W.O.L.V.E.S.: Canine Commando...

By SethCauble

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Get ready for the world's most unlikeliest heroes. A police officer, Zoe Zimura (Zendaya), teams up with four... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 3

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By SethCauble

We change to a new scene where Zeke was walking through the village with his cloak on so that no one would recognize him. He saw the people living their normal lives and the children playing out in the streets.

Zeke: Freedom from years of being incarcerated does strange things to you. You get so used to the dark that you having to squint your eyes to get used to the light. You see the happiness of the people and the children that it you realize that it is an unfamiliar feeling to you. You want to join in the happiness and the laughter and the playfulness of the children but you realize that it's probably for the best that they pretend that you don't even exist, because you know that it's not even worth it. For me, not even this world is a happy place for me anymore. I have nothing left here. Not since Saul took my family from me. That's why I plan to leave. To escape to the outside world. Not many people have attempted because of fear of what Saul did to those who have. I just want to get away from it all. The rule, the pain, the heartache, the sorrow, the painful memories and the reminders. But first, I came here to say goodbye to an old friend. Then again, it's places like these where the strangest turn of events tend to happen.

The attention was focused on an apple stand, where a little wolf, who turned out to be Asher, poked his head out of the pile of apples and looked around. 

Zeke: Yep, that's right. That kind of strange.

Asher climbed his way out of the apples and slid down the leg of the table.

Zeke: Before Asher was a part of our group, he was part of a foster society called "Barnabas's Bandits". A crack house full of the sneakiest thieves who steal whatever they can get their grubby little hands on to earn some fast loot. Even if that loot includes what comes outta your wallet. No has caught them yet. Even how Saul has not caught on to the thieveries is still a mystery to everyone. In another sense, Asher is kinda like "Oliver". If Oliver didn't get arrested on his first time. 

While Zeke narrated, Asher quickly scurried behind the boxes and stands. Quickly flipping and sneaking and hiding, unbeknownst to the other pedestrians walking through the markets. He then came up to a stack of boxes and when no one was watching, he knocked on it.

Asher: Psst, Aaron.

Another little wolf appeared out of the stack of boxes.

Aaron: Ugh, Asher. This fish market smells like the South side of 'Nam.

Asher: Ssh. Quiet. We got a mark.

He gestured to a villager who had a bag full of money out in the open. Asher and Aaron looked at each other with a smirk and nodded to each other. The villager walked down the road, unaware of what was about to befall upon him. All of a sudden, a marble rolled down to where he stepped and he fell backwards. Fortunately, Asher held him up while he was standing on Aaron's shoulders. 

Asher: You okay, sir?

Villager: Yes, I'm fine. Thank you-- Huh?

Before he turned around, they were already gone. Asher and Aaron had rolled out of sight and hid behind a barrel.

Asher: You got it?

Aaron shows him the wallet.

Asher:(Pleased with his work) Nice. Let's get some more stuff.

They both worked together to steal some more stuff from their unsuspecting victims. Whether it was wallets, jewelry, and gold. They even stole food from the markets. They were so fast that no one could spot them. And no one has caught them yet. From devious tricks to sneaky and fast movements. At the end of the day, they sold all of the stolen items to a grumpy collector and got enough loot to grab some sandwiches. While they ate their lunch, Asher decided to talk to his partner in crime about his latest idea.

Asher: You know, Aaron? I've been thinking.

Aaron: (Unsurprised and Sarcastically) Oh, boy. As if I hadn't heard that a million times. The only question is "what with?".

Asher: (Taking offense) I'm talking about stepping up our thievin' game.

Aaron: (Sigh) Asher, every time that we've tried to step up our thievin' game, we get in trouble with Barnabas. Trust me, that's not something you wanna do more than once.

Asher: I swear we won't get in trouble with him, this time.

Aaron: Yeah, that's the same thing you said last time.

Asher: Look, I'm just bored of easy steals. We need a more hard case. Something more challenging. At least something more worthy of my talents. 

Aaron: It's easy because you're just that good at your job. It's better if we just stick to it instead of trying to risk life and limb for some "ancient artifact" or something. I mean what are you trying to prove?

Asher: I'm not trying to prove anything. I'm just saying that this pick-pocketing job is just beginning to run dry. 

Aaron: Look, I'm sorry if ya' feel that way, but that's no reason to stir up trouble. Especially after last time.

Asher: That was just a jewelry store. Any five year old can do that.

