FGO/Void's Wrath a Jeanne D'A...

By BlackHydrex

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Y/N L/N, enraged by the death of his servant, Jalter in the Third Holy Grail war, corrupts the grail. He mak... More

Chapter 1:The Beast Summons
Chapter 3: The Nightlife
Chapter 4: Revenge Closer
Chapter 5: Paradise
Chapter 6: Blood Ties

Chapter 2: A Step to Darkness

375 9 0
By BlackHydrex

Disclaimer: Some of the characters used here do NOT belong to me, all rights go to the respective owners. Except for the OCs, those are mine all day and night.

A/N: If you haven't read Fate/Void Wars, I recommend you check it out. This is the alternate ending and sequel. A timeline where Y/N chooses revenge over anything.

BTW, I'm thinking of posting a chapter every other week


Early November Chaldea 20XX

I woke up pretty early today. Around four, I was still pretty sleepy. I took a deep yawn. It was around lunch hour right now. I walked through the hallway. Cu and Scathach were near my room. They usually trained together. Well, mainly due to Scathach.

"Get the fuck up Setanta!" she dragged the blue-haired spear user still in his blanket.

"It's too early to train!" He yelled.

The instructor summoned Gae Bolg Alternative. "It's 11 in the morning!"

Seeing such a dynamic was amusing. Especially seeing Cu going through pain.

Eventually, I went to the automatic doors to the canteen. I walked through, half expecting it to be crowded. Which it was.

I walked into the line, took a tray, and got served. The chefs this time around were Raikou, Tamamo Cat, and EMIYA.

Y/N was at a table sitting alone with a servant I had never seen. The servant wore more modern military gear. He had vials on him. Y/N still wore his dark cloak. Dog tags were around his neck. He seemed out of it. Like staring into nothing. Well, he was staring at the ceiling. When I approached that changed.

He focused. "Morning Jean- I mean Jalter," Y/N corrected himself. He must've known my presence. I sat my tray across his.

Soon enough Master Gudao, Kama, and Master Gudako sat at the table. Kama and master Gudako sat next to me while Gudao sat next to his sister.

"Who is this?" Kama said.

"Is this your servant sis?" Gudao asked.

"You know my luck with summoning is atrocious. I keep getting mapu tofu." Gudako cried in pain. She slammed herself into the table in pain.

"While I get a bunch of cool servants. Like Astolfo-chan." Gudao had a smile of joy. One that I could never understand.

Gudako turned to her brother. "You do know they are a-"

"Shhh" he shushed his sister. "Nobody needs to know."

"This is my servant." Y/N raised his palm.

"Huh?" we all said dumbstruck.

"Introduce yourself." he motioned to the soldier.

"I'm Will, dual class, Assassin and Gunner. I follow commands no matter what."

We could see the mark on Y/N's hand. He was serious. He had summoned a servant. His command spells looked like a dragon. Six in total. One seemed to have been already used. The dragon tattoo on his neck moved wildly.

"Your bloodline keeps surprising me," said Kama.

"What?" Y/N was confused.

"Sorry, I'm saying nonsense," Kama said. She took a bite of her food.

"You...summoned a servant?" Gudao was confused.

"Yep." Y/N smiled.

"How? You're a servant. A beast at that. How could you make one to form a pact with you?" Gudako had even more tears. Yet she still asked the question.

"I'm not a normal servant or beast. I'm still human. Only partially that is."

This was the Y/N I remember. Ways of magecraft that were unheard of and impossible for a normal mage to replicate. Yet he could. Even other servants would have trouble with that. Is that why he is a beast? Or is it for another reason?

"I wouldn't trust the beast," a voice said from another table. It was the king of storms, Lalter.

"What do you want?" I said

"You..." Lalter pointed to his dagger "You have no right to wield that dagger." She was angry. The first time in a while. "You tarnish the past ones who have wielded it."

Y/N got up from his seat. He pulled the dagger of the void from his belt. Is this the same one he carried all those years ago? It had the same black edge.

He pricked his finger and drew blood. "You have no idea."

"Wait Y/N..." I called to him. He walked away in a rush and went through the west wing doors

"What's wrong with you? Why did you do that?"

"I did nothing wrong. I pointed out a fact." she bit into her burger. "If you can't see.... he's a beast. Don't get chummy with him."

"Shut it! I ran to follow him.


I walked through the halls of Chaldea. It was busy and quiet at the same time. It depended on where you were. Walking through the west wing with WIll, I bumped into someone. They wore a white and gold dress. They had a red cloth over their shoulders. I knocked them to the ground by accident.

