothing for you to worry about, I promise." He placed his hands on my arms, I didn't realize I was shaking until he touched me.

"My nigga's been wanting his head, he just signed his deathwish when he went after you. You thought we were just going to let that slide, like it's nothing?" He reassured me, he grabbed the back of my head and brought me into his chest to hold.

"Just cause I didn't retaliate right away doesn't mean, I let it slide. I play chess not checkers mama, got to be strategic with this shit. But nothing's going to happen to you, okay?" He pulled me back to look me straight in my eyes, so I could see the seriousness on his face.

"I know, I just-" I couldn't even finish my sentence, the tears started to take over and all I could do was cry.

"Hush baby, it's okay", he comforted me. "I know it's a lot to process and I didn't mean to drop it on you like this, especially with it being your birthday. But I just thought I might as well keep it real with you. Since you're brewing up all kinds of crazy ass shit in your head", he grinned.

He caressed the back of my head, as I cried into his chest. The water fell on my back in unison with my tears. I didn't feel like I could think straight right now, as much as I knew I was safe with Bam. There was a huge ball of fear twisting and turning in my stomach. The flashbacks started coming, and I just stopped having nightmares. I felt like I was just getting back to normal and the rug was being ripped from under me again. But I mean, I guess he had to come back at some point, he does live in Toronto. I guess my brain imagined he'd just stay in Windsor cause it's too hot to come back. I just never thought about us being in the city at the same time and what that could mean. I shot him a look and went back to laying on his chest.

"Bout treat you like my bitches, what are you even saying? You know what, it's your birthday you're allowed to be a little crazy", he chuckled.

"You saw me in the club and you never paid me any mind till you started having problems with that nigga, you think I didn't notice? You didn't need me until you needed my protection, then you needed me. But you know how to take care of yourself and carry yourself in this shit." He pulled me back again to look in my eyes.

"Obviously I don't-"

"Royaal, you're a bad ass bitch, you've just been fucking around with aint shit niggas who were scared of your potential baby. So none of them tried to show or make you be more, I'm trying to bring it out of you. Why do you think I haven't been pressing you or making you do escorting and shit? Cause me and you, we're going to be at the top of the food chain, I can see it. Fuck that nigga mama", he picked my chin up to make me look at him again.

"You haven't been strippin but you came to me with a plan. It was your idea to run the girls' pages and have them just focus on what they do best. And shit, it made us all more money, cause you know how to talk to these tricks."

He shook his head with a grin on his face, "You're different, yeah you gonna start strippin' again, but that's more for you than it is for me to be honest. Your ass needs something to keep your mind busy. But mama you gon' be bigger than all this, just trust me and stop fighting me. You got the hustle, the drive and the backbone for this shit, I saw it. You're a boss, that's why I'll never treat you like my bitches."

He held my face in his palms," that niggas in the past, i'll make sure of that. Just let me do my job, so you don't have to worry about doing yours."

All the tension in my body dispersed, it's like his words forced and dragged out all the doubt, the fear and the anxiousness. This nigga somehow see's me better than I see myself. Because he's right, I am a boss. The shit I've been through and overcame and I'm still going, I have to be a boss. And I never really wanted him to treat me like one of his bitches, I just felt like I was in limbo. Like I was just a glorified hoe or being delusional and it was frustrating me, cause I knew it wasn't just that. I knew it wasn't just business with us, cause he fucks me and he doesn't fuck his bitches. Plus he would've just put my ass on the track if it was. The problem of Pablo, wasn't just mine and it felt good. I wasn't alone and I didn't have to handle it alone.

I guess he could feel the tension leave my body, "there you go", he rubbed me. "Royaal I know you have to hear things over and over for it to really stick. So hear me good, when I say I got you okay? I got you, he's never going to touch you again."

I reached up and grabbed his head and forced his lips to mine, I didn't have the words to explain what I was feeling. I just wanted to show him, that's how I knew to showcase my admiration for him. He kissed me back gently but passionately, "cause he's gon be in the dirt" he teased.

"Aight, aight, you gon' throw me off my whole schedule girl!", he said, wiping his mouth. "I woke you up early so we can go grab breakfast at The Morning After, before you go get your stuff done. I remember you saying you haven't been to that spot yet."

I smiled, "so we have a breakfast date?" I asked rhetorically, I kind of just wanted to hear him say it.

"Yes man, we have a breakfast date", he laughed. He reached past me and grabbed his washcloth and started washing up, "so we can't be late, okay?"

I grabbed my cloth and started washing up too, "aight aight, and thank you by the way-"

"Don't worry about it", he kissed my forehead.