Aaron: No, you're thinking of toy stores. But trying to crack hard systems is not our thing.

Asher: I'm just trying to say-- Look, all it takes to crack a system is to hit the weak points. Crack puzzles, go through the mazes, outsmart the traps, I mean anything to try and get past a figurative fence and steal something or do something that's never been done before. 

Aaron: Asher, we're scavengers, not burglars. 

Asher: Okay, I've got plans for-- 

He was interrupted by his ears, nose, and mohawk twitching.

Asher: Oh, wait. Hold on. I've got something.

Aaron: Oh, great. I hope it's your next spot in line for a tetanus shot.

Asher looked behind him and saw Zeke with his cloak on and his guitar on his back. Then he got a devious look on his face.

Asher: Oh, I wonder how much we can get for that.

Meanwhile, Zeke came across a bar. He could hear the music and commotion coming from inside.

As soon as he opened the door, the music, laughter and commotion died. The fighters looked at him with a victim still in a chokehold. The gamblers still looked at him while still playing cards. As soon as the bartender saw him, he signaled to the band and they played a new song to get everyone's mind off the tense atmosphere.

Zeke still walked slowly into the bar with everyone's eyes still on him. He went up to the bartender and sat down.

Bartender: Ezekiel.

He greeted in an Irish accent.

Zeke: Amos.

He greeted back.

Amos: Y'know you're riskin' everyone's lives by bein' here. 

Zeke: I just came to get some supplies and a map real quick. Then I'll leave.

Amos: Right. Along with the usual?

Zeke: Sure.

Amos went to pack some supplies along with a map and a beer.

Amos: So what's the next move? Any revolutions to start? Comrades to recruit?

Zeke: I just came to say goodbye, Amos. I'm headin' outside the gate.

By now the music stopped and everyone looked at him. To break up the tense atmosphere again, Amos laughed to convince everyone that this was a joke.

Amos: This man! He says the funniest things, doesn't he?!

This got everyone in the bar to laugh along with him.

Zeke: (Serious) Amos.

Amos then lost his smile and whispered to Zeke.

Amos: Zeke. You should never say things like that around here. If word gets out, they could find you and haul you back to prison.

Zeke: I'll take my chances.

Amos: Zeke. 

He reprimanded, trying to get him to take this seriously. 

Amos: Y'know as well as anyone else that no one has ever attempted that journey and survived. Even if you do make it across the dangerous terrain, you will get caught.

Zeke: There was a rumor, that I heard in prison, about a group of prisoners who made it to the outside world. 

Amos: It's not wise to base a plan off of something that might not be true. And besides, no one even knows what happened to them. Either way, it's suicide.

Zeke: Either way, I'm getting out.

Amos: It's not a smart plan, Ezekiel. And I thought your father was crazy. Turns out you're just like him.

Zeke: Yeah, well. I'm done with starting revolutions. I'm just leaving.

Amos slammed down a glass he was cleaning.

Amos: You know what? I take it back. You're not like your dad. It's not like him, or you to run away.

Zeke: Believe me, Amos. It's for the best. The last time I started a fight, it didn't work out well for me or the people I recruited. All of my team died, and I was put in jail.

Amos: Because those people were not a team. That was their downfall. It's never a solution to run away from a problem. What you're doing is wallowing in your own self-pity. That's not what your father would want for you. Neither would your team and neither would Sariah or Phillip.

That last phrase started a fired inside Zeke.

Zeke: Amos, don't you ever mention my wife and son's names like that to me again. You're treading on thin ice.

Amos: You're on rough seas, yourself, my friend. If your attitude causes you to make these rash decisions. Zeke, family is more than the relatives and the people you live with, or the people who raised you. Family is the people who make you a better man. You just need to look for those people. Or you can let them find you. Now that's a team that cannot be beaten. The sooner you learn that, the better off you'll be.

At that moment, Zeke had a flashback to the last time he was given good advice. The last time was when he was a young teenager about to be sent off in the army to fight the war against Saul's forces. His father was there to talk to him.

Zeke: I don't wanna go, Dad.

Zeke's Dad: I know, son, but this is important. Times are hard, and the army needs everyone they can get.

Zeke: But I don't wanna fight. I just wanna play music for the people.

Dad: I'd love that for you more than anything, but this is the way things have got to be.

Zeke: What if we can just make peace through other things besides war? War can't be the only answer, right?

Dad: War isn't the answer, but not everyone believes that. They think that we have to settle things through resolve. Not everyone responds well enough to a kind word an action. You've gotta be tough.