"Are you alright?" I offered a hand up.

"Y/N?" wait...I know this person. They're an Einzbern!

I jumped back. I was ready to draw my dagger at an instant. "Who are you?"

"I'm the Dress of Heaven." she curtsied. I eased my hand. Wait the grail? I.. what did I do back then?

"You're not Lilith"

"....I know I look different...but trust that I have the minds of all the Justeaze model homunculi from previous grail wars."

"How can I trust that? Tell me something only Lilith would know."

"Alright," she said.

Immediately, a flash of light consumed the hallway. She levitated into the air. All light was now golden. Everything was now golden. It was a light show of gold light.

"I'm back...master of Avenger."


"Want me to say what you did in front of all these servants?" he did recognize these servants. The other he didn't. One he didn't recognize was a girl who had a dragon tail. Another was a woman who had purple tights and the other was a guy who had blue tights. There was also a giant wolf

"Fuck, no."

"Too bad. As if your status as a beast wasn't bad enough." she had a smug face.

"Y/N!" a local Avenger then glomped me into the ground. "Don't listen to those Lalter," Jalter hugged my stomach.

"..." There was a cool breeze. It was silent throughout.

"So this is what you've been up to corruptor," Lilith von Einzbern said.

"Wait what?" Jalter looked up to see that she did this in front of Scathath, Cu, the Dress of Heaven, Musashi, and the Hessian Lobo.

"Don't you remember Master of Avenger? She was originally a ruler. Before you-..."

"Stop," I said

"You purged all the Einzberns."

Jalter looked at me. She was in shock. She let go of me.

"You don't have your memory of your time with him, do you Jalter?" Lilith asked. Her face was smug.

"I know that whatever piece of shit you say...It doesn't matter. Y/N was a fighter. He fought for his ideals. That's what I remember."

"Lilith that's enough about the past." I walked past the dress of heaven.

"Ho, I was just starting to have fun," she whispered.

"He must've had an impact on you," I said. I knew that. That servant wasn't meant to guide the Einzberns.

I headed to my room with Will in tow. I collapsed onto the ground. Jeanne if only you knew. The order. They were to blame for this.


August 13th, Fuyuki, Einzbern Castle Japan 1951

The wind was cool. A warm breath of sun beamed down. Gusts of pollen and weeds filled the air. It was a nice day for a picnic. However, I wasn't here for that.

I looked at six graves. Each one was finely preserved. Each one was taken care of. It was apparent that someone was visiting these graves quite often. The graves read. Yves Holen, Aliisa Edlefelt, Miyamoto Musashi, Nagao Kagetora, Frank Jackson, and Kama. There was a final more recent grave that read Jeanne D'Arc.

I kneeled. "Sorry, I'm late. Things took a while to find." I placed flowers on each of their graves. I placed other things that suited their tastes as well. "The plans are close to being done. Arina is helping. She has proved to be useful..."

I took out the map of the city of London. It was nearly done. This was where they had planned my demise. I'm not going to stand for it.

"Jeanne, everyone, I'll make sure your lives weren't for nothing." I touched the final grave. I placed a rose at Jeanne's grave.

I clenched my fist. Flames burnt in my palms. I'll find my uncle with this connection.

I felt the presence of a mage. "It's rude to interrupt a moment like this," I said.

A mage with a similar dark cloak to mine appeared. She had multiple daggers and crosses on her. Her hair color was white as snow, just like mine.

"Sorry," Arina spoke. Her purple eyes were radiant.

"What is it?" I said.

"I found the last target." Arina handed me a piece of paper.

"Who are they?"

"A person not on the books. So deep in the crime industry, their name was erased. Be careful. I had trouble even finding this lead. I suggest you bring your A-game."

The piece of paper had the face of a mage that was never recorded in any database. All I knew from Arina's network of espionage was that this was the final clue to my uncle.

"I'll get revenge. On my uncle. He is the cause. I'll be the arbiter of his fate. Even if it means taking on the world."

"Thank you, Arina, I'm in your debt."

"You are welcome, brother."

"But..." I drew my dagger. "you know too much." I stabbed her. She collapsed to the ground. I used the sword of the void to absorb her. "One more grave, I wish it couldn't be like this. Sister." tears ran down my face. What? why? Did I care? No that's not it?

I pulled up the picture of the last informant.

"Now, to business, who are you, Kelred?"


A/N: I'm thinking of doing this Every other week. what servants do you want to see in this series? What do you think of the series so far? Anyway, have a good day/afternoon/night wherever you are. See you later. 

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