We washed up, got out of the shower and got dressed. Even though I felt really good and warm inside, the terrifying thoughts of Pablo were still haunting the back of my mind. I knew Bam wanted to put that nigga in the ground and would the first chance he got. But my mind couldn't help coming up with the worst possible scenarios. Like what if we run into him at The Morning After? What would really happen? I start work tomorrow, what would happen if we saw him at the club? If I saw him at the club and I was alone?

Sweat beads started to form on my palm, and I wiped it away. I wasn't going to let this get the better of me, especially not on my birthday. Plus Bam just opened up to me about how he really feels and he aint gon let that nigga touch me. Nothings going to tip my crown right now, I wasn't going to let it.

I grabbed my light gray lulu define tracksuit, it hugged like a glove and made me look like I got a BBL. I grabbed a matching purse and headed to the kitchen. "I'm readyyyyy! Woow, I'm actually ready before you, that's crazy" I teased.

"I'm just grabbing everything I need so I don't have to come back to the crib", he said as he walked out of his room. "And here", he said, handing me a stack of money. "For your hair and nails, that should be enough", he grinned.

I skimmed through the stack and it looked like there was about $500 there, which was more than enough. Because I already paid a deposit for both he knew that already though, so I wasn't going to remind him.

I put the money in my purse, "thank you."

"I got you", he said as he walked back to his room. He was in there for about 5 minutes then came back out, "okay now i'm ready to go."

"Good, cause I've been ready" I teased as I walked to the front door. I threw on my Uggs and opened the door.

"Someone's in a hurry, damnnn" he joked as he put on his shoes. He was wearing his Yeezy's with a light gray Nike tech tracksuit. He looked good and like he was trying to match me, which I didn't mind.

"I'm just trying to be like you twin", I teased him, nodding at his outfit. He looked at himself and then me and laughed before heading out the door.

We headed to the car and then left for the restaurant. When we got there, we were immediately seated. I guess he called ahead, cause this place is always packed I heard and never has a table especially in the morning.

The waitress came back with our menus, it seemed like she was only interested in finding out what Bam wanted to eat though. Her eye contact and body language was all directed towards him.

"Are you ready to order?" she asked Bam, giving him the eyes.

"Ah, can you give us like 5 mins please?", he replied.

"Sure, that's no problem", she flirted.

"Thank you, can we actually get some water to start?", he was making sure to be polite but not overly-friendly.

"See anything you like?", he asked me, looking over his menu. "I think you'll like the wake n steak", he said pointing to it on my menu.

I chuckled and then shook my head, "What?" he asked.

"Homegirl could barely keep her drool in her mouth, that's all, I just thought it was funny", I inserted pridefully.

"Cause she knows i'm the one paying, she's trying to work for them tips bwoy" he laughed. He was use to girls throwing themselves at him, he was a pimp afterall.

"She doesn't know shit, I could be your suga mama", even as I said I knew it was garbage. We both laughed as the shorty came back over to bring us our waters.

"Here ya go", she said, setting them down on the table. "Are you ready or did you want some more time?", she asked towards his direction again.

"We need like 3 more minutes please.. Thanks", I responded, so she knows the conversation is between us 3. Ain't no bitch bout to come and play in my face on MY birthday.

"Sure", she said curtly and walked away.

"Seee?", I laughed and shrugged, "Shorty really thinks I'm sitting with her future husband or somethin'". We both laughed and continued looking at the menu. They have a unique flavor over here, it's like mixing Kensington and Liberty Village with a dash of Queen st west.

"I think you're right though, the wake n steak sounds pretty good. I'm probably just going to grab that, how about you?"

"I'm going to get...The make no mis-steak, it don't miss", he said before taking a sip of his water. "See what I did there?", he raised his eyebrows.

"It's probably because you're so fine, that no one told you, you aren't funny", I teased.

He laughed, "you see you", he pointed.

Our waitress came back over, she could probably sense the happiness at the table. She asked if we were ready to order now and she was in luck.

"I'll get the make no mis-steak please and for my shorty, the wake n steak." I'm guessing he threw the "shorty" part in to piss her off and make me feel good, it was kinda working.

"Oh and since it's early, lemme just get two mimosa's please. Henny before 10 is kinda crazy", he chuckled at me.

"Do you want the regular or flavored?", she asked with a flagrance of attitude she didn't have before.

"I'll just get the regular", he responded. "Mimosa's are a little fruity but it's your birthday and all they're serving right now", he whispered to me.

"I'll grab a guava one actually, thanks" I said to the waitress before focusing my eyes back on Bam.

"Alright, I'll be right up with your drinks", she forced out a half-ass smile and then walked off.

"So are you excited about tonight?", he asked, smiling at me with that beautiful full smile.

"I am, I haven't gotten a booth for my birthday before to be honest. I don't think I've ever gotten a booth actually." I hid my mouth behind my hand, I felt shy and embarrassed for some reason. It's like the more I say things out loud, the more I realize the past niggas I was with weren't shit and didn't really like me.

