A Wonderful Journey

By Sammiie97

1.1K 33 12

Follow Alexia's journey to enter the Sinnoh League, as her childhood friend Dawn joins her to become Top Coor... More

The Beginning of a wonderful journey!
A rocky beginning!
New friends and a new rivalry!
A tough decision! Gyms or contests?
An Unexpected Encounter!

Gettin' Twiggy with It!

107 5 0
By Sammiie97

On their way to Jubilife City, the gang were making their way down Route 202, until they encounter Team Rocket. They once again snatched Pikachu from Ash and are making a flight for it.

"Pika Pi!"Pikachu cried out.

"Team Rocket! Come back!"Ash demanded.

"That's not your Pikachu!"Dawn shouted.

"Never stopped us before. We're not changing our motives because of some twerps."James said.

"Right! I like these words, what's mine is mine, and what is your is too?"Jessie laughed.


"Forget Pikachu, and collect stamps."Meowth said.

Alexia bit her lower lips nervously, as she pondered a plan to save Pikachu... But Ash had another plan.

"Now Starly! I choose you!"Ash called, sending Starly out."Starly, cut the ropes that's holding Pikachu!"

"Starly!"He charged straight at the rope.

"As if! Let's ask Carnivine for an alternate opinion!"James said, calling out his Carnivine, as it was sent out, James was bit once again by Carnivine.

Jessie, Meowth, and Wobbuffet tried to pry Carnivine from James' head, only to shake the balloon, which startled Starly as it get directly in his direction, as he popped the balloon.

"Pikachu, oh no!"Ash gasped.

Team Rocket and Pikachu screamed as they crashes at a nearby lake....

Moment later...

The gang ran towards the spot where Team Rocket had crashed. Once there, they were pleased to find Pikachu safe and sound, but were surprised to see a Turtwig at his side.

"Pikachu!"Ash called out, the two Pokémon turned to see Ash, Alexia, Dawn, Brock arriving at the scene.

"Everything okay?"Ash asked.


Turtwig glared at the quartet, taking a battle pose in front of Pikachu. Alexia tilts her head, noticing Turtwig's protective stance.

"Wow, it's a Turtwig."Dawn said.

"Sure is, pretty sure it's a Sinnoh region starter Pokémon."Ash said, taking out his Pokédex.

"Turtwig, the Tiny Leaf Pokémon. Its shell are made of earth, and when it absorbs water, it becomes harder."

"That's really rare to see a wild Turtwig."Brock said.

"This is my chance! Piplup, use Peck."Dawn called, sending her Piplup out.

Piplup charged at Turtwig, who countered with a Razor Leaf.

"Quick! Dodge it!"Dawn shouted, Piplup drop on the ground and rolled around to dodge the Razor Leafs. When suddenly, one of the leaves struck an Oddish, who came out of a bush, as it swayed while using Sleep Powder.

"Oh no! Pikachu! Look out!"Ash gasped as he ran for his friend. However as he got there, Ash and Pikachu were caught in Oddish Sleep Powder. They dozed off, and fell asleep.

"What happened to them!?"Dawn gasped.

"They got a sniff full of Oddish's Sleep Powder."Alexia said, as the two were asleep, Turtwig went over and picked up Pikachu on his back, and then made his escape.

"Hey, wait!"Alexia and Brock called out.

"Turtwig!"Dawn cried.

They made a run for Turtwig, but were stopped by an old lady.

"Mercy me. Children."The lady called.

Dawn, Alexia and Brock stopped as Turtwig ran away with Pikachu.


Alexia, Dawn and Brock were at the woman's house, as she mixed up a medicine for Ash to wake up.

"Drink this, dear."The lady said, pouring the drink in Ash's mouth. The medicine did its work as Ash woke up and looked around.

"Huh? Where am I? Pikachu? Where's Pikachu?"Ash called, looking around for Pikachu.

"It looks like my herb tea, sure did its job."


"Forgive me, my name is Clara."The lady introduced herself.

"Hi, my name is Ash, is nice to meet ya."Ash said, confused.

"This is Clara house."Alexia explained.

"I hope you had a nice nap."Brock said.

"You have nothing to fear. Turtwig's a good Pokémon. I'm sure your Pikachu is fine."Clara assured.

"You know that Turtwig?"Alexia asked.

"Heavens, yes! Turtwig and I are old friends."Clara answered."Turtwig is quite the little helper you see. Turtwig's always coming to the aid of people and Pokémon. And has been for quite some time."

"So, Clara. Does that mean Turtwig is your Pokémon?"Dawn asked.

"No, dear. Land's sakes. I'm very busy working on my herb garden without the time it would take be a trainer or Coordinator."Clara answered. "Truth is, one day Turtwig just show up here out of nowhere. The poor dear, looking exhausted, so I put up some dinner and make sure Turtwig got plenty of sleep."

