AZUR LANE: An Underwater Adve...

נכתב על ידי poom36yu1

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After working as a slave for a company for years, I died working without enjoying life, so I was reincarnated... עוד

FIGHT! [11]


215 8 0
נכתב על ידי poom36yu1


War, if war will never change regardless of the era...

The battle continues and everyone looks in the direction of the ballistic missile siren.

Denver: Sister! What is that thing!?

Cleveland: I have no idea, but I have the feeling that it is something very bad.

On the other hand, Eugen takes a quick look at the siren weapon, for her it is very similar to a weapon they are developing.

Eugen: It is very similar to V2 (I don't remember how to spell the name in German).

Yuudachi: (Confused) What did you say?

Tester: That's not a bad assumption, Eugen... what you see is the weapon of the future. The concept of this weapon is beyond your common sense.

Meanwhile, Columbia, upon seeing the weapon through the periscope, decides to surface while preparing to shoot down the enemy missile.

Enterprise: Hey Columbia, are you sure you can intercept that thing?

Me: [Don't worry, trust me, but make sure to disable the missile launcher]

Enterprise: Okay, I'll do my best and try to rescue Akagi who seems to be held captive by the sirens.

In that moment, the Siren missile is fired. The missile takes off as if it were a Russian cruise missile, and after being ejected, a thruster is activated to correct the missile's trajectory. Then, the main propulsion rocket is activated, propelling the enemy's ballistic missile.

The chances of seeing such a weapon of mass destruction, they are surprised and scared by what they see.

Cleveland: I have a bad feeling.

Illustrious: What an evil presence.

Meanwhile, as the missile moves away, Enterprise fires an arrow aiming at the enemy's missile launcher, and the arrow manages to penetrate and destroy the enemy's missile launcher.

Orochi: (Furious) You whore!

Enterprise: Yabe... 

Enterprise, upon seeing Orochi furious, tries to escape when Orochi's turrets start turning towards her.

Orochi: Eat my 60cm shells!

Enterprise: Don't make things up! What do you mean, 60 cm!?

In that moment, 4 explosions reverberated from Orochi's 4 triple turrets. When the smoke cleared, a fairly large hole could be seen in Orochi's turrets. These holes were caused by X-51 hypersonic missiles fired by Columbia from the surface. The turrets became unusable due to the hypersonic missiles.

Enterprise: (Surprised) What was that?

Me: [Are you okay?]

Enterprise: [Have you shot that?]

Me: [Yes]

Enterprise: [Wait a moment! There's no time to discuss this! Why haven't you shot down the enemy missile!?]

Me: I can't do it because it's too close and we could get caught in the blast wave of the bomb.

Enterprise: (Understanding) [I see]

Meanwhile, Wales watches as the missile moves away and flies towards the East.

Wales: Where is that thing heading? (shock) Is that weapon capable of reaching our base? From here? It's unbelievable...

Meanwhile, Orochi watches the missile moving away while delivering her pretentious speech.

Orochi: I didn't expect my main turrets and secondary weapons to be destroyed. I underestimated Azur Lane and Red Axis, but... I don't think they can destroy that missile... It unilaterally destroys the enemy from the farthest possible distance, that is the true nature of the weapons... the power to annihilate the enemy base on the other side of the ocean using just a single projectile.

Akagi: Yes, the power to repel enemies who seek to interfere in my love...

The enemy missile flies at high speeds and quickly becomes supersonic. On the radar screen of Columbia, the signal of the missile appears and it is already 50 km away, and she finally smiles.

Me: [SM-3, eliminate the enemy, Dive initiation]

Columbia begins to submerge, but before doing so, she fires the SM-3 missile. The missile is then launched from its cell and flies towards the enemy missile. In a short time, the missile becomes hypersonic to intercept the enemy missile. At a distance of 100 km, the SM-3 missile shoots down the enemy missile. The missile explodes in the sky, revealing a gigantic and very bright purple ball that blinds everyone despite the great distance.

Me: (Watching everything from a digital periscope) Wow, it seems like it was a good idea to take her down from a great distance.

Then Columbia stores the periscope, preparing to receive the EMP waves and the shockwave from the explosion. After a few seconds, the girls feel the shockwave from the explosion, since the explosion originated far away, the shockwave was somewhat weak, but still noticeable to the touch.

The girls who saw the explosion were in shock from what they saw. Taking advantage of the confusion, Enterprise snapped out of her trance and quickly boarded Orochi's ship. She saw that Orochi was very surprised because her missile had been shot down. Seeing Akagi somewhat confused, Enterprise took the opportunity to knock her unconscious, lifted her onto her shoulder, and quickly escaped before Orochi realized.

Meanwhile with the fifth division.

Shokaku: (Surprised) What have we built?

Kaga: This power was supposed to protect the empire. It is your cowardice that Orochi rejects.

Zuikaku: (Annoyed) Don't talk nonsense! What can you expect to protect with a power like that!? It's only good for destruction, not protection!

Shokaku: Do you desire the end of the world?

Kaga: I don't care anymore.

Ayanami: Of course it matters a lot.

Now everyone is looking at Ayanami.

Ayanami: This is not what Akagi wants.

Kaga: (disgusted) What do you know about my sister?

Ayanami: Akagi may be a little scary, but I know she loves the Sakura Empire very much, she is not capable of doing this. Kaga, you too, so please reconsider.

Kaga: Shut up! The only thing she loves about me is Amagi's shadow! But despite everything... I...!

Kaga launches an attack on Ayanami, the girls are surprised by the sudden attack against Ayanami.

Meanwhile, Orochi, when trying to search for Akagi, realizes that she is no longer on board her ship.

Orochi: (Worried) What? Where is Akagi? Where has she gone? Damn it, my plans are slipping out of my hands.

