
By SorchaDeBrun

221K 20.2K 2K

"What good is showing I care going to do me, Ethan?" James hissed. "If I care, then I am weak. Don't you get... More

A Few Words...
One: A Semblance of Normality
Two: Vanishing Glimpses
Three: Coping
Four: Questions
Five: Mounting Pressure
Six: Condemned
Seven: Unwelcome
Eight: A Chided Child
Nine: Falling Apart
Ten: The Hospital
Eleven: Fresh Air
Twelve: Changes
Thirteen: A Proposal
Fourteen: Suspicions
Fifteen: Excusing Behaviour
Sixteen: The Angel and The Warlord
Seventeen: The Depths of his Evil
Eighteen: In Search of Sleep
Nineteen: An Unexpected Request
Twenty: Tea and Cake
Twenty-One: A Midnight Exchange
Twenty-Two: A New Day
Twenty-Three: A Festering Mind
Twenty-Four: Frank Nicholls
Twenty-Five: Matters of Conscience
Twenty-Six: Marked
Twenty-Seven: The Note
Twenty-Eight: Strength
Twenty-Nine: An Apology of Sorts
Thirty: Hunting
Thirty-One: The Smell of Death
Thirty-Two: Reunited
Thirty-Three: Overthinking
Thirty-Four: In Fevered Anticipation
Thirty-Five: Running Out of Time
Thirty-Six: Schemes
Thirty-Seven: The Price of Inspiration
Thirty-Eight: The Diner
Thirty-Nine: Loss
Forty: Humidity and Mosquitoes
Forty-One: A Flicker of Doubt
Forty-Two: Vagueness
Forty-Three: Pain
Forty-Five: Out of Time
Forty-Six: Manifestations of Guilt
Forty-Seven: Fire
Forty-Eight: Going Alone
Forty-Nine: Frustrated
Fifty: Hollywood... or Something?
Fifty-One: The Old School
Fifty-Two: Truce
Fifty-Three: A Veil of Smoke
Fifty-Four: More Promises
Fifty-Five: A Shot from the Shadows
Fifty-Six: An Ending
Fifty-Seven: Necessary Decisions
Fifty-Eight: Still
Update Regarding Sequel
A Note To All...
A Final Few Words... For Now...

Forty-Four: The Stadium

3.2K 339 44
By SorchaDeBrun

James' condition deteriorated rapidly, as he forced himself on the long journey from the hospital, up to the Old School and out into the academy grounds. His strength had been non-existent to begin with, but by the time he had entered the shade of the tall conifers surrounding the stadium, his body could no longer continue unaided. The heat was stifling, the muggy air making breathing almost impossible and covering his skin with a clammy sheen of sweat.

Ashley Porter hurried along beside them, just outside the boundary created by the Forgotten. She kept glancing at James nervously, but James hardly had the strength left to notice. It took all his focus to place one foot in front of the other and to ignore the dark shadow pushing in on his vision.

Yet even then, he stumbled over an exposed root, disorientated by the darkness beneath the trees, his coordination lacking its usual grace. The Forgotten closest to his right, caught him by the neck of his shirt, softening his descent so that only his knees collided with the sandy path, the grit tearing holes in the legs of his trousers and grazing his skin.

Unable to find the strength to stand up, James took the few seconds of stillness to try and recuperate. He used his right hand to wipe away the sweat that ran into his irritated eyes. He fought to regain control over his ragged breathing and to still the wild throbbing that ran up and down his left side. He didn't see how he could continue unaided, his arms and legs trembling uncontrollably beneath him.

Elmhirst seemed to notice the party behind him had come to a sudden halt, and he stopped too, turning around with an irritated expression.

"So weak," he sighed. "This is going to be just too easy. Get him on his feet and drag him the rest of the way if you have to," the headmaster ordered, turning abruptly.

The Forgotten moved to grab James' arms and pull him back to his feet, but he shook them off, much to his own torture. He tried to clamber back himself, but it was more effort than it was worth.

Just as he was about to ask them for help, Ashley brushed forward, her mood bristling.

"For God's sake Alexander, get up on your feet," she snapped, an unusually harsh tone creeping into her voice. She bent down and grabbed James around the waist, heaving him back to his feet, her cheeks flushing red.

James wasn't sure if he should thank her or not, but as he opened his mouth to mumble some sort of half-hearted appreciation, a sharp, pinching pain caught him above his right hip. He looked down and caught sight of a syringe pressing into his soft flesh, the healing, pearl liquid vanishing beneath his skin. Elmhirst didn't look back and the Forgotten didn't seem to notice Ashley's covert medicating skills.