"Well, if I were Turtwig, I'd never want to leave after that."Brock replied.

"Yes, Turtwig's been here ever since. Helping everything and everyone that needs help, including me, all from a simple twist of fate. In no time all the Pokémon around here made Turtwig their leader."Clara explained."But at times, Turtwig gets carried away, it's alot of responsibility for the dear."

"It sound the pressure is pretty high."Alexia said, concerned. Dawn nodded.

"The Turtwig we saw back at Professor Rowan's lab was totally laid-back and so relax."

"Pokémon are like people, with personalities as diverse as you can imagine."Brock replied.

"Brock's right, but I still can't figure out why Turtwig was trying to attacked us."Ash sighed.

"Well, I wasn't there, but if I were to guess, I'd say Turtwig was trying to protect Pikachu."Clara said.

"Of course! I noticed Turtwig took a protective stance, and must have thought we were trying to harm Pikachu!"Alexia exclaimed.

Ash stood up with determination."I will be right back, I'm going to go out and get Pikachu back! Once I tell Turtwig the truth, everything's going to be fine."Ash grinned, he went out the door, followed by Alexia, Dawn and Brock.


The gang walked through the forest, looking for Turtwig and Pikachu, when they spot something...

"Pikachu!"Ash called.


Turtwig wake up and turned and immediately took a battle stance when he saw them.

"We thought we might found you two here."Dawn said.

"It's great, how Clara knows Turtwig."Brock said, as Ash walk closer.

When suddenly Turtwig took off running toward Ash, and body slam him. Ash grunted in pain as he was sent toward the ground.

"Ash! Are you okay?"Alexia asked.

"Yeah... That was some smack."Ash groaned as he stood up.

Turtwig stood ready for an another attack, until he was stop by Pikachu.

"Pika Pika, Pikachu, Pi Pika!"

"Turtwig, Turtwig!"

"Wow, Turtwig isn't listening to Pikachu at all."Brock said.

"I know some people like that."Dawn said.

Pikachu nudged Turtwig, trying to make him listen. "Pika Pika!"


"Pikachu's my best friend. See we were only trying to help, Team Rocket they are the bad guys that took Pikachu from me, we were trying to stop them."Ash explained, annoyed.


"Pika Pi Pika."Pikachu nodded.

Turtwig gasped in shock as he quickly backed away, ashamed of himself. He bowed down, multiple times to apologize.

"Guess Turtwig is sorry for what happen."Alexia said.

"A little too sorry, don't you think?"Dawn asked.

Ash put his cap back on and walked over to Turtwig. "Don't worry about it, Turtwig. I'm really grateful to you for saving Pikachu."

Turtwig open his eyes, a little tearful as he nodded. Just then, there was a rustle coming from the bushes. Everyone watches a Linoone slowly walk out.

"A Linoone! But, what's wrong?"Ash asked.

"It seems Linoone might have been attack by another Pokémon."Alexia said.

"A Linoone? Let's see..."Dawn said, checking on her Pokédex.

"Linoone, the Rushing Pokémon. When it spots it's prey, it run towards it in a straight line, they are able to run 60 miles per a hour."

"We've got to help it!"Alexia said, as she run over, along with Brock, checking how Linoone was.

"This Linoone must've smashed into something really hard."Brock said.

"Let's go back to Clara's house."Ash suggested.


The gang took the injured Linnone to Clara's home, where they were seating outside, as Brock had Linoone in his arm while taking out some medicine herb.

"This herb are perfect for healing all sorts of wounds and bruises. You will be better real soon."Brock said, he rubbed the herb on Linoone stomach, who cried out in content.

"Real soon is right, you sure know your stuff."Dawn said.

"You certainly do. You're quite the Pokémon healer."Clara said, smiling.

"Don't thank me. Those wonderful herbs of yours are the ones that did the trick."Brock replied.

Alexia sighed."I'm glad that we found Linoone so quick."

"Kirlia."Kirlia agreed.

Minutes later...

They were having lunch, cooked by Brock.

"Anytime you cook something that's needs to be eaten, you just ask."Dawn said.

"Tell me, Brock my boy. Is there something that you can't do?"Clara asked.

"Well, I'm glad that you're enjoying it. There's alot more, so dig in."Brock smiled.

"Hey, Linoone. Good food, huh?"Ash asked, grinning.

"Lino!"Linoone nodded, licking his lips, Turtwig then moved his bowl, giving Linoone his food. Linoone thanked Turtwig as he ate the offered food.

"You know what? You're a nice after all."


"But don't let it go to your head."


"Or mine."Ash point to his.

