Wound Healing (girlxgirl)

By neerfB

48.7K 2.1K 301

Becky is a Operating Theatre Nurse who loves her new job working in one of London's busiest hospitals after h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 Epilogue

Chapter 30

1K 46 2
By neerfB

"What I would do for a pair of tits like that" Becky exhaled as she coughed out the thick smoke.

"Easy Rebecca" Irin warned as she barely turned to look at the nurse.

Becky knew Irin was getting weaker and weaker as the days passed by.

"Honey from here, your tits look perfect" Friend whistled as Becky rolled her eyes passing over the joint to the older woman.

"Not happening Friend" Becky shot back as Irin gave them both a disappointing look.

"Do you lesbians have to be so vulgar. the poor lady is presenting a show and you two are talking about her like a pair of teenage boys, show the lady some respect" Irin snapped as she gasped for air.

"It's not as though she can hear us" Becky shot back as she glanced at Friend who inhaled sharply and remained staring at Becky's boobs.

"Stop" Becky warned covering her chest as she reached to take the spliff from Friend once again.

"Sorry I forgot only the surgeon gets a sneak peek nowadays" Friend teased as Becky rolled her eyes.

"Speaking of....where is your lover tonight" Friend asked as Becky shrugged her shoulders.

"Working I presume" Becky said casually as Friend's eyes squinted not looking convinced.

"Lover's quarrel" Friend asked giggling at herself.

"No, she just doesn't stalk me every night of the week" Becky shot back getting a dig at Friend who had spent the last 2 evenings around in Irin's house.

Of course, she said she was here to support Irin but Becky knew full well once she heard what Irin had stashed in her cookie jar in the kitchen she was clearly here for the free drugs.

The truth was Becky enjoyed the company. Char was busy with wedding stuff and Freen had been on call the past couple of days so they only really got to see each other briefly in the afternoons when Freen would come to check in on Irin.

They hadn't mentioned their previous awkward encounter between them again after that day in bed, truth be told Becky was glad Freen didn't bring it up the next day over lunch.

Becky knew she overreacted but she didn't expect Freen to mention the word marriage again...not after everything they had been through the last 6 years. So having Friend here to keep her mind occupied was actually a God send.

It meant she wasn't sitting here evening after evening pining for Freen or waiting for Irin to deteriorate, nope Irin was stubborn as always and although she was becoming weaker as the week went on, she still had her usual sharp tongue.

She refused any more IV's Becky had set up for her, all she wanted now was her box of morphine to get her through the day.

"How long until those brownies are cooked" Becky asked as Friend shrugged her shoulders relaxing back against the sofa, she was clearly beyond caring as her freedom took over her body.

"Useless" Becky grumbled as she swayed slightly getting to her feet, she felt relaxed as she made her way into the kitchen and checking on the pot brownies.

The strong smell of pollen filled her nostrils as she left them out to cool. Becky smiled as she stared at the photo hanging over Irin's dining room table.

It had been taking a few years back in theatre with all the staff on Becky's last day working with Irin, it made her smile. She knew her and Irin had clashed at the best of times with Irin nagging at Becky like an old mother but now that she reflected on their relationship, she knew Irin had always had Becky's best interest at heart.

"You ok" Friend asked as she strolled into the kitchen.

"Yeah...you" Becky asked as she watched Friend's finger glide lightly over the freshly brownies clearly still too hot as Friend winced slightly as she shook her hand in the air as she nodded in reply.

"You know you don't have to hang around here. I'm sure you have more interesting stuff to do than hang out here with me and Irin" Becky said leaning against the kitchen counter as she closed her eyes momentarily feeling the full effects of the joint she shared with Friend moments ago.

"What" Friend laughed.

"No of course not...I'm cool being here...besides I miss your perky self now that you aren't working at the bar anymore" Friend replied.

"And by perky, I mean those" Friend added as her eyes wandered over Becky's chest once again causing the nurse to laugh as she reached across smacking the older woman's arm.

"I just want you to know that if you need to talk, I'm here. I know I flirt and joke all the time but really Becky if you need to vent about anything I am here for you as a mate" Friend smiled as she playfully pushed the nurse away.

Becky smiled as she stepped forward wrapping her arms around Friend as she brought their bodies close.

"Ohhhhh what is this for" Friend asked as she held Becky close breathing in her intoxicating smell.

Becky pulled her head back as she kept her arms firmly around Friend's shoulders and as their eyes locked.

"Thank you for being here, I haven't told you how much our friendship means to me. I know it's only new but seriously since I've been home...you are the only one I can really talk to. About everything" Becky said as Friend gave her a warm smile.

"You don't have to thank me Becky...you're a cool girl and I just don't want to see you get hurt out of all this shit with Faye. I'm just worried about you" Friend said as Becky gave her a reassuring nod.

The kitchen door swung fully open as Becky's head snapped around to see two familiar dark eyes glaring at them.

"Freen, hey" Becky coughed awkwardly as she dropped her hands to her side settling back from Friend whose hands dropped from Becky's hips.

Freen remained quiet as she glared at Friend who stood awkwardly looking towards Becky, anywhere around the room but directly into Freen's glaring eyes.

