πŸ“» Deal. (radioapple)🍎

By W0lf3e

112K 2.8K 5.9K

After the war with adam, Alastor is in desperate need for angel blood, angel blood cures demons who have been... More

The Damage Is Done.
Heavenly Bliss.
Just The Beginning.
Not So Bad After All.
the radio demons song.
"whats jambalaya?"
i love you.
Yes... Your Majesty~
unfinished business.
Author's note
The argument.
book 2
update on book 2!
book 2 released!

The First Woman

4.8K 127 686
By W0lf3e

(Side story)

(Warning! This chapter does contain a bit of smut!)

No ones Pov:

Lucifer stared up at the demon, shocked. Did Alastor just pop the question?! 

"Oh my god.." lucifer whispered before all the emotions hit him. His face lit up, He jumped on Alastor lap. Causing Alastor to grunt.

"Oh my god!!" Lucifers voice was louder this time. Alastor just nervously stared up at him.

"Is that a yes?" Alastor asked cautiously. lucifer grabbed his lovers face.

"Yes! Fuck yes! Yes, yes, yes!! Holy shit!" If lucifer had a tail, it'd be wagging like crazy.

Alastor smiled at his lover, pulling him down. "I love you.~" He whispered. The king smiled wide.

"I love you too. So much." The king kissed his fiance deeply.

Alastor held the male as the kissed. Lucifer sat up eagerly.

"Oh my god!! We have got to tell Charlie!!" The king was about to leave before the demon stopped him.

"Not without clothes. Go put some on, weirdo.~" Alastor chuckled.

The excited bouncy male snapped his fingers, now dressed, even dressing Alastor.

"Someone eager?~" The demon stared down at the bouncing male.

"Well, duh! I'm marrying you! You! I fucking love you!" Lucifers voice turned to a slight growl towards the end of his sentence.

"Okay, okay, calm down, you strange man.~ I haven't given you the ring yet.~" Alastor said as lucifers face lit up again.

"There's a ring?!" He gasped, eyes wide and all. Alastors' green magic filled his hand as a red satin ring box appeared. It was old, really old.

Lucifer stood eagerly, biting his lip to try and contian his excitement.

Alastor got down on one knee. Opening the box and presenting the ring.

Lucifer stared in awe of his man. On one knee before him. The nervous look of his face. He was so handsome. He took a look of the ring. It was truly gorgeous. Old, but well taken care of.

It was gold with a deep red gem. "Oh my god.. Alastor.. its gorgeous.." lucifer said softly.

Alastor took the ring out of its box and onto his lovers ring finger. Alastor stood and walked behind the male. Hugging him from behind. 

They both stared at the ring on lucifers finger. "It was my mothers. She gave it to me before she passed. She told me to give to someone I love more than anything. Someone, I wouldn't mind spending the rest of eternity with. Forever with." Alastor said softly. His radio affect gone.

Lucifer sniffled. "Are you crying?~" Al had asked, quickly examining his fiancé's face. He was, in fact, crying.

"That's just so sweet.." lucifers voice was barly heard. He turns to face his future husband.

He cupped the males cheek and stared at him. "I know she meant a lot to you.. so.. this means.. a lot to me.. more than you know.." lucifer embraced the male in a tight hug.

They held each other for a good long moment.

Lucifer shot back from Alastors hold. Leaving the red head confused. "Oh my god. We have to tell Charlie!" The small king bounced where he stood.

"Yes, yes, let's go tell your devil spawn.~" Alastor said. Lucifer grabbed his hand and rushed out the room.

They made it down to the lobby. Lucifer practically dragged his lover. He was able to find his daughter on the couch, conveniently with everyone else. Even husk was taking a break.

The king dragged his lover over to them. "Okay! We have some amazing news!!" Lucifer bounced as Alastor fixed himself up and stood up straight.

"Well, go on!" Charlie said, wanting to know why her dad was so excited.

Lucifer looked at Alastor, then grabbed his hand. Biting his lip, trying not to scare away his love. "We're getting married!" Lucifer almost yelled.

Charlie gasp was the loudest. "Oh my Satan! Congratulations!! Oh my gosh! This is amazing!" She rushed up to hug her dad(s)

Both lucifer and Alastor returned the hug.

