Secrets In the Shadows (Syzyg...

By JanelleYurime

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Samantha never thought that her life would turn into something she doesn't believe in. A life she never imagi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 22

45 5 0
By JanelleYurime

Samantha's POV

The room was cold and uninviting, the air is heavy with a sense of foreboding. The need to escape was a constant, gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Ugh... what am I supposed to do?" I muttered to myself, frustration mounting as I paced back and forth in the room. My mind raced with anxious thoughts, and my heart pounded in my chest, each beat increasing my sense of urgency. It seemed too impossible to escape, with the front door locked.

I might break my bones before I can even landed on the ground if I take the window as my option. This house was like four store building. Seems like there's no possible way for me to get out of this mess other than for me to die.

I've been locked up here for days. I wasn't sure what was happening outside these walls. I have no idea what's going on with my friends, if they are still safe or in trouble. If they have talk with Olivia about me being somewhere both of us have no idea about. Or if someone is on their way to rescue me, out of this hell I have entered.

I thought biting the trap would be a chance for me to discover more. But how so if I'm locked up in these four corners. I'd been trying to establish a plan to be able to escape, but every angle I looked at seems too impossible.

I walked towards the big window, seeing trees and trees and trees. It wasn't much help to decertify where they had brought me. The only thing I can see is that I'm in the middle of the forest. And even if I had the chance to escape this place, when I get to the forest... there's still no assurance of my safety. There could be other wild animals or that kidnapper's minions lurking in the distance. I was starting to panic again with every thoughts I was thinking, thoughts that are possible.

And then, my face brighten up. That's it, everything in this place is possible.. I should always think that way. And I could do wonder don't I?

With a heavy sigh, I reminded myself of why I couldn't give up. The sacrifices my Aunt and I had made, and my friends are waiting for my return.. I promised them I would. I had come too far to let hope slip away now. I couldn't let our efforts be in vain. So, I had to find a way out, no matter what.

Roaming my eyes around the room, I searched for any possible tools or objects I could use to my advantage. I opened drawers that were unlocked and peek at holes I find suspicious. Until I looked behind the cabinet.

And then, there it was - a hammer, tucked away in a corner. My face brightened with newfound hope. Could this be the key to my escape? But it was too far out of my reach and I was taking a hard time pushing the cabinet away.

But I tried and tried to reach it until I successfully touched the tip of the handle, beads of sweat forming on my temple. "Almost there,... and gotcha!," I held it tightly in my hand as I stood up and dust off my shirt, contemplating my next move.

The thought crossed my mind - what if I could use the hammer to break through the walls? The house seemed old like its been made for decades now. The furniture looks new and unclean but the woods that are supporting this place seems not too rigid. It might just work. The expensive furniture contrasted with the old wooden frame, giving me a glimmer of hope. I had nothing to lose but everything to gain.

But doubts soon crept in. What if someone heard me? What if those monsters with their deadly claws came running to stop me? Fear threatened to consume me, but I shook my head, refusing to let it paralyze me. It was a risk I had to take, a chance that had to be seized, even if it meant facing the predators head-on.

Positioning myself in front of the wall, hammer in hand, I took a deep breath, ready to strike. "1... 2... 3..." I swung my arm with determination, only to feel the hammer bounced off the wood forcefully...  making me loose my grip on it.

"Oww!" I cried out, I feel my body sent flying through the air, narrowly missing the bedside table before crashing on the floor with a thud. Slowly, I rose to my feet, wincing as pain radiated from my side due to the impact.

"What was that?" I groaned, my hand pressed against my throbbing temple. It seemed fate wasn't quite on my side. Carefully, I approached the wall, extending my finger to touch its surface, but the electrifying shock that shot through me forced me to quickly withdraw.

Every time I tried to touch the walls, it felt like being zapped by a live wire. The barrier was electrified, creating an impenetrable force. Frustration mixed with disappointment. How did I get myself into this mess?

I took a moment to gather myself, knowing that giving up wasn't an option. I had to keep searching for another way out, even if it meant facing more challenges and risks. I was determined to find a path to freedom, no matter how difficult or treacherous it might be.

