#LoveSTAY - Stray kids x read...

By ih3artskz143

50.4K 727 1.8K

stray kids x reader scenarios, imagines and reactions that hopefully won't make you absolutely cringe and die... More

When they have a crush on you
How you make them blush
Morning cuddles
Them being bothered/upset
Your guys' song
Ways they show they love you
Late night texts
Stray kids in British secondary schools
You have a crush on him and he finds out
Someone hitting on you
You being upset
Christmas with them
You got your wisdom teeth taken out
2 months vs 2 years
Confessions and time taken
Them getting a bit too drunk
Getting ready together
You struggling to sleep
Movie night
Trips/ holidays with them
Them as love languages
Them getting in a physical fight
You call them by their full name
You're sick
How they like their kisses
You feel bad about yourself
Them getting clingy
Cooking adventures
Meeting their parents
Them meeting your parents
You end up in hospital
When they're away on tour
First 'I love you'
Stray Kids as friends to lovers tropes
Your outfit is revealing
Ideal date

Arguments with them

1.3K 22 91
By ih3artskz143


-you and chan didn't argue often, he was the perfect husband material and it wasn't a common occurrence. but today, stuff escalated far more than it should've, it wasn't one specific person's fault, there was just too much said in too little time

-both of you were being irrational, and you were most definitely acting like a bitch, but either way, it was certain that this argument could've been avoided if you both approached it differently, there was no need to start insulting each other, especially not through the low blow you commented

''you know what chan? just piss off! in fact, go spend even more time at work than you already do, because apparently that fucking matters more than me!!''

''are you serious right now?! there's no need for you to bring my work into this, [name]!'' he growled, brushing his fingers through his hair irritably ''I'm going, I've got better things to do than argue with you and your 5-year-old mentality, I'll be the bigger person here-''

''oh yeah? I'm leaving first then, don't try pulling up at my door later asking for forgiveness'' you yelled, marching out of his company building, fully aware of the huge scene you've just caused in front of his members

-the moment you slammed your car door shut and turned your car engine on, all you could think of was 'what was all that even about?' , 'how did such a small issue turn into something so big just because of your choice of words?!'. you knew you fucked up, the problem was you had no idea how to fix it now and it's not like you can go back in time and take back what you said

-after a good cry in your car and a long, aimless drive around seoul to clear your head, you decided it was up to you to find him and show how truly sorry you were, the realisation that you're on bad terms with the love of your life was getting stronger every second, making you feel horrible

-you knew exactly where to find him and you were right, of course, you found him alone in his studio working on some new gut-wrenching love song that would stay in the deep depths of his laptop forever, as his coping mechanism

-despite having every right to be angry at you and not want to talk to you, he didn't ignore when he heard the door close knowing it was you, he put his headphones aside and was ready to talk it out with you, even if it meant gritting his teeth and taking the blame himself, he'd do anything for you

''...how did I know I'd find you here?'' you chuckled pathetically, in an attempt to clear the air between you two a little

''[name] I-''

''no, let me speak. I don't want you to apologise like you always do knowing you're not in the wrong, it's not fair. I was a total bitch and there was no need for me to say all that stupid stuff to you, especially about your work when I know how hard it is and how much you do. I'm not expecting your forgiveness or anything, but it's killing me that I just said such hurtful stuff to my one and only love when I shouldn't have-'' you choked up, suppressing tears as much as possible because you didn't want to somehow make it about yourself

-before you even knew it, chan was already up out of his chair lifting you up into his arms, letting you quietly sob into his shoulder, despite your determination not to

'' you can stay angry at me for as long as you like but I won't ever argue with you like that again baby I promise-'' you stammered, pulling your head away from his shoulder so that you're facing him instead, caressing the back of his head

''[name], I won't keep it against you or hold a grudge'' he spoke softly, knowing exactly what tone of speech of his would reassure you of his forgiveness,

''you're feisty, that's what I love about you''

Lee Know

-it was your first big argument with minho, he wouldn't ever want to do anything to hurt you, but today was just one of those days where neither of you could hold back and it honestly made your heart ache

