Dune X reader

By Shalee_Dubois

2.1K 70 14

Four Months after Paul Muad'Dib Atreides declared himself Emperor of Arrakis, tides in the universe changed f... More

CHAPTER TWO - the seakers
CHAPTER THREE- cold blooded killer
Important message
CHAPTER SIX - 𝚁𝚞𝚗, 𝚋𝚘𝚢, 𝚛𝚞𝚗
CHAPTER SEVEN - shortness
CHAPTER EIGHT- desert spring tears


670 14 4
By Shalee_Dubois


As I lay flat on my stomach on the ground, the spicy sand shimmered in the wind, as I waited and searched. I use my spyglass to peer through the hole, searching for any indication of the food that I was expecting to receive.
I had gone without food for 48 hours and was wishing that my improvised mouse trap would be successful in catching something.

Arrakis was truly an unforgiving wilderness.

As I look around, I suddenly saw a Maud'Dib. The small creature eagerly approached my trap, attracted by the small piece of cheese I had placed on it. Without hesitation, it vanished into the hole.
I immediately stand up in victory and rush toward it. After reaching my destination, I carefully raise the box above the creature and grasp it firmly in my hands.

I thought it would be thrashing and trying to bite me in order to be released, but it was unexpectedly peaceful. Not like my other meals.
The Muad'Dib stares into my eyes with its beady black ones, and I smile.
Killing this little guy felt like a sin, and even though my stomach said something different, I decided to listen to my head. From that day on, I vowed to always trust my heart over my head when it came to matters of life and death.

I lower it back into the sand, and as I watched it hop away, a sense of relief washed over me. I knew I had made the right decision, even if it went against my initial instincts.
I decided to go drink some water in my tent, and to pass the time along, I read a few stories from old filmbooks that my father had given me. As I sipped on the cool water, I lost myself in the tales of adventure and mystery.

The stories transported me to far-off lands and ancient times. I could feel the excitement and danger of the characters as they faced challenges and overcame obstacles.
The stories filled my mind with wonder and inspiration, making me forget about the mundane worries of everyday life.

After finishing one story, I eagerly turned the pages to start another, eager to continue my journey through the realms of imagination, but I had to get back to work.

I've always known who I was. From the sun setting on Arrakis, to the imaginary doors of my training room swinging wide open. I knew who I was. A fighter, a survivor. But not for long.
When the Harkonnen's invaded my planet many generations ago, my forefathers joined forces with the Atriedes households to triumph over them, and that's the extent of my knowledge on the matter.

The stories passed down through the generations speak of bravery, sacrifice, and unity in the face of a common enemy. The alliance between the two houses was strong, forged in the fires of war and tested in battle. Together, they were able to push back the Harkonnen forces and reclaim their homeland.

The victory was hard-won, but it laid the foundation for peace and prosperity to flourish once again.

But it did not last.

Today, we honor the memory of those who fought for our freedom and remember the lessons learned from that time. The legacy of the alliance between the Atriedes and my forefathers lives on, a reminder of the power of unity in the face of adversity.

Many years later, here I was, surviving on my own in the South of Arrakis, a little ways away from an abandoned Temple Mind. I payed no attention to it, only because my life is fine right here by myself. No rules or regulations to keep me in check. I can do what I want, when I want, however I wanted. And that's enough for me.
I was free to make my own choices and live my life on my own terms. The feeling of independence and autonomy was empowering, and I relished in the ability to live according to my own desires. No one could dictate how I should live or what I should do. I was the master of my own destiny, and that was the ultimate freedom.

The Spice flung off its mighty sands, as the sun was setting behind Arrakis's moon, and I yawned.
For six days, I've been working nonstop to gather as much Spice as I can before the big storm blows through here. Its winds are strong enough to carry my provisions away, but luckily I am prepared. The storm happens every seven days, and I clock it at exactly 07:00 on the dot every time.

Sometimes I wonder why it blew through on the seventh day, because that's usually when I rested. Though, ever since Father died seven years ago, I had to be the one who took care of everything.
Honestly, I liked being busy a lot.

It distracted me from my grief.

I uncover the cloth around my nose and mouth, setting it to rest upon my shoulders, as I breathe in the hot Spicy air. The coolant system in my suit helps keep me comfortable during hot days such as this one, but at night you could get frostbite easily. Arrakis is harsh on its hosts. That's why you should never stay in one place for too long, as it can attract predators.

I gathered my belongings and bend down, placing a thumper into the ground. I roll the clock and it begins its rhythmic pattern. I replace the mask onto my face, and step back to get ready for what was to come.

"Patience, (Y/N)." I whisper to myself.