"Forreal? Well we're wiping a few firsts off the list today", he said, removing my hand from covering my mouth. "How you gon' do your hair?"

Before I could respond the waitress came back over with our drinks. She was brief and made little conversation this time.

"Some things gotta be a surprise okay? Cheers", I said, holding up my glass.

He nodded his head in pleasant agreement, and raised his glass "cheers."

We talked and joked until shorty brought our food over, by then I was onto my third mimosa. We ate, laughed, talked and really enjoyed each other's company. The rest of the world seemed to fade away until it didn't.

A tall slim built light skin nigga came walking through the door with a white bitch attached to his arm. They looked around the restaurant and then came walking towards our table.

"Bammm, what's good playa?", the light skin nigga said extending his hand to dap him.

Bam got up, dapped him and hugged back, "nothing much, just here with shorty. It's her birthday today", he said pointing to me.

"Oh shit, today's her actual birthday? My bad, happy birthday mama", he said, extending his hand out to me.

I did not know who this friendly nigga was, but I didn't want to be rude. "Thank you so much", I smiled and grabbed his hand.

"You coming tonight, no?", Bam asked him.

"Obviously my nigga, what time you pulling up?"

"Like 12", Bam said, glancing over at me. "She bout to go and get her shit done after this."

I was lost, and felt awkward as hell just smiling and watching these two niggas converse. The white girl that was with him was for sure his hoe, she looked like a dog waiting for her owner. But her smile said "I'm just happy to be here", I wondered if he was going to bring her tonight.

"Hey, I'm Summer by the way", the white girl said to me. She leaned forward over Bam's seat with her hand extended towards me.

"Hey Summer, I'm Royaal, it's nice to meet you", I chuckled.

"Happy birthday and you're so pretty by the way, like I just had to say something."

"Thanks, you're a cutie yourself", I lied. White girls who love niggas are absolutely not my cup of tea. Especially after my last experience with Miss Destiny.

"You coming to my party tonight?" I asked even though it was a risky question.

I don't know the dynamics of their pimping, what they got going over there. Summer may be his bottom bitch, which means she gets to do and go anywhere. Or from the looks of her being happy to just be outside with him, she may just be his hoe. Which then would mean, she only gets brought out on occasion. And her pimp would have to determine if my party was one.

Bam threw me a look, like I knew better than to ask. The boys got quiet before the light skin nigga answered, "she gon be there".

"Okay cool", I smiled at her, but just then it all dawned on me. I don't even have friends for this party, unless you count Destiny and my sister wives. My birthday is going to be the initiation into Bam's pimping ass crew. I'm going to meet his pimp niggas and their hoes tonight...

I was lost in my own thoughts, till I heard Bam say Biz was on his way to grab me right now. I discreetly pulled out my phone and looked at the time, it was almost 10am.

"So I'll meet you over there later", said Bam.

"Aight B, be easy', he dapped Bam. "And enjoy the rest of your birthday!", he said to me.

"We'll talk more later but happy birthday!", said the white girl before they walked to their table.

Bam sat back down, "did you like your food?" He asked, like nothing just happened.

"Yeah, it was really good. Thanks for bringing me", I said sarcastically, throwing looks towards his homies table.

"Oh, that's my nigga Mali and his girl. They're coming to your party tonight as you heard. But he's going to help me handle some business before that." He said, wiping off his mouth, "and you're welcome", he said back satirically.

"They seem nice", I said sarcastically.

He chuckled, "yeah, they're coo peoples, but he aint never driving you around."

We both made a face at each other and laughed to ourselves. I guess that means light skin is a little too friendly, no surprise there.

"You know you gotta leave soon to get to your appointment, so Biz is on his way."

"This is your fault for making me have 3 mimosas! I can't be drunk for my hair appointment, I'll be the worst client ever", I complain.

"It's your birthday, you get an exception", he laughed, "or just sleep it off in the car mama."

He pulled out his phone, "did you want anything else? Or anything to go?"

"Ahh nah, I'm full and happy", I said smiling in my chair.

He chuckled, "aight ma", he waved our waitress down, "may I please get the bill?"

Without a word, she turned around and walked to the cash register. Bam put his phone back into his pocket, "Biz is outside."

"Oh okay, should I go now?" I asked, confused, getting up out of my chair.

"I'll walk you over."

The waitress came back over with the bill, Bam took a quick look and then pulled out money and put it on the table. "Aight, let's go."

He got up and walked over to pull my seat out, "ah gentlemen too? Ah shit you're making all these bitches mad today", I teased.

"Let's go drunkiana", he joked and ushered me towards the door.

We walked and turned down the street, "listen, make sure you behave yourself uh", he stopped us dead in our tracks.


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