"What are you doing here" Becky asked keeping a distance between both women.

It was hardly appropriate to greet a woman she was having an affair with in front of Faye's ex-girlfriend.

"I took the night off; they'll ring if anything urgent comes in. I wanted to see how Irin was and see you" Freen said her eyes softening slightly as they connected with Becky's.

She glanced back at Friend who was clearly avoiding her gaze like the plague and feeling very awkward but why Freen thought to herself.

"If I'm interrupting something I can go home"

Freen suggested as Becky's stepped forward in response, wrapping her arms around the surgeon.

"No" Becky snapped.

"We were just making some brownies and chilling with Irin" Becky smiled as she leaned forward placing a kiss on Freen's cheek causing Freen's tense body to soon relax as her arm wrapped around Becky's slender shoulder.

"I thought I could smell something funky when I walked in" Freen said as Friend burst into a fit of giggles followed by Becky.

"I'm just going to...go...to Irin" Friend gasped through giggles as she pointed towards the living room.

Becky's giggles soon subsided as she was left with an irritated looking Freen who broke from Becky's touch.

"Am I interrupting something here" Freen frowned as she stared at the nurse.

"Me and Friend...what no....God no" Becky began to giggle again as Freen began shaking her head clearly not satisfied with her answer.

"Babe no" Becky said softly as she stepped forward to Freen and wrapping her arms around her.

"She's just a colleague. A really fucking good colleague. That's it...I promise" Becky said as she leaned forward placing a tender kiss on Freen's lips.

"I missed you" Becky kissed each word against Freen's lips until the surgeon's body relaxed into her own.

Capturing Freen's lips against her own, Becky's tongue teasingly begged for entrance as Freen soon gave in and deepened the kiss. Freen moaned as Becky pushed her causing Freen's back to collide with the kitchen counter.

Her hands becoming lost in Becky's long sun kissed hair, this is what she needed...she had been counting down the hours in work until she could finally leave and get to spend time with Becky.

She felt bad with her schedule in work the past few days meant she couldn't see Becky much, if she wasn't working, she was sleeping or keeping Faye sweet as she could.

She couldn't wait for Char and Engfa's wedding which was only a week and a half away as soon as they said I do. Freen was going to tell Jane that they were over.

Sure, she felt guilty but strangely not as guilty as she felt now not getting to spend her nights holding.

Becky and telling her how much she loved her.

She had told Faye this morning she would be working tonight and was determined to get one night to hold Becky and wake up with her and now she felt jealous seeing Friend's hands on Becky made her blood boil, but she couldn't exactly kick off.

Here was she with a girlfriend, sleeping with her ex-wife. How fucked up was that?

"I'm staying the night" Freen mumbled as she gasped for air, feeling Becky's fingers brush under her top caused her body to jerk with excitement.

She couldn't wait to bring Becky upstairs and show her how much she missed her.

"What about Faye" Becky mumbled against Freen's lips trying her hardest to keep it PG knowing Friend and Irin were in the next room.

"She thinks I'm working, fuck Becky, I want you so bad" Freen mumbled as she gripped Becky's hips and twirled them around, so Becky was now pressed against the counter.

Freen's hands traced over Becky's jeans causing the nurse to groan as she crashed their lips together for a brief passionate kiss.

Becky groaned as Freen's lips descended to her neck, they had to stop, she knew if Freen laid another finger on her she wouldn't be able to stop.

She would gladly enjoy getting fucked on this kitchen counter, but she needed to respect.

Irin, this was Irin's house and plus Friend was here.

"Babe, we need to stop" Becky grumbled at her own words as a breathless Freen took a step back.

"Let's go upstairs" Freen suggested biting her lip innocently as Becky squeezed her legs tightly together knowing full well if she did go upstairs, it wouldn't take Freen long before she'd have Becky.

"We can't, we have company and besides it's only 8" Becky replied as she leaned forward placing a sweet kiss against Friend's flushed cheek.

"Later, I'm going to make you come over and over just with my tongue" Becky growled into Freen's ear as she felt Freen's body to shudder to her words causing her to smile.

"But until then you are going sit in there and behave yourself for at least another hour" Becky smirked as Freen gulped and gave a quick nod. She was like a puppy on a short leash, waiting and waiting for her reward and she couldn't fucking wait.

"Good" Becky grinned pecking Freen's lips and she grasped her hand and pulled her towards the living room.

"Ms. Sarocha" Irin croaked looking between Becky and Freen.

"How are you feeling" Freen asked as she crouched to her feet whilst Becky threw a cushion at Friend who looked bored watching the Telly.

"Like I'm about to die" Irin replied sharply.

"Not with a stubborn tongue like that, what are your vitals like" Freen asked as it made Becky smile.

Freen wasn't treating Irin just as a patient she was speaking to her like they were back in theatre and Freen was inquiring what she needed to know by the nursing staff.

Freen needed to give Irin some dignity and treat her as though she would if they were back in the operating table.

"Stable...for now" Irin replied shifting uncomfortably.