Suddenly, in the distance, I could see the sand rumpling around, creating a giant tornado-looking vortex. The Sandworm swam seamlessly through the sandy oceans, as it got closer to me. Its massive body undulated gracefully, leaving a trail of swirling sand in its wake. I could feel the vibrations in the sand as it approached, its dark eyes fixed on me with an intense gaze.

As it drew nearer, I could see the rows of sharp teeth lining its gaping maw, ready to snap shut at a moment's notice. My heart pounded in my chest as I watched the monstrous creature glide closer and closer.
This would be only the third time in my entire lifetime that I rode a Sandworm, but i had no choice.
As it got closer, I lower my maker hooks, the blades sharp to the tip.

My breathing increases, as the Worm was now in my vicinity. As it closes in on me, and pinkies through the sandy hill I was standing on. I sprinted towards the Worm, my feet moving as quickly as possible to catch it before it escaped.
With a high jump, I fall, landing on top of its back, grunting at the rough contact.

Due to my lack of focus, my body starts to roll off, but I quickly shoot the hook onto two of the Worms calloused flaps, causing my falling to come to a halt.

The sigh that came out of my lips felt so good.
Slowly but surely, I catch my balance and stand up, hands gripping the hooks with my strength. The goggles kept my eyes protected, as I rode the giant Sandworm through the hills of Arrakis. The wind whipped through my hair and the hot desert sun beat down on my back. The rhythmic movement of the Sandworm beneath me was both exhilarating and terrifying.

I gripped the reins tightly, feeling the power of the creature as it surged forward through the sand dunes. The landscape around me was barren and harsh, but there was a strange beauty in the way the sunlight danced off the shifting sands.
As we crested a particularly steep dune, I caught sight of a shimmering oasis in the distance. My heart raced with excitement as I urged the Sandworm onward.

About an hour later, the Worm started to get tired and slow down. That was my opportunity to hop off and set up new camp. The sun was starting to set, casting a warm orange glow over the mountains in the distance. I quickly unloaded my backpack and began to gather Spice, eager to set up a cozy campsite for the night. As I worked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom and adventure wash over me.

The crisp mountain air filled my lungs, invigorating me as I worked. By the time the stars began to twinkle in the sky, my camp was set up and a crackling fire was roaring in the fire pit. I sat back on the sand, feeling content and at peace in the wilderness. And suddenly sadness dawned on me faster than bread would rise.

This is what I hated the most. Night, being alone. Not having anything to do. The silence in the air was suffocating, and the darkness seemed to swallow me whole. I longed for some kind of distraction, something to occupy my mind and fill the empty hours. But as I sat there on the warm sand, I realized that sometimes, being alone with my thoughts was the hardest part of all.
It forced me to confront my fears, my insecurities, my doubts. And in those lonely moments, I had no choice but to face them head on. I wished for someone to talk to, someone to share my burdens with.

But in the solitude of the night, it was just me and my thoughts, wrestling with the darkness that threatened to consume me. And so I sat there, feeling the weight of my solitude pressing down on me.

My eyes look toward the fire, its flames dancing in the wind, making me sleepy. My eyelids grew heavy and before long, I drifted off to sleep.


"(Y/N)! (Y/N), wake up!" A voice echoed through the air. My body twists and turns in confusion, as I ponder where the voice was coming from. In the distance, a figure was running frantically toward me. The closer it got, the more demonic the atmosphere felt. I turn around to run away, but a distorted man blocked my path. His face was covered in scars, and looked absolutely terrifying.

"The prophecy is true! The prophecy is true! Save him! Save him!" The man shouted at me, and I screamed in horror, falling into the ground. He loomed over me, his face contorted in anger. I scrambled to get up, but he pushed me back down. "You think you can just walk away from me?" he bellowed. I could feel the fear coursing through my veins as I tried to find a way to escape.

(𝓔𝓷𝓭 𝓸𝓯 𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷)

In a panic, my body stands, my blade drawn and ready to pounce. But nothing was there. In confusion, I look around my campsite. Was that a dream? Was that real? It sure as hell felt real.

"Who's there!?" I called out into the distance, but all I heard in return was silence.
Whatever that was, it had to be a message from someone. Something. That guy said something about a Prophecy. What prophecy? And who was "him" that he referred to? These questions raced through my mind as I tried to make sense of the cryptic message.

Was there some sort of ancient prediction that I was unaware of? And who was the mysterious figure that was supposedly involved in all of this? I knew I had to find out more information in order to unravel the mystery that had been presented to me. It was clear that there was much more to this situation than met the eye, and I was determined to get to the bottom of it.

