Fenner's Life. [Murder Drones]

By Shenanicanicans

3.2K 43 28

Oberleutnant Fenner Railan; A once strict and mostly careless soldier now becomes a broken god. Becoming even... More

Fenner's Arrival
What is This Place
The Tower
â­† [CHAP.1] - The German Soldier's Grip
A Past Uncovered
Dunkle Schlachtenträume in Frankfurt
The ''Countryside''
The Thrill of the Chase
Invasion & Control
The Promening
Cabin Fever
Thunderous Confrontation
Dead End
The Void
Among the Stars

Phoenix Rising

28 1 4
By Shenanicanicans

Guards are looking at the security feed in Fenner's containment chamber, and see that he appears to be acting up.

"What's all that stuff dripping off him?" A guard says, as the radio suddenly starts speaking.

"This is the O8, I am outside and the O9 has lost his mind, all units report to the coordinates Z44 on your maps and try to nullify the situation. I repeat, all units report immediately."

All the guards rush out of the containment room, seeing several other guards rushing down the hall going for the outside.

After everyone reaches the outside, the blizzard is heavy., the snow deep, and everything cold. It has been a while since they had seen the outside, but now they had to move to the coordinates requested.

Upon reaching the area, everyone could see the O9 holding Maxwell by the neck.

"O9 has gained to much power, try and diminish the power!" O8 says as the guards start to open fire.

"BUT DON'T HIT THE DISASSEMBLY DRONES, DO ANYTHING BUT HIT THEM! ESPECIALLY THESE 3!" The O8 yells, pointing to V, N, and Uzi who were there, slightly collapsed and somewhat paralyzed.

The bullets strike the O9, as he drops Maxwell to the ground and going after the units.

All the gunfire and dying units were very evident to anybody who was around the area; in which it lures even more attention. USRF troops, survivors, and disassembly drones from the Countryside.

"IS THAT THE ANOMALOUS ENTITY RESEARCH FOUNDATION?!" A USRF commander yells, as the O8 yells back,

"YES! THE O9 HAS LOST HIS DAMN MIND, WE NEED ASSISTANCE!" The O8 yelled, as the USRF troops, survivors, and the Disassembly Drone started going after the O9.

Meanwhile, with Fenner.

Fenner is struggling to stay together, dripping mortimirium.

"Hey, you alright?" The being says to Fenner as he replies,

"No... I can't stand it... I'm confined here, and I can't defend friends..." Fenner replies, his voice being corrupted.

"SCREW IT! I'M DOING IT!" Fenner yells as he kneels down, charging up a spring jump, which causes the ground to rumble, soon springing off the floor and breaking through the roof, and mountain the facility was embedded into.

Back to the fight.

The fight continues going on.

"You won't be able to take me down! Too much power, too many decisions!" The O9 says, as the ground starts to shake.

Everyone ceases fire, looking around for the sound, even the O9 is confused.

"What's happening? Earthquake?" The O8 says.

Suddenly, a massive crash is heard in the distance, as a flash of white flies up out of where the facility was.

"Wait-... Oh no." The O8 says, slowly backing away.

"Oh no, what?" The O9 says.

"O9, I would suggest you stop what you're doing... He-... It, is mad..." The O8 says, warning the O9.

"It? What're you talking about. I'll happily do what I want." The O9 says, picking up Maxwell by the neck again.

"Surely this will lure him." The O9 says, punching his hand through Maxwell's chest area, ripping the core out.

It's then that a massive crash is heard, as Fenner approaches over the horizon.

"Ah, THERE he is. Have you finally come to fight me!?" The O9 says, picking up a piece of metal to act as a melee weapon.

The bat materializes into Fenner's hand, dripping with mortimirium.

"Well, come on then." The O9 says, challenging Fenner even more.

The O9 then senses a movement, as he reels the metal back, swinging it towards Fenner's direction.

While the O9 was swinging, Fenner appeared right infront of him, close to swinging the bat across his face.

"Wait... 2 powerful people swinging-.. THAT'S GONNA EXPLODE THE PLANET!" The O8 says, using his own Anomalous properties to form a rift to space which teleports everyone.

"EVERYONE IN THE BUBBLE!" The O8 creates an impenetrable and soundproof bubble, also full of looping oxygen so humans can still breathe.

When the weapons collide, a massive "PING" and flash of light occurs as the two are sent flying.

"Where the hell did they go?" V says, looking around the space area before a flash of light occurs, being brought to where Fenner and the O9 had ended up.

"Silent Running." The O8 says, as the bubble and everything inside goes invisible.

The O9 crashes into a planet, causing a crater, as he looked around.

Fenner approaches on a hill, looking down at the O9.

Similar to this:

Fenner stares down the O9.

"Looks like you survived that. I am generally impressed." Fenner says.

"As to you." The O9 says.

Fenner looks at the O9's weapon of choice, smirking.

"You know what, I'm gonna ditch the bat. You can keep yours, but I bet I can rip your jugular out using my bare hands." Fenner says, dematerializing the bat and putting his fists up.

The O9 cackles, forming what looks to be a portal infront of himself, and infront of Fenner.