-you hated how he disapproved of the way he was making you feel and almost made it seem like his goal was to invalidate your point. sure, maybe the fact you were arguing over him being a bit too friendly with this one girl at his workplace was unreasonable and based on insecurity, but you didn't think that gave him the right to act so oblivious and ignorant of what he did wrong

-the moment he raised his voice at you higher than ever before, you felt your face heat up and your eyes started to sting, which felt so embarrassing considering that you're the one who brought up how you didn't like the way he was being overly-friendly with the girl, so it felt like the universe was telling you that you shouldn't have started something you couldn't finish

-before you knew it, you were ugly crying because of a situation you caused yourself and you wanted nothing more than to run away to some empty space away from people. even though it was your boyfriend, you felt so humiliated

-realising right away that he was way too harsh on you and his emotions carried him a bit too far, a sudden wave of guilt filled his stomach and all logic returned to his head, he was ashamed of how insensitive he was towards his favourite person

-he stepped forward to hold you tight, despite you initially trying to push him away, he didn't let you go until you accepted his apologetic embrace

''I'm sorry'' he whispered, pushing you away for a moment to look at your face and wipe your tears, then squeezing you tightly again ''I really am sorry''

-he held you like that for as long as you needed, allowing you to recompose yourself enough to speak to him again

''I...I didn't mean to shout at you like that [name]'' he voiced, and you could tell he was trying his best even though speeches like this were not his forte because he was putting in the effort for you ''It just pains me that you still to this day don't realise how special you are to me''

''I'm special to you?''

''how...how could you even question that? of course.''

-he put his hands on both sides of your head, planting a strong kiss on the top of your head ''don't say stuff like that, it's breaking my heart''

-you could tell he meant everything he was saying and he was being so genuine with you, he wasn't usually this calm and serious around you which proved how much sorting this out meant to him. it was only right for you to apologise to him too

''I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have overreacted and felt doubtful over a girl, it was stupid of me-''

''no, no. I understand it was TOO MUCH of me to be too close to her, you know?''

''why does my boyfriend have to be the finest man alive'' you mumbled, punching him in the arm jokingly, signalling that you two were okay now and you could both go back to your teasing selves

-instead of returning back to his normal self straight away, he chuckled softly and looked at you with the most endearing, adoring smile, as if he's just fallen for you all over again,

''I love you [name]''


''you promised...you promised you'd remember our date night this time'' you commented heavy-heartily upon watching the door open and your boyfriend enter, who once again forgot he was supposed to be home on time

''I'm sorry princess I know it's just that-''

"stop calling me princess if you can't treat me like one!"

"I apologize, my queen" he attempted to make a joke, making it clear to you he wasn't taking the situation seriously or thinking it was that important

''this isn't the time to be joking changbin, do you know how long I spent getting ready and waiting for you?'' just speaking about it made your voice tremble, you felt so vulnerable and sad that your own boyfriend couldn't remember important plans

''please just let me off this one time, I'm tired'' he groaned, rubbing his eyes

''I let you off last time when you said there was an emergency with the studio equipment not working properly, and the time before when you-'' you stopped for a moment to catch your breath and stop yourself from bursting out into tears ''I'm just going to- I'm just going to go to bed'' 

''[name] please-''

-without letting him speak any further, you turned around and headed into your bedroom, slamming the door behind you and throwing yourself under the blankets 

-he felt guilty, he really did, but you didn't let him finish speaking or explain himself, which would've changed the situation entirely. he squatted miserably and buried his face in his knees, letting out a frustrated groan

-not a lot of time passed before someone started knocking at the door, entering and sitting down on the corner of the bed, which you only worked out from the footsteps and shift in weight on the mattress since you didn't let your head even an inch up off from your pillow

"can we please just talk?" he whispered, gently placing his hand on your upper leg ''I don't want you to be angry with me over something that has a good explanation-''

''changbin I'm not angry, just hurt'' you responded, finally sitting up and looking at him with the saddest look he's ever seen ''but I don't really see what good explanation could possibly convince me''

