Dr. Naegi and Mr. Komaeda (A...

By LittleMissMatsuo39

237 18 0

Ultimate Lucky Student Makoto Naegi embarks on a series of scientific experiments that he hoped would separat... More

PROLOGUE: The Fall of Fukawa
CHAPTER ONE: Welcome to Hope's Peak Academy, Class 79!
CHAPTER TWO: The Future Foundation
CHAPTER THREE: This is The Moment

CHAPTER FOUR: Makoto's Transformation

20 2 0
By LittleMissMatsuo39


WARNING: This chapter contains the following: Body horror, vomiting, blood, and disturbing imagery. If you have emetophobia, please either proceed with caution or just skip the chapter. Discretion is advised.


Makoto's lab wasn't far. It was located near the cabins of Jabberwock Island, which is where the dorm room for Hajime's class, Class 77, were located. It was nighttime, and the air was cold. It was a good decision to put on that jacket Tsumugi gave him, as it provided Makoto a bit of warmth from the cold night air. Eventually, Makoto reached a little bungalow with a green door. This, was his lab. Makoto had asked for a place where he could try his experiments, so Jin Kirigiri, Kyoko's father and the headmaster, told Makoto there was a bungalow located on Jabberwock Island that he could use. Makoto didn't tell the others about the lab when he was explaining his theory, which he felt dumb for, but he was going to tell them soon anyways.

Makoto took a deep breath, and opened the door, turning on the lights, revealing the lights shining down on his lab. The laboratory was crowded with tables filled with vials and potions and all kinds of scientific equipment. The floor was wooden, which made cleaning up any messes or mishaps a lot more easier for him. Makoto began to walk up to the desk, whilst opening his bag to get something out of it: a small, green journal, with a four leaf clover embedded in the middle.

Just then, excitement for the upcoming experiment overtook Makoto's senses, as he started to laugh, allowing a few childish twirls to control him as he approached the desk, placing the journal down onto it. Flipping through the pages of the journal, Makoto took out a pen and began to write, reading aloud as he did.

"October 13th, -" he checked the digital clock on the desk, to check the time. "11:49pm. I started this journey alone, and I must finish it alone. My proposal to try and get a human subject for this experiment was rejected by The Future Foundation. They said that I was playing God. They called me a madman...a freak. I was so close to just giving up but...Kyoko helped me realise that turning back isn't the option, and that it's too late to turn back. And the encouragement I received from my sister and my friends was enough to lift me back up. This is the hope I want to achieve by performing this experiment."

"Therefore, I realize I have no other choice but to use myself as the the test subject of the experiment. I will take one week to record the potency and side-effects of the chemical. After this night falls, I will show the foundation that this can be done. "

Putting the pen down, Makoto took the vial from the bag, uncorked the lid, and poured the liquid into a beaker, getting ready to add the last few ingredients needed for the chemical to be ready. "There. Now, for the finishing touches. I hope it's enough." And so, Makoto got to work.

This was Makoto's seventh attempt, which he labelled as MN7 (Makoto Naegi's 7th attempt). The first and second attempts were tests to see if it was actually possible, attempt three blew up in his face due to his luck issues, attempt four was a complete failure, attempt five was going somewhere, but had to be scrapped, and attempt six made him realise that he was almost ready to test it out, but he just needed one more crucial ingredient, albeit it giving a mild reaction. "Heh, who knew all I needed was just a little more salt?" Makoto laughed at himself.

The ingredients for his experiment were all given to him by Seiko Kimura, the Ultimate Pharmacist. Seiko was one of the few members of the Future Foundation that Makoto actually got along with, and one of the only ones he didn't consider to be a hypocrite. Hell, he could have clearly seen her hesitation in turning down his proposal for his experiment. As much as he hated having to do this behind her back after she was one of the members that rejected him, he had to do it. Either way, he still detested the foundation, mainly Munakata and Sakukura, for thinking he was crazy. And Makoto wasn't going to let those hypocrites drag him down, and make him give up so easily.

Makoto mixed in the salts with the rest of the liquid until the crimson red colour became a bit more pronounced in colour. It took him seven months to perfect it, but Makoto was 99% positive that he had the right ingredients for his creation. Makoto was mixing up all of the ingredients into a small beaker. And after a few moments...it was done. Makoto placed the liquid into a vial, and just took a look at it. This was it. Makoto's 7 month journey could either end here, or it could continue onwards for another few months.