A whistle in the distance caught my attention, and I look to see a manly figure pointing to something. I turn and saw a giant dust storm about twenty miles away.
"Shit!" Fear filled my veins, as I rushed to gather my belongings. I take down my tent and tried to cover my tracks as best I could. And by the time I had finished, the storm was hot on my tail.

I saw that the man had started to run. "Hey!" I called after it. I took a run for it, following behind the ghostly figure with determination.

Trying to avoid the harsh winds of the sandy storm, I could feel the grains pelting against my skin as I sprinted through the desert. The howling wind seemed to follow me, making it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead.
But I knew I had to keep going, my only chance of survival depended on reaching shelter before the storm got worse.

With each sprint, I could feel my muscles burning and my breath becoming more labored. But the thought of safety drove me forward, pushing me to go faster. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I saw a small cave up ahead. With a burst of energy, I made a final sprint towards it and was almost to the entrance, but Arrakis wasn't kind to its hosts. My body lifts in the air, as I scream in horror.

The sand slams against my Still-suit, breaking the barrier to my skin, as the harsh winds throw me about. My body swirls in circles in the air, as fear boggles my mind. The sensation of weightlessness and the rush of wind against my skin is overwhelming.

I try to focus on my breathing, but the panic threatens to take over. I close my eyes tightly, willing myself to remain calm. Slowly, I start to regain control over my thoughts and emotions. I remind myself that I am safe, that I am capable. With a deep breath, I open my eyes and embrace the exhilarating feeling of being suspended in mid-air. The fear begins to dissipate, replaced by a sense of freedom and excitement.

I am flying.

I hod to only be about six feet off the ground, so I unlatch the Hooks from my back quivers, and try to determine if I was upside down or not. I decide to go for it, shooting the hooks toward the ground, and felt the suspension grow. The sudden halt caused me to fly toward the grown, and I groan in pain at the contact.

I wanted nothing more than to lay here and let the storm pass, but I wanted to follow that man I saw. Maybe he could give me some answers.
After all he did show up after I had that weird dream.

One foot, than the other, I stand up, fighting past the horrendous weather.
I struggle to keep my footing in the relentless storm, my vision obscured by the swirling grains of sand. The sound of the wind is deafening, whipping past my ears like a constant roar. I pull my hood tighter around my face, trying to shield myself from the stinging sand.

Despite the harsh conditions, I press on, determined to reach my destination. The desert stretches out before me, vast and unforgiving, but I know that I must keep moving forward. With each step, I feel the weight of the sand pressing down on me, but I push through the exhaustion and keep going.

As the storm begins to subside, I finally catch sight of the outline of the ancient ruins I have been searching for. Relief washes over me as I draw closer, knowing that I have survived the worst of the desert's wrath. I take a moment to catch my breath, feeling the adrenaline slowly ebb away.

With renewed determination, I continue on towards the ruins, knowing that the secrets they hold will make the journey worthwhile.

I shake the sand from my suit off as it falls to the caves rocky ground. Clearing my throat, I lay my stuff on the ground and start to walk closer.
These walls looked old, with stalagmites carved into the floor and ceiling. Water drips all around me, blocking my hearing of any possible sign on life.

That man had to have gone in here, otherwise he'd be dead right now.
I called out for him once again, to no avail.
My feet slowly patted against the ground, as I walked deeper into the cave. The darkness seemed to swallow me whole, the only sound being the echo of my own footsteps.

I could feel the cool dampness of the cave walls pressing in on me, the air heavy with the scent of earth and minerals.
As I ventured further into the unknown, my heart quickened with a mix of fear and excitement. What secrets lay hidden in the depths of this cavern? What mysteries awaited me around the next corner?

I raised my hand to shield my eyes from the dim light filtering in from the entrance behind me, trying to pierce the shadows ahead. And then, as I rounded a bend in the tunnel, I saw it - a glimmering pool of water, its surface reflecting the faint light like a mirror.
In that moment, all fear melted away, replaced by wonder and awe. I knelt down at the edge of the pool, gazing into its depths, feeling as though I had stumbled upon a hidden treasure.

As I sat there, surrounded by the quiet beauty of the cave, I knew that this was just the beginning of my adventure. And with a renewed sense of determination, I rose to my feet, ready to explore every inch of this mysterious place. Upon turning around, the man appeared in front of me.
With a gasp, his hand reached outward, pushing me backwards and into the water I fell. The cold liquid enveloped me, sending a shock through my body as I struggled to resurface.

As I fought against the thickness, I could feel his presence lingering above me, a sinister shadow waiting to strike again. Panic set in as I realized the danger I was in, but I refused to let fear consume me. With all my strength, I kicked my legs and pushed against the water, breaking through the surface to gasp for air. The sound of my own heartbeat pounded in my ears as I swam towards safety, determined to escape his grasp and live to see another day.