Zeke: Why can't things be different?

Dad: I don't know, son. 

I really don't know. But you've gotta remember.

Zeke came back a few years later and saw that his old home was in ruins. He ran to the house with a scared look on his face.

You aren't always going to be the hero.

Zeke saw his father, dead in the middle of the rubber with a spear in his chest.

It could be anyone else.

Zeke crouched down, with tears pouring out of his eyes, and put his head on his father's shoulder.

It only depends on who it is to make the first right choice in their life. Someone who takes a stand first. No matter how scary it is, no matter what the cost, even with risk or without reward. Even with a reward you may not want.

Zeke buried his father and put a grave marker in the ground.

Zeke. Zeke. Zeke!

Zeke snapped out of his flashback and looked at his friend in the eyes.

Zeke: Don't worry, Amos. There'll be a hero for everyone. Someday.

Amos: Yeah, but you're the only one who's been brave enough to stand up to Saul. No one else.

Zeke: Yeah well, don't give up hope, Amos.

All of a sudden, a noise that resonated out from the streets caused them to look outside the bar. They saw a few kids that were stealing food from the markets and getting chased by the shop owners that were screaming out at them.

Zeke: Who're those kids?

Amos: Ugh. Street thieves. Don't pay attention to them. Just be sure to keep your hands on your valuables.

Zeke: I'll remember to do that. Goodbye, Amos.

Amos: Cheers, mate.

Zeke took the supplies and walked out.

Meanwhile, Asher and Aaron were hiding behind a stand, discussing how they were going to take Zeke's guitar.

Asher: Alright, he's coming.

Aaron: How do you wanna do this? Chunk a rock at his head? Have him slip on a marble? 

Asher: (Sternly) Aaron.

Aaron: What? That one's always a killer.

Asher: No, wait. I gotta good one. It's never failed yet.

Aaron: Oh, jeez. Please don't say...

Together: The Fake Injury Trick.

Aaron: I hate that trick. You always make me do it.

Asher: You're always better at it.

Aaron: It's humiliating.

Asher: I don't care. Just do it.

Aaron: And stupid.

Asher: Aaron. No debate. Just do it.

Zeke finally made it outside.

Asher: Here he comes. Quickly, act like you're hurt.

Aaron: Asher--

Asher already hid behind some crates.

Asher: What are you doing? Just go.

Aaron: Can't you do it, this time?

Asher: I'm already hiding. Hurry up before he gets away.

Aaron: (Groans)

Zeke walked past and noticed Aaron lying down on the ground, acting as if he was hurting.

Aaron: Help me, please. I need help right now. I'm hurt.

Zeke looked at Aaron, not buying it.

Aaron: (whispering) Asher, he's not buying it.

Asher poked his head out from behind the boxes.

Asher: You gotta sell it, Aaron. Make it more convincing.

Aaron: Do you wanna do this?

Asher: No.

Asher snuck back behind the boxes.

With all his will, Aaron began to scream out in pain. This was enough to convince Zeke to come over to check on him

Zeke: What happened?

Aaron: A wagon ran over my leg. I think it's broken.

Zeke: Let me take a look.

While Zeke was checking his leg, Asher climbed up from behind the stack of crates and was about to jump on Zeke, but tripped and almost fell off and hung onto the box on top. Zeke heard a noise and Asher was almost caught, but Aaron screamed louder.

Zeke: Ok. Ok. Calm down. Where does it hurt?

Asher swung his little legs to back on top of the crate.

Aaron: In my leg, genius. Where else?

Asher facepalmed at his friend's bad acting.

Aaron: How bad is it? Will I be able to walk again?

Asher gave it a thumbs up and was about to pounce.

Zeke still felt his leg to see if it was broken.

Zeke: It doesn't seem to be broken.

Then Asher attacked Zeke from behind and pulled his hood over his head, while undoing the strap of his guitar.

Zeke: Hey! What---

Asher jumped on the ground with Zeke's guitar in his arms. 

Asher: Alright, let's scat. Meet me back at the house. I'll distract him.

Aaron: Ok, wait what? Shouldn't you give it to me?

Asher: Like he's gonna chase me if I don't have it? 

Aaron: That's not how a distraction works.

Zeke removed his hood and saw them with his guitar.

Zeke: Hey! Give that back, right now!

Asher: Am-scray!

They both ran off with Zeke running after them. 