Turtwig, then recalled what he did to Ash, as he looked down sadly.

Ash chuckled."It was just a little joke. Hey, Turtwig, you need to eat too."

Ash brought more of Brock's stew and placed the bowl in front of Turtwig.

"Here you go."

Turtwig was shocked at first, he became happy as he leap in the air and bite onto Ash's head.

"Oh no."Dawn and Brock gasped, as Alexia giggles.

"Turtwig, cut it out! Let go of my head!"Ash cried, trying to pry Turtwig from his head.

"Turtwig's such a scamp."Clara laughed, as everyone looked confused. "When Turtwig bites you, it's a sign that Turtwig really likes you."

Alexia smiled."It reminds me of one of my father's Pokémon, who do the same thing to show his affection."

"Does Turtwig do the same to you?"Dawn asked.

"Of course, come here Turtwig."Clara mentioned to Turtwig to come, when suddenly he jump towards Clara.

"Look out!"Ash yelled.

Clara smiled as she showed a twig with Turtwig biting it.

"Amazing, that was like a great combination."

"I'm sure with a little practice, you could do the same."Clara giggled.

Suddenly two machine arms grabbed Turtwig and Pikachu, they were dragged into a glass container, the two yelled out for them.

"Pikachu! Turtwig!"Ash cried out.

Just then, something came from the surface of the water, it was a machine that looked like a Magikarp. The hatch opened, revealing three familiar faces!

"Who in the name of Pokémon, are you?"Clara asked.

"Listen, is that a voice that I hear? James, your turn."

"It's speaking to me loud and clear!"

"On the wind!"

"Past the stars!"

"In your ear!"

"Bringing chaos at a breakneck place!"

"Dashing hope, putting fear in its place!"

"A rose by any other name is just as sweet!"

"When everything's worse, our work is complete!"



"And James!"

"Meowth, that's a name!"

"Putting the good-doers in their places!"

"Team Rocket..."

"In your face!"


"Mime mime!"

"Team Rocket!?"Ash and Dawn gasped.

"Say, that's some catch. You can't get any fresher then this."James said.

"Come on! Why don't you give it up!?"Dawn yelled.

"That hat of yours is too tight. Otherwise, you'd remember what I'd said: What's mime is mime, and what is your is too."Jessie said, bored.

"We got two power Pokémon points in a peekaboo package."

Team Rocket went back in the sub, dragging the glass container along with them!

"Pikachu! Turtwig!"Ash called out as he dove into the water.

"What are you doing, Ash?"Dawn asked.

"Dawn get Piplup."Alexia said, Dawn nodded.

"Piplup! Go help Ash get Pikachu and Turtwig!"

She sent out Piplup as he tries to catch up to Ash.

"Dear, it look likes Team Rocket is planning to escape by using the river."Clara said.

"Then let's go after them."Brock said, Alexia and Dawn nodded as they ran off after them.

Ash swam faster and managed to catch up."I've gotcha!" As he grabbed onto the glass container, only to get dragged down. Turtwig used Tackle to try and break the glass, Pikachu help to with an Iron Tail.

"That's it! Now, use Thunderbolt!"Ash yelled underwater, Pikachu managed to break the glass container, but sadly shocked everyone in the water with his Thunderbolt.

Brock, Alexia, Dawn along with Clara were running following the river, as Clara was slowing down.

"Its no good."

Alexia, Brock and Dawn stopped.


"Are you alright?"Alexia asked, concerned.

"I can't take another step."

When suddenly they spot a blast of electric power coming from the lake close by them.

"It's Ash."

"Piplup!"Dawn exclaimed.

Ash was blasted and landed on the ground close by them, as Pikachu, Piplup and Turtwig all fell on Ash. Alexia, Dawn, Brock, and Clara came over.

"It's so good to see that all of you are alright."Clara sighed.

"You were great Piplup."Dawn said.

"Yeah Piplup thank you."Ash thanked Piplup, before checking on Turtwig and Pikachu."And how are you two guys holding up?"

Turtwig suddenly glow in the sunlight!

"What's that?"Dawn asked.

"It's called Synthesis."Clara answered.

"I've never heard of it."

"Synthesis is a move that allow a Pokémon to heal really fast."Alexia explained, when Turtwig was finished, it began jumping down happily.

"What do you know, it works!"Dawn said.

"Pardon for not caring less."Jessie said.

Everyone turned to see Team Rocket hanging over by their sub.

"You make me sick! Listen to that twerpish triumph!"

"If you dweebs thinks we're gonna let you off easily, then think again!"Meowth growled.

"Right! We'll lose when I say so!"James snapped.


They leap toward the air and landed on the ground, preparing for battle.