Makoto had a look of pure anxiety on his face. He was going to test it on himself after all. But...should he even do that? What if something happened? He thought back to what Ryota Mitarai told him at the meeting. "What if it didn't work? W-wouldn't that cause this human test subject you're looking for to..to die?" Makoto hated to admit it, but..Ryota kind of had a point. For all Makoto knew, this could kill him. But while that thought did terrify him, Makoto also knew that his previous tests were all non-lethal. The chemical being non-lethal was a key element he took into consideration when making the chemical.

But then, his thoughts went over to what Sonosuke Izayoi asked him. "Listen, suppose you are right, Naegi. And you do manage to separate good from evil. What, exactly, happens to the evil?" That answer Makoto gave out was incredibly half-assed, and was an explanation he came up with last minute. He didn't actually know. And yes, while the whole point of the experiment was to see what happens, it still made Makoto really scared to do this, because this was an untested formula, meaning he doesn't know what's going to happen to him. Makoto was...scared. He so desperately wanted to change his mind about this experiment. But...he couldn't. He couldn't back down now.

And so, with that in mind, Makoto took a deep breath, trying to push back the fears he felt. This was the moment after all. There was no place to hide now. Makoto put on a brave face, and held the vial up in the air, bracing himself for the worst.

"And now..." Makoto started. "To put an end to despair, once and for all!!" And as soon as he said that, Makoto held the vial up to his mouth, and drank the chemical. He placed the vial back down on the desk, and just stood there, waiting for some sort of reaction to occur. But, almost nothing was happening. Makoto was worried that this might have been another failure, until he suddenly felt an odd warmth form in his chest.

"Fuck...." Makoto laughed a bit. "This...this actually feels kind of nice." He took a deep breath, as he grabbed the journal again, and began writing down the side effects he was experiencing."11:57pm. My temperature has risen exponentially, and I can feel a lot of warmth in my gullet. There's a strong heat starting to spread throughout my entire veins, and it...kind of burns."

Makoto suddenly broke down into a fit of laughter. No doubt a side effect. He spent a few moments just laughing like he had just remembered an incredibly stupid joke Hajime had told him a few moments ago. He let out a sigh as he regained his composure. "There's a very strong feeling of euphoria. I couldn't stop laughing for a few minutes. It's actually made me quite lightheaded. But minus that, in terms of my behaviour, nothing has happened to me yet."

Makoto put the pen down, taking a deep breath as he placed his hand on his head. His body felt so...weird. Like he had just taken a full drink of alcohol, and was now tipsy as hell due to the consequences. No doubt an effect from the chemical. But there wasn't really anything he could do about it. The die was cast. All he had to do now, was wait. Wait for any sort of reaction to occur, and prove his theories true. He would prove the Future Foundation wrong. No matter the cost. Even if that cost ends up being his life.

Makoto sat down by the windowsill and just looked out up at the night sky. The moon was full and bright, and stars dotted the dark sky. Makoto could suddenly feel his eyes begin to feel heavy, as they began closing, when he suddenly jerked himself awake with a yawn. That's odd. When did he get so tired? Well, considering how it was 11:59pm, his drowsiness became clear and obvious. Besides, it didn't really seem like the chemical was working. So, with that, Makoto got off the windowsill and began getting everything sorted out before going to bed. He picked up his journal, and the jacket Tsumugi gave him, and walked onwards to get his bag, another yawn escaping his mouth.

But, just then, right as he was about to write off MN7 as another failure, the bell outside rang twelve times. Midnight. And as if on queue, something began to happen. Makoto stopped dead in his tracks as he suddenly began to feel a strange and mildly painful feeling starting to form inside of his stomach. "Ugh...what the?" he groaned as his right hand clutched his stomach. It wasn't a good feeling, and it seemed to be getting worse, as suddenly, the pain increased tenfold. Makoto gasped sharply as he dropped the jacket and journal, both of his hands clutching his stomach tightly.

"AHHH!!! F-fuck!! What the hell?! What is this?!" he cried out, as he started to panic. He immediately picked up the journal from the floor and ran over to the desk, opening it up again to try and write down what was happening, which wasn't easy, because his hands had started to shake.

Sudden pain in the stomach, and a scorching feeling spreading throughout my skin. I-I think something's happening, but I don't know what! I can't explain it! This pain is too consuming, I feel as if I'm being swallowed whole and going insane!

And in that exact moment, Makoto's entire body exploded with agony. His legs were starting to shake uncontrollably, making it hard for the brunette to stay standing. Makoto reeled, staggered, and clutched at the desk, holding on, trying to keep his footing, with injected eyes. But his efforts were all in vain, as another, dreadful wave of pain crashed into his body, as if it were a tsunami. Makoto screamed out in agony, as his body flew to the floor, the poor brunette thrashing around the room in an intense agony.