''look I didn't want to tell you because it was supposed to be a surprise, but I was out doing a bit of extra planning and preparation for our date today... I went to visit the venue myself and check everything was set up the way I asked for it to be in person, I wanted to make today a really special date and one to remember. I should've told you I've scheduled today for later than usual and that's my fault I'm so so sorry [name], it's all on me I don't expect you to excuse what I did but I need you to hear me out-'' he spoke so fast and so nervously you were convinced he was rapping

-without needing to hear a word more from him, you swiftly relocated your hand to the back of his neck and pulled him in for a passionate, yet soft and tender kiss

''shit, I'm so stupid I shouldn't have reacted like that baby, I'm so sorry I ruined all your planning I feel horrible oh my god'' by now, you were no longer trying to suppress your tears and let them flow, the guilt you felt building up was awful and you had to somehow let it out

''no no no don't cry and don't feel bad, it's my fault for not telling you. I hate seeing you cry'' he wiped your cheeks with his thumbs, pulling you closer to him ''I can reschedule our date for another night, maybe tomorrow, yeah? besides, it gives me even more time to perfect it and make it even better for my princess, or shall I say queen?''

-even with a waterfall of tears going down your face, he still managed to make you chuckle from his little remark. you reached for his hands and brought them down to your lap so that you could rest your head on his chest and let out a shaky, but relieved sigh

''I love you so ridiculously much binnie''


-you and your boyfriend were extremely busy with your own lives, so you were both lacking communication, physical touch and company from each other. when you finally got the chance for these to happen, things didn't go as planned

-for some reason, the vibe between you two was completely off, which led to both speaking with a bit too much attitude and upsetting tones, which further led to you chewing each others' ears off

-of course, you ended up both saying things you didn't mean, calling each other out on things you never expected the other to have a problem with since they never mentioned it before

- you were not having it, but you also might've gotten a bit more upset than necessary during the moment, causing a hot tear or two to fall out of frustration. you looked at him one last time before storming into your bedroom, mind filled with the way his frown disappeared the second he looked into your glossy eyes

-only when your head hit the pillow did you realise how stupid what you just did was, you knew very well your boyfriend's strong emotions would be causing him to overthink the hell out of what he's done wrong. even though it was partially your fault, you already knew he'd end up trying to take full blame for it like he always does

-and so you shot up immediately, heading to the door to fix the mess you've caused in his head, only for the door to open on its own before you even reached for the handle

-before you could take a step further, your boyfriend rushed in and wrapped his arms around you, where they belong, resting his chin on top of your head and giving you the most passionate embrace you've ever received

''[name] I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, it's me I-'' he quivered

''...you're doing it again'' you whispered, pressing your face against his chest even more and tightening your hold on him ''stop always putting the blame on yourself, I'm just as guilty here''

-you both consoled each other for a while before sitting down on your bed together, talking it out and letting go of any lingering feelings of bitterness you had towards the other

''are we okay now? I hate arguing with you more than anything else in the world''

''yeah, yeah we are okay'' you whispered, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on his lips

-this one kiss led to your boyfriend giving you a million back, all over your neck and collarbones, hands travelling all over you lovingly with sweet nothings and small apologies mumbled in between. he was determined to show you how much he loves you and how he's going to make the time lost arguing up to you through his actions. afterwards, you both fell asleep in each other's arms, the amount of various emotions poured out today must've drained all the energy out of you


-the thing with your boyfriend is that he always strongly believes he is absolutely right and NOTHING you could say to him will ever change his mind, he won't listen at all

- it's not often you argue like this but when you do, you go all out. it was a fast and explosive argument that neither of you could trace back to what it began over, but the insults you threw at each other in the heat of the moment affected you both greatly, you couldn't help but tear up at not just what you said to him, but also what you said in response back and why he doesn't seem affected by it

"you can't make me feel bad by crying [name]!'' he yelled, resting his hands on his head in annoyance

"I'm not crying"

''and you can't make me feel bad by pretending not to cry either!!''

''oh my god why do you have to be like this?! is it that difficult for you to admit you were in the wrong?! why am I always made out to be the villain?!''

''because you are!!''

-hearing his cocky, out-of-order response, you had nothing else to say to him and went to grab your bag, packed with some necessities that should last you a few days

''where are you going?!''