"Oh my gosh! Let me see the ring!!" Charlie said, all excited. "Ooo! I wanna see to!" Angel dust pipes up and stood by Charlie.

Lucifer proudly showed his engagement ring. The others were in awe. "It's beautiful, Dad! It's clear to see that Alastor had a great taste in rings!" Charlie said, taking a mental note.

"This calls for a party to celebrate!" Charlie said. Then gasping. "I'll get straight to planning!" She ran off.

Lucifer and Alastor chuckled. "She's so much like you, it's crazy.~" Alastor said to the blonde, who was gripping Alastors hand rather tightly.

"Well, I did birth her, so it only makes sense." Lucifer chuckled.

Alastor stared at him. "You mean like.. in the delivery room with lilith, right?" His voice was quiet

"No? I carried her since lilith had issues with her reproductive organs. I thought you knew that?" Lucifer said, slightly confused.

Alastor was shook to his core. "You can get pregnant?! We haven't been using protection.. why didn't you tell me this!" Alastor whispered, yelled at lucifer, who just laughed.

"Relax, bambi. I can't get pregnant in this form." He whispered back.

"The fuck do you mean, this form?!" Alastor whispered yelled again.

Lucifer kissed his future husbands cheek. "We will talk about it later." He quickly said as Charlie returned in a hurry.

"When's the wedding!!" She quickly asked. Panting. "We don't know yet, duckling. We only got engaged 10 minutes ago." Lucifer gave a nervous smile.

Charlie took a breath. "I'm sorry, I'm just.. I'm so excited and happy for you guys! I have two dads!" She squealed.

Vaggie made her way over as well as husk. "Yeah, known this creepy bastard forever. I've never seen him so happy. He's much calmer. You truly are an angel, lucifer. " Husk laughed nervously

Husk was a freed soul after lucifer, and Alastor got into an argument about how friends don't keep each other on a leash.

"I'm always calm, my dear husker!~" Alastor laughed, patting the cats back. Who just rolled his eyes.

Vaggie held her girlfriends hand. "That's true through. One becomes much calmer once they find love." She looked up at her girlfriend in awe. "And alastor is the best example of that." She laughed.

Alastor tensed up and clenched his fists. lucifer brushed his thumb over the demons knuckles. Giving him some reassurance.

Lucifer has seen firsthand how quickly Alastor can lose his cool. Its something they've been working on together.

The king has learned how to quickly calm him or distract him. Usually, all he needs is some reassurance. But depending on the situation, it could be harder to calm him.

There was a time when lucifer had to fully restrain the demon from killing angel dust after questioning their sex life and how Alastor performed in bed.

To put it bluntly. Alastor is insecure. Really insecure.

"Uhm.. who wants some pancakes!?" Lucifer quickly piped up, distracting Alastor.

Charlie, nifty, and Angel dust quickly shot their arm up in the air. They have grown quite fond of the Kings pancakes.

Charlie, vaggie, nifty, and Angel followed lucifer into the kitchen. Leaving Alastor and husker alone.

Alastor brushed off his suit before taking a breath. Husk looked at him. "Happy for you, boss." Husk half smiled at him. "Thank you. Husker." He paused. "Now, if you don't mind, I could use a shot of tequila!" Alastor said, walking to the bar. Husk just laughed to himself as he followed.

Lucifer had put on his favourite ducky apron. Alastor gifted him it. He was mixing up the batter while the others sat around the table chatting.

"Soo.. dad, were there any signs that Alastor was going to propose?" Charlie had asked.

Lucifer thought for a moment. "I mean, he's was acting strange yesterday but I just figured it was because today was his one year anniversary of being free, or that our one year dating anniversary was coming up soon as well. Never thought he had this in mind." Lucifer smiled to himself.

"I genuinely think that he didn't plan any of it. I mean, we were just in bed, cuddling, and he randomly asked me to marry him!" The king chuckled.

"I mean, he didn't have the ring on him when he asked or presented it. It was very random. But, still, I wouldn't have it any other way." The king smiled as he began to cook the pancakes.

Charlie smiled at him before frowning. "Does mom know yet? I know she reached out a few weeks ago, but.. you guys haven't fully gotten a divorce yet."