"Keep moving forward," she said in an irritated voice, shoving James back against the Forgotten on his left. James hissed as his bad side made unwanted contact with the masked man, the pain throbbing worse than ever, but it didn't matter anymore. In minutes it would be healed.

He knew that he had to maintain the pretence of pain, even when the medication had healed his damaged flesh. He also knew that whatever Elmhirst was bringing him to face was going to be far from pleasant, and he was still without his alteration.

James sighed as he watched the stadium emerge from amongst the pine trees, tall, brutish and colossal. His stomach knotted and his head swam.

He already knew she would be in there, he could only hope she was still alive.


Iseult shifted uneasily from foot to foot, waiting anxiously with the rest of the students who had been summoned to the stadium.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked, squinting against the sun that gleamed off the snow white sand covering the stadium floor thirty-foot below their seats.

"I'm okay," she said, her voice a little uneven. Carrie, who had only been released from detention hours before, glanced back at them with a determined expression, a look of reassurance for Iseult. Yet reassurance was hard to accept, especially when every Forgotten on the island lined the perimeter of the pitch, grasping automatic dart-guns. Even if she trusted some, others were far from sympathetic to the students and with the masks on, it was impossible to tell friend from foe.

"We'll fix this," Ethan muttered, slipping his hand around hers and squeezing it reassuringly.

"For how long?" she replied, with a sigh before shaking her head.

"Don't think about that. Maybe we can reach Elmhirst before..." Ethan replied in an effort to instil hope.

"Maybe," she nodded, though she knew it was a slim chance.

Every student had been summoned to the stadium, apart from the first years who were still transitioning into their altered forms in the hospital. Even all those who had tried to defend James before he had been killed, had been released from detention, to Iseult's relief. However, it just highlighted the importance Elmhirst was placing on this gathering. He wanted everybody to see his power, his control.

As if her thoughts had summoned him, Elmhirst stepped out on to the balcony high above the pitch, the cameras capturing his likeness and projecting it on to the giant screens about them. He strolled to the railing of the balcony, fixing his tie as he went, a wide, sated grin resting across his features.

He appraised the stadium briefly, his icy grey eyes absorbing the silent students where they stood waiting for the show to begin, though most of them had no idea of the show they were about to witness.

The tension was palpable across the audience and Iseult found she was even holding her breath, fearful that if she blinked, she would miss something, miss a moment to strike Elmhirst where it hurt.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, students and staff of Kingston Academy – I want to welcome you here today, a glorious day," Elmhirst beamed, his expression sickening, too happy, too excited. Elmhirst rarely showed such emotions, or at least such genuine emotions and it only heightened the apprehension.

"Look," Ethan whispered, his words a mere murmur. "Bennett's behind him".

Iseult let her eyes wander back to the balcony to find the rat-like being of Bennett skulking in Elmhirst's shadow. Despite the fact that Charlotte was the only logical cause of their summons to the arena, and that they had been mentally preparing for her return, his presence added to the numb sense of panic in Iseult's stomach.

It hurt too, that James should have been here. He should have had the chance to fight for her, to see her, to save her – to save them all. Their world had changed so much in mere days, their loss still raw. She still wondered how on earth she was going to explain to Charlotte what had happened to him, if they managed to rescue her. She wondered would Charlotte blame her and Ethan for encouraging him. Iseult knew Ethan blamed himself and she certainly blamed herself, though she never would have thought Elmhirst would have killed him. Iseult only hoped Charlotte could see what they were trying to do, could see that their intentions had been good.

"I must congratulate Mr Bennett firstly, for I sent him on a most difficult task, and yet he has managed to succeed where so many others would have failed," Elmhirst said, clapping hollowly into the microphone. Iseult noticed that not many of the students joined in, some too nervous, others desperate to show some defiance against the headmaster over his treatment of James.

"Over the past few months it was well known to you all that we have been searching for Miss Owens, our former head girl".

Iseult tightened her grip around Ethan's fingered in anticipation of the words she knew were to come, and perhaps as a silent pleading for Charlotte to still be alive.

"Mr Bennett has been adept enough to have located Miss Owens, and to bring her back safely so she can stand trial before us all for her wanton disregard for the rules," Elmhirst decreed.

The murmur went through the crowd in waves as the other students began whispering of Charlotte's almost successful escape. So many had presumed her dead or in hiding somewhere on the island. Elmhirst's giant image held up a hand demanding calm. The crowd fell into a tense silence, as Elmhirst gave another signal, his eyes fixed downwards this time, fixed on the pitch before him.