I took a deep breath, calming my nerves down as I feel a sense of droop and frustration. Okay Samantha, think. Release the pressure and calm yourself down. I instructed myself as I close my eyes. There's no fun if you let them take control. If they wanna play around, then give them a good game.

As I opened my eyes, a mischievous smirk made its way to my face. I looked back at the hammer and stride towards it. Gripping it against my palm, I stood before the drawer that were locked up.

Without a second thought, I slug where the keyhole was located. Hearing some glass jerk from the inside, making my brow form into a slight wrinkle. I strike every locked up drawer with a balance force to avoid breaking those glass that I repeatedly heard jerking from inside.

As I opened each drawer, there I saw glasses, containing different kinds of colors inside. Each one of them has labels written on its front. I picked-up one bottle that has a color blue inside, they were like a glittering dust. There's a bold hand written on the front. "Wind potion," I read aloud, making my eyes widen in realization.

"So, these are a potion.. must be a magical one," I muttered to myself as I picked up other bottles to examine. There might be something that could be helpful for me.

"There's a potion for speed, yeah I might use this one to run away," I uttered with a small smile as I look for other potions, feeling a sense of hope.

"Oh there's a potion for hallucination as well," I was so excited, looking at this things that are new to my eyes. I was like in another world where everything seems too good to be true. "And here a potion for—"

Suddenly, the door creaked open and in walked the man that I didn't expect I would see ever again, making my mouth fell apart.

"Don't waste your time, you'll just probably hurt yourself", the man said as he glimpse at the things that I discovered.

He was the one who chased me in the forest when I was on my way home. The memory of that night was still fresh in my mind, the fear, the adrenaline, the fire... The only difference now is that  he couldn't chase me anymore due to his legs being marred with burns, almost half of his body. Each step he took a clear struggle.

The sight of him sent a shiver down my spine and I instinctively backed away. He limped towards me, a cruel smile on his face. I could see the pain in his eyes, but there was also a twisted sense of satisfaction. He was enjoying this.

As the man with the burned legs approached me, his cruel smile made my stomach do some circus. I just want to crawl under the bed and out of his sight. I was like being thrown in hell because of the way he glance at me. "I guess you still remember me," he sneered, his voice grating on my nerves. His eyes were cold and calculating, a naughty smile playing on his lips, seems attached that way.

I swallowed hard, forcing myself to meet his gaze. "What do you want?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady despite the fear coursing through me. Even with his legs being in that kind of condition, I couldn't still guarantee my safety.

He chuckled, a sound that made my skin crawl. "Isn't it obvious? You're our ticket to power, Samantha. With you, we can rule over all this land, even in human's world. We can seize them all." He said, a creepy laugh breaking out of his throat.

His words sent a chill down my spine. I was their prisoner, their pawn in some twisted game of power. But I wouldn't let them break me. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction.

"As if that I would let you...  I'll do everything in my power to stop your acentrous plans," I growled with determination and valor laced in my voice.

They might have the upper hand at the moment, but I'll reclaim that from them. Not everytime they could succeed whatever cruel plan they have. I will be the misstep to their triumph. They will regret every single preposterous they have done.

He exhaled a deep breath as he tried to stand straight, grimacing in pain as he find a hard time moving his lower body. "Fuck, you're mate almost killed me back then.. good thing I got the chance to run away—"

"Serves you right," I stated, gripping the potions in my hand. But then, I froze. The word he stated made my inner thoughts go rambling and my heartbeat erupting, as if any minute from now it would jump out off my rib cage. Mate? What does that supposed to mean? The one who saved me that night?

"You know Samantha, if you just sided with us, we can guarantee your safety. No one will try to hurt you here, even those who have killed your parents," what he said made my eyes widen.

"What do you know about them?," I can't help myself but to asked, a sense of mixed emotions washed over me. But then, why would I trust a predator who has no good intentions at the first place. He might be deceiving me to get what they desire.

"A lot actually, if you haven't asked, your savior that night had a lot to do with the loss of your parents," he stated as a mischievous smirk play on his lips. A notable odd look on his plain black eyes.

I couldn't find the words to say, as if I was caught short of breath. The walls seems to close off on me as varied thoughts butt in through my mind insolently. My mouth was agape.. I felt like my body got numb, it was somewhat became paralyzed.