"You know you should consider moving into your room" Freen suggested, remembering how much she had to bribe bed management to spare Irin a hospital bed to bring home in case she needed it.

"I have already said that several times" Becky interjected as Freen frowned looking over to where Friend was rolling what looked like joint.

"I am not staring a four blank walls, if I move in there I might as well be back in the hospital.I like it here and I'm staying here" Irin huffed as Freen stood up knowing not to push any further.

Freen sat on the empty couch opposite Irin as she glared as Friend licking the tobacco skin as she folded it into a perfect cone shape.

Becky immediately got to her feet as she grinned whilst sitting next to Freen and stretching her arm behind Becky's seat as she nuzzled her nose teasingly against Freen's neck before snuggling into the surgeon and focusing on the Telly.

The instant smell of weed hit Freen's nostrils could have made her puke, it reminded her of being back home in NJ in college.

Her old roommate used to smoke the stuff all the time and came reeking home with the smell, it still made Freen nauseous to this day.

Freen never got into the whole drug scene, sure partly because she was studying medicine but also her own personal choice.

What was the need to get high, if your life was shitty then change it, you didn't need a plant extract dictating your mood or when it was time to eat.

"You want some babe" Friend asked exhaling a long drag as Becky shook her head keeping her eyes fixated on the Telly as she played with a strand of Freen's hair.

Freen's jaw clenched, she hated how casual Friend was with Becky. She knew they were just colleague, but it didn't stop her jealousy at how Friend called Becky babe and how casual Becky declined to take drugs.

Biting her tongue Freen urged herself to calm down as she tried to focus on the television.

"You ok" Becky mumbled as she released the strand of Freen's hair allowing with to curl as she brushed it behind Freen's ear.

"Great" Freen mumbled as her eyes diverted back to the television, this wasn't how she wanted to spend her night with Becky.

Watching some shit reality crap on the television while the room filled with smoke. She couldn't keep it in anymore as her body tensed.

"I don't think you should be smoking that around Irin do you" Freen snapped at Friend who flicked ash into a nearby ash tray as she glanced nervously between Becky and Freen.

"Medicinal purposes" Friend smiled as Becky scoffed a short laugh turning back to the Telly.

"Funny that...I don't remember writing that on Irin's prescription" Freen replied dryly.

"It's fine...honestly I enjoy the secondhand effect of it since it sends me into coughing fits nowadays when I take a drag" Irin said as Friend grinned and took another long drag causing Freen to mumble under her breath.

"Babe why don't you go up to bed and I'll follow you up" Becky suggested as Freen could feel her anger bubble more.

"No, I'm fine here" Freen snapped giving Friend a threatening scowl and then looking back to a nervous looking Becky who gave her a sympathetic smile causing her heart to melt. God, she loved this girl.

"You are staying here tonight then Sarocha" Friend asked as she pushed the burning joint against the ashtray and place it on the coffee table as she leaned back on the sofa allowing the aroma around her take its effect.

"Yeah...are you" Freen shot back a little too harshly as Friend held her hands up in defense.

"Freen" Becky mumbled.

"What" Freen snapped as Becky was a little taken back.

"Sorry" she mumbled as Becky remained quiet.

"I'll be off then" Friend said as she shot to her feet. "wow" she giggled as she walked over to Irin placing a quick kiss on her forehead.

"I'll be back for some brownies tomorrow" she smiled as Irin grunted a goodbye.

"I'll call you tomorrow babe" Friend said to Becky who remained quiet and nodded in agreement as she got to her feet.

"Thanks for the company" Becky said as she wrapped her arms around Friend, she could feel Freen's stare burning into the back of her head, but she didn't care.

Freen was acting like a twat tonight and her and Friend weren't going to be her targets for any longer.

"Night Freen, give Faye my regards won't you" Friend smirked as Becky pushed the older woman out the room towards the front door.

Freen gritted her teeth as she heard muffled voices and giggles from the hallway.

"Oi relax.... she loves you remember that" Irin warned as she switched the television off

"Don't push her away with your insecurities. You don't want a repeat of last time" Irin said as Freen got to her feet and approached the frail woman.

Placing her hand on Irin's cool arm she heard Friend shouting a goodbye from outside the house.

Freen felt a tight grip around her wrist as she looked down into Irin's blood shot eyes.

"You are twice the woman Friend will ever be...I know it... Friend knows it and so does Becky....look after Rebecca for me" Irin said weakly as she choked back her tears.

Freen nodded as she leaned down placing a kiss on Irin head.

"I'll see you in the morning" Freen whispered as Irin released her grip and she closed her eyes.

Flicking the light off Freen quietly made her way out of the living room as she closed the door over.

Stepping into the hall, Becky leaned against the front door as her expression remained blank. Freen felt like a shit.

She knew she shouldn't have snapped at Becky, maybe it was the stress or tiredness getting to her but either way she knew Friend was only trying to wind her up.

Freen flashed Becky an apologetic smile as she could sense Becky's face was dying to break into a grin, but she refrained from it as she walked towards the bottom of the stairs.

Hooey, only 10 chapters to go!! Thank you so much! I will update again tomorrow :)) Enjoy

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