Lucifer shrugged. "If anything, I think your mother would be happy, I mean, she's got a girlfriend up in heaven. She's happy for me and Al. If anything, she'd help hurry the divorce along." Lucifer said with a soft smile.

Lilith reached out to lucifer a few weeks ago. They met up in person to talk. Turns out lilith ran away with her newfound lover in heaven. She couldn't bear to be away from Charlie anymore. Lilith and Lucifer were on good terms, as friends. Although Alastor didn't like how Lucifer had gotten back in touch with her. He got jealous. Very jealous.

"If you say so, dad. Speaking of which, she's meant to visit soon, right? I haven't seen her in so long." Charlie asked.

Lucifer thought for a moment. "Yeah, I think this weekend? The 17th or something." He shrugged.

"Dad. It is the 17th." Charlie said, and lucifer stood straight. "What." Lucifer immediately checked his phone. Shit. She'll be here in 2 hours.

"Ahhh shittt..." He said quietly. "So.. she'll be here in two hours.." Charlie went pale. "Two hours!? This place isn't ready! Nifty! Help me clean!" Nifty quickly saluted and ran off with Charlie.

Lucifer took a breath. Lilith was going to meet Alastor. Alastor was going to meet lilith. This can't go well.

He needed to tell Alastor. He rushed to the lobby and found his fiancé sitti g at stool at the bar. "Uh.. alastor! Can you come here for a sec..?" Lucifer called out.

Alastor looked over his shoulder to find a worried Lucifer. He stood, removing his jacket and rolling up his sleeves, and walked over to his lover.

Lucifer led him to a quiet corner, hidden away from everyone else. "Uh.. I would say don't get mad, but I know you will.." lucifer said, avoiding Alastors gaze.

Alastor glared at the blonde. "What's happened." He asked sternly. Leaning against the wall, folding his arms.

Lucifer looked up at the male and blushed. "It doesn't help that you look really fucking hot right now.. uh.." He removed his nervous gaze from alastor.

Alastor smirked. He walked closer to the blonde. Trapping him against the wall. Between his two arms, either side of his head.

The taller male leaned down. "Do I make you nervous, darling?~" Alastor whispered in lucifers ear. His voice is deep and seductive.

"Yes.." lucifer whispered, hands on the demons shoulders. He panted softly as he felt his lovers hands graze across his thighs.

Lucifer began to shift, his body reacting to Alastors touch and voice. Alstor began to kiss his neck, causing the king to let out soft and quiet moans.

There was a knock at the door. Lucifer froze. "No, can't be.. It's too early!" He panicked. He was worried about how the alastor would react.

Alastor glared at the panicking male. "Lucifer. Who is that." He asked sternly. Lucifer cowered. Removing himself from alastors glare. He peeked around the corner to find Charlie opening the door.

He returned to his lover. "Listen. Don't freak out.. but.. lilith is here." Alastors mouth twisted to a thin line. Scowling at the blonde. "What."

"Chalie, my dear! Oh, how I've missed you!" The two could hear the first woman.

"Just take a breather. It's okay." He cupped his lovers face. The taller male relaxed slightly at the touch.

Lucifer smiled at him softly, pulling him in for a kiss. They embraced their kiss before it was disturbed by Charlie.

"Dad! Al! Moms here -.. oh!- sorry! Continue!-" She nervously chuckled before going around the corner.

Alastor groaned at the disturbance. Lucifer took his hand. "It's okay. Come on. " He led the demon into the lobby.

There she was. A tall, elegant woman, accompanied by a shorter female. She had brown hair that fell in front of her face. She was dressed in a white suit. Must be lilith girlfriend.

Lucifer and Alastor stood by the couch. Lilith noticed them. Walking towards them, the shorter female quickly followed as well as charlie, who stood by her fathers.

"Lucifer, how have you been? This must be Alastor?" The woman smiled at them. "A very handsome man!" 

"Lilithhh, heyyyy. Uh. Yes, this is Alastor, my fiancé." Lucifer smiled softly at the taller male.

"Oh! My goodness! I didn't know you two were engaged! Congratulations! So happy for you both!" She smiled happily at them. She turned to her own lover.

"This is Ellie. My girlfriend." She smiled at her lover as she held her hand. She introduced the brown headed girl who shyly waved.