Before I could respond, the door burst open and in stormed the man who had kidnapped me. His eyes were blazing with fury. "Where is it, Roderick?" he demanded, glaring at the man with the burned legs.

Roderick, the man with the burned legs, shrugged nonchalantly. "The guard I ordered to get it hasn't returned yet, boss."

The kidnapper's face turned a dangerous shade of red. "You incompetent fool! You had one job!" he roared, his voice echoing through the room.

By his actions and tone, you could truly decipher the power radiating from him. A devilish aura that no wonder why he has everyone's neck coiled around his grasp. He can spin everybody who's under his command.

The only thing inconcealable for me is that what is his real motive behind all of this kidnapping.. in what way would they use me?

Suddenly, the sounds of chaos erupted from outside. Shouts, crashes, and what sounded like spells being cast filled the air. The two men turned their attention towards the noise, giving me a glimmer of hope. This could be my chance to escape.

I instantly search something in the cabinet, pulling a small black pouch out of it. I hurriedly inserted all the potions that were on the drawers as they exchange curses, giving me enough time... time for payback.

I felt a hand grip my arm that startled me, making my eyes widen. Panic set upon me."C'mon now you little peasant. It's time for us to leave this place. Your mate must be missing you already that's why she paid me an unexpected visit," the man who kidnapped me said with a silicious smile plastered on his face, trying to drag me out of the room.

But I stand out and wiggled myself out of his grasp, trying to search for something among the potions. Until my eyes laid upon a particular one. And without a second thought, I open the lid of it and splash it all over his body.

He instantly loosen his grip on me as he release a low grown. I instinctively backed away, watching his body turn into a seemingly statue. He couldn't move his foot, as if it were glued to the floor. I release a sigh of relief... he couldn't catch me now to my delight.

But my relief expression turned into panic as I saw Roderick making his way to me with a struggle. Similar to what I did to his boss, I splashed the potion all over his body that made him came into a halt.

Before anyone could walk through the door and see me, I immediately run away out of the room. Completely leaving the two who were struggling to move, only there grunts were heard from them.

I sprinted through empty hallways, my heart pounding in my chest, desperate to distance myself from that place before my absence was discovered. I have no clue how long that potion will effect on them or if it has any limits, and I couldn't risk being caught in the chaos that would surely ensue. My breathing came in ragged gasps as I turned down multiple corridors. Each turn I took led me to unfamiliar surroundings, unsure of where I would end up. But all I knew was that I needed to be as far away as possible.


I ground to a halt as I realized I couldn't escape without her. Panic surged through me, and I knew I had to find her quickly. We couldn't remain in a place consumed by war; it would be too dangerous. With a determined mindset, I retraced my steps, determined to locate Auntie and ensure her safety.

But wait... the kidnapper had mentioned that my mate was out there battling. Was he referring to the woman who was constantly visiting me personally and through my dreams? If she really does, then she came to rescue me, I felt my eyes sting a bit. Feeling a sense of emotions struck within me. I knew she would find me, I was trying to feel her for days. I was trying to make her feel me somehow. It left me torn, unsure of what to do. Should I stay and help my mate in the fight, or should I prioritize finding Auntie?

My mind spun in circles, overwhelmed by conflicting thoughts and emotions. I felt lost, unable to make a clear decision. The word "mate" echoed in my mind, causing my head to throb with confusion and uncertainty.


What does it really mean?

As the turmoil inside me intensified, my surroundings began to blur. It was as if my mind had suddenly shut down, and I was trapped in a state of confusion. Thoughts were scattered, and I struggled to process the weight of what it meant to have a mate.


The sounds around me became overwhelming, grunts of anguish blending together in a cacophony of chaos. I struggled to remain grounded, my body trembling with the weight of everything. It was like being trapped within a sleep paralysis, where everything was happening at once, yet I couldn't move or make sense of it.

"Samantha, wake up!"

The voice echoed in my ears, pulling me out of my mental fog. Gasping for air as if I had been suffocating, I instinctively stood in a defensive stance, trying to identify the source of the voice. My eyes darted around, searching for answers.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm your wolf, Samantha," the voice continued, calm yet powerful. "I'm within you."


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