Against All Odds

By Jhalakpatwa

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Meet Cameron Smith, a charismatic and talented athlete, the captain of the university's basketball team. With... More

Author's Note


32 3 0
By Jhalakpatwa


I couldn't help but be mesmerized by her presence as she sat there, radiating an aura of charm and allure. The way the street lights delicately highlighted her features, casting a soft glow upon her flawless complexion, only added to her ethereal beauty. Her smile, oh that smile, it was like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, instantly brightening up the entire surroundings.

"Thanks for tonight, Cam"

I grinned and replied. "The pleasure was all mine, Belle. I had a great time. I hope you did too."

Her cheeks flushed slightly as she nodded. "Yes, definitely. It was amazing."

The captivating smile she had could make all my worries disappear, making me feel comfortable around her. It was infectious, bringing happiness and warmth to anyone who saw it. Her alluring lips called out to me, tempting me to lose myself in their irresistible sweetness. The connection between us intensified, and as time passed, the longing became almost impossible to resist. Succumbing to the magnetic attraction, I exhaled and allowed myself to be pulled closer. Anticipation tingled in my fingers as they softly caressed her cheeks, tracing the curves of her face.

As I leaned closer to her, my thumb gently caressed her cheeks. The twinkle in her eyes grew brighter as she leaned in, savoring the touch. It was a tender moment that enveloped us both. Our gazes locked, and the world seemed to fade away into the distance. Time stood still, and there was nowhere else I desired to be but right here, sharing this precious moment with her. Without uttering a single word, I closed the gap between us, delicately pressing my lips against hers.

My fingers instinctively reached for the back of her head, entwining themselves in the golden strands that flowed down her shoulders. I savored the taste of her lips, the softness they possessed, and the urgency with which they responded to mine.

Our bodies leaned closer, the boundaries between us blending into nothingness.

I could feel her soft hands on my chest, her touch sending waves of electricity through my body as I deepened the kiss, her lips moving hungrily against mine. The kiss grew more passionate, more intense, until it felt as though we were on the brink of losing ourselves completely in the moment. My hands found their way to the small of her back, pulling her closer. I could feel the heat of her skin against mine, the rapid beat of our heart matching.

I felt myself falling deeper and deeper under her spell, unable to resist the magnetic pull that drew me to her.

Our lips slowly parted, hesitantly releasing each other after their intense connection. A gentle smile adorned her mouth, mirroring the subtle curve that formed on mine. But as much as I wanted her to stay back with me in the car, reality beckoned. Reluctantly we broke apart, but not before stealing one quick kiss. "Bye-bye, Cam."

"Bye, belle."

She had a beaming smile when she opened the car door. I saw her walk away, and as soon as she disappeared into the distance, I revved up the engine and headed home. As the engine of my car growled beneath me, I couldn't help but grin. The first date with her had gone remarkably well.

I arrived at my house twenty minutes later, but when I parked and stepped out of my car, I saw that my front door was unlocked. I distinctly recall locking it, so why is it now unlocked? I lived by myself, so there was no explanation for the door being open. A frown appeared on my face as my mind raced through different scenarios.

My eyes instinctively focused on an object in the corner of my garage, my baseball bat. I quickly picked it up, feeling its weight in my hands, and cautiously approached my front door. Adrenaline rushed through me, filling me with anticipation. Each step I took on the creaking wooden floor added a creepy soundtrack to my nervousness. As I silently moved through the darkness, my senses sharpened and I tightened my grip on the baseball bat. I switched on the lights and carefully examined the room. To my relief or maybe disappointment, I didn't find any intruder lurking.

Between the quietness, sound of laughter echoed from my bedroom. My heartbeat quickened as I heard the sound of the laughter. I followed the sound, and hesitantly made my way to the room. As I stepped into the room, the sight greeted me was... expected. Jeremy and Nathan were nonchalantly seated, chowing down pizzas. A mixture of emotions churned inside me, from confusion to annoyance, wondering how these two managed to infiltrate my home without my knowledge. The sight of them almost made me drop the bat.

"What the hell are you both doing here? How did you get in?" My sudden appearance caused them to jump in their seats.

"We used the extra set of keys you keep in the plant outside." Nate said.

I rolled my eyes, feigning annoyance. These two definitely knew how to keep things interesting. "Of course, you did." I muttered. Almost immediately, both of them started bombarding me with questions the moment I sat on the bed.

"So, how was the date, Casanova?"

"Did she like the restaurant you took her to?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at thier persistence. "I think we hit it off right from the start. And yes, she loved the place. The food was amazing, and the atmoshphere was perfect. We had a good time talking and getting to know each other."

"Tell us more, what did you guys talk about? Any interesting topics?" Nate asked curiously.

"Well, actually, we played this game called twenty-one questions. You ask each other one question at a time, and you have to answer honestly. It was great way to break the ice and know more about each other."

Nate raised an eyebrow, with a smirk he asked. "What kind of questions did you ask? Anything scandalous?"

I laughed, shaking my head. "No, man, nothing like that. It was more about getting to know each other's likes, dislikes, dreams and fears. We found out that we both loved hiking, and we even shared some funny childhood stories. After dinner, we took a walk by the river, under the starry night sky. We talked about our past relationships."

"Sounds like you guys really connected." Jeremy said.

"Looks like our boy Cam is finally head over heels here!" Nathan nudged Jeremy playfully.

I smiled, but couldn't ignore the reality. Maybe they are right. Elle is truly amazing. She's not only smart, but also incredibly beautiful. With her stunning features, radiant smile, and graceful presence, she turns heads effortlessly wherever she goes. But it's not just her intelligence and beauty that make her special. She has an extraordinary sense of humor that always brightens my day. Her quick wit, clever comebacks, and contagious laughter create a joyful and lighthearted atmosphere whenever we're together. She has a way of finding humor in the simplest things, and her laughter is like music to my ears.

It's been a long time since I've felt this way about someone. The way Elle makes me feel is impossible to describe. When I'm with her, time seems to stop, and all my worries and problems fade away. She has this incredible ability to make me forget about the world and just live in the moment.

"Get lost both of you."

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