Now she tries to escape from danger and now she uses her escorts to stop the Azur Lane and Red Axis fleets.

Me: Where do you think you're going?

Meanwhile, beneath the sea behind Orochi, our protagonist is shooting VLWT torpedoes and using sonar as a guide. The torpedoes hit Orochi's stern, incapacitating the propellers that generate propulsion for the ship. Orochi quickly loses propulsion.

Me: And now... pepper her.

Now with everything laid out on the table, it's time to pepper the enemy. Columbia fired all available missiles that could be launched underwater. Tomahawks and two Trident II missiles were launched, in addition to firing YU7 and VLWT torpedoes. The ammunition hit Orochi, causing moderate damage.

Wales: The enemy is trying to escape! Fire at Orochi! Don't let it get away!

Atago: Girls, focus fire on Orochi! She will try to escape!

Takao: Yes! Orochi was built by our hands, it's obvious that we have to destroy her!

All the gunships also began firing their cannons at Orochi. Due to severe damage caused by Columbia, Orochi cannot use its shields, allowing the attacks from Red Axis and Azur Lane to inflict significant damage to Orochi's hull. It was only a matter of time before Orochi succumbed to the fire from both sides.

Zuikaku had intercepted the scrolls that Kaga fired at Ayanami.

Kaga: Tch...

Zuikaku: Kaga!

Zuikaku makes a frontal charge against Kaga.

Kaga: A suicide attack? You're stupid!

Kaga fires several scrolls at Zuikaku, Shokaku is worried about Zuikaku, Zuikaku on the other hand is very determined and does not hesitate to attack Kaga. Zuikaku lets out a war cry as she cuts Kaga's scrolls, unfortunately one of the scrolls manages to hit Zuikaku on the head. Kaga smiles at the finishing blow, but she is then surprised to see that Zuikaku is still able to fight and continues sailing towards her at high speeds.

Zuikaku: I've had enough of your nonsense! Wake up, for heaven's sake!

In that moment, Zuikaku grabs Kaga's blouse collar and pulls her towards her.

Zuikaku: First Carrier Division! KAGA!

And then Zuikaku gives Kaga a strong headbutt. Kaga, upon receiving Zuikaku's headbutt, staggers and falls unconscious for a few minutes. After a few minutes, Kaga regains consciousness and looks at Zuikaku, somewhat surprised.

Kaga: That was absurd, what the hell is wrong with you?

Shokaku: Don't you understand yet? They really want to save you.

Kaga, very surprised, looks at Ayanami, Javelin's friends, then at Zuikaku, and emotions begin to overflow inside Kaga, and then she starts crying.

Kaga: I'm very sorry... please save Akagi-sama.

Zuikaku nods in agreement to Kaga's request and then she looks at the girls of Azur Lane.

Zuikaku: Azur Lane! Please, help us.

Enterprise: That will no longer be necessary!

In that moment, the girls are surprised by the appearance of Enterprise. She is carrying Akagi in her arms, who is unconscious but appears to be uninjured at first glance.

Kaga: (Shock) Were you able to rescue my sister?

Enterprise: Yes, but along the way I received a lot of help.

Enterprise delivers Akagi to Kaga.

Enterprise: Mission accomplished, now we just have to deal with Orochi. Unicorn, pass the message, we will be joining forces with Red Axis to finish this here and now.

Unicorn: Understood.

Unicorn is leaving.

Enterprise: Zuikaku, lead us with your leader, Javelin, Laffey, and Ayanami, go help Eugen.

Laffey/Javelin/Ayanami: Ok.

After a few minutes later with Azur Lane, Unicorn reunites with the main fleet.

Unicorn: Illustrious!

Illustrious: Oh, it's you Unicorn, what's up? Are you okay?

Unicorn: Yes, I have a request for all of you... Red Axis has asked us to help them defeat Orochi.

Meanwhile, with the Iron Blood fleet, they were facing off against the fleet of Tester clones. Hipper shoots down and takes down several enemy planes, while Eugen fights against Tester. Tester fires at Eugen while she elegantly avoids Tester's attacks.

Then Eugen blows a kiss in the air to Tester while Eugen's rig eats Tester's rig and also Tester herself.

Meanwhile, Yuudachi manages to see Ayanami and Yuudachi starts crying with happiness at being able to see her friend. Yukikaze and Shigure also notice, so they approach Ayanami.

Yuudachi: (hugs Ayanami) Ayanami! I'm glad you're okay!

Shigure: So you're okay, I'm glad to see you.

At that moment, Yuudachi realizes Javelin and Laffey.

Yuudachi: AHHHHH! You're the one from that time!

Z23: (disgust) Why are you on Azur Lane's side?

Ayanami: We can talk about it later, we must rescue Akagi, she is held captive by Orochi, now that the Musashi fleet is here, our chances have increased a bit.

Hipper: That's what we were doing! Can't you see that we've been fighting against the sirens for a few hours now!

Laffey: You're mistaken, let's fight as a unified fleet.

Hipper: Eh?

Z1/Z23: What?

Eugen: Fufufu, I see, so that's it...

Tester: Are you done talking yet? I'm bored.

Eugen: You should have attacked us while we were talking, why didn't you do it?

Tester: Interrupting an important conversation is rude.

Z1: Wow, how elegant France is.

With this alliance, both factions' fleet began to receive real-time information updates. This significantly increases the fleet's accuracy and prevents target overlap. As a result, mass-produced enemy ships are quickly eliminated, and we can also listen to the opening theme song while the girls fight.

The girls from both factions fight together like in the old times, because some of the girls knew each other, they formed a group like in the old times and defeated the sirens as they used to do before.

Zuikaku: Yes, there is no more rivalry. We all work together now!

To be continued

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