''away from you''

''oh yeah? go on then'' he even stood up to shut the door after you, slamming it as hard as he could

-the moment he slammed that door though, it slowly began to settle what it was he had done, but he tried to brush it off and go on with his normal life. you on the other hand, were angry and hurt and knew you wouldn't be able to pretend you were okay for long, staying over at your best friend's house was the most emotional support you could get at the moment

-and so jisung spent the next few days trying to talk himself into believing nothing was wrong, but in reality, he felt like he was reaching breaking point. he knew very well he fucked up not just this once, but every other time he's been unable to admit his wrongdoings too. he looked back on all the times he's done this and truly realised he needed to change his ways for you because you deserved better. the wave of guilt that overcame him was practically unbearable, it was only after he spent a while away from you that he realised how much he needed you in his life

''[name], just go make up with him!'' your friend advised ''you're killing yourself here, you both need each other I can't watch my favourite couple ever fall apart like this!''

''I'm tired... I'm not going to go and take the blame again for something I didn't start, it's not fair'' you sighed, watching your friend quickly type something on her phone and burst out with a huge smile

''you just stay here [name]. stay right here, I'll be heading out for a bit okay? I'm awaiting a few parcels though so I'd appreciate it if you could answer the door if anyone comes knocking''

-coincidentally, not even 5 minutes after your friend left someone started banging on the door repeatedly. 'what's the parcel delivery person thinking, hammering at the door like that?' you thought, unlocking it and sticking your head out, only to find a scrunched-up faced jisung, body wracked with an onslaught of sobs and tears

'' I...I can't do this [name], I can't carry on away from you like this anymore, I've fucked up so so so hard'' he burst into tears, hesitating to step inside at first but once he saw you open your arms to him, he practically melted into them,

''I took you for granted [name], not just earlier this week but all the previous times as well, god I'm doing such a shit job at this boyfriend thing''

-at this point, hearing this you couldn't hold back your tears either and you burst out into tears on his shoulder, holding him as tightly as you possibly could. in the end, it seems you both couldn't cope with being away from each other, you were meant to be by each others' sides always and forever. you missed his embrace, his smell, his voice, and he missed the same about you too

''[name] it's supposed to be me and you against the world, yeah? not me and you against each other''


-you rarely ever argue with felix and when you do, it's usually a little disagreement that you both agree to disagree on to move on, but today your boyfriend unnecessarily had a go at you when you didn't mean any harm

-you were worried he wasn't taking care of himself, he's been so busy that he hasn't been getting proper sleep, proper meals or having any time for himself and it wasn't doing him any good. of course, you were trying to ensure he's doing well so you've been reminding him to eat well, telling him to take care of himself and trying to do everything you can for him when he finally had an evening off. what you didn't notice however was that this might've turned into nagging at him and repetitively moaning at him to do better

''felix maybe you should take some vitamin supplements to- felix? felix!'' you made your way over to him with a glass of water but it seemed he wasn't listening to you at all, instead pulling a face at his phone the moment he heard you start talking again

''oh my god [name] stop caring so much and acting like my mom or something, it's so annoying!!'' he snapped, slamming his phone down on the table and glaring at you

''fuck, well sorry for looking out for you!!'' you retaliated, also slamming the glass of water on the table

''oh just give me a break, find something else to worry about!'' it was only after these words came out that he realised how cold he sounded, ''[name] I-''

''oh I'll give you a break alright'' you scoffed, making your way out of the room and shutting yourself out in your bedroom, sitting down on your bed with a huff

-he really wanted to approach you as soon as possible like he usually does after a disagreement, which by the way is one of your favourite things about him, but something seemed different this time, he wanted to give you space and was worried of annoying you further. little did he know, you were sat in your bedroom eagerly waiting for him to turn up because you hated when this kind of stuff happened between the two of you

-you waited, and waited, and waited, until you saw the lights switch off through the crack at the bottom of the door and the tv turned off. you realised he wouldn't be turning up any time soon and was sleeping on the couch, it made your heart drop

-after a while of tossing and turning in your bed, you knew you had no chance of falling asleep without the comfort of your boyfriend next to you, no longer on bad terms. you went out of your bedroom and into the living room, sitting down on the edge of the sofa next to where your boyfriend was curled up asleep without any pillows or blankets since they were all stored in the room you were in

"[name], hey" he spoke softly, sitting up and reaching out to hold your hands like a reflex

"...I waited for you in there, I waited for so long" you sniffled, trying not to seem upset ''I don't want to go to bed angry...can we please just talk about this?''

