Sincere: The Sequal

By liyahthewriter

2.5K 384 23

The story of Sincere continues... It's three years later and Sincere and Que are now married. Sincere is sti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 4

177 23 1
By liyahthewriter


Sincere watched as Que helped his grandmother up the steps and onto the sofa. She'd just returned from her chemotherapy, and she was weaker than usual. The chemotherapy had taken a lot of her energy. Today was her first round and Que, Sincere, and his mother had all gone in support.

"You okay?" Que questioned.

"I'm fine." His grandmother assured him.

"Okay, do you need anything?" He questioned.

"Que, I'm fine. Sit down somewhere."

"Okay." Que chuckled, going to take a seat on the love seat next to Sincere.

"You did really good today mama." Sincere smiled at Que's grandmother.

"Thank you." She smiled as she began to doze off. Chemotherapy was very tiring, and even more tiring for her because of her age. When she was fully asleep Que's mother placed a blanket over her and removed her shoes.

"She's out like a light." Que's mother chuckled.

"Yeah, I know that chemo probably tired her out." Sincere sighed, looking at her as she slept peacefully. Sincere turned to Que. "You okay?" She questioned; he hadn't said much.

"Yeah." He mumbled. Sincere sighed, she knew her husband was having a hard time seeing his grandmother like this. She stroked his cheek with the back of her hand.

"It's okay if you're not." She said softly. Que grabbed her hand, kissing the back of it.

"I'm fine, really." He assured her.


Sincere looked out of the window of Que's car as they made their way home. They'd been in the car for ten minutes and neither of them had said a word. Sincere turned to Que, observing him. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"No, I don't think I want to go to another chemo session. I don't like seeing her like that." Que had been trying to be strong for his mother and his grandmother, so he hadn't admitted that he wasn't okay when Sincere had asked him the first time. He knew if it was hard for him, it was hard for his mother.

"I understand." Sincere rubbed his jaw. "Don't worry about her, she's going to be okay." She assured him.

"I'm not trying to be negative, but she's old. There's a chance that she may not be able to fight this disease."

"I know, but don't think like that."

"I'm not trying to, but I have to be realistic." Que was honestly just trying to prepare himself for the worst. He was hoping his grandmother would be able to beat the cancer, but if she wasn't he wanted to be prepared.

Sincere looked at him with sympathy. She had never lost someone close to her, so she didn't really know what to say to comfort him. "Do you want to talk to Dr. Marie?" Sincere questioned.

"I think I'm okay."

"You sure?"


"Alright, let me know if that changes."

"I will." He assured her, grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it. Sincere gave him a small smile.

When they arrived home, they both stripped and got into the shower. They'd been around all of those germs at the hospital, and they needed to clean themselves. They stood side by side, rinsing themselves off in the shower. Their shower had two shower heads and a bench inside of it, which Sincere loved. Sincere looked over at Que as he stood there letting the water run down his body.

Que looked over at Sincere smirking as he saw her eyes rake over his body. "You don't have to stare." Sincere looked up giving him a smirk. She made her way over to him, dropping to her knees and taking him into her mouth. Que gripped her curly hair that was now getting soaked by water. She took him into her mouth as far as he could go, massaging his balls. He groaned as her mouth began producing more saliva, making his dick wetter.

Sincere moaned as she sucked her husband off. She would've never thought she would gain so much pleasure from giving head. She'd never given head to anyone but Que, she'd never had the desire to give it to anyone else. But with Que, she loved doing it. She loved seeing his eyes shut tight and hearing his groans. The effect that she had on him by just simply using her mouth had her mesmerized. It was crazy that she was the one on her knees but held all the power.

"Sin." Que groaned as his hand gripped her curls. His nut was crawling to the tip.

Sincere looked up through her curly eye lashes, making eye contact. Que bit his lip as they kept their eyes on each other until he came in her mouth. She swallowed it like it was nothing, standing up and placing her lips on his. They  spent another few minutes in the shower pleasing each other. It was a good thing, there water didn't get cold quickly.

"I'm not sure if my grandma is going to be okay." Que spoke as he and Sincere laid in the bed in their towels. They'd gotten out of the shower a few minutes ago but neither of them had put on any clothes.

"I hope so."

"I don't think she's going to make it." Que admitted sadly.

"Don't say that."

"I don't, she looked so weak when we took her to chemo. I've never seen her like that."

"Chemo takes a lot out of people, but it helps make them better." Sincere was trying to get him to be positive.

"Sin, I just have a feeling she's not going to make it through this."

"Well, that feeling could be wrong."

"I don't think so, I know when bad stuff is going to happen. I always get a feeling. Remember the day I found you?"


"That whole day I had felt like something bad was going to happen. I just didn't what. I'm not saying I'm psychic or anything, I just get a bad feeling before something actually happens. Maybe it's a spiritual gift or something."

"Maybe." Sincere brought her hand up to gently stroke his cheek gently. "Why have you never told me that?" Que shrugged.

"I don't know, I didn't want to sound crazy."

"That doesn't sound crazy. A lot of people have gifts like that." Que placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For just making me feel like I can vent to you. I didn't want to tell my mom how I was feeling because I know she's probably taking it the hardest. She's good at hiding her emotions."

"I know, I might take her out to eat or something so she can get out the house and clear her mind."

"She would love that; you know she loves her some Sincere." He chuckled. "You than took my mama."

"Oh please, let's not go there. Don't get me started on you and my granny. She calls you to fix stuff at her house like you're her man and not mine." Que began laughing.

"Well, who else is she going to call? You don't know how to unclog a sink."

"You don't know that."

"Sincere please." Que chuckled.

"I'm for real, I can do some stuff."

"Well, next time we have a clogged sink I'm going to let you fix it."

"That's fine." Sincere smirked, laying her head on his chest.

"My mom invited me to a birthday party she's having for my dad this weekend." Sincere informed Que. Earlier in the week her mother had called and told her she was having a surprise birthday party for her dad, and she wanted her and Que to come if they could.

"Do you want to go?" Que questioned. He knew the complicated relationship she had with her parents. They'd been in a good space, but sometimes Sincere's mother would slip back into her old ways, and they would go weeks without speaking.

"Yeah, she offered for us to stay at their house, but I want to stay at a hotel."

"That's fine." Sincere had shared with Que that she'd grown to hate the house she grew up in. It held nothing but bad memories. Her worst days had been in that house, she'd tried to take her life there. "You sure you want to go?" Que questioned.

"Yeah, I want to be there for my dad's birthday. I just don't want to stay at that house." Sincere chuckled.

"Alright, we can go then." The room grew quiet as they laid there. Sincere decided to break it.

"Sometimes I think I don't deserve you." Sincere admitted as she wiped a tear from her eye. Que frowned.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because it seems like all you do is give, give, give and I have nothing in return to give to you."

"That's not true." Que disagreed.

"What have I given you Que?" Sincere questioned, propping her elbow up on the bed and resting her head on her knuckles.

"Love, support, a space of vulnerability, the list goes on. And relationships aren't always 50/50, I'm pretty sure there will be a time where I have to lean on you for emotional support just like you've had to lean on me." Que looked directly in her eyes as he spoke to her, he wanted her to know that he meant every word he said.

"Thank you." Sincere kissed his lips. She was so grateful that she had a man that didn't mind giving her reassurance whenever she needed it.

Que hated how her confidence was still low after the years of counseling she'd had. She was always critiquing herself or apologizing for things that were out of her control. He hated that, especially because he knew it was a part of her trauma from Jaylen. He knew it was a possibility that she may never become the confident woman that he knew she could be, but he was hoping one day she could. She'd already come a long way.

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