Asher: Go the other way!

Aaron: That's not how it works! You're supposed to--

Asher: Where's the challenge in that?

Aaron: What challenge? And for who?

Aaron stopped and Zeke still ran after Asher. Aaron wheezed, still trying to catch his breath.

Aaron: I'm gettin' too outta shape for this job.

Then his ears perked up and he heard a noise. He looked behind him and saw people running away from two shadows that were roaring down the street.

Aaron: Oh no.

He got out of the way and looked behind a crate.

The scene showed the wheels of a motorcycle and two roller skates. The roller skates then flipped back into the metal boots of the owner and next to him, two enormous feet landed behind the motorcycle. Scene change to the inside of the bar where Amos was working. Abruptly, the door opened and a dark figure casted a big shadow inside the room. The ninja walked inside and the big guy ducked his head down so that he could fit through the door. The patrons looked at them, scared. Amos was frightened, himself. His hands were shaking that he could barely clean the glass.

The ninja pulled off his mask and hood to reveal himself as Enoch. He was here for serious business, but he decided to play it off as friendly, as he smiled, flashing his gold tooth.

Enoch: Excuse me, good sir.

It was a mix of casual but intimidating.

Amos: I don't want any trouble.

Enoch: Ay, s'alright, man. You won't get no trouble in here. It's all good. We lookin' for an escapee who just got out this mornin'.

He opened his mechanical claw and it projected a hologram of Zeke. Amos saw it and his eyes widened. Enoch noticed this and his brow, because his dreads covered one side of his face, furrowed.

Enoch: You seen 'im in here?

Amos got nervous because he didn't want to rat out his friend.

Amos: No, I've seen him before.

Enoch chuckled, still trying to play it cool. 

Enoch: Ok. Ok. I guess it would hard for a busy dude like yo'self to keep track of all of the faces of the customers who come in here. I get it.

Amos: (Relieved) Oh, yeah. Yeah, it is.

Enoch: Part of me believes that.

Then Enoch pull his dreads to the side of his head to reveal his glowing mechanical eye and ear and frowned.

Enoch: But tell me why the other half of me is sayin' that you is lyin'.

Amos: What? I don't know what you're--.

Before he could finish, Enoch slammed his head onto the counter with his mechanical arm and Rubble pulled his guns out on the customers, who all gasped in fear. 

Rubble: Hold up! Nobody move or nobody else won't be able to move.

Amos: Now, calm down--

Enoch: Shut it! Now look here. If it were up to me, I'd let my boy here shoot holes into everyone's kneecaps, but since I'm tryin' to be nice, you gonna tell me where he's headin'.

Amos: I don't know what you're talking about! I didn't see him!

Rubble: Don't lie to us! We been trailin' the residue from where he killed our last operative. And the trail ends here. Now where's he headin'?

He threatened as he pointed his gun at Amos's head.

Amos: Please, have mercy!

Enoch: Boy, you better tell us now before we about to commit a violation up in here!

?: I know where he's heading.

Everyone looked to see an old man in western style clothes.

Enoch: Well, by all means. Do tell us and I'll think about sparing this guy's life.

Amos: No, please don't.

Rubble: Shut it! Where's he headin'!

?: He's heading out.

Enoch: Out where? Be more specific!

?: Outside the wall. 

Enoch and Rubble both laughed.

Enoch: No one would be crazy enough to try and escape to the outside world.

Amos: You'd be surprised.

Enoch: Oh, sure. Now you talkin'?

He released him and pushed him back.

Enoch: C'mon, 'Rab. Let's hit it and find him before he skips town. 

They both walked out with the people still shaking. Amos was almost relieved until he saw Enoch tying up the doors and setting a detonator.

?: Wait, I thought you said that you'd spare our lives?

Enoch: I said I'd think about it, but then I thought "Why would I be stupid enough to spare the lives of those aided and abetted an escapee?".

The people, including Amos, exploded into a panic as the two walked off a long and safe distance enough for Enoch to activated the detonator and destroy the saloon.

Aaron, still watching, fell backwards in shock. Other people outside the saloon looked at the two in shock.

Rubble: Was that really necessary? I thought we were just being intimidating.

Enoch: We just doin' our job, 'Rab. Now let's track this fool and find him.

Aaron was still in shock and thought about the guy that Asher provoked.

Aaron: Oh, Asher's dead. He's dead for sure. Barnabas is gonna blow a gasket.

Then he ran off to the safe house.

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