"Alright, enough is enough!"Ash shouted.



"More twerp intolerance! Let's go, Seviper!"

"You too, Carnivine!"

Seviper was sent out fine, but Carnivine bit James once again.

"Seviper, use Poison Tail!"Jessie yelled.

"Now, you use Bite!"James yelled.

Both Pokémon charged their attack, when Turtwig bashed Seviper with Tackle and then Bite Carnivine!

"No way!"Jessie and James gasped.

"Oh, yes way."Alexia smirks.

Turtwig hurls Carnivine at Team Rocket, who recover quickly.

"Alright, Seviper use Poison Tail once more!"

"Carnivine, Bite, their heads not mine!"

They leap up once more charging their attacks!

"Okay, here they come! Pikachu, use Volt Tackle!" Ash yelled.

Pikachu nodded and sped towards Team Rocket.

"Kirlia, use Psybeam!"Alexia yelled, Kirlia nodded, and helped Pikachu with a Psybeam, which, when the two attacks connect, causes an explosion that sends Team Rocket flying through the air.

"I thought you said we weren't going to lose unless you said so!"Jessie said.

"Hey, were you talking behind my back?"Meowth asked.

"Of course not! I said go with those idiots misunderstood!"James replied.

Team Rocket disappeared out of sight.

"Alright! We did it!"Ash exclaimed, Turtwig turned around and bit onto Ash's head once again. "Hey, haven't we had enough biting for one day? I like it to, but this is nuts!"


The camera over Clara's house as the gang says their goodbye.

"Thanks for everything Clara."Dawn said.

"You all take care."Clara smiled.

"And you do the same."

"Take it easy, Turtwig."Ash said, Pikachu agreed.

Turtwig watches them leave, and seems disheartened.

"Yes, I know. You want to go."Clara said, Turtwig turned towards her."Of course, I will be just fine by myself. You go with them."

Turtwig run towards them and managed to stop them.

"Turtwig?"Ash asked.

"What's wrong?"Dawn asked.

"Turtwig wants to go along with you."Clara explained.


"You shouldn't be surprised, Turtwig likes you."Clara said, Ash looked back at Turtwig and smiled.

"You bet! Of course you can come along!"

"Turtwig! Turtwig!"

"But first thing first, Turtwig wants to battle you."Clara said.

"Sure, sounds good to me."Ash agreed.

"Pika pi pika!"

Moments later, Pikachu and Turtwig were standing off in front of each other. As the battle start with Turtwig using Tackle.

"Pikachu, Quick Attack, let's go!"

Pikachu easily intercepted the incoming attack with a Quick Attack. Which make Turtwig rolled across the ground and recover quickly before unleashing a Razor Leafs attack.

"Quick dodge it!"Ash called.

Pikachu nodded and escaped Turtwig attack, only to be hit by another Tackle.

"What the-!?"Alexia gasped.

"What was that?"Dawn asked.

"First, Turtwig stop the attack with Razor Leaf, then slams Pikachu too. That was some strategy."Brock said.

"Pikachu, get up!"Ash called.

Just as Pikachu began to get up, Turtwig was making another attack!

"Oh no, I think Turtwig's going for a Bite!"Alexia exclaimed.

"Pikachu, dodge it quick!"

Pikachu jumped to avoid the attack but Turtwig jumped after him and bite on Pikachu's tail!

"Pikachu, shakes loose quick!"Ash called out.

Pikachu tries to shake Turtwig off, but he refused to let go.

"If this keeps up, Pikachu is going to be wiped.... What I am going to do..."Ash thought..."OH! That's it! Pikachu over there!"

Ash points toward the tree, Pikachu start running towards it.

"That's it! Now, use Iron Tail!"Ash called out.

Pikachu's tail glow which startled Turtwig, before slamming Turtwig into the tree. Turtwig was in pain.

"Let's wrap this up! Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!"Ash yelled, the move shocked Turtwig, which give Ash the opportunity to throw his Pokéball. The Pokéball rattled as everyone watches anxiously, then stopped...

Ash smiled and run to get his Pokéball. "Hey! I just caught a Turtwig!" He celebrated.

"Pika pi pikachu!"

Everyone approaches Ash.

"Ash, you did it!"Alexia smiled.

"Promise me, you are gonna take good care of Turtwig for me now, won't you dear. It means alot."Clara said.

"Right!"Ash smiled.


The gang left shortly afterwards and walked along the road that runs alongside the river, while the sunset reflected on the river surface in the background.


Hope you enjoy!

Alexia's Team:

Kirlia (F) -Psybeam, Magical Leaf, Teleport, Double Team-

Vulpix (F) -Flamethrower, Energy Ball, Double Team, Quick Attack-

Eevee (F) -Undecided-

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