Iseult followed his line of sight, as the sand in the centre of the pitch began to ripple and move in small waves, vibrating into a haze, before finally a sudden crack appeared, growing wider and wider in the centre of the pitch. The gap grew and grew until it formed a perfect, circular hole. The sand cascaded down into the chasm like great white waterfalls, but the pit itself was black as night.

Slowly the soft sound of falling sand gave way to a new more terrible, grinding noise, which reverberated around the stadium, making the hairs on the back of Iseult's neck stand on end.

She turned into Ethan's side, resting her cheek against his arm, knowing exactly what would appear from the abyss in the middle of the stadium floor.

"If James was here..." Ethan said angrily, pulling Iseult closer to him protectively.

"He would have already rushed the stadium," Iseult breathed.

"They wouldn't stand a chance of stopping him reaching her," Ethan continued.

Iseult watched, as the limp figure of Charlotte emerged on a silver platform, half-concealed with the fallen sand. Her hands and feet were bound, her dark hair spread about her, stark against the white grit. She wore a grey dress and tights, too heavy for the stifling weather on the island.

"It is impossible to escape us, as Miss Owens has discovered," Elmhirst interrupted, his wicked smile filling the screen and replacing the unconscious form of Charlotte. "She has disobeyed our most simplest of rules, disregarded the kindnesses we have shown her and for that I must sentence her to death," he said in a tone that was far too happy.

"We have to get to her," Iseult breathed, but Ethan held her back.

"Iseult we can't. Get Ian – send the signal now," Ethan offered. "We won't be able to get there quick enough – nobody will, only Ian. He's out there hiding, waiting to help James, but James isn't here anymore".

Iseult frowned nodding quickly and stretching on her tiptoes in an effort to locate Maria Rodriguez.

"That is..." Elmhirst continued, taking special delight in drawing out his sentence. "That is if she truly deserves to die".

Iseult paused, turning back to the screen. She glanced at Ethan for a moment, her heart pounding in her chest. Maybe Charlotte was still worth something. Maybe somebody like Frank Nicholls was still willing to pay for her. The idea that she might still have time, allowed hope to flutter to life in her stomach.

"Iseult – no, you know this is a trap. She can't be allowed to live. He won't let her survive this," Ethan said in a level tone, as if reading Iseult's thoughts. Iseult frowned knowing his words to be true. Charlotte was spoilt goods in Elmhirst's eyes.

"We have decided to leave her fate up to... well, fate," he smiled. "If somebody can reach her within two minutes, before the buzzer sounds, she is free to continue on at Kingston and finish her final year. If not... well we have our Forgotten to take care of her and her failed hero," he grinned, spreading his arms out wide.

"Hero?" Iseult breathed. "Does he have somebody in mind?"

"Signal Ian. He will do it, Iseult. Even if they fire he will probably be able to survive," Ethan urged.

"And if he doesn't?"

"Iseult, you can't start thinking like this. We don't have a chance anyway," Ethan pressed.

"Signal Ian, Iseult," Carrie agreed glancing back at them. "Maybe we could use Annakiya against Elmhirst, wipe his memory or something".

Iseult looked from one to the other before nodding. "I'll be back in a minute," she breathed, locating Maria standing five rows below her.

"I have thought long and hard about who her hero will be, and seeing as he aided her escape... well why not?" Elmhirst shrugged. "He managed to survive his own death sentence, why don't we give it a second go?"

Ethan caught hold of Iseult and dragged her back before she had descended more than two steps. She glanced from his electric blue eyes to the large screen above the stadium, to see James Alexander dragged, seemingly semi-conscious, onto the balcony.

"He's alive," Ethan gasped, his fingers suddenly trembling.

"James," Carrie yelled, brandishing his fist into the air in a show of camaraderie. Many others followed his suit and Iseult lent her own voice to support her friend, a friend she had been convinced was dead. She turned to Ethan, tears running down her cheeks. He glanced at her warily, his eyes wide and watery. She could see the doubt in his expression.

"He's alive," Iseult agreed.

"Signal Ian," Ethan pressed.


Two minutes, James thought, considering the distance from the balcony to the glinting silver circle surrounded by sand. It was doable, though he already knew it was a trap.

Yet he couldn't quite refuse to go. Either way Elmhirst would kill her and then him, yet maybe he would be compelled to stay true to his word if he made it within the time. He could only hope. Plus Elmhirst hadn't yet realised that he had been healed, his body stronger than it had been in days. Even if he didn't have his alteration, he could still run that distance.

"Today will be a lesson to all who would consider putting their needs above the academy. You are all dispensable. Insolence will not be tolerated in any form, but you cannot say that I am unfair".