"Sure buddy." The O9 sends a punch into the portal, which comes out the other end, but Fenner maneuvers just in time.

"How did he-..." The O9 stands there confused, wondering how Fenner avoided that sudden attack.

Fenner reels his fist back, kicking off the ground towards the O9, sending a firm punch to the side of their face.

The O9 is sent flying, slipping through a portal to beside Fenner, trying to swing the metal at him.

Fenner jumps back before the attack lands, sending a powerful punch to the O9's gut which sends him flying up.

The O9 lands back down, sending a barrage of attacks to Fenner.

Fenner blocks the attacks, trying to send a counter-attack, but the O9 saw this.

The O9 sends a punch to Fenner's stomach-area, sending him flying, as the O9 looks up at him, kneeling down to spring up towards him.

But before he could actually spring off the ground, Fenner lands back down and causing a shockwave.

"How did you get back down here so fast?" The O9 says, until he feels a sudden punch to the nose bridge as a crack is heard.

The O9 recoils, holding his nose.

"HOW DID YOU HIT ME THAT FAST?!" The O9 yells, starting to slowly tear up from the pain in the nose.

The O9 kicks up a bit of debris, sending it towards Fenner.

Fenner swiftly dodges it.

"I can do something like that." Fenner says, jumping off the ground.

Fenner lands back down, creating a shake in the ground, as the planet suddenly starts to break apart, leaving fragments scattered here and there.

The O9 is now just drifting through the air, surrounded by debris.

While the O9 just floats there, Fenner dashes around on the debris, confusing the O9 on where he might be.

Then the O9 decides to use a portal to slip out of the area.

While he is travelling, he suddenly feels Fenner's presence. And surely enough, when he looks down, he sees Fenner with his fist reeled back.

Fenner then slugs the O9 in the face again, sending him flying around like a pinball.

The O9 flies around the area, bouncing off rocks, while Fenner tries to figure out where he might be.

"You know what, wherever he is, he's getting pulled in."

2 orbs appear on Fenner's hands, as he pushes them together.

"Be careful, Snow Wraith... You are messing with a dangerous ability..." The being says to Fenner, but Fenner prevails with the orbs.

The orbs are desperately trying to push against each other, until they inevitably form together.

The orb forms what looks to be a blackhole, as the O9 suddenly appears.

"EAT THIS!" The O9 was charging up a swing, until Fenner caught the metal, stopping it dead in its tracks.

He points the blackhole-like orb at the O9, sending it off.

But the O9 was quick to think, so he moved his head before the blackhole was sent off.

The O9 looked in fear at the damage to the space the blackhole did, so he starts flying off into the space with Fenner on the other side of the metal.

"There is no way this person is able to roam ANYWHERE freely, this isn't just a Class-X! THIS IS A CLASS-Z!" The O9 says to himself, looking around and spotting Copper-9.

"Is that... Wait-... I should be able to set a portal there. THAT'S IT! I CAN DO THAT!" The O9 says, reeling his fist back and punching Fenner off into somewhere else while he heads towards a newly made portal.

The portal brings him back to Copper-9, as he looks around.

"Did I... I DID IT! I BEAT HIM! HA HA! I'M STILL UNDEFEATED!" The O9 says, cheering himself on.

The bubble that had everyone in it reappears, as everyone just floats there.

"Well. It appears you've won... And Fenner is nowhere to be seen." The O8 says to the O9.

"YES! I WON! I BEAT HIM!" The O9 says, still rubbing it in.

"How easy would you say that fight was?" The O8 asks.

"Well, I'd say in general it was pretty eas-" The O9 was about to finish his sentence, until he felt an extremely rough and powerful punch hit the side of his face, which sent him flying down.

Fenner had come back, holding his fist against the O9's face as he went crashing down to the planet.

Upon landing, the impact created a massive crater, until Fenner grasped the O9's throat, throwing him into the air and creating a massive surge of energy that destroys all the power the O9 had.

The O9 collapses to the floor, starting to crawl away.

"No... No no no, I can't lose..." The O9 says, barely holding onto life.

Fenner approaches from behind slowly, leaving puddles of mortimirium with each step.

Fenner then jumped up, grabbing the O9's neck again, slamming it into the ground as he throws the O9 in the opposite direction.

The O9 stands up, looking extremely beaten up, but tries to charge Fenner with the metal weapon.

Fenner then sends a punch so hard into the O9's chest, that he punches right through, holding the O9's heart.

When the punch landed, the O9 coughed up alot of blood, going limp as Fenner rips the heart out of the O9's chest.

"That's for Maxwell." Fenner says, dropping the heart onto the ground and crushing it under his foot.

The O9 looks up with the remaining life he has, before finally dying.

Fenner stands there, his hand covered in blood, and his boot with heart junk all over it.

The bubble that was holding everyone disappears as everyone arrives where Fenner had landed.

"... You were supposed to leave him alive so he could give you the powers." The O8 says.

"I don't want it. And besides, I destroyed the powers. And I gave him a taste of his own medicine."

Fenner looked over at all the USRF troops.

"Seeing you worked alongside the survivors, I'd say we're on neutral terms." Fenner says, walking away from the battlefield.

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