Loud grunts, moans, and cries of pain escaped his mouth, as he tried to get back up again, but the pain seemed to be holding him in place. Makoto gagged as he felt the liquid of the chemical starting to leak out of his mouth, and he tried desperately to prevent it, but every time he swallowed it back into his system, the liquid would just continuously rise up in his throat, despite his attempts to push it back.

Eventually, Makoto couldn't hold it back anymore, and was coughing violently as the liquid poured out of his mouth, as he clawed at his throat, trying to stop the flooding liquid. It eventually stopped, leaving a puddle of the chemical's liquids on the floor, and Makoto's mouth and hands covered in said chemical.

"O-oh God!" Makoto grunted, as the pain continued to worsen. "W-what's going on?!" Makoto held himself, shaking violently. His entire body was aching, and his breathing was unstable as the pain continued. Every muscle in his body was throbbing with pain, and he could feel his own skin crawling, causing his shoulders to twitch every once in a while. His heart was beating out of his chest, pounding against his ribcage like a trapped bird.

"W-what...what's happening to me?!" Makoto cried, as another wave of pain hit him, making him curl up into a ball on the floor, desperately trying to shut out the pain as tears began to form in his eyes. "It hurts!!! Oh God, this hurts so fucking much!!!"

Makoto was full on whimpering in pain, as it continued to intensify. He was in so much pain that it's honestly a surprise that he's still alive, and that he's been able to hold out for this long. "S-someone, please!! Help me!! I-I can't....I can't take this anymore!!!" Makoto called out, trying to call out to anyone for help. But there seemed to be no reprieve from whatever was happening in his body.

"HELP ME!!!!!" Makoto screamed out. And then, that was it. He couldn't hold it in ant longer, and soon enough, Makoto let out an incredibly loud, bloodcurdling scream of pure agony. Every scream of pain was worse, panicked, pained, and louder than the last, and Makoto's body thrashed around in agony, kicking his legs about as he tried to find ant sort of relief from the pure torture he was experiencing. But nothing seemed to be working, and Makoto was starting to get terrified.

"HELP!!!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!! I'M SO FUCKING SCARED, I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!" Makoto screamed out, hoping his voice was loud enough for someone to hear him. And like a miracle, someone actually heard him. He could hear Komaru's footsteps, as she frantically ran over to the door, banging on it loudly.

"Makoto?! What's going on?! I can hear screaming?! Are you okay?!" her voice rang out, laced with panic over what could be happening to her older brother. "K-Komaru!!! G-get...get Kiri and her agency!!! P-please!! I...need...help!!! HURRY!!!" Makoto cried out. Komaru immediately obliged as she ran to get Kyoko and the detective agency, hoping and praying that her brother was going to be okay.

Makoto was starting to lose hope that he could stay conscious any longer. His body was in so much pain. His hair was messy due to the struggling, the chemical was leaking from his mouth, making him gag and cough, and he even three up the liquid from the chemical a little. His body was throbbing with agony, and it seemed like at any given moment, he would faint from the pain.

Makoto tried to reach his hand towards the door, but it proved to be difficult, for he could barely move, his body throbbing in pain when he tried to move. Makoto's vision started to blur, his head completely disoriented as he felt his eyes starting to shut. He was about to faint from the pain.

"S-someone...please....h-help...m-me..." Makoto choked out, his body about to give out on him completely. "I...I don't....I don't want...to die..."

And just like that...

Everything went black.


Makoto's body was lying on the floor. His eyes were shut tight, and his breathing was still. The moonlight shone onto his lifeless body. He wasn't dead. Of course he wasn't. But his unconscious didn't know when he would awaken.

Just then, Makoto's chest began to rise and fall, his breathing return, and a small moan left his mouth. His eyes started to flutter open, his eyes making contact with the ceiling light. He hissed and clawed at his eyes, turning over to his side to avoid blinding himself even more than he already had there.

As he removed his hands from his eyes, though, Makoto noticed something. His hands...looked really pale. And a lot bigger too compared to the rather small hands he had before.

He examined his hand, and realised that his clothes were now far too small for him, which was odd, as the green hoodie he usually wore fit him perfectly a few moments ago. Although he did feel them tightening during the convulsions.