He then turned sharply towards James, who was determined to keep his head bowed, feigning weakness. "You could have been great, you know?" Elmhirst said, taking hold of James' face between his fingers and forcing him to look at him.

Ashley Porter shuffled back and forth by the door, while Bennett watched on, thoroughly amused by the proceedings so far. The Forgotten were mere shadows, propping James up for all to see.

James shook his head from Elmhirst's grasp and grinned, well aware of the cameras watching their every move.

"The day you stop thinking I'm great, is the day you lose," he breathed, pulling himself from the grip of the Forgotten and standing up straight, his stance powerful and intimidating.

Elmhirst frowned, doubt marring his triumphant expression for a moment, as James reached beneath his loosely buttoned shirt and tore away the bandages that had been covering his wound, which was now fully healed, but badly scarred.

"Excuse me," Elmhirst hissed through gritted teeth, glancing from the miraculously healed James to Porter.

"Ah, ah," James said in a patronising tone and drawing Elmhirst's attention back to him. "I have two minutes to reach her. We all heard your... generosity".

"Far from it," Elmhirst sighed, forcing a smile, though his eyes remained cold. "You have two minutes to get her from the pitch or both of your lives are forfeit," he smirked, complicating his earlier promise.

James gritted his jaw and clenched his fists. "If you insist," he replied slowly, though his success was becoming even more doubtful now.

"Mr Bennett, do me a favour and ensure that Dr Porter has a clear view of the pitch," he breathed, signalling for his snivelling weasel of an employee to bring Ashley forward.

"Shall I start," James asked calmly, stealing Elmhirst's attention once more. He could hardly believe how calm he sounded, seeing as he was more than desperate to reach Charlotte, to feel her pulse, to confirm that her heart was still beating, to see her bright blue eyes once more.

"Why of course," Elmhirst beamed, though an angry vein flickered in his forehead. Things weren't exactly going to his plan and James couldn't help but grin at the headmaster's misfortune.

Elmhirst clapped his hands twice and a large countdown timer appeared on one of the screens. He stared at James for a few more angry seconds, before signalling for the buzzer to sound and the time to start.

James didn't wait any longer. His body felt strong and even the dullest pain had faded from his chest. James took a step back, allowing enough space to run and vault over the edge of the balcony, dropping through the air for thirty feet and landing with a solid thud. He barely felt the impact as his feet slammed into the metal platform and he sprang forward, trying to ignore the seconds as they disappeared.

Rushing forward, James propelled himself down onto the pitch, another daunting drop below the platform. He tumbled onto the sand, rolling in a cloud of dust and grit and coughing, desperately trying to avoid inhaling the sand. Cameras hovered about him too, and for once James was glad. If this was what Elmhirst's madness led to, each and every student had the right to see what danger they were in.

The silence in the stadium was eerie, as if the entire audience watched James scramble to his feet. He couldn't afford to waste any time. If she didn't become conscious before he reached her, he would have to try carry her from the pitch himself and that seemed an impossible task given the time limits and the army of Forgotten waiting with dart guns nearby.

James gritted his teeth ignoring all his worries and hurrying forward as fast as he could in such fine, powdery sand. It gave little grip to his footing, slowing him down and making him work extra hard to reach her.

"Oh and Mr Alexander?" Elmhirst called over the microphones. James glanced up at the closest screen, not willing to pause in his efforts. "You may think you are smarter than the rest of us, but every time you act out of greed and selfishness there will be consequences".

James faltered, stumbling a little as he focused on what Elmhirst was showing him. He had grabbed Ashley Porter by the back of the neck and was now forcing her to look at the closest camera. She pressed her lips together as Elmhirst withdrew his gun and pushed the metal barrel against the back of her head.

"No!" James yelled, and his words seemed to reverberate around the stadium, picking up support along the way.

Ashley didn't speak, nor did she cry, she just stared at him as if she knew already what lay in store for her. She closed her eyes and as Elmhirst moved closer behind her, she smiled, sweet and forgiving, her image caught on every screen.

Thank you all for taking the time to read Hunted. As part of my author's note this week I want to let you know that I have decided to give the Wattys ago with Altered and Hunted. It may be a long shot, but it's all in the name of fun. I would love to have your support in this, so I would love for you to vote, comment and share on my two stories. Every read and vote counts, so please do help me out!! Also I am on holidays from work now - yay - and will be able to dedicate so much more time to this writing lark!! Really excited for the next few posts!

Now please, please, please push that little star and let's see if we can get Altered and Hunted noticed a little bit more XD x

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