"Who are you!?" I shout to him.

"The real question is 'who are you'? Saoul Kahar!" The man hissed, his voice cracking like electricity. That name seemed familiar. That was Arabic for "The Chosen One."  (Not really, just pretend)

"Why would you call me that?" I ask him, still fighting my way to get out. He circled the pool, staring at me with hunger.
"Because you do not believe it?"

"I believe that when I get out of here, which I will, I'm going to rip your face off!!" I scream, my face almost back under.

"Hm. Drink the water, and it will grow to your likeness." Says he.

"I will do no such thing!" I say.

"Than you will die!!" His voice growled off the walls, evilly. My body soaks back underneath the surface and I open my eyes to see vines sneaking toward me. Two grab my legs, pulling me deeper under the water, as I scream. Panic sets in as I thrash around, trying to break free from their grip. The water is cold and dark, swallowing me whole. My lungs burn for air as I struggle to the surface, but the vines pulling me down are relentless.

I thrash my body like a whirlwind to try and break the grip on the evil vines, but every failed attempt just made me even more angry.
I was almost all out of oxygen.
My fury seemed to bottle my mind, as I desperately screamed for help once more. But still, nothing.

I could feel my veins wriggle in panic, each individual cell fighting against itself, and my blood started to burn with anticipation. The water around me started to boil, as my skin sizzled with the intense heat. I could feel the scalding sensation spreading through my body, causing me to gasp in pain.
My vision blurred as steam rose around me, creating a cloud of humidity. With each passing second, the pain intensified, and I decided to let it out.

Like a bomb, the water in the pool evaporated, taking the vines to burn along with it.

My chest rose up and down in frustration, as my hands and knees felt the heat on the bottom of the pool. The man looked down inside, and he seemed shocked that I was still alive.

With anger, I rise to my feet, looking up at him.

"What the hell was that!?" I scream.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Saoul Kahar was a great worrier." Spoke Han, the man who tried to kill me. I vowed not to kill him, if he told me answers. Which he was.

"So it doesn't mean 'The Chosen One'?" I ask him.

"Yes, it does. But it was inspired by Saoul Kahar. He was a great fighter, and was said to have been trained by God himself. His skills in battle were unmatched, and his enemies trembled at the mere mention of his name. With each victory, his legend grew, and soon he was known far and wide as the greatest warrior in the land. But despite his fearsome reputation, he was also known for his kindness and compassion. He would often use his skills to protect the weak and defend the innocent, earning him the admiration and respect of all who knew him. And though he could have used his power for selfish gain, he instead chose to use it for the greater good. In the end, it was not his strength or skill that defined him, but his courage and his unwavering sense of justice. He was a true hero in every sense of the word, and his legacy would live on long after he was gone. And so, the story of the warrior trained by God himself became a legend that would be told for generations to come. His bloodline passed down into you."

Wow. I seriously was not expecting that.
To know that I am related to someone so powerful gave me retribution thoughts.
"But how is that possible? My father was just a simple Spice trader." I say.

"(Y/N), your father was Sohep Lammar, Emperor of Arrakis, until Shaddam Corinno the IV knocked him out of place, and forced the two of you to leave. You don't remember because you were only a baby."

I was so confused. To think my father was a king was impossible. We were dirt poor, with barely any food to eat at night. This had to be a lie.

"There is no way my father was a King,"

"Not just a King, but the ruler of all of Arrakis. Your name is not to be thrown around like trash." Said Han.

"Okay, we'll do you care to explain to me just how I was able to evaporate five hundred pounds of water in just fifteen seconds!? I've never been able to do that before, and why am I even able to do that?? Who am I, and why have you decided to look for me?!"

Han stood to his feet in strictness. "Do not shout at me, young-an! There has been a shift in the Universe. Ever since Paul Atreides claimed himself the chosen one, riptides have began all over the Galaxy. I can feel the evil in the air, can't you? The only way to stop this madness, is to defeat the Shaddam himself! You need to use the power that you cling to so desperately in order to eliminate him!"

"What are you talking about!? I don't understand!" I say.

Han's eyes rest for a split second, as I search them. "(Y/N), Paul isn't the only One. You are the Lisan Al Gaib ll."

My eyes arose in fright. I have no idea what that meant, but I knew it was something I would disagree with.
With that I ask him, "What is that??"

======================(AUTHORS NOTE==

Thank you so much for reading! I know that the first chapter was a bit rushed but near the end of the story you will understand why everything in (Y/N's) is happening to fast. Their whole world is tumbling from being on their own and now finding out thier whole life is a lie. Plz tell me your opinions, good or bad. Thanks 🥲

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