"What...what happened to me?" he thought aloud, only to immediately slam his hands against his mouth afterwards, his face changed from a look of confusion to a look of fear. His voice...it wasn't his. It still resembled him in some ways, but it sounded more...raspier. More...sickly.

"A mirror..." he said to himself quietly, before repeating himself more loudly. "Where's the mirror?!" As he got up, he immediately realised that everything suddenly looked really small. Did he get...taller? Well, that was certainly the least of his concerns in terms of this odd change. He ran over to the mirror, but fell over when he got to it. Being tall definitely has it's pros and cons, he thought.

He pulled the cloth that was covering the mirror off, and almost screamed when he was met with...a very ghastly sight.

His entire appearance...it had altered completely! His hair had turned from a desaturated brown to a sickly white. His once hazel eyes had become a grayish green, and his skin had gotten more paler, and it didn't even look like it belonged to a living human being. Nothing looked like Makoto Naegi anymore...

"W-what...oh my god, what the fuck happened?!" he cried, as he looked down at his hands, terror written all over his face. "W-what is this?! Why...why do I look like this?! O-oh God, no! This...this can't be happening!!"

He had his head in his hands now, unable to believe what had just happened. Someway, and somehow, the chemical had completely altered his appearance. He didn't even know if this was meant to happen, or if the experiment went horribly wrong.

Suddenly, he felt something in his mind shift. He removed his hands from his hair, and looked down at them again. His face had a look of terrified confusion, but then, he could feel a small smile form on his face. But nothing about the smile looked gentle at all. In fact, it looked rather...manic.

A few small and quiet laughs started to emerge from him, and the laughter was slowly but surely starting to get louder. Soon enough, he was roaring with crazed, maniacal laughter. His laughter grew in both intensity and insanity, and it didn't seem like he was going to stop any time soon.

"Ohhh, this is amazing!!! I feel so alive!!!" he said in between his crazed laughs, as he brushed his hair with his hands, his laughter so maniacal that you'd think it belonged to a crazed and deranged villain.

"Oh, I feel so free!!!" he shouted. "Oh, if only the Future Foundation could see me now! What would you think, Munakata?!? Huh?!?! What would you think?!?!" His laughter was completely deranged now, and a look of manic and evil was evident on his face. He took a deep breath, and his laughter came to a halt, as he admired this new look of his.

"Oh, I could do almost anything now!" he sighed, his face with an expression that looked as if he was planning something. He suddenly frowned, as he had come to a realisation. He looked down at what he was currently wearing. His old clothes, which were way too small for him.

His green hoodie exposed a small part of his stomach, and it looked like it was squeezing the life out of his chest. His jeans had almost the exact same situation, he could very clearly see his socks, not to mention he could slightly see his boxers peeking out too. It was a relief he wasn't wearing his blazer, that would have just been hell.

He can't leave looking like that. He suddenly remembered the clothes Tsumugi had given him. "Hmm...I wonder." he thought to himself. He immediately went over to the box, and after ditching his old green hoodie, he put on the white shirt. It fit him perfectly now! A smile formed on his face as he began to put on the other clothes.

The white shirt he wore had a red design on the front, and it seemingly resembled two interlocking hooks. He now wore plain black jean that had a wallet chain with a skull charm on them, and wore pale brown shoes, each fastened by two zippers.

"Oh, this is perfect! Well...almost...something feels like it's missing." he pondered for a moment, before his eyes locked onto the green, jagged cut jacket that he had dropped onto the floor when he was stricken with pain. He smiled, and grabbed it, and after close examination, he put it on. "That's much better." he smirked, as he laughed again. He then put his original clothes in the box where his new outfit once was. He knew this state wasn't permanent. He was going to turn back to normal, so he decided to just keep them for when he did.

"There. I should hope that someone like Kiri notices this and puts them back into my room." he said to himself. He suddenly noticed a really fancy looking knife on one of the desks. "Oh? What's this?" he smirked as he picked it up. It was a knife Makoto would use for things like opening boxes or other things, but he knew that there would be other purposes for this knife, more than Makoto could ever imagine. And so, with a little giggle, he pocketed the knife in his jacket. "I hope I get to use it tonight~ After all...this is my first night of pure, unrestricted freedom..." he laughed darkly, as he began to walk to the door, ready to head out into Towa City.

"I'm so sorry, Dr. Naegi..." he said, as he looked back for a moment. "I almost forgot to turn out the lights. Please forgive me..." And with that, the lights turned off, and the boy ran out of the laboratory, and into the streets of Towa City, ready to relished and embrace the feeling of being alive.

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