"Lovley to meet you both." Her voice was quiet and soft. Clearly intimidated by the radio demons glare.

"I know im a quite early, I just couldn't wait to see my darling daughter!" She said, smiling softly at Charlie.

This caused a reaction out of alastor. He clenched his fists. Lucifer noticed this immediately. The radio flickered on, Soft jazz began to play. This helps the demon relax.

"Why don't we all sit at the bar and have a few drinks?" The king suggested.

They all headed to the bar as sat on a stool. Apart from charlie who was busy cleaning. They started ordering a round of drinks for them all.

"So, when did you two become engaged? Oh! Do let me see the ring!" Lilith said, excited.

Lucifer showed off his ring. While holding Alastors hand with his free hand.

"He proposed this morning!" He smiled, happy to talk about it. Lilith examined the ring. "Oh my! Quite a pretty thing! I bet it was so romantic!"

The two got chatting while alastor and Ellie sat quietly. Alastor was slightly reassured by the fact that lucifer was rambling about him.

"So, I just have to ask, I simply can't tell.. who's top who's bottom? Well, i know lucifer is a switch but i simply cant tell with the demon. He either loves to be dominated or absolutely despises it." Lilith asked. Harsh static came from Alastor as clawed the table top.

"Hah ho.. uhm.." lucifer couldn't find the words. He didn't really wanna talk about his sex life with his ex wife.

He turned to alastor who was growling and glaring at the female intensly. Well, he wasn't trying to tear her throat out so.. improvement!

Lucifer rubbed his lovers thigh. Trying to calm him. "Hey, look at me." Lucifer said quietly. The demon then glared at him. "It's okay." He said quiet enough so only the deer could hear him. The demons stare softened.

Alastor tapped his lovers thigh. "I'm going to grab a snack.~" He kisses the blondes cheek. "Can I tag along?" Ellie asked. Both lucifer and lilith looked at each other.

"If you wish.~" the demon said, heading to the kitchen. The female following behind.

Alastor went into the fridge searching for some left over deer meat. "You okay? You seemed pretty mad out there." The female asked softly.

Alastor simply patted her head "I'm perfectly fine, my dear!~" He replied. She frowned at him. She sat at their table and began to pluck grapes from the fruit bowl.

"It's okay, you know? To not wanna talk about that kind of stuff. I know I don't like too. If that makes you feel any better.." She said quietly, but she still could be heard.

Alastor looked at her. "It's does actually.~ everyone here just wants to talk about intercourse and try to answers out of me and Luci!~ here I am thinking it's meant to be a private thing between partners! Not something the whole ring needs to know!~" He growled.

"I understand. It is meant to be a private thing between partners. I guess down here, it's more.. out there. I guess." Ellie said, popping a grape into her mouth.

"We have a ring dedicated to sex. It's pretty fucking out there.~" He groaned. Ellie smiled softly at the male. "Let's change the subject. What kind of music do you like?" She asked.

It's been thirty minutes since Alastor and Ellie left. Lucifer and lilith were still chatting.

The two returned, talking. Seeming to be getting along perfectly. Lucifer and Lilith looked at the two. Lucifer smiled at his fiancé. Happy he made a friend.

The two returned to their seats. Alastor rested his head on lucifer. Feeling a bit more affectionate than usual. He closed his eyes, clearly tired. their early morning activity finally caught up to him. He began to nap on his lover.

Lucifer kissed the demons hair, enjoying his love being near. Lilith looked at them and her gazed softened.

"I'm happy you found someone, lucifer." He smiled at her. "He's perfect." He whispered.

"How's his preening skills?" Lilith asked. Lucifer blushed slightly at the question.

"We haven't done that yet.." He said looking away.

Lilith arched a brow. Smirking. "Does he even that's something you need to do?" She asked.

"No, and he doesn't need to know." Lucifer said confidently.

"What don't I need to know?" Alastor opened an eye, the talking causing him to wake from his small nap.

"Uh.. nothing, go back to sleep sweetheart." Lucifer quickly said. Alastor looked at lilith, arching a brow.

"Preening." She said, forfilling his unspoken request. "The fuck is that?" He thought. He groaned and rolled his eyes. "Is that some kinky shit or something.~" He asked, fed up.