"y-you did?!" he felt so bad right away, he knew he should've followed his heart and gone to you right from the beginning,

''[name] I'm so so sorry!'' he cried, pulling you onto his shoulder and giving you a tight hug, ''I don't know what has gotten into me I've just had so much on my mind and stuff and I-'' he stammered from trying to give you an explanation so quickly

''hey, hey, it's okay. we're okay'' you reassured, nuzzling your face into his shoulder and inhaling his sweet scent that you missed so much within a few hours

''I love you [name], please don't ever stop worrying about me'' you could tell by the way he spoke he was worried he might've caused you to decide to stop overly caring about him

'' I don't I ever could stop lix'' you giggled, caressing his head comfortingly


''fuck you seungmin!'' you screamed, already regretting what just came out of your mouth during a minor argument

''oh woww'' he scoffed, clapping his hands sarcastically and looking at you with the most disappointed face you've ever seen,

''fuck you [name]!''

-you're often pressing each other's buttons a lot as a joke but you never let it get too far... until now. for some reason ever since the two of you woke up you've been irritated with each other and everything that could've possibly gone wrong, went wrong

-and so it begins again. it was a game of silent treatment between the two of you to see who would give in first and apologise, which could probably go on for a pretty long time considering both of your guys' stubbornness

-as much as you wanted to rush to him and jump in his arms and apologise a million times, you had to protect your pride and honestly, deep inside you were hurt by the whole situation and didn't think he deserved an apology first either, so of course you were going to be petty and stay quiet for as long as needed

-you both had a day off and were stuck in your apartment together, so you thought the only thing you could really do was go out. where to? you had no idea, but you knew you weren't returning until late at night to show him how petty you could be. you grabbed your things, dressed nicely to make it seem like you were perfectly fine and headed towards the front door

''where are you going?'' your boyfriend muttered, avoiding looking or turning in your direction, but still wanting to know where you were off to. you blanket him completely and walked out, trying to get rid of the thought about how he cares for where you're going even during a massive argument

-you spent the day roaming around the busy city. you got some lunch in a nice cafe, did a bit of shopping for yourself and went on a relaxing walk through olympic park. surprisingly, it was an enjoyable, pleasing day which helped you unwind a lot

-however, you couldn't get rid of that empty feeling in your heart and mind. something was missing...someone was missing. a certain someone should've been filling in that empty space beside you, enjoying this day spent together with you

-late evening arose and you sat in a bar alone watching the sunset you could've enjoyed with seungmin, contemplating whether you should swallow your pride and apologise to him first because your heart was aching at the fact you spent your free day doing all these cute activities solo

-it didn't take you long to make up your mind, you couldn't stand being alone anymore and rushed home immediately, no longer caring about who should be apologising first, you just wanted to be on good terms with your one and only again

-the front door swung open at the same time you reached it, a hurried, panicked seungmin making his way out of your apartment. you both paused for a moment before trying to speak at the same time

''[name] I-''

''seungmin I-'' a faint smile appeared on both of your faces, already knowing what you were both trying to say

''I was just about to go looking for you [name], I was scared I upset you to the point you wouldn't come back or something''

''I'll always come back for you'' you whispered, already feeling your eyes go glossy and warm from the pure joy and relief of making your way back to him

-you soon found yourself in his arms, where you belong, and neither of you cared about the fact you were in the middle of the corridor with other people passing by, just you and he mattered in the moment, nothing else

''let's not argue like that again, I'm sorry'' you mumbled, still holding onto him with no intention of letting go any time soon

''we won't, we won't. a few hours away from you on bad terms today has taught me a bigger lesson than I'll ever need. rest assured it won't ever happen again because I don't think I can cope away from you like that again''


-this was the first time you've ever had a full-blown argument with jeongin and it was safe to say you were both terrified of how things would look between you two after what just went down

"god, it just feels like I'm constantly talking to a wall jeongin!!" you yelled, putting aside what you were doing to focus fully on speaking to your boyfriend, who seems to be avoiding responding to you or hearing you out. it started off as a petty disagreement but you both happened to be a bit too sensitive today and got too defensive about yourselves

"are you even listening?" you scoffed, making your way towards him so he's forced to listen "this is your problem- you don't know how to listen!"

-hearing your response, he rolled his eyes and repeated what you said in a mocking tone, leaving you in disbelief and questioning whether this is a grown man you're talking to or a 4-year-old

''are you kidding me right now?! you-''

''oh my god just shut up for a moment!'' he finally retaliated and raised his hands to rest them on his head, by which you were taken aback. you didn't full-on flinch, but it's not like you didn't react either, the moment jeongin saw you turn your head away his eyes widened

''seriously? did you think I was going to-''

''I didn't think anything, I'm out of here'' you grumbled, making your way out of your shared apartment without even looking back. you were wearing your pyjama shorts, a hoodie and some sliders but you didn't care in the moment, you weren't planning to go far anyway but you just had to get out of there for at least a moment

-it had been roughly 10 minutes since you left and jeongin was pacing around while debating whether or not he should text you or run after you. before too long, he was out of the door and jogging around the area, searching for you desperately

-as you stormed around the block trying to organise your thoughts, you, unfortunately, ended up tripping from the lack of proper footwear and landed on the bumpy concrete on your knees, which were now all scratched up and bleeding. your day just couldn't get any better could it?

-that for you was the cherry on top and you simply had enough of today, you waddled over to the nearest bench with a stinging discomfort in your knees and buried your face in your hands, allowing yourself to let all the built-up feelings out through your quiet cries, which quickly turned into a huge sob

-you were so immersed in your emotions and focused on crying that you didn't notice someone had come up to you until you felt a stinging liquid be swiped across your grazed knees, which caused you to look up from your hands in confusion

-in front of you, your boyfriend was kneeling down on the very same rough concrete from which your knees were the outcome, despite being in shorts himself. he had disinfecting wipes and on the floor, a plastic bag from your local pharmacy with a wide variety of ointments and plasters

-you felt butterflies in your stomach for a moment, but then you remembered you were supposed to still be angry at him

''I'll do it myself'' you mumbled, trying to take the wipes from him only to be pushed away gently

''let me do it. besides, look at your hands, they're all sore and bleeding as well'' he reached for your hands too, giving them a soft wipe. you tried pulling them away a bit, but he only pulled them closer so he could see the wounds better. you knew the wall you were attempting to build here was on the verge of breaking down, you couldn't possibly stay 'angry' at him any longer and were ready to forget about everything that previously happened

-once he was done, he looked up at you and gave you a weak smile before dropping his head down low, letting out a quiet, guilt-ridden groan

''I don't think an apology is what you need to hear from me [name], actions speak louder than words, and I truly am sorry but I don't think saying sorry will change anything, please give me a chance to show you much I love you and how much better you deserve-'' 

''who said I wasn't going to give you a chance baby?'' you replied, putting your hand on the top of his head and running your fingers through his hair ''I'll even give you a million chances if I have to''

-he looked up at you with such hope in his eyes, taking off his jacket to put around your shoulders and having a seat beside you after you gestured for him to sit down. you rested your head on his shoulders and shut your eyes for a moment, taking a few deep breaths

''let's just stay like this for a moment'' you whispered, subconsciously wrapping your arm around his

''I love you [name]''

''and I love you jeongin''

( finally finished writing this at 3:21 AM, this is the longest chapter ive ever written im so sorry it's ridiculously long but I HOPE U ENJOYED IT BC IM REALLY PROUD OF THIS ONE!!! also if anyone has any ideas of chapters you want me to write feel free to say and ill add more to my drafts, ive got about 7 drafts waiting to be written up atm)

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