"No Al, it's something cretures with wings need to do." Ellie spoke up. Al arched a brow.

"Our wings need massaging every now and then, and it's hard to get all the spots ourselves, so we tend to have our partner or someone close do it for us." She explained.

Alastor stared at lucifer. "You've never asked me to help." He said, confused as to why he didn't want his help.

"I don't need any help, I can do it myself." He said, shrugging. "We've been dating for a year, now getting married and you never once told me that. Same with you carrying Charlie! I only found that out today! What other secrets are you keeping from me!"

Alastor frown, confused as of why it's only now he's finding these things out. "How do I do the whole massaging thing then. Teach me." Alastors had slid up lucifers back.

"Wait, Al.. no." Lucifer quickly said. Alastor smirked. He pressed a certain spot on the angels back, causing his wings apear and spread wide.

Lucifer covered his mouth, blushing as he suppressed a moan. "Oh my! Dated this man for thousands of years and I never knew he could do that!" Lilith giggled.

Ellie blushed. "Yeah.. most angels have that little thing. But it's kind of like touching a bunny's tail. It's a turn on thing.."

Lilith looked at her, confused as to why she's only finding this out now. "I discovered this little trick a few months back.~ We were fighting over something.. what was it?~ Uh I can't remember.~ I had him pinned on his stomach, began to poke his back because he's ticklish.~ Then I got smacked in the face with his wings!~" Alastor explained.

Lucifer chuckled. "But I did enjoy what happened next~" lucifer purred, alastor cocked a brow at him and shot him a seductive smile. both men in their own little world.

Lilith smiled at them. Alastor quickly realised they wernt alone and sat up straight. His brows furrowed as his lips pressed into a thin line.

Lucifer chuckled, rubbing his lovers back. "Oh bambi, it's fine." He smiled at his upset fiancé.

"Bambi?" Lilith was confused by the little nickname Lucifer had given the demon.

"Get it? Because he's a deer demon?" Lucifer watched as Alastor twitched his ears. "Oh my god, I though you just had weird hair! Does this mean you have a tail!" The female gasped.

"Yes he has a tail, I've only been able to touch it once though. Wasn't that fun, bambi~" lucifer purred.

The demon blushed as memories of that night flooded his mind.

"Come on Al! Please! Just this once!" The king pleaded. They were in bed, Al was readying a book. "No lucifer. Not a fucking chance." He said.

"Please! I promise to make you feel as good as you make me feel! I'll be slow and gentle!" Lucifer begged. He had wanted to be on top.

"Fine, but if I don't like it, I'll kick you off me and I'll be sleeping on the couch!" He growled.

Lucifer smirked. "I promise you, I'll have you begging for more by the end of the night..~" lucifer purred, pinning Alastor down on his stomach.

Lucifer held onto alastors hips as he thrusted inside him. Grunting. Alastor was a moaning mess. Gripping the sheets with not only his hands but his teeth too, trying to quiet his moans. His ears were pinned down. Drooling.

Lucifer smirked at the sight. He looked down at Alastors ass. He noticed his tail. He bit his lip. He wrapped his hand around Alastors tail and squeezed. Shit hit the fan.

Alastor arched his back as he moaned loudly. "O..oh fuck!..~ yes!..~ lucifer!..~" Alastor cried out. Fully submitting himself to his king as he came. "Shit..! Yes yes yes YES..!~ AH!~" harsh static came from the demon as he rode out his orgasm. Panting heavily. "M..more..~" Alastor begged.

Alastor growled at the blonde. "Never again." He said sternly. The king simply smiled smugly at the demon.

"That was humiliating." The demon whispered, hiding his blushed face.

"Anyway, lilith, Ellie, it was great catching up, but me and alastor have some business to attend to. Charlie should be in the kitchen." Lucifer said, taking alastors hand as he they stood.

"Oh of course, didn't mean to keep you two here for so long. Once again congratulations!"

Lucifer nodded. Alastor had his ears pinned down as they walked to the elevator. Stepping in.

As the elevator rose to their floor lucifer looked up at the demon who was still flustered.

"Want me to fuck you again?~" lucifer purred. "Only if you teach me to massage your wings." The demons replied.

"Whatever you want bambi..~"

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